Threetopia - Chapter 4: One Normal Day

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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No description required... Well, I can't think of one anyway.

"Mrs. Wilde?" Kate Rosa spoke up, gently knocking on her cubicle. "I have a few more names, I went ahead and did a check on the whole district. A few more Kayla's came up."

"Oh perfect." She sighed, planting her head in her paws. "More paperwork."

"Yeah, sorry. There's about 28 matches in Savannah Central, but only 5 wolves."

"We can't gamble on it just being a wolf, Caden is a teenager. I don't think he's gonna be overly picky." Judy quipped.

"Haha, no kidding huh? Did you get the file on Brandon Humperdink? The camel that was choppered in before?"

"Yeah, he lawyered up pretty quick, wasn't keen on talking. Probably going to get off with a misdemeanor unless we can actually catch him with contraband." Judy explained.

"Right." Kate giggled. "Well it's 7:55, your husband's already changing. Maybe you should call it in. Give it a try tomorrow with some fresh eyes."

"Yeah, sounds good." Judy agreed, turning off her computer.

"Goodnight Mrs. Wilde." Kate bowed out before leaving.

"Night Kate."

On the drive home, Nick seemed distracted by his phone as per usual. Judy wanted to spark up a conversation but felt a little nervous; the topic was something of a sensitive one.

"So, Nick. Can I ask you something?"


"You and Kate, you two seem to really get along." Judy noted. Nick cracked a little smile, but didn't pull away from his phone.

"We get along alright, she's a little more saucy than Clawhauser. He was more the sweet, sensitive type."

"Right. But baby, the flirting?" Judy folded her ears back.

"Carrots, don't feel jealous. I love you, you know that. Kate's just fun to talk to as a friend. It's nice to have another fox on the force." Nick stated, stashing his phone away.

"Yeah I guess." Judy conceded.

"Sides, as fun as Kate is to talk to, she's not really my type of vixen."

"What's your type?" Judy smiled.

"The clever bunny type." He grinned. "Aside from the bed, I have no complaints about our marriage."

"The bed?" Judy pondered. Nick took a good long sigh.

"We haven't mated in months, Carrots. Remember, last time was valentines?"

"That long ago?"

"Mmm." Nick nodded, leaning his head back on the seat.

"Yeah, guess things have just been busy, huh? What with the cubs and all."

"Sure." Nick brushed off.

"Well Nick, there's more to marriage than just sex you know-"

"Not interested in having that argument." Nick swiftly cut in. "You'll feel up to it, when you're up to it and that's that. I get it." As they pulled in, Nick was eager to get out of the car and head inside. "Come on, let's see if Ian left us any pizza this time."

Nick walked in and was met by Jason, running up for a hug in his tighty whiteys again. "Hey hey, squirt!" Nick smiled scooping him up. "Again with this!? Why don't you like wearing your PJ's?"

"They're so itchy dad! I like it better without them." He lightly protested. Nick gave him a kiss on the cheek before passing him off to Judy with a light toss.

"Incoming squirt, Carrots." He smiled as Judy caught him and cuddled him in her arms.

"First off, you throw like a bunny." Judy quipped before nuzzling her son's nose. "Who's a silly foxxit? Where's that foxxit's pants!" Nick gave the house a quick sweep but didn't find anything but the TV on. Peering into the basement it seemed empty as well and decided to venture upstairs. Sure enough peaking into the work room, he found Ian on the computer with Parker set nearby.

"Hey Nick!" Ian jovially greeted, Parker giving a quick smile before turning back to the screen.

"I thought you weren't allowed near computers, dad." Nick scolded. Parker shook his head and nodded up to the monitor. Ian smiled as Nick gazed at the screen. Ian was scrolling through the wedding pictures, currently set on the shot of Nick and Judy sharing the massive cake Gideon Grey had made. He skipped along, going through a few more from the wedding before finding pictures of Judy and Nick at the hospital with little baby Jason in her arms.

"He's s-so cute." Parker smiled, folding his arms as he rocked in the chair.

"Yeah, fast labour too, we got lucky. Judy popped him out in about 5 hours."

"Where a-are y-you, Ian?" Parker asked, noting his absence from a few more pictures.

