Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 141

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#141 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Art Used In Preview By https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=7683594 http://immortalstar01.tumblr.com/

Chapter 141 - Three's Company - Part 3

With Chris taking longer than expected, Rose managed to finish in the shower before he returned, the girls looked around in a slightly uncomfortable manner and giving one another random glances. "Should one of us... Check on him?" Rose asked. "He want us to stay here..." Serenity point out. "It's getting rather awkward in here." Alicia muttered, the two responding with quiet "y-yeah" in agreement. After a moment of debating whether to leave the bathroom, the group jolt when Chris suddenly called out with a "yo!" as he walked in, startling the girls as he walked up. "Sorry about that... I figured it'd be better if I cleaned up some more before getting in the tub. I put on fresh bandages from my rucksack and added some over my side too, so we should be all good. Waterproof just like the others!" he assured, the girls looking him over as he walked up to the tub with several bottles in his arms. "I think you're gonna love this... I kinda took a little souvenir from the onsen I figured we might try out. I uh... Didn't think it'd be TOGETHER though." he point out, looking back with a nervous smile as he held up a small vile of liquid. "You uh... You girls SURE you wanna do this for me though? Getting in the bath together is pretty crazy!" he point out, causing Serenity and Alicia to look at one another warily. "It's a little hard to believe you've done what you already have as it is. I didn't think I deserved that much even." he affirmed, laughing with slight sweat on his face causing the two girls expressions to change into that of guilt. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!" Chris panicked, the two shaking their heads. "No... Do deserve. We not do much for you so... This nothing." Serenity assured. "Q-Quite... I'll admit it's not an... Ideal... Situation, but..." Alicia added, the two glancing away.

"You know... Despite what I said before, you girls HAVE saved my life and I do appreciate it. So you really don't owe me anything. I dunno what Rose said, but don't push yourselves to do uncomfortable stuff on my account. " he affirmed. "Well, there's more to it than that." the rabbit point out. "You save our life, we save your life. That not really make even though... You save us, then do what you do every day. When compare what you do and what we do, it not very good picture." Serenity explained, poking her fingers. "We've moments where we, er, BOND... Physically if you will... But it's not so much about your, ah... Well..." Alicia added, embarrassed and struggling to speak as a blush spread across her face. "It not about need YOU have, it about US feel good. Not just when we do thing like this either, but every day. Food you give us, places you take us, thing you plan for us to do... You put lot of effort into making US happy. So this time, it like I say..." Serenity paused, glancing away and fidgeting shyly. "We'd like to return the favor... We might not find it ideal, doing this together... But it's not going to kill us either. We wish to make you the happy one, for once..." Alicia finished for her. Looking at the girls, Chris shook his head with a sigh and smirked. "I tell you girls all the time that...!!" he tried to say, only for Rose to raise her hand. "We know, you love us. Having us around is good and all that stuff." she began to list. "But as females..." Alicia shyly. "W-We not... Not do much to make YOU happy in THAT way." Serenity finished. "W-We flirt, and I flirt lots, but that because... Greedy." Serenity confessed. "I do make it rather hard on you too, my personality is a tad challenging to bear I suppose..." Alicia nodded. "So just let us do this for you and enjoy yourself, the way you make us enjoy every minute we're with you!" Rose giggled, Serenity and Alicia nodding with silent flushes on their faces.

"T-Tonight we'll do whatever you wish, so long as it's within reason at least. Ask anything of us..." Alicia affirmed. "What you want, we give. Not worry about way we feel, we want YOU to feel good. If you happy, then..." Serenity paused, looking at Alicia before both faced away from one another. "I-It makes doing this bearable if you're at least enjoying it..." the snake nodded. "You already know it turns them on when you feel good anyway!" Rose affirmed with a grin, hinting at how both girls had already climaxed causing both to jolt and flush. "Y-You shut up!!" Serenity snapped. "Honestly..." Alicia grumbled. Looking at the group, Chris chuckled and nodded before turning toward the tub, turning the faucet on before adjusting it and plugging the drain. "Alright, got a good temperature... Now for this." he smirked, the girls pausing and watching curiously as he uncorked the vile with his teeth and started pouring the contents out near the streaming water. "So... What is that exactly?" Alicia asked. "Take a look." Chris motioned, stepping aside as the girls approached the tub and looked in to see bubbles foaming up from the water. "Oohh..." Rose muttered, her eyes widening. "It just soap?" Serenity asked. "Yes and no. This is an actual bubble bath! That stuff from the onsen I poured in bubbles up better than the normal kind and has a special smell. Take a whiff!" he coaxed, the girls blinking at him before doing as told. "Ohh... That's heavenly." Alicia sighed. "Smell like flower... I like." Serenity added, her eyes closed with a relaxed smile. "Smells kinda familiar." Rose point out. "Cherry blossom. A little vanilla in there too." Chris grinned. "It's a little girly for my taste but... I figured you'd kinda like it a little." he explained.

Leaving the bathroom once more while they were enjoying the scent of the bubbles and watching them continue to foam up, he returned with several candles he'd saved from the onsen as well, placing them in various places in the bathroom and on the tub. "Now what doing?" Serenity asked. "You should know! Don't you remember what I did back then?" he hinted, the Pokemon blinking in response before blushing and glancing away. "I-I remember." she nodded. Looking around, Rose gave him a scowl in response. "Hey... You're not supposed to worry about this kinda stuff this time!" she insisted, Serenity and Alicia jolting and looking at the suds and candles as well. "Th-That right! Not need to!" Serenity affirmed. "I-It defeats the purpose if you go out of your way for us... AGAIN..." Alicia reminded. "It's just some bubbles and stuff, don't worry!" he assured, the girls scowling at him nonetheless. "Not do any more stuff. We suppose to do for you!" Serenity lectured. "So... What do you want next?" Rose asked, causing the others to pause and glance away shyly. "Well, how about you girls face the tub? Serenity and Rose can bend over the side of it and Alicia can raise her tail for me, make sure you're close together." he instructed, getting a blush from them in response before they did as told, lined up with Serenity between Rose and Alicia. "W-We've done this once already, it's not quite as difficult..." the snake nodded. "The only thing is, you girls can't look back, okay? You gotta keep your faces forward, no matter what." he instructed. "Wh-Why's that?" Rose asked. "Y-Yes, that sounds suspicious..." Alicia scowled. "I thought it was whatever I wanted?" he scowled back, pointing out all the questions making the rabbit apologized while Alicia faced forward with a grumble.

