Venom: The Whore and the Wyvern

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#8 of Venom

As I look down upon the throne room Hiss has constructed in this shared dream, I get the sense that there is a purpose to it, rather then simple pleasure and desire fulfillment. There was a strange sensation in me when the girl began to change. Perhaps these fantasies are some sort of a guide, a tutorial if you will, on the new powers that I've been granted with my ascension to Sisterhood?

Something clicks into place in my mind, and I feel that it is indeed the case. Mine is a grand and rare power, the ability to alter the physical form of any creature with a simple touch and a thought. It must be beyond the scope of the lesser ascension to grant, or else the power hungry Gorgons would have made great use of it already.

"This one's crimes are more serious. Not only has she spurned the affections of Her Majesty's people, and spoken out about Her benevolent rule, but she has also broken into the the Mage's Academy, currently closed whilst proper faculty can be arranged. Her purpose was to seek texts, in order to devise a alchemical concoction to prevent the gifts granted by coupling with a scaleblood."

"Unbind her legs and bring her to me. Leave her manacles and gag. I can see it in her eyes that she is guilty." I say as Hiss places her leash in my hand, allowing me to draw the human forward into my lap. I curl my tail around her waist, tightly so that she has no hope of escape. I reach out and run my clawed hand through her hair, holding her head gently.

"Silly girl, trying to find a way to avoid the fear of the unknown, while still wanting to experience the pleasure one of my people can bring you." I purr, reaching down with my other hand and stoking my maleness, warm shivers running through my body as I do so.

"You don't want to be changed, but you don't know how wonderful it feels to do so, to slowly become something different, to feel your soft human skin transform into beautiful, bright scales. To feel your new tail sway from side to side behind you as you walk. Perhaps even to spread your own wings and take to the air. You mind my race attractive enough that you desire to mate, but yet not beautiful enough to desire to become one of us? Silly little human, you all will be changed in time. You just get to be changed early at a much faster rate."

On the topic of faster rates, I increase the pace of my stroking. The human's eyes widen, and she begins to struggle. "Aaaah, so you know of the transformative effects of a scaleblood's seed. Even if it simply touches the skin, especially if it does so. You won't be able to hide this, everyone will know that you've been 'tainted' by one of us." I purr. "Actually, I doubt anyone will think you're tainted. You'll be so covered in scales, that you'll never be thought of as a human again."

She begins to writhe in my coils, trying her best to escape and pull away. But it's no use, I've brought myself close to the edge, and have been holding myself there for several seconds. Streams of thick seed erupt from my cock, landing on her face and chest. She howls through her gag, struggling in my grasp, trying to get away.

I let her go, and she falls to the floor, writhing and whimpering. Hiss kneels over her and recites an incantation, the girl's restraints evaporating into mist, then reforming in Hiss' hands.

"Please! Make it stop!" the human begs, trying to remove my cum from her skin, but all she does is manage to rub it around further. She claws at her clothes, trying to get them off, and quite easily succeeds at doing it. The simple fabrics part easily under the pressure applied from her new claws.

She looks at them in horror from slit-pupiled eyes and directs her gaze downward, where her skin as begun to turn a bright green in the places where my seed has come in contact with her flesh. The green tint spreads, and with it, the appearance of scales. She turns to me, eyes wide in horror, "Pleasssssse!" she hisses, a forked tongue sliding from her lips.

She shivers as scales take form on her body, not all over however. I've chosen to have her face and underbelly remain free of them, remaining human skin with a slightly green tint to serve as a reminder of what she used to be. She moans as a thick tail erupts from the base of her spine, lashing back and forth to signal her fear and agitation.

The girl whimpers as the feelings of change vanish from her body. Her whimpering has stopped, and her tail slowly stills. She stands up, cautiously, and looks over her body, experimentally moving her tail, running her hands over her new scales. Her body is more defined now, I am not a cruel mistress, and have improved her somewhat pudgy looks, so what she herself considers beautiful. She cups her breasts, now a few sizes larger, another favor from me.

"See? It's not so bad, now is it?" I say with a chuckle. "Most certainly not anything to fear."

She shakes her head. "N-no, my l-lady." she says, still a little nervous, knowing there is a second part of her sentence coming.

"In order for you to make up for time lost, you are to serve as morale attendant for my own guards. That way you can sample what you've missed for so long, as well as continue your transformation into a true citizen of my realm. You do realize that you no longer have a choice in the matter, as you certainly no longer resemble a human. You have nothing to gain by struggling against what will soon be natural urges to make love, and to have your body further enhanced by the contributions of fellow scalebloods of varying appearance."

She bites her bottom lip, not knowing what to think. I can see she enjoys the changes I've already brought to her body, and that the desire common to all scalebloods is beginning to burn in her loins.

