Backyard Boning

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I direct sequel to my first YCH. This wasn't a YCH itself, but the winner of that auction commissioning a second round. Who am I to say "no?"

Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONDUCT between ADULTS and CUBS, including ORAL and VAGINAL sex, as well as WATERSPORTS. Oh, right, and also TWINCEST. If any of this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended by my work, because YOU WERE WARNED. For everyone else... enjoy!

Beau and Belle squirmed about in the back seat of the car. They were being driven to the house of a fur they had "met" at the park last week. The German shepherd, in sharp contrast to his sister, had been nervous beyond belief when he and the female had come to the twins' house to extend the invite, a fact that the cubs gave him no end of teasing for. After a private chat with the sheps, the twins' Daddy had agreed to let them go, and so here they found themselves.

The first thing they noted about the neighborhood was that the houses were spaced significantly farther apart than on the street they lived on. Good for privacy. There were a lot of trees around, too, which got their tails all aflutter. They may have only been half squirrel, but that squirrel half still loved to be surrounded by nice, tall trees. As they pulled up to the house, the twins grinned. A tall fence looped around the back yard. Oh, they were going to have so much fun with those sheps...

Their seat belts were off almost before their father had pulled into the driveway, and the twins stacked up at the door, waiting for their Daddy to open it. The wolf in the front seat laughed.

"Well, you two seem eager," he said as he turned off the engine.

"Duh!" Beau said, sticking his tongue out at the wolf.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Belle said, tugging uselessly at the door handle. Their Daddy had put on the child safety locks -- a few too many times they'd tried to hop out and drag in strangers for "fun" in the back seat.

With one more chuckle and a shake of his head, the wolf got out of the vehicle, and opened the door for his young. Once freed, the twins were out like gunshots, pink blurs running headlong down the stone path leading up to a gate in the fence. The wolf shut the car doors and followed them. It would be irresponsible not to see his kits off.

Just as they'd been told, the two zipped through the gate and followed the path to the back. The twins giggled as they rounded the corner and looked around the yard.

The tall fence wrapped all around the yard, giving a large open space for the twins to play. A brick patio extended out from the back of the house, complete with a table and chairs, as well as a bench swing. There were a few trees in the yard, and far more could be seen over the fence. Under the tree nearest the house was a grill, where Nicki stood, wearing nothing but an apron as he tended to food, the smell of charcoal mixing with that of cooking meat. A little ways away, the German shepherds had set out a blanket, and here they spied Seika, Nicki's sister. She was lying on her back, nude as the day she was born, but she pushed herself up as she heard the cubs' giggles, and waved.

"Hello there!" Seika called, giggling as the two cubs ran up to her. "Oh my... which one's which?"

Beau and Belle giggled and exchanged glances. The two had decided to wear matching sundresses for this occasion. Clothed, they were nearly indistinguishable.

"Guess!" Belle said.

Seika rubbed her chin as she got up onto her knees in front of the cubs, looking from one to the other. "Uuuuuumm... I'm going to guess that you're... Belle!" she said as she lunged forward and groped her choice. Her paw slipped up the dress and cupped the cub's groin -- and Seika found herself fondling a sheath and scrotum.

The twins burst out laughing, and Seika quickly joined in, reaching a paw up to grope the other twin, too. The cubs' laughter soon died down, and they pulled off their dresses, leaving themselves in matching pairs of frilly pink panties.

"You don't waste any time, do you?" came a deep male voice.

Seika gasped as she looked up, catching sight of the cubs' Daddy, but made no effort to remove her paws from the cubs' genitals. "Well, from what I heard from my brother, I didn't think they'd mind it," she said.

"Nope!" Beau said, giggling as he grabbed Seika's wrist and moved her paw down into his panties.

"Nuh uh!" Belle said, doing the same before pulling hers down and off.

The wolf chuckled and shook his head. "Incorrigible. Well, play nice, you two, and try not to wear your hosts out TOO badly. I'll be back in a few hours," he said, and waved to the pairs of siblings before turning around and heading back to his car, leaving the squirrelfox cubs alone with the German shepherds.

Nicki glanced over at his sister fondling the two cubs, and rolled his eyes. This still seemed weird, but he wasn't going to complain. "Burgers should be ready in a minute or two," he said, and turned his attention back to the grill, adding a hasty, "Don't get too busy there!"

