High School Days Ch 27: Whose Afraid of a Little White Rabbit?

Story by Teiran on SoFurry

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#27 of High School Days

Chapter 27 of my forever delayed and endless series, High School Days. This time, we follow Blake the white rabbit, as he spends the day making trouble for everybody. But really, he's just a little white rabbit, what could he possibly do?

Hey guys! This is chapter 27, the next part of my High School Days series. This chapter was funded by my Patreon, over at www.patreon.com/Teiran, and I want to thank everyone who helped spur me into writing it. You can actually read like the whole next chapter over there and a bunch of other stuff.

Everything WILL end up here for free at some point though, I'm just super slow about posting it. You all can actually thank Duranix for spurring me to post this chapter here. (I totally forgot to after posting it in parts on FA.)




"Can I pick you up?"

Blake's eyebrows rose when he saw the text message was from DaddyBear. His fancy new phone displayed only the older man's screen name because Blake wasn't an idiot, and the rabbit typed out a quick message back.

"Sorry handsome, I'm on the bus to school already."

Ping went the rabbit's phone again.

"When can you skip class?" was the reply.

The white rabbit's ears twitched as the bus made a turn, and he smirked. Not 'if', but 'when', huh? Someone must be desperate today. Maybe MamaBear wasn't happy with him. The rabbit felt the happy glow he always got when a man lusted after him, and he bounced in his seat as the school bus bounced over some railroad tracks. He wasn't going to skip class; he'd done that a little too much this term, but maybe he could make time over lunch...

The rabbit shifted on the bus seat as he pondered about how to reply, one leg bouncing as he thought. Maybe with a sexy photo? That would keep the bear happy. Blake browsed through a folder of sexy nude photos of himself he kept for just this purpose, totally unworried about somebody looking over his shoulder. He had the bus seat to himself, because after all who was going to sit with the only queer kid at school? Well, the only openly queer kid, the rabbit thought, and his spade tail flicked up as he thought about just how many guys at Hadenview he had naked pictures of on his fancy new smartphone.

The phone was brand new, and was one of the first models to have a large touch screen like this. DaddyBear had bought it for him so they could message back and forth easier, and the facetime feature allowed Blake to jerk off live for the bear without there being a video saved somewhere on the older man's computer. He was probably the only person in school with one, and the best thing about it was just how many sexy pictures and videos of himself getting fucked the thing could hold. He was going to have a lot of fun with this new kind of phone.

For now though, he had to keep his sugar daddy interested, and the phone's live streaming capability wasn't an option on the bus, obviously. But... he could tease the old bruin with a pic or two and then hook up over lunch. It would be really hot sitting through his afternoon classes with a butt or belly full of bear cum. His fingers typed a reply and his hole clenched at the thought.

"Meet you for lunch, our normal spot. I need more protein in my diet."

The phone went ping after only a few moments. Definitely a needy bear today.

"You just want some sausage in your buns."

Blake smirked. Oh right, like he was the one who was begging for it. Well, the bear enjoyed pretending that it was the rabbit who was the one who was addicted to sex, which sure okay he totally was, but so the bruin.

"Damn right I do, you better fill me up good like you did last time," Blake texted back.

And then Blake sent the dirty old bear a picture the rabbit had snapped of cum leaking out of his freshly fucked pink hole, the white fur on his cheeks painted with a heavy load. Sure, it wasn't actually the congressman's jizz leaking out of the rabbit's hole, but who cared? Not the two big horses who had donated their sperm to the photo in the back of The Tail Underground last weekend, that's for sure. Congressman Barnes wouldn't care either. In fact, telling him who had left their seed in him would just turn the horny old bear on more.

Blake glanced up as the bus stopped to let people on, and there was a commotion up at the front. The reason for the raised voices was obvious, as an oversized tiger climbed the short stairs and started to push his way down the aisle, brushing past the younger kids who sat towards the front. The rabbit's ears twitched, his brow creasing slightly.

Why was Kyle riding the bus? He never rode the bus. The big tiger always got a ride from Nick. Their eyes didn't meet, because Kyle made a point of not meeting Blake's eyes as he pushed all the way to the back of the bus and forced one of the other jocks, who normally owned the back of this bus and took pride in needing a seat to stretch out on, to share their seat with him.

The rest of the way to school, Blake kept glancing back at the tiger, and he barely paid attention to the bear's angry reply about not sending him explicit pictures without warning. Blake did respond however to DaddyBear's horny comments about how much better he was going to wreck the rabbit's ass today than those horses had.


The morning sunlight glinted off Nick's car as it turned the corner of Kyle's street, the sleek black mustang weaving through the parked cars easily as the wolf drove up to Kyle's house. Only, the tiger wasn't waiting outside for him. Nick frowned, his fingers gripping the wheel a bit tighter. This was not a good sign.

All weekend Kyle had refused to answer Nick's calls, and after what happened between them Friday night the wolf was beginning to really worry. The look of shock and disgust on Kyle's face just before he ran out of Nick's place haunted the wolf. Nick honked the horn twice, the signal he always used to alert the tiger he was outside. The big black wolf shifted in the polished leather seats, his chest tightening as he began to breathe heavily. He always drove Kyle to school. If the tiger wasn't coming out of his house, it was because he didn't want to see Nick. A hint of panic began to rise in the wolf's heart as Mrs. Perez twitched the curtain aside to look out the front windows.

Then, the front door opened, and one of the little kids, a cream-colored hare boy, came running out of the house. With a mighty leap he jump and managed to get his arms over the side of the car door, his floppy ears hanging down over his face as he grinned at Nick. "Hey Mr. Wolf! Mom says to say that Kyle took the bus this morning," he blurted out, as if delivering this message was the most important thing in the world.

Nick's fingers tightened on the steering wheel, his whole body tensing. He tried to keep calm, but the wolf's fingers gripped the steering wheel so hard the leather creaked under the pressure. It was like the little rabbit had smacked him in the face with a brick. The boy's head turned to the side, and he said, "You okay mister?" the hare said quietly, and Nick just nodded, not trusting himself to speak without growling.

The hare dropped down and raced back towards the house, where a small badger boy was waiting for him, holding their backpacks. Nick looked away from Kyle's house blinked his eyes furiously as he drove away, anger and hurt rising in his chest like a boiling cloud. This isn't fair, the wolf thought as he slammed the gas petal down and drove like a maniac towards the school, barely keeping his emotions under control as anger churned into other, more distracting feelings. He hadn't done anything with Kyle that the tiger didn't want to do. Nick slammed his paw into the dashboard, forcing his emotions back down so that by the time he got to school he looked and sounded perfectly calm.


Kyle's tail twitched back and forth as he walked the mostly empty halls of Hadenview, heading towards his locker to grab a few things before heading to his first class. This was a lot earlier than he normally arrived at school, but the bus that went through his neighborhood was one of the early ones, so he didn't have much choice. That had been a big perk of Nick driving him to school, he could sleep a whole hour longer than the other kids in the house did.

The big tiger twitched his tail and glared as a skinny husky in a real hurry to get somewhere went barreling past him. Normally, Kyle felt like he owned the halls of Hadenview. He was one of the biggest guys in school, one of the most popular jocks, and he hadn't had to fear anything about going to school besides getting bad grades for years.

But today, the tiger felt like he was being hunted. The big cat's fur prickled and his whiskers twitched as he scented the air, nervously glancing around to see if anybody was following him. Or more specifically, if Nick was following him

A growl rolled out of Kyle, and he picked up his pace. Why was he being so stupid about this? Okay, so he'd had a fight with the wolf. They were still friends. Right? Fine, so he'd let Nick blow him again, but it didn't matter. It had been after a workout. That always got the tiger worked up, got his blood racing. It was no big deal. Nick would be cool about it. Right? Kyle's tail lashed back and forth like a whip as he spun the dial on his locker, remembering the look on Nick's face as he'd left the pool house. Kyle really needed to talk to somebody about what had happened. His call with Sarah had been interrupted by her nosey mother before he could tell her why he'd called in the middle of the night, and the tiger hadn't gotten a hold of the vixen again over the weekend. The vixen had said she could see him tonight though, but that felt like ages from now, he-

Kyle's low pitched growl of anger turned into a high pitched mrowl of surprise when a hand grabbed the tiger's ass and squeezed.

There was a flash of heat in his face, and Kyle felt a jolt run right to his groin as the paw groped his left cheek slowly. In that moment of surprise, the tiger's shorts were suddenly three sizes too small.

Then the tiger's flash of arousal gave way to shame, and his face grew truly hot. He snarled, intending to yell at Nick for touching his ass, and nearly leapt out of his fur when he saw Blake was the one standing behind him.

"What the fuck dude!" the tiger hissed, suppressing the urge to roar as his tail bottle brushed. He glanced back and forth, but nobody seemed to have noticed the rabbit copping a feel, and he didn't want to alert anyone that something was wrong. Kyle began to look for a way out, because the tiger couldn't think of anything worse than people seeing him and Blake talking in the hallway. "Don't you ever touch me," the tiger hissed, keeping his voice low.