"Oh I was the photographer most of the time. Well, between me and Dad really. He kept messing up the settings on the camera though so I usually took over." Ian explained with a quick chuckle.

"How was your session today dad?" Nick spoke up.

"Oh it-t was f-fine. After an-nother physical th-they had me work-k on speech." Parker answered, picking himself up out of the chair. "Good thing t-too. I'm getting s-sick of this s-stupid stu-tutter. Feel l-like an idiot."

"Well you're sure as hell a lot clearer." Nick noted.

"Nick! I'm gonna put Jason to bed, want me to heat up your dinner?" Judy called from downstairs.

"Sure! Thanks babe. Ian, where'd you order from this time?"

"Tony's Bistro."

"Oh hohoho, perfect!" Nick all but drooled.

"Was r-really g-good." Parker nodded. "Liam and Ha-hannah are in b-bed. You sh-should go eat kido. You h-ad a l-long day."

"Promise to behave, dad?" Nick winked.

"Never." Parker winked right back.

The next day, Nick, Judy and Parker were at the station bright and early. They asked for a meeting with Delgato and sat down inside before the big tiger who had a white bandage strapped to his head.

"How's the head big guy?" Nick beamed up.

"Ugh, don't ask. Head's pounding like a hammer and the hospital's lousy predator food wasn't helping anything either."

"Glad to see you're ok though." Judy smiled.

"My own fault, ram horns hurt, you'd think I'd know that by now." He smiled. "So, what brings you here today?"

"Well, you're not going to like this suggestion." Judy nervously rubbed her neck.

"Mmm?" Delgato perked up, turning to Nick.

"Dad and I were talking last night and he'd like a chance to get out and see the countryside for a day. I was thinking of taking him and the cubs out for a picnic in Bastion National Park and visiting one of Judy's brothers in Everhallow Creek."

"Nick, you can't be serious." Delgato leered down. "I understand he's your father and you'd like to spend some time with him, sure. I'm ok with him under your care in this city, but you're asking me to let a known felon out of the city with my consent? No."

"But chief, he has the GPS on. You can see in our system, he's never tampered with it." Nick lightly protested.

"Yes I know. I'm not saying I don't appreciate the cooperation he's showing. He visited with Dr. Tanner again; he's keeping to your house and off the internet. But Nick I'm sorry, the answer is no."

"He's spent his entire life living in bunkers, underground because of what the ZPD has done to him, he deserves-"

"Nicky stop!" Parker rather abruptly interrupted, stealing away everyone's attention. "I can sp-speak for myself. Chief, I kn-now what I've d-done is horrible. There's n-no excuse. I'm p-prepared to spend the r-rest of-f my life in jail f-for my c-crimes. I know this is my fate." He spoke slowly and clearly. "I only ask, that my s-son, and grandcubs get a n-normal day with their grandf-father. T-to see something other th-than stone walls and hear something oth... other than traffic. Nicky tells me th-there is even a ch-chance I could have a r-reduced sentence. I don't want to compromise that by running again."

"Hmmm." Delgato hummed.

"Jail won't b-be so bad. I know N-nicky will visit. He'll a-always know where t-to find me. Just please, let me h-have one last normal day with my family." He begged. Delgato scratched the bridge of his nose and wiped it with his finger.

"Judy. Nick." He stated, clearing his throat. "I will allow this on two conditions. 1: he remains in your custody, 100% of the time. And 2: if Parker manages to escape, if he flees again. Not only with both of you lose your badges, you'll both be charged with conspiracy, and incarcerated." Delgato stated firm, turning to Parker. "Do you hear that, Parker? You run this time, it'll be Nick and Judy behind bars, and their children in foster homes."

"I understand c-clearly." Parker consented.

"Good. Nick, this is one hell of a big favor you owe me." Delgato firmly advised. "I'm gonna have a heck of a time explaining this to Bogo."

"I appreciate it, chief." Nick nodded.

"Thank you." Judy joined in.