"I understand, Your Highness, and will serve my sentence without complaint." she says with a bow, licking her lips. I have no doubt that she will have no complaint, and will enjoy her time spent as the barracks playtoy. More then likely she'll end up staying in the position permanently.

One of the door guards steps forward to usher the new pet to the barracks. I look over the last two girls. One of them looks absolutely terrified, with the other has managed to regain her composure and has a defiant look in her eyes.

I stand, shifting my weight onto my tail for the first time, my instinctual sense of balance and movement ensures that I only have a few small wobbles before getting the hang of it as I slither down the steps, approaching the two girls. I smile in a manner I know to be threatening, "There is no need to recite the crimes of these two, I'm already familiar with their activities and how they've brought shame on their families."

"Nobles, the both of you. From houses that have not only embraced my rule, but were my allies in helping to attain the throne in the first place. Houses which upon hearing of your acts as a part of an attempt at organized resistance, turned you in to the proper authorities, despite your status as beloved daughters. Not only disregarding my laws and edicts, but going so far as to attempt to sew chaos and dissent in my city. Speaking out against me, condemning those who offer themselves freely to my forces as sluts engaging in little more then bestiality."

I slither around the frightened girl, looping my muscular tail around her, constricting to have her immobile from the waist down. I use the same incantation that Hiss utilized to remove the restraints. I take both of her hands in my own, gripping them tightly. She is silent, shivering, terrified.

"Those were your words, were they not? Condemning my race as nothing more then animals, and that your fellow citizens that mated with them were lowering themselves to rut with monsters?" I purr, low, seductive, as my taloned fingers slide up her stomach, caressing her breasts, running a single finger along her jawline, then down swiftly, leaving a faint line of blood along her cheek from my claw. I rip her top from her body, the flimsy fabric giving way before my powerful dragon-serpent frame.

"You will not experience the pleasure of an infusion of scaleblood essence. Instead you body will be warped by my magic instead. You will feel nothing but the strange sensation of your flesh warping as I desire it, to take on the shape in which you will serve out the next year in my service. Your role will be one I find fitting." I say, disgust evident in my voice, as I uncoil from around her, and give her a shove, sending the human sprawling to the ground.

"First to go will be that pale pink-white covering that you so pride yourself on, tending to your skin with exotic oils to retain its color, stave off imperfections, and keep it silky smooth." I say, holding my hand out, fingers spread wide. "You will no longer have to worry about errant hairs appearing to ruin to smooth perfection of your body, because you will no longer have them, or hair of any sort. That shiny luxorious mane that you pride yourself on has no place on a creature like yourself."

With a snort of disgust a nimbus of purple-blue energy leaps from my hand and into her body. I know she wants to run, but her body just won't let her, prepared as it is for a complete transformation. As the last of the energy fades into her, the changes begin. In a few tiny wisps at first, but then in a pure black cascade, her hair falls from her scalp, falling to the floor. In a few moments the hair that she had spent years growing and maintaining is gone, taken in an instant.

The human whimpers softly, tear beginning to flow from her eyes. She lets out a startled gasp as her skin suddenly feels cold. Tiny cracks seem to appear in her flesh, but they are simply the outlines of what are to be scales, which rapidly erupt from the skin beneath them. They are thick and heavy, dull and flat in appearance. Not meant to be the beautiful scales common to most scalebloods, but the thick armor of something meant to take the abuse of the harsh desert sandstorms.

In a few moments she's covered from head to toe in thick scales of pure white, the color she so desired her skin to be. Her muscles appear to ooze and writhe as they begin to be affected, ready for their own change in time. "Ah, how plain you look now. If I left you like this you would be held in contempt by the rest of the world for the rest of your existence. Nothing more then a disfigured human, covered in the scales you regard as hideous. A plain, boring looking body with no embellishments to draw attention to it. Aren't you glad that I am a benevolent ruler, and will not condemn you to such a life of pain, and an ugly body?" I purr.

Directed by my will, a pair of horns sprout from her temples, thick and ridged like a rams, curling as they grow longer. A line of spikes appears on her spine, thick bony protrusions meant to discourage predatory cats and flying hunters from pouncing and diving onto her. A frilled crest appears on the back of her head, shimmering in many different hues, immediately rising to full prominancy to signal her fear. More horns erupt from her body, smaller ones clustered on her upper arms, ripping through her pants on her hips. Three tiny ones appearing above her eyes where each of her brows once were.