Walking up, he repeated his order about not looking back as he stepped behind Serenity, the Pokemon sensing him and tensing up. "S-So what doing?" she asked. "Spread your legs." he affirmed, causing her to bite her lip and clutch the tub while doing so. Reaching out, be brushed her skirt aside making her shudder before he pulled his hand back and suddenly smacked his hand hard against Serenity's womanhood, causing her to arch and scream in surprise while Rose and Alicia tensed up as though they'd been smacked too. "Th-That sensitive!!!" Serenity snapped, her womanhood stinging and throbbing as he pulled his hand away, only to deliver another punishing smack just as hard against it making Serenity scream again, her womanhood tightly clenching from the impact while Rose and Alicia jolt from the sound, the snake hissing as her own womanhood clenched. "I-It hurt!!!" Serenity added, the others remaining tense and biting their lips nervously. "That's why I'm doing it..." Chris replied before delivering a third smack, this time even harder making Serenity scream once more before whimpering and shivering, her womanhood turning pink. "Wh-Why...?" she asked. Bending down, Chris spread her cheeks so she was better exposed, allowing him to look at her hole as it twitched while her reddened womanhood throbbed before his eyes. "You're still being punished..." he affirmed, making her whimper. "I-It hurt too much..." she meekly replied as he raised back up. Sensing his movement, Serenity tried to resist, closing her legs and about to turn only to get a stern "spread" from Chris, making her pause from his tone before giving a drawn out and submissive "no--o..." in response, only to get the same order. Lowering her head, she spread her legs again and stuck out her butt, with Chris brushing her skirt aside again.

"Now... Who's been a bad girl...?" he asked, Serenity letting out a nervous "h-huh?" before shouting when the sound of his hand roughly smacking her womanhood again rang in the girls ears, Rose biting her lip and shivering excitedly while Alicia shuddered as well, finding both her own fear and excitement from Serenity's treatment. "Say it." Chris ordered, once again putting his strength into his hand as it smacked her already throbbing and clenching womanhood. "I-I...!!" Serenity stuttered, biting her lip and whimpering as tears welled up in her eyes. Looking at her face, Rose noticed clear pain in the expression Serenity was making, yet mixed within the hurt and fear, the rabbit was keen enough to notice a hidden arousal as well, a subtle show of excitement in the Pokemon's face that made Rose reach out and place her hand atop Serenity's, causing her to look at the rabbit with an "eh?" before screaming when Chris smacked her womanhood once more. "It's okay..." Rose coaxed, giving her a warm smile. "I-It hurt...!!" Serenity whimpered, having a harder time holding her tears back. "It's okay..." Rose assured again, holding her hand tighter causing Serenity to look at the rabbit, confusion showing on her face before screaming again, her legs trembling as she dug her nails into the tub from yet another smack. Finally shedding a tear, she also showed a slight blush on her face, letting out a quiet and drawn out "o--ow..." from the pain. While the stinging and throbbing distracted her, Serenity failed to notice Chris had stepped back, now looking at his hand with slight wetness on it, giving it a lick and looking at Serenity's womanhood now subtly glistening from being spanked by him.

"Looks like there's two of you who like it rough..." he muttered "I..." Serenity replied, pausing as she tried to recover. "I... Bad girl..." she said quietly, wiping her tear. Looking at the Pokemon, he raised an eyebrow before stepping back up and touching Serenity's butt, causing her to jolt and whine innocently. "What was that?" he asked, sliding his fingers down Serenity's crack before cupping his hand over her stinging womanhood, softly rubbing it making her bite her lip. "I-I bad girl... I say it..." she repeat. Showing a smirk, Chris pulled his hand away and looked at her wetness on his fingers. "And what do bad girls get...?" he asked, causing her to gasp and reach down between her legs, shaking her head as she covered her womanhood. Continuing to pay attention to Serenity's face, Rose still saw something hidden within her pained and scared expression, a look in her eyes that seemed lit up from the way Chris was giving her punishment. Suddenly hearing him tell her to move her hand, Serenity shut her eyes tightly, biting her lip once more before giving a meek "h-hurt..." response, only to sense him quietly standing over her from behind making her feel a strange sense of obedience deep within. Slowly moving her hand, she surrendered her already reddened womanhood. Alicia on the other hand was finding a confusing mixture of satisfaction and pity for Serenity, still feeling a strange arousal and wariness of her own from what he was doing before hearing Serenity scream as his hand smacked her slit once more. This time however, instead of just one blow, Chris began smacking her womanhood again and again, over and over making Serenity arch and grip the tub each time, screaming and grunting time and again from each impact.