The three rushed home and scrambled to get everything ready, including the kids. Ian agreed to stay behind and watch the house while the family was out of town, he had classes during the week anyway and couldn't afford to go. With Parker, Nick and Judy up front and the kids in the back, they drove up through Savannah Central, through the road parting the rainforest district and Tundratown and out beyond the city limits. The weather was holding up nicely, a few clouds at their tail that could have spelt rain but the car was putting them in the distance. Parker laid his head back on the seat, relaxing to the sound of the wind rushing through the windows into the back seat. The cubs taking turns playing on Judy's phone and the smells of fresh air and water. He glanced out Judy's window to see the hills, littered with trees and up ahead the greater peaks of the Bastion Park mountain range.

"Beautiful." Parker noted, gazing up ahead.

"Been a while since you've seen em, huh?" Nick commented, glancing over from the steering wheel.

"I took R-rachel on a date up h-here once. But you're r-right. Both times I've passed b-by, it's been at n-night." He stated clasping his neck. Taking out the ring he fawned over it for a while. Judy gave him a light tap on his leg.

"So that's where that went, I used to see Nick wearing it all the time." She smiled.

"Y-yeah. I woke up w-with it. Mama Chase t-tried to give it t-to me once."

"I miss her. I told you right? She passed away last year?" Nick spoke up.

"Yes. I re-remember."

"Passed in her sleep, very peacefully." Judy chuckled softly. "Poor Nick, he had visited her and you just the day before it happened."

"I knew it was coming, but she was really happy. She had everything settled you know? She left the house to us and we sold it off to a sweet little family."

"Oh they were so adorable!" Judy cooed. "That little baby otter!"

"Heh, it's a g-good home." Parker nodded. "I remember it w-well. Marcus and Ruth w-were amazing foxes. I'll always h-have a spot in my h-heart for them."

"Daddy!" Jason spoke up from the back. "Are we there yet!?"

"Do you see picnic tables?" Nick asked.


"Do you see the lodge and flags?"

"No." Jason smiled, kicking his feet.

"Do you see the skinny windy road?"

"No." Jason shook his head with a giggle.

"Than no. When you see the lodge and the tables and we go up the skinny windy road, you'll know we're there." Nick explained. Judy spun around and started playing with the little foxxit's feet, while checking on Hannah and Liam. Liam was already asleep in the chair he was sharing with his sister while Hannah was playing on the phone still.

"Good wife." Parker nudged his son.

"Yeah, I'm the lucky fox." He answered, but Parker picked up just the slightest hint of sarcasm.

"Every m-marriage has its bumps, Nicky. It's all ab-bout how you handle them." He whispered. "I n-need this trip, but you s-shoud relax t-too." He insisted patting Nick's shoulder. "I can t-tell when you're stressed."

"Yeah, it'll be nice to relax a little while."

Up on the mountainside near a great big, log cabin lodge, Nick and Judy had setup their lunch on the picnic table while Parker played with the cubs. After a quick meal, Nick laid out a big blanket and cuddled up with Judy while Parker lay in the grass with Liam on his chest. Jason and Hannah were searching for butterflies while Judy nestled herself into Nick's chest.

"Mmm, this is so nice. I miss the smell of fresh air."

"Yeah, nice to get away for a while." He agreed. Judy waited a bit before asking.

"What time are we supposed to meet Aiden?"

"4:00. It's 1:40 now, we got lots of time. Everhallow is only another half hour north."

"Mmm." She cooed, nearly falling asleep in his arms. "Those sandwiches you made were so good."

"I think you're the only bunny I know who likes tuna." Nick chuckled, stroking her ears. He turned his attention to Jason and Hannah, the two were kneeling on the ground as he steadily picked up something in his hand. As it opened, a butterfly flew out and Hannah began jumping up and down trying to catch it again with her big brother. "Family life." Judy started scratching his back and nuzzled his chin.

"Treating you ok?" Nick moaned with pleasure and closed his eyes.

"You keep scratching there and I'll let you know." Judy giggled and kissed his chest, carrying on with her loving strokes along his back. Within ten minutes, Nick's phone began to vibrate much to his dismay. He groaned reaching into his pocket and swiping the screen. "Unless this another beautiful bunny, I'm hanging up."

"Nick!" Judy laughed tapping his side.

"Hello Nick, I'm just checking in with you and Parker." Delgato said rather jovially. "Could you turn on video please?"

"Sure." Nick complied, switching it over. Delgato was met by the sight of Judy nestled in his arms and Nick with a dopey smile.

"Should have known you two would run outta town to get frisky." Delgato laughed.

