Review 2 - Talash Orders Her Usual

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#2 of Reviews of the Treetop Inn

Talash had not been to the Inn in quite a while. So long in fact that she had missed the grand reopening. So when she arrived, she was delighted to see that a big girl like her could get around easily. And they were ready, willing, and able to accommodate someone as difficult to sate as her. She'd changed a good bit too, gotten taller, bigger, and hungrier. No telling how many people she'd be able to fit in her now!

This is a YCH story commission for Talash, wherein she visits the Treetop Inn and gets to enjoy what it has to offer.

Do you want to visit the Treetop Inn? Be on the look out for a journal linking to a form where you can sign up for a commission. There are several different scenarios beyond just this one.

Talash is (C) her owner.

Ways to support me:Patreon - Buy me a ko-fi - Amazon Author Page

With the weather turning cold out for the rest of the world, the Inn enjoyed the return of the travel season. They were a popular destination for those seeking warmth in the depths of winter. In spite of that norm, they still received a few guests who didn't come looking for that specifically. One such guest was looking forward to a return to the lavish resort. Her shuttle glided to a halt in the hanger and her bags were collected from the trunk. The lady stepped out of the shuttle and looked around, marveling at the sight all around her.

To those who frequented the Inn, it was a sight they had gotten used to--the arrival of guests. This one, however, was quite eye-catching. Their attention was captured by the lady walking from the side of the vehicle that had brought her. She was tall, easily taller than the average guest by a good margin. Her figure was broad and strongly curved. Light grey covered her arms, legs, and back, while a creamy pale-yellow ran down her throat, chest, and stomach. A thick, powerful tail swished slowly behind her. The tegu was dressed in a white gown that only just managed to hold all of her in. If she wasn't careful, one wrong twist or bend at the waist could send her bust spilling out.

Given the nature of the Inn, she probably wasn't too concerned.

A snowy-white figure stood in the wide entryway that led from the hanger to the main foyer. She smiled at the big lady who had set to turning and staring in wonder.

"It's been quite a while since you've been back. You missed the grand re-opening," Shayna said, "What do you think?"

"It's huge!" Talash grinned, "Big enough to handle a girl like me, finally!"

"Well, I'd be lying if I said we designed everything to handle you specifically, but then I'd also be lying if I said you didn't enter consideration. We started getting a wider variety of big and tall people after you became a regular. You're something of a trend setter." the dragoness stepped closer, reaching up to take one of the lady lizard's hands to guide her.

"I'm impressed with what I see so far. I can't wait to see the rest of it. Will I get to see the usual crowd or is everyone too busy to meet little ole me?" the grey woman chuckled.

"They're all trying to wrap up a few last minute things before they all come see you. We've been looking forward to having you back. As soon as your name showed up on the guest list, excitement spread like fire." Shayna said.

The bellhops loaded Tal's luggage onto a cart and began following the two ladies. The ivory-hued dragon beckoned the taller woman along, walking her through the archway connecting hanger to foyer. The subtle static-like tingle that passed over a first-timer gave Talash reason to pause and shiver.

"Did we just walk through a portal?" she asked.

"We did," Shayna answered, "The hanger is actually a few stories below the foyer, that way it can have access to the outside all around. And this way no one has to walk up stairs or wait for an elevator to get to the front desk. Don't worry, you get used to the sensation. It feels a little like walking in a warmer room, doesn't it?"

"A little. Wait, where are we going?" Tal turned her head back and forth, looking to the front desk, then back to the dragoness leading her towards one of the covered bridges connecting the foyer to the other wings, "Don't I need to check in?"

"Honey, you're family. You don't check in. The bellhops are taking your bags to the owner's suite. You're staying with Smokey and me." Shayna turned back to wink playfully at the tegu.

"Oh, really? But I had paid for a reservation." Tal blinked sheepishly.

"No you didn't. I had your payment refunded the minute I saw your name. You don't pay to stay with us, dear. Now, if you want to order something extravagant, like a spa treatment, then sure, I'll let that go through, but only after we apply the friends and family discount," the dragoness turned to face forward again, quickening her pace, "Now hurry up. That spa treatment I mentioned is waiting."

Talash followed along obediently, unable to keep from grinning. She liked the prospect of a spa day. The view out of the windows of the bridge was stunning, giving the lizard reason to stop and gaze out for a moment. Shayna called out to her to keep up, saying there would be a proper tour later. Talash jogged along to catch back up, making the floor shake with her impressive weight. The vibration made her immediately slow down, worried she might damage the building. After assurance that it could handle someone much bigger and heavier than her, Talash relaxed again.