As her tears started streaming, at the same time a flush was spreading across Serenity's face, her eyes showing pain yet at the same time a fire Rose thought was familiar, the rabbit keeping her hand over Serenity's. The more Chris continued smacking her womanhood, the more he realized Serenity was getting wet, eventually to the point trails of arousal stuck to his hand, the Pokemon actually getting off from being handled in such a way by him. Reaching the point of pleading, Serenity started repeating "I bad girl!" over and over, telling him "I sorry!" and "Forgive!" as she started wetting herself slightly each time he smacked her, each blow to her womanhood causing a sudden yellow shot to splurt from her slit until finally her eyes suddenly rolled up, her body arching as she screamed through her teeth, tightly clenching them and gripping the tub as tightly as she could while Chris paused and felt her womanhood convulsing against his hand, her body stiffening and twitching before he thrust his fingers into her, the Pokemon groaning in distress and pleading "no!!", rapidly shaking her head only for him to start roughly thrashing his fingers within her, tormenting her during her climax and making it stronger as she raised up onto the tips of her feet. Continuing to groan, she repeatedly shook her head, wanting him to stop as he started roughly ramming his fingers into her on top of thrashing them within, only stopping when Serenity suddenly let out a scream of torment and euphoria combined, her slit now squirting all over until he finally pulled his fingers out, causing Serenity to gasp and collapse to the floor, leaning against the edge of the tub and wheezing heavily while Rose and Alicia looked at her defeated form. Standing over her, Chris looked down at the Pokemon and held out his hand, causing her to jerk into a curled up form against the tub and whimper, shaking her head as she tried to recover and cover her abused womanhood as it trickled not only from her climax, but a yellow-ish liquid was coming out as well, revealing she was still wetting herself from the intensity of the moment.

Calling her name, Serenity slowly looked up at him, letting out a meek sniffle and when her teary eyes met his, there was something about the situation, about his behavior and their positions, about the way he'd lectured her before and now looked down at her that was gradually chipping its way into a dormant side of her, a somewhat primitive side not too unlike Rose's that was urging her to act as desired, to want both his punishment, and to appease him not only as lovers, but purely as a man and woman as well. Submissively crawling up to him, Serenity watched as he removed his towel and tossed it aside, Alicia and Rose flushing out of both arousal and shock from the way he'd gotten aroused from punishing Serenity so roughly, his member sticking up and throbbing at its full thickness as she crawled along and climbed up his leg, showing him how willing she was to accept his authority until her face was in front of his manhood. Next thing the girls knew, they were hearing the sound of Serenity kissing it and whimpering, her lips pecking his sack and length as she caressed them in her hands, giving him tender and loving affection despite her punishment making Chris smirk as he placed his hand on her head, making Serenity look up and shudder. "You're a bad girl, but you're MY girl..." he affirmed, making her shockingly moan in excitement from his words making the girls eyes widen. "Sh-She's getting into this more than I thought she would..." Rose muttered. "She's as big a freak as the rabbit..." Alicia added in the same tone as Serenity took Chris into her mouth, slurping on his girth before pulling away and kissing along it again, tilting her head and licking all over his sack as he rubbed her head like that of a pet making Serenity swoon.

"Hey..." he called out, causing her to pause and let out an "eh?" before he clutched her hair and pulled her head back so she faced up at him, making Serenity squeak and whimper. "You're mine, right?" he asked, the Pokemon shivering with a nod. "I-I yours. All yours..." she affirmed. "You still live for me? You'll obey?" he asked, Serenity flushing and showing a teary smile. "My life yours... Live to obey. Want to make happy." she surrendered before he pulled her face into his crotch, making her rub it against his sack. "You like that?" he asked, Serenity letting out a moan. "L-Love it... Love it!" she shout submissively. "L-Love you! Love it!" she added, wrapping her arms around his waist and allowing him to continue smearing her face into his manhood until he released her hair, making her gasp before she started kissing and licking excitedly all over his girth again. "L-Love... Love..." she moaned, suddenly slurping his sack into her mouth and letting out muffled "wuv... wuv!!" noises as she sucked on it to affirm to Chris that he owned her, assuring that her entire being belonged to him causing him to shudder and grin in his own excitement. "Damn I love you..." he replied in a tone that made the Pokemon drip from her womanhood. Pulling his hips back, he pushed his tip against her lips, telling her to "open" and getting an obedient response as her lips parted, allowing him to suddenly shove himself in to the base causing her eyes to widen in surprise before he pulled out and shoved it back in, causing her to urk and tightly shut her eyes as he started ramming her face, clutching her head in both hands as she let him do whatever he wanted to her. Yearning to excite him even more, Serenity started slurping on him as best she could as he eagerly thrust into her mouth, getting a "Yeah... Your MINE..." response of greed out of Chris that made her shiver again and start rubbing her womanhood.

After a moment, he pulled out of Serenity's mouth, allowing her to gasp before looking up at him in a daze. "I-I do good...?" she asked as he rubbed her cheek, making her show a small smile as she took his hand and kissed the back of it. Instructing her to return to her place between the others, Serenity did as told while he went up to the tub himself and turned off the faucet, the Pokemon bending back over with the bath now full of steaming water and foam. "Alright... That's ready..." he nodded, facing at the group as Serenity and Rose gave him eager looks, Alicia showing more wary yet anxious look of her own. Instructing them to get closer together, the girls did as told until they were barely an inch apart. Walking up behind them, he instructed Alicia to raise her tail again, the snake quietly doing as he wanted allowing him to look at their womanhood's as though he were looking at a menu. Stepping up behind Serenity once more, the Pokemon tensed up as he squat and brushed her skirt aside, making her spread her legs like before as she gripped the tub, fearing he was going to strike her again. Instead however, she jolt when he started rubbing her reddened vulva before spreading her lips. "You're dirty again..." he point out. "I-I sorry... When you smack it... I..." Serenity tried to apologize. "Wetting yourself, aren't you supposed to be strong?" he asked, pointing out the scent making her groan in humiliation. "I guess I'll have to take care of it again..." Chris point out, making her panic thinking he was about to start smacking it. Much to her surprise though, it was instead the opposite as even though she'd wet herself, she was caught off guard when he slurped his mouth over her womanhood, licking it clean for her making the Pokemon flush brighter than ever. "I-It dirty!!" she panicked, only to be ignored.

