Good Pet

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#2 of Good Pet

Wanting to feel dominated in a stricter, rougher, more experienced way than Ashar can manage for her, Adhara searches the mountains and winds up playing pet for another dragoness for a little while. But as the agreed-upon time nears its end, the dragoness is growing increasingly pent up and needy, making it harder to keep her mistress happy...

"Come on, Pet. Don't you want to please your mistress?"

"Mmmmmf... Mmmhmnf!" Adhara moaned through her ball gag and bobbed her head, blindfolded snout cocked a little to pinpoint Mistress's voice. With her hind legs cuffed to her tail and her forepaws to a strap circling her torso just above her hips, she felt stretched out like a snake, unable to stand, let alone walk, but still her mistress had challenged her to struggle her way across the cave to her, bound and blindfolded.

The first thing she had tried to do was roll towards her, but not only was it disorienting, Mistress had immediately declared it cheating, and given her a series of stinging spanks with her paws and tail both! Adhara's rump still smarted from the punishment, burning nearly as much as her sex did from being tied up, dominated, and made to struggle so much. Mistress had promised a reward if she could find her fast enough; would the other dragoness finally take her belt off and let her cum? Just the thought made her moan in desire, and she pushed herself forward again--moving barely the width of a paw. If she couldn't roll, the restraints made it almost impossible to move, but she wanted a reward, she wanted some pleasure, her hips rolling and tail twitching at the thought...

Couldn't get distracted, she admonished herself, though her arousal only strengthened when she tried to ignore it. Had to please Mistress if she was going to earn that reward! Groaning, straining against her bonds, her mittened paws slipped against the rock before getting purchase and sliding her forward another few inches. She squirmed side to side, experimenting, and soon found a rhythm--and tiring one, and the hard rock of the cave beneath her instantly made her joints sore from repeatedly knocking against it, but she was able to ease herself along the floor a little more, feeling even more snakelike as she squirmed forward, pushing with her tail and hind paws as best she could.

She heard Mistress giggle, somewhere in the dark, and paused to try to orient herself. She couldn't be sure if her slithering kept her going straight ahead or sent her to one side or the other, not with the leather pad over her eyes, but it still seemed like the sounds were coming from somewhere directly in front of her, unless Mistress was deliberately trying to throw her voice...

Well, there was nothing she could do about that, unless she wanted to give up struggling and get punished instead. So she kept moving towards the sounds she thought she heard, getting more and more tired and sore, muscles straining, leather creaking, her chastity belt rattling as it knocked against the floor; the bondage was so tight! She could feel herself drooling around her gag, the hard rubber ball in too deep to let her swallow, her limbs all bound so tight... Just as she liked it, especially having to struggle so much, and the more she exhausted herself the more aroused she grew. Oh she wanted that belt off, she hadn't been allowed to climax for days!

"That's it. Good pet," Mistress crooned to her, and she heard scales slithering somewhere in front of her; she was getting so close! She moaned in response, lifting her head, pushing herself onward and fighting for every inch she could get, wincing when she rocked to her other side but persevering; it would get her a reward, would make Mistress happy, both of which felt so very important right now!

At last her snout bumped into something warm and scaly, which promptly curled around her neck and gave a little squeeze: Mistress's tail. She'd done it! "Mmmmh. Good work, Pet... Very fast indeed. You must really want to please me..." She felt paws stroking her snout, her neck, tweaking the straps of her gag and scritching her chin. A moment later light stabbed at her eyes--the blindfold had been on since the night before!--and then the cave came into focus, including the grinning blue-scaled snout of her mistress. "Now about that reward."

"Mmmmhhhf," Adhara went limp against her, quivering, her hips rolling as she looked back at the snug belt that locked her cleft away. Oh please oh please oh please...

A paw curled around one of her horns and slowly but firmly redirected her attention, turning her snout from her own scales to those of her mistress. "A reward is another chance to please your mistress, Pet... Remember that." A tug on the horn pulled Adhara a little closer, her snout nearly between her hind legs.