Blake raised his paws defensively, the fingers spread wide "Hey, sorry sugar, didn't mean to make you jump." The white rabbit sounded apologetic and he cringed back, but his eyes twinkled. "Saw you on the bus, which you are just never on, and I wanted to see if you were alright is all."

"Alright?" Kyle snarled for real now, the sound rumbling out of him as the sheer incredulity of what the rabbit had said hit him. Half of his problems were because Blake had poured poison into his ear about how his relationship with Nick looked, and now he was suddenly concerned? The tiger's hackles rose, his anger boiled, and he nearly hit the rabbit right then and there.

But the big forced himself to stop, to back down, mentally forcing his fur to settle back into a normal position. There weren't many people around, just a few people at their lockers, but if he decked Blake people would see, and they would definitely talk. Coach would throw an absolute fit, and he might actually toss the tiger off the team. So in order to keep things from looking weird, the tiger turned back to his locker and growled, "Are you fucking mental, Blake? All you've ever done is tried to wreck things for me, what do you really want?"

"I told you." The rabbit leaned up against the lockers next to Kyle's locker, all the feminine mannerisms gone as he turned the act off for once. "Are you..." the rabbit jabbed a finger at the tiger, but didn't touch him, "All right?"

Kyle flashed a bit of fang as he mumbled, "What do you care?"

The rabbit stared at him for a long second, and Kyle felt tightness in his chest as Blake stared at him with hard eyes. The rabbit did not look at all frightened by him as he said, "I don't exactly have a lot of people to talk about being gay with, if you haven't noticed. Most of you 'straight' guys avoid me, even if you'll fuck the hell out of me while drunk at some party. But I know how nice it would be to have somebody to talk to, to have a real friend, and if you and Nick broke up..."

Kyle slammed a book into his locker, grabbing the books he needed for today and shoving them into his bag, "Nick and I aren't going out."

"Fine, keep telling yourself that," The rabbit snorted derisively and pushed himself away from the lockers. "But don't ever say I didn't try to be nice, because I could have kept that picture."

The rabbit stomped away, and for a moment Kyle wondered if he'd actually made Blake mad, or if it were just another act, like his femmy walk and limp wrist. The tiger zipped up his bag, chewing on a whisker as his tail flicked back and forth. The rabbit hadn't wiggled his hips or flicked his wrist just now. Was that macho voice and pose he'd just used on Kyle the act, or was the rabbit's limp wrist and high voice the real Blake? Was Nick gonna act all limp wristed like that now, or did the wolf being gay have nothing to do with how macho he was?

A hand brushed along Kyle's back, coming to rest on his hip, and this time as the flush of arousal colored his cheeks, the tiger lashed out. "I said don't touch me--"


"Hey dude, where wer--" Nick's words ended in a huff as Kyle hit him in the chest, sending him staggering back a step.

Time seemed to freeze between the two of them. The wolf's eyes flickered between confusion, hurt, and anger. The punch hadn't really hurt him. Sure it was Kyle throwing it, but the tiger hadn't put any real power behind the hit. It was a brush back punch, meant to push whoever had touched him back.

There was a flash of fear in the tiger's eyes, and he looked stunned by what he had done. The crowd around them was stunned. Several people had turned when the tiger had snarled, and they had seen Kyle punch him. The whole hallway was silent for a second before they began to whisper, and the tiger's face flushed as his ears twitched and swiveled, tracking the people talking about him. Before Nick could say anything, Kyle slammed his locker closed and stormed away, tail bottle brushed out and lashing, ears folded against his head, and his face burning.

Nick stood there open mouthed for a second, ears splayed out to the side in confusion. Then the wolf's churning emotions settled on one thing, rage, and he hit the tiger's locker door so hard that the cheap metal bent under the blow, the door popping open as the wolf stormed off in the other direction, away from his best friend.

The whispers followed both boys as they stormed away.


Sitting down in first period physics, Nick pointedly sat in the front row and did not look at anyone but the teacher. A couple of the guys from the wrestling team tried to say hello, but he ignored them, and he especially ignored the goat who normally sat in the seat he had taken. It was open seating in this class; Nick could sit wherever the hell he wanted. So the big black wolf just growled softly and ignored the nervous Billy goat, who slunk to the back of the room and took Nick's usual seat beside where Kyle would soon be sitting.

When Kevin came in he pointedly avoided crossing the wolf's gaze as he took his usual seat on the wolf's left side, and Nick was glad the Dalmatian didn't seem try to talk with him.

Nick didn't want to talk to anyone right now. He especially didn't want to talk to Kyle, the big stupid meathead... Nick's anger drained out of him slowly as he felt a dull throbbing in his right pectoral where the tiger, his best friend in the world, had hit him...

Nick kept his eyes down so he didn't see Kyle come in, and once class started the big black wolf said nothing, and thought about nothing, except for the kinetic energy calculation problems the teacher was reviewing for the test on Friday.


All through second period, Kyle had to fight to keep his ears forward and his hackles down as a couple cheerleaders, a squirrel and doe in the back of his class whispered about him, the queer jock in the hallways, behind his back. Nick ignoring him during first period had been expected, but Kyle hadn't anticipated the rumors spreading so quickly. The two cheerleaders were gossiping just loudly enough for the tiger to hear every third word, but if turned his ears back to listen in on them, or made any sign that he heard them talking about him, it would become even worse.

He would be acknowledging what they were saying about him, and unless the tiger said or did something to contradict them, which he couldn't do during class, everybody who could hear the two cheerleaders would know what they were saying was true. Everybody would know that he had heard what they were saying about him and done nothing, and everyone would know the tiger was a fag...

Kyle was about ready tear out his own whiskers when he heard them say Todd's name. Then the doe whispered something about a kangaroo, and the tiger very cautiously let one ear swivel backward. A wave of relief washed over Kyle as the tiger realized that the two girls weren't gossiping about him, but about some other jock, a guy on the soccer team who was gay.

Free now to listen in without it being suspicious, the tiger's ears swiveled towards them, and he listened intently, as was most of the class. The two cheerleaders were in an absolute tizzy about the fox's return alongside his apparent boyfriend, the kangaroo David. One of the girls was certain that Todd was dating Keith, but the other assured her she'd seen him arm in arm with that new boy on the soccer team, that kangaroo. It had taken five minutes of excited chattering for them to decide that Todd must be sleeping with both of them, before being shushed by the teacher after a fit of giggles.

Once the bell rang and everybody started moving towards their next class, the school hallways were absolutely filled with rumor, and Kyle was not happy to hear his own name being whispered alongside names like Keith, Todd, or David's. Blake's name didn't come up much, at least not within the tiger's acute hearing range, but it seemed like absolutely everybody was whispering the word 'gay' just as he passed by. It made the already close to panicking tiger's stomach churn, and his chest was so tight it felt as if he'd been doing lunges all morning long not sitting at his desk, reading some stupid book Jane Austen story. Kyle's tail was twitching and people were scurrying out of his way as he stalked through the halls, because who wants to get between an enraged looking tiger and where he's going.


Eventually third period rolled around, and Blake practically leapt out of his chair when the bell rang for them to head for lunch. As the tidal wave of students made their way down to the cafeteria, Blake ducked into the library, cutting across the big room between the stacks so none of the nosy librarians would see him.

With a spring in his step, the rabbit headed towards a small section at the back of the library where a hallway led off to some small rooms with tables. They were supposed to served as a study rooms, but that wasn't the rabbit's destination. No, Blake's objective it was the small door at the end of the hallway which connected the library to some of the school's back offices where the student counselors and one of the vice principals had their offices. Nobody really went through the door, because why bother sneaking into the school offices?

Unless, like Blake, you knew that right on the other side of that door, where nobody could really see, was a fire escape door whose alarm was broken. That would take him outside, and then it was a quick jog over the hill to the barren parking lot where a certain car waited for him. The rabbit smirked, his cotton tail bouncing as he wiggled his hips, wondering if the old bear would want to go all the way and plow his ass. He'd certainly been eager this morning, and the text messages he'd sent throughout the day certainly told Blake that he should be prepared to be railed by the horny old man.

As the rabbit headed down the disused hallway, and just before he reached the doorway that would lead him to freedom, there was a peel of laughter from the study room to his right, and a half dozen voices burst into raucous guffaws. Blake's heart leapt and the rest of him jumped enough that his paws left the floor. Once he'd landed, Blake put a paw to his chest and glared in annoyance at the cracked open study room door. He could just make out the six figures inside, and recognized them as a bunch of football jocks who were probably all skipping class.

Heart still pounding, the rabbit was about to push his way through the door into the back offices, when his ears detected a sharp tap tap tap of hooves on linoleum behind him. Knowing that whoever was coming, he did not want them to see his cotton tail disappearing through a door nobody was supposed to be going through, the rabbit ducked into the other, mercifully empty study room across the hall from the jocks, hiding behind the door just before the head librarian came stomping around the corner behind him.

