Close - Chapter 1

Story by Gwyndolium on SoFurry

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My first story ever to be uploaded. Even the first one that has furry and a story in one. So it will probably have some errors but even then I want you all to enjoy.


~Chapter 1~

White fur brushed against the orange fur. A laughter flew through the air without

a destination. Weird sounds were to be heard from the attic, where two friends were

having a good time playing games.

The rain clattered onto the roof and the wind made howling sounds through the trees. But not for the two boys. They were dry under the roof playing their favorite video games together on this rainy sunday.

They were sitting on a small couch once bought for a cheap price. Small, cozy and easy to transport.

Perfect to use when playing video games.

'Melor, not that way.' The husky said against the fox without looking at him. Instead he was absorbed by the screen of the telly and the flashing animations on it.

'Why? It's not like there is anything.' The fox anwsered on the same tone as the husky did, fully hypnotized.

'It's a trap, trust that on my name.' The husky said while pushing harder on the buttons to kick off some monsters.

'Like the name: Damien, is going to kill any enemies.'

The husky grinned and wanted to say something but didn't when the tv stopped flashing. It turned off immediatly and the two boys stared at the empty screen.

'What the..' Melor said and couldn't reject his face off the screen. the husky still sat with

his maw open to say something but closed his maw. For some minutes there was silence until a thunder was heard close and the boys finally understood what had happened. The weather outside was finally hearable and the fox began to look sad. 'Well there goes our happy sunday.'

'Well, it doesn't has to be that bad.' The husky said as he finally snapped off the screen and looked at the fox who was still watching sadly at the screen.

The fox turned his head as well and looked at the husky who looked him in the eyes. 'What do you mean?

My video console just broke down and you talk about fun?'

'Well, you know. Fun.' The husky said but the fox just looked questioned. 'Wait, I'll show you.'

Damien said as he grabbed the paw of the fox and moved it to the belly side of the t-shirt.

'What's with the shirt?' The fox said as he wanted to retreat his paw. The husky kept it steady on his shirt. 'It's about what's under it. 'Your belly.' The fox anwsered without thinking.

'Well yeah, that as well. But some lower foxy.' The husky said on a different tone than before.

'but..' The fox tried but the husky was faster and pulled his shirt up showing a white fluffy husky belly. The husky put the fox paw on the belly and let it go over it.

'Let's have some fun. Besides you like guys anyway right?' The husky said as he moves some closer to the fox who stared at the husky.

The fox felt the warm slim belly and blushed as he tried to retreat once more. 'We can't..'

'Sure we can, I know you like this. And you can now.' The husky said as he smiled while moving the fox paw some more around the belly. 'You feel very nice by the way.'

Melor made a fake laugh and was overthrown by the husky. They were sitting practical against each other and the fur did felt nice against his. He did liked how the husky looked and had dreamed about him some times and used his imagination on him. But he had never imagined something like this would happen. He and Damien weren't such good friends, more gaming mates. In school they didn't talked that much and the days they were together they always gamed.

'I guess your body wants to play foxy.' The husky said and Melor suddenly realized his member had grown big because of the touch of the belly and blushed more as he tried to look another way.

The husky opened the button of his pants and let the fox paw slid down onto his member.

The fox expected a big erected member but instead he found a small tip still hiding in his sheath.

Damien moved the fox paw around over his sheath and Melor felt the member growing under his very own paw. He slowly moved his head back and looked carefully down at the husky cock now fully erect.

The husky loosened his paw and retreated it and looked at the fox.

Melor touched the knot of the husky and heared him murring. he gave a weird laugh and began to stroke it softly. The husky grinned. 'See, told you, you would like it. But for now..'

The husky pushed the paw away and stood up from the couch. The fox leaned back and looked at the husky.

He slowly pulled off the whole shirt and threw it across the room into a corner. He slowly lowered his pants and they followed the shirt. The husky stood with his back to the fox and even slower pulled down his underpants. He chuckled as he did that and glared backwards watching the reaction of the fox.

The fox made a small laugh and wanted to move but the husky was faster. The husky turned around and presented himself completely naked. He stepped out of his undies and made one step forward. 'Now, you can have it.'

The husky said to Melor. He looked up at the big husky named Damien and gasped. 'You look so fuzzy.'

'Well, wanna try it out?' Damien asked and winked at the fox. He couldn't let it go by and jumped at the husky who embraced him. The husky pushed the fox downwards to his member. 'All yours foxy.'

The fox looked up at the husky that gave another wink and turned back to the husky cock. All for him.

