Princess Esfir

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*WARNING: * This is an ugly story about a young princess having a very, very bad time.

Princess Esfir had been taken, by order of the new Lord Sovereign, to the dungeons. There she had sat for the past few hours, shivering, tears trembling at the corners of her eyes, knees hugged to her chest.

The room she'd been locked in was small and dark, made of smooth, almost seamless slabs of gray stone, much like the rest. Every so often soldiers came in and out, bringing with them bits and pieces of mysterious equipment. Sometimes they left the door open between their errands, leaving the princess with the sight of a dim, cell lined hallway lit by flickery lanterns. But she didn't dare move, though she had not been chained. She was simply too frightened.

The princess had, at the beginning of the day, looked quite respectable. She'd worn her purple velvet gown, tied tight around the waist with a white sash, her paws sleeved up to the elbow with silken white gloves. She'd been playing a little game, shuffling her little silver tiara back and forth with little movements of her fluffy, pointed ears, eyes pointed surreptitiously up at the gilt ceiling. There were paintings of the saints up there. Her father had put his paw on her shoulder, a quiet little gesture that he wanted her to stop. For the sake of the ceremony they were officiating. She'd...

Esfir took a deep breath and tried hard not to look at the dark, rust colored stains on the left side of her dress. Still didn't quite know how things had gone so wrong. How she had gone so quickly from a grand ballroom stretching across many open yards, to a little stone chamber that seemed to grow smaller and more enclosed with each passing moment.

She sniffled. Clutched her knees tighter to her chest. Tried hard not to look at the open door in front of her. Kept her ears pinned back against her head and her face hidden, muzzle poked between her knees, where the tears that cut tracks through her silvery fur wouldn't be visible.

Princesses weren't supposed to cry. She was supposed to be trying to escape, to get out of this horrible place so she could show everyone that the horrible men who had taken her throne were pretenders...

But she couldn't bring herself to move so much as a muscle.

At the end of the hall she heard footsteps, claws clicking against stone, another approach from the soldiers. Esfir huddled further back into her corner and kept her eyes downcast as the soldiers of the new order entered her cell once more.

In previous visits they'd placed little metal sockets upon the floor. Measured carefully before hammering them into place. Their eyes had wandered to Esfir from time to time, gazes lingering on the little wolf with expressions that the princess feared but did not fully understand.

There had been some amusement in their eyes, in the cruel smiles that flickered over their faces. Contempt as well. Esfir had done her best not to look at them. Had done her best to simply pretend that the soldiers were not there, that none of this was really happening.

It wasn't working.

There were three soldiers now, two burdened with a strange steel framed table, leather straps dangling from its edges. It was small and set fairly low, though the legs seemed to have a curious telescoping quality to them. They were metal. Hollow. Adjustable. Like the legs of the crystal lensed telescope Esfir liked to look through on clear nights.

Sometimes her father had accompanied her, when he wasn't too busy with kingly duties, and told her the names of the stars.

Thinking about the telescope now filled her with a curious sort of hopelessness. She sniffled.

The third soldier, trailing behind his fellows, bore a big wooden toolbox, heavy enough that he had to carry it with two paws, bent slightly backwards under the weight. He traipsed in past Esfir and set it atop the pitiful little mattress she was meant to sleep on, wisps of straw stuffing whirling into the air. He let out a relieved breath. Nudged one of his fellows and said something surreptitious to him, eyes flickering back to Esfir for a moment.

The soldier he spoke to smiled, settling the legs of the table in place, hooking them over the sockets. Esfir couldn't help but watch them, her curiosity overcoming a tiny fraction of the dread she felt, her green eyes following the motions of the soldiers as they secured the sockets and rattled the table in place.

So...they'd installed a strange table in her cell. One with long leather straps dangling from the sides, some with buckles on the ends (like the ones that went across her father's shoes, she couldn't help but think) and others without.

She didn't know what to think of it.

The soldier with the toolbox worked with his tools to tighten the sockets and hold the table more firmly to the ground, so it couldn't so much as be trembled, even by a hard push.

One of the soldiers who had carried in the table brushed his paws off, gaze turning once more to the cowering figure of the little wolf princess. Esfir ducked her eyes down behind her knees at the sight of it, barely biting back a little squeak of fright. Her fur had fluffed up with terror and she couldn't stop trembling, her tail firmly between her legs, fluffy tip poking between her ankles, shaking just as much as the rest of her.