The old ewe proceeded to chew out the laughing and rowdy jocks, and after all the trouble the footballers had caused in the halls today, it was nice to hear at least one teacher telling them off. The rabbit even smiled when she made a rather withering comment about Tyler acting respectable like his dear father the congressman. That was really rich, because as awful as Tyler was, Blake knew for certain that the burly bear was better behaved than his dear old dad the congressman. After all, good old DaddyBear was planning to meet Blake in a disused parking lot to get his knob polished by a fag who his own son's age. It was fucking hilarious really.

But the smile melted off the rabbit's face when the ewe finished haranguing the jocks and left, leaving the door to the other study room wide open. Blake rolled his eyes and cursed the old bag as she clip-clopped away. He could now clearly see the six young men sitting round the conference table in the other room, a lion, a bear, and four huskies.

It was Leon, Tyler, and four of the Hale brothers. If he left now, he would do it in full view of six of the biggest jerks in school, and there was no way they would let him just slink away if they saw him. Even they were dumb enough to miss a white furred rabbit going by, they would definitely hear him open the door. He was effectively trapped until they left or closed their door again.

The rabbit whipped out his phone and started texting Big Daddy, knowing that if he was going to be late even five minutes he had to let the bruin know. As he stared at the glowing screen of his cell phone, waiting for a reply, the footballers went right back to talking loudly and laughing.

"Man, can you believe her? Uptight old biddy," Leon said in his normal booming voice. "She needs to get fucked and relax."

"Yah, I bet she hasn't had any in years," a jovial canine voice said in reply.

"Well, who would want to fuck her? She's always acting like she's on the rag bro," a nearly identical voice replied, which meant that the lion quarterback was holding court with the Hale brothers. Blake could barely tell the huskies apart even when he could see them.

"She should get that stick outta her ass and use it for something more constructive." Tyler said, and that got another laugh out of the jocks. "Besides, she's a total dyke for sure."

"Yah think?"

"Wouldn't surprise me," Tyler sneered, "All the queers are coming outta the woodwork now." The bear grumbled. "We even got some on the team. You've seen the rainbow sticker on her car right?"

"Yah but that's like, a Noah's Ark thing, ain't it?" One of the huskies said, uncertainty in his tone.

"Yah," one of his brothers said, "It's like a Jesus fish or something, but the queers stole it."

There was a general round of grumbling as the husky brothers bickered about whether the librarian was a super Christian prude or a lesbian in disguise, and Blake wanted to tie his ears in a bow rather than listen to them yap over each other.

There was a ping as his phone got a text, and he glanced down at it.

"I'm stuck in a meeting. Give me twenty minutes. You better be ready, Daddy needs to bend something over."

Blake smirked, knowing that he'd made the right call by bringing his silicone lube along. At least he could use this moment of semi-privacy to lube up and be ready for the bear, and it amused him to do so while spying on the congressman's son.

But how long was he going to be stuck here? Blake put his eyes back to the crack between door and frame, watching the footballers. If they were cutting third period completely, he'd not only miss his hook up with his sugar daddy bear, he'd miss class too. And while sure, Blake was all for skipping class because of six dudes he wanted to be at least getting some action out of the deal.

Across the hall there a moment of silence between topics, into which Tyler said, "So Leon dude, are you gonna do about the fag?"

"Huh?" the lion said in reply, which Blake thought must be a pretty common response for the dumb lion.

"Come on dude, you know what he means. Keith man," one of the husky's said in a hushed tone.

"Yah bro, what are you gonna do?" One of the huskies asked. Blake could never tell the Hale brothers apart, which had actually caused him to have a couple wet dreams about them double, triple, or gang banging him. A thought that, right now when he should have been unzipping a certain bruin's fly in the back of his limo, did not help the rabbit's general mood.

"We can't keep him on the team. I heard Kyle and Nick got into a fight this morning about him staying on the team. We cannot lose those two, dudes," another brother barked, and the squad of huskies agreed. Blake crossed his arms, frowning as he listened to them all.

"We can if one of 'ems a fairy. We don't need no fags on the team." Tyler said with a growl that did not sound good to Blake. The bear was in real rage about this, which was all kinds of hilarious to the hidden rabbit. Blake licked his lips slowly, thinking about what he would be doing in a couple of minutes, and had to force himself not to laugh. Absolutely fucking hilarious indeed.

"Coach isn't gonna let me just bench Keith dude." Leon said in what was for him a calming voice. "I'll need a reason to do it, and you know Coach Townson. Cause he's a queer ain't gonna be enough."

"Well we'll just give you a reason then. Only a month left in the season, we can put him outta commission for a few weeks." Tyler said with the same angry growl, and the husky brothers muttered in agreement, though this time they sounded pleased.

"Yah, we can pound his ass the right way," one of the huskies said with the meaty smack of a fist hitting a paw. His brothers muttered in agreement.

"Look dude, I'm all for a quick round of bash the fag," Leon said in a placating voice, "but Coach will chuck anybody who does it off the team. And it don't matter it we got Nick and Kyle working together if they ain't got an offensive line. We gotta be careful about this dude."

"Fine, fine, but you're in right? We're gonna put all these fags in their place?" Tyler said in reply.

Blake frowned as he watched the lion shrug his shoulders, "Sure, whatever dude."

That seemed to be enough for Tyler, because the bear didn't push it again. Blake strained his ears to hear what was said next, but the huskies were talking quietly now, showing each other something on their phones and laughing. The rabbit glanced down at his own phone, but there were no more messages from DaddyBear. Fifteen more minutes till their hookup.

Then, Leon's words echoing in his ears, the white rabbit pulled another phone out of his backpack, turned it on, and began flicking through files on it. He kept this phone as a backup camera, and it had some interesting things on its little hard drive.

"Hey," one of the Hale brothers said loudly enough to catch the rabbit's attention, "You guys wanna skip till practice and help kill this six pack?"

There was a round of laughs and happy agreement, and Blake looked up to see that one of the Hale brothers had pulled a damn six pack of beer cans out of his backpack. The other huskies laughed, and began grabbing their stuff to head out. Well, Blake thought, at least I'll make my hook up.

Across the hall, Leon didn't join his fellow jocks as they headed out the door.


Leon sighed, looking down at the table and his stupid history book. He hated history, why did he need to know what had happened in the past? It's not like the past ever affected his life.

"Hey, you coming?" one of the Hale brothers barked, beckoning for Leon to follow them. "Half a dozen of us after all dude."

The big lion shook his mane and held up the history book he had been reading before his fellow players had sat down with him in the little conference room. "Can't, Coach will kill me if I fail this time."

The huskies all groaned, and Tyler's big belly laugh carried through the library, earning the five of them all another round of glares and shushing from the old ewe as the five footballs turned to leave their fallen comrade behind. They were probably heading for the spot out behind the school gym where they could crack open the six pack without being observed until it was time for football practice, and Leon wished he could join them.

Once they were all gone, the lion looked down at the book, trying to remember what the hell he had been studying before his buddies had shown up.

"Hello Leon," a soft and sultry voice whispered right into the lion's ear, "How you doing sugar?"

The big quarterback jumped like all startled cats did, and nearly came right out of his chair. He landed back in his chair with a thump, and then turned to find the bunny rabbit Blake was standing right next to him. He even struck a pose, putting on paw on the lion's book as he leaned in to smile at the lion's glare.

Leon's lip curled back, showing off a row of sharp teeth, "Back off queer, or I'll-"

"What, pound my ass again?" the rabbit said in quiet tones, sliding into the vacated chair beside the lion, scooting it real close to the golden furred lion. "You're good at that after all."

Leon froze, his raised paws pressing flat to the table before him. "I've never touched you, faggot." The lion rumbled, menace in his tone as he looked nervously at the door to see who might catch him talking to the school's biggest flamer. Blake was still the best known queer in school, even if he now had plenty of competition.

"Never touched me?" Blake put a spread paw to his chest as if scandalized. "Have you forgotten our love affair that quickly? Your party wasn't that long ago, sugar." The rabbit's smirk broadened when the lion's face flickered between surprise, shock, and then anger as Leon's ears began to redden. "Ah, you do remember. Good, I was afraid I'd have to jog your memory." The rabbit brought out his phone and held it under the level of the table, his paw practically in the lion's lap.

Leon jerked back, making sure the rabbit's paw didn't touch his groin, which only made Blake smirk grow wider. The rabbit pulled a phone, a fancy new phone with atouch screen out of his skinny jeans and tapped the screen, bringing it to life. A soft, distorted moan briefly escaped the tiny speakers, followed by a deep growling sound that quickly died away as the rabbit turned the volume off. "Oops, sorry, don't want everybody to hear your roaring climax, now do we?"

Leon barely heard the rabbit's words. His body was frozen, eyes fixed directly at his own lap where on the little screen, a very detailed video of him fucking the hell out of Blake's ass was play. On the screen, the tiny version of himself threw his head back and roared silently, his face pointed right at the camera as he blasted a load into the tight white rabbit ass which his cock was buried balls deep inside. Blake was on his back, white balls bouncing as he was fucked, and the rabbit's dick began spurting cum as lion's hips went flush with his ass and the feline shot his load. The video continued to play, showing the lion as he dismounted and forced the rabbit to suck his cock clean. Leon frowned as the clip kept playing, Blake fluffing the lion's dick until it was back at full mast again, and that's when he saw the time tracking bar.