Of course... Adhara shuddered. While she was struggling it was easy enough to lose herself in the helplessness of her bondage, but while just lying there panting without that distraction to occupy her, her attention always went instantly to how aroused she was by being dominated, bound, controlled like this. And Mistress wanted her attention on her at all times... Another tug, and it became clear what her 'reward' was going to be as Mistress reached down to take off her gag.

"Your reward, Pet..." She set aside the slobber-coated gag and stroked the green- and yellow-scaled snout, then leaned back, her hind legs spreading a little wider. "The privilege of giving me pleasure."

Adhara blushed hot, looking where Mistress wanted her to and finding her cleft spread prominently, glistening with desire--just as needy as her own sex looked under her belt, Adhara was sure. But only one of them was going to get her lust sated right now, she knew; she wouldn't be wearing her chastity belt otherwise, and really, the knowledge that even her pleasure was under Mistress's control, that she would be left wanting once again, only turned her on more.

So she leaned her snout forward and began to lick.

Mistress crooned again, her claws curling; Adhara quivered a little herself and breathed in deep of her arousal, then lapped her tongue across her entrance once more. Her taste had grown familiar now, having been rewarded so many times with this privilege over the past week, and feeling so turned on, so submissive, that it was so natural to do the other dragoness's bidding, she at once lost herself in her task. Once more her own arousal burned hotter, hotter, a rushing wet heat beneath her tail, but while she was absorbed in pleasing Mistress with her tongue she didn't mind such desire; she enjoyed it, even, to feel so very worked up while listening to Mistress's soft gasps, feeling her little wriggles and twitches of enjoyment, and finding all the best places she liked to be touched.

Her tongue probed inside her, retreated, then slid in again, swaying back and forth to press here, there, then slip out to give her clit some attention instead. Mistress seemed to enjoy being licked there the most, but at the same time didn't want her to just go right there; better to start slow, explore her first and give her some gentler stimulation before moving to really set her off. So she licked, rubbed, nuzzled at her clit for only a few seconds before moving her tongue elsewhere, her own hips starting to grind her belt gently into the floor as she pleased the other dragoness, moaning in her own lust as she drew a few more sounds of pleasure from her Mistress.

Slow and steady she worked the other dragoness up, her own desire strengthening in turn to make her moan, and writhe, all her limbs straining gently but still bound tight as her tongue did its work. She loved this, she really did, turned on and tied up and giving pleasure, and she moaned again as she licked, kissed, nuzzled and at last let her attention focus to give Mistress her orgasm. She felt on fire beneath her chastity belt, but she didn't care, she reveled in her lust and her helplessness and Mistress's high pleased moans, then she gripped both her horns and held her snout there, nearly pulling her nose into her cleft to demonstrate her dominance even as she came, twitching, crying out, folds twitching and hips grinding against her snout, splashing a little of her dew onto her chin, tail squeezing her neck once more and hind claws clenched tight.

At last Mistress let go and sprawled onto her back, her chest heaving for air and all the tension draining from her limbs. For a little while it was quiet in the cave save for her high gasps, Adhara's own moans, and the soft scrape of her belt being ground slowly, steadily against the floor as her body clamored in futility for its own attention. Now that she was done her arousal raged higher than ever--couldn't it be her turn now?--but she had learned on the very first day that Mistress did not like her asking to cum. Her voice played through her head again, reminding her that it was her responsibility to serve her, not worry about her own needs, and she suppressed a low whine. At least the week was almost up, and then once this was over she could get all the orgasms she wanted--needed...

After a couple of minutes Mistress rolled over, stood, and stretched, purring loudly and loosening up all her limbs. "Very good job, Pet," she said, and nuzzled her firmly on the snout and neck. "Your mistress is very pleased," she rumbled, and the way she said it made Adhara blush and quiver--the way Mistress made it sound like those words were the only thing she should ever care about! She slowly nodded, and Mistress chuckled, nibbling one of her frills before going to untie her. The mitts and the belt stayed on, of course, but she untied her paws from her torso and her tail--only to replace them with cuffs linked by short chains, keeping her hobbled and harmless. "Let's go somewhere a bit more comfortable, Pet."

