Meant To Be, Part 3

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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Third part of a story series for vander! If you haven't, be sure to read part 2 here:

In this one, things come to a good conclusion between Asher and Quinn, as I'm sure you've seen coming for a while! All good stuff. Just gotta wait and see whether there'll be more to this story. I wanted to leave it kind of open for that, for future development.This story was done through my Patreon! I recently made some changes so there's a greater variety of rewards, so please check it out!

"So this is it, then, huh?"

Asher looked up over the flickering tongues of the fire, the fennec across from him holding her marshmallow directly in the flames. She'd already ended up charring the stick halfway towards her paw, so that the thin bark had peeled off into wispy black strands. Didn't seem like she minded, though: just like for her previous three s'mores, she had the next disassembled on her knee, waiting for that gross goopy mass of black and white.

Then, Asher shivered. He'd tried it once. The bitterness of the char overtook the sweetness of the rest of the marshmallow. He preferred his only lightly browned - and realizing that he'd let his drift a little too far down, whisked it out of the fire and blew out the corner that had caught.

The fennec kept her own marshmallow in for a second longer, then pulled it out, gave one big puff over it, and scrambled to get it into her graham cracker before it slid off the stick. That done, she pressed it tightly down, held it there, looked up again... the fire caused her normally green eyes to flicker bright amber-yellow. "You guys have fun this weekend?"

It was Sunday, sometime between afternoon and evening where the sun had just started to make its way down past the border of trees along the horizon. Sherbert-pink sky over there melding to smoother, deeper blue along the other side, a gradual but noticeably cooling-down of the air, a stillness that passed along the nearby lake like a smooth wind. Certainly a nice break from the business and stress of his usual life, with an alarm waking him up every morning, a schedule full of classes and homework, a self-imposed bedtime that always rolled around a good hour or two later than it should have. Here, he didn't really have any of that to worry about. Sure, the knowledge that he had a physics exam coming up this week lingered heavily in the back of his head, but there were other things for him to think about.

Figuring he'd waited long enough for it to cool off, Asher brought that marshmallow to his mouth and slid it off between his lips - and as he did so cast a quick glance sideways, towards the coyote lounging back in that lawn chair with the bag of marshmallows resting in his lap. Instead of using a stick to hold each one over the fire, he just pricked his claws into each marshmallow one at a time, totally skipped over the fire part, and popped them into his mouth, not even waiting to finish one before starting another.

So. Yeah. Asher had plenty of other things to think about.

"Hell yeah," that coyote said, through a sticky mouthful. He briefly tilted his head down to swallow. "Been a long time since I've been able to just chill like this. Y'know? Hazel, you know I'm always down to come fuck around, if you've got the time off."

To that, the fennec fox laughed, and then right after fixed his gaze on Asher. "Oh, yeah, I know. That's part of why I brought you along. How about you, Ash? You enjoy this weekend?"

"Well, I mean, I-"

"Yeah, of course you did." Hazel flicked her tongue out over her lips, catching a little bit of molten chocolate. On Asher's end of things, he'd felt a little bit... awkward_around her since she caught him - _playing with one of her toys that first day. However, it was definitely one-hundred-percent in her personality to turn that kind of thing around and take advantage of it, and she'd ended up doing this exact same thing to Asher and ended up pounding him down into the mattress, his tail raised against her and his mouth hanging open while he panted, and moaned, and squirmed...

That had been... unexpected, of course. Then she'd told him that Quinn here, the coyote beside him chewing on the rest of the supply of marshmallows, had a crush on him and planned to use their time alone on this little outing weekend of theirs to make his move... and tonight was the last night of that weekend. They'd be leaving early tomorrow morning, and so far the most the coyote had done was give him a few sly looks, and grind up against his rump in the camp showers, and maybe invade his dream last night in which Asher had once again ended up with his tail filled.

Why did Hazel need to bring her strap-on and harness, anyway? Next Asher looked over in the other direction, towards her boyfriend sitting back against a log with his muzzle tilted up to the sky and huge African wild dog ears flopped back. That was Kory, and Asher had exchanged maybe fourteen words total with him this weekend. It wasn't that he didn't like him; it was just that they didn't know each other. Hazel was Asher's best friend, Quinn was growing on him for a few different reasons, and Kory was just... just Hazel's boyfriend, for now.

As luck would have it, though, it looked like that was about to change. Hazel's next focus for her question fell upon the wild dog, and he looked down from the sky at her with his ears perked... and then it was what followed that really showed his answer. Hazel's grin widened and Kory's ears fell right back down, and the wild dog brought his legs closer together and visibly tried to keep his tail from flicking.

Then the fennec looked back over at Quinn, his paw halfway in the bag again and scrabbling at air and plastic. "Hey, speaking of fun - y'wanna come with me to get the beer?"

"What?" Those tall triangular ears of his shot upright and faced forwards towards Hazel. "Beer? You never mentioned you brought any..."

"Well, yeah, 'cause you woulda gotten to it before the rest of us if I'd told you... c'mon, there's two cases, and I am but one measly bitch." She wiped her paws off on the legs of her pants and stood, just now finishing chewing that last s'more. "Come on. Besides, we only brought the one bag of marshmallows..."

...and Quinn hid it behind his back after he stood, empty plastic balled up in his paw. "I didn't know that either."

"Yeah. So now you've gotta pay for your sins or whatever. C'mon." Then she looked to the other two, who now watched her with the same sort of quiet amusement that she always inspired. "We'll be right back. Don't burn anything."

