
Story by Ashtyn NightWolf on SoFurry

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*** This story contains mild adult content and involvement of two males. If you sadden easily or do not enjoy reading about two males having sex then don't read it. You've been warned. Story and characters copyright 2000 by Ashtyn NightWolf ***

The cell floor was cold as Micha put his foot-paws to it. The wolf shivered a bit as he stood. The annoying sound of the guards night stick rattling its way down the bars of the cells waking him up. Shaking the cobwebs of sleep away he stood and stretched a bit. The wolf was tall, well built, He was quite strong for all he had to do in this place to pass the time was to workout in the gym whenever he could. His body covered in medium length soft black fur. He stepped into his jumpsuit and pulled it up over his body, zipping it up.

"Come on girls up and at em, Its breakfast time once again!" the guard shouted as he signaled for the doors to be opened. The cell doors along the block screeched open and as if rehearsed all the inmates stepped out of there cells, most having two to a cell some only one. Micha was alone in his cell and he enjoyed that, but at the same time didn't, knowing it would be a much more pleasurable time in this place if he had a cell mate that shared his interest in the same sex. Micha shrugged off the thought as the guard came to stand at the head of the line.

"Alright girls listen up, today we get in a shipment of fresh fish. All of you in a cell by yourself step forward." Micha sighed and stepped forward, his inmate number and cell number were recorded and the guard moves down the line. "All of you in a cell by yourselves expect to have some company when you come back from the mines this evening. Now get to mess for breakfast and hurry it up, days already burning away."

The line at the counter moved along sluggish as usual. The same slop put on the trays. A runny substance resembling scrambled eggs and a piece of burnt toast. Micha shook his head and looked at the server,

"At least it almost looks like food this time, you might wanna fix the toaster though." Micha smiled as the server growled a bit and motioned for him to move along. Micha shrugged and moved off to sit with his work crew. They sat and ate pretty quickly as usual. Some words were exchanged, the main topic being of Micha's release in three days. Micha was happy he was getting out and he showed it. The other furres seemed a bit jealous but all wished him luck after he got out. The guards came around and ordered everyone to take up there trays and get moving to the loading docks. They all obeyed and after awhile were on there transport to the mines where the days back breaking and hard labor would begin again. Micha hated this time at the same time of enjoying it. The work was hard, but the fact that it was so hot there and that the work was indeed hard meant the other furres would be sweating. By mid-morning most of them had either shed the top portion of there jumpsuits or the whole jumpsuit all together. This is what Micha and a few of the other furres had enjoyed about working the mines. Micha was a gay man after all and the only pleasure he could find here was being able to watch the other males strip away there coverings. He enjoyed viewing there hot, dirty, and sweaty fur covered bodies. He never took off more than the top of his jumpsuit, most time just so he could keep his arousal hidden. No one else in his crew had the same preference as him so he didn't want to offend anyone or get himself hurt for being gay. The only time he has ever been involved with another make at the prison was in the showers. He thought, as he worked, about what the guard had said earlier. There would be a new furre waiting in his cell when he got back. Micha sighed and shook his head continuing his work, hoping he didn't get stuck with some mean and arrogant bastard like most of the others there have always seemed to be.

The mid-day bell rang and snapped Micha out of his daze of work, dropping his pick he walked up to the lunch wagon and got his usual of a glass of water and nothing else. The heat made him thirsty, not hungry. He sat off to the side and drank his water, watching the others in silence. About the time lunch was over a secured transport drove by. Micha guessed those were the new inmates and sighed, shaking his head and feeling sorry for them. Again he was snapped out of his stupor, this time by a guard shouting at him to get his ass back to work. Micha promptly obeyed and returned to his work site and took the pick back in hand, chiseling away at the rocks. Another two hours passed and one of the furres came around with water. Micha stopped long enough to get a good drink before returning back to his work.

"Another two hours of this, yay." Micha spoke mainly to himself and none of the other furres payed his comment any mind. A sigh of relief came from his lips as he heard the night bell ring. Wiping sweat from his forehead he threw the pick onto his shoulder and walked towards the transport. His mind not being able to stop thinking of just who was going to be in his cell when he got back. Again hoping it would not interfere with his last three days there. The crew piled into the transport, they all groaned and sighed a bit, there bodies beaten by the heat and work. The transport was filled with chatter as they moved back to the prison. Micha sat quietly and just thought to himself.