The lion's hackles bristled and his blood seemed to run cold. As fucking bad as what he'd just seen was, this wasn't just some short, two minute clip of Leon getting his rocks off in the school queer at some random party. No, this was an hour long video of Leon drunkenly fucking the ever loving hell outta the rabbit in his own house, and Blake had simply fast forwarded to the money shot.

Well, the first money shot anyways.

On screen, the tiny digital lion was getting into having his dick sucked, and started face fucking the rabbit, and even though he couldn't hear the audio anymore, Leon could hazard a guess what kind of kinky shit he had said in the moment. He had a habit of trash talking the girls he fucked.

Leon stared in complete shock as the video kept playing. The lion felt like his world was collapsing. There was evidence of him fucking a queer. And not just some grainy evidence of a quick blowjob, but high definition video of an hour-long fuck session. Leon felt his whole body tensing up, threatening to freeze or explode, he wasn't sure which. And the worst part? Watching the video of him blowing his load had made the lion's dick hard, and it felt ready to explode again in his tight jeans.

He acted on impulse, grabbing the phone out of Blake's paw so quickly that he clawed the rabbit, leaving a long red gash along the back of Blake's paw as he jerked the smartphone away from him.

Blake gasped, jerking his paw back from the lion's groin empty handed, and there was a flash of anger across the bunny's normally smiling face. Leon's face fell even more when he saw the blood on his claws, his hackles deflating as the lion's ears flattened against his head.

"You want a copy for yourself that bad, huh sugar?" The rabbit said calmly, voice neutral, but his eyes now had a hard look to them as he glared at the lion and licked the back of his paw clean of blood. "Well, keep the phone if you want Leon. That's not what I used to record that video anyways, and I've made lots of backups." The phone dropped to the table as Leon's chest tightened and he wanted to curl up in a ball. His fur felt like it was standing on end all over his body as he leaned away from the rabbit's suddenly angry glare. At least his erection was going down again. "It's going to cost you though, sweetie. Now I get to blow you again." Leon's eyes widened and his paws shook as he looked at the rabbit's bleeding paw.

"What?" He mumbled in surprise. He glanced out the door of the little room, but nobody had seen what had happened. Even if it had been an accident, clawing another student could get you into serious trouble.

"I..." Blake said smoothly and sweetly, "am going to suck your dick. Right now, under this table." He knocked on the large table they sat at with his uncut paw. "I was going to tell you just to keep your teammates in line. Call off your little game of bash the fag. I don't fancy the idea of getting beat up behind the gym after class. But now," the rabbit daintily pulled a white handkerchief from a pocket and began to wrap it around his bleeding paw. "I'm going to suck you off so hard that you'll roar, right here in the middle of the school. And I'll want another repeat performances from you. Not on camera, unless you want to perform properly for me, but your dick?" Blake held the wrapped paw out, smiling a broad and pleasant smirk at Leon as his other hand reached down and grabbed the lion's junk, which jumped as his paw closed around it. "This belongs to me now. Tighten that for me, would you Sugar? And be gentle."

The big quarterback jumped as the rabbit's paw gripped him under the table, and as mad as he was, there really wasn't anything he could do. Even if he smacked that smirking grin of Blake's face, his life would be ruined. Sure he could beat the fag up, but that wouldn't stop him from talking afterwards, and pounding him into the dust wouldn't solve anything as long as the rabbit had footage of Leon pounding his ass.

So instead of giving the rabbit what he deserved, a punch to that smug face, Leon gingerly tightened the handkerchief around his paw so it would stay put as a makeshift bandage, his legs shaking as the rabbit's other paw rubbed at his groin. Leon tensed, huffing quietly as his dick was grabbed through his jeans. It had not been hard for the rabbit to locate, given that it was now at full mast again. "And you can keep the phone too, Sugar, it'll let me keep in touch with you privately. Got it?"

Leon glanced out of the frosted windows into the library proper, his mouth opening, and then closing again as his dick was stroked slowly through his jeans. He nodded once, and then watched mutely as the rabbit stood up, and closed the study room door. The lock clicked, and the rabbit smirked broadly at the big lion.

The lion was twice the size and weight of Blake, he could beat the queer senseless in under a minute, but when the rabbit disappeared under the table the lion whimpered like a kitten. Leon sat frozen as the rabbit slide up between his legs, nervously staring out at the library as deft paws unzipped his pants from under the table. "You might wanna watch the rest of your little video Sugar," the rabbit's voice said from underneath the table, his paws pulling the lion's low hanging nuts free from his jeans. "You'll be surprised how many of your friends made cameos before you showed up."

Leon turned the phone on, his breath coming in short gasps as warm lips touched his dick. The video was still queued up, and he hit play again. The sensation of his dick sliding into the warmth of Blake's muzzle combined with the video to make the lion's dick rock hard.

Blake's moan of approval as the lion got fully hard made the lion's dick vibrate, and Leon leaned back, spreading his legs as the showed his own dick sliding into the rabbit's round, bubble butt. The rabbit's lips pressed to the lion's balls, and on the video Leon hilted himself into that ass. It felt like the rabbit was trying to kiss his balls. The on-screen lion's balls were pressed against the rabbit's own dangling orbs.

Leon's head swam as Blake's skilled lips slid up and down his shaft. He should not be enjoying this. He should not be getting off on this. But... damn the rabbit could suck dick, and every time the slutty little faggot went all the way he did something with his throat that made it feel like he was milking the lion's dick. It was like he had no gag reflex at all... and based on what Leon was doing to him in the video his ass had no limits either. Leon watched his digital self as the naked golden furred lion power fucked the little white rabbit into the bed, his dick ravaging the bunny, who moaned in delight as Leon fucked him. Watching himself totally dominate the rabbit, using his whole body to fuck that rabbit who was now sucking him off... Leon pressed his paw to his muzzle, biting back a real life roar of pleasure as the lion's nuts unloaded into Blake's greedy muzzle. On the phone, the digital Leon tensed, cumming with a powerful roar.

Well... Leon thought in a hazy way as his load was swallowed, I did pound a fag's ass. I just used my dick to do it.


Blake hiked up over the hill behind Hadenview High with a spring in his step, humming as he enjoyed the sharp and tangy taste of lion cum in his mouth. He was running late, but DaddyBear's big grey limousine was still waiting for him, and besides it was worth it. He'd left Leon panting and gasping, balls emptied, and hopefully earned himself a little security. At least until the lion decided he didn't want to be blackmailed by a fag and outted himself as bisexual, a thought which amused Blake to no end.

As Blake got inside the limo, he was temporarily blinded. Not by a blindfold, or someone covering his eyes, though that would be a fun way to start this sort of secret liaison. No, the rabbit's eyes simply couldn't adjust quickly enough to the contrast between the bright, sunny afternoon outside and the dark interior of a tinted limousine. It was still spring, but the day was a hot one, and the bright heat of the afternoon sun made the cool darkness of the limo's interior feel like a cave that the rabbit had climbed into, and the door shut out the light behind him.

"Took you long enough to get here boy," a deep voice rumbled from the dark, "I was about to finish without you." Blake blinked the spots out of his vision, closing his eyes to force them to adjust quicker, and when he opened them was greeted by the sight of an older brown bear in a fancy business suit seated in the back seat holding a cell phone in one paw. The other paw was occupied, because the fly of the older bear's pants were open, and he was stroking a very hard erection. The bruin's heavy balls were spilling out of his pants to hang low against the luxury seat, and a glimmering bead of precum formed as the bear's paw stroking paw gave his dick a squeeze. "You know I hate resorting to doing this myself."

Blake's brain fixated on the sight of the congressman's big paw working his fat dick. The white rabbit stared, every fiber of his being focused on the dick in front of him as he shucked off his backpack and dropped to his knees. This was, frankly, the moment Blake lived for, that moment when he got to see someone else's penis.

The sight of another man's dick captivated the rabbit. Every time he saw one, it made his brain lock up. Everything he was doing just stopped, even breathing, and he just had to look. Anytime even a hint of someone's dick came into view, Blake felt simply compelled to look.

For Blake, being gay had always been a certainty. He'd known it from the moment he'd first seen one of his mom's boyfriends walk by naked, and the older rabbit's limp dick bouncing slightly as he walked captivated the younger male. He'd known he wanted to suck dicks from the moment he'd entered his first locker room and seen another boy's erection while changing. Then he'd found out how much more could be done with a man's dick, and there was no going back.

And now, Blake was presented once again with what might be his favorite dicks of all.

It wasn't the perfect dick. No, he'd seen better shaped penises, men whose tip and shaft was the ideal shape, with a flared crown and gentle upward curve. He had sucked off longer dicks too, servicing men whose cocks reached most of the way down his throat when Blake's chin touched their balls. But the esteemed congressman Barnes had one of his favorite dicks anyways. The bear's shaft was thick, with a arrow shaped head that didn't flare out much at all, and had no curve to it what so ever. No, Barnes's dick was like a battering ram, designed to spread open whatever warm hole was thrusting into, and force that hole to accommodate his massive girth. It was a dick designed to own somebody, and it belonged to a sugar daddy who knew how to keep a boy happy.