The two ladies navigated the Inn briefly before reaching the spa. Again, the tegu was taken aback, her eyes left wide as she drank it all in. The facility in question was on par with the finest establishments she had seen in films and television, and even managed to visit once or twice herself. The two ladies were ushered back immediately to a private room. Or at least it was supposed to be private. There was already someone waiting, soaking in the warm water of the enormous whirlpool bath. The pool stretched so far that it might as well have been an Asian-inspired hot spring.

"Well hello! Long time no see, big girl!" Liz cackled as she sat up. The cobra was already completely naked, her chest suddenly plainly visible once she sat upright.

Talash just smiled back at the snake.

"I wasn't sure if I'd get to see you! You're looking just as slutty as ever!" the lizard laughed.

"Thank you! I do try so hard." Liz replied, taking the fake insult as a compliment.

Shayna smirked as she listened to the back and forth.

"She and I might not have changed that much since last we saw you, but you certainly have. You've gotten a lot taller, and you're not missing meals I see." the dragoness turned about, slipping her arms as far around the tegu's waist as she could, trying to look up past Tal's heavy bust.

"Yeah," the grey lady chuckled, "I haven't. Plenty of cute boys and girls who want to make sure there's always plenty of me to enjoy. I was a little worried I might be too big for this place. But then I got out of the shuttle."

"Well hurry up and get in the water, honey. It's nice and warm," Liz waved her over with her free hand, the other holding a colorful cocktail, "I wanna hear all about what you're up to these days! You've been silent the last four months!"

The conversation began, weaving through discussions of work, romantic 'conquests', and changes the trio had gone through. Talash and Shayna disrobed and eased into the water as they talked. As soon as the tegu sank in, the hot tub overflowed, spilling a significant portion of its contents over the edge. Thankfully, the room had been designed to contend with such an event. Drains lined the whole tub, easily swallowing up the overflow and cycling it back in as needed.

That prompted the discussion to head down a new line.

"So, you've gotten a lot bigger in the last few years. I wanna know how you pulled that off." the snake leaned in to dote on the big lizard's soft, curvy figure. Shayna wasn't to be left out, pressing in from the other side.

"Yeah, I have. A growing girl's gotta eat, and eating like a growing girl means you're gonna really grow!" Tal smirked, giving her chubby stomach a firm pat.

"So how much can you fit in there these days?" Shayna pressed forward, giving the tegu's gut a firm, fond squeeze.

Tal grunted softly from the embrace. She dropped a hand down to rest against the angelic lady's back and smiled.

"More than I used to, that's for sure. Remember how I used to struggle a little to get the usual crew in? I'd probably be able to hold you all without breaking a sweat." The grey lizard squeezed her thighs together just thinking about it, trying not to get too riled up. At least, not yet.

"Me, Smokey, Liz, Sirius, Brian. Yeah, I bet we could all squeeze in without any trouble." Shayna cooed, running her hands over the yellow ribbed tummy of her guest.

"Wait, aren't you missing someone? What about Alex? Change of heart?" Tal asked, sounding concerned.

"Oh no, no change of heart from Alex," the dragoness chuckled, "She comes as a package deal with Smokey these days. It's been a long while since she came back out. And honestly, I think they're both all too happy to stay that way."

"Aww, rats," Tal frowned, "I was hoping to get some play time with her. But if she and her daddy are happy, then who am I to break up a winning combo?"

The emerald cobra began trying to climb her way up the tegu's form, bumping her nose with Tal's once she was practically resting on the big lady's chest, using her cleavage like a shelf.

"You could still get that playtime if you're interested. All you gotta do is slip in with Alex," Liz grinned, leaning in to brush her lips past the lizard's, "Of course, that's if Smokey can handle the new you. He'll end up bed-ridden for sure if you manage it."

Tal laughed and cooed, resting her other large hand against the snake's back, holding her close as she welcomed a delicate kiss.

"Maybe save that for later. I'm sure you're more interested in how much I can hold now." the tegu said.

"Oh you know I am. I've been trying to keep from playing with myself just thinking about it. Shayna love, why don't we open up the room, let some of the other guests join us?" Liz turned to gaze down the scaly mountain she had climbed.

"Maybe in a bit. I think it might be better if we got started on the actual spa treatment part. Soaking is lovely, but I've been waiting to get pampered for a solid month." Shayna called back up to the two ladies above her.