"Har-har. So what'cha need chiefy?"

"Is Parker still with you?"

"Yep, he's over here with Liam."

"Can I see him please?"

"That involves getting up, doesn't it?" Nick smiled. Judy groaned as well, planting her head on his shoulder.

"No, down foxy."

"Haha, Judy. Come on, I need to see him I actually have a message for him from Miss Tanner." Delgato insisted.

"Ok." Nick sighed, rising to his feet, he strolled over to Parker who much to his surprise was asleep in the grass with Liam on his chest. The little cub sucking on his thumb, rising and falling with Parker's breathing. Nick whispered. "Ok chief come on, you can't make me wake that up." Turning the camera to Parker and Liam. He could hear Delgato laugh, turning the camera around just in time to see him wipe his eyes.

"Ok yes, that is adorable. I was really worried for a while this morning, Parker is very cunning after all."

"He's fine. He's been attached to Liam ever since he found out his middle name was Parker. The big softy." Nick continued to whisper.

"You seem to be in a better mood." Judy perked up. "I thought for sure you were gonna have our heads today when we made this request this morning."

"Ugh, this morning was like the hangover from hell. But the pain meds are kicking in and well, they're effective. Bogo knows about all this, he isn't too impressed but, he's kept a live feed on Parker's GPS. I'll give him a call let him know everything checks out fine. You two enjoying the day?"

"Nick's sandwiches, oh gosh sooo good. Diego you have to try one." Judy insisted with a big smile.

"Oh yeah?"

"Just tuna, lettuce, tomato and a little mayo mixed with chipotle sauce but not too much, gotta find the right balance and it gives it that nice seasoned kick." Nick explained.

"You know, word's getting around that you're a pretty good cook Nick." Delgato smiled. "You'll have to bring me in one of those on Friday. I'd love to try one. So listen, Miss Tanner has said that Parker's next appointment on Friday has to be moved to 7PM instead of 3. She has to go to Sahara for a while and take care of something, apparently one of her patients attempted suicide so they're in for extra counseling."

"Oh ok." Nick nodded along. "I'll jot it down on the phone, let him know."

"Thanks Nick, Judy. Be safe out there! We've been getting rained on pretty hard here today, the drive home might not be fun."

"Thanks Diego!" Judy beamed with delight.

"Thanks Chiefy, talk to you later." Nick fare welled, hanging up the phone. "You know, if bad weather's coming, we should pack up and head to Everhallow now. I'm sure Dad won't complain about seeing Aiden for a little longer."

"Good call." Judy agreed.

Having packed up everything from the picnic, Nick took to the wheel and drove off with the family to Everhallow Creek. It was a rather calm and tranquil drive, passing by lakes and rivers along the interior of the mountains. The road overlooking the town was quite a sight. A few large estates and strip malls along with rows and rows of houses embedded into the mountain side. Riding down with the town fading behind the trees, Judy broke out her phone and started looking at her map.

"What was the address again?"

"919 Everglen Gates." Nick answered, keeping his eyes on the road. He took the exit off into the town and was led into a commercial area with a few gas stations and restaurants.

"OH OH DADDY!!" Jason bellowed from the back. "CAN WE STOP AT DEERY QUEEN!"

"No baby, we just ate." Judy interjected.

"Aw but mama!"

"Maybe on the way home squirt." Nick agreed with Judy. "Right now we gotta find Aiden's place ok? Just sit tight." The little cub huffed and fell back into his seat. "See anything that says Everglen Gates?"

"Checking the map." Judy hummed, cracking open her phone. "Head left on Everhallow Road and stay on it till we get to Everroar Drive. That should get us there."

"Ok." Nick agreed.

After fussing with the directions a little, they finally made it to Aiden's house. Much to Parker's surprise it was quite big, two garages a large entryway and front porch.

"I thought I t-taught that boy t-to keep a l-low profile." Parker huffed following Judy and Nick with the cubs. They did however part to let Parker knock on the door with Nick's paw on his shoulder.

"Got this dad?"

"Yeah." Parker took a good long breath before reaching up to knock, when the door swung open to the sight of a smiling Aiden. Parker looked surprised at first until Aiden pointed up to the camera near the door.