Pulling his mouth away with a loud pop that made Serenity gasp and moan, he responded with a "yeah it is" comment before slurping his mouth back over it and sucking roughly, causing her to go weak at the knees. Finally giving attention to the others as well, Rose and Alicia jolt when they felt him touching their womanhood's as well, his fingers exploring their slits as he kept his face buried behind Serenity, continuing to taste her on his knees while his hands reached out and focused on them. "H-How rude... You could warn a lady..." the snake scolded, only to have him shove his fingers inside of her making Alicia bite her lip as he worked them around within her. "S-So hasty..." she added, showing an agitated scowl yet blushing nonetheless as she let him have his way. Doing the same to Rose, for the rabbit he worked her up by rubbing her and pulling on her clit, making her bite her lip and hiss in excitement until feeling his fingers at her entrance. With four of them together, he gave the rabbit a challenge to take them all as he started pushing them in, causing her eyes to widen when she realized how much he was trying to make her take. Twisting his hand around, little by little it started going inside her, Rose's muscles squeezing around his hand as she dig her nails into the tub. Pushing even harder, Chris forced his way into her body as the rabbits eyes rolled up, showing tears welling as she grit her teeth and started grunting from the strain. Eventually, her tiny womanhood finally managed to take his hand, with his thumb poking her anus and rubbing around it until he shoved his thumb all the way into it, causing her to scream in surprise as he thrashed his thumb around in her butt, the rest of his fingers doing the same within her womanhood making her gasp and pant.

"You like that?" Chris suddenly asked, having pulled his face away from Serenity's womanhood leaving the Pokemon with a dazed and euphoric look on her face as she shuddered. "H-Huh...? Me...?" Rose replied. "Yeah... You like this?" Chris repeat, pulling his hand out of her womanhood before shoving it back in making her scream a second time, arching back before facing down and biting her lip. "Y-Yes..." she nodded submissively. "But..." she added, glancing back shyly. "What?" Chris asked, looking at Serenity's butt as she waved it, trying to coax his face back in. "...Harder?" Rose asked, looking back at him with tears remaining in her eyes and an excited spark in them, a blush on her face as she trembled the same as Serenity. Showing a smirk, Chris replied with "you're both bad girls..." before he shoved his hand into Rose even harder, suddenly slurping on Serenity's womanhood as hard as he could at the same time making both girls arch and scream "yes!!" together. Pulling away with a juicy smack, Chris smirked as the two swooned from the way he was acting, pulling his fingers out of Rose and giving her a hard smack on her cheek making the rabbit gasp and moan in excitement. "And how are you feeling?" he asked, looking at Alicia as she tried to maintain a straight face, his fingers within her making the snake flush despite her attempt to hide its affect with a scowl. "Y-You're just mindlessly poking about..." she replied, causing him to raise an eyebrow with a "yeah?" as he removed his fingers from her as well. "D-Do you really expect to have an affect on me like that...?" she asked, looking at him with a spark of challenge in her eyes. "...Didn't expect you to be into it too..." Chris replied, wiping his mouth from being covered in Serenity's arousal.

"...Being forced into it, the least you could do is make it worth...!!" Alicia replied, pausing with a jolt when Chris stood and made his way behind her instead. "So you want more...?" he asked, the snake glancing back quietly. "Guess I do owe you too." he added, touching her tail making her shudder. "...You scared or excited?" he smirked, looking at her womanhood as it oozed from its overabundance of arousal, the snake biting her lip. "I-It's getting annoying holding my tail up for so long! If you've something you intend to do, get it over with! I'm getting a cramp!!" she snapped. "You don't have any faith in me, right...? So why should I give you anything?" he asked, sliding his fingers along her tail before brushing them over her dangling labia, making her tremble and let out a subtle coo of sorts. "D-Do something to prove that I should..." she replied, glancing back again with the same challenging spark in her gaze, this time showing a sense of need and longing as well. "I can't believe you girls are actually getting into this so much..." he grinned. "Serenity getting her slit smacked and squirting from it, Rose practically taking my hand and still wanting more... Now you're begging for more too even after seeing what they went through?" he asked. "I-I'm not like them!! I'm not asking for...!!" she tried to insist, only for her words to freeze up when she felt his hand stroking her labia. "You're soaked... You sure you're not like them somewhere inside...?" he asked, showing a cocky smirk that made the snake grit her teeth in frustration. "D-Don't you dare look at me like...!!" she tried to say, flushing wide eyed as she watched him lick her seeping wetness off his hand. "I think you ARE like them..." he point out, the snake stuttering as he sucked on one of his fingers, pulling it out with a "tasty" comment and winking.

"Y-You're disgusting..." she grumbled. "You should stop tasting so good then." he point out before caressing his tail. Leaning his face toward it, Alicia's eyes widened once more. "Wh-What are you do--!!!" she tried to ask, her voice trailing into an "eee!!" kind of noise as she faced forward when he suddenly dragged his tongue along her tail, the snake feeling the sensation through her scales causing her to twitch and tremble. Weakening her with his tongue and driving her into a false sense of delicacy, after a moment he suddenly did the same to her as he had to Serenity and gave Alicia's womanhood the hardest smack he could, causing the snake to scream wide eyed in surprise and pain combined before gritting her teeth and groaning teary eyed when he shoved his fingers within her. "You want it, you got it..." Chris smirked. "I-I didn't want tha...!!" she tried to reply, looking back at him in a flushed and sniffled manner, only to close her eyes and let out a pleasured "mmnn..." type of sound as he continued licking her tail, his fingers rotating in wide circles within her causing the stinging sensation to slowly subside. "S-Striking me... H-How dare you...?" she asked, only for him to instruct her to face forward. Doing as told, she silently allowed him to have his way with her as he had the others, with Chris continuing to drag his tongue all over her tail while pulling his fingers out and rubbing her labia. Pulling his hand back, he gave the snake a second smack on her womanhood that made her arch and let out a pained "nngh!!" sort of grunt. "No scream...? I think you might be stronger than Serenity after all... You take it good." he praised, the snake suddenly pausing from his words before shivering when he started rubbing the pain away for her again.