"Yes Mistress," she said softly as she straightened up, her tail tucked low to press uselessly on the belt. She really wanted to cum, but still it seemed she would have to wait... Hobbled, her wings tied down, she couldn't stretch quite so well as Mistress had, but she did her best, her limbs trembling and her hips swaying side to side in her need and denial. Mistress smirked at her, the motion not escaping her notice, but said nothing; only leaned against her, giving her bound and tired pet a little support as they went over to the pile of pillows and blankets in the corner of the cave that served as Adhara's bed.

Waiting there was a bowl of water and a bag of beef jerky, which Mistress helpfully fed her from once she was stretched out and comfortable and had lapped up her fill of water. She gently massaged her back between strips of jerky, and her haunches and shoulders and neck, purring all the while. Adhara could still feel the heat between her legs, but she was worn out now and starting to calm down, and the massage felt more than welcome after all the struggling she'd had to do. No longer hungry or thirsty, she groaned and set her snout down on a pillow, and after putting the bag and bowl aside Mistress snuggled up behind her, purring.

"Such a good pet I have," she murmured, and after a moment fit a cage muzzle over her jaws, returning Adhara to the restraints she spent her time in when they weren't playing with her in some tighter, more strenuous bondage. "So good at pleasing her mistress, always enjoying being tied up and serving me... Mmmm." She hugged Adhara tight, then started to caress her, paws stroking over her neck, her deep chest, her muscular bound limbs... and her tail curled between Adhara's legs, pressing gently against the chastity belt that contained her.

She couldn't help but whimper and give Mistress a pleading look with one eye, squirming in place as the tail teased along her thigh and her belly and where the belt wouldn't let her feel anything--she very nearly said, "please"--but at the last moment she stopped herself and only quivered against her, knowing such a request would earn her a punishment, and Mistress chuckled, smirking once more and clearly enjoying how plainly pent-up her pet had grown over the course of the week. But there was no relief coming, no release from her bondage or her belt, so all Adhara could do was squirm a bit deeper into her embrace, get comfortable, and try to get some rest...

Mistress was gone when Adhara woke up, but her bondage, chastity belt, and frustrated arousal were not. She got up, she stretched, tried to pace a little, but that just let her feel her strict hobbles some more and didn't help at all--she wanted to put it out of her mind, but how was she supposed to not think about how needy she was when she had been teased and denied for nearly a week straight, when her bondage always had that enthralling helplessness on her mind, and when her belt stopped her from getting any of the sensations she craved? She huffed and shook her hips back and forth, giving the belt a little glare, but there was nothing she could do to get it off--and she shivered, when that just made her think more about how she was so powerless that she couldn't even get any pleasure unless Mistress let her! With Mistress not there, with there being nothing the bound dragoness could do, she didn't even have a way to occupy herself and keep her desire from the front of her mind.

Adhara sprawled back across the pillows and groaned, idly rubbing her tail between her hind legs. Back and forth her scales rasped, against her haunches and against steel, but not being able to touch herself, maddeningly, only seemed to stoke her arousal a little higher. The tip of her tail rattled the padlock that sealed her belt a couple of times, but even if she didn't have the muzzle and mittens and cuffs to restrain her there was no way she'd be getting it open without the key.

For nearly a week now she'd been locked in there, along with the four snug mittens and whatever additional bondage gear the other dragoness chose to make her wear. Craving to feel more strictly dominated and controlled than Ashar could manage for her, she'd at last worked up the courage to visit a nearby dragoness with a more openly kinky reputation, and Mistress had leapt at the chance to tie up the big striped dragoness. Her name wasn't Mistress, of course, but she had suggested, teased, and at last wrestled the already distracted and squirmy Adhara to the ground and convinced her to be her pet for a week--or more, if Adhara wanted to stay longer once that time was up--so as long as Adhara's name was Pet, the other dragoness was Mistress to her. At once into bondage and into chastity she had gone, according to Mistress to remind her that, "my pet serves me, not her own desires," but regardless of any fantasies Adhara might have had about being bound and teased and unsatisfied she found it awfully hard to think about something other than getting some pleasure of her own when she was so damned horny all the time!