"You think it's really true? About her?" The first soldier, a cat with orange and white patchwork fur asked, eyes shooting briefly over to Esfir.

The other two soldiers exchanged a silent glance.

"Don't see why not," the second man, an ochre furred jackal grunted, "they were always cursed blood..."

The third soldier, the one who'd carried in the toolbox, said nothing, just kept watching Esfir. He was a wolf like her, which she almost felt should have comforted her...but she didn't like his gaze at all. Squirmed further back into the corner, wishing that she could squeeze into the cracks in the walls and be gone from this horrible place.

"You know..." The wolf said thoughtfully, speaking at last, "since we're done with all the stuff the Lord Sovereign wanted installed..."

"Shouldn't we get her secured first?" Asked the cat.

The jackal gave the table a cursory look but didn't seem all that interested. An eager little smile had appeared on his face and he looked to the wolf eagerly.

"You think we could?" He asked, but clearly only wanted to hear one answer. His amber eyes, wide with excitement, seemed to bore holes in Esfir's tattered purple gown. She laced her fingers together around her knees, hugging them tight to herself. Wanted to squeeze her eyes shut but was too frightened of what might happen while she had them closed.

The wolf nodded slowly.

"Hey princess," he called, voice stern, "get up."

Esfir cringed at the sound of her title. Glanced fearfully up but made no move to stand. Wasn't sure she could, her legs were shaking so badly.

"P-Please..." She whimpered, "l-leave me a-alone..."

"What if the Lord Sovereign's wrong? What then?" The cat asked suddenly, visibly worried.

The wolf sighed, clearly unhappy to have his emerging dialogue with Esfir disrupted.

"He isn't," the wolf said firmly, "he's certain. Why else would he be giving the crown princess to us for a bit instead of having her himself right away?"

The cat didn't seem to have an answer for this. Instead he nodded.

"Either way," the jackal said, squeezing the cat's shoulder, "might as well have some fun with this, right?"

The cat glanced back and forth between the jackal and wolf, seeming somewhat reassured. He nodded slowly, paws moving slowly towards his sword belt.

"Right..." He agreed.

The wolf's attention turned back towards Esfir, who blinked and stared, confused. Were they talking about her...

The wolf spoke before she could think any further.

"Get up." He growled.

Esfir stayed still for a moment, then reluctantly obeyed. Couldn't think of anything else to do. The men before her were much bigger and stronger than she was...and they had swords to boot.

The princess pulled herself up to her full height, just a hair over four feet, leaning against the wall for support, legs weak beneath her and lower lip quivering. She knew she had to look pathetic, clad in a dirty, torn gown, one of her silken gloves missing, her sash long gone...

The wolf that stood before the soldiers was but a pale shadow of the royal that had begun the day, and they knew it. Seemed genuinely amused by how trembly and frightened she was.

"Twirl around." The wolf said, spinning a finger, a malicious little smile emerging.

Esfir blinked, started to turn around but the wolf shook his head.

"You're a princess," he said, "they teach you how to dance, right?"

Esfir managed to nod, trembling badly, paws grabbing hard onto bundles of purples velvet at the front of her gown.

"Then twirl," the jackal said, imitating the wolf's gesture, "and do it right this time."

Esfir stared hard at the stone floor and did her best to pretend that none of the soldiers were really there. This wasn't happening. She swallowed hard and managed a slow, shaky twirl, lifting one paw up off the floor a few inches, turning on the pads of her toes, fresh tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.

The wolf grinned.

"How's it feel to take orders?" He asked.

"Glove's on the other paw." The cat said, eyes hard, all reluctance and hesitation completely forgotten.

The jackal shifted anxiously from paw to paw, eyes locked on Esfir. He set his sword belt aside, leaning it against the wall next to the door and looked to the wolf.

"Did you see the way her tail pressed the fabric down?" He said, voice breathy with unhidden anticipation, "let's just get her. Right now."

"She might kick a little..." The wolf said, but it was clear that he wasn't opposed to what the jackal was saying.

Esfir edged back against the wall, blinking hard, unsure what exactly the soldiers were planning to do, but not liking the weird tones they were using, the way they were looking at her.

"That's fine, that's fine..." The jackal said almost pleadingly, edging forward, Esfir pressing herself back into her corner, whimpering.

"So..." The cat said, "if she really is the way the Lord Sovereign says...we could do anything."

"Anything," the wolf agreed, "...until he gets here at least."