To that, Kory tilted his head back to follow her, and called - "Hey! That only happened once!" and she of course had a snarky response, but at that point she'd gotten just far enough away that Asher couldn't hear it. So, ghost of that smile still on his muzzle, the red fox licked the last of the marshmallow stickiness off his lips, settled back where he sat, folded his paws in his lap... and felt the awkwardness of the silence start to settle in.

He'd once been told that encounters like this weren't actually awkward until you make them awkward, which usually consisted of pointing out that very fact. They just... didn't really have anything to talk about. Asher had been Hazel's best friend for ages now, and Kory had been her boyfriend for a while, and those two spheres were somehow kept separate... although could Asher really leave himself as just a friend, when she'd been the one to take his anal virginity just the other day?

...Wow. He shifted, and folded one leg over the other. That was a weird thought, when approached from that direction. With the two loudest members of their party gone through the trees towards where they'd left the car outside the campground, the only sounds remaining came from the crackling of the fire, the faint rushing of the lakewater along the shore, and then the whispering of gentle wind in the forest all around.

If anything, Asher wasn't expecting to see that wild dog's gaze focused on him next time he looked over. In perfect awkward-situation fashion, he held that gaze for a second, then looked away at literally anything else, then came back to it. He shifted again, he coughed, he glanced at the fire... and then Kory tilted his head, once more causing his large ears to flop partially over.

"Are you okay?" the dog began, and then tilted his head the other way. Admittedly, it was kind of...


...seeing how those ears moved. "You seem kinda nervous."

"Huh?" Yet again Asher shifted. "Oh. Yeah. I mean... you and I don't really know each other, you know?"

Kory let his mouth drop open, and light settled his paw against his chest. "Oh! I'm offended! You're saying Hazel doesn't talk about me at all?"

"Well, I mean, she does, but..." Asher shrugged. "I dunno. I guess we're not really that kind of friends?"

That was bullshit and he knew it. After all, she'd been the one to first bring up this whole thing about Quinn with him, and the first person to let him know (as well as show him, firsthand) that feelings like that weren't so bad. She'd also given him some pretty in-depth descriptions and explanations her relationship with Kory when they were first starting out.

"Yeah, I guess so." Now it was Kory who shrugged. "Not to get all weird or anything, but - sometimes I wonder what I did to get her attention. Like, she's got all these great friends, all these-" Quiet cough. "Great friends-with-benefits-"

Asher swallowed, sat up straighter, and briefly looked away.

"I mean, you got Quinn there..."

Couldn't do anything with that. The red fox leaned forward, one paw held out. "Wait, wait, wait. You think that Quinn-"

"What?" Kory held a blank face for a second, and then broke out into laughter. "Oh, man, no, I didn't mean it like that. Yeah, I know he's gay. It's not something he really puts out there, but once you know, it's kind of hard to ignore it, yeah?"

Short-clawed fingers hovering above his hips, the warmth of a bared sheath against the base of his tail, that dry, dusty scent of coyote hovering in from over his shoulder, mixed with the heavy bitterness of lakewater-soaked fur as the shower washed it away...

Kory went on, lifting one arm up to scratch behind one of his large ears. "So... um... that actually brings me to something else..."

It was a slow change, but the pink in the sky had started to deepen to smoother red, and the blue at the other horizon to violet-black. When they'd been getting this fire set up earlier in the evening, Quinn had pushed them all to the side blabbering about "oh, I was in an Outdoor Adventure class in high school! We totally went over all this shit!" and then struggled for seven minutes straight with getting the wood to stand the way he wanted. Once he'd gotten it and Hazel had lit the kindling, everything had fallen down over itself and splashed bright golden sparks everywhere, and now the coyote had a little black spot in the fur of his left knee to show for it.

Asher looked away from the fire again, tendrils still red-orange while the base glowed an amber-yellow, and caught Kory's eyes right before they flicked away.


"Well... you've been friends with her longer than I've known her, so you probably - probably realized..." The wild dog seemed a bit uncomfortable, like he wasn't sure how he wanted to keep his legs. Stretched out towards the fire, or crossed in front of him; he sat up straight, leaned to one side, rested his elbow against the log behind him, adjusted back. "I mean, Hazel hangs out with a lot of... guys who aren't... exactly... straight. Are - I'm sorry if this is kind of blunt, uh - are you...?"

Any other day, Asher would've dismissed that without a second thought. After this weekend, though, he found himself with plenty of those... and his hesitation must have been enough for Kory. Right as the red fox half-turned his head and opened his mouth to give his reply, whatever that might end up being-

"I... just wanna say..." Kory went on. Now he sat cross-legged with his arms resting on his knees, and ears flopped lazily forward. "Probably something you've been expecting, knowing her, but - I was... I've been... kind of dealing with that same sort of thing."

Asher swallowed again, and sat back in his chair. He could still feel his heart pumping in his chest.

"Like..." The wild dog raised a paw. "I'm sorry if this is TMI, but I'd been kind of thinking about it before I met her. And it was getting to know her and being with her that made me more okay with it, y'know? Like - I'm still not a hundred percent on it, and it's something I kinda wanna keep between the four of us since, like... I know you guys now, and I trust you, even if you personally and I haven't talked much together. But you know her, and I don't think it's that big of a deal to you, right?"

Well, if it was someone else... Asher shook his head. "No. It's not."

"Okay. Thank you. It's like... it's weird. I never really thought that it'd be a big to me, but then it happened, and it kinda took me by surprise... but once you come to terms with it, once you let yourself - like - once you let it happen, it all... falls in place, I guess. Actually, it's like... when you take an exam in school, and you're really nervous about it, but after you do it and get it over with, you realize it wasn't that bad at all. That it was actually good for you. Um..."

