Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep04

Story by hazbaz on SoFurry

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#4 of LoM 05

During that time, Hazard was at a local supermarket buying some certain items he was in need of. A sledge hammer, a blowtorch, a big sack of charcoal, a big bucket and a metal sharpener where the things he brought up to the cashier register.

"Boy, either you're throwing one hot barbeque party or preparing a murder," the cashier worker, a teen badger, commented as he was taking in Hazard's items.

"I could tell you, but do you really want to find out?" the wolf replied with a devious grin that sent a chill down the young badger's spine.

"Uhh, n-no sir! Total is 73 and 28 cents!" the cashier worker stammered nervously, and Hazard paid him with cash.

"Keep the change. Thanks for the help, you're a good kid. I'll make sure to shop here again, just for you," Hazard said with a wink and made the teen badger gulp, bagging his items in a couple of big bags and handing them to him timidly, as the wolf took them with a smile and before he went out of the store, turned his sight over to the cashier worker and saw him staring at him suspiciously, then shied his eyes away instantly when he noticed Hazard catching him stare. The wolf merely shook his head with a chuckle and stepped out of the store. "Dumb kid. Well, I just hope this stuff will be enough to do some old-school blacksmithing. Haven't tuned up my sword in ages," Hazard thought to himself, reflecting upon the events that had happened so far. He wanted to be prepared if any more attacks occurred, and his sword needed some much needed sharpening since it had been a long time since he used it. He started carrying it with him and hanging it over his back, enwrapped by a cloth cover to hide it from the public.

He managed to carry the heavy bags as he walked through the streets on his way back home, but as he passed by a corner, someone stood in front of him and stopped him.

"Well, well, look at what we have here," Megalo greeted the golden wolf, who looked back at him sternly.

"Excuse me, do I know you?"

"Probably not, but I've been a big fan of you, Mr. Barzard. Or should I say, Mr. Millennium Slasher?" the red-haired black panther remarked with a grin, as Hazard's stern expression changed into a stunned one. The wolf soon realized that this feline was no ordinary person with his special intuition, sensing that he was also a bearer of Abaddon's curse, but he could also sense a terrible evil inside of him.

"What do you want?" Hazard directly asked.

"Oh, just to spend some private time with you, is all. I hope that won't be a problem. I hate to see what would happen to these innocent bystanders around us should we break a brawl here. Actually, I'd love to see that, so I don't give a fuck, but I guess it's up to you," Megalo answered, his grin spreading across his black lips.

Of course, Hazard knew what choice he had to pick. "Easy there, whatyourface. No need to get psycho here. I'm up for a little chat, so lead the way."

"Aw, what a let down. Follow me then," Megalo replied with a sneer and walked away, with Hazard following him cautiously.