Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 140

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#140 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Art Used In Preview By https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=13745886 https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3852482 https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=153991

Chapter 140 - Three's Company - Part 2

Letting the girls wash their faces off in the sink, when Serenity took her turn and bent over Chris stepped up behind her and grabbed her hips, moving her skirt aside making the Pokemon jolt in surprise with an "eh?!" before feeling his member thrust along her crack, making her grip the sink and bite her lip as he pressed her cheeks together around his girth. "Love this butt..." Chris praised before giving his member a hard thrust, causing Serenity to arch and gasp before shuddering. "N-Not do that..." she cooed excitedly, only for him to do the same thing again making the Pokemon arch a second time, biting her lip with a whimper. "I can do what I want, right?" he asked, the Pokemon looking back before lowering her head and obediently sticking her butt further out. "Rub it for me." Chris instructed, getting a nod before Serenity started grinding her butt against his length. "L-Like this?" she asked. "Good girl." he responded, the words causing the Pokemon to flush as she put more effort into his order. Letting out a sigh, Chris let out an "oh yeah" in a pleasured tone, looking down and suddenly giving Serenity a hard smack on her cheek making the Pokemon shout in surprise and shudder, followed by an excited moan of sorts in response. "D-Do again..." she asked, glancing back with an aroused fire in her eyes. "H-Hard as can... Smack it." she added. Grinning from her request, Chris started giving Serenity what she wanted, smacking her other cheek as well. Doing this again and again, her butt started turning red from his punishment, the Pokemon gripping the sink as tightly as she could and shouting things like "more!!" and "yes!!" repeatedly from getting spanked by her master, yearning to feel his hand strike her for being bad with her eyes rolling from the sensation.

When he finally stopped, Chris said a quiet "nice" as he looked at her reddened cheeks, giving them a rub and pressing them together around his girth as Serenity whimpered and shuddered, biting her lip. "So..." he paused, leaning over her and holding the Pokemon's chin. "You won't talk up to me again, will you...?" he asked in a soft, arousing yet assertive tone, a quiet yet commanding depth to it as he touched her with a gentle, yet somehow firm grip that made Serenity feel weak at the knees. "I-I not... I not talk again..." she assured, nodding obediently as he softly squeezed her cheeks, making her lips pucker. "You'll listen to me from now on...?" he added, speaking with his lips close enough to hers to allow Serenity to feel his breath, causing the Pokemon's heart to race a mile a minute. "I-I obey... D-Do anything." Serenity affirmed, his voice draining her will because of the assertive yet seductive way he was treating her, the Pokemon's body continuing to shudder against him. "Always remember, you're mine..." Chris affirmed, making her eyes widen before facing down with a flush on her face. "Y-Yes... I yours." Serenity replied quietly, only to have him thrust his member into her crack, making her arch with a gasp and look in the mirror again, trembling with a coo. "Look at me when you say it. Say you're mine." he ordered before licking along the side of her neck, making her whimper as her legs trembled. "I-I yours... I yours, I yours!!" she panicked as he gazed at her in the mirror. "You remember that." he affirmed before he started sucking on her neck. "Start grinding again." he ordered, Serenity nodding as she stuck her butt out once more and grind along his girth, her nails digging into the sink until he suddenly slurped on her neck as hard and loud as he could, making Serenity freeze and let out a scream of arousal from the sensation.

"A-Again!! Please again!!" she begged, causing Chris to chuckle before he slurped on her neck the same way a second time, the Pokemon gritting her teeth and nearly collapsing when he pulled his lips away with a juicy smack, held up by his grasp as she lay across the sink panting. "Weren't you supposed to be working to make ME feel good?" Chris teased, making her give a weak apology as he backed away, watching her legs wobble as the Pokemon tried to collect herself. "U-Um..." Rose called out, causing him to pause and turn to the rabbit as she stood fidgeting eagerly. "Forgetting us, are we?" Alicia scowled, her tail fidgeting in its own way as both showed a blush on their faces. "S-Sorry..." he apologized with a nervous laugh. Raising herself up, Serenity stood silently with her face down before turning and suddenly grabbing Chris, pressing her lips against his causing his eyes to widen in surprise, freezing up slightly. "H-Hey!" Rose complained. "Come on..." Alicia grumbled, unknowingly revealing how much she'd started wanting involvement too. "I-I yours. I yours!" Serenity repeat, kissing him again and again with her arms around him, her mind snapped from the way he'd seduced her and asserted himself. "Enough!!" Alicia ordered, pulling Serenity back with her vines making the Pokemon struggle and reach out to him, wanting to continue making out with Chris to show her devotion. "D-Did I really do that?" he laughed with slight sweat on his face as she slowly calmed down in the snakes grasp. Once Alicia felt she could be trusted, she released Serenity leaving her standing in the same manner as Rose, fidgeting excitedly while giving Chris looks of desire. "I just flirted a little..." he thought to himself, looking at the others as all three subconsciously focused on his member remaining up before them.

"S-So what next?" the rabbit asked. "W-Want to do more." Serenity nodded. "Now you're into it huh?" he teased, the Pokemon glancing at Alicia with a scowl before nodding. "N-Not like it with her, but..." Serenity fidget, looking at him. "Y-You do really good things..." she added, biting her finger as she held herself back. "Good heavens, all he did was touch and whack you." Alicia point out, making Serenity scowl. "I thought this bunny here was the strange one, yet here you are being a glutton for pun...!!" the snake added, cut off when she felt Chris touching her neck and dragging his fingers along it, causing her to freeze up and shudder wide eyed. "What was that about just being touched?" he asked, causing Alicia to jolt and pull away before opening her mouth to argue, an embarrassed flush on her face only to freeze again when he started teasing her chin with the tips of his fingers. "Tickle tickle..." Chris grinned, the snake trying to glare at him only for her eyes to glaze over and roll slightly as he toyed with her, eventually getting Alicia to let out her purr-like hiss of pleasure as her body relaxed. Finally pulling his hand away, the snake snapped back into reality and blinked at him before scowling. "You're horrible." she grumbled. "You love it." he smirked before Serenity and Rose approached and rubbed against his sides. "Wh-What do now?" Serenity asked. "We wanna make you happy." the rabbit added. "You mean you want me to make you feel good?" Chris smugly teased, calling them out making both scowl as he faced Alicia, the snake raising an eyebrow. "What?" she asked, watching as he made his way around her and stopped near her tail. "Raise it up." he instructed, causing her to jolt. "E-Excuse me?" Alicia asked. "Raise your tail." Chris replied, causing her to glance away in a nervous and embarrassed manner.