"H-Hear that?" she asked, looking at Serenity with a slight grin. "Stronger than y--nngh!!" she groaned, his hand giving her another strike. "No talking..." he instructed, the snake biting her lip and shutting her eyes as he started rubbing her again. "B-Beast..." she muttered. "A hungry beast..." he replied, bending down as she let out an "eh?" before gasping when he dragged his tongue along her labia. "I can't believe all THREE of you get off from this stuff..." he point out, the snake trying to respond only to bite her lip when he slurped on her labia. "You actually got off from watching the others get punished too... I think you're the worst girl of all." he teased, spreading her open and dragging his tongue over her entrance. "Good thing I'm starting to like bad girls..." he added with a smirk. "Sh-Shut up... I was pushed into this!" Alicia affirmed. "Were you?" Chris asked, suddenly pushing his tongue into her body, making the snake whimper. "O-Of course..." she swooned as he worked his tongue about, rotating it in the same wide and circular way he'd used his fingers. "Wh-What is WITH you?" she moaned. "You girls flipped a switch in me... Can't help it." Chris teased, licking his lips as he gave her clit a poke. "You're as hard as I am, so I know you love it too." he affirmed, the snake letting out an embarrassed groan. "Three girls offering me whatever I want? Telling me we'll do whatever I say together...? What did you expect? You told me to be greedy." he reminded before slurping his mouth over her entrance and sucking out her arousal, gulping it down as Alicia's eyes rolled and another moan escaped her lips. "G-Greedy, but not strike us..." she pant. "But you wanted it." he point out. "I-I did not!!" she snapped, looking back at Chris causing her eyes to meet his.

"...You didn't?" he asked, his gaze causing her to flush wide eyed. "The way you were looking at me a while ago... Seemed like you were begging for it." he point out before suddenly giving her a long lick up the slit of her womanhood, her labia dragging along his tongue making her whimper yet again. "You challenged me, so I accepted." he affirmed, spreading her labia like curtains and kissing along both. "You're delicious... I think you girls taste even better when you've been tenderized." he grinned, suddenly causing Serenity and Rose to moan making him notice they were rubbing themselves. "W-We taste good?" Serenity asked. "I'm still hungry." he assured, causing both to bite their lips eagerly. "W-We're still wet... You could lick us more..." Rose offered, both spreading their womanhood's open. "Sh-Shut up!! It's my tu...!!" Alicia snapped, causing both to jolt as Chris gave the snake a surprised look. "A-Ah..." she paused, shutting her mouth with a flush. "Your turn, huh?" he smirked, Alicia remaining silent and keeping her face forward, seemingly glowing. "I'll give you more then." he assured. Instructing the others to stand at his sides, Serenity and Rose did as told while he buried his face back into Alicia's labia, slurping and licking as the snake tried to resist making any further noises, her eyes rolling while struggling to keep her lip bit, her mouth quivering and shutting her eyes tightly when he pressed his mouth over her entrance and gave her a powerful suck, drawing out her abundant arousal and gulping it down a second time making her body arch back in response, feeling as though he were draining her yet giving it her all not to show it any more than she was.

Pulling his face away with a "pwuah!"-like gasp, he looked at Serenity and made her stand with her legs and skirt spread, reaching out to her still reddened womanhood and giving it a rub as it nearly dripped from her own excitement. Lubing up his fingers, he slipped them inside the Pokemon, making Serenity whimper and bite her lip as he worked them around. Watching her expression change to a relaxed one and hearing her let out quiet coo's, he smirked before turning his attention to Rose, making her spread her legs as well allowing him to do the same to her, reaching out and rubbing her slit before working his fingers inside. "It's amazing how different you feel from one another..." he point out. "Alicia's really slippery, kinda gooey..." he point out before suddenly giving her labia a loud slurp into his mouth, making her squeal through her teeth as he pulled away. "Tastes just like a womanhood should, but has a grassy taste..." he added. "D-Don't detail it!!" she snapped. "Why not...? I love talking about things I love most." he praised, causing her to stutter and seemingly steam as she showed a frustrated expression. "Serenity's nice and slick, a little more sticky though..." he point out, removing his fingers from her and sticking them in his mouth, causing her to flush and glance away embarrassed. "You're bitter too..." he point out, causing her to scowl. "If not like, then..." she grumbled before jolting when he rubbed her slit and put his fingers in his mouth a second time. "But there's a sweet side too..." he smirked, causing her to blink at him before shaking her head and glancing away again, trying to contain the sudden sense of shyness within her. "And then Rose..." he point out, facing the rabbit as he removed his fingers, showing a much stickier and creamier arousal than the other two, holding it up with trails between his fingers as Rose hid her face in her hands.

"D-Do-on't..." she pleaded in an embarrassed tone, peeking through her fingers nonetheless as he put them in his mouth, only pulling them out when they'd been licked clean. "Oh yeah, you're definitely on the thick and sticky side!" he smirked. "D-Dont!!" she pleaded again, flushing and pulling her ears in front of her face. "You're pretty bitter too... But you've got your own sweetness going on." he assured with a wink as she peeked through her ears with a groan. "Wh-Why are you pointing stuff like that out...? It's weird!" she affirmed. "It's like I told Alicia, just talking about what I love." he nodded before suddenly pressing his face back into the snakes labia, slurping away as he reached out to both girls and fingered them at the same time, working them up before removing his fingers from the two and pulling his face away from the snake with a satisfied "ahh" and licking his hands. "You girls make the perfect meal... I could lick and slurp on you all day long and never get tired of the way you taste!" he grinned, each flushing wide eyed. "Dunno who I'd wanna lick most though... You each taste so good, I'd spend forever trying to decide." he added, giving Alicia's labia another lick. Finally getting a moan out of her, he pulled back with a "yum" before reaching around Serenity's hip and pulling her close, squeezing her butt causing her to gasp in surprise as he tilt his head and started licking her slit, giving it a slurp making her clutch his head and whimper until he pulled away with an "oh yeah" and doing the same to Rose, pulling the rabbit close making her squeak meekly as he squeezed her butt even harder and had a taste of her womanhood, slurping out her creamy flavor making her eyes roll with her teeth grit until he pulled away. "SO damn good!" he affirmed, all three giving him excited and dazed looks.