This was where the TMI part came in. Kory reached up to scratch one of his ears, folding it forward over itself in the process.

"She's got a, um... strap-on, and that was... well, she's been talking about..."

Sound of footsteps coming from back towards the main pathway, and the voices of the other two atop that. Asher stifled a little laugh crossed with a groan of embarrassment, and covered his mouth with a paw. "Yeah. I know she has one.."

"Know I've got one what?" Hazel stepped back into the light of the fire, six-pack of beer held in both her paws in front of her. Quinn had the other in one paw, and a bottle in his other.

The coyote set that case down, struggled for about three seconds to get his bottle open on his claw, and then lounged right back in his chair. "A big dick, probably."

"Oh, honey." One for herself, one for Kory... she held one out to Asher, who shook his head. Quinn just took the other pack with him back to his seat. "You don't even know."

So following his conversation with the wild dog just now, Asher felt even more uncomfortable as the coyote settled back beside him. Not a bad uncomfortable, really: Kory met his eyes for a moment longer before both of them looked away, and the fox realized that he had a slight but very present warm desire to just... scoot a little closer to Quinn.

He had ample opportunity to do so, too. As soon as the two of them returned, Hazel set right to retelling a story about when she'd been in a similar experience with her brother, his girlfriend, and another girl, when it came to having booze at a campground where they legally shouldn't have been. Asher couldn't help but wonder if she'd played covert matchmaker then, too.

It wasn't hard, really. Quinn had dragged a lawn chair out from the car earlier for himself, and then asked if Asher wanted one when the fox reached down to brush a spot off the log beside him; when he'd said yes, the coyote dropped his own and headed over to get a second one, and took care of Asher first. Throughout Hazel's little story here, Asher intentionally moved himself closer, bit by bit... and then suddenly stopped when his tail brushed back against Quinn's. Out of the corner of his eye - and he looked over a bit further - the coyote's tall ears flicked, splayed, straightened... and then a moment later, that tail returned the touch.

And then it did so again, and rested more steadily across Asher's. His own tailtip twitched with tepid nervousness, and he squeezed the thin fabric arms of his chair while keeping his gaze stoically on Hazel, animatedly telling about some exciting event in that story which Asher had long since lost the trail of. From across the slowly-dwindling fire, her eyes fell first upon him, and then on the coyote beside him, and then the space between them... and an unmistakable glitter flicked across with the light of the flames.

Before he knew it, she'd wrapped up her story and was standing up to put her things away and retire to her claimed cabin for the night. Kory looked up at her with a little bit of surprise evident on his face, but soon followed with a trademark sly grin from the fennec; Asher returned her wave but not her wink and grin as she passed by.

Weird feeling. One moment surrounded by familiar chatter and laughter, with the warmth of the campfire repeatedly licking at his knees and his fingers and the dying light of the sunset peering over the treetops in the distance - turn to near-silence a few seconds later, still broken only by that same crackling of the wood and then the occasional rustling of one of the two remaining canids shifting in their seat. Neither had moved his tail, and Asher could have sworn that Quinn leaned more heavily on the arm of his chair closest him.

His heart thumped in his chest and his throat, he kept his paws tight on the arms of his chair for fear of them visibly shaking if he were to lift them, he looked right at the base of the flames until the bright shadows lingered on the backs of his eyelids every time he blinked. Hazel had left behind an empty bottle when she left, now sitting on its side near the base of the firewood, and had brought the rest of that case with her; Quinn apparently didn't like the taste of his, since Asher had seen him take maybe two sips before he'd placed it down by the foot of his chair and left it there.

This would be his chance, if he were ever to act on it. Throughout earlier this morning and especially these last few minutes, Asher had been trying to figure out - is this really what I want? Do I really feel this way about him? - and building up the courage to go ahead and ask, to get him to... to what? What was he going to ask? The fox leaned over onto his other arm, cleared his throat, and looked up at the coyote. It took Quinn a moment, but before long he noticed his gaze, and returned the look... and threw in a warm smile on top of it, too. And that made everything flutter apart again.

"Hey," the coyote said, and started to pull himself up. Asher could feel everything he'd built up beneath him crumble with the opportunity lost. "Sorry to be a drag, but I think I'm gonna go to bed. We're leaving kinda early tomorrow, right?"

"Huh?" Had to switch his train of thought... "Oh. Oh, yeah, I think so."

"Alright." He half-raised a paw. "I'm heading back to the cabin, then. Let me know if you need anything from me, alright? Don't be afraid to wake me up."

He left the rest of the case of beer sitting along the dusty ground, near his own abandoned bottle. Asher watched him as he made his way back, ears up but relaxed, tail swaying side to side when it had been so still on his own just a few minutes ago. The fox waited for his heartbeat to calm down a bit, found that it wouldn't, and then himself stood up too. The fire would burn itself the rest of the way down, and it wasn't like they had to worry about someone stealing their chairs. Then there was how they'd have to get all packed up in the morning tomorrow, and make sure they knew their way back, and Asher still had that little pile of homework he needed to do, and...

...and here he was making up excuses so he wouldn't have to think of the real thing that worried him. He cleared his throat one more time and then started out towards the cabin that Hazel had delegated to him and Quinn; her originally-stated reason for doing so was so that she wouldn't bother them with her boyfriend, but now Asher really felt that she had something else in mind. Similar, but different. Part of him wanted to slow his pace so that he wouldn't get there so quickly, so that he'd have more time to think; part of him wanted to speed up so he could go ahead and do what he want, so long as he really wanted it.

