They Didn't Call For A Priest

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A gift story for a friend that deserves this and so much more, this story follows a semi-paranormal kangaroo named Priest on a mission to deal with a more dangerous, rogue para-normal.

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They Didn't Call For A Priest

For Victoria

By Draconicon

Priest hadn't been on a mission in some time, but the gray kangaroo was happy enough to be back in the field. There was something about the feeling of purpose and ostensibly making things better that left her feeling...good, about herself.

She stood behind one of the trees at the edge of the cleared area near the bunker, watching the stags that patrolled outside it. Their hooves made little clack-clack sounds as they circled the hardened entryway that would lead to her target, and she shook her head as she learned their pattern. Not much of a gap there, certainly not enough for the rest of her team to get in with her, and not with the camera just above the door, too.

"Looks like we'll have to make a little noise, boys."

The kangaroo reached down, gently rubbing between the ears of her lead dingo. The pack was all around her, trained by her superiors to obey her. This was their first mission, and she'd been impressed at how well they took to non-verbal signals and the little growls that the higher-ups had taught her.

Now, though, it was time to see how well they worked as a pack in a fight.

Four groups, two stags with rifles each. Five second blind spots between most of them, but seven seconds between group four and group one. That's our opening.

She tensed her leg muscles, waiting for the fourth group to turn. As soon as the stags were looking somewhere else, she kicked, launching herself out of cover and several body lengths forward. Her growl got the attention of the pack, and they dashed forward with silent muzzles.

The stags turned, but it was too late. One went down with a double-foot kick to the chest, his ribs cracking. She grabbed his gun as he went down, hopped onto his face, and turned her head. His partner had been too focused on her to pay attention to the dingos, and they had pulled him down and grabbed him by the muzzle and throat before he could shout.

"Good onya, boys," she muttered as she brought the rifle up, clicking it from automatic to single-shot. As the next pair of stags rounded the entryway, she pegged one in the throat, and got the other in the shoulder.

Then the screaming started.

Picking off the camera, she leaped forward, her stompers carrying her to cover where the dead and wounded were. She stomped down on the injured stag's rifle and his neck, pinning him in place while taking cover. The bullets were already flying, her dingos scattering. Some ran back to the cover of the trees, while two of them took cover next to her.

Despite the rather deadly situation, she chuckled.

"Looks like they aren't as stupid as they look, eh, boys?"

The dingos growled, their teeth bared, but neither charged without her command. When the bullets stopped, she waited for a count of two and poked her nose around the bunker. Two stags on that side, dropped down and reloading, which meant the other two were probably busy coming around the back.

Heh, let's see about that.

She took a step back and then hopped against the side of the bunker, getting a grip on the roof and dragging herself up. Just as she'd thought, the other patrol was coming around the rear, hoping to catch her as she returned fire. Instead, they just came up on two very angry dingos, and their hesitation was all she needed.

"Hey, leave my boys alone."

One stag collapsed as she leaped onto his shoulders, and the other put his hands up as she brought her rifle right up against his throat. He held his hands up high, his face pale beneath all that fur, and she shook her head.

"Bit of a mistake, mate. Threatening my boys."

"Um...just doing my job..."

"Yeah, and putting your hands up was the right choice. Night-night."

Swinging the butt of the rifle around, she cracked him in the jaw and sent him to the ground. Priest picked up the rifle, swinging it over her shoulder for an additional weapon when this one ran out of ammo, and hopped around to take care of the last two.

With the pack, it was easy. They kept wasting ammo shooting towards the forest, and all she had to do was wait until they had to reload. They didn't even notice her coming up from behind, and soon the sleepers around back had some company.

After making a quick headcount of the pack and ensuring all eight were accounted for, no injuries or anything, she pulled out a cell phone from her belt. There was only one number on it, but it was all she needed.

"Found the target and heading in. Got my extraction ready?"

"Already dispatched, Priest. Make sure that he goes down hard."


She shook her head as the call ended.

"Whacka. Shoulda sent that out before I even started..."

As far as she knew, this was a mission that shouldn't even need her. There was a para-normal dick down in the bunker, he was making noise about starting some sort of revolution, and they needed her to take care of it. Why? Who knew? They weren't telling her what he could do, just told her to make sure that he didn't get any further with the plan.

Priest checked her weapons, made sure that the one on her back had the safety on, and nodded for the dogs to follow her. The bunker opened with a security card from one of the stags, and they followed the...

"Stairs. Fack."

She hopped down the painfully small stairs, grumbling every time that she had to lean back on her heels due to the sheer size of her paws compared to the steps. It was like trying to make a trip from one side of a sports stadium to another on crutches. By the time she hit the bottom step, her paws were aching like hell, and the bullet-spewing machine in her hands felt much more suitable for the people that thought that sort of way in and out of a base was any good.

A long hallway stretched out in front of her, branching off into a couple of rooms, with a bigger door at the end. She guessed that her target would be all the way down and to the right; no self-respecting leader made the obvious choice of putting themselves at the very end of the long hallway.

