The Curiosity Shop

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#20 of Commissions

This is my seventeenth commission which I did as part of a trade with Macroophile.

It involves a teenaged boy who is unsure of his feelings and needs a little discreet coaxing to be free of his own insecurities.

The curiosity shop by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional. This piece contains underaged as well as some age regression. Some details have been fictionalized for simplicity sakes. You have been warned.

Fall had come to pass. The sun rose against the highlight of the basking horizon gazing into the bedroom of wayward innocence. The sheets ruffled as a young cub began to arise. The canine began to rouse out of his slumber, making quite the destruction of the pillow fort which safely guarded his form from intruders. Still in naught but his pajamas the youngster made quick work of his formerly well kept bed, knowing that today was the day he'd long been waiting for.

Not only was it the weekend but it was the day that the new store was opening. The advertising campaign done by it's owners had been nothing short of aggressive. The proprietor had gone out of their way to spend as much money making the location and purpose of the shop known. The only interest the boy had in it was for the new brand of confections it was passing off as an opportunity to not be missed.

Like all youths, the cub was easily intrigued by the mystery of new things. Genuinely interested in all things sugary, the moment he'd heard about the shops product line, he was sold. Mark was a German Shepard puppy of 11 years of age. Most things were normal about the boy, he was average in just about every way. Typical in frame and in interest for boys his age, most anyone who met him wouldn't suspect any particular peculiarities about him.

But unlike many of his age-mates, the cub was already becoming keen on his sexual awakening. Finding himself rather interested in a boy several years his senior. The target of his affection was already in the last year before transferred into secondary school. At 14 age, Oliver was almost polar opposite of the younger boy. Quite athletic and large in built, the teen was athletic but not your typical jock. Popular with most of the girls but envied by boys who found him to be brash and all together threatening to their own security.

Oliver was a transfer who'd come over just the previous year from Britain. Originally from Lancaster, not many could understand his accent without struggling. Many of the opposite gender swooned over this fact but found him to be otherwise out of reach. Some might call him your typical heart throb. The collie was a typical blend of black and white and kept his fur very well trimmed. He was very self conscious about his appearance.

Mark figured he could impress the boy by buying him his favorite sweets. He figured the new place must have had some of the more exotic things that the normal shop didn't stock regularly. The boy was hoping for some imports from his crushes home. He didn't exactly know what British sweets looked like, but figured it was as good a place to start as any.

Once he was out of bed he made quick work of putting on his wardrobe for the day. He decided a shower wasn't necessary since he'd just taken one last night. He didn't smell that bad from his perspective and that was reason enough to skip out on the task. Mark picked out a bright candy red t-shirt with a pair jean-shorts. It wasn't quite cold enough out to wear his longer jeans just yet. He huffed a sigh knowing he'd need shoes in order to go to the new store.

He didn't much like shoes since they never fit well on his paws, but he knew it was a necessary evil. Slipping on the socks before shoving on his shoes with a bit of effort, the boy grunted once the pair was on. It was an older pair of gym shoes that he'd broken in some time ago, so at least they offered him some level of comfort. Though the support had long since past it's prime. Once finished, Mark felt excited he would finally be on his way.

Making sure that he had a bag in which to store his things so that he could take a stash of whatever he was able to purchase. Mark had been saving his allowance for the last few weeks. He didn't know how much anything cost at the store and he wanted to be safe. Storing the cash in his pocket he grabbed his bag before heading out of the house. His bike was already waiting for him. He wasn't too surprised since he had told his mother about his plans the previous night.

The journey wasn't a long one. The brisk wind was a welcome breeze over his fur as it whisked over him. The sun was heavy with an array of dark yellows and hues of orange as the day was still young. The boys stomach growled, as in his haste he'd forgotten his breakfast. He decided it could wait and to allow him to treat himself that morning. The warm summer air was a mixture of the scent of grass and damp dew collected over the course of the night.

It was a nice surprise considering the cub was expecting some lingering humidity as the seasons hadn't truly transitioned yet. The leaves yet hadn't begun to turn and most tourists couldn't tell the difference if they were asked about it. About 20 minutes later the boy arrived at the building where he thought the place to be. The building didn't seem to be that inviting. In fact looking it over the place seemed more old than new, at least from the outside.

