Reflection Two: Common Ground

Story by Demet_13167 on SoFurry

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Tread lightly in familiar surroundings, full steam ahead for uncharted territory.

Rating: Chapter reserved for an upper level audience; that's complex for the over 18 crowd. Though most learn how to do this well before, just saying.

  • - - - - CONTINUE - - - - -

A cool nighttime breeze carried the aroma of pine with a hint of suburban pollution around the neighborhood, yet none broke through the screen of a closed window. The only feature that penetrated the glass was a faint glow from the half moon. Two figures could be seen moving within the room. One was that of a wolf resting comfortably in a sleeping bag; his movement was sleep induced deep breathing. The other was that of a Siberian husky in bed. However, his heavier breathing and movement suggested he wasn't asleep. The husky's breathing was accompanied by the telltale movement of the covers above his midsection. From this movement came the muffled sound of slick flesh being rubbed against its owner's paw. Though our husky, Hunter, didn't set out to paw with his friend a few feet from him, it was hard to deny the urge his body had set him up to fulfill moments ago.

While Hunter was immersed in an enticing dream scene, his body was preparing for the main event. His loose boxer shorts allowed his furry orbs to shift and gather on either side of his growing arousal. The husky's member was warm in its home, but would need to emerge into the outside world once more. As it grew, the flesh leaked its clear and slippery fluid, moistening the passageway within the husky's sheath. Hunter's arousal gradually poked through his sheath's opening, gaining both length and girth. Once it reached 7" in length, the organ pulsed in time with the husky's heart, still trickling pre and waiting for its owner's touch. Hunter's member didn't have to wait long as a paw snaked its way through the expanse of fur and under the cloth to graze along the slicked flesh. His organ twitched at the customary touch, but the feeling of having a paw wrapped around his girth never got old.

The movement was tried and true; it was sure to bring Hunter to release without much effort. The husky's paw moved slowly and smoothly, further warming and spreading the pre along his spire as it continued to ooze from his tip. Hunter's breathing became heavier and his paw tightened around the leaking member. The husky opened his maw to avoid waking the sleeping wolf with his strained breathing. Hunter carefully lowered his boxers in rhythm to his pawing. The only fabric remaining between his arousal and the open air of the room were the covers, which were kicked away without a second thought. The sound of rhythmic slurping filled the room, but not much louder than his breathing.

Soon both Hunter's paws were wrapped around his member, one over the growing knot. The husky's drive to mate began to kick in and attempts to keep quiet were forgotten. His tongue lolled out the side of his maw and whining pants could be heard as his paws moved at a frenzied pace. Inching closer and closer to release, the husky stroked erratically while massaging his knot. A final rough squeeze brought his mind back for the moment of explosive euphoria.

"Ryan" he whispered

The husky's build up was unleashed in several streaks of cum that landed against the base of his muzzle. Hunter's footpaws clenched with each spasm working though his erupting member, his paws still working his knot and arousal. Each successive string of spooge painted a trail along his torso to end at his tip in a weakening flow. The husky licked a bit of cum off of his muzzle and sampled his own essence.

A lazy head roll to the side to regard his clock revealed that it would not be long until sunrise. Regretting he wouldn't be able to catch much sleep in the time left, the husky decided to get up and start early on chores. Groaning weakly as he got up from the bed, Hunter was reminded of his mess dripping from his fur. With a light smirk, he rubbed the remaining spooge into his fur and would wash it out in the shower. Following a quick glance in the wolf's direction to reassure himself that Ryan was still sleeping, Hunter carefully made his way over to the window to air out the space. Afterward, the husky pooled his clothes into the hamper and carried it out of the room.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Within a few hours, the faint light of the moon was replaced by the sun's morning rays. The sky changed from stargazing clear to being obscured by a bright yellow-orange hue. As the rays penetrated the same window as the moonlight before them, the scene revealed within had changed. No longer were there two in this suburban bedroom and lacking was a hamper of dirty laundry. What the light did find was the dark nose of a sleeping wolf, out of place in his usual bedroom, but the light shone upon his muzzle regardless. The wolf turned in his sleep to shield his eyes from the light, but all it served was to gain a few minutes of slumber before forcing him to the daybreaking world.

With a yawn and full body stretch that went beyond the confines of the sleeping bag, the wolf cracked open his blue as ice eyes to the warming light. Wincing reflexively, a paw reached up to rub the sleep from his shielded eyes. Following another yawn, the wolf noted a new smell he didn't pick up on when he first woke up. A series of quick whiffs followed by his maw opening and closing brought his mind to register this scent, which he regretted instantly.

"Ugh, morning breath," he groaned, opting to breathe through his maw or risk being assaulted by the odor again.