"...You want to see "that" don't you?" she asked. "Raise it." he repeat. Letting out a groan, Alicia nodded and did as told, slowly lifting her tail. "Higher, higher... Come on." Chris ordered, making her raise it up more and more until he was satisfied. When her slit raised from the floor, countless trails of arousal stuck between it and her slit, almost a small puddle of wetness beneath her exposing how turned on she'd gotten from what they'd already done. Looking at her slit itself, it looked like it was struggling with all its might to stay shut, having swollen and turned a slight red as Chris reached out, feeling an intense heat coming from it despite Alicia's cold blooded nature. "Wow... Not bad!" he praised. "Sh-Shut up!!" Alicia snapped, facing down with her eyes tightly shut in humiliation. "I can't believe how hot it is... I bet if I licked it you'd open right up." Chris teased, causing Alicia to gasp and shudder before shaking off her excitement. "D-Don't say things like that..." she replied, glancing back at him with a "do it" look in her eyes despite her agitated front. Stepping up to her slit, the snake watched him lean toward it, only to pause as he teased her with the tips of his fingers instead, poking the puffy vulva around her slit. "You got this turned on from doing stuff together?" he asked. "I-I was only watching her get what she deserved..." Alicia affirmed. "Oh? You mean watching Serenity getting spanked got you worked up?" he grinned. "S-Stop talking!! I don't know!!" the snake snapped in frustration, Serenity glancing behind herself and rubbing her butt. "T-Turn me on..." she muttered, Rose looking up and giggling. "Not so bad, is it...?" she asked, causing Serenity to flush and face away with a quiet "sh-shut up" from the remark.

"You girls are a lot kinkier than I imagined." Chris grinned. "Are you doing it or not?! Get out from back there then!!" Alicia snapped, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Says the snake with her tail still in the air." he point out with a "gotcha" smirk, the snake stuttering and letting out a frustrated groan. "W-We told you we'd do what you asked. That's all this is." she reminded. "So... It doesn't matter if I lick you or not...?" Chris asked, putting Alicia through her own inner turmoil. "It's sure oozing back here... The way it's swollen can't be too comfortable." he added, suddenly dragging his fingers through her slit before showing them off to Alicia, her arousal covering his hand. "I can scoop this much even with it shut tight... I bet you've got a ton backed up in there." he went on, making Alicia flush and look away, only to be drawn in when she noticed him licking his hand. "I gotta say this much, you girls are tasty." he winked, making all three show a wide eyed look before he put his finger in his mouth. "C-Can taste me if want." Serenity offered, subtly moving her skirt aside. "I-I wouldn't mind at all." Rose agreed, fidgeting with her hands between her legs as both bit their lips eagerly. Looking at them as all three gave him looks of lust in their own ways, Chris stood and rubbed his chin, muttering "choices, choices..." before Serenity walked up to the sink and bent over, brushing her skirt aside exposing her butt before spreading her lips apart with her fingers. "S-See? I-I do this for you! W-Want you to lick..." she coaxed while Rose walked over to the tub and sat on the side of it, spreading her legs before using her fingers to do the same, spreading her lips and presenting herself. "Y-You can lick mine as much as you want..." the rabbit smiled shyly as a jackpot machine went off in Chris's mind, his inner self beaming.

"Th-That's...!!" Alicia panicked, frustrated over the two luring him away from her. "What's up?" Chris asked, looking at the snake as she flushed and glanced away. "I-I can't perform like they can... B-But..." she paused, repositioning herself so she could hold her tail up in front of her. "Y-You... Y-You may." she tried to coax, flushing from her embarrassment. "I-I offer it to you!!" she added "D-Don't make me lower myself..." she muttered, glancing away in her own shy manner. "If you don't like doing it, what's with the look?" Chris asked, walking up to the snake and touching her now puffy vulva. "Nice and soft..." he praised, leaning his face toward her slit. "M-Me..." Serenity called out, causing him to pause and look at her as she started slipping a finger inside herself. "N-Need!" she added, wanting to be the first he licked as she looked back at him, remaining bent over submissively. "M-Me too... Please?" Rose asked, causing him to turn as she sat on the tub with her leg now up along the side of it, making her look even more spread for him as she rubbed herself, both glistening from their arousal dripping from their womanhood's. "S-Stop that!!" Alicia snapped in frustration, her body shuddering from having Chris advance toward her and put his hand on her slit only to be distracted by the others again. Looking up at her, he showed a smirk making her jolt and face away. "Wh-What? Don't look at me that way." she grumbled with a blush. "You don't want to lower yourself, right?" he asked. "O-Of course not." she affirmed before he made her lower her tail, allowing him to step up closer and reach up to her face. "Come here." he instructed, the snake looking at him before lowering her face to his.

"Y-Yes?" she asked, only for her eyes to widen when he put his hand on top of her head. "Further down." he replied, the snake blinking at him before lowering her head further. "Keep going, keep going..." he affirmed, pushing down on her head until her face was right in front of his member, causing her face to flush brightly and freeze up. "Start kissing it." he ordered. "E-EH?!!" Alicia panicked as he looked at the others. "You girls keep rubbing yourselves and watch." he added. "If you stop, we won't do anything else." he warned with a wink, causing both to blush as well. "I-I'm not putting on a show!! That's...!!" Alicia tried to argue, only to pause when he touched her cheek, looking down in her eyes making her go silent. "You belong to me too, right...?" he asked, causing the snakes heart to skip a beat as she flashed back to the way he'd treated Serenity and asked her the same thing. "You don't wanna lower yourself, but I think it's pretty sexy... You're mine, so come on... Kiss it." he repeat. "I'll make it worth doing, trust me. The wetter you girls get, the more I'll have to drink." he added, causing Rose to moan excitedly behind him while eagerly rubbing herself, Serenity biting her lip and nodding as she did the same. "See? They don't have a problem obeying." he point out, Alicia letting out a groan as she looked at his member. "M-Must I...?" she asked, looking up at him with a shy blush as he smiled and softly rubbed her cheek. "Be good and I'll suck on yours extra hard." he promised, making the snake shudder excitedly. "Y-You're a dog." she grumbled, trying to maintain her front only for Chris to pull her face against his member. "And you're my girl." he added, the words making the snake feel weakened as she looked at his member again.

