Growvember Day 9

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#9 of Growvember Series

Bryant's worse fears come to life as the rogue giants return, forcing him to make quick decisions and try to lead the group to safety


November 9th

I snapped my eyes open the second I felt the sun on my face. Slowly I rose up, noticing we were closing together than when we slept last night. Yep, the growth was acting up again.

I looked around, seeing if Chris was up yet, but no one else was standing. Figuring he'd wake up soon enough, I made my way as quietly as a nearly 70 foot rabbit could to the front of the camp, stepping over everyone else sleeping. There were just two guards positioned at the gate, one being a doberman giving a large yawn. Beyond him, tied up with what looked like suspension bridge cables, were come of the captives from the last fight. The doberman's eyes went wide as he saw me coming, elbowing his buddy, a squirrel.

I ignored the size difference, them barely able to see over my toes at this point as I knelt down.

"Hold up big guy, where-" the doberman started to speak, but I cut him off.

"Listen! You need to radio the general! I think there-"

In the distance I could hear thunderous footsteps approaching. Looking back and turning and ear, it was coming from the woods.

"Oh no..." I whispered. The doberman quickly pulled his walkie talkie to his mouth.

"This is a red alert! Red alert!" He barked into it, grabbing his gun and pulling an alarm. Most of the giants began to sit up, wondering what the alarm was, looking confused.

"Get up everyone! The rebel giants are coming!" I shouted, trying to get everyone's attention. The first to hop to their feet were the ones that fought last time, the others starting to look panicked and stand slower in response. I knew what they were feeling. It was the fight or flight mode.

I could only watch as the trees before us seemed to exploded forward as the group plowed their way through, led by the white wolf.

"I knew it!" I charged forward this time, not waiting to hesitate. Even though I was in the back, I was soon surrounded by others as we went to defend our city.

The two sides clashed immediately, some giants immediately going down to the ground, and most likely trampled on as more pushed in from both sides. Like us, they too had grown since we last fought, but the size difference wasn't much.

I dodged a fist as it came careening for my face. The rat gulped as I grabbed his arm before he could pull it back, pulling him in as I headbutted him in the snout, causing blood to pour out. He didn't seem phased though, and slugged me with his other fist, making me lose my grip. I went to throw my own, but someone quickly grabbed me from behind, holding back my arms.

"What the-?" I turned my head to see it was someone from our own group, another rat.

"Get him!" He shouted, his new comrade cracking his knuckles and starting to repeatedly hit me in the gut and face.

"You bastards! You're turning on us!" I gasped out, feeling blood drip from my nose and mouth.

"You don't get it do you? We've been given a gift and are going to use it! We're going to be the rulers of this puny world!" The completely brown rat behind me snarled in my ear.

"The military thought they could turn us into weapons. Too bad they didn't count on us figuring it out!" The black and white rat in front of me emphasized his point by driving his fist into my abs, knocking the air out of me. I could see off to the side the tide of the battle starting to turn with the betrayal, feeling my head spinning as I couldn't stand anymore, going limp in my captor's arms. He let me fall, both standing over me with feet raised, ready to finish me off.

But in that last moment, two mighty thick brown paws came out and grabbed them buff by the scruff, lifting them up and slamming them together before throwing them lag rag dolls. I tried to clear my vision before seeing the same thick paw picking me up.

"You okay Bryant?" Ronald rumbled, setting me on my feet. I couldn't believe it at first.

"Thanks man." I huffed, starting to stagger off, trying to continue the fight.

"Where are you going?" He put a hand on my chest.

"I gotta help everyone!" I grunted, but didn't have the strength to get away.

"The military already called a retreat and is evacuating the city as we speak. Fall back and get ready to get out of here." He pushed be back towards the front of the camp, where there wasn't as much fighting going on.

"But the others..."

"Go! I can hold them off for a bit here by myself. So don't worry." He glared and snorted. I had a feeling if I refused any more I'd be flung just like the two rats. I nodded and started to run as best as I could away, clutching my gut. I could actually feel pain for once, and I didn't miss it one bit.

I knew exactly where I needed to go, heading immediately for Samantha's house. Even though it would be on the news, it was still too dangerous to get out in time, and moving vehicles would be easy targets to be stepped on, especially with the roads most likely jammed by now.


I turned to see Chris, Mary, and a raccoon running towards me.

"Guys, I don't have time. I gotta get Sam out of here!" I panted, turning and trying to run again.

"I know! I need to go find my mom first though! She's in the city!" Chris begged. I knew he was going to ask me for help, but could I? Did I even have time?

"Do you know where she is?" I huffed, looking towards the city.