And, then, he found himself at the door, standing partially open on bent hinges and a warped threshold, enough that he had to give a real tug to open it. At first, Quinn wasn't anywhere to be seen: he must've straight to bed unlike the other night when he'd stayed up for a bit reading and looking through his phone. Asher squinted into the shadows within the cabin, and soon found a little coyote-shaped lump beneath the blankets on the far side of the bed, slowly stirring with steady breathing.

So then he looked around the rest of the room. Was Quinn expecting him to...? Well, he could wake him up and ask if he had a sleeping bag or something, so he could sleep on the floor... but, then...

...nah. He could say he didn't want to bother him. Asher kept his eyes forward while he undressed into just his boxers, watching to make sure that Quinn wasn't about to roll over. There wasn't - shouldn't be - anything weird about this: when he was just a pup in elementary school, he shared a bed with other male friends of his on sleepovers and never put a second thought into it. Of course, back then_things were... were _quite different.

Slow, quiet _creak_of the mattress beneath his weight, old springs about as tense as he felt. This place tended to cool down quite a bit at night, and that chill had already made its way down through the cotton material of the blankets - until Asher had worked himself in a bit, and accidentally brushed up against the coyote beside him. Right there that chill turned to sweet, intense body heat, both startling as well as relaxing the fox all at the same time. Quinn budged, just slightly, to allow him in the rest of the way; this wasn't exactly a queen-sized bed.

Of course Asher knew he wouldn't be able to get to sleep like this. One leg crossed partially over the other, tail consciously pushed off to the other side away from the coyote, paws clasped atop his chest, muzzle pointed right up towards the rickety ceiling - and Quinn drowsing beside him, his breath audible beneath the tapping of the wind on the old boards of the cabin. Sounded like he hadn't quite gotten back to sleep, either.

Which meant that this would be his chance, if anything, if he wanted to do anything. Asher kept on telling himself that, kept on thinking back to his time with Hazel and the things that Kory had said to him, and how just being here near him made his heart pound like this, and kept him... admittedly a little bit stiff in his underwear, moist warmth peeking out from the end of his sheath. Hopefully that lingering scent wouldn't catch the attention of this coyote.

With his luck, though, that might just be too much to wish for. Asher had his mind focused on one thing and then swiftly and instantly switched courses when bushy tail flicked over across his lower belly and groin beneath the covers, with the coyote's backside to then scoot back and press up against him in what might have been a sleepy stretch. Thing was, though, Quinn didn't move back to his original spot, and instead remained with his body pressed up against Asher's.

Felt as though that tail were intentionally pressing against him and curling around the other side of his body, like Quinn wanted to keep his rump pushed against the fox's hip. Asher couldn't think of anything he could do to move him away, and on second (and third, and fourth) thought, gradually came to accept that he wouldn't want to, anyway. After all, this was what had been in his mind since his dream the other night. He himself just had neither the confidence nor the courage to do anything about it.

After what felt like positively too long in that position with nothing changing or moving between them other than that tail, Quinn must have finally gotten his confirmation or confidence or, rather, lack of opposition: Asher had closed his eyes and settled into the warmer comfort of having someone else lightly touch him like this, but then right after found himself jerked awake again with Quinn shifting and totally changing his position.

If he'd thought his heart was pounding before...

Arm draped across his chest, muzzle nosing up along his neck towards his jawline, shallow but steady breaths wisping through his fur, tail curling a little more firmly around his leg. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, and he couldn't get his body to try to stop it - and nor did he even try to. With Quinn's paw grazing slowly across his chest, Asher just moved his own down, then back up so he could close his fingers around that wrist and feel its warmth, the same heat that he'd felt radiating out as soon as he'd climbed into bed.

For a moment, neither of them could think of anything to say. Just whose heartbeat it was thumping against his chest, Asher couldn't tell: he kept his lips parted to breathe through his mouth, rhythm only occasionally lining up with the coyote's in the fur of his neck. Every time that breath washed out across his throat, he couldn't help but shiver and tense up a little bit more, only to again relax against the warmth squeezing in from the side.

Then, a gentle swallow beside him, another nuzzle against his neck, short-clawed fingers shifting and dragging through the fur of his chest. He shivered again. Quinn kept his voice low and even, faintly raspy in the early night:

"You've done a lot of thinking, haven't you?"

Some of it wasn't even intentional. His dream about this same coyote, the way that his mind always went back to the same handful of thoughts if he ever had a few moments to himself - pretty much everything about this weekend. Asher released Quinn's wrist from his gentle grip, and then felt his heartbeat jump up again as that paw slid down from his chest to his belly, but then remained there. A little bit of extra weight to lift up every time he breathed in.

"I don't wanna push you into anything." This was certainly the same Quinn that had been sitting next to him by the fire earlier, as well as the same who'd snoozed in the car on the way here and who ribbed and jived back at Hazel just as energetically and readily as she dished it out. His scent, his voice, his muzzle just visible in the falling shadows, all the same. And, yet, something else felt so, so different. "You haven't pushed me away yet, so you either know that I - like you, or that you're just terrified, huh?"

"No," the fox replied, before he could really stop himself. He'd never actually spoken those feelings before, but here he was, words spilling out over his tongue and lips spurred on by his pounding heart. "I know. And I'm - okay with it. And I... think I... think I want it, too."