The dingo at her side made a soft whimper, and she turned. He lifted a forepaw, pointing to the door that was nearest to her on the left, and then tapped his forepaw a couple of times. She counted. Ten. So, at least ten different smells up ahead. Not something that she liked in the way of odds, even if her pack almost equalled them.

Well, they'd just have to get creative.

She hopped along, the pack following in single file behind her, until she reached the first door. It was open, and she could hear a number of voices inside. Probably at least ten, maybe more, if the echoes were hiding things. Priest shook her head, kneeling down and reaching into her pockets again. There were a lot of little goodies in there, including...

Nasty little bleeder, but hey, not me it's pointed at.

She set the Claymore down at the doorway, pointed towards the guys inside, and made sure that it was properly rigged and armed for anyone that tried to come through before sneaking by. Thankfully, everybody in the barracks seemed too rotten drunk to notice her, or her boys.

The other rooms were like someone's clubhouse, more like a bunch of tech toys than anything really dangerous. The roo was starting to wonder just what sort of errand she'd been sent on.

Priest reached out to turn the handle at the big guy's door, and paused. She felt...something. Not in the door, but in the air, like someone was messing with the real.

Well, now I know why they sent me...

This guy wasn't just para-normal by existing, but he was messing with the world around him with some sort of ability. Didn't feel good for her, not one bit. Messed with the way that things were supposed to be, made her skin crawl.

She took a step back from the door, looking down to the end of the hallway.

Might as well make sure there's nothing waiting to jump me over there.

The roo hopped over to it, her boys keeping an eye on the boss's door as she reached over to the security pad. The card from outside worked a treat, and she pulled the door open...and stared.

"Well, holy shit..."

It was a small room, but one didn't need to have a big one to hold a bunch of bombs. The room was stacked, wall to wall, with little devices holding clear tubes, each one stuffed with different colored gasses. She hissed under her breath, recognizing some of the chemical weapons, but not all of them, by any means.

She shut the door, fighting the urge to empty a magazine or two into the security panel beside the door before turning back to the boss's room. Her boys moved out of the way as she leaned back, her tail providing her some support. They cocked their heads to the side, but Priest shook her head.

"Mine, boys. This one's mine."


The door was a heavy wood, but it took a lot more than that to stand up to the power of an angry kangaroo's big feet. It went crashing it, slamming to the floor. The light of the hallway fell on a computer console, a half-built bomb, and the little drongo responsible for this mess. The jackal jerked his head up from his work, turning around and opening his mouth. Multi-colored fumes started pouring out of his mouth, telling her just where he'd gotten his gas...and then faded away as it came near her.

His eyes went wide as she hopped into the room, her rifle trained on him at all times. The loud bang of the Claymore going off down the hall didn't make her flinch, or turn around, and her dingos followed her into the room. The jackal tried to breathe at her again, but no dice. The gas faded.

"Who...what the fuck are you?!"

"Heh, call me Priest."

A quick glance at the bomb didn't show her any trigger mechanism on it, so she felt good enough about smacking the jackal out of the chair. She sat down where he'd been, putting her feet down on his chest, and held him there by their sheer size. A whistle brought the dingos to her side, and she pointed her rifle down at the jackal without the slightest hint of hesitation.

A few scarred survivors came running down the hall, and immediately froze at the sight of her with her weapon trained on their boss. Priest chuckled.

"Now, now, boys. Don't wanna get too close now. This thing could go off. Don't want this drongo's brains splattered all over the walls, now, do we?"

They stared at her, even as the jackal shouted bloody murder. She shook her head, lifting one leg with some effort and kicking him in the face just by dropping her paw on him. He went quiet almost instantly, after that.

"Heh, now. Why don't one of you dipsticks go get the door open? My other friends will be here soon, and they just might let you go if you don't do anything stupid."


It didn't take long for her employers to arrive, and Priest was happy enough to hand the jackal over to them. The little pain in the ass didn't even work as a footrest, wriggling around too much and making all sorts of threats. She'd had to tire herself out by keeping his powers from working, too, which didn't make her feel great, either. It was like keeping a constant lid on something that was trying to break free, and while it wasn't like riding a bucking bull with his power, it wasn't like keeping a bug in a jar, either.

She handed over the security cards for them to get the gas bombs, and then started making her way back up the steps. It was even harder getting out than it was getting down, forcing her to hop on her tiptoes all the way out, and she was about ready to scream bloody murder at the bunker makers.

No sooner had she gotten to the clearing, though, than the dingos started barking, one of them even biting at her leg to get her attention. Priest turned, looking down at them.

"What's the matter, boys?"

They made it very clear what the matter was. The biter turned, lifting his hind leg to show a hint of pink and red pushing free of his sheath, and the kangaroo chuckled.


A bark answered her, and she rolled her eyes. She shoulda guessed that something like this would happen. The boys were too smart to be just average canines, and knowing her superiors, there was probably some prank going on up there. But she could roll with it...roll with it and then some.

She hopped over to the side of the bunker, just out of sight. The stags had been taken away, and she had some modicum of privacy. The helicopter was on the opposite side, and the higher-ups wouldn't want her extraction team taking too long out here. They probably wouldn't come around to see what she was doing.