The white rabbit smiled up at the bear looming above him in the dark limo, and with an exaggerated motion swallowed nervously. To the bear, the rabbit's Adam's apple bobbed as if he were still, after months of doing so, worried about being able to handle taking the bear's tool.

And Blake was impressed by the bear's dick, but the truth behind his nervous swallow was far more fun, at least to the white cotton tail. Because what Blake actually done as he knelt in front of his next client was swallow the load of lion cum he had been holding in his mouth.

He'd kept Leon's spunk in his mouth as he snuck out of the school, savoring the taste of his conquest over the school quarterback, and only swallowed now because there was another set of balls before him which needed to be emptied.

It was a kinky, silly sort of thing to do, but Blake couldn't resist, and had savored the taste and feel of Leon's cum as he made the short hike to this deserted parking lot. The lion's jizz had been bitter and sharp, and sat heavily on his tongue, but Blake had kept it because it was his load now. He'd earned it from the lion, and now he was going to earn a second.

"Sorry Papa Bear, came as soon as I could." The white rabbit smirked at the glowering bear as his slender white furred paws took the thick bear cock from the larger ursine paws and began stroking the thick meat slowly, his lips kissing the bear's tip. "I almost got caught sneaking out," and that was all Blake said about his encounter with Leon before filling his muzzle with another man's dick.

This was, in Blake's opinion, the absolute perfect way to start sucking somebody's dick, with the lingering remains of another guy's load already in his mouth, and Leon's jizz provided a perfect lubricant for the bear's fat cock.

Congressman Barnes snorted, as if he actually knew what that comment had meant, the glow of his phone lighting his unhappy face. He did not like being kept waiting after all, powerful man that he was, but he shifted his legs open wider and his phone was dropped to the seat forgotten as the bunny began working his tool. Blake would have smiled at the sound of relief the bear made as he put a paw between the rabbit's ears and forced him to the hilt on his needy cock, had his jaws not being open so wide.

Things proceeded from that point just the way Blake expected them too. He bobbed his head up and down the bear's shaft, making theatrical gagging sounds whenever the congressman's paw pushed him fully down. The rabbit's gag reflex was long gone by now, but the good congressman huffed and moaned just the way Blake loved, so the rabbit put on a show for him in return. Barnes made just the right amount of noise when getting blown, his moans soft but deep, curses bitten off by a tightly closed muzzle. The bear's hips threatened to thrust, and those big strong paws gripped Blake's head, forcing his ears to lay back, but the bear let the rabbit set the pace. Soon, Leon's bitter taste was replaced by the sweet, honey like precum of the bear. The congressman's rich and sugary diet led to his spunk being sweet and tangy, without any of the sharp sour or salty notes some men's cum had. Blake loved finding out what a man's cum tasted like.

Blake altered his rhythm, using his fingers and lips to back the congressman's flow of precum up, while his tongue lapped at the bear's tip, working the bear up to the point where when Blake started stroking normally again he didn't just drool pre, but spurt thick globs of the sweet spunk from his tip onto the rabbit's tongue. The white rabbit repeated that at regular intervals, savoring his treats as Blake serviced his sugar daddy's needs. Barnes's body was shaking, his thick legs tensing up, and his dick throbbed as the rabbit's talented tongue and lips milked his dick. Blake began to rub his own dick through his shorts as the bear started to huff, his paws tightening their grip on the rabbit's head, a sure sign the bear was getting real close.

Then, the sharp, high-pitched ring of the congressman's discarded cellphone brought them both crashing back to reality.

Barnes jumped, cursed, and forced the rabbit to stop fellating him with one paw as he fumbled for the phone with the other. Blake stop with about three quarters of the bear's dick in his muzzle, and the sudden scent of fear tickled the rabbit's nose past the musky smell of the bear's groin.

The rabbit looked up with interest as the bear snapped, "Barnes here," with an angry, out of breath tone as the phone call connected.

Blake couldn't quite hear what was being said by the other person on the phone because his ears were laid back, but whoever it was, it must be important. Barnes usually ignored phones call during their sessions by putting the phone into private mode; there was simply too much risk in being caught by the Mrs. by answering casual phone calls at the wrong time. Say, when you're balls deep in an eighteen year old bitch boy's mouth.

So if this call was ringing through, now, it was one he had to take.

"Yes, this is he, what happened?" There was a long pause as the other person on the phone talked, and Blake began to gently rub the bear's fat nuts with a paw in order to make sure his sugar daddy stayed good and hard despite the moment of panic.

When he did though, the bear glared at him intently, a flash of real anger crossing his face. That rage was probably sparked by whatever the other person on the phone was saying, rather than by getting his balls fondled, but it was still a scary look from the big bear. Without speaking, the bear pushed the rabbit off his dick, snapped his fingers and pointed at the rabbit's shorts while mouthing the word, 'Strip'.

Blake's muzzle twisted into a grin, and he mouthed back, "Really?" Barnes just nodded sharply, and the white rabbit's butt wiggled as he fumbled out of his clothes as quietly as he could, making sure to give the congressman a good show as he stripped.

Barnes gave noncommittal replies and one word answers to whoever was calling as he unbuttoned his own shirt with one paw, letting it fall open, eyes fixed on the white rabbit's wiggling butt and fluffy tail as Blake stripped. When Blake was fully naked in the limo's back seat, he pulled his bottle of lube out of his bag and began to finger himself, his back to the bear as the congressman gave some long, complicated answer about community and fidelity or some such nonsense. Blake wasn't listening that closely to the words as he fingered his own prostate, but whatever the congressman had said it was hypocritical as hell because when he finished that little speech, he had to clamp his own muzzle shut to muffle a moan when the naked rabbit turned back and returned his eager mouth to the bear's dick.

Barnes's cock had not gotten even a little bit soft during their break; instead it was hard as a rock as the rabbit bobbed up and down that fat shaft. Blake was working quickly too, sucking as hard as he could, intent on making the congressman cum for the first time while he was still on the phone.

"I see... Well, we're going to have to meet and talk face to face about this I suppose," Barnes said in even, measured tones that were just barely controlled. The bear probably seemed to be holding back an angry tirade, when in reality he was holding back moans of pleasure as his balls tightened. The bear's big paw covered his mouth again when Blake's talented muzzle finally brought the congressman over the edge.

Blake closed his eyes as the dick in his mouth pulsed, and there was a warm gush of cum that filled the rabbit's muzzle. The bear really was pent up today; because he feed the rabbit a heavy enough load of sticky sweet cum that it escaped the rabbit's lips. Instead of swallowing, Blake let the bear's drip down his shaft, using his moving muzzle to coat the bear's shaft in his own load. Barnes kept himself admirably calm, given that he was having one hell of an orgasm, making it so that only Blake knew that he was in the throes of an amazing climax. The congressman expressed his ecstasy by grabbing the rabbit's ears and fucking the hell out of Blake's throat.

For Blake, that rough throat fucking made his own dick hard as a rock, and he had to take his paw away from his own dick so he didn't shoot right then and there all across the limo's back seat. Instead he saved himself, knowing that this little fuck session was far from over, and made sure the bear's thick cock was well coated with his own jizz.

The bear's orgasm passed, the call ended, and the congressman's cell phone was turned off completely. As that last little bit of light in the dark limo interior winked out, Barnes bore Blake's naked body to the floor and he took the rabbit with a roar of ecstasy and dominance. He pushed the rabbit down onto his back, spread his white furred legs, and pinned Blake like the bitch he was.

The rabbit squealed as if he were afraid, but he lifted his athletic legs and held himself open for his big daddy bear as he did so. This was what he loved most about the dirty old bear, he had absolutely no downtime in between orgasms. No other man could do this for Blake, they all went soft at some point, but not Barnes. Cumming just made the horny old bear even harder.

The rabbit gasped and wiggled his butt as the congressman's thick penis plowed into him, stretching him open roughly despite the fingering, the entrance rough because the bear's battering ram of a dick was lubed only with spunk and spit. Blake wrapped his slender arms around the bear's thick neck as Barnes hilted himself, balls deep, and for a moment the rabbit lost himself in the thrill of having an older man fuck him. The stud on top of him huffed and growled loudly, his hips jerking as the old bear began fucking his son's schoolmate like he was a cheap whore. They were doing it roughly enough that if the limosine's driver was around, there would be zero mistaking what was happening in the back seat now.

The whole back half of the car was shaking as the bruin plowed the rabbit's ass. Even his idiot son Tyler would know what Congressman Barnes was doing in the back seat of his limo.

The thought of the younger Barnes's angry face as he saw his dad fucking a dude made Blake even happier, and the white rabbit let his head fall back against the floor and he moaned loudly as the bear on top of him began to ravish him.