The transport pulled up to the shower house, stopping in line with the other transports. Four times out of the day all the inmates were together. Breakfast, Lunch, Showers, and Dinner were the only time all of the inmates saw each other. Any other time all Micha saw was his work crew. Once inside the shower house there was a large room with open cabinets. Each cabinet held an extra change of clothes for each of the furres. Micha smiles to himself as he reached the favorite part of his day. He sat on the bench and undid his boots. His face looking to his boots, but his eyes wandered over each of the other furres, studying them and what they had to offer. He did this everyday, it was his entertainment, and it gave him the memories he needed to get himself off later that night. As he looked around he caught the eyes of a few other furres with the same thing in mind as him. They nodded to each other in some secret language as to say they knew what was on each others minds. Micha smiled to himself again and moves into the large shower room. The whole outer wall was lined with shower heads. Small racks hung from them that held a bottle of fur shampoo and a bar of soap. Micha had it all worked out, he quickly washed his body, making it seem like he was only a quarter of the way done when he was really done. He went slower after that, nit picking at his fur. His mind and eyes where never on his body as he watched around the room as secretly as possible. He left the shower as soon as he felt his sheath start to stir. Getting as many glimpses of the other males as he could before going to dry off. As he dried off more of the furres joined him in the room, drying themselves off and Micha got the last of his views. A content sigh left his lips as he zipped up his new clean jumpsuit and moved towards the transport once again to be taken to dinner.

Dinner went as it always had. The inmates filed into line and received their trays. Micha sat at the same spot he has sat at for his whole time there. His other friends around the table all wondering who the new 'fish' would be in there cell after dinner. The talk of the mess hall was mainly about this as it usually was whenever a new transport came in. Micha overheard one of the larger wolves behind him speak of his outlook for a new cell mate.

"I do so hope I get myself a nice little boy that could sure use some reassuring if you all know what I mean." The chuckles and laughter followed his comment and Micha shook his head in disgust. He knew the poor furre that landed in that wolf's cell was sure to have a hard time in that prison. That is if he lasted the first night. The guards voices rung out and all the inmates rose and took up there trays as usual. It was time to retire to the cells. Micha almost felt excited as he rounded the last corner on his cell block and moves towards his cell. Reaching the cell he stepped inside and looked over the back of a medium sized wolf. The wolf's back was bare showing off the dark black fur, he wasn't overly built but the muscles of his back showed through his fur. The wolf's ear twitched back as he heard Micha enter and turned. His bare foot-paws rustling against the cement floor as he stood, looking up at Micha. Micha's eyes looked over the other male, starting at his feet he looked up over the gray jumpsuit covering his legs and waist, the top of the jumpsuit turned down and tucked into the waistband. Micha's eyes followed a small line of white fur up the males stomach and chest until his eyes finally set on the others face. They both smiled at each other and almost right away Micha knew he was going to enjoy this.

Micha held out his paw with a gently smile upon his face, "I'm Micha". His voice was plain, he thought to himself he could have found something better to say but figured that would work for now. The other male looked Micha over as well.

Extending his arm and taking Micha's paw in his and shaking it with a strong firm grasp. "I'm Jouna, pleasure under the circumstances." Micha thought that was an odd way to put it but shrugged it off. "It seems I have been given a good man for my last few days here."

Jouna's head tilted a bit as he blinked slowly, "Your last few days here?" Micha nodded and moved to sit on his bunk, motioning for Jouna to sit as well and he accepted the offer sitting right next to Micha. Right away Micha could feel his face flush as he breathed in the scent of the other male, his paws closing together in his lap as he told Jouna how long he had been in this place and the fact that he will be leaving in a few days. Jouna nodded understanding the story and sighed a bit looking at Micha and looking him over again, letting out a small breath and a single word. "Shame".

Micha tilted his head this time and looked into Jouna's eyes, "Shame? why is that?".

Jouna smiled and leaned into Micha, breathing into his ear as he spoke, "I was hoping you were going to be in as long as I was, you seem like someone I would much enjoy to get to know." his words ended but his muzzle stayed close to Micha's ear and Jouna licked his ear ever so lightly before backing away some, leaving Micha to sit in bewilderment as he turned towards Jouna and wrapped his arms around him, embracing and kissing him. It was love at first sight and Micha was right. He was going to enjoy his last few days in this place. At least, that's what he thought before the feelings of love set in and he realized he couldn't become to attracted to Jouna. It would be hard, but Micha would try not too.