The girl wails loudly, unable to articulate any sounds properly due to her transforming, pulsing, fluctuating body. I slither to her, crouching down, and begin to pet her scaled head. "Ssssh, there, there. It will all be over soon. You don't have to be afraid anymore." I coo soothingly, running a finger over her ear, which now looks out of place. In an instant it begins to change shape, the skin growing thinner in places, and the cartilage shifting into long spines, her ears becoming a pair of draconic fans adorning the sides of her head.

"Now, unlike the two that came before you, you fought when you were arrested, hitting and kicking, clawing and biting. You also aided the the attempt to create a counteragent for the effects of scaleblood seed. I don't feel I will be able to trust you, even closely watched as you will be. You are a skilled thief, little one, having picked the locks to the library. You've even been caught trying to remove your chains whilst imprisoned. So therefore I shall remove the temptation to do so entirely."

With that decree she howls, a sad, eerie sound. She sits up, watching in horror as her fingers begin to distort, growing, and growing, and growing. In a few moments they're incredibly long and thin, only her thumb remaining as it was, only thickening a little. The first joints are comparatively short, fleshy and thick, while the second and third are long and distorted. As her forearms begin to shorten, and webbing begins to work its way between the digits its obvious that her hands are now the wings of a Riding Wyvern.

I smile at her as it dawns on her what she is becoming. "That's right, my dear. After all your condemnation of my race, it will be you that shall be mating with monsters and beasts. You will be an addition to my own stable. You will mate and be mated by the unintelligent mounts that my favored guards use for patrol. You will not be ridden, however. Your purpose will only be breeding. For the next three years, your waking hours will consist of eating, tending your nest, nursing your young, and fucking the other Wyverns. You will retain your own mind, and your capacity to speak, provided it is not abused."

She begins to sob, holding her head as best she can with her wings. A shudder runs through her body as her tail rips through her pants, growing out to a length longer then she is tall. The spikes on her back continue down her tail, which ends in a stinger filled with a special chemical agent. She will lash out and try to sting the other Wyverns, but all she will do is fuel their arousal.

Her shoes are obliterated by the sudden expansion of her feet and the reshaping of her legs. Now shorter, digigrade, and more muscular, they're now suited for a creature meant to walk on all fours, rather then upright like a normal speaking, thinking creature.

She falls back onto the floor, limp, broken in spirit. She ceases her wailing and whimpering, tears silently running down scaled cheeks. She lets out a startled sound, and spits out her tongue, now much thicker and longer, a good two feet of it hanging from her mouth. I chuckle at the comical sight.

"Aaah! The famed Wyvern tongue. You should learn to put that to good use, it will be the sole appendage you have able of decent manipulative abilities. The breeder prisoners soon learn that their caretakers and guards enjoy the sensations that a Wyvern's tongue can bring. Extra food and treats are yours to obtain, all you need to is politely ask your handlers if you can pleasure them. They won't reward you if they have to take their pleasure, and they will. You won't be able to help it, you will instinctively pleasure any male who places his cock in your mouth, or any female who offers her pussy to you."

I take her head in my hands, bringing it to my own raging erection to demonstrate. She tries to struggle, but the moment her tongue touches my cum and pre covered rod, she can't help but curl her tongue around it, pulling it into her changing mouth which shifts quickly into a draconic muzzle, her neck lengthening as well, allowing her to deep throat my member without any discomfort.

She instinctively begins to purr, and the air fills with the spice-like musky scent of a Wyvern in heat. I take her horns in my hands, gently guiding her up and down on my shaft. This is the final component of the Wyvern transformation spell, the small amount of energy drawn into my body stimulating my cock, bringing me nearer and nearer to the edge the closer my new broodwhore's change is to completion.

With a roar I unleash a torrent of my seed into her mouth, gulped down eagerly. Scaleblood cum is an extra source of protein that Wyverns enjoy, and those altered into Wyverns have been created not to waste a drop.

Back in control, she pulls away from me, horrified at what she was just doing, and enjoying. She tries to speak, but she finds that the pulsing of change that had quieted a few moments before has begun anew. She moans from the pleasurable sensation as her final changes take place. Her breasts swell to nearly obscene size, H cups that are larger then her own head. Her nipples elongated, thick teats that nearly drag on the flood.

She begins to buck as if being mated as a second pair of breasts, equally sized, swell to prominence on her chest, followed by a third. I pick her up, the girl like a Wyvern in body, but still human in size. I loop my tail around in a circle, laying her on her back in the makeshift nest as she begins to moan, her thrusts becoming harder. With a final thrust she arches her back, a thick, pale pink cock tearing through the crotch of her shredded pants, delivering streams of ropy cum onto her breasts, face, and belly.

The Wyvern begins to instinctively lick herself clean as I turn to the final girl, her friend's change seeming only to harden her eyes and her attitude even further. "And now we come to you..." I say with a sinister laugh, having saved the most terrible punishment for last.