The dragoness reached over past the drains surrounding the tub and collected a black device Talash assumed was her phone. It wasn't like any make or model the tegu had seen, but then that was par for the course at the Inn. The lady tapped away on the screen for a few moments, then set the device back down and sank back in to soak up the warmth of the water. She even scooted in close to Talash's side.

"It's good seeing you both. I've missed coming to see you." Tal said with a sigh.

"What kept you away for so long?" Liz asked.

"Work mostly. When you're an expert in antiquity, you go where the work is. I spent a few months at a museum back home. They'd just gotten a shipment of artifacts you might find interesting." Tal smirked, looking at the serpent resting on top of her breasts.

"Oh really? What dynasty?" the cobra's eyes sparkled a little.

"Well, if I'm not too terribly mistaken, yours." Tal watched as she answered, waiting to see the reaction she expected to draw out.

Liz's eyes widened, her jaw hanging open as it struck her.

"Really!? From before the exile!?" she cried.

"That's what it's looking like. I've brought photos and detailed records for you to verify for me. And I even managed to convince the boys to let me bring a couple of items in person." Tal couldn't help but grin. She knew how much that would rev Liz's engine.

"Shut up!" the snake shouted.

"I will do no such thing!" the tegu lifted her chin defiantly.

The cobra squirmed and whined, suddenly torn on what she wanted to do first. As she struggled, the doors opened to let other guests join the somewhat cozy affair. Among them were the manicurists that would be tending to everyone who requested their services. One moved immediately to Tal's side, setting to work on the big lady's nails. The tegu let the affected arm go limp except when she was needed to change position.

"Okay," Liz finally said, "We'll take care of the fun stuff here first. I'm itching to see your capacity. Then, we get to the other fun stuff tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Tal tilted her head.

"Yeah, I'm expecting -this- fun to last all night. I know how good you are at it." the cobra ran a hand gently along the grey lady's jaw to tease her a bit.

"Alright, I think I can oblige. But I think you're gonna be surprised at how far I can go now," the tegu turned to look down at Shayna, "Are the boys on their way?"

The dragoness had pulled away--reluctantly--and reclined against the edge of the hot tub, arms spread while another manicurist tended to her.

"Oh they know you're here. I can just imagine how badly they're tripping over themselves to get to you," Shayna sounded a good deal more relaxed now, "You still want Sirius and Brian in the usual spot?"

"It's their favorite place to disappear. And I'm sure they'd enjoy some company this time." Tal smirked.

"Company? Damn girl, gettin' ambitious!" Liz laughed as she began slipping her way back down the tegu's form.

"Ambitious nothing. I've got an itch and they're good at scratching it." the grey woman said with an air of authority.

As if they had been summoned, the wolf and fox the ladies had been talking about stepped in. They hadn't bothered to dress, preferring to keep things simple. As soon as they sighted the big, busty woman, they waved eagerly and practically ran across the room towards her.

"Hey there good lookin'!" Brian called out.

"Honey, what did we talk about?" Sirius scolded.

"What? She's not the usual clientele. This isn't a host club." the fox replied.

"It is impolite to assume that a guest is not interested in practicing the formalities," Sirius turned to the tegu once they had reached her side, "My lady, it is a pleasure to see you once again."

"Oh knock it off, you ham!" Tal laughed, "You and I both know why you're here and what I'm lookin' for! So just go on and get to it! Don't leave a lady waiting!"

The wolf dipped his head low in response, as did his vulpine companion.

"Of course m'lady. I wouldn't dream of it," Sirius lifted his head and grinned, "One must practice one's charms lest they get rusty."

"Deary, you're too smooth to get rusty." Talash shot back.

A chuckle passed between the two canids while the two shorter scaled ladies just watched them with amusement. Before another word could be said, Sirius and Brian eased into the water and made their way to the tegu's front. Given the depth in the center, they had to swim the distance once away from the edge. Talash leaned back, slouching into the water as she spread her legs. Below, the monster the two boys were interested in presented itself, slowly standing until the head just broke the surface of the water.

Sirius and Brian were upon it in moments. They wrapped themselves around the tegu lady's proud mast, making her rumble in delight. They lavished the head in tender affection before the wolf, too eager to hold back, began starting his journey in. Talash gasped softly as she felt the wolf's head vanish into the gently drooling slit at the end of her length. The fox changed targets, moving to help hoist his lupine lover upwards and into the hungry shaft. His work was quickly rewarded by a mighty tug from the greedy lady. Sirius' shoulders and chest were quickly sealed away, making a very visible swell in the underside of the fleshy-pink rod.