Keeping his eyes down at her, Chris rubbed his length against her cheek, causing Alicia to bite her lip excitedly. "Kiss it all over, the balls too... Kiss every inch." he instructed, the snake remaining silent before finally responding with a "fine" using a begrudging front, letting out an "ugh" to further try hiding her excitement as she started kissing his girth, starting with his tip before tilting her head and kissing along his length. "Atta girl, yeah." Chris praised, rubbing her head making Alicia blush as she tried to maintain an agitated look. "That's really hot too, keep that up." he added, looking at Serenity as she fingered herself deeply and pinched her clit. "L-Like that? You like?" she pant. "A lot." Chris nodded as she pulled her finger out and suddenly licked it for him, making his member throb causing Alicia to jolt in surprise. "F-Focus on me!!" she snapped, only for Chris to push his tip against her lips. "Trust me, I am." he assured, looking down at her as she growled before continuing to kiss his length, adjusting her head so she could start kissing all over his sack. "O-Ohh yeah!" Chris moaned, his legs shuddering as her lips pecked him again and again. Looking back, he saw Rose panting as she rapidly rubbed her slit and chest, her eyes closed as she bit her lip and let out a quiet moan of her own. "Now THAT is a real good show." he praised, causing Rose to look at him with dazed eyes. "H-Huh?" she replied weakly. "You better keep watching us though. No closing your eyes." he insisted, the rabbit nodding as she continued toying with herself as ordered while he returned his focus to Alicia, the snake glaring at him in frustration as she continued kissing all over his girth. "Tasty, isn't it?" he asked. "D-Don't get coc...!!" she tried to snap, only to cut herself off when she thought of what was in front of her face and what she was doing.

"Go ahead, say it." Chris grinned, causing her to glance away with a frustrated growl. "You know, I think it'd be nice to hear you say it too." he suddenly point out, the snake looking up at him with an "eh?" as he touched her cheek. "Say you're mine. You know, that you belong to me too." he instructed, causing her to stutter and flush. "Th-That's sinking me TOO low!!" she insisted, only for them to hear a quiet voice from behind Chris causing both to look curiously. "What was that?" he asked, looking at Rose as she gave him a dazed look. "I-I belong to you... I'm yours." she replied before giving him a smile full of yearning, holding her dripping fingers out before continuing to rub herself. "I'm ALL yours..." she added with an excited giggle. "M-Me too. Y-Yours." Serenity agreed, looking back at him as her legs trembled, her arousal starting to drip along her inner thighs. "D-Do anything want to me." she added. "Wh-Why you..." Alicia growled, the two working against her as she looked back up at Chris with a scowl. "Y-You're a beast." she added. "I'm YOUR beast." he replied, brushing his thumb along her lips. "And... You are...?" he asked, pushing her for a response as he rubbed his tip against her cheek. "I-I'm..." the snake stuttered, blushing from arousal yet showing agitation in her eyes from the treatment as they looked at one another. "You're...?" Chris repeat, sliding his hand under her chin and raising her up toward his face causing her eyes to widen. "I-I-I... I..." she stuttered even worse from looking at his eyes so closely. Leaning his lips toward hers, Chris let the snake feel his breath against her mouth. "Say it..." he insisted quietly, his tone and touch making the snake shudder from head to tail. Working her like a snake charmer, Chris let his breath and touch do most of the work, caressing Alicia's cheek and whispering "go ahead" as his breath touched her lips once more.

Getting another stuttered response as her will strained to resist, Chris coaxed her into rising using his fingertips beneath her chin, further charming the snake and granting him access to her neck. "Say it and I'll stop teasing you." he instructed, opening his mouth and using his teeth to tenderly scrape along her neck, finally getting a moan out of Alicia as her tail tensed up, her slit excitedly reacting to him beneath her. "Say it..." he affirmed again, giving her a long lick up her neck making Alicia whimper and bite her lip. Watching him lick her, Serenity and Rose grew all the more excited, calling his name in weakened tones as they eagerly dripped for him, the sight of his tongue on Alicia's neck making their insides feel cramped from waiting. "I-I'm..." Alicia pant. "Yes?" Chris asked, looking up before opening his mouth and tormenting her will using his teeth again before suddenly latching his lips onto her neck and sucking on it, letting out subtle slurping noises while doing so that drove Serenity and Rose all the more crazy, picturing him doing the same between their legs making them shudder with even more desire, their fingering and rubbing becoming frantic as they struggled to wait while he pulled away with a loud and juicy smack making Alicia shout before lowering her head, giving him a teary eyed and weakened look as she shuddered worse than before. "Say you're mine..." Chris insisted, holding her cheek. "I-I..." she trembled before jolting when he gave her a tender kiss on the lips. Pulling away, the snake finally responded with a quiet "I'm yours" in response. "What was that?" he asked, making the snake groan before he kissed her again, this time a longer one as a tear streamed out from the side of her eye as though she were losing her innocence.

"I-I'm yours." she repeat louder. "You belong to me?" Chris asked, continuing to push her as he kissed her again, following it with another kiss as her teary eyes rolled up in a daze. "I-I'm yours. I b-belong. I belong!" she answered. "To who...?" Chris whispered against her lips, the snake shivering in defeat. "T-To you..." she affirmed as he wiped her tear. "That's a good girl." he chuckled, licking her tear off his finger. "Y-You beast. You're a beast." she swooned. "Say it one more time." he coaxed, brushing his lips against her own as Alicia responded with a weakened and drawn out "no--o" and "don't make me" as he gave her lip a bite, causing the snake to shudder and whimper. "Do it... Who do you belong to again...?" he insisted before nibbling along the snakes chin. "O-Oh my... Oh my...!!" Alicia muttered, biting her lip excitedly as the girls continued rubbing themselves in a frantic manner, biting their lips and whimpering in their own excitement. "I-I'm yours! I-I belong to you..." she repeat submissively. "Yours... Yours! I'm yours already, alright?!" she added before suddenly lunging forward, pushing Chris to the floor on his back as she loomed over him teary eyed and flushed. "You're... You're horrible! Treating me so badly..." she repeat before lowering her face. "And yet I... I love it... You're horrible..." she confessed before taking it upon herself to eagerly kiss him. "H-Horrible... Horrible." she repeat between her kisses. Finally pulling away, Alicia shuddered as she let her breath waft against his lips the way he'd done to her, about to raise up only for him to hold her cheeks. "Ch-Chris..." Serenity called out, causing him to pause and look her way. "I-It hurt, it hurt too much. I yours too! I-I belong s-so... Help..." she begged, showing her womanhood practically oozing. "P-Please. I need!!" she added. "M-Me too. I'm yours like they are... It's torture." Rose whimpered, showing how sticky her fur had gotten between her legs.

