Story by MewfiiXNathan on SoFurry

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Toothless wakes up on a strange island alone on the fround in a mist. He starts looking around for his master, Hiccup...he can't find him anywhere. He notices he is on his back and tries to right himself to get on all fours and fly off, but he sees something strange, his dragon claws wer now like his masters, hands, that what their called? So was his feet, he loked like his master, but he was still part dragon, he still had wings, he had a neck but his head and face were still dragon like. Something else was happening, it was like he was absorbing something, he was tasting something sweet yet there was nothing visible in his maw, and went he turned a bit to check out body it felt like entering his backside, the way he was now, it was an ass that was his backside now, and he had some pretty tight shiny hole and buns, Toothless once heard master Hiccup in his sleep talking about his mate, the one with my said mate, I nicknamed her Spikes, always play around when we meet, I'm sure if something hppened to Spikes, then we could do more then just tumble around. I try to get up and prop myself on a rock, I'm sweating so bad from this transformation, I forgot to check my front, before I could do anything I heard something in front of me. "Master?...!" Wait I can talk like my master? Whoa...I cough a bit. There was a shadow in the mist, something strange was still going on, I look down and find something proding out of my pelvis, strange, I have a mating meat rod equipped with ballz with the mating swimmers, and it needs cleaning, white stuff is coming out, only a few times I found master in a simular situation, which he woke up mostly from, sometimes I didn't know what was happing to him and started to lick it...wait thats it, half of me is turning into what master is...that means I'm a hybrid, somehow I knew what that ment. But before I checked myself out more, the figure came out of the mist, it was amazing, same deal as me, except where I had a mating rod, there was a tight cut, and on the chest of this being was two mounds, I'm guessing it's milk for young ones, rarely I see mature mates pleasuring the mounds and getting feed like a little the rest of the body was like mine but more like a female, I can't see it but I'm guessing from what I can see from the front, her backside is pleasure to the sight, her buns and the tight hole. This was amazing because this is the first time ever I have seen another dragon like me, another female night fury as my master called me. She came up to me sniffing me, then I saw what she was interested in, I still had the machine that my master uses to ride me and help us fly, and my tail wing was unusable too. She grabbed me and tore the human stuff off, after she threw it to the side she huffed at me sniffing me again. She came down to my rod and sniffed there a little longer, then just gently licking a bit of the white goo coming out. She got up and stared at me playing around with the goo in her mouth and gave me a grin. She exstended her paw to my rod and gave it a small stroke, I recoiled a bit as she did that. She did this until her hand was totally gooed up, then she stopped before I could shoot anything more, why am I not doing that? She turned around and bent down so her back hole was in view, with her free hand she opened the hole and started rubing the inside with her hand full of my goo...what? She huffed a bit and tried to tell me something, once her hole was totally gooed up, she pointed at her face with her tounge out and pointed at her hole...Ohhh I get it, I think this is the stuff you do before you mate, fourplay I think master was muttering to himself while checking his mate out while she bathed, of course after that we had to leave, I think I got too curious and she had yell something about chickens and a human named Tom. Ok so I got brave and went over to her backside, she huffed again and I saw her tounge dancing in her maw...oh right, lick then mate. So I got down on my knees and started licking the hole, the she fury shivered and made her badside buns act like waves of the water. I grabbed them to maybe calm the so called waters and I found she could open up like a treasure chest on its side, I pulled her waves apart only to find another set of waves that now looked like a soft cave, two of them, one in from of me that looked like a weird sea creature but then one underneath more like a clam with a button, I'm focused on the one in front of me first, the other one I know is for mating and making offspring. So without letting the outer folds crach back in I grab at the cave folds and the fem fury squeaks again as the smell of sweet fish is starting to waft in, it was the soft cave, as soon as the smell hit me I put my whole face into the folds and licked and ate her back hole fluids that all had a sence of fish. It's almost as if she was tring to eat me with this backside hole of hers, but maybe my head was too big for her. I pulled out after awile and my face was all gooey and smelled like fish. She bent around and licked my face off and then went to my rod and gave it a job but dispencing the goo that I had all over my face, now she went back to the backside position and opened her back hole herself flicking her tail around me, I got it right away, I lead my rod to her buns and just tested the waters