"A-All humans like this...?" Serenity asked, looking down at him weakly. "Th-They all like licking and stuff there?" Rose added, looking down at him with the same weak yet excited expression. "They're all so filthy...?" Alicia scowled, continuing to push her calm front while looking back with a blush. "Just the one's who aren't afraid to put their tongue to good use." he smirked, causing them to shudder. "Probably a lot of them wouldn't put their faces near a girl's crotch, but me? I've got no problem diving in. I love the musk and the taste is kinky." he point out. "Especially after we've been on the road..." he added, suddenly leaning into Alicia's womanhood and purposely taking a deep breath, causing her to flush with a "HEY!!" from the act. "In case you didn't believe how much I love it." he smirked, causing her to grumble in embarrassment. Turning toward Serenity, the Pokemon suddenly pulled away, covering herself between her legs with a flush of her own. "Y-You smell mine already!! Not need to again!!" she affirmed. "Aww... I really liked it though." he teased, the Pokemon stuttering and seemingly ready to start steaming. Looking at Rose, the rabbit rapidly shook her head, covering her crotch as well. "I-I'm fine thanks! Glad you like it!" she panicked. "Okay, okay..." he nodded before finally standing, the girls jolting wide eyed when they saw his manhood sticking up before him. "What...? You forget it was there?" he asked, raising an eyebrow causing them to quickly face away embarrassed causing him to grin. "Alright..." he sighed, deciding to stop teasing them as he felt the water in the tub before climbing in. "Ah... Still a little hot, but feels good anyway." he muttered, the girls watching as he lowered himself in and rest against the side.

"Oh yeah... That's nice..." he sighed, looking at the group as they glanced away, each blushing the same as the other. "S-So we get in now?" Serenity asked. "That's the idea... Do me a favor and shut the door? Flip the light switch too." he instructed. Blinking at him for a moment, the Pokemon nodded and made her way to the door, causing him to raise an eyebrow again and grin. "Lookin' a little pink down there... Nice." he point out, admiring his work from spanking her womanhood causing Serenity to freeze in her steps and shoot up straight, covering herself with her hands. "Sh-Shut up!! You hit too hard!!" she flushed. "You loved it..." he reminded, causing her to grumble. Shutting the door, she paused when reaching for the switch. "Sure you want this too?" she asked, looking at him and getting a nod. Once it was flipped, the room instantly went dark before they heard the sound of fingers snapping, causing the candles he's placed about to suddenly light up making the girls jolt and look around. "A little romantic lighting." Chris point out, motioning for them to join him in the tub. The girls blushing once more, Rose was the first to slowly make her way in, stepping over the side of the tub only for him to make her pause while her legs were spread. "One more taste..." he added, reaching between her legs making her shudder and bite her lip as he toyed with her slit. "I-I'll slip..." she replied, squeaking when he pushed his fingers inside of her and worked them about before pulling his hand away and licking his fingers, telling the rabbit "get in" using a tone that made her shudder excitedly. Carefully lowering herself down, she sat against him and rest her head on his chest, holding him with her arm with an "I love you" comment and getting an "I know" back from him, with Chris lifting her chin and giving the rabbit a kiss that further weakened her before he looked at the others.

"You coming?" he asked, the two looking at one another with a scowl as he started kissing Rose again, showing off by pulling the rabbit on top of him and making her entwine her tongue around his, giving her a reward for being the first to climb in. Getting the other's attention from the show and drawing out their jealous natures, he decided to toy with their possessive sides a bit as the rabbit started grinding on his manhood, pleading for Chris to give it to her and put it in. Giving her a teasing no and smirking, to Rose it was a painful response as her insides twitched, desperately grinding her hips to try and coax him while Serenity and Alicia glanced at one another again. "You girls gonna join or watch her get all the fun?" he asked, Rose giving the girls a dazed look as well before returning her focus to Chris, holding his face so she looked at him and softly pleading "more..." before pressing her lips back against his. Despite the rabbit kissing him and grinding on his body to get his attention, he focused his gaze on the others as they watched, raising his hand and motioning "come here" with his finger making both flush as he held out his hand. Seeing this, Alicia suddenly flashed back to when they met, albeit for reasons she couldn't grasp as an image of him standing before the sun overlaid itself over the sight of him in the tub, her mind comparing him in a then and now sense causing her to respond with a subconscious "oh my..." of arousal, barely realizing she'd said it as the way he gazed lured her in. With Serenity doing the same, in her mind she was repeating how he'd stood over her and asserted himself, thinking about the feeling of being stricken by him for being bad causing her to bite her finger and fidget eagerly.