From where had parked on the side, the building wasn't very colorful. Only solid gray cement adorned the side with only a single boarded up window that wasn't as transparent as one might think. Once Mark had parked he fastened his bike with lock making sure that it wouldn't be stolen. Even after he went to the front, the welcome wasn't exactly what the boy was expecting. It seemed the owner had overspent on their advertising campaign.

Even more surprising was the fact that not many patrons were about. In fact the only car the puppy saw was an older jaguar. Though it seemed well kept and in otherwise pretty good shape, despite not being the newest model on the market. With some hesitation Mark entered the building looking into the dimly lit establishment. As was given away by the parking lot, the place was deserted. Only a single person was inside. Looking over at the counter where the owner eyed the cub curiously once he entered.

Mark looked her once over. She seemed to be on the older side of life, her fur shaggy and grayed. Her makeup seemed to be similar to a terrier. She didn't bother to get up, her seemingly feeble body remained fixated at the counter.

"Ay, Sonny. What brings you here?" The woman's voice was exasperated but hinted of a foreign accent.

"I heard about your shop quite a lot recently. Didn't you just open for business?" The puppy remained curious about the places lack of customers.

"Yeah, we did. Why do ya ask? The older canine continued to peer over the counter.

"It just seems empty is all." Mark commented seeming more concerned about the issue than she did.

"It takes time, boy. Perhaps ya can tell yer friends about us. How can I help you?" The lady tried to be cordial with the youngster.

The puppy looked around the store, gauging just what stock was to be had. The walls were well populated with a variety of products. Ranging from simple grocery products to more exotic luxury items. The part that interested him most however was the self service candy counter stashed away in one of the far corners.

"I just want to see what kind of sweets you have." The puppy began to make his way over to the counter.

"Feel free to help yerself. Most of that I made myself." Despite being older the crones tone carried though to the end of the outlet.

In truth Mark didn't know what he wanted. All he knew was that he was fond of sweets and that it was a fairly common gift that his father gave to the mother. He figured that the same show of appreciation would work for his crush. As his mother often told him. "The best way to a person's heart is through their stomach." Once he had arrived to the place where the confections were kept, he couldn't help but be astonished.

Unlike the rest of the emporium it was very well kept. The shelves were populated with a rainbow of assorted colors. Many of which glittered with the decadence of sugar that had been sprinkled over it. Mark stared in wonder standing in awe of the variety of confections available for purchase. It was a veritable wonderland of treats. The puppy began to look it over considering his options, slightly overwhelmed from it all.

"See anything ya like? It should all be fresh." The woman continued to dwell on her own goods.

"Do you have anything British?" Mark wasn't entirely sure what he was looking for.

"I don't have many imports. But I have a few items from England on the opposite side of the store." The terrier wasn't much for organizing her goods.

The younger canine wagged his tail seeming excited about the prospect. Once he made his way over to the opposite side of building there was a Union Jack fixated above the small parcel of space dedicated to the theme. It was easily distinguishable that this was the British part of the store. Most of it wasn't items that the puppy normally recognized. In fact the smell of the surrounding area was rather odd and he couldn't help but scrunch his nose.

He tried to power through it looking for anything that might be feasible for his purpose. Various chocolates and gummy candies aligned the storage area. Other varieties included some toffees, caramels, and taffy. Mark wasn't too sure what kind of candy Oliver enjoyed.

"I'm looking for some candy for an older friend who's from Britain." The younger canine tried his luck at inquiring.

"How much older are ya talking?" The owner had yet to budge from her spot.

"Just 3 years. He's my best friend." The puppy tried best to keep the white lie realistic as possible.

"That's cute. What kind of candy does he like?" The Terrier needed more information in order to be helpful.

"Uhm...I'm not really sure." The boy stuttered over his words.

"Why not just get something ya think ya might enjoy and share it with him?" She figured it was a reasonable enough suggestion.

"Well I wanted something to remind him of home and I've never had any British candy before." Mark looked over towards the woman who seemed deep in thought.

"That's mighty kind of ya. Do ya fancy him?" The corgi could pick up the obvious signs from the boy that this was more to this than he let on.

"Um...I guess. " The puppy couldn't help but blush at the comment.

"That's alright. Ain't he a bit old for ya?" The woman scratched at the fur on her chin considering the notion.

"I don't think so...I'm not even sure he notices me..." The boys embarrassment continued to rise.

"Don't worry so much bout it, kiddo. I'll see what I can do to help you." The woman seemed lost in thought.