One hundred percent the same coyote, with that bright, charismatic grin, teeth glimmering white like stars in whatever light they could catch and reflect. Asher tried not to keep his gaze on him for too long, for fear of losing his nerve and feeling the need to take back everything he'd said... but an unexpected gentle lick across his cheek quieted all that fear, as well as strengthened the twitching desire between his legs. Quinn's whiskers regularly flicked and tickled against his cheek and shoulder, so his worry that he'd caught his scent of arousal just bore down further.

"Yeah?" Those fingers, those claws, pressed a little more firmly into the fur and skin of his belly, partially causing the fox to curl up with the tickling. "What, am I special, or d'ya think you just enjoy the feeling of... I dunno... someone buried under your tail?" Then, that pressure stopped, and Quinn moved his muzzle away. "Assuming you're a bottom."

"Why would you assume that?"

Another grin, no hesitation or guilt or anything like that. "Just a hunch."

Now his heart beat with an entirely different feeling. Asher wriggled himself onto his side facing the coyote, and - forced himself to barrel over his insecurities and worries, and settled his own arm across Quinn's lower body to pull him through him. The coyote gave a little yip of surprise, but of course did not try to pull away.

"No..." Asher licked his lips and leaned in to touch his nose to Quinn's collarbone, just for a fraction of a second. Smell of coyote mixed with campfire smoke and the shampoo from the shower... "You know something, don't you?"

Quinn returned that brief touch, but then continued it up along Asher's neck, his jaw, his cheek. "Why? Is there something I should know?"

He hadn't yet forgotten about how Hazel may-or-may-not have taken a video of their little _thing_together; Asher had just never found the confidence or time to bring it up with her, partially since that would mean him verbally recognizing that it had actually happened.

Apart from all the verbal recognition he'd done during it, of course. Head pressed sideways down against this same mattress, and he was panting and breathing like he'd just run two miles.

Wouldn't do for him to admit that, though. So the red fox just licked his lips, blinked, and looked away, fully aware of the stirring heat between Quinn's legs pressed up against his own groin. Honestly, this whole situation had a bit of the same effect on himself: two boys near-naked in bed with one another, arms around each other, noses just an inch away from touching, voices quiet and wants and desires thrumming gently between them.

Strange thing, too: in any other situation, with anyone else, the pressure of that comment - is there something I should know? - given the circumstances would've made him nervous. Maybe it was how he already felt a bit nervous, or that being so close to Quinn quieted most of his other worries, or something else, but... instead of dodging to the side and giving some half-answer, Asher just - leaned forward and touched noses for another brief second, and returned that grin. "Could be. Or, maybe not." Like Quinn's personality and confidence oozed out and into him from his closeness.

That confidence still managed to waver, however, with another sudden movement from the other male... and in an instant Asher found himself pinned down against the mattress, coyote paws on his shoulders and muzzle looking down at him. Quinn drew his tongue out across his chops: every time he moved, Asher could see the lifted front of his boxers sway a little bit with the warmth and weight of what it hid.

"How about..." The coyote balanced himself on one paw, bringing the other down across Asher's chest with his claws just lightly dragging through his fur and along his skin. This sent irresistible little shivers vibrating out along his body, and caused him to lift up a little bit - which in turn resulted in the waistband of his boxers catching along two of Quinn's claws, probably as the coyote intended. "We figure out for certain whether you're a bottom?"

B-bump, b-bump, b-bump. This was it. Asher swallowed again and shifted beneath the weight pressing down on his shoulder, the shine from those brown eyes glittering down at him from above. What he'd been thinking about, what he'd dreamt about, what Hazel had been bugging him about... all right here above him, holding him down against the bed with his underwear half-lifted. There'd be no way that Quinn could miss the throbbing of the fox's cock, half-hard so close to the tips of his fingers.

So he blinked, licked his lips, gave a little reluctant nod... and then a second much more confident one. "Yeah. Alright. Let's do it."

Once more that grin widened, and the blankets shifted with the wagging of Quinn's tail - and then next thing Asher knew, he'd had his head pushed off to the side with that muzzle settled against his neck with lips and teeth lightly squeezing and touching in small kisses, and the coyote's paw going right ahead and sliding into his underwear. That touch in itself sent another electric shiver up his body, both from surprise and from the feeling of it: gentle fingers pressing and squeezing at him, feeling the lip and side of his sheath, the musk-slick base of his shaft that still slowly grew, the little line of rougher fur that traced down along his sack...

A little breathy exhalation made its way out between his lips, and he spread his legs a little further. Quinn continued groping and feeling him for a moment longer, but then suddenly removed his paw and straightened up; Asher glanced up at him in confusion, and received another sly grin before the coyote threw the blankets the rest of the way off, moved off to the side a bit, and then started to slide the fox's boxers down his legs. Lift one leg, let him take it off, lift the other, do the same... and then here he was, totally naked and aroused right in front of another guy.

Another guy whose paw had just been on his cock, squeezing and stroking just the slightest, working him up further. And that interest and feeling continued and sharpened once Quinn reached down to get himself ready: Asher couldn't take his eyes away from that smooth chest and flat belly, the little lines along his hips that pointed down into his groin, the slight bushiness of his pubic fur...

... the reddish-pink of his own tip, similarly moist and glistening in what little light came in through the windows, peeking out of a sand-colored sheath and hanging sack beneath. That same vaguely-familiar dry scent wafted up and tickled at Asher's nose, and he couldn't help but lick his lips again and roll partially over onto one elbow. Quinn remained on his knees on the mattress, one thumb lightly hooked around the base of his cock.