Of course Mistress had openly told her that dragons were so much more fun to play with when they were all pent up and squirmy, and had figured out almost immediately what excited her new pet, which meant Adhara had spent all her time since then tied up--often very tightly!--and had been made to get her Mistress off with her tongue at least twice a day. Memories of what she and Mistress had done just a couple hours ago--and fantasies about having to do so yet again--made Adhara blush a little, and squirm, her tail rubbing uselessly across the belt again. What she would give for an orgasm of her own right now!

So, perhaps she wasn't doing the best job of learning what Mistress wanted her to learn from her chastity belt.

But there was no surer way to summon her Mistress than those soft huffs of denial or the little metallic rattles that her belt and its lock made when she played with them. Adhara barely had time to uncoil her tail from between her hinds before her Mistress walked in, the other dragoness smirking as she always did; she was scaled blue and white, a little smaller than her and quite slender. Mistress would have been easy pickings for Adhara in a fight, if she was ever not tied up around her, but her force of personality and ability to tempt--well, maybe coerce--Adhara into such a vulnerable position had made the bigger, stronger dragoness submit.

She struggled against the cuffs and their short chains to roll to her paws, then dipped into a low, submissive bow, her muzzle resting on the floor. For a moment she kept her blue eyes closed, then she gazed up at her Mistress, feeling a blush creep across her frills once more at how very smug, pleased, possessive the other dragoness looked--which set off an accompanying set of sparks deep in her belly knowing that right now she did belong to Mistress, that she had willingly and almost eagerly allowed herself to be tied up and claimed as hers. The longer she made her stay in that bow, the more humiliated--and the more turned on--she felt, and by the time Mistress motioned that she could straighten up again she was certain her frills were tinged red from how hot they burned.

"Feeling better, Pet?" she purred.

Like the bow, that title never failed to send another rush of heat through her, and even once standing again she kept her caged snout low, her tail lifted a little at the base and twitching back and forth. "Yes Mistress."

Mistress tilted her head, still rumbling, and reached forward to nibble at Adhara's frills, another possessive gesture; occasionally she mixed in a low dominant growl as she did and was surely fully aware at how this made her pet squirm, wanting to twitch her sensitive frills away but not wanting to displease Mistress by resisting something she wanted to do to her! For a few seconds the nudges and nibbles and growls continued, then half a minute, as her tail lifted and her wings twitched against their bindings and being so restrained and submissive sent such heat roiling beneath her tail until Adhara just couldn't take it anymore. She stumbled back, nearly tripping on the short chains that hobbled her, and sprawled out once again across the soft cushions, for a few moments sure she looked as embarrassingly, desperately needy as she felt before she managed to put on the best coy, playful expression she could muster. Mistress just cocked her head expectantly, seeming quite amused, and tentatively Adhara spoke up.

Swallowing the moan that tried to bubble out of her was nearly impossible, and she quivered, her tail slowly coiling around her hind paws. "Maybe we could play again... and you could unlock my belt, Mistress? I promise I'll be good," she said, trying and probably failing to sound playful and eager to please instead of needy, aware her haunches were already trying to press together to move the chastity belt a little, though she knew well enough by now that it fit too snugly and too well to let anything at all through to her sex. She twisted her shoulders to put her wings under her, tucking her mittened, cuffed forepaws to the base of her neck and trying to return Mistress's sly smirk, doing her best to look playful, submissive, harmless, maybe worth giving a reward of some pleasure for once--especially since she was supposed to be let go tomorrow...

Mistress had to suppress a little giggle. "And why should I do that, Pet?"

Adhara very nearly burst out that she needed it, so badly, and her hips rolled a little on the pillows, but at the last moment she caught herself, remembering it wasn't supposed to be about what she wanted--but if that couldn't be the reason, then why, especially if Mistress liked her all pent up and writhing? "Because--" she stalled, her snout pressing outward against her cage muzzle as she began to pant, "because, it will be fun, Mistress?"