It didn't work. No matter how hard Micha tried he could not stop thinking of his new cell mate. The next morning the two awoke to the laughs of the guards. They had slept in the same bunk and Micha's secret was reveled. It didn't matter to him, he was to big for anyone to mess with him and he was in love. He shrugged off the remarks as they were thrown and went about his normal days actions. Jouna was put on a different crew then Micha. This helped Micha deal with the fact that he would be leaving in another day. For the times they saw each other during the day they talked about there past lives on the outside and what Micha would be doing when he got out. On the night before his release, Micha and Jouna lay together in bed as they had since Jouna had first come there. They held each other happily, soft murrs emanating from them as they nuzzled each other. Paws wondered over each others bodies. As the passion between the two rose so did there need and there muzzles locked together in a deep kiss driving there passion over the edge. Keeping as quite as they could the two felt over every inch of there bodies. The small cell heated up around them as the scent of there arousal filled the air. Words were whispered from the other cells telling them to stop and other slanderous remarks were made. The two lovers ignored them all, knowing others knew what was going on just fueling there passions more. There was no stopping Micha's next action as he rolled over and drew Jouna on top of him, there muzzles still locked as Micha's spread his legs and let Jouna fall between them. Micha moaned lightly as he felt Jouna's arousal press under his tail. Micha's own arousal pressing into Jouna's stomach. Jouna pulled back from the kiss and looked deeply into Micha's eyes. His eyes full of love as they told his love to go on but be gentle. Jouna pressed his hips forward and slid slowly into his new love, there muzzles once again locked. Micha moaned lowly as he felt himself being filled by his love's member. His body shuddered as he tensed and relaxed his muscles, eliciting a moan from Jouna. Jouna began to slowly thrusts his hips forward and then pull them back. There moans muffled by each others muzzles as the love making went on. Each of them wanting this moment to never end. There minds taken away from being locked away deep inside these walls. The darkness no longer able to take them as they reveled in each others bodies. Jouna's bodied tensed as he felt his orgasm began to rise. Micha's legs wrapped around his love's waist and pulled him in harder and faster. Feeling Jouna's knot against his tail-hole Micha pulled hard one last time pushing the knot inside of him, locking his love inside him. The feeling of being locked inside his love was all Jouna could handle and he released his seed deep into Micha. Micha's body tensed and tightened around Jouna as his own orgasm rose and flowed over him, his seed spilling out between the two males. Jouna spent the next few minutes lightly humping into his lover as the afterglow set in. With the kiss broken, Micha moved his muzzle into Jouna's neck and lightly nibbled and kissed at his neck. They both murred as they held and nuzzled each other, falling to sleep in each others arms in the cold and damp cell.

The morning came quicker than either of the two lovers had hoped. The guard made his usual loud wake up call. Running his nightstick along the bars and shouting telling everyone to get there asses out of bed and get in gear for the start of the day. Jouna looked deeply into Micha's eyes, he knew he would probably never see his love again. The guard stopped in front of their cell.

His voice harsh as he glared at them. "You two fagots get the fuck up and dressed." he pointed to Micha, "You are out of here today, and good riddance, one less fagot for me to deal with." Micha growled lowly at the guards words but stopped not wanting to be beaten on his last day. Micha and Jouna got up and dressed, after one last kiss as far as Jouna was concerned the doors opened and the two went there separate directions. Micha went through the process of being let out. His eyes full of tears the whole time as he thought of Jouna, a spark came into his eyes as he heard the man filling out his paperwork say, "Now, you need to see Mr. Cruble within one hour of your release he will be your parole officer and he will explain to you that if you so much as fart in the wrong place you'll be back in here in no time." Those words came as music to Micha as he smiled to himself, nodding to the guard he was escorted and left alone outside the gates. He looked back at the prison from the outside and sighed, then went on his way to carry out the small plan he cooked up in his mind.

Jouna's day went sluggish. The whole day all he could do was think of Micha. He had cried to himself a few times as he worked the mines. A few furs asked if they could do anything. Jouna just shook his head and continued his work, his mind nowhere near the work he was doing. Lunch time came and Jouna sat, not moving or eating, just sulking. The same continued for the second half of his work day, and continued into dinner. He didn't eat and he didn't even let his eyes wander during the group showering time. He lay in his bunk unable to sleep, he knew he wouldn't be able to handle this for very long, but maybe he could get out on good behavior or something. Micha had left him a number where he would be in case Jouna ever got out. Jouna just sighed and stared at the ceiling.

This was it, he was going to do it, and nothing would stop him. The thought continued to run through Micah's mind as he walked down the streets. Jouna had told him of this part of town. Jouna had grown up here and told him that the police here were very strict. Micha grinned evilly as he saw a somewhat older gentleman cross the street. Micha almost felt bad as he walked up behind the man and wrapped one arm around the mans chest, locking the mans arms down, the paw of his other arm coming up and locking around his muzzle. Micha whispered into the mans ear, "Don't be afraid, I will release you." With that Micha howled out loudly, catching the attention of a police officer just a few feet away. Micha locked eyes with the officer and snapped the neck of the man in his arms. Immediately the officer drew his gun shouting at Micha telling him to freeze. Micha smiled and raised his arms in a mocking fashion, the innocent man falling to the ground at his feet. The officer ordered Micha to lay face down on the ground with his paws behind his head. Micha did as ordered, the whole time happy to know he will be back with his love very soon. The officer rushed Micha and roughly cuffed him and held him in place until a car came. Micha was taken back to the station and soon taken back to the prison he left only a few hours earlier.