"What do you mean?" Mark couldn't help but feel weirded out by the remark.

"Don't worry about it. Anyways ya could try the most popular stuff. British toffee is fairly well known. " The storekeeper liked the stuff enough to suggest it.

"Which one is the toffee?" The younger canine had never seen let alone tried the stuff before.

"Walker's is probably the most famous and most reasonable for it's quality." The older woman began to relax not knowing how long her only customer would take.

Mark began to browse through the goods. There was a plethora of variety, even on just toffees alone. Different flavors which were designated on the packaging. Each with prices to match based on the size of the product. They were more expensive than he was expecting. Fingering through his pocket, he fished out the money he had stashed away and began to count it. He had about $21 to spend which he figured would afford him five items at most.

He decided on three flavors of toffee with 2 bars of chocolates to go with it. All of it carrying the label with the price affixed to them. Once he was done, Mark made his way to the counter. The old woman eyed him after he finished making his selections.

"All done? With tax that comes too $21.60." The Terrier punched in the total into the machine.

"I've only got $21...I guess I'll put something back." The boy seemed saddened by this prospect.

"Tell ya what. Ya can have it for $21 if ya tell yer friends about this place." The woman showed a quirky smile over her snout.

"Really? I can do that." Mark began wagging his tail excitedly.

"Sure, I tell ya what. I'll throw in a package of bubble gum too. How does that sound? You and yer friend can share it." The older canine lurched over pulling out a small package from a desk to the side.

"Cool, thanks lady. I never caught your name. Mines, Mark. What's yours?" The puppy was glad he'd seemingly won her over.

"Ya can call me Mrs. Brooks." The older dog extended her paw over handing the package to the boy.

"Thanks a lot, Mrs. Brooks!" Mark handed her the money with a rush before taking his purchases and stashing them in his pocket.

"Come again ya hear?" The woman was happy she'd completed her first sale even if she lost money on the ordeal.

"Of course, when I get some more allowance." The puppy gleefully waved goodbye to the woman

"See ya next time." The terrier placed the money into the register before returning to her lazy day.

Mark began his exit from the establishment. He felt accomplished in the fact that he had enough treats to share between himself and his crush. All that was left was popping by Oliver's house. The teen had recently moved in, not too far from where the younger canine lived. So with a fervent sense of pent up anticipation, he made his way back to his mode of transportation.

Outside it seemed that no more patrons had arrived at this place. The boy couldn't help but feel bad for the nice lady. In truth she didn't need to be running the place as she had been left a nice inheritance from her husband who had passed away recently. Once freeing his bike, Mark made his way back to his own street returning down the same route he'd taken to get there. He worked much harder in going in reverse, pedaling as fast as he could.

The puppy was able to double back in a little under three-quarters of the time he'd taken to go to the store. He had worked up quite the sweat and was a mixture of excitement and anticipation. The canine's fur was matted with perspiration and the wardrobe he'd chosen stuck to his body with wetness. It didn't bother him much and he hoped that his make-shift friend wouldn't notice. Making his way to the door, Mark took a breath before dismounting from his cycle.

The house was much smaller than his own. The family still had a number of storage boxes strewn over the lawn in front of the house. They hadn't been in the country long, in fact the family wasn't sure they would be staying beyond the first year as immigration was giving them grief. Once Mark had overcome his sense of anxiety, he made his way to the front door. No cars were out front so he wasn't entirely sure that anyone was even home.

At the door he hesitated once more, looking at the wooden fixture as if expecting it to open without first making his presence known. After impatience had gotten the better of him, he finally conjured up the confidence necessary to knock at the door. Several moments later he heard the lock began to be fiddled with from the other side. Trepidation and concern began to overtake the young cub.

After the door opened, Mark stood in awe of the eye of his affection.

This was the first time the puppy had been this close to the teen-aged boy. They had never been properly introduced as they went to separate schools because of the grade and age difference. Oliver looked over the younger boy before finally speaking.

"Hello, mate. Who're you?" The Collie had seen the boy before but still wasn't quite sure who he was.

Unlike the younger boy the teen was much more keen on preppy types of clothing. Though his jeans were torn purposely, he had a buttoned up plaid polo that adorned his slightly toned chest. Mark thought he looked rather handsome despite the getup being given little consideration from the older male.

"I'm Mark. I'd thought I'd come to welcome you to the neighborhood." It seemed like as likely a reason as anything else he could come up with.