Talash hissed happily as she felt the white wolf start to slide in. He was quickly coated in the sticky, clear ooze starting to flow from her. Another good jerk dragged Sirius in up to his hips, then another sank him in up to his knees. Brian sank into the water, wrapping his arms around the bulging, writhing member. He squeezed and caressed it, working hard to coax it to drag his husband out of sight completely. With a wet slurp, his wish was granted and the wolf was completely hidden. The writhing lumps glided down Tal's shaft before making her scrotum swell with a gentle bounce.

"Mmm, one down, one to go. Go on then, after him." the tegu grinned down at Brian.

The fox nodded and followed his lover's example. In the same space of time it had taken Sirius, the kitsune's head was trapped in the lizard's rod. Tal closed her eyes and hissed in delight once again, commanding her greedy member to do to the fox what it had done to his lover. A strong, lewd squelch jerked Brian's shoulders and chest in. His wriggling helped sink him all the way to his waist in no time at all, much to Talash's delight. She wiggled her hips from side to side, not daring to bring a single hand to assist in the effort. She let her rod do all the work. It was good at it, after all. A few more crass slurps saw the kitsune's paws and a bit of tail fluff protruding from the end of the hungry mast, all that remained of Brian. One more good 'gulp' finished him off and sent him down to join his mate, the two of them swelling the lady's sac handsomely.

A sigh of satisfaction escaped Tal as she felt the two boys settle into her now engorged scrotum. The weighty orbs wriggled about as the two boys gave them a good jostling, already deep in the throes of their own passion as they became awash in lizard spunk.

"Ahhh, I've been missing those two. They know all the right buttons to hit. Anyone who wants to join in, please feel free to do so. The more the merrier." Tal cooed.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, honey. You might wanna stuff as many in there with them as you can, but I expect that belly of yours to end up a lot bigger and rounder before the day's out." Liz reached in to prod the lizard's stomach.

"Well then I guess we'd better get on with it, hadn't we?" the tegu turned to look at the rest of the guests sharing their room.

They had all seen what had just happened. Many were interested in joining in. Others were curious where else they might could vanish into within the big curvy lady. A queue formed as another couple opted to join the pair of canids, famed for their extensive knowledge and experience in the ways of passion. Before Tal could make suggestions, her sac had bloated out to house a total of four.

Others had been pulled away by the lusty serpent just next door. Liz wasn't about to let Tal have all the fun. A few carefully placed nibbles, a few drops of her venom to make everyone a little more agreeable, and a number of well placed gropes and kisses, and she had begun her own feast. The cobra was famous around the Inn for her appetite, and that venom of hers only made her lovers--she preferred that rather than 'victims'--that much more likely to come back for more. There was a mild danger of becoming addicted to it. That was how she had ended up with so many 'servants' back at her palace. In their absence, the random guests would do nicely.

The snake and tegu both gorged themselves, swallowing guest after guest, not caring how big or how many there were. Or at least that was the notion. Talash was clearly more successful than her serpentine counterpart. Liz had only managed to ensnare three by the time the tegu had gulped down six. Liz stroked her huge, wriggling belly, deeply pleased with her progress so far, but jealous that the big grey lady had managed to outpace her.

"Go easy, honey. You might not have room for dessert at that rate." the snake teased.

"I've always got room. You just go ahead and fill yourself up," Tal turned to address the dragoness who had oddly been absent in the feast, "Something wrong? You're usually right alongside us stuffing people in you."

"It's Smokey," Shayna sighed as she looked at her phone, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to go drag him away from his work. He's being a stick in the mud. Would you excuse me ladies?"

The ivory-hued lady stood and stepped out of the hot tub. She didn't bother wrapping up in a towel or bathrobe before walking out, chased by the sound of a crass, rather sated belch. Talash turned back to Liz, admiring the cobra's gut. The green lady had managed to sneak a fourth one in while Tal had been talking to Shayna.

"Hopefully she'll be back before too long. How are you doing? Just about full?" Tal smirked.

"Full my ass. I could take another four easy. But it looks like I'm not gonna get the chance to. You've got the last two right there." Liz pointed to an otter and a rabbit tucked in under the tegu's arm, their heads mashed against the side of her impressive bust.

"Yeah, I called dibs on these two." Tal opened her mouth and leaned down, sealing her lips around the bunny's head. With a long, crude slurp, she dragged the lapine out from her grasp under her arm and stuffed her down the throat so many had already vanished into.

