High school through my eyes

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#1 of His Bright Blue Eyes

Again just gotta say this is me again just a different account. You already know this story but i just wanted to make sure you didn't think i stole this from "MixedUpPup" cause its me on a different account. Enjoy.

*Bing*... There it was. That stupid bell that made Marc want to snap his brainstem. It didn't help that he had been woken up from his period 2 nap either. The wolf lifted his head in a groggy daze and looked around seeing all his classmates hurry out the door for lunch. He ruffled his head fur and his tail twitched a bit as he got up.

"I see you fell asleep in my class again today, eh Marc," Called out his math teacher from his desk as Marc picked up his books and dragged his feet to the door.

"I guess I did," He replied without making eye contact and walked out into the active hallway.

He had managed to wake up a little more and made his way down the hall and turned left into the hallway were his and all his friend's lockers were, which had all their owners in front of them stashing their books and getting out their money to go down the cafeteria.

A couple "high fives" and "what's ups" later Marc got to his locker and began to turn the lock to open his own little haven. 27, 18... Bam... a white paw that belonged to his friend Tom had hit his hand just as he was getting to the last number. A little habit Marc was really starting to hate about him. But he got over it.

"Oi, you look like you got quite a good nap," The tiger said as Marc started again at his lock.

"Yeah, it was pretty alright. But I think I'm pissing off my math teacher a little too much," Marc said finally getting the lock free from its mechanism.

"Oh, he'll get over it," Tom said. "I say lets go to the Cafe and get some food, I'm gonna die here soon if I don't get anything in my belly."

"Nah, I think I'm gonna go home for lunch," Marc said stashing his books and closing his locker with a slam. "I need to clear my head."

"You alright, dude," Tom said with a more serious expression.

"Ya, I've just had a lot on my mind I guess," Marc said in half thought.

If only he could tell his secret to someone, but he didn't want to risk it. He would just have to wait for the right time. It seemed so simple to say but it was such a big deal to say it. In truth, he had only just come to accept that he was bisexual or maybe even... gay. But for the time being he just locked it in the back of his head. He closed his locker, locked the lock and headed for the front doors, playing scenarios of how his friends would react if he did come out. He turned on his mp3 player to get his mind off of it and walked home.


The walk home cleared his head a little as he looked at the clock. It took him 7 minutes to walk home and on the way he decided to take a shower and eat on the way back. He always loved the way showers made everything feel so far away. Like he was in his own world. But he hated how it was always cut short by some random interference. He peeked his head out and looked at the steam covered clock. He had half an hour to get back to school. Not wanting to be late he got out and shook off his fur. He opened the window letting in a cool breeze that cleared the mirror of steam and checked for imperfections.

Marc was a 16 year old grey wolf with stunning bright blue eyes. He hadn't thought much of them but all his friends thought it was one of his best qualities. He wasn't in that bad of shape either, considering he hadn't taken gym since semester 1 last year. He was about average he would say thanks to puberty which had given him a little bit of muscle tone. He grinned in the mirror to see if he needed to brush his teeth and left with a towel around his waist. He got dressed slowly, deep in thought. Finally, he made his way downstairs and made himself a sandwich. Making sure the door was locked he was on his way back to school still not sure of how to get out of his predicament. Maybe if he were to fool around with another boy...? He shook his head in embarrassment as if people could hear his thoughts. Without knowing it he played around with the thought in his head all the way back to school.

*Bing*... There it was again. That stupid bell saying, "HaHa, Your lunch is over go to period 4!" Marc got up from sitting in front of his locker and so did the rest of his friends. They had decided to play a bit of poker before class started up again.

"You ready for mechanics, Marc?" Frank said with extreme sarcasm.

Frank was pretty much the only other wolf that Marc hung around with. He was kind of a nerd but he made you laugh.

"Ya, I can't wait," Marc said wagging his tail. Marc really liked mechanics although it seemed Frank didn't.


As Marc fought through the crowd of furs to get out of the stuffy school he tried to take in the scent of fresh are which he had been deprived of all last period. For some reason the founders of the school thought it wise to put the automotive department in the basement. He shuddered at the smell he had been dealt from all the bodies swarming around him. He dared to try again when he had reached the sidewalk and was a bit happier with what he got.

"Well, Marc," he thought to himself. "It's Friday. So, what do you wanna do tonight?" He grimaced at himself because there was a conversation actually in his head.