Finally reaching out, Serenity extended a hand while Alicia released a vine, the two touching each other just before reaching his hand instead causing them to scowl. The moment they were distracted however, both were snapped back into focusing on Chris when they heard Rose letting out a loud moan, seeing the rabbit clinging to him as he nibbled on her neck and squeezed her butt in his hands, digging his nails into her cheeks making her bite her lip in excitement. Pulling away, the rabbit shuddered and started nibbling and kissing his neck in turn, pressing herself against him as he leaned back and looked at the two, raising his eyebrow in a "well...?" manner that caused their hearts to skip beats before finally joining. Climbing in first, Serenity retracted her skirt and took her place next to him while Alicia slithered in on the opposite side of the tub before making her way up to him. "About time..." he smirked, coaxing Rose off causing her to cling to him and whine, only releasing when he gave her ear a pinch and a stern "hey" to snap her out of her state. Getting off, she sat next to him as well, both she and Serenity at his sides while Alicia looked down before him. "W-We're in now..." the snake point out. "Took you long enough..." he smirked, reaching up causing Alicia to jolt before leaning her face toward his, letting him hold her cheek. "Treating us the way you have... Barbarian..." she replied, showing a slight scowl as he pulled her face closer. "Just wait until we're in bed. I'll show you a REAL barbarian..." he teased, causing her to shudder as he gave the snake a kiss. "Wh-Where did this side of you come from?" Rose asked, leaning against him while swooning from their recent moment. "Eh...?" Chris replied, raising an eyebrow before suddenly thinking it over.

"I... I actually dunno... I somehow feel like I've... Maybe done it before?" he point out, suddenly finding himself drawing a blank causing him some confusion of his own, the girls looking at one another. "It just feels... Right for some reason. I guess it's just the way you girls are behaving and stuff so I'm falling into a different kind of mood than usual." he explained, the group recalling their moment after arriving off the ship while he looked at Serenity, the Pokemon blinking at him before glancing away and fidgeting. "Wh-What?" she asked. Instructing her to get on her knees, he had Rose do the same, both facing him as he reached out and started rubbing their slits. "Putting that aside, you girls are eager to have me, right? So go ahead and use my hands..." he ordered. Feeling him continue to rub their slits and poke his fingers at their entrance, after a moment Serenity and Rose started grinding against his hands, the two leaning toward him while doing so. "Good girls." he praised, causing both to moan as he looked up at Alicia, the snake scowling. "Don't be that way. Come here." he instructed, the snake leaning in close and being met with another kiss. With his hands busy with the others and his lips taken by the snake, Chris found himself busily servicing the girls together, Serenity and Rose both grabbing his arms as they started trying to compete for his attention. "L-Like this? You like?" Serenity asked, sliding her crotch along his wrist before taking his hand and putting his fingers inside her on her own. "Y-You like way it feel, right?" she added. Looking at her, suddenly Rose did the same, taking his other hand and slipping his fingers inside of her body. "Wh-What about me?" the rabbit moaned, both continuing to grind as they worked his fingers in and out of their bodies.

Scowling at the two, Alicia turned and repositioned herself, raising her tail so her womanhood hovered in front of him while looking back. "...How about this...?" she asked, Chris watching as she lowered her tail over his body, the end of it resting over his shoulder as he felt her labia press down on his manhood beneath the water. Adjusting herself accordingly, the stake started grinding her womanhood over his girth, facing forward while doing so with a flush on her face as the others continued working his fingers inside themselves, trying to sway his attention in their direction as they grind and swayed their hips about against him. Facing Serenity, the Pokemon flushed while looking down at him. "Y-You like? I turn on?" she asked. "Yeah... Lean closer." Chris instructed. Doing as told, her breasts hovered just inches from his face, allowing him to suck on them as he pleased causing her to shudder, her insides clenching tightly around his fingers in response before he suddenly gave her nipple a soft bite making her shout in surprise. Pulling his head back, Serenity leaned forward even more until he released her, showing her nipple twitching and reddened as she gave him a teary scowl. "Y-You still being mean..." she pout. "Aw... I guess I'm just a bad boy." he smirked, causing her to swoon before suddenly shoving his fingers up Rose's womanhood with his other hand, making the rabbit shout in surprise before he started thrashing them in her depths. Continuing to focus on Serenity by sucking her breasts, Rose's nails started digging into his arm on his opposite side while Alicia put more pressure down on his manhood, causing him to sense their frustration as Rose pulled his fingers out of her body. "Hold it..." he called, causing the rabbit to jolt and freeze up as he faced her. "Did you think I was forgetting you?" he asked, causing her to blink with an "eh?" before gritting her teeth wide eyed when he shoved his fingers all the way back inside her.

"You girls sure are needy..." Chris smirked before he started thrashing his fingers about, making Rose clutch his wrist and groan through her teeth. Taking his hand away from Serenity for a moment, he reached below the water and surprised Alicia by pointing his tip up against her entrance. "Do something about this for me." he instructed, referring to having his hard-on taken care of. Picking up on the hint, Alicia's eyes widened as she kept her face forward, not wanting it to be seen as a flush appeared. Feeling the girth of the tip against her entrance, the snake bit her lip eagerly before she started slowly lowering her tail further. Thinking to herself "easy... easy..." repeatedly as his tip gradually slid into her body. Once the tip popped in, the snake let out a "coo" of sorts, pausing to adjust only to be taken by surprised when he reached his arm around her tail and suddenly shoved the entire length in, causing her to scream in shock and rendered unable to breathe for a moment, trying to take in air as her muscles clamped down on his thickness within her. "There we go..." Chris smirked, resting back against the side of the tub with a sigh. "Feels good in there." he chuckled, noticing Serenity and Rose both scowling at him. "...What?" he asked, the two frustrated and jealous over him putting it into Alicia first. Shrugging off their expressions, he started working his fingers within Rose again while putting his other arm around Serenity and pulling her against him, squeezing her butt while slurping her breast into his mouth once more. After a moment, Alicia was able to recover from the shock of taking him all at once, looking back with her teeth grit and a flush remaining. "You'll pay for that..." she warned before she started wiggling her womanhood about.