"Being so big must make it so easy to catch tasty morsels." Liz said.

"It doesn't hurt!" Tal laughed.

The tegu didn't wait for the bunny to settle before taking in hand the otter she had caught, lifting him to her jaws. With a firm shove, she stuffed the wriggling boy in and gulped hard. In mere moments, he was added to the heavy bulge of her gut, now so large it pushed her shaft completely out of sight under the water. A cloud of white had already tainted the hot tub, thanks to the boys and their two guests downstairs. And that cloud was likely to grow.

Tal sighed happily and gave her giant stomach a firm rub as she felt the eight she'd managed to seal away turn about on top of one another. They were already in the midst of their own fun, making her fight to keep from teasing herself. The grey lady looked back at the bloated cobra, reaching out to give the snake's own active tummy a squeeze.

"If you think that's gonna stop me, you'd be wrong." Tal grinned toothily.

"Oh I know it won't. I just wanna make sure I'm as satisfying as I can be for a big, beautiful thing like you." the snake replied.

"Oh, you'll be satisfying no matter what. But now there's just that much more of you to enjoy." The lizard reached down and hefted the bloated cobra up on top of herself.

The two shared a quick, tender little kiss before Liz started to squirm, trying to push herself forward. Clearly she wanted in. Tal wasn't one to leave someone wanting, so she opened her jaws and pressed on the back of Liz's rump. The push saw the gluttonous snake shoved into the waiting maw. The tegu's tongue slathered over the smooth cobra's fine scales. Liz groaned happily and pushed her arms in, eager to try and sink in. Partly, she wanted to please her friend. And partly, she wanted to try and get her own jaws around some of the people she'd seen disappear down this very throat.

It was easy going passing over the snake's shoulders and chest. Tal made sure to give the green lady's grand bust a firm licking. She enjoyed making her meals wriggle when she got the chance, and Liz was no exception. But that belly of hers was quite the challenge. With four happy, willing captives squirming about and stretching her tummy, Tal was going to have to really work to get that dome in. The tegu's jaws creaked and complained as she turned and twisted them this way and that, careful not to dig her teeth into the delicate flesh she was being offered. The lizard pushed on the snake's rump again, trying to stuff her in little by little. Each handful of inches encouraged her and she kept swallowing. Pain began to set in, a mighty ache in Tal's jaws. She had been keeping them open too far for too long. She needed to get this done.

One good, solid gulp helped. Liz sank in to the point where half of her bloated gut was trapped in Tal's grasp. She fought and squirmed, trying to drag herself deeper, but she quickly found she didn't need to. With the halfway mark reached, Talash just crammed Liz in and swallowed. She sealed her lips around the snake's bottom and slurped noisily as she suckled on the cobra. Her throat stretched cartoonishly, able to handle the load surprisingly well. One more good gulp forced it down into her chest, pushing her twin mounds apart. A pair of legs and a long, green tail dangled from Tal's lips.

"Well, someone's certainly putting their new size to the test!" Shayna laughed, returning finally with her blue partner in tow.

Talash turned her head to look at the couple with a single eye, nodding a little. She gulped hard one more time, dragging all of Liz into her maw, then down her throat. The monstrous swell of the snake's stuffed gut slipped down, adding its bulk to Tal's already massive belly. The tegu sighed and held her ridiculously swollen stomach, licking her lips happily.

"Mmm, oh yeah. You know it. Hey there blue boy, that's a good look you got going on there with Alex." Tal winked.

Smokey blushed and smiled, running his hands over his own domed stomach. It was considerably larger than a typical pregnancy, but then it wasn't typical in the slightest.

"Yeah, I hear that a lot. Alex and I have been enjoying it quite a bit. How are you doing? Are you full yet?" the innkeeper asked.

"Oh no, no yet. I'm sure I could fit another half dozen folks your size in here," Tal slapped her belly as it churned and groaned loudly, "You're not offering yourself, are you?"

"Well, it would only be fair since I'm your host." Smokey answered.

"Oh no, I'm not eating you two. I've got a 'special room' just for you two. And I think it's time you two joined the fun." Tal lifted a thick, powerful leg and dropped it over the edge of the tub.

Almost immediately, the manicurist who had finished doing her nails while she feasted moved to begin work on the large, wide paws that had to carry such a magnificent creature. Smokey only blushed more while Shayna simply wrapped her arms around her round-middled husband.