Showing a smirk, he looked back at Alicia who remained teary eyed. "I-I too ache... Do something." she confessed as he caressed her cheeks. "It's your fault... Be responsible." she added, gazing into his eyes as he leaned up and kissed her again, the snake closing her eyes until he pulled away. "I'll make all my girls happy." Chris assured. "Being down here actually gives me an idea... Serenity, come here." he instructed while coaxing Alicia back, the snake moving aside as the Pokemon approached. "You too Rose, over here." he added, the rabbit doing as told. "Wh-What now?" Serenity asked. "I'm gonna have even more fun with you. Stand over me." Chris smirked, causing her to blush. "S-Stand over...?" she asked, looking at the others in embarrassment before doing as told. "N-Now what?" she added, looking down only for Chris to shake his head. "No, not over that. Stand over my face and turn around." he instructed, the Pokemon letting out an "eh?!" before groaning shyly and obeying. Once she was positioned right, Chris had a clear view up her skirt. "Now... I want you to squat down, right over my face." he finally revealed, causing Serenity's eyes to widen. "Oohhh!" Rose exclaimed, giggling excitedly while Alicia faced away. "You truly are showing what a pervert you can be..." the snake muttered, quietly adding "I should be first..." under her breath. "Don't worry, I'll get to all of you."Chris assured as Serenity bit her lip nervously. "I-I not know about this..." she replied. "Do it." he ordered, the Pokemon letting out an embarrassed groan before slowly lowering herself over his face. "Come on, lower... Lower..." Chris instructed. After a moment, Serenity finally had her womanhood squat just inches over his face, concealing him with her skirt as he watched her drip.

"Nice... That's what I'm talkin' about..." he muttered as Serenity shuddered. "Th-This too embarrassing..." she complained. However, next thing she knew the Pokemon felt him pressing his nose into her slit, his hands gripping her thighs as he took a deep breath making her let out a startled shout, a flush spreading across her face as she tensed up. "Mmm... Always so musky after a trip..." he point out. "Sh-Sh-Shut up!! N-Not talk about smell!!" Serenity panicked, about to raise up only for Chris to keep her pulled down, taking another breath with his nose pressed even further into her slit. "I really love it though." he praised, causing her heart to skip beats. "Yeah... A nice SEXY musk... Nice and hot..." Chris went on causing her to groan in humiliation yet continuing to flush from the praise. "Y-You dirty..." she muttered. "So are you, this smell..." he point out. "Th-Then let off!!" Serenity snapped, about to raise only for Chris to yank her back down, following the act by suddenly slurping his mouth over her womanhood and sucking on it as hard as he could, making Serenity scream wide eyed in surprise. "The talk is crude but..." Alicia muttered, subtly grinding her tail on the floor. "It's hot..." Rose added, fidgeting eagerly. "T-Too much!! Too much too much!!" Serenity panicked, trying to get off as Chris hungrily sucked on her womanhood, drawing out her arousal from her depths before pulling away with a slurp-like pop, causing her to gasp and let out a dazed groan of relief as her legs trembled. "You girls licked and sucked me clean, it's only fair I do the same." he point out. "Besides, the flavor's outta this world. I love it." he added, Serenity looking behind herself with a weakened "e-eh?" only for it to draw out into a squeal when he slurped his mouth back over her womanhood for another round of powerful sucking.

Letting out random things like "mm" and "so good" as he drained the Pokemon, purposely and proudly letting her know how much he loved it fresh, Serenity's eyes rolled as she grit her teeth, groaning and gasping from the intensity he was putting into his feasting frenzy. Giving her the attention she begged for, Chris put all the passion he could into his task, making juicy smack after smack each time his mouth pulled away getting the same gasps and arches from Serenity only to put her through the same intense pleasurable torment over and over, his tongue rapidly working her labia as the suction pulled them into his mouth and thrashing about in her depths. Losing the strength in her legs, she found herself sitting directly on Chris's face, drool beginning to drip from her chin as she struggled to breathe. When he finally felt satisfied, he pulled his mouth away one last time with another smack, looking at her womanhood as it throbbed and convulsed before letting her collapse over his body, her face near his member as she tried to catch her breath, limply resting atop him as his head popped out from her skirt. "Whoo... Good stuff." he smirked. "Your face is filthy..." Alicia point out. "Gonna get messier when I come after you." he affirmed, causing the snake to stutter before facing away with a blush. Coaxing Serenity off, the Pokemon weakly crawled her way toward the tub, her legs and arms wobbling as Chris watched. However, lured in by the sight of her state, he followed behind and suddenly pushed her down, making Serenity shout in surprise before he crawled over her. "Wh-What doing?" she panicked, looking back at him. "You looked too good to resist." Chris smirked, brushing her skirt aside so her butt was exposed making Serenity whimper.

"Wh-What going to do?" she asked, only to get a "shh" from Chris as he spread her cheeks, exposing her tiny hole. Pressing the tip of his member against it, Serenity immediately started panicking, reaching back with a "not there!!" shout. Suddenly pushing his tip hard against it, feeling her hole twitch and pucker tightly in resistance, this made the Pokemon freeze and grit her teeth before giving him a teary look. "P-Please, not there..." she begged in a more submissive tone, causing him to smirk. "Why not...? You afraid?" Chris teased, causing her to nod with a meek "mm hm" in response. "Good... You should be." he affirmed, causing her to blush and whimper a second time,pushing his tip against her hole again making it clench tightly shut. "P-Please... I say please..." Serenity pleaded, her body trembling beneath him as he leaned over her. "You deserve it though..." he point out, making her bite her lip. "I-I let spank me again. H-Hard as you want!! P-Please, just not put it in there..." she begged once more. "You want me to spank you because you like it... That's not a punishment." Chris affirmed, making Serenity coo beneath him. "I-I not like it... I not." she replied before he lay his body over hers, making the Pokemon stay sprawled out on the floor beneath him. "You're a bad girl Serenity, I should put it in..." he teased before he started grinding and thrusting his girth through her crack, making her shudder and moan. "Th-That!! D-Do that... That okay." she nodded. "This...?" Chris grinned before suddenly thrusting his length roughly into her crack, making Serenity arch and moan beneath him. "L-Like that, yes. R-Rub it, not put in." she shuddered, trying to relax beneath him.

