Doing History: When In Rome

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Once upon a time, I did a teacher YCH. It was long overdue. I was reminded that the bidding tier got to the point where a bonus additional scene would be added. So I wrote it as a separate story.


So here's the last scene.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: The following story contains GRAPHIC SCENES of a SEXUALLY EXPLICIT NATURE between ADULTS and CUBS, including ANAL, ORAL, VAGINAL, and INCEST. And A CUNTBOY. So if any of that scares you (eww, get your vaginas out of my gay story!), DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended by my work, because YOU WERE WARNED. For anyone whom I haven't scared off... enjoy!

All characters belong to their respective owners.

A fresh coating of snow covered the ground, making the roads slick. The storm hadn't been as bad as the weather had predicted, but school had been canceled as a precaution. For MacKenzie, though, it wasn't a day of relaxation away from class. He was on his way to his history teacher's house for "extra tutoring."

The cheetahfox stared out the car window as his brother drove them through the winding suburban streets. They had called to confirm if tutoring was still on, and the lizard had replied in the affirmative. Martin was even going to be there! And now that Martin knew about his crush (thanks to meaniehead Beau), it was going to be SUPER awkward!

Kenzie squirmed in his seat. His normally blue spots were bright pink, matching the pink hue of the squirrelfox in the driver's seat.

"Big broooootheeeeeer," Kenzie whined. "Why do I hafta goooooo?"

"Because you have to improve your grades!" Beau replied. "And while we certainly don't mind you playing with your teacher and your friend, I do expect you to actually study, too," the pink male added, giving the cheetahfox a stern glance. "We clear?"

"Fiiiiine," Kenzie said. He crossed his arms and huffed. Yeah, a whole lot of studying was gonna happen, but it probably wouldn't involve much history.

In no time at all, the car rolled to a stop outside the teacher's house.

"Remember, study hard," Beau said. He patted Kenzie's leg. "Call me when you're ready to get picked up."

Kenzie sighed and nodded. "Okay," he said. He opened his car door, grabbed his backpack, and started climbing out. He was half way out when Beau's paw grabbed his wrist.

"What, no kiss for your big brother?" Beau teased.

The cheetahfox rolled his eyes, then leaned over and gave the pink squirrelfox a quick kiss on the cheek. "Fine. Can I go now?"

Beau released his paw and nodded. "See you in a few hours," he said.

A shiver ran down Kenzie's spine as he slammed the car door shut. This was really going to happen. He took a deep breath, the cold January air burning his lungs as he turned to face the house. He tried to will his paws forward, but he couldn't do it. His nerves paralyzed him.

The engine died behind him. He heard a car door open and shut. "You okay, Kenzie?"

"I'm FINE," Kenzie said. But still he remained still.

He felt a large paw cup one of his own. "Come on, Kenzie," Beau said.

The cheetahfox began to whimper as the pink squirrelfox led him up the shoveled-out path to the porch.

The front door opened as the two approached. The familiar form of his history teacher greeted him.

"Right on time, MacKenzie."

The cheetafox blushed as he crossed the threshold. It felt weird seeing his teacher in a polo and jeans instead of his usual button-down shirt and slacks. It was even weirder to be in his HOUSE instead of the classroom. Not to mention having to be coaxed in by his big brother!

"H-hi, Mr. Gr-- uh, Henkou," Kenzie said.

The lizard beamed at the cheetahfox, and nodded to the pink squirrelfox. "Glad to see you made it alright. How are the roads?"

"A little slick, but not too bad," Beau said. He chuckled and released the cheetahfox's paw. "You gonna be alright, or do you need big brother here to help you concentrate?"

Kenzie blushed hard and stared at his footpaws. The two adults chuckled.

Henkou cleared his throat. "Well, uh, you're welcome to stay, Beau," he said.

The pink squirrelfox laughed and clapped his little brother's shoulders, then followed him inside. "Maybe it'd be for the best. Kenzie wasn't too enthused about coming here to begin with."