"I'm glad I wasn't the only one that got a bit turned on..." the coyote admitted, a bit sheepishly. With his other paw he reached over, took Asher's in his, brought it over... and then made sure to make eye contact with him, holding his fingers just far enough away from himself so that the fox could feel the heavy, wet heat of his arousal. "Do you - want to..."

He could stretch his fingers the rest of the way out and touch... once again, Asher nodded. "Yeah. I do." But it turned out Quinn would leave that to him: with this answer, the coyote's paw fell away from his, and it was up to him to close the distance.

"You know," Quinn went on, probably sensing his hesitation, "I've been kind of hard ever since I first got into the bed... I kept on thinking, what if he comes in here, I think he's gonna lie down here with me, and I just - rrfh."

RIght as Asher built up the confidence to reach forward and start to wrap his fingers around that length of revealed flesh - Quinn suddenly got over him again and leaned forward, paws braced against the wall behind the bed and cock tip pointed right towards the fox's nose. That scent hit him in full strength, hot and heavy, sharp without being pungent, something totally different than everything else he'd experienced. He settled his head back against the pillow, watched the way the coyote's balls shifted with his movement and breathing, how that shaft twitched and throbbed with his pulse... and then he raised a paw up and touched his fingerpads to the flesh.

Goodness, the intense wet heat right there, familiar from the times he'd pleasured himself but still notably different. It was obvious that Quinn tried to continue talking, to break some of the tension and nervousness that they both clearly felt, but - every touch, every little stroke, every adventurous motion, made him reflexively buck his hips or gasp. It was odd, and it made him a little more nervous, but there was irresistible curiosity there - in the way that Asher could slide his sheath back and forth with a finger and thumb, how the slickness of his liquid musk stuck to his fingerpads like a thin coating of oil, the warmth radiating from his sack and the pulsing of his heartbeat... and then, of course, the reaction that his own body had to all of these new scents and feelings, and the sight of this other male's cock lengthening right in front of his eyes.

"I didn't wanna push you into anything," Quinn said, voice low. There was a little bit of a breathy rasp between each word, as if he were already struggling to keep his voice even. Actually, now that Asher thought about it... maybe the coyote hadn't had a chance to - unload this weekend, as opposed to how the fox had had his incident with Hazel. That would naturally lend itself to eagerness, confidence, neediness... that was a guy thing. Asher could understand that.

"No..." he breathed in response, and squeezed his paw a little more firmly around that cock. Now, the bulge of the coyote's knot had just barely started to form halfway beneath his sheath, lifting the skin just a little bit. "It's fine. I've been doing a lot of thinking..."

"I bet you have, huh? But I - just want to make sure you know-"

As suddenly as all of this had been shoved in front of his muzzle was it taken away, Quinn sitting back on his feet between Asher's legs. He rested one paw along the fox's upper thigh and looked him right in the eye, familiar smile still on his muzzle but with something else beneath it.

"-that you can stop me whenever if you're not feeling it. Okay?"

That was also weird, getting seriousness like this in such an absurd (and, admittedly, hot) situation. Not at all what he'd come to expect from this particular coyote. The little flick of his ears, the way he maintained eye contact as he brought his paw to his muzzle and spat into it, the bright grin that followed... all of _that_was, however. Asher's thrumming nervousness returned as Quinn spread that slickness down along his length, pushing his sheath back the rest of the way and bringing the other side of his knot into view. His other paw along the fox's thigh moved around, tightened, started to lift his leg up.

"And I wanna make sure you're certain."

Didn't give him much chance to say otherwise, not that Asher particularly minded. He had to grasp at the mattress beneath him once Quinn started to lift him, raising him up along the coyote's legs while he leaned over him, noses once more close to touching. Here, this close, Quinn's breath came out hot in his own whiskers, that same excitement and eagerness more than palpable.

"So I'll ask you again." This time, that tapered slick pressure against his tailhole had an inimitable heat to it, and a kind of soft firmness quite unlike the fennec's strap-on. That little touch, that slight pressure... somewhat to his own surprise, it made Asher tense up again, but in a good way. In the kind of way that resulted in a shiver through his body and a throb along his cock. "You wanna do this, Ash? If you don't, that's fine, we can - I guess I can show you what it feels like to get a blowjob from a guy, or we just do whatever you're comfortable with, or..."

Asher hoped that his wrapping his lower legs around Quinn's body and tugging him forward a little would be enough of an answer, but it seemed that the coyote wanted verbal confirmation.

Still a bit of a disconnect putting it to words, but... "Yeah. I want it." He'd be lying if he said otherwise.

From there, it wasn't a fast, sudden change in pace, like what Hazel had done for him ("Well, if you're not gonna look at me, then you might as well bend over and hike your tail"), but rather... rather, Quinn continued to lean in over Asher, slowly, gently pressing into him, as if wanting to get him accustomed to the feeling of his tip poking in to the center of his tailhole. Asher squirmed a little more, lifted his hips, swallowed, squeezed his legs around the coyote's lower body... and gasped as he felt that saliva-slickened shaft start to sink up into him, the same kind of filling, slightly-uncomfortable pressure that he'd gotten from Hazel's toy, the pleasure beneath that discomfort magnified.

He looked up through eyes threatening to flutter shut - and saw Quinn struggling to do the same, jaw hanging partially open, ears splayed and upper arms shaking already. Their eyes met for a couple of seconds and Quinn gave a breathless little laugh, which quickly faded away along with his smile. Had to concentrate on holding himself back, on sliding, sinking slowly into this fox beneath him, who reflexively clenched back around that girth and pushed against him, both resisting and inviting at the same time.