"Why keep a low profile, when I can just keep my back covered." He winked. Parker smiled, feeling the tears well up again and walked into Aiden for a good long hug. "Parker."

"It's s-so good to s-see you again, son." Parker stammered. He let his hands slide to Parker's shoulders before smiling to the crew in front of him.

"Well, come on in. I'm sure you guys are hungry."

"I could eat." Nick shrugged with a smile.

"You can always eat." Judy nudged his side with a smile.

"Come on." Aiden waved, leading them inside. The entrance lead them into a large living room with an L shaped couch and a huge flat panel TV. Glass coffee table, white walls, lots of potted plants and a few knick-knacks on the wooden shelves. Looking just to the left, near the end of the living room was the entrance to the kitchen, a bit small compared to the rest of the home and to the right a stairway leading downstairs. "Eve, they're here."

"I figured, did you remember to put the snacks out?" A soft voice called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, they're out. Come out babe, come meet our guests." Aiden announced, stuffing his hands in his pockets. A green eyed jaguar emerged from the kitchen, wiping her paws with a white rag and a surprisingly large belly for her slim overall figure. Her yellow coat and black spots were veiled by a rather modest blue dress. Aiden couldn't help but smile as she walked over to the old fox.

"So you're the little fox that got my hubby in such a mess before." She chuckled lightly, keeling down and extending her paw.

"Well, we b-both had our sh-share of it." Parker grinned.

"Haha, I'll bet. Eve Haywood, pleasure to finally meet you."

"Parker Wilde."

"Judy, Nick! Great to see you guys in the flesh for once! How's the little guys doing?" She giggled, leaning down to ruffle Jason's cheeks. "Oh he's so much cuter in person!"

"They're doing great, Jason you remember Auntie Eve from the phone right?" Nick smiled.

"Hahaha, yeah! You're a lot bigger than in the phone." He giggled.

"Larger than life, little guy." She winked, leaning back a bit.

"How far along are you?" Nick asked.

"Five months, and the next four cannot come soon enough." Eve huffed arching her back. "Thanks to this butt-head I'm pregnant with three cubs." Aiden took his little shot with a cuddle and kissed her cheek.

"You weren't complaining when we made them." He whispered. Eve giggled and spanked his butt.

"Don't go getting too proud of yourself handsome. Aiden babe, do your thing and entertain our guests. I'm gonna get dinner ready."

"Love you."

"Love you too baby." She answered, heading into the kitchen.

"L-lucky guy you." Parker smiled up to his son. Aiden led them into the living room, the cubs jumping up onto the couch while the grownups sat down. "How h-have you b-been holding up?"

"I'm alright. Had a few close calls the first couple years." Aiden nodded, stealing a chip from the bowl in front of him. "Out here, Bryan and I took up new identities. Which reminds me, he's coming over tonight too."

"Oh g-good. I h-haven't seen him s-since the m-mansion." Parker said, grabbing a few bites himself. Judy was busy picking up handfuls and feeding the cubs a few of the chips as well.

"I've done what I can for you, I just haven't told the ZPD about you two." Nick stated.

"I appreciate it."

"But still." Judy spoke up, turning to Aiden. "I have to admit, I hate lying to them. It's because of what happened we lost one of our dearest friends. The one we named our son after."

"Judy, we've been over this. Tyler, Manches and Oshu ran up the C-4." Aiden explained with just a hint of frustration.

"Idiot." Parker shook his head. "I asked h-him if h-he knew the d-difference between distraction and des-destruction. He w-was quite t-tempered up t-till that... That point." Parker said, between long breaths.

"Dad, are you ok?" Aiden leaned in with a concerned look.

"My e-energies not u-up to p-par yet. I'm w-working on it."

"I wanted to ask over the phone but, why are you talking like that?" Aiden questioned.

"He has some mild brain damage from the coma." Nick explained.

"T-temporary." Parker corrected. "I w-was far worse when I w-woke up."

"Yeah, that's very true." Judy noted. "You're getting a lot better now."


"I just hope." Aiden began, clasping his paws together. "Parker you're not up here to ask me to help with a job, are you?"

"No." Parker adamantly refused. "N-no, I c-can't even.. I don't kn-know if I c-can hack a-anymore. I r-read some of Ian's h-home work. S-seems a little out of m-my league."