"I couldn't imagine why," Henkou said. He shut the door behind the two. "If you'd like to remove your coats, I can hang them in the closet."

"Is Martin here yet?" Kenzie asked.

The lizard laughed. "He's downstairs," he said. "Coat?"

Kenzie dropped his backpack, then shrugged off his coat. He handed it to the lizard before heading down the staircase to his left.

His heart skipped a beat as he reached the bottom of the stairs. Before him was a large furnished room. A bookcase lined the wall directly in front of him at the bottom of the stairs. To the left was a couch with a fold-out bed. There was a table before it spread out with books.

But that wasn't what took his breath away. No, what set Kenzie off was Martin. The wolf was sprawled out on the bed wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Kenzie, you made it!" Martin said.

The cheetahfox blushed a little. "Yup yup," he said. He gasped as Martin leapt up from the bed and ran up to him, giving him a quick hug.

"Come on, I've got my notes all over here and stuff," Martin said. He took the stunned cheetahfox's paw and led him over to the bed. "Huh. Aren't your spots usually blue?"

He noticed! Kenzie blushed deeper. "Well, yeah, but," he began.

"But sometimes they turn pink when he's embarrassed," came Beau's voice.

Now it was the wolf's turn to blush. He hugged himself, suddenly shy, as the pink squirrelfox reached the bottom of the stairs, followed by the lizard. "Oh, h-hey," Martin said. "You're Kenzie's brother, right?"

"One of 'em," Beau replied. "Kenzie was a little nervous about his first private tutoring session, so I figured I'd tag along to help him feel a little more comfortable." The pink adult smirked as he looked the wolf up and down. "Looks like you're plenty comfortable as is."

Henkou chuckled. "He was quite eager to strip down once his parents left." He pulled his own shirt up and off. "Both of you are welcome to make yourselves comfortable if you wish."

Beau grinned and started to unbutton his shirt. "History lesson number one, Kenzie: when in Rome, one does as the Romans do." He laughed as he stripped down, his pants and underwear quickly following. "Though I'm gonna warn both of you now," Beau said, addressing the lizard and the wolf, "I expect you to actually try to teach him some history, too! He's not sleeping with you just for the good grade." He looked the lizard in the eye as he finished his proclamation.

"O-of course," Henkou said. He shivered as he pulled his pants and underwear down, following the other adult's lead. His penis was already at half-mast.

"Naked study time. Nice," Martin said. He tugged his boxers right down, revealing his own turgid boner, then beamed at Kenzie. "Well? You gonna strip, too?"

The cheetahfox looked uncertainly up at his big brother. "I, uh. I guess? But, uh..."

Beau chuckled and walked around behind Kenzie. "He's probably a little embarrassed. Kenzie's a special boy, you see. Sometimes he has a penis, and sometimes..." The squirrelfox paused here to tug down the cheetahfox's pants and underwear. "He doesn't."

The others' jaws dropped.

"What?!" Martin asked. "How?!"

Kenzie shrugged and looked up at his older brother, then at the wolf. "I dunno. It's just a thing that happens sometimes," he said. "I can't really control it."

The pink squirrelfox laid a kiss atop his younger brother's head. "So, with that in mind, do you two want to get to the actual tutoring? Or would you boys like to take care of those first?" he asked. His eyes roamed from Martin's groin to Henkou's.

Henkou and Martin exchanged glances. Despite this new revelation, they were still rather horned up. Martin shrugged, then turned his attention back to Kenzie and Beau. "Guess that's up to Kenzie."

A moment of silence followed as the cheetahfox looked from his big brother to his crush, and finally his teacher. "Umm. C-can we yiffies first?"

Beau laughed and sat down on the fold out bed. "I wouldn't expect anything else from my little brother." He pulled the cheetahfox over. Kenzie squeaked, his pants and undies left behind as the pink squirrelfox tugged him up onto the bed. "So Marty. Which hole do you want?"