Feeling it massage and twist around his girth, Chris shuddered and replied with a "teach me a lesson then" response, the snake assuring him with an "I will" remark before raising her tail so only his tip was still within her before slamming it back down with a splash, causing him to groan. "K-Know your place..." Alicia smirked, looking back at him in a haughty yet hot and bothered manner before she started lifting and dropping her tail repeatedly, his manhood feeling her long labia clinging to it each time she lift her tail before her womanhood hungrily slurped him back in. Letting out an excited "yeah..." in response, Chris pulled his fingers out of Rose and licked them before pulling the rabbit close, stealing a kiss that made her shudder before doing the same to Serenity, pulling her against him and kissing her as well. With both girls now laying against him in the tub, the two pressing themselves against his sides, he swapped between kissing them while squeezing and rubbing their butts in each of his hands as Alicia continued devouring his member with her womanhood, eagerly thrashing her tail with her own dazed and euphoric look as the strain subsided and pleasure took over. "Hold out your tongues..." he instructed, Rose and Serenity letting out a simultaneous "eh?" before gasping together as his fingers slipped through their slits. "Tongues..." Chris repeat, working his fingers into their bodies making both girls bite their lips and shudder before doing as told, opening their mouths with their tongues on display. Taking in Serenity's first, he teased the tip of her tongue with his own before surprising her by thrusting his fingers into her body, pressing his lips against hers at the same time so her shout was muffled by his kiss.

Trembling with her eyes tightly shut, after feeling him roll his tongue about in her mouth in unison with the way his fingers swirled within her, it wasn't long before her eyes opened and started to roll. When he finally pulled his lips away, the Pokemon tried to follow him with her tongue, letting out pleading "ah... ah..!!" sounds for more attention. Finding herself ignored as he faced Rose, Serenity instead focused on using her tongue in a different way, licking and sucking on his neck instead as he continued fingering her. Now toying with the rabbit, he teased the tip of her tongue as he did with Serenity before giving it a bite and pulling on it with his teeth, making Rose whimper and tear up weakly while he slid his fingers through her slit and pulled on her tiny labia before slipping his fingers back inside of her as well. "Yeah, this is great." he smirked, relaxing with Serenity and Rose laying against his sides, both cooing and moaning as he fingered them while Alicia worked on his manhood, continuing to squirm in a way that made her insides quiver and massage around his girth within her. "You're not raising your tail anymore... Getting close?" he asked, the snake lost in a daze as she pant and drooled slightly, her eyes glazed over with a flush from his thickness. Looking at Serenity and Rose, the two were sharing the same expressions as they clung to him together, trembling and whimpering as they neared a climax of their own. "It's three against one... Seriously?" he asked, showing a grin from outlasting the group. "N-Not f-fair..." Serenity struggled. "I-It's the way you're acting!! Th-The way you're t-touching..." Rose added. "Y-You let stuff out... Again and again..." Serenity reminded as his fingers started thrashing within the two once more, causing the girls to arch and dig their nails into his chest.

"H-How do you keep going?!" Rose asked, the two looking at him together weakly. "You know me, I'm pretty relentless when I wanna be." he affirmed, giving both a deep kiss that made their insides clench around his fingers. "I know my girls, that's all. Every time we do stuff like this, I learn what makes your bodies tick..." he paused, suddenly focusing on a spot within Serenity as he licked her neck, causing her to moan loudly before doing the same to Rose, twirling his fingers against a spot within her that made her body tense up as he stole a kiss, the rabbit letting out a muffled whimper. "What makes you break..." he added while pulling his lips away, Alicia suddenly letting out a moan of her own as she struggled to keep moving, her insides getting tighter around his girth. "It's all a part of what makes you mine." he finished, looking at Serenity as she swooned against him. "W-We yours...?" she asked. "All mine." he smirked, causing her to moan again and whisper his name in excitement. Feeling all three getting tighter, after a moment of teasing Serenity and Rose finally started going through another climax of their own, albeit a smaller one as they clung to him and tensed up, their insides convulsing as he pulled his fingers out and grabbed Alicia's tail instead, the snake jolting with a startled "eh?!" as he stood up. "Wh-What are you...? O-One moment...!!" she panicked. Ignoring her, Chris suddenly started thrusting his hips against her tail, causing loud smacks to ring in the room as Alicia's eyes shot open wide and her teeth clenched, letting out struggling groans and grunts as she took him, enduring as he put all of his strength into shoving his girth as deep as he could. Behind him, Serenity and Rose lay against the tub in a euphoric state, trapped in a daze as they watched him pounding Alicia toward her climax.

"Who's my girl...?" he asked, digging his nails into her tail as he continued thrusting. Only getting more grunts and gasps in response, he dragged his nails along her scales while doing the same with his tongue, licking along her tail causing Alicia to moan excitedly. After a moment, she finally gave him a weakened "I-I am" response, a euphoric look of her own appearing as she struggled to keep her focus, her eyes trying to roll up as he kept his grasp on her and made her accept his member. Giving her a "remember that" comment, he continued pounding away until the snake let out a shout and clenched tightly around his length, her body tensing up and her eyes finally rolling as the flush of an orgasm spread across her face. Working himself in a circle within her, he finally pulled out allowing her to collapse with her head over the side of the tub, twitching and convulsing as she went through the waves of climax and emotion combined within. Remaining standing, Chris looked down at the girls as they swooned in ecstasy around him, having swarmed him together only to wind up in a state of helplessness instead as he returned to his place between Serenity and Rose, the two immediately cuddling up with him and clinging to his body as they finished their climax and slowly climbed down, the two looking up at him submissively until Alicia finally raised up and gave him a shy look of her own.

Leaning toward him, the snake looked him in the eyes causing him to raise an eyebrow before she shuddered with a flush and rest along his torso, her chin on the center of his chest as she too swooned like the others, albeit with a scowl from his behavior. "Check mate..." Chris smirked as they looked at him with loving and submissive eyes. Giving each a kiss, he let the girls relax against his body as the light of the candles flickered around them, the sent of the foam atop the water filling the air as he tilt his head back to relax...