"Aww!" Seika pouted, turning to look at her brother. "But they're so cu-- eep!" Her words were cut off with a startled gasp.

The pink twins had used the adult female's moment of distraction to strike. They dove down to their knees and each latched onto one of Seika's nipples, and each slipped a paw between her legs, little fingers exploring the female's sex.

His sister's cry earned the male German shep's attention. Nicki looked back and gasped himself. That had to be a speed record of getting between his sister's legs! But then, after his first encounter with the pink pair, did he really expect anything else? This was going to be a looong afternoon.

"You weren't kidding!" Seika gasped, cupping the squirrelfoxes' heads. "Mmmm, we're gonna have so much fun together," she whispered, licking first Beau's ear, then Belle's. The cubs merely giggled, their tongues working the adult's nipples as soft fingers explored the delicate folds of her sex. These two certainly knew how to start a party off on the right foot!

The pink pair's ministrations were interrupted by swats on the bottom. "Now, now," Nicki said, chuckling at the surprised squeaks. "Why don't we eat these burgers while they're still warm, and then you two can have your way with my sister?"

"Noms!" the squigs cried, each immediately abandoning the nude German shepherd lady in favor of food. As soon as they had loaded up plates, they scooted aside to let the adults grab food, then took seats in their laps, Beau in Seika's and Belle in Nicki's.

Seika couldn't help but to giggle, especially with the way that Belle was squirming in her brother's lap in a fairly obvious attempt to arouse him -- and judging from Nicki's reactions, she was definitely getting a rise from him. "So, tell me a little about yourselves," she said. "You guys in school?"

"Nope!" Belle said, shaking her head and leaning back into a flustered Nicki's chest.

"We used to be," Beau said, wiggling around to sit sideways in Seika's lap and look up at the adult. "But we kept gettin' kicked out," he said as he took a huge bite out of his burger.

"Oh? And why was that?" Seika asked.

The pink pair looked at each other and broke into a fit of giggles, then both looked at Seika. "We kept tryin' to yiff our teachers," Belle said.

"And our classmates," Beau added.

"And each other!" Belle offered.

"Usually in the middle of class," Beau said, unleashing a new burst of giggles at the shocked looks on the adults' faces. "Our Daddies gave up on tryin' to put us in school and jus' keep us home now."

It didn't take long for the pink twins' infectious giggles to spread to Seika. Her brother took a little longer to get a chuckle, undoubtedly because of the teasing from the pink girl in his lap. "Yes, I suppose that would make schooling a little difficult," she said. A quick glance down showed her that yes, the boy in her lap was quite aroused. Of course, she didn't want to get to that QUITE yet. There was still food to finish. "So... when's your birthday?"

"Christmas!" the two cubs replied in unison.

"Oh my!" Seika said. "Do you two get double presents?"

"Nah," Belle replied.

"We don't really need 'em," Beau said, giggling a bit.

The squirrelvixen grinned up at Nicki from his lap. "Nope. We usually just spend our birthday in bed all day with Daddies."

"And sometimes special friends," Beau added, with a grin to Seika.

Well, that was an interesting detail to offer. Seika made a mental note of that as she looked from one pink cub to the other. "And what sorts of things do you guys do for your birthday bed time?"

Another mischievous grin passed between the two pink cubs.

"Depends," Belle said.

"Usually starts with us doin' 69s with our Daddies," Beau said.

"And from there, it's whatever we feel like doin'!" Belle offered, wiggling her bottom again to tease Nicki.

"Usually some buttsex," Beau said, grinning at Nicki.

"And Beau an' Daddies take turns humpin' my pussy," Belle said, giggling at the extra squirm that got out of her chair shep.

Beau grinned up at Seika. "And sometimes we tie Belle to the bed and Daddies spank her bottom while she sucks me."

Seika blinked. That last one certainly came out of left field. "Kinky," she said, letting out a soft giggle at how casually these two cubs were sharing their escapades. "Speaking of your birthdays, how old are you guys?" It seemed almost absurd that they had gotten this far without ever actually confirming the cubs' ages, but... well, she and Nicki had had other things on their minds when they visited the pink twins.

"Eleven!" the pink ones replied in unison.

Now, that was a bit of a surprise. They certainly didn't look that old. But that declaration made Nicki visibly relax. Younger cubs weren't really his thing, as Seika well knew, so knowing they were more to his taste was reassuring.