It was a real experience to be fucked like this too. The bear's belly rubbed his dick, and that fat cock punched his prostate hard with each thrust. The fur on the bear's chest was thick under Blake's paws, and the cloth of the congressman's jacket and pants rustling as they fucked rough and quick. Naked like this, the rabbit could feel the carpet of the limo rubbing painfully into his back fur as the big bear above him worked out whatever anger that call had caused. The rabbit wiggled and squirmed against that rough carpet and moaned like a bitch in heat as he was bred hard. It was even hotter knowing that when they were done, the black limousine carpet they were fucking on would be covered in tell-tale white rabbit fur.

Blake luxuriated in the feeling, the power of the bear between his legs. Barnes was huffing and moaning as he sunk his dick deep into the teenage rabbit on the floor of his limo, and that was music to Blake's big ears.

This was what Kyle didn't understand about being the bitch in a relationship. When you were somebody's bottom, you owned them, just like a girlfriend owned her boy. Blake controlled them through their balls, and this big male rutting between his legs, whose thick dick stretched the rabbit's hole open so wide Blake was surprised he could stretch that much, this bear was his in every way that matter. Blake only had to text him to make the bear's dick hard. One phone call and the bear would rush to Blake's side to give him exactly what the rabbit wanted, and with one email Blake could ruin the congressman's marriage, career, and reputation. Blake controlled the bear. He was Blake's, just like Leon was now, and any of the jocks he'd videotaped as they fucked him. The white rabbit wrapped his arms around the bear's neck and forced the congressman into a slow, passionate kiss as the bear neared climax.

Blake was definitely missing his next class.


Nick crouched, right paw forward touching the scrimmage line, a low growl rumbling in his chest as he waited. Under his helmet, his folded back ears twitched as Leon called the play in the bellowing voice he used on the football field. Across the line scrimmage, several huskies looked back at Nick with narrowed eyes.

The black wolf tensed along with the rest of the team, shifted his weight, and at the lion's shouted command, took the ball as it was handed to him and barreled forward with a snarl of anger. The defensive linemen who opposed him circled him, all four of the Hayes brothers leaping forward as well, trying to stop the bigger wolf as he began to run the ball.

On a normal day, Nick would have used footwork dodged some of them and used his size and strength to push the others out of his way. He'd have barreled through the line of defenders like a charging bull to gain yardage, possibly even breaking free of the pack of defenders to run the ball down the field. Even when the defensive coach put all four of the Hayes brother's against Nick, he could normally make some progress.

Today, that did not happen. He was tripped up, checked, and pushed back by the other canines, who circled him like sharks. Nick snarled and growled, stumbling barely a yard past the line of scrimmage before the defenders dogpiled him. The wolf went down under the collective efforts of the four huskies, their weight driving him to his knees once again. It had been like this all practice, over and over Nick failed to make anything like progress, causing Coach Barnes to blow his whistle and scream at the teams.

This time Nick howled with fury, throwing the ball down as he stomped back to the line, his face burning. Rage that had been boiling inside him all day was spilling over, and he was so angry he could barely see. One of the huskies elbowed him in the side, digging into his ribs below the football pads as they past back to their side of the line, and he very nearly turned to bite the dog. Nick was wheeling about when a paw grabbed the grill of his helmet and jerked his head back and down sharply.

"Nick!" Coach Townson snarled. "The hell is wrong with you?" Coach's voice was a splash of cold water in the face, and Nick's eyes widened. "You flash your fangs like that again, and you are off this team. You understand me?"

The big black wolf started to snarl something back, and Coach Townson slapped him in the chest, shaking Nick's head by the helmet. "Hey! Are you listening to me Nick?" The smaller wolf got right up close, his eyes intent on the big teenager and his tone filled with scorn. "Stop. Now. Whatever he did to make you this mad, it's not worth it." Coach Townson jabbed the padded chest plate over Nick's heart to emphasis the word 'He', glaring intently at his student. "Stop it."

The big black wolf froze, his thoughts shaken by the blow and the intensity of the look the older canine was giving him. Did Coach know? Coach knew... shame flooded through Nick, and the big wolf felt his tail droop down as his shoulders sagged. "Sorry Coach," he mumbled, face burning.

"Take five on the bench, Nick. Get your head on straight and we'll run this play again." Coach Townson said in a more normal voice, careful to keep the disappointment out of his tone.


The two halves of Hadenview's football team reformed their lines as Nick's replacement stepped onto the field. Keith watched the other wolf as he sagged onto the bench, helmet off.

Across the line, Kyle was watching his friend as well. Keith could hear the low, rumbling growl rise out of the tiger, and his eyes burned when he looked back at Keith.

The grey wolf swallowed, bracing himself for another hard hit. He had been placed in front of Kyle at the beginning of this practice game, and over and over again the tiger just barreled into him, knocking him away as he rushed down field. Unlike most times they practiced, the tiger wasn't trying to avoid the defending linemen, he just moved, and if Keith was in the way he got plowed under by the massive tiger.

Course Keith was supposed to get in the tiger's way, but usually Nick and Kyle showed some leniency to their teammates. They didn't go full tilt and flatten the defending line during practice. Today, the tiger was like a train, unstoppable each time he pounced across the scrimmage line. And the defensive coach had put Keith in front of Kyle as punishment for being late to practice.

Worse, the wolf's teammates were effectively abandoning him. Normally during practice games like this the defensive plays called for doubling up coverage on Nick and Kyle, trying to mimic how the two massive senior players would be blocked in an actual football game. Not today, today Keith's supposed partner Tyler was holding back, keeping as far away from the 'faggot' as he could. He even went so far as to block the wrong player on some plays, leaving a hole for the tiger to come barreling through and grind Keith into the dirt.

There was nothing Keith could really do about it either. Coach Barnes was screaming at the offensive line without making any real difference, and the Hayes brothers were focused on Nick. The four huskies made up the bulk of the team's defensive line, and they often switched positions to focus on the best players on the other team. It was a strategy which would never work in professional football, but it worked for Hadenview. Except now, with Tyler intentionally screwing up plays, Keith was simply on his own against a massive tiger that seemed ready to kill.

Leon started to bellow out the play, and Keith tensed, recognizing the calls. The ball was hiked, passed into the tiger's paws, and Keith did his best to hinder him.

It didn't matter though. The much bigger tiger smashed Keith into the turf without even pausing, and carried the ball thirty yards down field before the Hayes boys stopped him.


Nick's football pads were tight across his chest as he stormed his way back to the locker room along with the rest of the team. Or maybe it was his chest that was tight, the wolf didn't even know anymore.

Practice had been a flat out disaster. He had played like shit. He could see that now. Kyle had played like shit, like he was trying to prove something, and ended up screwing up plays they'd run a hundred times before. The offensive line was in shambles as their two key players gave their worst performances in years.

Worse, the whole damn defensive line was out of position, as all of them wanted to avoid being next to Keith. That's what had started all this, Nick thought as he trudged alongside his angry team mates, his eyes on the ground. The team was in disarray after Keith had been outted as gay. The locker room was a hotbed of tension, every practice after their big homecoming victory had been a bad one, and the stress was starting to show.

Nick hadn't been able to regain his composure, even after Townson's attitude adjustment. The big wolf's stomach churned as he remembered the look in Coach Townson's eyes. Staring into the angry eyes of the one teacher Nick truly respected, Nick had felt even worse than he had this morning when Kyle punched him. Coach knew about him and Kyle... somehow. Nick had no idea who would have told Coach, or how much he knew, but he definitely knew that the tiger and wolf were fighting, and why.

Coach wasn't mad that Nick might be gay... he hadn't thrown Keith off the team after all. He was mad the wolf was fucking up. And Nick didn't know how to stop it.

When he got to his locker, the massive Jack Russell terrier Tony was farther down the row of lockers, changing at his own locker. Nick tried to ignore the looks the big dog gave him, but it was hard to avoid seeing Tony. The damn terrier was just so jacked, and he'd just pulled off his shirt.

There was a moment where Nick looked at Tony, really looked at him, and the wolf had a disorienting flush of arousal. His eyes lingered on the terrier's bulging chest and washboard abs, and the sight made Nick's ears perk up as his libido took notice of just how good Tony looked. Once, he'd only felt kind of charge when checking out a girl, but now, the sight of Tony's thick muscled body...

On the other side of Nick, two lockers down from his own, Kyle appeared like a storm cloud. After a brief glance, the tiger pointedly opened his locker and started to change while definitely not looking at his best friend.

That made the hot flush Nick felt turn cold, and the wolf's stomach churned. The wolf's jersey came off in a rush and was tossed into his open locker, and he jerked off his pants and knee pads with a snarl. He haphazardly pulled his uniform off, ignoring his usual methods of undressing in his frantic need to change and be away from Kyle. He started fumbling with the clasps holding his shoulder pads on, the last piece of gear or clothing he was wearing, and couldn't make the damn things work. Nick was breathing too hard, and the straps were pulled tight against his body. The wolf sagged down onto the changing bench in front of his locker in frustration, the swirl of the locker room around him a haze as he stared at his fumbling paws.