"Oh thanks, mate. Nice to meet you, I'm Oliver." The teen extended out his paw in a gesture of greeting.

Once their paws met, Mark couldn't help but note the firm grip of the older boy. Oliver was definitely more muscular than he was. A firm yet short handshake was exchanged between the two of them. It was a moment that the younger canine enjoyed for more than it was worth.

"You want to come inside and hang out?" Oliver was home alone and felt quite lonely since his parents had left for the weekend.

"Sure!" Mark was quite surprised at the invitation and wouldn't have turned it down for the world.

The inside of the place was equally as unorganized as the lawn. Boxes littered the walls, some of them open and some of them not. The building was scarcely decorated and really only the wallpaper offered any sense of color or variation.

The teen closed the door behind them and lead towards his own room. Oliver's room had seen some attention already. He was much more keen on making it homely than his parents were regarding the house. Some posters were already fixed on the wall, most of them various soccer players who were rather popular overseas. None of which Mark recognized for himself. The younger boy picked up a rather musky scent as he entered into it. It wasn't too bothersome though.

The puppy couldn't help but look around the room. There wasn't much to look at it but he still found it appealing. It seemed he was easy to please especially since he was flattered that he was invited inside. It took a while but eventually remembered the make-shift gift he'd gotten the teen.

"I heard your family came over from England recently is that true?" Mark tried his best to break the ice.

"Yeah we arrived in the country a few weeks ago." Oliver sat down on the bed looking over at the younger boy curiously.

"Well I thought you might like something from home." The puppy began to rifle his right paw through his pocket.

"Oh, that's nice but you didn't have to do that." The Collie wasn't sure why the other boy had gone out of his way to do this.

"Yeah well I wanted to." The younger canine worked the warm candy out of his pocket.

Some of the chocolates had since melted but at least the toffee and gum had survived the trip. There was a tell tale sign left in his pocket from the gooey remains of the stuff. Mark found it once some of it stuck to his paw and fur as he withdrew it from the clothed enclosure.

"Aww...some of the chocolates melted. Now my shorts are a mess..." Mark commented feeling the ooze drip down the right side of his leg.

"You want to borrow some of mine? They might be a bit big but it's better than nothing..." Oliver didn't want the boy to be uncomfortable.

"Really? You wouldn't mind?" The younger cub couldn't help but blush profusely at the thought of borrowing his crushes clothes.

"Sure why not? You can change in my bathroom." The teen offered it as a gesture of kindness.

"Yeah I guess your right. That sounds good." The boy began waiting not wanting to intrude on the teens space.

Oliver looked through his things and fetched one of the oldest pair of clothing he could find. He figured the smallest one he had available would have to do. Still it seemed big for the smaller cub.

"Here you go." The two exchanged hands, the Collie taking the candy while the German Shepherd took the temporary pants.

The puppy looked over the shorts examining the piece for a moment as if he suspected mischief. It seemed normal enough. So he made his way into the bathroom to change.

Once he exited, the older canine looked over the hoard of candy he'd been given. Most of it seemed to be toffee, something he hadn't seen since he had left Britain. It was a rather posh brand that he was rather fond of. It was a nice surprise really. The only oddity in the bunch was the bubble gum. It stood out as rather average among the otherwise colorful confection collection.

He wasn't very fond of the stuff but figured indulging in some wouldn't hurt. Unwrapping it and looking it, the scent resembled that of the common brand. Popping it into his mouth the taste didn't seem uninviting or even familiar. Oliver began to nibble at it as the sweetness began to overtake his maw.

"How's it going in there, buddy?" The teen wanted to check in on the other boy without intruding.

"It's alright they are a little big but my undies are still a mess..." The boy had noticed the chocolate had stained his briefs.

"It's alright, I don't think I really have any underwear that would fit you." The teen had finished breaking the gum apart enough to chew it, muffling his words.

"Ah...alright. No worries I'll just live with this then." The boy wasn't about to ask to borrow the others dedicates, it was much to embarrassing.

Fitting the chewed piece of gum around his tongue, the teen was rather keen on blowing a bubble. It wasn't something he'd done in years. But strangely he felt compelled to do it. It was simple enough, managing to make quite the large bubble as it expelled from his maw. As it grew larger and larger, the teen began to feel strange.