The group continued their small talk as the burgers disappeared. In what seemed like no time at all, the majority of the food was consumed, and the German shepherds allowed their guests to slip into the more... primal reasons for their visit.

Belle wasted no time in getting started with Nicki. He'd barely had time to put down his plate before she had spun around and guided his cock into her slick pussy.

"Mmm... been waitin' fer this," she whispered, leaning in to give Nicki a kiss on the lips.

The male could only moan as the cub impaled herself on his dick, his flesh throbbing inside her as he sank into her snug folds. Their arms wrapped around each other, lips locking as the male laid back, his tongue seeking entry into the young girl's mouth as she rolled her hips above him, teasing his member.

Meanwhile, Beau gave Seika a cheeky grin, and licked her chin, reaching a paw up to fondle one of her breasts. "Pink cubs on top?"

Seika giggled and ruffled the boy's headfur, then laid back, reaching a paw down to fondle the boy's erect penis. "I suppose that'll work... for now," she said, giving him a wink. Her other arm wrapped around his chest, pulling the boy on top of her as she guided his little member between her legs to her waiting sex.

The two furs let out soft gasps as the boy's small member slipped between the adult's moist folds. His member was barely bigger than a finger, and yet it sent electric thrills down the female's spine. Perhaps because she knew it was actually a penis, or maybe the fact that she was engaging in such a taboo act with someone less than half her age. Either way, Seika found that she was enjoying the initial penetration immensely.

In no time at all, the boy started to thrust into her, delivering another surprise: despite his age, he was GOOD! After a few fumbles, he got himself into a good rhythm, his groin giving nice little bumps against her clit with each thrust. It was the kind of skilled sex she wouldn't even expect from a male three times his age, let alone from a boy who had probably only just reached puberty!

"Oh, gods, yes," Seika whispered, grabbing onto Beau's bottom as he pounded into her. "More... good boy..."

On the other side of the blanket, the male shep and female squirrelfox were intertwined. Their hips ground this way and that as Nicki worked as much of his cock into Belle's pussy as she could take, and the squirrelvixen ground back in kind, her eager sex squeezing the considerable length of dog dick filling her.

"Ah... Belle... your pussy feels... ah!" Nicki squeezed the squirrelvixen tight, his paws grabbing onto her ass cheeks and giving them a squeeze.

Belle responded in kind, wiggling her rump into the male's paws, and she licked his chin, then whispered, "Put your finger in my butt..."

Such a naughty request from such a little thing! How could he refuse? The shep brought a paw to his muzzle and sucked on his middle finger, getting it nice and slick with his saliva, then reached down under the girl's tail and pressed his digit to her snug ring. With barely a hint of ceremony, he pressed inward, letting out an appreciative moan as the girl's pussy clamped down around his cock with the extra stimulation to her back door.

Despite how softly she had whispered it, the squirrelvixen's request hadn't passed Seika. She grinned as she watched the pink boy thrusting away on top of her, and offered a finger to him. Beau took the female's finger into his mouth and sucked on it, his tongue swirling all around it. The shep couldn't help but to giggle, and wonder how well that tongue might work on a female's parts... but she could explore that later. After a minute or so of him sucking her finger, she withdrew it and brought her paw down to the boy's rump, giving it a little pat.

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Seika whispered.

The squirrelfox grinned up at her and swished his tail, bringing it up against his back. "Please do!" he said. As soon as the words were out of his muzzle, he latched onto one of the female's nipples, his tongue swirling around the nub of flesh sticking out from her breast fur.

Seika gasped and giggled, ruffling the boy's headfur with her free paw. "Oooo, someone found something he likes," she whispered as she pressed her saliva-slickened finger into the boy's tailhole. She let out a moan as the boy sped up, his own movements causing her finger to slide in and out of him while he pounded away at her pussy. What an eager boy.

"Oh fuck, oh fuuuuuck!"

The pair both looked over and giggled. From the look on his face and the jerks of his body, Nicki was cumming in Belle's pussy. The squirrelvixen looked over at her brother and her partner's sister and grinned at them, wiggling her hips as she pressed down against him, her expression screaming, 'yeah, it's exactly what it looks like, and it feels gooood.'

A few expletive-laden seconds later, the male went limp, his orgasm complete. Belle grinned and wiggled on top of him, feeling the male's load filling her pussy, and she pawed at his chest. "I can feel it inside me... bet it's gonna leak out when I get off of ya."