"Beeeeeeeau!" Kenzie whined. Why did his brother have to be so embarrassing?

"Come on, Kenzie, you know you want him," Beau said. He licked the cheetahfox's face, then looked over at the nude wolf as he climbed into the bed. "Which would you like?"

The bed shook as Martin crawled toward the two. "Well, I know you're a boy, Kenzie, so... I guess maybe your pussy? If you want?"

Kenzie's heart leapt. He wiggled around atop Beau, blushing a little as he spread his legs. "Yes yes yes!" he hissed. "I mean, if you want to try it," he quickly added.

The wolf shrugged. "Well, when else am I gonna get to find out what a pussy feels like?"

"He's got a point there," Beau said. He reached over and ruffled the wolf's headfur, then looked over at the lizard. "So how about you? Martin's claimed his pussy. You want his ass? His mouth?"

"Beeeeeeau, stoooooop!" Kenzie whined.

The pink squirrelfox laughed and beamed at his brother. "Fine, then, Kenzie. Which hole do YOU want him in?"

If it was even possible, Kenzie's blush deepened. He stared down into his lap and muttered, "I guess whichever one he wants."

Beau chuckled and kissed Kenzie's forehead. "I'm just lookin' out for ya, bro." He turned his attention to the wolf. "Why don't you lie down on your back? Kenzie can start riding you while we adults figure out how to join in."

Martin laughed and crawled up next to the squirrelfox. "Sounds good to me!" He laid down on his back, his penis standing up proudly from his groin, and pat his lap. "C'mon, Kenzie!"

The cheetahfox paused, watching his brother as the pink male climbed out of bed. He glanced behind him at Henkou, then turned his attention to Martin. His heart leapt as he crawled over and straddled the boy's lap.

With quaking paws, Kenzie grabbed onto Martin's shaft and guided it to his cunny. His sex wasn't quite as wet as he would have liked, but he was eager to feel the wolf inside him.

Kenzie gasped as he felt something else pushing into his puss.

"Someone might be a little too eager," Beau said. His digit withdrew from the cheetahfox's puss. "Feels like you could use some lube!"

Martin giggled. "I thought that hole was supposed to be self-lubricating."

The cheetahfox could only blush.

"Sometimes it needs a little help," Beau said. "Tongue or actual lube?"

"Which is faster?" Martin asked. He squirmed around to look at the pink adult around the cheetahfox.

Beau chuckled and shook the bottle of lube he had in his paw. "Eager boy, huh? This is faster. Tongue is more fun."

The bed shook as Henkou climbed on, working his way toward the boys on his knees. He grabbed his erection and waggled it at Martin. "Perhaps you'd like to use your tongue on this," he said.

"Tongue might be more fun for him, maybe," Martin said. He grasped Henkou's penis and licked the tip.

"Well, why don't we see about that," Beau said.

Kenzie leaned forward and looked down between his legs to see Beau taking Martin's stiffy into his mouth. Oh gods that was hot. He brought a paw to his cunny and started rubbing himself as he watched his brother's muzzle bobbing along the wolf's erection.

A paw grabbed onto Kenzie's chin and forced his view away from the wolf's groin. He gasped as Martin brought their muzzles together, his paw moving to the back of his head to hold him steady as the wolf's tongue invaded Kenzie's muzzle. The cheetahfox shut his eyes and moaned into the kiss.

Their muzzles weren't connected for long. After a mere few seconds, Martin pulled back from the kiss. He grinned up at Kenzie, then looked over at Henkou, his other paw tugging the lizard's length. "C'mere, teach. Two tongues are better than one, right?"

No arguing that logic. Henkou smiled down at the two, a light blush on his face. He inched forward, bringing his penis between the two boys. "Show me what you boys can do."

Kenzie grinned down at Martin, and began licking the top of the lizard's cock between them. At the same time, he felt his brother's tongue greet his puss. A shiver ran down his spine. Best tutoring session ever.