"Maybe I'll go to the arcade," He thought with a grin. In truth, this is what he did every

Friday. It was his ritual. Go to the local arcade and hang with a couple of friends. Maybe

play a little bit of Dance Dance Revolution. That was the only game he liked to play at

the arcade. He was pretty good at it too. But he knew that there were far better people

out there so he wasn't cocky.

He got up to his door and unlocked it. His mom's car wasn't in the driveway. Big

surprise. She was never around anymore. She got home late from work, so he never saw her. He missed having his mom around but he had gotten used to it.

He went upstairs and got undressed to take his third shower for today. He needed to cleanse his fur from the grease and oil from his rough day in mechanics. And he needed to smell good for the arcade.


"Ah...," Marc sighed as he enjoyed his shower. As he washed his "private parts" he thought about how tonight would turn out. Probably the same as the other Friday nights he spent there. But for some reason this time felt different. He didn't know why but something deep down in his gut told him of it.

He ignored the feeling for the time being as he got out of the shower, feeling reborn in a way. As usual he opened the window clearing the mirror and checked for imperfections. This time there was a little problem. He must have washed his sheath a little to well because he was fully erect. The feeling in his gut must have distracted him from it all this time.

"Fuck off," he said in the mirror. He had to leave in a couple minutes, but this

inconvenience had to be dealt with. As he went over to the computer he tried to remember the last time he pawed off. And to his surprise he couldn't.

As he got to his computer he went to a secret file hidden within a maze of other files. This contained his porn. He was desperate now for relief so he clicked on the first file he got to and played it.

He moaned as he immediately started stroking his cock, making sure to hit all his "right" spots to get full sensation. He started moaning as he lost himself in the video that played, he was so close to climax that he tried as hard as he could to speed up his pace, even thought he was going as fast as he could. Finally, he felt everything tense up as he shot more cum then he thought his balls could hold. He really hadn't pawed off in a long time. He lay back in his chair, his hand still wrapped around his semi-hard cock which seemed to have stopped the flow of cum. Only a drop was left hanging out of the slit. The rest ended up on the floor of the carpet.

"Ah..." Marc gave out a satisfied sigh as reality set back in. he looked over to the clock. 7:30. "Whoa!" he yelped as he took a piece of cleanex that he had put on the desk for just that reason and wiped off the slit of his penis. He zipped up his jeans making sure none of his seed would be going with him to the arcade. Thankfully he didn't have to change.


Marc took out his cell and flipped it open. 7:53.

"Nice!" he said to himself. "I made it for eight." He walked right in nodding at all the usual people there and meeting up with a couple of his friends, Tom giving him that little tap on the rist almost knocking Marc's cell to the ground.

"Tom..." Marc started to say but was cut short by the surprise all of his friends there. This was an unusual state of affairs when all of his friends were there.

"Happy birthday dude!" they all shouted.

"What..?" Marc said in a daze. "Oh my god, I'm such an idiot..." He put a paw on his forehead as he realized what day it was today. He was so concerned with the fact of his sexuality that he had forgotten all about it.

"We got you stuff," Frank said pointing to a room with some gift wrapped on the table.

"Guys you didn't have to do this, really..." Marc said modestly. "Well anyway we will save those gifts for later. I'm here to play some D.D.R. who's with me?"

A couple of furs raised their hands and they were off as the others mingled with some of the cute girls that were sprinkled around the arcade.

There was already a pretty big crowd already around the D.D.R. machine. A couple a familiar faces were up right now. They were pretty good, they played on standard.

"Remember when this was hard..." his friend John said smugly.

"Don't be so cocky John..." Marc said with a half-grin. "Someone might put you in your place one day."

Being able to play on heavy for a while now, Marc knew to well he could do it, no problem. But he was humble about John's confidence and didn't want to break it from him. John was a pretty sensitive guy like that, but seeing the grin he knew Marc was kidding.

"Shit!" Marc said in anger.

"What?" John replied curiously.

"We forgot to token up," Marc said as he went up and placed a token on the rim of the machine. This is how order is placed. The place your token is in the line is the place you get to play. Marc... was last. And there was a long line up.

Thirty minutes of people playing went by and the crowd had nearly doubled in size around this one machine. There had been some pretty good people that had gone up too. Marc was impressed. John on the other hand felt a little intimidated by all the commotion. Finally it had come to be their turn. As Marc went up to grab his token John grabbed him by the tail.

"I don't think I can do this, Marc," He said as he was sweating. "Look at all those people."

"Oh pretend your playing in your underwear," Marc said sarcastically. "Or something like that."

"No dude, I'm out," he said backing away still hold Marc's tail.