Kyle was standing there just a foot away, close enough to touch, just as naked a Nick was. The tiger still wasn't looking at him. Still hadn't apologized. Still hadn't spoken a word to him all day, and yet Nick couldn't take his eyes off Kyle's ass. When he turned to get something from his locker, Nick's gaze went right to the tiger's dick, and that hot flush was back. Nick wanted to say something, to do something. He wanted to smack Kyle, or maybe grab the tiger and kiss him. Everything was wrong, and Nick didn't know how to fix it.


Blake padded his way down the hallway to the locker rooms after gymnastics, his butt still sore from its previous workout. He'd been careful during his routines not to aggravate the cut on the back of his paw from Leon or the love bite the bear had given him. Or to spread his legs too wide, because a hicky wasn't the only evidence the bear had left behind. He wasn't too sweaty after going slow, but he was definitely going to have to shower today to wash the cum out of his butt fur.

Ahead of him, Blake saw his fellow gymnastic Nathan nervously glance over his shoulder at the rabbit as they approached the locker room door together. There was an awkward moment as the dog hung back and let the rabbit approach the locker room on his own. The poor husky had no poker face, because Blake could read what he was thinking in the way his muzzle twitched and his ears drooped.

Nathan did not want to go into the locker room on his own, but it would be worse to come in alongside the school's most openly gay student, especially if he was sporting a brand new hickey. Blake shook his head a bit and rolled his eyes. The husky was one of the most nervous guys on the gymnastics team. Blake didn't say anything as he walked past Nathan though, because the rabbit felt sorry for Nathan. With those brothers of his, anybody who was small and slender would be nervous. The Hale brothers were always constantly hounding the runt of their litter. So Blake said nothing when the slender dog hung back, awkwardly waiting in the hallway as Blake went inside.

The rabbit took a deep breath, fixed his ears and tail into place, and pulled the locker room door open, walking in with his ears up and his tail neutral, as if nothing were wrong. As if he didn't have a load of spunk leaking from between his cheeks and hickey on his neck. Several people glanced up at his entrance, and then they hurriedly looked away. The locker room felt extra jumpy today, as if everybody was expecting a fight, and the reason was easy to see.

Nick and Kyle were not talking to each other, in that angry cold way that made it clear to everybody in the room that they were Not Talking to Each Other.

Nick was sitting on the changing bench, looking lost. Kyle was changing nearby while pointedly ignoring his best friend. Practice must have gone pretty badly for everyone else too, because the rest of the football team had angry looks on their faces. Keith looked like he'd been roughed up pretty badly during practice, and the Hayes brothers were glaring at him intently, looking just like a pack of dogs on the hunt.

The normally jovial jocks were ready for a fight, and Coach Riley was stomping around the locker room as if they'd just lost the state championships. All of them were avoiding Kyle's gaze, who looked mad enough that Blake was sure the big tiger was going to bite somebody if they so much as jostled him today.

Eager not to make the tiger even madder than he already was, Blake hurriedly grabbed his things out of his locker and ducked into a row of lockers which was reserved for another gym period, hoping to change out of sight of the tiger and the fuming football team. Behind him, Nathan slunk into the locker room, tail tucked between his legs and ignored by the fuming jocks.

The last row of lockers was not as empty as Blake expected it to be. Apparently, Rob had decided that being out of sight meant being out of mind as well. The palomino horse was in the middle of changing at the end of the row, where he was well hidden from the rest of the locker room. The horse's expression as Blake set down his bag and pulled off his gymnastics outfit made walking on eggshells all day totally worth it. The equine glanced at Blake, then hurriedly put his nose down, determined not to look at the rabbit at all. He danced on his hooves, big hands shaking as his ears flicked back and forth, listening to the angry mutterings from the football team as he pulled off his football pads.

Once he got the bulky pads off of course, the footballer was left with a dilemma. If the horse pulled the rest of his gear all the way off, he'd expose his ass to the rabbit. And Blake could see that Rob did not want to do that. Oh no, he wanted to do anything but flash his ass to a queer right now, with a veritable hornets nest of angry jocks just around the corner, so instead he sort of half turned, giving the rabbit just a side view of his junk as he pulled everything but his jockstrap off. He glanced at Blake a couple of times as he did this, and the rabbit wanted to laugh at how the horse would look at his ass in secret, but when the rabbit met his gaze he made a big show at being disgusted.

The horse was really putting on a show. He snorted and flashed the rabbit angry looks, as if at any moment the whole football team was going to come into this unused row of lockers and see then standing near each other, and Rob was going to make sure that they knew he didn't hang out with no queers. The only person who did try and come into their row of lockers was Nathan. The palomino made a big show of puffing himself up, as if he were going to try something, but the husky took one look at Blake and Rob and bolted for the new row over. The horse pawed the ground as if he'd single handedly won the homecoming game and glared at Blake even more as he changed.

It was insulting really, given how every time the rabbit did so much as look Rob's way, the horse was checking him out. Really, it's not like Blake cared what the horse thought. He'd dealt with worse from other jocks that freaked out after they blew their loads in his mouth. Blake could ignore the dramatics and angry snorts in between the longing looks at his underwear. Most guys like Rob came around after a while, once their balls needed to be emptied again. There was a reason why he hardly went a day without giving a blowjob to somebody at school after all.

Blake's muzzle twitched in a half frown as the horse intentionally pushed the rabbit's bag to the ground during one of his little 'I wasn't looking at your ass fag, don't look at me' tantrums.

Well then, if he wanted it that way.

Before the horse could wrap the towel around himself and run off to the showers, Blake calmly straightened his back, stepped towards the palomino, and grabbed the horse by the balls.

Rob jumped as good as Kyle had earlier, prancing backwards until he bumped into the wall of lockers. Pressed into a corner, he began to snort in fear, knees shaking as Blake's paw cupped and rubbed his nuts, squeezing them as if he were testing to see if they were ripe. Blake looked right into Rob's eyes, and the horse looked ready to scream, though he wisely kept his mouth shut.

"Don't mess with me, pony boy." Blake said with honey sweet words that only the horse could hear. "Everybody knows I'm a queer, and unless you want your fellow jocks to know you are too, you're gonna be a little nicer to me. Especially since you obviously want me to blow you again." The rabbit's other paw reached out and grabbed to the horse's bulging jockstrap, wrapping around the equine's rapidly expanding penis. Rob popped one hell of a boner in Blake's skilled paws, and the horse's jockstrap was in serious risk of a jock strap blowout.

"Don't... don't touch me man," Rob whickered, sliding along the lockers to get away from the bunny. Blake just held onto the horse's junk, and he quickly stopped trying to pull away. Whatever Rob wanted to do, the horse's cock did not want to leave Blake's paws.

"Sure, as soon as you can tell me that without popping a boner. Now run along stud, unless you want me to join you in the showers and take care of this for you," the rabbit said as he gave the horse's dick one last stroke before letting go. Rob gave a shudder, closed his eyes, and then rapidly shook his head. Then he turned and clip clopped off to the showers, furiously hiding his raging boner with his towel.

Blake had to suppress his laughter at the sight of the palomino prancing off, boner tucked between his legs, and finished getting undressed with a smile on his face. He would have to give the horse at least some time to shower before he headed in there himself. Blake didn't want to scare the horse off, not for good anyways. That little moment of hesitation on Rob's part as he actually considered getting a blowjob from the rabbit in the showers was a clear sign that he would be coming back to Blake for relief from the boner the rabbit's touch inspired.

Just like all the others had.

Once he had the row of lockers to himself Blake took his time undressing, which meant he wasn't in the way when the fight started.


"Hey! What the hell's your problem faggot?" Nick's head jerked up and he met Kyle's gaze, and for a second he thought the tiger had been the one shouting. Kyle's eyes widened and a look of shock flitted across his face.

Then, before either of them could say something, someone big went lumbering behind them both, pushing past them and further into their row of lockers.

"I warned you queer!" Tyler snarled as he stormed down the row of lockers, bearing down on his target. The sight of the charging bruin elicited a yelp from the much smaller Nathan, who was changing at the end of the row. "I told you not to look at me! I'm gonna grease you... hey!" Tyler pulled up short as the wall of muscle that was Tony stepped in his way. The Jack Russell terrier looked terrified of the bear, but Tony was almost entirely blocking Nathan from view. Nick caught just a glimpse of the frightened dog trying in vain to conceal the biggest boner Nick had ever seen, which had escaped from his underwear due to its sheer size. Thick as Nathan's wrist, the husky's schlong was down to his knees and rapidly rising as the little dog tried to hold it down. Then Tony's massive frame blocked the husky from everyone's view.

Tyler snarled as the big Jack Russel blocked him. "Get the hell outta my way, freak." When Tony didn't back down, Tyler slapped both his paws into the terrier's chest, shoving him back an inch. "Move you fag-"

Nick's temper snapped. He tore off his pads and launched himself to his paws with a growl. The wolf grabbed the bear back by his shirt and pulled hard. Tyler was wearing just an undershirt, his dick flopping as he spun around. "You idiot, the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Nick demanded.

Tyler's snarl made the wolf's hackles rise. "He popped a boner while staring at you! At me!" Tyler's teeth were showing, his lips pulled back from his fangs as he snarled.