"What's with that wench getting the attention?" Alicia grumbled as Rose fidget, looking up at the snake with an "eh?" as she glanced away. "He made me submit then left me on the side..." she added before looking at the two on the floor again, noticing Chris's pants working their way off his butt as he grind and thrust about on Serenity's crack, causing her to flush wide eyed before glancing away again and grumbling once more, subtly tossing looks at his butt with a look of hunger only to bite her lip and resist. "I think it's kinda hot..." Rose replied. "Of course, you think this whole thing is alluring, YOU set it up." Alicia reminded, causing the rabbit to scowl. "Why don't you just come out and say doing something for him annoys you then?" Rose point out, causing the snake to open her mouth only to close it and glance away silently. "I never said that..." she muttered. "Then stop acting that way and wait your turn. It's about him, not us this time. Let him have his way for...!!" the rabbit tried to affirm, only for both girls to jolt when they heard Serenity let out a loud scream. "N-No!! Not that!! Not that!!" she shout loudly, suddenly flailing and kicking her legs about and trying to claw at the floor, only for Chris to hold her down. Blinking in surprise, the two saw him sucking on Serenity's horn sticking out of her back, dragging his tongue along it and slurping along its edge making her eyes widen and teeth grit. "N-Not...!! Can't take!!" she added, freezing up when he gave the tip the hardest suck he could before she resumed kicking and struggling beneath him. "It too much!! Too much too much!!" she cried out in panic, her face flushing from the intensity before they saw him give her horn a squeeze, making Serenity's eyes roll as a squeal escaped her lips.

"Wow..." Rose muttered, noticing Serenity oozing and letting out small squirts of climax from her slit beneath him, wetting the floor and his sack. "He's making her..." the rabbit added. "I knew she was a pervert... Getting off from that." Alicia muttered as Serenity dug her nails and the tips of her feet into the floor, gasping and groaning from the intensity as Chris continued roughly thrusting his girth into her crack, using her butt to please himself while tormenting her horn as he kept her pinned down beneath him. Pulling his mouth from her horn with another juicy pop, Serenity shout before letting out a relieved groan, collapsing beneath him as he licked and kissed along her back. "Atta' girl... Atta girl." he praised, a tear streaming down the side of Serenity's face as she climbed down from her climax. "S-So mean..." she said quietly. "Guy's gotta be rough sometimes." Chris chuckled before tenderly kissing her neck, making Serenity let out a soft moan and raising her head so she could kiss him. Backing away, he let Serenity raise up and sit with her back against the tub, shivering with her head leaning back as she caught her breath, looking at the ceiling with sparks flying through her head. Leaning toward her, Chris reached between her legs, his touch on her slit making the Pokemon jolt and stutter "n-no" while clutching his hand, begging for a break as she gave him a dazed look. "Gotta rest already?" he asked. "Y-You do too much... H-Heart go bad..." she point out, letting him feel how rapidly her heart was racing as she pressed his hand against her breast. "P-Please, need minute. You d-do good. Rest now." she added, patting him on the shoulder before leaning her head back once more and letting out a relieved, albeit exhausted groan before hissing and closing her legs, feeling her muscles suddenly clench and convulse and letting out a coo as her body relaxed.

"Okay, okay..." Chris nodded, touching Serenity's cheek making her body jolt before she raised her head and gazed at him. "N-Not touch too much..." she swooned. "Just enough to kiss." he assured, leaning in close and pressing his lips against hers, making Serenity's body tense up as her womanhood clenched, letting out a squeak from her weakened sensitivity when he selfishly squeezed her breast. Pulling away, he gave her a soft "good girl" comment, making Serenity smile and shudder from the remark before biting her lip when he gave her nipple a pull, making her endure just a little more of a rough touch before finally letting her rest. "Well then, while she takes a breather..." Chris paused, standing and looking at Alicia and Rose as the two glanced away shyly. "Wh-What? Now you wish to use us...?" the snake asked, showing a scowl despite her excitement from having his attention again. "Well, you could say that." he replied, finally removing his pants and boxers, tossing them aside as he approached the girls, both giving him a wide eyed and flushed look. "Use you..." he paused, brushing Alicia's neck with his fingers making her shudder. "B-Beast" the snake muttered. "Abuse you..." he added, caressing Rose's cheek making the rabbit tremble as well, responding with an excited "d-don't say that" as she fidget with her hands between her legs. "Mostly please you." Chris finished, looking back at Serenity as she tried calming down, rubbing the nipple he'd pulled with a slight scowl on her face yet showing a fire of desire remaining in her eyes. "S-So what must we do?" Alicia asked, glancing at him with a slight blush. "Y-Yeah... Anything you want?" Rose added, biting her lip eagerly.

"Yeah, hey Alicia? Turn around." he instructed, causing her to jolt. "G-Getting to me first, eh?" she asked with a smirk, trying to be cocky as she turned. "It's certainly about time." she nodded. "Now... Raise your tail again, like before." Chris added. "Yes, yes..." she nodded, letting out a sigh before raising her tail, showing her slit appearing as if it were oozing even more than the last time, the tip of her clit and subtle signs of her labia beginning to stick out. "Will you finally make up for humiliating me now?" she asked, her body looking as though it were fighting to keep her slit shut worse than ever. "Nice act." Chris chuckled. "E-Excuse me?" the snake asked. "You didn't argue this time and you did what I wanted pretty fast... Plus your slit's ready to burst open on its own pretty much. You want it bad." he point out, causing her to scowl at him with a flush. "I-I do not! It's just pointless to, that is..." Alicia tried to argue before grumbling. Approaching her from behind, Chris put his arm around her tail and pushed his hips out slightly. "Go ahead then. Have a feel." he instructed. "H-Have a what now?" she asked, looking back at him. "Your slit. Start rubbing Alicia." he instructed, causing her eyes to widen. "Y-You want me to...?!" she replied nervously. "Go on, anything I want remember?" he point out, causing her to groan embarrassed before facing forward. "F-Fine... I won't forget this." she grumbled. Adjusting her tail, she hovered her slit in front of his member, hesitating as her body began to tremble making Chris take action, pulling her tail and thrusting his girth against her slit making Alicia gasp and bite her lip. "I-I was going to do it!!" she snapped. "Too slow... Go on, start moving." he smirked, the snakes eye twitching as a flush remained on her face. "I'll get him..." she thought to herself before facing down and nodding.

