TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 9)

Story by Path Unknown on SoFurry

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Turns out I was wrong about the wait until chapter 15..... I did actually get a small one out in this chapter.... (I am talking about a yiff/lemon people)

So.... I guess you could say something to look forward to... But, in my cowardice of the subject.... it's right at the end... lol


Oh well.... This was first written in June '09.... and still nothing's changed with me....


anyway, I'll let you read on.....


Chapter 9: Feelings Emerged

Everything was slowing down, breathing seemed to take an age to complete. But it wasn't only slowing, but it was getting harder too, as if something was shouting from inside, wanting to be released. As it continued to become more taxing for a breath the familiar touch of one she knew held the dragoness within consciousness. The dragon before her had provided everything she needed to get through the moment, even more than what she required, but for some reason, she thought that it wasn't enough.

After fighting against the one she despised above all else, she thought that everything was going to be fine, she thought that everything would work out. But the actions she took were far from what he wanted to see.

The final blow that would've killed the hated dragoness turned out to kill everything else inside her. After seeing Spyro, her love, call out after the traitor of their kind, something died inside of Ember.

Flame lay against her near still form, with one of his wings draped over Ember's body to try and retain some warmth inside her body. The blood Ember did lose was substantial, but not enough to create a problem enough for Flame to alert the guardians about her health. And since, by what Spyro said, he was the only one who knew of Ember's location, the fire dragon planned on trying to make the hint clear to the pink dragoness. He loved her, but she had been too blind to see it.

The occasional twitch that came from Ember's body kept Flame alert of her health, as the more often they occurred, the more likely she was to spring awake, and Flame had everything within his tail's reach. He had caught a small meal and collected some water for the dragoness for when she was to awake, but until that time, all he could do was wait for her to awaken.

The crimson dragon huddled closer to the pink dragoness as a chilling wind blew past them. Flame knew that Ember would be furious with him when she came to, and figured out that he was so close to her, but e had no choice, either that or chance that the dragoness would die.

Come on Ember, you have to wake up soon! Flame shouted inside himself. You've been out here for hours.

There was another twitch from the dragoness, causing her tail to flick out from between them to behind her, allowing another chilling gust to penetrate between the two, even causing Flame to shiver slightly.

Flame had thought about creating a fire, but the smoke would bring attention to his location, thus almost inviting the entire population to find them. But his method worked well, despite the times that Ember would break the air-tight lock he had them inside. The red dragon reached down with his own tail, trying to reach Ember's and put it back into position, finding that it was out of reach from him. The pink dragoness twitched again, giving Flame a light shove from one of her forepaws. Flame tried to reach for Ember's tail once more, but couldn't reach any further than her hip-line.

The red dragon shifted enough to be able to stand without disturbing Ember any more than the chilling breeze would. And as the fire dragon picked himself up from the ground Ember's form naturally curled up to try and stay warm. Flame then turned around and stepped towards the dragoness' hind section, reaching out with one of his forepaws to reach her tail, but it was in this moment that Ember came to.

As the female dragon felt the touch of something unknown against her tail, she immediately thought of nothing more than to attack, regardless of what it was. As Ember jumped to her feet though, the shearing pain that were her injuries grounded the dragoness once more, leaving her only to allow a menacing growl to escape her throat.

Flame felt Ember jump, which caused him, in turn, to turn around in shock and see the pink dragoness collapse against the grass once more. "Ember, calm down. It's only me."

"Where?" Was the only sound Flame could understand as actual language.

"Where is what? Just relax Ember, you are in no condition to do anything." Flame said, trying to approach the pink dragoness once more.

"Cy-Cyn... Cyn-der..." Was all the pink dragoness could say, but she continued the deep growl which kept Flame at his position.

"Cynder's with Spyro back at the temple." Ember's growl grew louder for a moment as she opened her mouth in what looked as an attempt to roar, but in her damaged state nothing came out. "Ember, calm down. I am the only one that knows you're our here, and if I go your on your own."

"G-go... I... Don't ne... Need y-you." Ember managed to stutter out. The pink dragoness started fighting against herself to try and stand up, but her weakened limbs couldn't pick her form up off the ground.

"Alright, fine. If you don't need me then I guess that you can get back on your own." The fire dragon then started walking towards the dragon temple, leaving the helpless dragoness on the ground with no strength or energy to move.

Flame could hear Ember growl in pain as she tried to stand up once more, promptly followed by a dull thud and a louder, more pain filled roar. "F... Flame..." She cried out. "Come... B-back..."

The fire dragon stopped and turned back to find Ember lying on the ground, flattened completely against the grass. The whipping winds passed over the dragoness' form, causing her to visibly shiver. "But I thought you didn't need me. That you never wanted me around in the first place... Ever."

Ember tried to lift her head up from the ground, finding that something as simple as that was harder than all of Terrador's training sessions added together. "Please." She managed to say shakily. But Flame stayed his position for several moments.

He truly wanted to help the dragoness before him, but would she just take his help with no recognition once again. Would she leave him alone in the world like the seemingly countless other times he went out of his way to help the dragoness. Flame stood still, watching the pink dragoness cringe and shudder as each gust blew past.

The red dragon really had no choice, even if she was to blow him off after he helped her again Flame couldn't leave her to almost certainly die out in the wilderness. Flame didn't speak a word, but stepped towards the still dragoness before him and picked up the small jar of water he collected. "Drink this." Flame spoke calmly as he placed the bottom edge of the container to Ember's bottom jaw, slowly pouring the liquid into her mouth. Flame lay down beside the dragoness, draping a wing over her as he had when she was unconscious, but this time it wasn't rejected as Ember felt the warmth that it almost instantly brought. Ember even went as far as tucking her tail between the both of them to stay warm, but Flame took no notice of it, trying to cover most of Ember's body as he could with his own.