"How long will that take?" The cat asked.

The wolf shrugged, mind clearly not entirely focused on the conversation. One of his paws had strayed down to the crotch of his pants and kneaded there. When he spoke again his voice was a bit breathier.

"I don't know," he said, " long does consolidating one's grip over a kingdom take?"

"Probably a while." The cat breathed, eyes lighting up.

"Exactly." Said the wolf.

Esfir had just enough time to open her mouth to try asking the soldiers to please leave her alone before the jackal leapt at her, his patience utterly exhausted, animal instinct and lust taking over.

He slammed her against the wall, pressing up against her, the back of Esfir's head hitting stone, stars spangling her vision for a strange, numb moment before she realized she was being pulled to the ground.

She shrieked and tried to kick but it was no use, the other soldiers were moving in as well. The jackal pressed the little wolf to the ground, so hard her cries were cut abruptly off, the air whooshing from her lungs. She gasped, wide green eyes filling with yet more tears, mouth opening wide, the wolf's eyes lingering on her little maw as he grabbed her arms, pinning them to the stone, letting the jackal get to work savaging Esfir's dress.

The purple velvet was well made and excellently tailored, but proved to be no match for the jackal's claws as he ripped the dress down the front, exposing a tuft of silvery fur, uniform to the rest of Esfir's body, covering a flat chest with just barely the first hints of pubescent breasts.

Esfir squirmed, chest hitching as she tried to fill her shocked lungs, black spots dancing at the edges of her vision, terror and lack of oxygen conspiring to drag her into a faint. But she resisted, trying to kick, even as she felt the cat seize her legs, wrestling them into stillness. The only appendage that remained even remotely free was her tail, but that stayed wedged between her legs, the tip wriggling wildly.

The soldiers' breathing quickened as they wrestled the wolf princess into submission, the cat's paws sliding up Esfir's legs, along the smooth curves of her thighs, muscles jerking in outraged reaction to his touches. Fresh tears of humiliated terror sprang to Esfir's eyes but she couldn't do anything but let them slide down her face, gasping for breath and doing her best to continue screaming. But what came out were short little cries, interspaced with sobs and garbled little pleas for the soldiers to please, please stop what they were doing.

They paid her no mind at all, accelerating their outrages, the princess' dress giving way with a whispery sigh of tearing fabric as the jackal succeeded in completely tearing it from neck to hem, exposing Esfir's trembling body.

The young wolf was covered in fluffy silver fur, a single uniform shade from the tip of her ears down over the subtle curves of her barely present breasts to the enticing area just barely hidden by an askew pair of purple cotton panties, and though that fur was fluffed up with terror, it didn't do much to make the little princess look any bigger or more threatening.

Eyes widening at the sight of her panties, the cat leaned in, just ahead of the jackal, and ripped them free with his claws, tugging the ruined garment down one of the wolf's thighs, undoing his pants with one trembling paw.

The jackal started to protest but the cat snarled at him, eyes blazing.

"Wait your turn." He growled, shoving his pants down around his thighs, skinny feline tail twitching madly behind him, jerking his cock with one paw, positioning himself over the struggling princess, eyes locked on the tiny onyx slit nestled into her soft silver fur.

Esfir squirmed even harder as the cat positioned himself on top of her, not even bothering to spread her legs all that much. But though she felt as though the terror driven energy inside of herself could have rent the room to splinters, she couldn't move much at all. The wolf, eyes locked on her lower body, had her arms pinned to the ground, the jackal satisfying himself with mauling her tiny breasts, rubbing over her little black nipples and teasing them with his claws, drawing sparkles of red hot pain that she hardly noticed next to what the cat was doing below her waist.

He'd yanked down his pants, his erection throbbing in the open air, the cat's breathing coming fast and heavy. Esfir trembled at the sight of the cat's cock. She'd never seen one before, let alone one adorned with...were those little fleshy nubs? What on earth were those for? Was he going to...?



She screamed, the jackal pinching her nipples hard in response, short circuiting her desperate shriek for help, agony overwhelming everything for a moment. She thrashed in place, the cat shoving his hips forward. The tapered tip of his cock, already wet with pre, slipped neatly off of her slit at first, nestling against soft gray fur for a moment before he readjusted and shoved into the little wolf, with no regard whatsoever for her comfort or pleasure.

The earlier pain incurred by the jackal suddenly seemed like nothing at all, a great stinging agony that seemed to intensify more and more with each passing moment rending her insides, shooting between her legs in great crimson splinters. Esfir's vision when chaotic for a long, terrible moment, caught between static and whirling stars and spots.