Adjusting her tail once more, Alicia started pressing and grinding her slit against his manhood, the tip of her clit rubbing and poking his sack while the exposed portions of her labia slit along his length, her swollen vulva wrapping hungrily around his girth as she shuddered from the sensations. "There you go... Feels great." he praised. "Sh-Shut up. This is only for you." she replied, hiding her own arousal as she kept her focus forward, letting out subtle pants as her slit continued rubbing his member. Adjusting his hips, Chris started grinding with her, thrusting and rolling his hips making his girth work its way through her slit, slowly coaxing it to spread open as more of her clit and labia exposed themselves. After a moment, he pulled away and squat down, making Alicia pause with an "eh?" from realizing the feeling of his girth had vanished. About to look back, the snake was caught off guard when he suddenly slurped the part of her exposed clit into his mouth, making her teeth grit and eyes widen as he forced it to pull out of her slit from the suction. "H-Hold on!! J-Just a mome--eek!!" the snake shout as he pulled away, watching her clit try to retract itself back into her slit only to catch it in his mouth and forcefully suck it back out of her. Trembling all over, the snake struggled to bear the intensity as he repeatedly did this, giving her labia the same treatment while pulling away and watching her body try and hide her goods only to roughly suck them back out. Again and again he did this while using his hands to toy with her vulva, working her body into submitting until it finally gave in, Alicia left heavily panting with her tongue hanging out in her own daze. "Wh-What's with you?" she asked with a shudder.

"I'm hungry." Chris smirked, taking in the sight of her womanhood now that her slit had finally opened, allowing her clit to stick out as it throbbed and her labia dangled, oozing with her own arousal. "If you didn't like it, you wouldn't be this soaked." he added, reaching out and pulling on one of her long labia making Alicia bite her lip. "Y-You MADE it be that way..." she replied before facing forward. "I-It's just your drool..." she muttered with a flush on her face. "Yeah yeah..." Chris chuckled as he leaned his face in closer. "You know... I really love the way you are when we do this." he added, causing her eyes to widen as her heart skipped a beat. "S-Say wh...!!" she tried to reply, only to feel him dragging his tongue along her womanhood, slurping one of her lips into his mouth and rolling it around his tongue, filling his cheek with her labia as he pulled on and rubbed the other. "Y-You really like hers..." Rose point out, Chris looking at the rabbit and giving a muffled "mm hm!!" in response. "N-No speaking!!" Alicia panicked, letting out a groan and trembling before letting out a squeal of her own when Chris pulled his mouth away, sucking hard on her lip making it stretch until it finally pulled out of his mouth, snapping back into her slit almost like taffy as he grinned. "I love it!!" he added. "I dunno why, but something about the size of these things is just sexy as hell... That's a mouthful of woman right there!" he praised. "SH-SHUT UP!!!" Alicia snapped, her face looking as though it could seemingly burst with steam as it glowed. "T-Taste but don't speak!!" she added. "I can't help it! Your stuff down here just drives me crazy..." he affirmed, taking each of her labia in his hands and stretching them apart. "Friggin' HUGE..." he added, making her groan in humiliation.

"Th-This is so degradi--nng!!" she tried to say, gritting her teeth again when he slurped both of her labia completely into his mouth, filling both his cheeks as he thrashed and rolled his tongue about all over them. Pressing his face into her slit, he pulled away making her lips stretch out, stopping just when he had only the end of them left in his mouth before leaning forward, slurping them back in as his face pressed back into her slit. "Mmm... Tafty!!" he praised, trying to say "tasty" as Alicia teared up, looking back at him. "Y-You're so cruel..." she replied, a flush remaining on her face as he pulled his mouth away, her labia popping free and dangling once more. "I can't help it. I just love it too much." he smiled, making her scowl before facing forward and arching back when he started tickling her clit with his tongue, rapidly flicking along its length before giving it a kiss. "Nice reaction." he point out with a smirk. "I-I said shut up..." the snake trembled. "I really love this too you know... Kinda like suckin' on candy no matter how you look at it." he praised. "Sh-Shut up shut up shut up!!!" Alicia shout, only to grit her teeth and squeak again when he tenderly started sucking and smooching along its length before using his breath to teasingly blow along it and against her labia, making the snake quiver with a quiet coo. "That better?" he asked. "E-Either way you're horrible..." she replied. "If you didn't want it you wouldn't still have your tail up." Chris reminded, getting an "ngh" response from her before he starting licking all over her labia and clit, making her bite her lip and let out random sighs and subtle moans. Glancing at Rose, he motioned for the rabbit to come closer, making her blink before nodding and doing as gestured.

Pulling his mouth away, he put his finger over his lips, gesturing for her to stay quiet. Using this same hand, he started rubbing it all over Alicia's labia, soaking it with her arousal as he licked and kissed her swollen vulva. Once his hand was covered and dripping with Alicia's lube, he reached out and started rubbing and smearing it all over Rose's womanhood, making her jolt and shudder. Spreading her legs, she willingly let him do as he wanted, slipping his fingers through her slit before suddenly shoving his fingers inside her, causing the rabbit to shout in surprise before covering her mouth. "Wh-What was that?" Alicia asked, about to look back only for Chris to suddenly bury his face between her labia and start sucking on the entrance to her womanhood, teasing it and poking the tip of his tongue through making her freeze and moan. Pulling away, Chris looked at Rose as he quickly thrashed his fingers within her, making the rabbit struggle to keep silent until he finally pulled out, showing his fingers now covered in her own thick and sticky arousal. "Yeah..." he smirked before taking his hand and smearing Rose's wetness all over Alicia's labia, secretly mixing the rabbits lube all over the snakes womanhood. "Need more..." he muttered before he started shoving his fingers back into Rose, making her legs tremble as he licked and sucked all over the snakes dangling labia to keep her from looking back. "H-How hungry ARE you...?" Alicia asked, her eyes starting to glaze over. "Enough to drain you dry." Chris affirmed, making the snake gasp and shudder excitedly as he pulled his fingers out of Rose and smeared more of her arousal onto Alicia's labia and rubbed it around like lotion.