"Alright, but I kinda need this to play," Marc said as he yanked his tail away from him. "But you owe me a game," He said with a wink.

Marc stood up on the machine unfazed by the crowd as he crouched down and put in his tokens.

"S'cuze me," called out a voice from the crowd. "Do you have room for one more on there?"

Marc pressed the activate button and the machine came alive from it's repetitive state.

"ARE YOU READY TO DANCE!" the announcers voice came on the speakers.

"Ya, my bud chickened out," Marc said with a grin as he grabbed the paw the came

from the audience helping the stranger up.

Marc's eyes widened as husky stepped onto the pad. He had to admit he was

beautiful. The husky gazed at the wolf with the same intensity, noticing that they had close to the same eyes.

"I'm David," he said holding out a paw breaking the awkward moment.

"Marc," Marc said shaking his head taking the friendly gesture. "Nice to meet you."

"So you're the grey wolf who's turning 17 today aren't you?" David said. "I'm 17 too. I was wondering who everyone was talk about."

David shot him a friendly smile that nearly knocked mark off the pad. He was still getting over his eyes. He guessed that's what everyone meant by his best quality.

"You gonna set your level or are you gonna play on beginner?" David said with a chuckle.

"Oh right..." Marc said with a fake laugh and put his level to heavy.

"You play on heavy too? Heh, finally a challenge," David said with a smile. Marc took

the smile as he was joking.

Marc picked the first song which was quite a challenging one. Both Marc and David had to spend some extra concentration to do well. Marc wanted to look at this beautiful husky that was playing right next to him. And David couldn't get enough of the wolf's eyes. But surprisingly enough Marc was winning.

The song was finally over and Marc had only beaten David by a little. But they still had 3 more songs to go. Marc looked the fur over as he was picking the song. His trance was broken by the announcer.


David had picked a more simple song which could give marc time to relax a little. He let his mind wonder as his brain took over. Could he actually be attracted to this amazing husky? And if he was could it show?

"Shit," Marc said under his breath as his got a "good" rating on one if his arrows, which broke his combo. This gave David a slight margin to take the lead, which he did. The song ended and they were now tied one song for one. As Marc scrolled down to find his favorite song David took his time to check out this stunning wolf. David had been wondering for a long time if he were gay too. But unlike Marc, he hadn't accepted this fact and shook the thought from his head. Just as soon as it left he found himself losing himself in Marc's body.

"Oi, whatcha looking at?" Marc said to the dazed husky.

"Nothin'!" David said as he snapped out of his daze. "We playin' yet?" He felt himself blush

"Just starting." Marc said pointing to the loading screen. "Was he checking me out?" Marc thought with a grin.

The song had ended and Marc had won. He kind of figured because of it being his favorite song. This made David a little angry and went searching for his favorite. Marc had forgotten the crowd that had been cheering for both of their skill. He turned around and noticed all of his friends cheering him on. Just then he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"We're goin'," David said. His competitive side was not completely exposed.

"Oh!" Marc said whirling around just as the song started.

Marc couldn't help his mind wondering throughout the song, which caused him to mess up some spots. After the song David was satisfied with him beating Marc on his favorite song.

"2/2," Marc said. "It's a tie." He held out a paw.

"Your damn right it is," David said shaking Marc's paw. "You come here often?" David said, stepping off the pad with his new friend.

"Every Friday," Marc said blushing slightly. "Why?"

"Cause I like you, you're a pretty kool guy." David said. "And your good at D.D.R."

"You too," Marc said heading to get a drink. "You gonna be here next Friday?" Marc


"I think I might," David said grinning. And they parted ways.


Marc had long since left the arcade and was on the computer. He couldn't get the thought of that guy out of his head. It seemed weird to him to be attracted to a guy. He shrugged and wished he had some way of contacting the fur. But he was too dumbfounded to ask for his email or anything.

"Ugh, what do I do now," he asked himself. As he stripped down and got into the shower.


David was laying down his bed still thinking of the wolf's eyes. He couldn't get over him being attracted to another guy. He still hadn't accepted that he was attracted to guys. He had tried relationships with girls but it never worked. Then one day he just thought about it. And now that thought won't leave his head.

"Maybe if I experiment?" He asked himself. "No, that would be too weird."

He figured he would get his mind off of it if he fell asleep. He rolled over and without even knowing it he dreamt of his new wolf friend. All through that night he kept a smile on his face.

I just gotta say thanks to everyone who took their time to read my stories. I'll post the rest and more on top of that as soon as i can