Thankfully, Quinn understood and went slow, one paw braced against the mattress beside Asher's head while the other pressed down against his chest, where he could feel the weight he put behind his slow, steady thrusts, and the bridled want that burned beneath that self-control. Slight sting, growing pressure, odd uncomparable discomfort of having a (somewhat thicker) cock press into him... at one point Asher brought his own paw up and closed it over Quinn's, interrupting the coyote's pace for a fraction of a second. Those eyes fluttered open, his whiskers flicked back, his smile returned.

And then Asher couldn't see much of anything, with the side of coyote muzzle obscuring his view and soft, warm lips locked with his own. For some reason the whole thing took him by surprise: the male's lips, his tongue, didn't taste any different than those of any of the girls he'd kissed. But, then - why would they? Asher lifted up into the slow grinding, pulling in slow, shaky breaths through pauses in the kiss and then letting that out in hot puffs through his nose.

With his focus directed on that, on the feeling of Quinn's smooth, slick tongue curling in against his own, on those sharp fangs just barely, carefully nipping and tugging at his upper lip, he didn't really notice the coyote starting to ramp up his pace, having to readjust his position and lift Asher more fully onto his legs. Well - he _did_notice, but it wasn't something that forced its way into his consciousness. It was just... just smooth, easy. Right.

Quinn broke the kiss, and left a strand of thick saliva hanging between his lips and the fox's as he tried to get into a better position. Asher attempted to help him out and move against him, which just resulted in him getting pushed even more fully down onto his back with his legs lifted up into the air, rolling back and forth with each thrust. Same sort of feeling as Hazel shoving her strap-on into him, but different, stronger, better... where he couldn't help but let his head fall back against the pillow, eyes closed and mouth open, breaths coming and going with those thrusts. Quinn had straightened back up to his height and now held one of the fox's legs open with his paw, the other braced against his own hip to help regulate his pace. The deeper he got into the action, the faster and stronger those thrusts became, and actually, the discomfort and pain that had made itself apparent at first had almost completely disappeared.

Now, there was just... just that intense want to wrap his legs around Quinn's body and yank the coyote into him, to use him as leverage to lift himself up and push back down against him, again and again and again in rhythm with the churning of his hips. Of course once he started this, both of them shared a shivering breathy moan and briefly had to slow down... before picking right back up, Quinn now leaning forward over him.

Asher wasn't quite expecting to suddenly have those paws on his shoulders again, the coyote balancing between there and his feet braced against the mattress further down, hunger evident on his face and in his breath. Here he lifted himself up into the air every time he tugged out, right up to the edge of his tapered tip without pulling himself completely out, and then used his own weight to drive back down into the fox beneath him - and, of course, squeeze another moan out of him, again and again.

Thmp, thmp, thmp of the bedframe against the wall, rhythmic squeaking of the old springs beneath them, rough scraping of the bed's feet across the floor - and now the wet, heavy slapping of hips to rump, of balls to tail. Asher couldn't help but pull in a sharp gasp as Quinn jerked his head forward and set his teeth against his shoulder, fangs pricking into his skin and holding tight. There was a playful growl in the coyote's throat, rumbling out through Asher's own chest every time their bodies pressed together, again and again.

Quinn somehow managed to maintain a better hold on the situation than Asher did. The fox reached down to paw himself off, and had to pat around for his own cock a few times, first poking Quinn in the belly, and then the hip, and then the belly again... and when he finally did find himself, he jerked his paw away with surprise at the slick, sticky wetness that dripped down from the tip.

Then, right as he got a grip - Quinn's paw came down and snatched at his wrist, yanking it away and pinning it down to the bed off to the side, not a beat of his rhythm missed. Still he had his teeth on his shoulder, still he sucked in sharp breaths through his nose and let them out into the fox's fur... still he pounded into him, bulge of his knot slowly growing and pressing against his tailhole, another mixed flash of pain and sweet pleasure.

"Quinn-" Asher managed, head tilted to the side. His throat felt dry and it hurt a bit to swallow, like he'd just run three miles. "That feels-"

"Yeah," the coyote replied, through teeth gritted on his shoulder. Now he worked back and forth between fast and hard, and slower, smoother, deeper... eventually he released Asher's wrist and closed his own paw around his cock, stroking him in the same rhythm as his thrusts. "I know. You're leaking."

"Feels good..."

Then, chill of night air where that mouth had just been on his shoulder. Quinn glanced down at him from above. "You doing okay?"

Asher swallowed, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes... "Don't stop-"

Didn't have to tell _him_twice. That seemed to revitalize the coyote and fill him with bright, strong energy: he almost doubled his pace and force, urgency slapping in against Asher's rump and forcing moan after moan out of him, loud to the point where Quinn pressed his mouth to his once more and shoved his tongue into his muzzle to get him to quiet down.

It only partially worked. What with the coyote grinding and slamming into him, and that paw running his length again and again, and the scent and taste and feeling... not two more minutes and Asher felt that bright, hot peak approaching, and he squeezed his legs as tight as he could around Quinn's body, and pulled that bulging knot in against his tailhole, and felt the impossible width and pressure - and let loose a tense string of heavy, breathy exhalations into the coyote's muzzle, every squeeze around that cock accompanied by a spurt of cum thick between their bellies.