Repeating this several times, he savored the tastes of the two mixed together, further enticing himself to keep feasting as the snake grew weaker and weaker, nearing a climax of her own as his tongue swirled and scooped about between his moments of sucking her labia in his mouth. With his starved behavior combined with the toying from his fingers, Alicia found herself finally having her first climax of the moment, tensing up and arching before Chris noticed her womanhood having spasms. Letting out a "heh" of pride, he pressed his face into her labia and gave her entrance rapid thrusts with his tongue, teasing her with just little over the tip making her eyes roll until he finally pulled away, trails of her arousal sticking between his face and her womanhood as her head suddenly hang, doing her best to remain up while her tail lowered to the floor. "Th-There... S-Satisfied...?" she shuddered. "Pfft. No, you are. You're as bad as Serenity." he replied. "You girls finish too quick." he smirked, wiping his face off and looking at his hands. "Sheesh, and you tried to say she left my face a mess." Chris teased, making Alicia flush. "D-Does this mean I have to endure more...?" the snake asked. "Way more, but later." he affirmed, looking toward Serenity as she remained against the side of the tub, watching with an eager look on her face as she fidget. "Getting worked up again?" he asked, the Pokemon nodding. "I'll finish up with Rose next. Then we'll move on to something else." he assured before turning to the rabbit. "By something else, you mean...?" Alicia questioned, another shudder running through her as she tried to settle down. "Be patient." Chris smirked before walking up to Rose and rubbing her head.

"Dunno how you did it, but..." he paused, pulling her cheek against his member. "Want a reward?" he asked, the rabbit shivering with an eager "uh huh" as her hungry eyes focused on his girth. "Open up... All yours this time." he offered. "Th-Thank you..." she giggled. Looking at the others, Rose had a look of wanting to prove herself, in both dedication and sexually to Chris before the others as though she'd found her chance to show off. "P-Please..." she paused, looking up at him and opening her mouth with her tongue out. "U-Use me..." she added. Nodding, he pulled her face forward, his length slowly sliding past her lips making her open her mouth wider. After a moment, me met resistance when he reached the back of her mouth, causing Rose to hesitate as a wince spread across her face. Tightening his grip on her head, he used his hips to keep pushing it in, making the rabbit start gagging and urking before suddenly shoving what remained into her throat, letting out a growl-like moan as her head tilt back and she choked on his girth. "K-Keep it there..." Chris instructed, working his hips around so his girth swirled around deep in her throat. After a moment, he finally pulled out all at once, exposing his manhood covered in oozing drool as Rose gasped and went into a coughing fit. "M-Must you always be so rough with her?" Alicia asked. "N-No..." the rabbit wheezed, holding her hand up before looking at Chris with a teary eyed albeit excited smile. "I-I love it. The more he does it, the happier I am." she affirmed, blushing shyly with a sudden shudder. "Having his way with me is what I want." she affirmed. "I-It's what I need..." she added, nuzzling her snout against his sack while fidgeting with her hands between her legs.

"I love him... I'll take anything." she assured, looking up at him lustfully and submissively with his member over her face. "I'll do anything... If he wants it." the rabbit smiled lovingly. "I live for you too. So, please... Again, right here." Rose offered, tapping her throat before tilting her head back with her tongue out and mouth wide once more. "Use me, as much as you want. As hard as you want..." she coaxed. Feeling his adrenaline pumping once more, Chris placed his hands back on her head, positioning his tip on her tongue as Rose let out an "ahh, yes..." in a quiet and excited manner before he shoved his entire length down her throat, getting a loud urk from her before he started thrusting, his sack slapping against the small rabbits chin while his girth could be seen making her throat bulge repeatedly. Shutting her eyes tightly, she struggled to swallow him before managing to open her eyes slightly, looking at Alicia as she causally glanced to watch the act while Serenity sat against the tub masturbating, Rose noticing the Pokemon subtly putting her finger in her mouth and sucking on it while doing so as if pretending she were the one sucking him off. Looking back up at Chris, Rose started doing her best to suck and slurp on his girth as it pounded into her throat, the noise and sensation further exciting him and making him call her name. Wanting him to say hers as well. Serenity stood with a slight wobble and walked up to Chris from behind, embracing him in her arms and pressing her breasts against his back. "M-Me... Say name too..." she pleaded before the Pokemon started licking and sucking on his neck, rubbing all over his chest as he grit his teeth with a flush. "Sh-Shit..." he muttered, pulling out of Rose's mouth allowing her to gasp and cough before shoving himself back in, the rabbit urking and giving him a dazed and flushed look while she started eagerly fingering herself, getting off in her own way from choking on his manhood.

Behind him, Serenity kept whispering "say name..." as she rubbed her breasts against his back, desperately wanting his attention again as she continued licking and kissing along his neck. Reaching down, she squeezed and massaged his sack as he thrust his length into Rose's mouth, all the extra stimulation testing his restraint. After a moment, he finally called Serenity's name, making the Pokemon smile and whisper "I here... Not worry." in his ear. Looking down, she helped coaxed him to enjoy himself, telling Chris "do harder" making him grit his teeth and pull out of the rabbits mouth, allowing her to cough and gasp once more before thrusting himself in all the rougher. Making Serenity move her hand from his sack, he leaned forward while making Rose tilt her head further back, his balls smacking all the harder against his chin as her throat bulged more and more the thicker he became, her eyes rolling in a daze from lack of air sending countless sparks shooting through her head. "C-Come on! S-Suck it!" he ordered, Rose moaning in excitement before doing so as best she could, slurping all over him as loud as possible while urking and gurgling things like "swo gwood" and "pwease mwore!" in response. "H-Harder, do her as hard as can. Make yours..." Serenity encouraged, continuing to hold him and press her breasts against his back. Watching the group, Alicia started feeling left out, albeit begrudgingly as she discretely grind her tail on the floor, fidgeting in her own way. Suddenly calling the snakes name, she jolt when Chris looked at her and told her to come closer. "Wh-Why must I be involved...?" she grumbled, putting her best front forward as she slithered up. "Wh-What must I do now?" she asked.