"Oh... we can't have that," Nicki panted, grabbing onto the squirrelvixen's hips. "Come here... let's clean you up... so it doesn't... go to waste."

Belle grinned and lifted herself up, then dashed forward, leaving a drippy trail of semen on the shep's chest as she squatted down over his muzzle. Almost immediately, his tongue was at her pussy, lapping up the rest of his seed as he dribbled out into his waiting maw.

A few feet away, thoughts were brewing in Seika's head. Despite the obvious intensity of her brother's orgasm, he was still hard. And the little interruption had slowed the squirrelfox boy's thrusts. A wicked grin spread across her muzzle as she leaned down and whispered into Beau's ear, "Hey, cutie... wanna try something a little different?"

Beau grinned up at the female shep and nodded. "Whatcha got in mind?" he whispered. "And why are we whispering?"

"We're whispering so it'll be a surprise," she responded, then revealed her plan in hushed tones. The boy's giggles told her that he liked what he heard.

Nicki was far too occupied to have even the faintest clue of what his sister was up to. His paws roamed up and down the squirrelvixen's sides as he worked his tongue into her folds, feeling the warmth from where his dick had been just moments before. The taste of his seed mixed with Belle's juices was heavenly. There wasn't much that could compare with a nice, fresh cream pie.

So preoccupied was he that he didn't even notice his sister taking a seat in his lap. That is, until he suddenly felt the very familiar warmth of her own sex wrapping around his still-hard member. He moaned into Belle's cunny, and tried to look around her to see what his sister was up to. Wasn't she busy playing with Beau?

His answer was soon in coming. Seika leaned forward, lying down on top of her brother, and he felt another, smaller shaft pressing against his. With a little guidance from a small paw, he felt the boy's penis sliding into his sister's pussy along with his, their members squeezed together by the female's sex.

"Oh gods, yes," Seika whispered, her body trembling as she pressed her hips back, feeling the two dicks filling her eager sex. "Now fuck me!"

Both shepherds gasped as the squirrelfox boy obeyed. Nicki grabbed onto his sister's butt, squeezing it as he felt the boy's dick stroking back and forth against his shaft, pressed tightly by his sister's clenching cunny. While he and his sister were no strangers to some double penetration action, this was the first time they'd done it with a cub -- and both in the same hole! It felt so deliciously naughty, playing with their cubby friends like this.

Belle's insistent grinding against Nicki's muzzle only fueled the male's lust, his tongue lapping deep into her snug sex between his own pleasured whines. A cub's pussy at his face, his sister's pussy around his dick, made tighter than usual thanks to the squirrelfox boy's little addition... Nicki was in heaven.

Atop her brother, Seika was quite enjoying herself as well. She teased one of her breasts with one paw, her other keeping her rooted to the ground as she rolled her hips gently, allowing her brother's dick to slide between between her folds while the energetic boy thrusted with wild abandon. Electric tingles flowed through her as she was taken by both her brother and this naughty little pink boy, the extra girth inside her bringing a surprising amount of pleasure. Who knew that cubs could be so fun to play with?

As she stared at the pink butt in front of her, Seika got another idea. "Belle, sweetie... do me a favor... lean forward..."

The pink squirrelvixen giggled and did as she was asked, getting onto all fours and wiggling her bottom. "Whatcha gonna d--oooooooh..."

Belle moaned as she felt the female shep's tongue join her brother's in her pussy, Seika seeking out a taste of her brother's essence from inside the pink girl. Beneath the two, Nicki moaned, his sounds muffled by the pussy on his face and his sister's muzzle so close to his. They were practically kissing inside of this little cub! Never mind that they were sharing his seed inside her -- though that was a lovely little bonus for both of them. And they were each getting to enjoy their companions together... Seika certainly knew a thing or two about having a good time.

"Ngh... nff... ah!"

Beau grabbed onto Seika's hips, his own thrusts coming to a halt as he pressed himself inside her as deep as he could go. His little cocklet strained inside the snug channel, then started to twitch as his orgasm washed over him, his lil dicky twitching against Nicki's member as he fired off a few volleys of his thin seed into the adult female's clenching cunny.

That extra bit of stimulation proved too much for Nicki. His muzzle slipped back as he shut his eyes, letting out a feral moan as he added his own load to his sister's pussy in spurt after gooey spurt. A few involuntary twitches of his hips, and he pressed the rest of his dick inside her, knot and all -- inadvertently pushing the smaller boy's dick from his sister's sex.