Shucking off her black pants, Priest got down on all fours, and the dingos started circling as she pulled her tail around. One of them stuck his narrower muzzle under her tail, dragging his tongue over her pussy, and she groaned.

"Oh ho ho, that's a naughty dingo."

He bit. Not hard, but enough for her to feel those teeth on her ass. Priest jumped, submitting herself a bit more, particularly as some of those slimy dingo tongues started dragging along the bottoms of her paws, working over her paws, licking them clean after hopping around the forest and along the base for so long.

She lowered her head to the ground, content to rest her chin on her hands as the dingo pack circled her, tasted her, smelled her. Sometimes they'd lick at her sex, sometimes at her paws, and sometimes they'd bite. The bites bruised, but didn't break the skin. Yet.

Two of the dingos were sharing her slit, working their tongues over and even into her as she got wetter and wetter. The kangaroo groaned, her toes curling slightly and her big feet getting licked again and again. Some of the dingos circled near her face, snarling playfully as their dicks started to fall from their sheaths, hot little rockets spitting pre at her face as they walked back and forth, back and forth.

She reached up, grabbing one and smirking as the dingo immediately started humping her hand, thrusting between her fingers and spitting pre onto the ground. It was hotter than anything she got from her anthro lovers, for sure.

"So, you boys just gonna lick...or am I getting the full thing?"

The pack went quiet, only for her to suddenly get the claws digging into her hips she'd been waiting for. Priest grinned as she felt the prodding of the pointed feral dick against her backside, reaching behind her and pulling the tip down so that it went into the right hole. The second it went in, she arched her back, pushing her wide hips back to meet that hard cock, letting the dingo rut her good.

They seemed to be falling back into old instincts, one of them leaping for her neck and holding her by the throat, another pair grabbing her by the paws, teeth grinding against the pads. Not hard enough to break, yet, but holding her, keeping her from moving if she didn't want to lose something.

As the dingo on her back humped away, rutting her hole and filling her to the brim with feral cock, she could hear the sound of footsteps coming. She bit her lips, trying not to make a sound, but it was hard with that prickly fur of the dingo against her back, his balls slapping forward against her, those low-hangers pounding away at her just as hard as his cock did. In and out, in and out it went, making her shiver and growl and groan.

He pulled at her, suddenly, biting at her back, his paws squeezing as he started humping faster. One of his hindpaws pressed down at her thigh, like he was trying to climb up on her, and his thrusts hit a different part of her insides. Her eyes went wide, her grip on the cock humping her hand tightened, and she slammed her fist against the concrete as she bit off a moan.

Fuck, this boy's good.

In, out, in, out, the thrusting went, and she felt the beginnings of a knot rustling, pushing at her insides, ruffling her folds every time that it passed in and out of her. It was getting bigger with each thrust, and she could hear the wet popping sound as it grew. The soldiers might, too, and the risk made her toes curl -


A quick bite on her paw that got her attention, pulling her back to the moment as one of the dingos nibbled at her foot. The knot in her pussy was getting bigger and bigger, and yet, the biting continued everywhere else, dragging her attention back and forth between pain and the intense pleasure of getting that dingo inside of her.

The risk of getting caught made it all the hotter, too, as Priest started grinding herself back, pushing herself to take the knot. Sure, it'd mean that she couldn't get another dick inside of her for a while...but at the same time, that filling feeling would be just what she needed to get over the edge, giving herself that extra pleasure that'd come from being spread open for the big guy.

Beside, the boys deserve a treat for their hard work, she thought, chuckling between the groans.

Finally, the one that she was jerking off came, his cock pulsing in her hand. Despite herself, Priest turned her head, letting the shaft twitch and spurt right over her tongue. Hot, metallic, and so much of it, it spread over her tongue and dripped over her lower jaw, falling to the ground and pooling under her. The dingo almost seemed to grin at her before moving away, his cock slowly bobbing as the knot would take a while to go down.

She bit her lip as she felt the battering smacks of the knot hitting her, pushing against her, grinding its way in. Her pussy spread around it, then relaxed as it pulled back, only to spread again as the dingo kept thrusting, grinding, forcing it forward. She wanted it, needed it, and pushed back.

That was enough. The pressure from both sides forced the knot into her, and she bit down on her arm to keep from making more noise as she came, clenching down hard around that throbbing dick.

Unfortunately, the dingo had no such thoughts, and howled happily, barking as he came inside of her.

Ahhhh, shit.

It didn't take long for the soldiers to come round and see her like that, and some started laughing. Others even started pulling out their dicks.

Their amusement didn't last too long when her boys pulled back from her and snarled up at them. Priest chuckled, looking over her shoulder, her pussy throbbing and pulsing around the knot as the men stared at her.

"Better back off. My boys are still getting their treat."

"What about us?"

"Don't much recall you doing any work. up and zip out. I'm busy."

And more embarrassed than I really want to mention, she thought as the foxes and wolves slowly pulled their pants back up and walked over to the other side of the cleared area, making for the helicopter. She didn't quite feel right again until they were gone, flying off with the rest of the goods.

And by then, the dingo's knot had gone down, and the rest of them wanted a turn...

The End