* * *

How much longer could they be out there? Spyro thought to himself. Cynder had seemingly fallen asleep against his side, but it was a position the purple dragon was less than comfortable with.

As time went on, Cynder tossed and turned against Spyro's side, until she eventually found herself laying on top of him. But it was Cynder's tail that kept tapping the side of Spyro's head that was unnerving. The purple dragon was constantly tapped by the constant movement the black dragoness' tail had attained.

Although Cynder's position couldn't make Spyro feel any more uncomfortable, he had managed to tuck his tail tightly against his side, as just before Cynder did fall asleep she continually tried to play with it, scratching it's underside and only making his attempts at restraint all the more difficult.

Although his dragonhood was at its full extent, he managed to keep it underneath himself and away from Cynder which he also thought was one of the very few good things of the moment.

The constant clicking of dragons that walked past his room was almost endless, as if they were taking turns to watch, waiting for the moment he would emerge and then pounce on him with an endless array of questions.

Many hours had passed since the two were locked inside Spyro's room, and hunger was almost becoming too much for the male dragon. Before the whole ordeal started he was hungry, but now starvation was closer to what the purple dragon was feeling. His stomach grumbled once more, making Spyro shift his position to lie on his side, causing Cynder to roll off him which woke the black dragoness up.

The moment Spyro realised that Cynder was awake again was that her claws lightly scratched the base of his tail. Oh no. He thought.

The black dragoness clawed her way back against Spyro, tracing around the groves on his hind leg with one of her talons. Spyro could feel Cynder start at the very base of his paw and work its way up the side of his leg, the trail continuing on the top-side of his hind leg and working is way to the base of Spyro's tail.

Spyro felt Cynder's tail work its way to underneath his chin, causing the purple dragon to almost worry as he could feel the blade like edges slide smoothly against his throat. But as he felt the blade move further away from him Cynder tightened her tail's embrace of Spyro and pulled him closer to her in the process.

Not a word was said by the two dragons as talk had become obsolete amongst the two ever since they both lay on Spyro's bed. But they both seemed to know what the other wanted, either by a quick look or a certain movement.

Cynder continued the trail of Spyro's scales around the top-side of his hind section, much to his relief, but as Cynder continued to pull him closer with her tail Spyro wondered what she had planned for him.

All Spyro could see was the back of Cynder's hind legs, the underside of her tail, and her womanhood that was just visible between her legs. Spyro had seen this side of Cynder once before, and that was when she was injured, laying on his bed much like she was now. But this time, without her injury, Spyro knew that Cynder wanted him to look.

Cynder continued to reel the male dragon closer while slowly making her way around the base of his tail to its underside, which was what she ultimately planned to reach while they were locked away.

Spyro quickly picked himself up from his bed, knowing what Cynder was trying to do. Cynder was distracting him while she tried to reach his dragonhood. But as Spyro stood, Cynder rolled onto her back, allowing herself to go naturally limp which caused the black dragoness to open herself to Spyro's full view, much like he was to her.

The purple dragon found himself at conflicting ideas once more. He wanted to make Cynder his own and make her happy. But he didn't want anything to do with hatchlings at that moment. He took another glance down at Cynder, who was staring at his body. Not directly to his eyes, but to the extension at his hind quarters. But for some reason he didn't mind it, for he quickly looked down at her hind section once more, seeing the refraction of light from the liquid that formed around her slit.

Spyro felt his member throb, almost as if it knew what he wanted, but Spyro quickly wedged his eyes shut and turned his head away from Cynder. I will not do this! I can't! I won't! I-

Spyro's thoughts were abruptly cut short as he felt something grab his dragonhood, effectively causing his entire form to lose itself in the wave of pleasure that washed over him. Cynder saw that Spyro was distracted, and took full advantage of it.

The purple dragon was forced onto his back this time, promptly with Cynder jumping onto him once more. But as Spyro looked down at what he expected to be Cynder's face, instead, again, he found Cynder's tail, hind legs, and open womanhood directly before his eyes. The purple dragon tried to look away and struggle against Cynder, but Spyro found that he couldn't. The black dragoness had placed both of her hind legs firmly on his forepaws, locking the male dragon in place, but while he felt Cynder touching his dragonhood, immense waves of pleasure swept across the male, leaving him with almost no free-will to resist his urges.

Spyro took a deep breath, but that was his final mistake. Spyro received a huge amount of Cynder's scent which made up his mind for him. The purple dragon lifted his head up from his bed once more, finding that Cynder had moved closer to him, placing the dragon's nose against the edge of Cynder's womanhood, causing the dragoness laying on him to freeze from what he only assumed was the pleasure he was being subjected to.

Spyro licked the warm liquid from the tip of his nose, the moment that the warm liquid touched the edge of his tongue, the male dragon only wanted more. Spyro moved his head up slightly, knowing that Cynder was closer than he remembered and took one last glimpse of the black dragoness' womanhood before he would give in to his temptation. As Spyro felt the tip of his tongue slide against the edge of Cynder's scales, he wondered why they hadn't thought about doing this before.

They weren't mating, which meant that becoming parents wasn't an issue yet they were able to become so close that both Spyro and Cynder knew that they could call each other their own. It was something that just happened for them both, which both dragons knew would mean something in the end.