Seika joined her brother in a pleasured cry, easing her own muzzle back from the squirrelvixen's cunny as she pressed herself backwards, basking in the feel of the two males cumming inside her. She barely noticed the boy's dick slipping out of her, as the girth was quickly replaced with her brother's knot. When the boy slipped around to their heads and showed off his slick, cum-covered dick, however, both shepherds realized what had happened.

"Umm... oops?" Nicki said, chuckling a bit between soft moans as he finished cumming in his sister.

"Oh, shut up and help me lick him clean," Seika said, bopping her brother's nose playfully as she started to lick the top of the boy's dick.

"Save some for me!" Belle said as she spun around.

The three furs took a few moments to lick the squirrelfox boy's dick clean, their tongues rubbing against each other more than a few times, and certainly more than accidentally, until Beau sat back.

Belle crawled over next to her brother and kissed his cheek, then sat down next to him, and both pink cubs looked at the tied shepherds.

"That was fun!" Belle said, licking up a bit of saliva and semen from her muzzle.

"Whatcha guys wanna do next?" Beau asked.

The two sheps looked at each other, then Seika turned to face the pink twins, a mischievous grin on her face. "How about a hose down?"

The pink twins giggled.

"Sure! Where's the hose?" Beau asked.

Seika grinned and reached out to touch the boy's sheath. "Right here, little guy."

"Ooooooooh," Beau said, and exchanged a grin with his sister.

The pink twins leapt to their feet. Belle skipped up to the shepherd's heads, and Beau dashed in between their legs.

"We don't get to play like this often," Belle said, giggling as she squatted down and spread her pussy with her fingers.

"Well, not with other furs, anyway," Beau said. "We do it a lot with each other!"

Kinky little cubs. This was definitely going to require further exploration. For the moment, though, the shepherds had some more play time to attend to.

It took but a moment for Belle to start releasing her stream against the shepherds. Seika and Nicki shut their eyes and opened their mouths, letting out soft moans as the squirrelvixen's golden stream washed over the faces, splashing against their muzzles and into their open maws. The shepherds moaned anew as they lapped at Belle's urine, the sheps savoring the warm tang of her other fluids.

As Belle was finishing up on their fronts, Beau unleashed his own stream against their backs, his own stream focusing on the shepherd twins' connection at the genitals.

"Revenge!" Beau giggled as he sprayed the adults' groins with his warm piss.

Seika and Nicki couldn't help but to burst out laughing. What a boisterous cub!

"I'm sorry, alright?" Nicki said between laughs. "It was an accident!"

"I know," Beau said, giggling as he finished his stream and shook the last few drops off over Seika's rump. "But it's more fun this way!"

The female shepherd giggled and poked her brother's nose. "He's got a point," she said.

Nicki shivered. Yes, he had to admit, to himself, at least, that it was rather erotic. His cock twitched inside his sister to accompany the naughty thought and the extra little thrill it brought him. Damn, was he glad he met these two cubs.

Belle flopped down on the ground in front of the shepherds, joined a moment later by her brother. "So, whatcha wanna do next?" she asked, smiling sweetly at their hosts.

The shepherd twins looked into each others' eyes, then up at the cubs.

"How about some cuddles while we wait for Nicki's tie to finish?" Seika suggested.

"Guess we could do that," Belle said.

"But I'm still horny!" Beau protested, giggling a bit as he pointed at his stiffy.

Seika rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe you two can have some fun with each other while you wait for us. As long as we get to cuddle you while you do!"

The pink twins giggled and nodded and crawled over next to the adults, Belle lying down on her back and snuggling up to the two, and Beau lying down on top of her. Each twin leaned over and gave the nearest shepherd a kiss, which quickly extended into tongue play as the boy slipped his cock into his sister's pussy. Nicki and Seika extended arms, wrapping them around the horny pink twins and pulling them in for cuddles, even while they rutted. This was going to be a loooong afternoon.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

By late afternoon, Nicki and Seika were exhausted. Keeping up with a couple of cubs was hard enough on its own, but with the sex drive on these two... wow. They had no idea how tiring it would be keeping a couple of cubs entertained!

After Nicki's tie had finished, the two had watched the cubs finish their own mating, and delivered a hose down for them in kind, much to the pink twins' delight. From there, it had just been a whirlwind of sex. They couldn't even remember half of the positions they ended up trying!