He touched the top and thought of him touching anothers member for the first time in his life. He never had experienced anything yet and had only heard things from internet and others. He actually had no idea what to do.

Some Pree came out of the tip and the husky seemed to notice that the fox had no experience whatsoever.

He quickly grasped one of the paws of the fox and led it to the transparant fluid on his tip.

The fox seemed to understand and took some of the fluid on his digits and looked at the husky again.

He moved the fox paw to the maw of Malor. 'It's nice, try some.'

Malor obeyed and licked the fluid off his digits and looked up again with big eyes.

'Yeah, you can have the rest as well. Just lick it off like a good foxy.' The husky said as he out a paw on the head of the fox pulling him closer to the husky cock.

The fox gave a small lick and enjoyed the weird fluid. It had a weird taste, he couldn't tell what it tasted like but he sure knew he liked it. he licked it all off and heard the husky enjoying the licks.

The husky pushed the head of the fox against his cock and thge fox understood what to do. The fox opened his maw and began to swallow the tip. He felt his own member asking for attention but ignored it.

The husky began to make sounds and the fox took that as a good sign and tried to take the rest but couldn't get the knot in. He felt he was drooling all over but didn't cared. He had a husky cock in his maw and that was all that mattered. It felt so warm and it tasted good, he never wanted to let loose. The husky didn't seemed to be statisfied with him only holding his cock in his mouth.

He grabbed the fox head more firmly and pulled it up and pushed it down again letting him slip over the member. The fox was surprised but let the husky do what he pleased and moved with the motion.

In and out, in and out, that was the ritm and he heard the husky panting harder and didn't knew what to do if he came. He knew that sperm would come out. He found that out when masturbating. But what to do when it came. He had the cock in his mouth and.. But he had no chance to think any further as he got pulled on the cock again and he felt a fluid flying into his maw. It made him almost choke but the husky didn't

released him yet until he was ready with spraying his seed into the fox's maw. When the husky released the fox let himself fall back and felt some cum dripping on his maw and shirt.

The husky looked happy and so the fox smiled still being in his clothes.

Damien bended over and licked the cum off the fox's shirt. 'Let me help you with those.' He said as he pulled the shirt off and unbuttoned the pants.

He threw the shirt away just as the pants and the undies and turned the fox over. Malor was now laying on his belly and quickly moved onto his knees because of his member that was hurting him there as he layed down. The fox wondered what the husky was planning and hoped he would get a turn as well. He never had experienced something like this and wondered what would happen next.

He got his anwser soon enough because the husky already bend over. He gave a small lick on the balls and moved up with his tongue until he reached the tailhole. The fox wanted him lower but waited with patient as his member was really yelling for some attention.

The husky grabbed the bum of the fox and began to lick the tailhole. The fox felt a weird sensation and panted. He felt the husky drooling all over his bum but Malor was too happy to care.

The husky suddenly stopped licking and the fox wanted to turn and ask what was wrong but felt the paws of Damien still on his butt and thought he was preparing for something. He heard a spitting sound and wanted to look again but already heard the voice of Damien. 'Relax foxy, it'll be alright.'

He relaxes after hearing that and hoped to feel the tongue again but instead he felt something hard poking his tailhole. He wanted to ask what it was but suddenly realized what it was and felt the whole husky cock coming in in one movement and he cried it out.

The husky didn't seemed to care and began to thrust into the tight tailhole of the young fox.

The fox began to grunt as he felt every trust and moved with it. He wished he wouldn't go to far because of the knot. He knew that would hurt, but on the other hand he did liked this as well.

The husky began to grunt as well and the fox screamed it out again as Damien tried to hump the knot into his tailhole. The fox felt the pain going through his body as the husky filled his tailhole with his seed and let himself fall upon the fox who falled over with Damien inside him.

Malor felt himself coming as well, onto the floor and felt rather dissapointed but didn't wanted to show Damien that. It was a great experience, he liked the husky cock and knew he finally had done something.

The husky pulled his member out of the fox and stood up letting him laying on the ground.

'That was great foxy. See we can have fun without the game console as well.'

The fox turned on his side and looked at the husky and grinned slowly. 'Yeah..'

Damien nodded as he picked up the fox and put him on the couch. 'Now, you must be tired.'

Malor nodded and closed his eyes as the husky stroked his back. After that he pulled on his clothes and leaved the attic going home. Cum was dripping out of the tailhole from the fox just like happened on the floor but he didn't cared. He was happy, he loved somebody now and fell asleep.