It hurt so badly that for a long while she couldn't even scream. Her mouth hung open, little agonized squeaks and gasps emerging as the cat hilted himself inside of her, hips pressing against hers, his balls resting against the soft fluff of her tail.

But he took no time to savor this pleasure, instead the cat leaned over the little wolf, pressing her hard to the ground, teeth finding her neck, pressing hard enough to just barely break the skin. Esfir blinked rapidly, the pain beyond description as the cat's cock hammered into her, trickles of blood matting the fur at the base of her tail.

Muttering, the jackal shuffled back a foot or so, denied access to the princess' lovely little chest. But though he clearly wanted to seem annoyed, he couldn't hide his arousal at the sight of the cat's utter domination of the little wolf. He worked his cock free from his pants, an ebony length throbbing in the open air, pre beading at the pointed tip, knot already swollen and ready.

The wolf made no move to free the bulge in his own pants. He seemed to be waiting, diligently holding Esfir's arms in place, watching as the cat savaged her.

Grunting, the cat relinquished his hold on her throat, Esfir trying to move her throat away from the cat's sharp little teeth as he continued to thrust into her. He leaned in close, burying his cock into her again and again, balls slapping wetly against her little tail-hole, the wolf shivering in quiet agony as he stretched her well beyond her limits.

"This is...nng...your life now," he grunted, rocking Esfir in place with the power of his thrusts, hips slamming hers against the stone, motions growing shorter and jerkier as he neared his climax, "and this..." he gasped, eyes slitting with pleasure, " just the beginning."

The cat arched his back and thrust hard into the princess, spurting deep into her hole, cock twitching and balls tightening as he emptied his load into the violated, sobbing wolf.

It took him a few moments to pull out. Esfir trembled under the cat's weight, her rapist catching his breath, in no hurry to give her up. His words echoed in her ears, the grim promise they held utterly, absolutely plausible.

Nobody was coming to rescue her. This was it. This was all she had to look forward to.

When the cat got up he turned away, letting out a low, approving whistle.

"Tightest cunt I've ever fucked." He said approvingly.

Esfir shut her eyes and whimpered, a sort of pressure within her beginning to release as cum dribbled from her stretched hole, pooling at the base of her tail, fresh pain stinging the lips of her pussy. Her legs had gone completely numb. She didn't think she could move them.

As the cat moved away, the jackal started forward, tongue lolling from the side of his mouth.

"Flip her over." The wolf said as the jackal took his place between the wolf princess' trembling legs, undoing his own pants.

In an instant the jackal understood what his comrade's intent was. Grinned and gripped Esfir's hips, the little wolf trying weakly to curl into a ball before she was dumped unceremoniously onto her face, cold stone pressing against her muzzle and cheek. The wolf gripped under her shoulders and yanked her up, looking at her critically.

"Jesus," he remarked, looking at the cat, "you really did a number on her."

The cat grinned, looking pleased with himself.

"Just fuck her in the ass," he suggested, glancing to the jackal, "...might put some spring back in her step."

But the jackal wasn't listening, he'd already lined the tip of his thick member up with Esfir's cum dripping pussy, and he pushed in all the way up to the edge of his swollen knot in a single thrust.

Esfir could only manage a thin groan, even as the wolf tried ineffectually to prop her up. Her arms gave way each time she feebly tried to keep herself from falling back down, the pain sparked by the rough pounding the jackal was giving her only further sapping her strength. Her legs were practically immobile, the muscles in them twitching and spasming ineffectually, the edge of the jackal's knot sending slivers of red hot agony slicing through her entire body with each frantic thrust he made.

Esfir's eyes, half open and dulled with shock and pain, almost slid over the wolf's thick pink cock before she realized what it was and what the wolf planned on doing with it. Slowly, she tried to shake her head, but the wolf seized hold of her head, forcing the princess' mouth open as he positioned himself lower, sliding his pre leaking cock into Esfir's little maw, the princess squeezing her eyes shut tight, not daring to so much as think about biting. The consequences were simply too terrible to imagine, even with what was currently happening to her.

Behind her the jackal gripped hard on Esfir's hips and jammed his knot against her stretched slit as hard as he could, feeling muscles stretch and give under his brutal assault, a hard jolt passing through the princess' body, like an electric shock. She tried to scream but couldn't get the air, the wolf's cock plugging her throat almost completely.