"We would be honored. Just try not to take us with you when you leave. We've got an Inn to run after all." the angelic lady laughed.

"Rats. I thought I was gonna get away with it. Come on now, no since in waiting." Tal coaxed.

The two dragons, both of them naked, eased into the water, then pressed against the tegu's belly, massaging and squeezing it fondly. Tal rumbled in her throat and reached down, pressing the two smaller scaled figures into her tummy with a pair of large palms. After a moment or two of the three of them just soaking up the loving embrace, Tal released them and they both slipped under the surface of the water. Shayna was the first to push for the entry. Smokey was in no rush, able to contend with the aquatic environment. The white dragoness dove down deep, forced to lift at least a portion of the tegu's bloated scrotum out of the way so she could get at what she sought. Tal reached down to offer assistance, shivering as the four she'd sunk in down there continued their hijinks, making her drool and add more white to the tub.

Then a new sensation struck her. The lizard's folds were quickly parted and Shayna's head slipped in. Tal hissed happily and contracted everything reflexively. The act dragged the angelic drake in up to her chest. Shayna gave a good kick off the floor of the hot tub, managing to wedge herself in halfway. The rippling tunnel of the tegu's womanhood wanted her in, and so it continued its work on Shayna. Had it been above the waterline, it would have filled the room with all manner of wet slurps that might entice others to join. As it stood, the only noises that filled the room were Tal's moans and cries of delight.

Smokey began trying to push his way under the heavy sac squirming away above him. He pressed gently against his wife to help sink her in. All that did was see her tail wrap around his chest so that he couldn't pull away. In moments, his head was sunk into the tegu's folds as well, his muzzle pressed against the angelic lady's groin. Some might have minded having a dragon's sizable shaft shoved in their face, but he didn't seem to. He even pushed it in past his lips and suckled gently. A quiet, happy moan came from low in Tal's belly. Shayna wrapped her legs around her husband as more of her vanished inside the grey lizard.

Another good tug from the muscular passage brought the blue drake's own rounded tummy to rest against the quivering petals consuming him. Unlike her strain to get Liz's bloated stomach down her throat, this was rather easy. A firm flexing forced the occupied bulge in. Immediately, the vulpine within began to wriggle about, aware of the added pressure from outside. That in turn made the blue drake writhe. All the motion only helped Tal draw her two friends in faster. Her belly pushed outward further as Shayna landed in her womb. Smokey was drawn in up to his hips, then slowly his knees, and then his ankles. Gradually, his paws were swallowed up as well, and Tal's folds closed once more. The two dragons settled into the big girl's belly, feeling the pressure of so many others in her stomach pushing down on them. They didn't seem to mind. Shayna turned about and buried her face between her blue lover's legs, making sure to keep his jaws firmly planted around her own length.

Their moans were heavily muffled, and drowned out by all the other noises coming from the big girl's gut. Tal sighed and reclined further, massaging her stuffed middle while the serpentine lady worked on her paw. The long snake-half she possessed had coiled around Tal's ankle to anchor her there while the naga worked.

"You're a greedy one, aren't ya?" the manicurist asked. Her accent was decidedly Midwestern.

"Yeah, I suppose so. You'd better be careful, I might just want to add you to the group." Tal smirked.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been eaten. Lotta folks like eating girls like me. It's like sucking up a really long noodle they say. You ever had a naga go down your dick?" the snake asked, quite bluntly.

Tal snickered, enjoying the rather forward attitude.

"I can't say I have. I wouldn't mind trying it though." she said.

"Well, don't get any funny ideas. I'm almost done with this side. Then I'll need your other paw. Once that's done, then sure, I'll slither on in. Sounds like a fun party in there. But, business first, play later." the snake insisted.

"Fine, fine. I'm patient. I've got all the time in the world." Tal sighed, letting her eyes drift shut.

Another noisy belch rose up out of her as she massaged her belly. She adored being so full, especially when she could manage to stuff Smokey and Shayna in right where they were. They knew how to make her moan once they got in there, and they weren't disappointing. It had only been a couple of hours, and already she was eager to give the place all the praise she could. She had seen signs throughout the Inn requesting reviews. She was going to have to leave a good one.

--Long time repeat guest, finally got back after the grand re-opening. Place looks amazing, spacious enough to handle a really big girl like me. Food's great, they just walk up to you and let you gobble them up. Got some personal time with the owners, real intimate affair. Never lasts long enough. I'm definitely coming back as soon as I can. Five stars.--