before entering the dark depths, then I jumped in. The fem fury moaned in pleasure as she was being fished in her back hole, it went on, I just keep having my ballz hit her waves and everytime that happened they parted, so much that they could maybe break apart, I smack the waves a couple times to see them myself. Then she screamed something, I think she wanted me to stop before my white stuff came out, I did notice when I pulled out my rod was slick and bigger now, trying to hold it, her backside hole now was driping down into her clam hole, it was dripping its own fluids too. She turned around and sat on a rock and stratled herself out and up rubbing her clam hole, I got down and licked it a bit but then she pushed my head away and pointed at my mateing rod. Really? This soon? She game me a little kiss and got ready, I slammed her moving the rod around. At one point I was hiting a bump on the inside, everytime I did the fem fury went crazy, so I tried to stay there and I could and she was just going so crazy that I almost acedentlly pulled out but she pulled me in with her legs and she also put her tail through my legs and she slapped my backside with it. We were both nearing out burst points and our wings were twiching every which way until...Both me and the fem fury's wings went out and we roared very loudly and I pasted my birthing fluids to the mate and nearly pasted out, I did however just fall down backwards onto my back, my vision blacked out for a bit, but my other sences were still keen. I'm not sure what was happening next but I thought I felt rain, though it felt different. Then I could feel someone touching me, at times it felt like someone was giving a massage with hands, other times it felt like two mountains rubbing me and raining from the peaks. My vison came back slowly, I found that I was tied down by the mist and the rain was the fem furies youth feeding fluid, I looked at myself and found my dragon skin was shining like pure cream. I somewhat felt refreashed. She gave my rod a doing to, making it all white. The next thing I knew I was turned over, I heard some faint hissing around me. I looked around and saw that there were eels that we dragons dispise and do not like, they were slithering all around me. I turned and saw with surprise that the fem fury had something comeing from her clam folds, and I shuddered as I realized that eels were coming from her mating folds, why didn't I feel them? She came over an bent down to my back hole doing more then I did to her, she was sucking my waters and making her maw act like a tornato or huricane, high winds were breaking my tight ocean folds. Then she ordered some eels to keep me open, I snarled as the unwanted pleasure was not taken lighty. Another eel popped from her clam folds and wrapped around her like a tribal outfit without the cloth, but then sticking its head out like she was a male with a mating rod, but she can't do this, can she? I remember seeing my masters mate do this when he felt weak, one way to bring his fight back I guess, wait does she think I'm weak? Why? Because I look like this? Because I could't do the mating ritual without fainting? Well I'm about to find out. She aproched me and let the eel prod around and lick off my backside, then it found my hole opened wide still, I cried out, but nothing changed. It's tounge was flicking at my folds until, the fem fury plugged up my back hole with the vile creature that surprisely felt good, maybe we can still use them and not have to eat them? Apperently I have voided in a while and I could feel my dirty insides cleaning out, other then the goo from my rod, I needed to void it too, but not in front of the other gender. I was stuggling as it was with my back hole being violated, I tried leaning down on an eel slithering by, I poked it with my twitching rod, it turned around and started to inspect it, started to wrap itself around it, feeling it up. Thats it now have and nice drink. I let a little of myself go so the eel knew what it was getting into and then it got the idea I was giving, it's mouth moved to my rod, it unwrapped a bit, opened its mouth then shock squeezed my rod letting a little more squirt into its mouth, then it put its whole mouth on my rod and placed it all in, draining me like a yak, both goo and my voids were coming out, both ends, all I could do was faint again and let the pleasure ride me instead of my master. I was out for awhile, then when I awoke I still felt something was attached to my lower parts, I looked, there was a fish on my rod and a smaller fish up my dark hole, plus I was wearing this half tribal, half offspring hide, I guess to hide my girth and backside. The mist had gone and I was still part looking like master, so I got up on the two legs to give them a try, I finaly got up, I began to look around. I saw the ocean so I went over and looked over everywhere for either master or the fem fury...nothing. A few days later after fending for myself, I hear some sounds and go to them. I hide in some bushes and try to spot the one who is making these sounds...Then I get another surprise, more dragon hybrids, but something is very familiar. I come out of the bushes "Guys it's me!" I figure out why master is not around "I guess that weird storm did something to you guys too" My name is Toothless Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/2 and this changes everything!