She grinned and prowled forward, and now it was the blue tail rubbing over where the belt sealed off her burning-hot cleft. She was quiet for a few moments, as if she might have actually been considering it, before she replied, "hmm. Well, do you know what would be even more fun?"

She couldn't stop herself from moaning this time, low and achingly horny, her hind claws curling up in their mittens, and when Mistress didn't continue she had to respond. "Mmnnh... What, Mistress?"

"Keeping my pet locked up and squirming even longer," she answered with a toothy dominant grin, her tail curling around one of Adhara's thighs and giving it a teasing squeeze.

Now it was a whine that Adhara had to swallow, rocking her hips against the taunting tail that seemed to be emphasizing those strokes she couldn't feel. "But-- Please, Mistress, nh..."

She chuckled and started to nibble along her frill again, purring down to her. "Keep it up, Pet, and you're going to convince me you want to keep wearing that belt for as long as you can... Why else would you make such demands of me, when you know what I told you about thinking of your own needs? That, or you still need a lot more training. Maybe another week," she mused, rumbling teasingly, "or maybe a month. Until you learn to think about your Mistress instead of yourself, until you learn to please me for the joy of pleasing me instead of doing it hoping you'll earn some pleasure of your own."

Adhara shivered, briefly pressing her trapped, mittened front paws together but helpless, arching her hips into Mistress's tail and knowing she wouldn't feel a thing. "Nnnh-- another week? But, but tomorrow--"

"Sshhhh, Pet," Mistress overrode her, nibbling the edge of her frill again. "We both know that you'll stay longer. You want to stay longer."

Adhara's eyes widened. But she didn't--did she? She didn't get to fly, to hunt, to go any farther from the cave than the stream outside--didn't get to cum-- Yes, she was having fun being a pet, being submissive and tied up and horny, and the thought of more bondage and denial and pleasing Mistress definitely sent a thrill of desire through her, but what about the rest of the things a dragon liked to do! "I-I-- But Mistress--"

A soft, brief bite to her neck silenced her, though she shivered violently, and was abruptly aware that in the mitts and cuffs and muzzle, she wouldn't be able to make Mistress let her go if she decided not to! "No, no, you're not going to leave me, Pet," Mistress insisted, lending more weight to Adhara's realization of just how out of her control that decision truly was. "We both know you want to learn, or you wouldn't have agreed to be my pet. So you'll learn that a pet doesn't need to cum to be happy."

Adhara writhed. It was true in the moment, when she was making Mistress happy by pleasuring her or struggling for her she didn't feel the need to climax, but-- But after, but eventually, but when her lust grew so powerful--

Mistress's voice grew slowly harder, more dominant, more menacing, and Adhara's shuddering increased in turn as a paw held down her neck, her own useless mitts wedged against Mistress's chest and her cleft burning with arousal as Mistress growled her words into her ear. "You'll learn to want to please your mistress far more than you want to cum, until you'd agree to melt down the keys yourself and wear that belt forever if I told you that I wanted you to do it."

She was trembling now from snout to tailtip, her thighs pressed together around Mistress's tail to grind herself against it yet still unable to find even a little stimulation. The force of Mistress's words made her whimper yet at the same time made her feel hornier than ever, burning so hot and so wet that she could feel herself starting to drool beneath the chastity belt and unsure whether it was her bondage and helplessness so thrilling her, or the other dragoness's dominance, or the fantasy of staying tied up, pent up, and denied, and never, ever cumming again...

"You know you want it," Mistress said, straddling her now, pinning her down, allowing Adhara no room to move, no way to even think about resisting, the other dragoness's own un-belted hips grinding across a thigh as Adhara continued to uselessly hump her coiling tail. So turned on and so submissive and so helpless, with the dominant dragoness so forcefully spelling it out, Adhara couldn't even think of denying how much this aroused her; she could only moan softly into her muzzle and quiver as Mistress said, "you just need to learn that you do."