"Hmm." Aiden pondered. "Well that's a relief. I'd hate to ever have to turn you down but, I can't risk my girl and my cubs."

"I'd n-never m-make you." Parker smiled. Aiden returned one right back and pulled the old fox in for another quick hug.

"Well hey, it's a party right? Judy, Nick, why don't we head out on the patio. Anyone thirsty?"

"None for me." Judy shyly waved. "But Nick if you want."

"I'll have a drink or two." Nick shrugged with a smile.

"Great, come on."

Eve was sitting with Judy on the patio while Nick was in the yard playing with the cubs. The sun was already set and the girls were giggling and telling stories, Judy sharing tips on how she handled her pregnancy and married life in the city. Parker, Aiden and Bryan however had slipped downstairs into Aiden's "Panther Den." And were sitting across from one another with just the one light on behind them.

"So how much of this are you playin up?" Bryan asked Parker rather boldly.

"I'm n-not." Parker shook his head. "Y-you h-have no idea how much p-pain I've been in."

"Hiding it again." Aiden quipped. "You used to do that all the time. Remember when I found the bullet wound on your leg you were just, ignoring?"

"Yeah." Parker laughed, shaking his head. "I re-remember."

"Gotta ask ya though." Bryan glanced to Parker. "Did you send me away that day, knowing what you were gonna do?"

"Yes." Parker nodded. "W-well. That and I r-really did w-want you to visit S-Sierra."

"She took a few grand. But I'm pretty pissed at her. She re-married like, the same year." Bryan exclaimed. "Fuckin can't believe her. Makes me wonder if she was seeing this ass clown the whole while she was with Jordan."

"Well." Parker hummed off. "W-we aren't exactly th-the best j-judge of characters." He laughed softly. Parker took a moment, clasping his paws and ruffling them a little before asking. "Anyone h-hear from h-him?"

"Him?" Bryan questioned.

"Yeah, sort of." Aiden glanced to Parker.

"Shit." Parker whispered.

"Carvelle showed up here five years ago. Turned her down. I wasn't ready to go back to Predaton and be the new Psych." Aiden explained.

"Why not?" Bryan shrugged.

"Cause I'm not Psych." Aiden shook his head. "I did what I did because we had to do it to survive and I wanted to stick by you." Aiden glanced to Parker. "But I have money now, settled down. I'm good, you know?"

"Good." Parker whispered.

"Sheesh, you know I always wondered about you two." Bryan shook his head. "The heck are you two like, related somehow? Ya got fox in your family there Aiden?"

"I could have sworn I told you." Aiden posed to him.

"You told me you were good friends."

"I r-raised h-him. Sort of." Parker threw up his brow.

"I was orphaned. Parker visited me every week until I was 18 and then boom, started working with him directly. I'd stay at his place now and then when the orphanage stopped being assholes and let me visit for a few days." Aiden explained.

"Makes sense. So what, this Carvelle guy, we gotta worry about him?" Bryan asked.

"She, is one of Barone's leads." Aiden stated firmly. Bryan slapped his face and groaned.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me. You were with Barone!?"

"K-keep y-our voice down!" Parker scolded. "N-not a history I'm k-keen to re-visit."

"You said." Aiden cut in. "You couldn't hack anymore. I have a real hard time believing that."

"Aiden... I-"

"Before you say anything else, remember if you can't trust me, who can you trust?" Aiden cut off. Parker sighed and hung his head.

"Of c-course I could. If I r-really tried. I doubt there h-has been much changed s-since I was last w-working." Parker submitted. "But I w-wasn't totally l-lying. M-my head's getting c-clearer but, even looking at a c-computer makes me anxious. Even sick."

"Why?" Bryan asked quietly.

"In the coma, I f-felt like I was trapped in th-that bunker. Stuck to that f-fucking screen. I could g-go a long healthy life w-without seeing it again." Parker said, clasping his sweater a little tighter.

"Boys?" Eve called from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah baby?" Aiden answered, glancing back.

"Come on back upstairs. I don't like it when you brood down there, get your butt back up and visit with your guests." She lightly scolded. Aiden rolled his eyes but submitted.

"Yeah ok, we're heading back up."

"Hehehe." Bryan couldn't help but chuckle, cracking his hand like a whip.