Reaching up with one of his hands, he pulled her head down so her face was level with his before assertively kissing Alicia, causing Serenity to scowl in jealousy yet support him nonetheless as she maintained her soothing yet submissive hold on him. Pulling his lips away, Chris let out an excited "yeah" with a grin before kissing her again, Alicia's eyes remaining agitated as she glanced at Serenity only for the kisses to gradually take their toll, her eyes rolling bit by bit until they closed and she subconsciously pressed her lips back against him. With the snake now busy making out with him, Serenity rubbing and pressing herself in yearning against his back with her possessive arms wrapped around him, and Rose on her knees below suffocating in ecstasy as her mind began floating from the loss of air, all three were finding pleasure and excitement in their own ways as they surrounded him in desire and obedience. With so much stimulation happening, it wasn't long before he had to pull away from Alicia, letting out a frustrated and drawn out "sh-shit!" as his body started tensing up. Feeling him thicken and throb all the more in her throat, Rose suddenly wrapped her arms around him and desperately pulled him in, gagging "h-hwarder!!" as he pounded his hips into her face. "Give it to her... Give lots to her..." Serenity coaxed in his ear, rubbing against his back all the more and letting out a moan of her own in his ear. "G-Girls..." he muttered, his eyes starting to fall into their own daze as Alicia blushed before pressing her lips back against his. "G-Go on already..." she coaxed as well, pushing him to relieve himself as she leaned her forehead against his. "Let it out..." she added.

Feeling his seed nearing the end of its journey, Chris cursed again before he lurched his hips forward, freezing up as another load suddenly splurt its way down Rose's throat, the rabbit letting out a surprised and garbled shout before shutting her eyes tightly as she struggled to swallow, her throat feeling as though it could crush his girth as it visibly squeezed and massaged around his member. Coughing from the amount, some bubbled out from her lips and nose, her eyes opening and rolling as her already limited breathing was cut off from his seed. Noticing her passing out completely, Serenity pulled him back just enough to free his member from Rose's lips, making him release her causing the rabbit to fall back coughing as Serenity quickly took his manhood in her hand and squeezed out his remaining shots, pointing it right at Rose as she whispered "that it" and "mark her good..." into his ear as he leaned back against her, letting out growls and moans of relief as she licked and kissed his neck. Leaning back herself, Rose welcomed his seed on her body as she gasped and coughed on the floor, letting him freely mark her as Serenity had said until he was drained and weak at the knees. "Sh-Shit..." he repeat, this time in an exhausted manner as Serenity squeezed out his remaining drops into her hand and started licking it off her palm and fingers. "Seed from master taste the best." she praised, letting out a seductive giggle before holding him like before. "I-I take it you're finished now...?" Alicia asked, shivering with a slight blush on her face. "Th-That was..." Rose wheezed, a look of euphoria on her face as she smiled. "I-I uh..." Chris pant, collecting himself before straightening up.

Looking at the girls, they all had an excited look about them, each trembling as much as the other and remaining worked up. "Y-You girls still willing...?" he asked, Rose giggling in response while Serenity nodded as well, brushing her bangs and biting her lip with a yearning glance his way. "I-It's your only chance after all... M-Might as well take as much advantage as you can... Wh-While you can, I mean!" Alicia affirmed. Looking at the three, Chris took notice of the tub, rubbing his chin with a raised eyebrow before showing a smirk. "Okay then... I think I could go for a little more." he agreed. "I have something I think you girls will love too... If you don't mind getting in there together." he point out, the group looking at the tub as well before facing one another. "A-A bath with that one as well...?" Alicia asked. "N-Not mind more but... That a little too close, think?" Serenity added. "I-I'm game." Rose agreed, raising her hand before coughing again and apologizing. Looking at the rabbit, the two glanced at one another before facing away and nodding with a begrudging "okay..." making Chris smirk. "I can't believe you girls are seriously doing this..." he replied. "A-As we said... It's only fair." Alicia reminded. "You... Do lots for us. Each day you do lots... We do this much at least." Serenity added with a shy yet guilty blush. "N-Not like some things... But for you, can like, at least little... Want to feel good, come first for change. Think of self, be selfish. Only fair like snake said." she nodded. "I do have a name..." Alicia muttered. "I have name too, not hear you use much." Serenity argued with a scowl of her own. Looking at the two, he turned to Rose as she looked herself over, letting out a nervous laugh. "I'm a mess." she admit with slight sweat on her face.

"S-Sorry about that. Near the end I always lose it a bit... You okay?" he asked. "A bit? More like..." Alicia added, pausing and clearing her throat when the two girls grunt to cut her off. "Eh?" Chris replied, blinking at the snake before apologizing to Rose again. "Th-Thanks for pulling me back. I gotta admit, it was pretty hot what you did." he praised, causing Serenity to flush and wave her hand. "N-Nothing! Not worry about!" she replied. "What all of you girls are doing is hot actually... I mean, this tops everything." Chris affirmed, looking at each making them blush in their own ways. "J-Just don't let it get to your head when it's done." Alicia lectured. "I'll try." he smirked before taking a towel and putting it around his waist. "You girls wait here. I'll bring some stuff in for what we do next... After a dip, we can finish up in bed... Sound good?" he asked, pointing his thumb toward the ceiling. "Y-You plan to do that much?!" Alicia flushed. "You said take advantage." Chris grinned before leaving the bathroom. "B-Bath AND bed...?" Serenity flushed as well. "After all this... I bet that's gonna feel pretty good..." Rose added, standing and looking herself over once more. "Please shower before we get in that tub together..." Alicia scowled. Nodding with a "r-right" in response, the rabbit quickly entered the bath, looking things over and tweaking the knobs before cleaning herself off under the stream of water.

"This is going to be quite a night..." Alicia sighed. "N-Not know if able to keep up... Thing's he do get to me..." Serenity added with her hand on her cheek, letting out a sigh of her own. "What he does, he does it pretty good though!" Rose point out from within the shower, making both girls face away from one another, agreeing in their own silent ways as the two nodded...