Destiny Unwound The Epiphanies of Fate

Story by Talon Stormclaw on SoFurry

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This is the first chapter of Destiny unwound the epiphanies of fate, I've been sitting on this for over a year as I wasn't sure it was of a quality worth posting. But I am posting it now And it is my sincere hope that you will enjoy it.

Destiny Unwound The Epiphanies of Fate

(Authors Note)

Destiny unwound is an alternate timeline story, and although it is set to take place in the same universe as Prepared by Fate and Bound By Destiny. Due to being an alternate timeline there will be inherent differences, and may even answer some what if? Scenario's. So sit back and enjoy the ride.


Chapter 1

Destiny and fate... Fate and destiny. No two concepts have ever been so alike or so intertwined, forces which even time and space must bow to. But is there more to these concepts than meets the eye? Are our lives bound by destiny? Are we walking paths and facing trials prepared by fate? Or do we choose our own paths through life, do we write our own destiny and forge our own fates? It can be said that a person is like a blade, because like a blade if a person loses their temper they lose their worth. But in truth it goes beyond that just as a blade unused eventually rusts and dulls, a person can become complacent and lazy if they do not face the trials set before them. These trials can be anything from abuse to a thirst for knowledge and everything in between. It is however not the trials in life that make us who we are, but how we choose to face, confront and overcome them.

One night in Morgova's royal castle an eerily unnatural silence is cast throughout usually bustling the halls, the cause of the silence having been a meeting Sasha had called earlier that day to discuss plans to alter Tenchi's past. To erase the pain and suffering she had gone through her whole life, pain that had only recently come to an end with the death of the Draconian Elites queen Elizabeth Blackheart. It had become common knowledge among the family, due to Lyra's curiosity that Tenchi was Sasha's first successful experiment codenamed 001 alpha draconis the primus strain. Upon learning this most the family cursed her stupidity in in choosing Elizabeth as a client recipient, even more so upon learning Tenchi was commissioned by Loeon, Trinity, and Faarg to bring hope to Ca'Li'Hu.

Little do the inhabitants of the castle know that in order to prevent Tenchi's suffering Diopia had gone back in time, retrieving the egg before it could be stolen by the mysterious male, in the hope that he could deliver it to that time periods Sasha. The theft of the egg would go unnoticed by Elizabeth for some time, as Diopia had the foresight to put in its place a well made decoy. A decoy however that did not contain an occupant, or at least not the occupant Elizabeth expected. Instead it contained a glass vial containing a swirling purple fume surrounded by a highly explosive dough and finished with a shell of painted metal, with what appeared to be the veined pattern on the shell actually being micro fractures that would form shrapnel on detonation.

The destruction that followed would become a legend, a story in its own right told by countless people throughout the years. Of how the castle of the feared and reviled Draconian Elite was split asunder by a mighty explosion, of how some few soldiers who somehow survived the blast were found hundreds of yards from the walls all missing limbs and one missing half of his face. But what most people remember is the queen the foul woman who had lived for more than ten thousand years torturing and slaughtering any who'd oppose her. How she stumbled out of the wreckage is unknown as shards of metal from the explosion had severed her right wing and left arm, this however isn't what terrified onlookers. No what Terrified them was her screams as a purple fume clung to her body and her flesh rapidly melted away until not even bones were left and how one poor soul brave enough to go near what remained quickly met the same fate as the once proud tyrant.

With the egg secured Diopia must now consider the best course of action to ensure it's occupants safety. Only a few options present themselves, but which is the most beneficial? Going forward in time and giving the egg to Sasha briefly crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed the idea as too risky. No sooner had he dismissed that thought than another even riskier thought entered his mind. To deliver the egg to Chaldoa's grave at Rywigo's valley, a sacred place to the Frostclaws it would be a big risk to him given events on Ca'Li'Hu but it seemed the only available option left.