Micha admitted fully to what he had done and he was not given a court hearing. Micha didn't care. He was booked for murder and sentenced to 5 to life in the same penitentiary, this made him overjoyed. The officers that escorted him throughout this process continually wondered why he was so happy.

As they reached the gates and the check in area one of the officers asked him, "Why are you so happy to be back in here?"

Jouna just smirked, "I did it for love." With that he was taken and placed back in the same cell he had occupied before. The guard growled at him and smacked him a few times saying he had thought he had gotten rid of him, telling him at least his fuck buddy would actually get some work done tomorrow. Micha smiled to the guard, not caring what was done to him. He lay down on the bunk and breathed in deeply. He was intoxicated by the smell of his love and could not wait at all to give Jouna his surprise as soon as he came back.

A guard approached Jouna as he was being lead back to his cell. The guard pulled Jouna aside and handed him a letter, then the guard walked off. As Jouna walked he read the letter. It plainly stated that his father was killed earlier this morning by a recently set free prisoner. Jouna's heart sank even deeper. He cried as he walked back to his cell, not only had he lost his love, he now had no family left to turn to if he ever needed anything. He was truly alone in this world. He wiped away his tears so the guard wouldn't see them. Jouna knew if he did the guard would have a fun time making it worse than it was.

Micha waited in the cell anxiously as he heard the sound of the prisoners being led back into their cells. Micha could hardly contain himself as his cell door opened, Jouna appeared there, his head hung low, eyes locked on the floor. Micha stood and very quietly moved out of Jouna's way. Jouna didn't even notice him and just sat down on the bunk. Jouna's ears twitched bit and he sniffed the air lightly. He could smell something familiar and he looked up to stare into Micha's smiling face.

Jouna blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes. "Either I am that depressed that I am seeing things or a miracle has happened."

Micha grinned and pounced on Jouna licking his muzzle, "Guess its a miracle then, love." The two hugged each other and kissed each other closely for hours, doing nothing but giving each other light kisses and hugs. After awhile of just laying there Jouna sat up and looked into Micha's eyes, tilting his head some Jouna asked, "How did you get back in here so quickly?"

Micha smiled, "Well you see, The guy that wrote me out this morning told me I had to see a parole officer who would tell me if I did something wrong I would be back in here very quickly, so I did something wrong."

Jouna looked worried for a moment and finally asked, "What did you do?"

Micha frowned some and sighed, "The first thing that came to mind, I killed a man in front of a police officer, I remembered you telling me of that neighborhood you grew up in and how many cops were there so I went there, picked a guy and broke his neck to be with you."

Jouna's expression was one of total shock, as well as sorrow, "You shouldn't have done that, that was just so ruthless and cold hearted, what about that poor man?"

Micha shrugged, "He was just some bum wolf, old burly guy, stood about my height, all gray fur and a large black patch over his left eye, a nobody I guess. Although his fur colorings were quite rare."

Jouna's expression changed slightly as he heard the description, his eyes narrowed and he growled lightly, reaching into a drawer of the small nightstand he pulled out a picture and showed it to Micha, "Is this the man per chance?"

Micha blink and gasped as he saw the picture, his joy and happiness were gone as he realized he had killed his love's father. Micha swallowed hard and looked up at Jouna. As he looked up to him Jouna's mouth closed around Micha's throat and bit down. Micha struggled a bit out of instinct but soon there was no more air to breath and Micha's body went limp. Jouna held his now dead love in his arms and cried into the fur. The sorrow and pain inside him made him feel as though he would just die on the spot. He couldn't feel his heart and he let out a long mournful howl. That was the last sound heard from the cell that night.

"Alright you ladies, get up and at em!" The guards voiced boomed through the cell blocks. The morning had come and the checks were being made as usual, all the doors were open and everyone was out of there cells, except one. The main guard ordered another guard to go check that cell, telling him to wake the fagots up and get them out here. The guard chuckled out a few words as he rounded the corner of the cell, "You heard the man fagots get the f...-", His words stopped abruptly as he looked into the cell. "Sarge we got a problem." He stated simply, "There both dead".

"In the end of it all, When you feel there is nothing more for you. Maybe the only way to be truly free is to be without the world below your feet."