The longer it held, the stronger the feeling became. It was almost a burning sensation that carried through his form. Eventually the bubble gave way and busted with a pop. The energy from the explosion sent him reeling backwards as if he had been knocked back by a headway wind. It left Oliver dazed and confused. Even more awkwardly the gum remained in his mouth.

The teens body reeled from the recoil, his body warm and writhing as if he'd been assanged by a fit of illness. He felt strangely weak...slowly but surely his clothing was becoming increasingly loose on him. He couldn't think as clearly either, not even entirely sure where he was. He remembered being in the last year of primary school and that he'd recently moved from England. Something he recalled was that his best friend was supposed to come over today.

Several moments later Mark appeared from the rest room. The boy was half expecting to find the teen waiting for him outside. He had to take extreme care in holding up his temporary pants since they didn't fit him quite so well. The puppy found the older male holed up in the corner as if he'd been pushed. Something seemed off about him but the German Shepherd put that aside for the moment as he was much more concerned about the well being of the other boy.

Forgetting all about his wardrobe issue, Mark's borrowed draws slid down his legs leaving him almost naked from the waist down. Now in just his briefs, there wasn't much time to be modest about it. Looking over his new friend, the puppy began to realize just the extent of the so called injury. The teen no longer looked as he once had. His clothing was a saggy mess over his limp form. The once form fitting polo tented over his legs, resembling something of a hand me down.

Even the khaki shorts he was wearing pooled around his waist, just waiting to be shed should the boy have moved from the spot. The once tone body of the canine was replaced by a more lithe and frail form similar to the one that puppy saw when he looked into the mirror. Mark couldn't put his finger on it but the teen looked...younger.

"Are you alright?" The German Shepherd leaned over in an effort to help the other boy.

"Yeah. Thanks for coming over today!." Even the teens voice seemed higher pitch than before.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mark was a bit confused by the change in character of his crush.

"I was really looking forward to spending time with you." The crestfallen boy spoke in a murmured tone.

"You were?" This only added to the boys confusion as he searched his brain for answers.

"Yeah of course, your my best friend!" The Collie certainly showed no signs of injury, seemingly blissfully unaware of his predicament.

Looking over at the candy, it seemed the gum was missing. Perhaps this was the doing of the lady in the curiosity shop? Was her off topic comment really true? Had she really "helped" Mark achieve his goal? Oliver did seem to be much closer to his age and more friendly to him now as well.

"Hey I can see your junk!" The collie's fingers reached out and gingerly touched the puppies clothed balls.

This caught Mark off guard and made him jump. Had his crush really just touched him "down there?" A quick glance seemed to confirm the fact.

"What're you doing?" Mark tried to feign his own desire for the show of affection.

"Oh come on we do this lots!" The other boys grip tightened around his boyhood making him harden rather quickly.

"Oh...okay..." The puppy wasn't about to protest as this was his fantasy slowly being realized.

"Hehe...I thought so..." Oliver was becoming rather aggressive as he got up on his knees to get a better grasp of the area.

Once he did, the pants he was wearing carelessly slipped off him. Like Marks own neither of the two had shorts that they could wear. Oliver began to work his thumb over the bulge of his friend making rather quick work of his youthful member. The other boy had never been touched this way before and was losing himself to the pleasure rather rapidly.

"Mmmm..." Mark struggled to keep himself standing, buckling his hips into the other boys attention.

"Eager?" Oliver made it seem like they'd done this before countless times.

"Uhuh..." The German Shepherd rolled his eyes back in ecstasy.

With these words the Collie took more fervent action, rapidly pumping the other boys bulge as it came to life underneath his touch. The package pulsating and throbbing beneath his pawpads. It seemed he was quite deft in the technique, working the clothed flesh into his palm. Panting and heaving, Mark could feel himself getting closer to his limit.

"O-oh!" Mark's body trembled and spasmed as his little shaft spit out a small spot of cum.

He was young so it wasn't much but in truth it was the first time he'd produced the stuff. He was much to into the moment to pay it any attention.

"Wow...that was great...thanks." Mark leaned down to get on a more eye level with Oliver.

"No problem...I love you..." Oliver motioned himself over in order to kiss the other boy.

It was a sickly sweet moment. One that Mark wasn't expecting. However it seemed that everything had worked out in his favor. Oliver coaxed the boy over into a soft cuddle. The two relaxed together and nuzzled into each other arms. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.