From there it took Quinn only a few more thrusts, too, before - heavy weight on top of him, just as heavy breathing, phantom sensation of a few particularly powerful throbs beneath his tail. Pump, pump, pump, each one accompanied by another, steadily-slicker thrust, a kind of sticky slipperiness... Quinn really had trouble keeping himself up now, and freely rested his weight across Asher's chest as he finished up. He could feel the coyote's chest heaving in heavy, exhausted panting, could feel the languid enjoyment reverberating through his body, in the paws squeezing at his sides and making him squirm alongside the filling pressure under his tail.

All the buildup, the peak, the release: different sounds from this coyote, different motions. First the hanging jaw and heavy breaths, then the clenched teeth and tightly-closed eyes, then the sharp, sudden hisses of breath through his nose, in the same rhythm as the palpable throbs beneath Asher's tail... and maybe it was just his own imagination, but he thought he could feel the sticky heat of that load spurt out into him, and squeeze itself out of his tailhole and base of his tail. Compared to his own load - maybe since he'd just gotten drained the other day while Quinn hadn't had a chance all weekend - what he had pumping into him was... definitely something else. Something he'd be able to feel at least through tomorrow.

Somewhere along the way Asher's arms had settled around Quinn's shoulders, and now, he dropped them limp to the bed; Quinn, shaking with the exertion and satisfaction, remained where he was for another few moments before he slid slowly out of the fox - with a gasp from both of them - and then fell dead-weight back onto his pillow beside him. What Asher hadn't been expecting, though, was that sickly slickness to ooze out of his tailhole and across the base of his tail, even when he tried to clench against it... but, apparently, the whole getting-railed thing temporarily weakened his muscles there. What an odd feeling. He tried to ignore it, and instead focus on the weight of the arm draped across his chest and coyote muzzle in his neck, but-

"Um," the fox managed after a moment. Quinn stirred against him. "Do you have something I can... um... y'know... clean up with?"

"Nmmh. Should be a towel on the floor near your side."

"Huh?" So he leaned over, and sure enough, there it was. "Why d'you have this here?"

"S'not what you think. Swimming."

Then another odd feeling, having to reach down and - wipe at himself, hot and wet and sticky. The heat, the pulsing ache, the thumping of his heart both from the exertion as well as the knowledge that he'd just fucked a guy - and enjoyed it. The streaks of his own cum across his chest provided proof enough of that.

As he reached up to clean that off too, though, Quinn leaned forward and nuzzled up along his neck again. Asher looked over, right into those tired brown eyes and at that exhausted grin.

"So," the coyote purred, and reached over to slide the towel down between his own legs. "What'dja think? Have fun?"

"God." It had honestly been more than what he'd expected, his worries crushed as soon as the first irresistible wave of pleasure had thrummed through his body. Hadn't gotten something like that from anyone else, pretty much ever. "Quinn..."

But, then, something clouded over that usually-bright face. Quinn tensed his fingers against Asher's belly, still somewhat damp, and then started to trace smooth circles with a claw in his fur. "I actually have somethin' I need to tell you."


"About Hazel. Um - I don't know if you know, but, she..." Ears flicked back, whiskers lowered. "Kinda. Uh. Took a video. Of fucking you with her strap-on. And she showed me."

Asher hoped that Quinn wouldn't be able to see his suppressed smile in the darkness.

"And, like - I don't know if she got your permission for that or anything? But, like, she knew that I... like you, and I guess it... gave me confidence, really. Since 'til then I had no real idea if you were - y'know, into guys. And I guess you still could've been straight and just liked taking it up the butt. I mean, just look at Kory-"

Couldn't help but smiling now. Funny thing about that...

"But, basically... well, yeah. That's about it. I'm... sorry."

Maybe it was the afterglow from their sex, or the excitement that still bubbled in his chest, or the satisfaction and - relief of finally going for it and enjoying it, but none of that really bothered Asher. In fact, after a bit of struggling to get his arm up from between the both of them, he tugged the coyote closer to him, touched their noses together, stole a kiss on a whim (where did _that_confidence come from?)... and then did so again. Nothing quite as sweet as seeing a confused dog's head-tilt.

"I thought it was something like that." Asher's voice sounded raspy after all the grunting and moaning and panting and gasping. He coughed and cleared his throat. "I mean... I've been her friend for, like, ever now, so I figured she'd do something like that. If it was that big of a deal to me, I'd've stopped her, maybe. Besides, I guess..." And he trailed off.

Quinn bumped his nose against Asher's forehead. "Yeah?"

"...I guess I was... kind of... hoping she'd show it to you. Since I was afraid to do anything about it for the longest time." The longest time being since about eight PM on Friday.

Quinn let out a relieved sigh, and leaned in again to nuzzle at Asher's shoulder. "Oh. Good. I was worried."

"I didn't know you could get worried." Soft, warm fur against his chin and lips, scent of coyote. Asher breathed it in. "I thought you were all grins and laughs."

"I'd be offended, frankly, but I don't have the energy. And, besides, you've only known me for this weekend..."

From outside came the low, quiet humming of wind through the trees and the old boards of the cabin, and the whispering of the lakewater on the shore. Asher wriggled a little bit closer to the coyote, that chill of deepening night starting to close in.

"...So, then, how about once we get back, I give you my number and we see about getting to know each other a little better?"

Sure, some remnant of that original nervousness still rumbled in his chest and in the back of his head. The feeling of having someone weigh down on him, though, of having a muzzle pressed up in his neck and an arm across his body... all of that really made up for it. Once again, this just felt right.

"Yeah," Asher said, and bumped the side of his muzzle against Quinn's. "That sounds good, I think."