Of course, by this point they had done a real hose down with the actual hose. Despite the twins' insistence that their Daddies wouldn't mind if they went home smelling like sex and pee, they felt an obligation to at least clean them up a little bit. A little groping convinced the twins to let the shepherds actually clean them up. Their fur was still damp when the big wolf returned, heading right into the back yard through the gate to find the four sprawled out on the patio, soaking up as much of the late afternoon sun as they could.

"Well, it looks like you four had a fun time," the wolf said.

"Daddy!" the pink twins cried, leaping up and running over the wolf. Each twin grabbed onto a leg, hugging him and leaving his pants damp from their still-moist fur.

"Nicki and Seika were awesome!" Beau said, grinning up at the wolf, his tail twitching like mad.

"Uh huh! We got to play all sorts of fun games with 'em!" Belle said, nuzzling the wolf's chest before beaming up at him herself.

"When can we come again?" Beau asked.

The wolf laughed and ruffled the pink twins' headfur. "Well, that's up to your hosts," he said, looking over at the German shepherds as they got to their feet and walked over. "How were they?" he asked.

"Incredible!" Seika said, giggling as she saw her brother's ears droop out of the corner of her eye. "Oh, come on, Nicki, dear. It's not as if he didn't know exactly what was going to happen when he brought his cubs here." She rolled her eyes at her brother, then looked at the wolf. "They were very well behaved, too. Polite and respectful."

Nicki muttered something, but looked up at the wolf sheepishly. "Y-yeah... they were pretty great. We had a lot of fun with them."

The wolf nodded. "I'm sure I'll get a full report from these two on the way home," he said as he patted their heads, eliciting another round of giggles from the pink twins. "Would you like to see them back again sometime?"

Seika looked at her brother, then back at the wolf. "I think we'd enjoy that very much. But perhaps not too soon. We might need a little time to recover. I wasn't quite expecting them to have THIS high of a sex drive!"

The wolf laughed. "No one does," he said, looking down at the two grinning twins, then back up at the dogs. "I can guarantee they're still going to be all over my husband and I as soon as we get them home. Speaking of, Beau, Belle, why don't you two go get your clothes back on?"

"Ok, Daddy!" the twins said in near-unison, and ran back across the yard to where they had abandoned their dresses.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Seika looked at the wolf and asked, "Are they really eleven?"

The wolf groaned and rolled his eyes. "They are... barely into puberty, and already they're... well, you know. Though they've been like this since they were five. Bit exhausting, really."

Seika nodded. "I'm sure."

The pink twins pulled their dresses back on, then each grabbed their underwear and ran up to the shepherds, Beau to Seika and Belle to Nicki.

"Here!" Belle said, offering up her panties to the male shepherd.

"To remember us by," Beau said, grinning up at the female as he held up his own panties.

Seika burst out laughing again. "Do you cubs always leave your undies with your sex partners?"

The wolf rolled his eyes. "We go through a lot of them that way. Usually they just go commando on play dates. Well, save for first times and for a couple friends who have a fetish for that kind of thing. I swear, there's this one fur who's probably got enough of their used undies to fill a whole dresser!"

"He does!" Beau said, giggling as Seika took his offered panties.

"He showed it to us," Belle said, giving Nicki a hug as he took her panties from her.

"And he even showed us a couple videos he took for friends of his of him pawin' off with 'em," Beau said.

"Of course he did," the wolf said, rolling his eyes as the pink twins reconvened at his sides. "Well, I'm glad you four had a good time. We'll be in touch for another play date soon," he said as he turned around, patting his cubs' shoulders. "Come on, squiggles... let's get going."

"Bye bye!" Beau and Belle said, waving to the two shepherds as they followed the wolf. "Thanks for having us!"

Seika grinned and waved back, then glanced at her brother. "Oh, the pleasure was all around, I'm sure. Right, Nicki?"

The male chuckled and grinned at his sister, then waved to the two cubs. "Hope to see you again soon!"

As soon as the cubs were out of sight, Nicki let out a sigh.

"Doin' alright there, Nicki?" Seika asked.

The male stepped up to his sister and leaned against her. "Told you they were something else," he said. "How about a proper bath and a nap?"

Seika giggled and gave her brother a quick peck on the lips. "Sounds good to me. Let's go," she said, and she took her brother's paw and led him into the house.