"Yeah yeah, when you get some pussy come back and talk to me." Aiden joked back.

"S-ometimes I w-wonder if I'm m-more mature than you." Parker said, mirroring one of his last comments to Aiden.

"The debate, is long over."

After arriving at home late that night, Judy and Nick were thankful the following day at work was mostly a desk job. Nick only spent half the day at the station, helping Judy sort through the near parade of candidates for Caden's new girlfriend, while Nick hurried home to attend to his father. Two more cubs had gone missing during the time they were gone and over the next afternoon, both in the Rainforest District. Matt was overworking himself between helping out at Laura's, along with his own home and searching for Caden. Lani began to worry about her husband and the fatigue he was putting himself through.

Judy setup a lineup of potential students to meet with over Friday afternoon and decided to head to Caden's Jr High School to talk with a few of them. The principle set them in the guidance counselor office, a rather older looking Zebra and awaited each student's arrival. They had interviewed only a few students named Kayla before encountering their first wolf, who sat herself in the chair looking rather nervous.

"Hello Kayla." The Zebra greeted warmly, set next to Judy and Nick. "How are you today?"

"Good. What do you want Mr. Ripplehoof?" She asked nervously.

"Well, these are officers Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde. Maybe you've heard of them?" He asked. Judy chuckled and leapt down from the chair with Nick following after.

"Hi there, It's actually Judy Wilde now." Judy winked, shaking the young wolf's paw.

"Nick, pleasure to meet you, young lady." Nick smiled, the two returning to their seats.

"Nice to meet you too. Is something wrong? Did, did I do something bad?" She asked.

"No no no, we just wanted to ask you a few questions." Judy soothed, taking out her carrot pen and notepad. "Just relax, we were hoping you might know someone we're looking for? Caden Fangmeyer?"

"Oh." She smiled, clasping her hands together. "Yeah, I know him."

"Hehehe, someone's got a little crush." Nick grinned and winked.

"Stop!" She giggled, throwing her head back. "He's cute, yeah. I heard he's out sick."

"No, unfortunately, he's gone missing." Judy informed her, flopping her ears back. The girls face suddenly contorted as she gasped.

"Oh no! He's been cubnapped!?"

"We aren't sure. He's gone missing, but it doesn't look like he was forcefully taken. We heard from his little brother he has a girlfriend named Kayla. So were just asking around for anyone with that name." Judy explained.

"Has he been talking with you, are you that Kayla?" Nick asked softly.

"Oh." She hung her head. "No, I mean. I like him and all but, the mammals he hangs out with don't like me so. I don't get to spend any time with him."

"They don't like you?" Judy pondered.

"Smokers club kind of thing. I can't stand the smell. But when I see him in the library or the cafeteria, he and I talk a bit. He's really cool, you know?"

"Hmm, darn. Any idea who this other Kayla could be?" Judy asked, holding the pen to her lip.

"No, no idea. I guess he has another girlfriend." She moaned, lowering her head.

"Hey, Kayla." Nick cleared his throat, jumping from the chair again. "Maybe Caden aint the mammal for you but, a guys gotta be deaf, dumb and blind to ignore a cute canine like you. Sides, you got plenty of time to find a boyfriend. Focus on school for now." Nick advised patting her paw. "This city could use a few good wolves like ya."

"Thanks officer Wilde." Kayla smiled.

"You can go now, miss Mira. Thank you so much for helping us." The counselor concluded.

"Another dead end." Nick dusted off his paws, planting them in his pocket as they stepped outside the school. Judy tapped the pen to her lip.

"So if Kayla isn't someone from school, where else could she be?"

"There's a link missing here. It's gotta be the drugs, something about that and Caden missing is really bugging me." Nick insisted.

"What about the other cubs gone missing?" Judy asked as they approached the car.

"Two were found, boyfriend and girlfriend that "Ran away." So thankfully not involved. The other one might really be cubnapped. Lemme see here." Nick said, ducking into the car he started shuffling through the reports. "Here we go, polar bear cub, Lisa Chinook."

"Tundratown and Savannah Central. Hmm." Judy pondered reading the case beside Nick. "Tommy and Jen Chinook, happily married but financially not looking to good."

"Laura's not in any money troubles, is she?"