Opening a portal to the outskirts of a small village called Norangh due south of Rywigo's valley, Diopia steps through with the egg before quickly closing the portal behind him to ensure he isn't followed. Glancing behind him to be sure none of the villagers noticed his arrival, he quickly headed north towards Rywigo's valley. The walk to Chaldoa's final resting place took no more than thirty minutes, upon reaching his destination he left the egg on the grave of the warrior of light and quickly left in the hopes that he had gone unnoticed and that the egg would be found by the right people.

Two nights pass without incident but on the third the ground shakes violently nearly dislodging the egg from it's resting place, and in the distance to the west to large red points of light can be seen raising out of the very ground itself their focus adjusting like giant camera lenses. East of Norangh on the field of battle Ridgecore Vana freezes sensing a familiar presence, as beside her Janch the Bladetail kills the last enemy of this incursion and turns to her friend a look of concern on her face. ''Vana this is no time to freeze what on Ca'Li'Hu has gotten into you?'' Janch asks sounding almost irritated at Vana. Looking at Janch with a glass eyed expression Vana answers in barely a whisper ''It's Rywigo he is resurrected I don't know how Janch but it's true we must go there.''

Janch looks at Vana with a confused expression. ''Wait, Rywigo as in your wyvern that now is used as the sacred ground for the wyverns that are about do die?'' Vana simply nods silently in response to Janch's answer. ''Vana you know i'm your friend right? But are you out of your fucking mind Rywigo died. You know this you had to put him down yourself.'' Vana nodded before looking at Janch ''Well, of course. That is why I am surprised about the feeling. Even if this is war, I feel strongly that it is my duty to see to it that nothing bad happens. I trust you can hold the armies in check while I am gone and I will try and get back here at my earliest convenience.''

Janch laughed bitterly at Vana ''If you think you are going without me you are more out of your mind than Rashim. I'm coming whether you like it or not. Hilde you're in charge until we return do me proud.'' With that Janch and Vana leave for Rywigo's valley on Gane, Janch's bladetail wyvern and forbidden lover. Within 10 minutes they were landing near the edge Rywigo's valley, and making their way to the temple like building that was Chaldoa's tomb. Cresting the lip of the valley they can not see the building, what they can see however is a large reddish-brown mass surrounding where the tomb should be.

Vana Stares at the mass recognising it as her Rywigo. ''By the Father, he is alive again! But, how? And why has he decided to surround the grave of your sister? And, will he be evil like that day?'' She exclaimed sounding both shocked and amazed. Janch looked at Vana with a smile, ''and here I thought you were smart do you not recognise nesting behavior? I would suggest we approach slowly.'' Sensing the approach of his rider Rywigo lifts his head and looks in Vana's direction causing Janch to swear at what she saw. ''By the holy fucking father Vana he's guarding an egg and not a wyvern egg...'' Vana looked slightly closer at the egg ''I think you are right Janch. Ummm, hi Rywigo. Do you remember me? It is Vana, your rider. What is it you have there?''

He nuzzled Vana as she walked up to him and Janch swore once more finally recognising the egg for what it was. ''By the father Vana we need to get this egg out of here and somewhere safe, and I mean right fucking now. Celebrate getting Rywigo back later we need to leave right now this is a fucking prime dragon egg, What's more look at the blue veins in the shell do they not look familiar?''

Vana shakes her head at Janch's language ''Well, your mouth is not exactly a goddess' pride. But I guess you have a point. but once it is safe, I am going to make sure to someone pours garancza berry juice on your tongue.'' Janch coughs nervously looking slightly worried. ''Can I at least milk a wyvern before that Vana?'' Vana groans in resignation. ''Lets just go already my foul mouthed friend!'' Getting on Gane with the egg Janch heads back to the camp with Vana following on Rywigo, returning only to be greeted by Hildegaard with the news that Rashim's forces had retreated. Janch looks at her ''They retreated? Why?'' Hildegaard smiles sweetly something that looks disturbing with the blood splattered across her face ''Something about a flying mountain heading our way but I think they meant Rywigo.''

Getting off Gane janch carefully lifts the egg from one of his saddlebags. ''fetch warm blankets Hildegaard and Gane you keep watch.'' Gane patrols outside Janch's tent as Hildegaard hurries off to look for blankets and a basket for the egg.