He thrust into her mouth with eager delight, clearly enjoying the situation she was in, the drool that slid from the corners of her mouth, the pain in her eyes. Esfir gasped little sips of air where she could and tried hard not to lose it to the reflexive cries her body almost forced her mo make with each new outrage the jackal visited upon her.

He gripped hard on her tight little rear, exploring the curves of her hips, accelerating his thrusts, and though he seemed to realize that the little wolf princess was simply too small for him to force his knot into her, he didn't give up trying...if only to savor the reflexive spasms that rolled through her body whenever he hurt her bad enough.

His thrusts grew faster and more intense, Esfir somehow recognizing what was to come from her previous experience with the cat.

"Ah fuck, I'm gonna cum." The jackal gasped, confirming her suspicions, and thrust so hard against her rear that he lifted it from the ground, shoving her forward into the wolf's crotch, her jaws stretched around a portion of his throbbing knot. The wolf gripped her head, claws digging into her temples, and jerked his cock into her soft, warm mouth, thick spurts of hot cum splashing against the back of her throat.

The jackal went off a moment later, flooding her violated pussy for a second time, new pains deep inside of her intensifying as he ground his knot viciously against her bruised entrance before withdrawing, a crimson tinted flood of seed draining from between her legs.

The wolf followed suit, withdrawing his spent cock with a satisfied sigh, standing back up, leaving Esfir slumped on the floor.

She felt numb, her capacity for pain overloaded, mind buzzing like radio static, shock taking over as her body tried desperately to save her from the horrors inflicted upon her.

The three soldiers looked down upon her, clearly satisfied with their work. The wolf glanced at his comrades. Raised his eyebrows.

"Either of you want to do the deed?" He asked, with all the casualness of a picnicker asking who wanted the last sandwich.

The cat cocked his head to the side.

"I know you said earlier, but...what if it doesn't work?"

The jackal looked critically down at the ruined little wolf princess lying before him.

"You think the Lord Sovereign would really want that?" He asked.

"Exactly," the wolf concurred, "have a little faith, would you?"

"Alright..." The cat sighed, though he still didn't look entirely convinced.

"So, you want to?" The wolf asked.

"Nah," the cat shrugged, "I just fucking know you'll make me clean up if-"

"Fuck's sake," the jackal sighed, "I'll do it."

Esfir listened to the conversation from the middle of a flickery mess of pain and shock and utter despair. She'd been violated and broken and ruined in ways she'd never even known were possible. She knew the soldiers were talking about something important but couldn't quite bring herself to grasp the meaning and just why it was...

The jackal stepped forward, Esfir curling away as best she could, whimpering. He knelt down, paws seeking out her throat, Esfir struggling to keep them away. But she was weak and small, and the jackal large and strong. He moved through her pain addled attempts to stop his advances, wrapping his paws comfortably around her throat, taking a moment to stroke the soft fur under his fingers, feel the frantic little pulse thrumming away, before he began to squeeze.

Esfir dug her claws into the jackal's wrists but he hardly seemed to notice, just intensified the pressure, her air entirely cut off, black spots exploding into the corners of her vision, solidifying into an impenetrable sheet of black that surrounded an ever shrinking view of the world. The jackal's face, staring down into her eyes with avid curiosity.

Then it was all gone.

Then it was-

She was on the floor, the guards jumping back as she coughed and choked and thrashed, the jackal staggering backwards, fur gone bristly. The wolf grinned even as his fur raised up, watching the little wolf, nude but somehow entirely new and unharmed and clean and perfect, leap into the corner, pressing herself there, eyes wild with fright.

"Holy shit." The cat muttered, whiskers gone bristly, sticking out at odd, jagged angles.

"Told you," the wolf gloated, "she comes back...good as new. Every single time."

"...How'd the Lord Sovereign know?" The cat asked, eyeing the princess with unhidden interest.

The wolf shrugged.

Esfir, breathing hard, pressed herself back against the stone, one paw checking between her legs to where her little slit sat, untouched and unharmed, all over her body, where the pain and exhaustion and hurt was entirely gone.

"Please," she said, eyes wild with fright and desperation, "p-please don't hurt me again..."

The jackal looked to the wolf.

"How much time we got before we have to strap her to that table and let the Lord Sovereign have his fun?" He asked.

The wolf smiled, eyes locked on Esfir.

"Plenty." He said.

They began to advance.