The lupine stretched his body awake and crawled out of his temporary bedding. His departure allowed him to feel a chill in the air. As Ryan rolled up the cooling material, he saw the open window. Stashing the roll under the bed for the night, he ambled over to the glass and rested his warm pads upon the cold metal trim.

"Darn it all Hunter," the lupine sighed as he brought down the barrier, "if you wanted to see an iced wolf, go down to the arena."

Laughing to himself for telling such a horrible joke and thankful no one heard him, Ryan strode into the hallway. He found the bathroom with ease as the door was left wide open. The wolf walked in and was sure to lock the door behind him; it something he always remembered to do when over at a place other than his own. Ryan first took care of a pressing issue that became known to him soon after waking. He could barely contain himself as he propped one paw against the tile and had his other placed above the elastic band of his boxers. After pulling the fabric down, the wolf's paw held steady his member as it leaked the golden yellow and acrid fluid built up in his bladder. Sighing as he relieved himself, Ryan tilted his head toward to sink, thinking about how he was going to freshen up.

Emerging from the bathroom with mouthwash fresh breath and a pleasantly emptied feeling, Ryan made his way down the stairs in search of his canine friend. The wolf wandered into the kitchen, where his rumbling stomach said it was time to eat. Ryan's approach to the refrigerator was stopped by a single note stuck onto the stainless steel door.

"Ryan, I figured you'd be hungry in the morning and raid my fridge like all good house guests do." The wolf rolled his eyes at the accusation.

"S_o I prepared an extra helping of bacon and eggs for you on the counter. If you didn't find it by now, Leslie probably took it." The word 'DID' in pink ink was scribbled on the side of the note. "_Enjoy breakfast if you can. I'll be in the backyard. -Hunter"

Ryan tossed the note into the trash and returned to the fridge, saddened that he wouldn't be able to have something other than cold cereal for breakfast. As the wolf scanned the chill chest for milk, he found a note on the bottle; this time in pink ink.

"Got hunger? Surprise! Food's in the micro-nuker Ryan. -XOXO Leslie"

The lupine smiled and tossed the paper to join the first. Opening the microwave door revealed breakfast there and ready to warm. Setting the timer for a minute, the wolf went over to the window to see if he could spot his friend. Above the windowsill garden of a few herbs used in last night's dinner, Ryan peered into the backyard. The other side of the window had a weather worn deck with enough space for a gas fired grill and outdoor patio set fit for parties. Lining the wood fence that encompassed the property were plots for lettuce, tomatoes, and hardier herbs.

The far corner of the yard had clotheslines and the wolf could see a familiar set of ears point over an assortment of clothing. Ryan admired the sight through the window and let the imagery linger in his mind. Before he could get a breath in to call out to Hunter, the timer beeped. Deciding the husky would come in soon enough, Ryan took his warmed meal to the kitchen island. By the time he moved onto his second set of eggs, the canine of the morning walked in from the garage door.

"Hey Ryan," Hunter greeted as he took a seat next to him, "glad to see you up and eating the breakfast Leslie didn't take from under you."

"Wrell srhe dihd thaek ta frood, buht" Ryan began, food clinging to his chops and distorting his words.

"Swallow" Hunter advised, pointing his finger at the half-chewed food.

The wolf followed suit, with a bit of hesitation at first, but Hunter picked up on the cue.

"Put those thoughts on hold. Finish your food, finish your sentence."

Thoughts aside and maw empty, he concluded: "she hid it in the microwave and told me with a note closed with hugs and kisses."

"Ugh, just the thought of that disturbs me."

The husky got a quizzical look from the wolf and Hunter sighed as he continued: "The thought of my sister doing anything remotely romantic with my best friend is offputting, I don't want to think about it."

"Aw you're such a prude," the wolf retorted, "I'm sure she was just messing around. She moved my food to have some fun, no reason to get all worked up on a joke signature."

"Tsch, I'm so not a prude. I have non-prudish thoughts all the time."

"Oh really? Like when?"

"Um, I guess like the time I was alone in my room with nothing to do, so I--"

Hunter stopped after seeing Ryan lean in too closely for an innocent conversation. Eying the wolf suspiciously, he finished with: "thought about it and don't need to prove it to you."

"Bawk bawk, bawk-bawk-bawk," Ryan challenged, flapping his arms like a chicken.

Hunter's response was to take the wolf's plate and finish off the remaining egg and strip of bacon. After flashing a toothy grin to the surprised wolf, Hunter took the dish over to the sink and was followed by Ryan.

"I can't believe you just did that," he shouted in mock anger. "Is that anyway to treat your guest?"

Hunter took an equivalent sarcastic attitude and responded: "Is that any way to treat your unborn children momma hen, by eating them? Or mock your chef slash friend who took the time to cook a meal for you?"