"No, on top of Jason's pension, she's working full time at Furs National bank. She should be fine."

"We need to really sift through this a lot better, come at it from a different angle. I still feel like we should sweep the Rainforest District more, no doubt that's where this stuffs being grown." Nick suggested.

"Right! Get to the root of the problem." Judy agreed.

Judy and Nick spent most of the following days routinely patrolling the Rainforest District, along with several other areas of the city. They followed up on leads about buildings and homes using excess power, in what could have been growing operations, but to little avail. Worse yet, Laura seemed to be struggling to deal with Caden's disappearance. It was hard on both her and Derek so much that, they were spending a good portion of their time with Lani and Matt.

Caden himself had taken well to his new home, living with Kayla. He was running the odd errand for her here and there, all the while doing a few chores to earn his keep. Parker continued his therapy with Dr. Tanner, and it seemed to be going quite well, the two even cracking a few jokes about their days in high school together. Sadly, he did know what his improving condition meant though, and on that Wednesday when he came home from therapy, he had sad news to deliver.

Parker had arrived back home and started clearing a few dishes in the kitchen. Ian had taken the cubs to the playground for a while. Stacking up plates, he placed them in the cabinet just in time to have Nick and Judy arrive home, the two giggling and talking about the day's events.

"I can't believe you." Judy jabbed at his side.

"What!? I still don't see the big deal."

"Two ferrets, dangling from our mirror in handcuffs. You don't think that's just a little bit crazy!?" Judy laughed aloud.

"It worked didn't it? If they didn't want to get busted, they shouldn't have been in the ventilation system at the grocery store." Nick shrugged off, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Coulda painted dots on em, turned them into fuzzy dice."

"Stop!" Judy laughed, shoving him into the living room. "You are so bad."

"You know you love it." Nick winked.

"Yes, yes I do." She smiled, kissing him briefly. The two finally turned their attention to Parker who was standing in the kitchen doorway wiping down a plate.

"Welcome home Nicky, Judy. Take it you had a good day?" He smiled.

"Interesting to say the least." Judy beamed, strolling up and giving Parker a good squeeze. "Oh gosh! You cleaned up the kitchen! Oh thank you, Parker. We can barely get Ian to do this sometimes."

"Thanks pops, how you doing today?" Nicky greeted with a hug.

"Well, that's the thing. I was good until this afternoon." He nodded.

"Oh no? What happened dad?" Nick questioned, keeping a hold on his father's paws. Parker gave a quick nod to his shoulder and sighed.

"Seems my times up." He stated, looking between the two of them. "Dr. Tanner says I'm fit to stand trial. I have a court date set for Friday, 10AM."

"Oh. I see." Nick hung his head. Parker gave a quick laugh and pat his son's cheek.

"We knew this was coming kido."

"I know, It's just." Nick tried to say.

"Parker, it's been so wonderful having you around." Judy joined in. Nick and Judy took him in for a good long hug, Nick in particular squeezing tight. "I promise, we'll do everything we can to help ok? Nick and I already sent in our commendations and, we'll talk with Delgato and make sure he knows how cooperative you've been through all this."

"It's ok, Judy. I don't want you two risking your careers for me." He smiled, patting her cheek.

"It's not risking our careers, it's making sure they know exactly why you went the way you went. I mean 27 ignored complaints?" Nick insisted.

"I went over those, 22 of them are blatant acts of purgery. I promise Parker, we'll vouch for you in any way we can." Judy threw in.

"Thank you." He smiled, taking them in for another hug. "Ugh, I know I keep saying this but, I don't deserve this much love from you." He chuckled, patting Nick's back. "Even if they throw me away for life, I want you two to know, I don't blame you, not even in the least. I'm glad I can say after all these years I know a few good cops." Parker stated, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. "Here."

"What?" Nick wondered, as Parker started to lift the necklace over his head. Taking Nick's paw he placed it inside and clasped it shut. "No, dad."

"Please Nicky, I'm begging you. Hold on to that. I dread the p-police stuffing it in some deposit box until I'm dead. At least with you, it's safe." He stated adamantly. Nick kissed his father's cheek and pat his shoulder.

"I'll hang on to it for you, deal?" Nick suggested.

"Sure. Deal." Parker agreed.