"She told me the Motel 8 on the other side." Chris pointed to the far side of the city, it would be off from my destination.

"I need to find Mr. Baskowits. He's probably still at the office evacuating the employees." Mary quickly chimed in. I looked towards the raccoon next.

"I got no one. I moved to this city just last week for a job." He held up his hands defensively. I bit my lower lip, trying to think quickly.

"Okay, whoever you are, go with Mary. You aren't as big as Christ and I, so if you run into trouble, you should have an advantage. Chris, go get your mom. I'll get Sam and her family. Meet up at North Blue lake. That's far enough away from the city. If you aren't there by noon, we're assuming you got caught."

"My name's Jeff by the way." The coon huffed before he followed Mary and Chris. I turned and started to run full sprint towards Mary's house, already starting to feel better. Could I recover faster too? Another question for another time.

I got to Sam's neighborhood just in time to see some skunk stomping his foot through the roofs of some homes.

"Come out little bugs! I wanna play!" He laughed, knocking over walls in his rampage. Stepping on any cars on the street. I don't know how he got by the others, but I kicked it into a full sprint as he started to get closer to Sam's house.

I could barely hear gun shots going off as it seemed someone from one of the houses was trying to do some damage to the skunk, but it only drew his attention.

"Oh? What's this? Some brave little ant? How cute..." He grinned and loomed his foot over slowly, starting to press down.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed, leaping forward and ramming my fist into his jaw as hard as I could, actually feeling the bone crack as he went flying across the earth. I didn't let up, charging forward and driving my foot into his gut repeatedly until I knew he wouldn't get back up.

The fur with the gun, looked up in shock at what just happened.

"Where's your family?" I asked, lowering my hand. He only stared at it before screaming and taking off.

"Wait! I'm one of the good ones!" I called after him. But it was no use. Giving up, I resumed making it to Samantha's house, making sure to try and not step on anyone or any vehicles. I arrived just in time as they were loading up their SUV, ready to take off.

"Dad!" Samantha grabbed his shirt and pointed at me. He slammed his back against the car at first, before recognizing it was me.

"Sam! Thank god you're okay!" I bent down, trying to look less threatening.

"You look awful! What happened?" She asked, looking concern.

"Some of our own turned and joined those giants from before. I came to get you out of here." I quickly explained.

"And how are you going to do that?" Her father piped up. I grinned.

"Get in the car."

I huffed as I made my way across the field, making sure to not squeeze the vehicle too hard in my hands as I ran. I apologized for the bumpy ride, but it was the best I could do given we had to get as far away as we could before getting spotted.

Upon reaching the lake, I saw I was the second to arrive, Chris was already there, waiting as he talked to someone in his palm. I could only assume it was his mother.

Hearing me coming, he quickly put his other hand in front of her for protection, but calmed down once he saw it was me.

"Good. Were you followed?" He asked, looking behind me.

"Not that I know of. I took the long way around so I wouldn't be. And uh, hello Chris's mom." I waved down to her, setting the SUV down. The Herrington family immediately got out, not looking to well from the ride.

"Any sign of Mary and the raccoon?" Chris asked. I shook my head.

"I don't want to leave her behind. But we can't stay here forever. So we can only give them a few hours, unless we get spotted." I huffed, sitting down carefully to finally relax. We talked for a bit, trying to explain to the smaller folk what was going on, and how it happened. It was almost as if all the color in their fur disappeared as I went on.

Noon drew close, but finally we heard footsteps and looked up, seeing Mary running towards us, followed by Jeff, and-

"Ronald!" Chris exclaimed, the massive bear was limping, hold a badly bleeding arm.

"He was fighting in the city, trying to help people escape. We helped how we could." Mary huffed. I could see some of her fur was missing.

"I told you all to run." Ronald, growled, stumbling a bit. Jeff tried to steady him, but his legs shook trying to hold up the massive bear. Sam's mother looked like she was about to pass out seeing his size.

"Did you find Mr. Baskowits?" I saw she wasn't holding anyone. Mary began to blush.

"Well, we were trying to get here as fast as we could, and Ronald is pretty big, so we had to use both hands to hold him up so..." She looked down at her breasts, where I could see a clearly embarrassed badger, clinging to the fur.

"What a perv." I chuckled. The badger giving me a glare.

"She did it even while I protested! Don't get the wrong idea Mr. Loyft!" He screamed up at me.

"They can all ride in the SUV. We'll carry them and head to the next city, hopefully we can get some help there and warn them of what's going on." The rest all nodded with me. And with that, we were off, trying to figure out what to do next.