Both realized that while their exchange was meant for fun, the pointed questions did have some sting in the words. Each apologized to the other before an awkward silence set in between the friends. Seeing that it would take a while for Hunter to finish cleaning the wares of the meal, the wolf excused himself and went up to the room to do some homework.

"Why do I have to be such a dolt?" Hunter mumbled to himself after he was sure Ryan went up into his room, "And why does he put up with it?"

"You're not a dolt honey."

Hunter looked up from the sink to see his mother talking to him while fixing her bathrobe.

"What am I then? No normal furson acts this way, why do I?"

"You are who you are hun, a bit socially challenged," she started, nudging her son aside to help with the dishes. "But it's okay. You've got a great friend who has stayed with you these last three years. It has to mean something."

"Always with the something," Hunter muttered softly

"I promise it's something good."

"I suppose"

"Okay, here's an idea," she suggested, "why don't you take Ryan out for one of your runs around the park? You do it to get rid of stress and are pretty worked up right now. Take the time to ask the hard questions, like why he's your friend considering the 'bad' you claim to do. Plus it's a lovely day out, there will be plenty of time to finish your homework or mope about if you are not convinced that you're overreacting to a little friction between friends."

"I'll. . . give it a shot."

"That's my pup," she cooed, bringing her paws up to her son's ears.

"No mom! Wet Willie!"

"Oh, sorry pumpkin," she promptly apologized and plunged her paws back into the water.

She asked Hunter to come closer and bend down slightly to her level. When he was close enough, she planted a motherly kiss upon his cheek. Hunter walked up the stairs slowly, taking the time to figure out himself the reason to why Ryan would put up with his eccentricities. Rounding the corner, Hunter pushed the door open from its cracked position to find the wolf head deep in a textbook.

"Working hard?"

"More like working too hard," the wolf sighed in frustration, "I can't get these concepts down and I don't think you have a mnemonic device for this one."

"Let me have a look and see what I can do for you," the husky offered and stood over the wolf's shoulder. "Cellular life cycle and stages of cell division. No special rule for that, I just have complicated way of remembering it."

"Complicated or not, anything you tell me will help me understand."

Hunter smiled in retrospect and placed a paw on his friend's shoulder.

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing," the husky sighed

Following a few seconds of silence, Ryan asked: "So are you going to tell me what you were thinking or was it like a rhetorical statement?"

"How about we go for a walk through the park?" Hunter blurted out

"Or something else entirely," the wolf noted and pushed the books away. "But yeah, we have another day to do this."

Ryan waited outside while Hunter was getting prepared for the trip to the park. While pulling water bottles from the kitchen, Hunter gave his mother a knowing look. When the pair weren't racing to get there first, they talked about movies to see or music the other needed to listen to. If Hunter started to steer the conversation toward academics, Ryan jogged ahead to snap the husky out of his thoughts. By the time they reached the park, both were out of breath.

"Who knew. . . a warm up. . . could be so. . . intense?" Hunter panted between breaths.

"It wouldn't have been. . . such a workout. . . if you just. . . didn't think about school. . . so much."

"Sorry. . . force of habit."

Since getting to the park had been a workout, the two agreed that a stroll on the trail was a good cool down activity. About two miles in, Ryan spotted a bench next to the dirt path and sat down, motioning for the husky to have a seat as well. Hunter took a drink from his water bottle and made an observation as he passed a bottle to his lupine walking buddy.

"For someone who runs on track and field, you seem to tire out easily."

"To start off by running five miles isn't the preferred method of warming up for the course," the wolf answered, taking a large gulp of the water. "What about yourself? You're hold up pretty well for someone who looks built for sports, but doesn't play."

"I get that a lot, but how I look isn't purpose driven. Most of my bulk comes from working out on the side and the other--" Hunter's explanation was cut short by a paw slapped against his chest.

He looked over to Ryan to ask what the interruption was for, but only saw the wolf stare back wondering why his friend had stopped the explanation midway. The fear of being a murder victim crept up in Hunter's mind causing him to curl his paw into a fist, ready to pummel the would be attacker. Both tracked the unknown arm into the bush, which disappeared into the leaves.

"Whoever you are, " the husky warned as he geared up his swing, "you have three seconds to take your dirty paw off me. One. . . two. . ."

A black panther's head popped out of the bush and said: "Boo!"

Hunter, reacting to the surprise, threw his punch at the panther's head. Upon realizing it was Chris, the husky redirected his punch to the side but still managed to graze the panther's cheek. Ryan, who sat precariously on the edge of the bench, fell off in surprise then laughed following Hunter's swing.

"Geeze Hunter, you have a mean right hook." The panther mused aloud, rubbing his cheek. "I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that throw."