His brother wasn't licking for long. He could already feel how much wetter he was. Both boys shivered as the pink adult guided their genitals together. Kenzie let out a whimpery moan as he felt Martin's shaft sink inside of him.

"I can hear that at least one of you likes it!" Beau said. "Whaddaya think, Martin?"

The wolf panted softly. "I-I guess it's okay," he said. His paws squeezed Kenzie's hips as he started to roll his own, thrusting his member into the cheetahfox's moist puss.

Shivers ran down Kenzie's spine. He was actually yiffing with Martin! His body trembled as the wolf's penis pumped in and out of him, warm waves of pleasure rolling through his body with each movement.

Kenzie dimly registered Beau saying something else, but what it was he couldn't be sure. And right now, he didn't particularly care. His crush was actually yiffing him! The cheetahfox closed his eyes as he bounced eagerly in the wolf's lap.

He almost didn't notice the poking at his back door. A second pair of paws gripped the cheetahfox's hips, holding him steady as something prodded his tailhole. His eyes popped open. Henkou was still in front of him, the lizard's penis slipping in and out of Martin's muzzle. That could only mean one thing.

Kenzie gritted his teeth as a penis that could only belong to Beau pushed past his sphincter. It was a good thing they'd been practicing a lot lately. He quaked as that second penis pushed inside of him, filling both of his holes.

"That's my good little brother," Beau cooed.

Beau sank in about half way before he started thrusting. His own rocking movements accentuated Martin's thrusts, though his pace was much slower than the wolf's. Where Beau was slow and gentle, Martin was wild and eager. Two very different experiences at the same time. It was all too much for the boy.

Stars flew before Kenzie's eyes as he climaxed. His holes squeezed tight around the dicks invading him, threatening to push them out. Beau's paws pulled Kenzie down into Martin's lap to keep the wolf inside even as the adult continued to thrust slowly into him.

A burst of warmth in his puss and a muffled moan announced Martin's climax. Kenzie leaned back into Beau as the cheetahfox ground himself insistently into Martin's groin, eager to milk the wolf for as much cum as he could produce.

"O-oh fuck."

The naughty word from his teacher's mouth drew a giggle from the cheetahfox. He looked down in time to catch the lizard's face screwing up in climax. A quick glance further down showed the tell-tale pulses of the adult's penis as he pumped his own seed into Martin's mouth. That was kinda hot.

Behind him, Beau chuckled. "Oh my. Guess your friend and your teacher were eager beavers, huh?"

Henkou eased his hips back and collapsed against the back of the couch. "C-can you blame me?" he gasped.

"Not at all," Beau replied. He gripped Kenzie's hips as he thrust a little faster. "But I guess I'm left with a little catching up to do. And we haven't even started actually teaching Kenzie history!"

Martin giggled and wiggled a little under Kenzie. "What if I offered my butt for you to finish in while Henkou gets to the actual tutoring?"

"What?!" Kenzie cried.

The cheetahfox whimpered as he felt his brother pulling out of his ass. He wanted Beau to cum in HIM, darn it! He looked at his brother over his shoulder.

"You can't be considering that!" Kenzie said.

Beau looked Kenzie in the eye. "Kenzie, I was serious about you actually learning history. If you do well today, we can have another round before we go home. Deal?"

Kenzie pouted, his hips wiggling as he felt the wolf's softening penis slip from his pussy. "I gueeeeeess," he muttered.

Slowly, Kenzie climbed out of Martin's lap. He stared longingly at his crush as Martin rolled over and got on all fours. Gods, he looked so cute like that. A twinge of jealousy struck him as Beau climbed in behind him, even though he knew that in his current state he wouldn't be able to do what his brother was about to do. He shook his head, then looked at his teacher.

Henkou's eyes were glued to the squirrelfox and wolf. He only tore them away when Kenzie waved a paw in front of him. "Yes, right... history."