"You fuck head, you think I care who looks at me?" Nick snarled back, his fangs barred like the bruin's were as he positioned himself between Tyler and the two canines behind him. They stood toe to toe, snarling at each other.

Nick hadn't actually expected Tyler to hit him. The blow came from the right, and Nick's vision spun when Tyler's paw connected with his face. The wolf's left arm came up to block the second swing, and then Nick's right fist lashed out instinctively. Nick's punch connected with Tyler's eye, and the bear staggered backwards, tripped over Nick's discarded pads, and feel on his ass in the middle of the locker room.

Nick loomed over Tyler, chest heaving. He wanted to keep hitting the bear. He wanted to pound on him until the pain in his chest went away. It was people like Tyler who made being gay something bad, the reason Kyle didn't want Nick to touch him. Why he couldn't just be-

"Thompson!" Coach Riley's snarl ripped through the stunned silence of the locker room as he shouted Nick's last name. "Get your ass in the shower and don't let me see you pull that shit again! Barnes! My Office, now!"

Nick looked up at Coach Riley, saw Coach Townson glaring at him over the head coach's shoulder, and then stormed off to the showers, naked and seething. The black wolf wasn't sure who he was madder at, himself or Tyler.


Blake got a damn good look at Nick as the wolf came barreling out of his row of lockers, knocking Tyler flat. Blake cursed, because there was no way for him to take a picture of Nick so he'd remember this moment perfectly forever. The black wolf was standing there, tall and massive, dick hard as he stood over Tyler Barnes. The bear cringed at the wolf's feet in just an undershirt, and Blake swore he saw the bear's dick twitch as he got a good look at a real alpha.

If this had been a porno video, Tyler would have been choking on Nick's dick in less than ten seconds, forced to worship his dick before it took the bear's cherry ass. Depending on the studio making the film, Tyler would have to blow everybody in the locker room as he was plowed and planted with a real alpha male's seed.

Blake sighed as the little scene was broken up by the coaches. Nick's expression of angry dominance collapsed into shocked, puppy like embarrassment, and then he stalked off shame face. Tyler's plaintive and desperate "but Coach!" fell on deaf ears. The older bear wasn't interested in the younger man's excuses.

When the dumb ursine tried to argue further, Coach Riley shouted, "Get your ass in my office right now, you damn idiot, or I will march you bare assed to Principle Chalmers! Understand me?"

Blake would have liked to see that, given the half boner that Tyler was now concealing with one hand, but the rabbit figured that now would probably be a good time to slip into the showers himself when everybody were looking at the show Tyler was putting on and not him.

So Blake followed Nick into the showers and as much as he really, really wanted too, Blake did not take the shower stall across from the angry naked wolf where he would be able to ogle the wolf dealing with his rage boner as he showered. No, the wolf was too on edge for that. He might have just defended Nathan, god knows why, but Nick wouldn't take kindly to the school queer hitting on him right now.

Besides, Blake had promised Kyle he wouldn't make a move on the wolf, and he wasn't going to actively ruin that for the tiger. Not when the rumors flying around school said Kyle was doing a good job of that on his own. Besides... there was someone else he wanted to tease today in the showers.


Chris felt a thrill of panic run up his spine as somebody came clip clopping into the showers at a near frantic pace. The leopard's tail twitched and he paused in the act of soaping himself up under the warm shower water. Without thinking, he nervously glanced out of his shower stall to see Rob come rushing in, hooves ringing as his towel slipped to reveal an obvious boner stretching out his jockstrap... Chris jerked his head back behind the curtain before the flustered horse saw him looking.

It was stupid to look out of his shower stall, everybody was on edge, and if he accidentally caught an eyeful of the wrong guy's junk and they were ready to fight, Chris might get a lot more than he bargained for. But Chris couldn't help himself, he looked out every time somebody came into the showers, frantically checking to make sure that it wasn't Kevin coming in after him.

The Dalmatian had basically cornered him out on the soccer field, pretending to ask Chris a question in between plays. The dog had begged the leopard to talk with him, to see him after school so Kevin could explain. Chris had almost said yes, because after what had happened with Sarah he owed the dog an apology. He realized now what a complete asshole he'd been by rejecting the dog and asking her out right in front of him, but... the Dalmatian's worried, nervous eyes had reminded Chris vividly of the night he had pushed Kevin down and made love to the dog.

Fucked the dog, whatever. He wasn't in love with Kevin, he couldn't be. He'd just... jammed his dick into the Dalmatian's ass, it had been fucking amazing, and now it was all he could think about when he jerked off. At least until he'd gotten blown by that hyena, and... Chris huffed, blushing furiously at himself as he stroked his resurgent hardon under the shower spray as the ghost sensation of having a penis in his mouth brought a renewed rush of blood to his groin. The damn thing would just not go down. He was surrounded by a half dozen showering, naked jocks all on a hair trigger, and his damn dick would just not stop getting rock hard.

Chris began panting again, his breath coming in ragged huffs as he washed himself for a third time, hoping to give his erection time to flag enough that nobody would notice it when he slunk off to the fur dryers and back to the locker room to change. What the hell was wrong with him? Was he gay like Kev was? His dick sure seemed to be making that argument, and he hadn't exactly acquitted himself in a manly fashion with Sarah... god she thought he was gay for sure. But he wasn't... was he? The leopard's chest felt tight as for the first time since he'd struck out with Sarah, he was forced to confront what he'd done by his erection. He couldn't be gay. He couldn't be. He'd had girlfriends, girls he'd fucked. Okay, only the one time, but still. He was a dude. A jock. He was captain of the soccer team... A team which, apparently, was full of guys who liked to do more than play with balls, since both his best forward and goalie were queer. And he fucked Kev. He'd fucked his best friend, another dude.

A dude who had apparently sucked off nine other guys. Kevin was queer and a slut, and... Chris had sucked off a guy, a totally random guy. He'd had that hyena's penis in his mouth after knowing him for just ten minutes and... The leopard growled in frustration as his dick sprang to life again. It would just not go down! And he couldn't jerk off to make it go down! Not now! Somebody would see, somebody would hear, or smell it, he...

The sound of angry shouting and footsteps made him look out again, and this time it was Nick storming past, followed by somebody else. In an effort not to look at the wolf's junk, which was swinging free as a bird as he stalked to the last shower stall, Chris instead meet the eyes of the person following Nick by accident.

Blake smiled back at him with a sunny expression that brightened when the rabbit pointed looked down, saw the boner the leopard was swinging between his legs, and grinned even wider. "Hey there Chris," the rabbit mouthed, and then he gestured as if he wanted to help the leopard with his... problem down there.

The leopard's eyes widened in fear, he jerked his head back, and his paws began furiously washing the soap out of his fur. Blake pointedly took up the stall across from the leopard so he could watch the bigger cat shower.

Chris tried to wash the soap from his fur as if nothing was wrong, but his tail kept twitching. Whenever he glanced over his shoulder, Blake was standing there under the water, smiling at him. The white rabbit's wet fur was shiny and slick, and highlighted his lithe athletic body even more than usual, and the dark bruise of a hickey he had on his neck. It also made his pink erection even easier to see. And the rabbit was definitely sporting an erection, a hard six inches which he started stroking whenever the buff leopard across from him was watching. The way the rabbit grinned at him reminded Chris vividly of the last time he had seen Blake smile, when he still had another dude's load smeared across his face.

That alone made sure that the leopard's erection didn't flag for even a moment as he hurriedly finished showering, wrapped his towel tightly around his waist so it pressed his erection down against his leg, and turned to head for the fur dryers.

When he turned around to leave the stall, Chris was treated to a very explicit sight, and he stood there dumbstruck for a moment as Blake posed for him lewdly. The rabbit had his back to Chris, his spade tail was up, and Blake was slowly fingering himself while jerking off. The rabbit's head was twisted to look backwards, and his eyes met Chris's gaze. Gaze fixed on the leopard, Blake slowly spread his cheeks wide with both paws and wiggled his rump, as if inviting the leopard to throw caution to the wind and come fuck him right then and there.

Chris chuffed, whiskers fanning out as his dick tented out his towel. He stared at Blake, mouth dropping open slightly at the wanton invitation the rabbit was giving him. For just a moment, the leopard was sorely tempted to just do it. He could cross the shower room, close the curtain behind him, and shove Blake against the tile wall and just... fuck him. Get in there and fill the rabbit's pink hole with his erection and make the throbbing need in his balls go away. He could bite the rabbit on that bruise and fill him up, sink into what was certainly a well-used hole and use it as hard as he wanted too. The leopard began to take a rolling step forward, when a soft squeaking sound, followed by a purr made him jump.

Behind him, two more people had come into the showers, Nathan the skinny little husky who did gymnastics and Brian the tall mountain lion on the wrestling team. The husky had yipped in surprise, and was quickly growing red at the sight of Blake's turned out rump, while the cougar was making a bee line towards the rabbit's stall.

Chris slunk away, ears hot as he and Nathan avoided looking at each other, but there was no way he could avoid seeing the husky's surprisingly impressive erection tenting his towel. Nor could Chris hide his own boner as it did the same thing.