"Be glad you weren't," Hunter advised, walking over to help Ryan to his feet. "Otherwise we would be having a different conversation, mostly with you cursing at me."

"Ah I wouldn't cuss you out Hunter. You're too good for me to do that."

"Really?" the husky asked incredulously, "'cause I would have expected it."

"Well, while you two discuss hypothetical reactions," the wolf interrupted, "I'm going to go mark a tree."

"Thanks Ryan, that's nice to know," Chris responded, heavy on the sarcasm.

"If I just walked off into the woods, you'd ask where I was going. So I decided to save you the trouble of asking to avoid this long winded explanation, which is happening anyway so. . . no time saved."

"He speaks the truth," Hunter commented as he watched the wolf disappear into the woods.

"You want my opinion on him?" the panther asked, taking a seat on the bench.

"No, " the canine responded seriously, "but I take it you're going to tell me anyway."

"Aww Hunter, you know me well," the panther laughed, landing a rather hard punch for kidding around. "I didn't know you cared."

"Hey, remember that I nearly decked you," the husky stated, rubbing his shoulder.

"Right, wouldn't want to be hit by one of yours, my bad. Anyway, back to your strange wolf friend back there," Chris noted, looking back to see if the furson in question had returned. "Word around the locker room is that he's looking to get off with a player on the same team."

"I'm sorry, but your sports themed subtleties aren't something I can relate to."

"Who's being subtle? I'm saying he wants to get off with a player on the same team, as in he's gay."

"Ah okay. Well, I find it strange for you to believe word around the locker room, especially when it's about a friend."

"To tell you the truth Hunter, I'm only friends with furres like you: having the muscle to hold your own in a fight. And your brain puts you above a few others. Not saying that to get you to help me with homework and all."

'Of course not' Hunter thought, 'superficial much?'

"Hey you two, having a fantastic time together?" Ran asked, coming back into the rest area.

"See what I mean?" Chris asked in a sneering whisper into the husky's ear. "What straight furre jokes around like that?"

"You know how it is," Hunter exclaimed. "Cubs will be cubs!"

The husky had intended to answer both questions and accomplished that. However his outburst had also drawn the eyes of nearby trail goers. Hunter was used to this type of attention and regarded the two furres he knew, ignoring the others.

"You know Hunter, you really are something else," Chris commented, preparing to leave the husky.

"That's exactly what I've been telling him since day one." Ryan responded and added "Makes him absolutely fascinating to hang out with."

"Yeah, okay. I'm going to go another lap before the storms roll in, so I'll be seeing you both later." The panther waved back as he jogged off in the other direction.

"Guess we should start heading back too," Hunter suggested and the wolf nodded in agreement.

Just as the pair were about to turn off and head home, Chris had returned clutching a flyer in paw.

"Before Tracy kills me for not remembering, here's an invite to a private screening party." The panther handed the creased paper to Hunter. "It's good for two and I take it you both are going together?"

The wolf and husky looked at each other briefly and nodded to each other before turning to regard Chris again.

"Then I'll take that as a yes," the panther verbally confirmed, "Hey I had to ask, no telling if one of you had picked up a vixen along the way and would want to take her along. You'd need another flyer is all. See you next week."

They dispersed at the distant sound of rumbling thunder. The sky was beginning to become overcast with the approaching storm front and the wind was beginning to pick up. While getting home was important, both were sure to keep a steady jog as to not lose the other in the dimmed afternoon light. It was sprinkling at the halfway point to sanctuary, but at the last quarter of a mile, the downpour came hard. Hunter took his friend by the paw and made a mad dash towards home.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Hunter yelled into the darkened house.

Ryan followed the husky in, his dripping paw still clenched around the equally drenched paw of his friend. Hunter, feeling the tightness of the wolf's grip with his adrenaline fading, let Ryan know as he walked over to the answering machine.

"You don't have to hold me in a death grip anymore, we're safe."

"Well, it's going to take me a while to get over the panic of possibly being left behind or struck by lightning."

"I wouldn't have left you behind Ryan," the husky mused, "and if one of us were struck by lighting, we would both be toast."

"Thanks for caring," the wolf said softly, striking Hunter lightly with his other clenched paw.

Smiling, the husky looked back at the wolf before turning around to push the play button. The messages played first with Hunter's mom chastising him for forgetting his mobile and to let him know the family had gone over to Leslie's boyfriend's house for brunch. The next message was from his now concerned mom letting the husky know a tornado warning was issued and for Hunter to call back. The final message was borderline panic, his mother pleading the husky to call back right away and swearing she would not let him leave the house again without checking for his cellular.

"Off to the basement!" Hunter shouted cheerily and led Ryan down the stairs with him, the wolf's grip loosening gradually.

With the wind howling and rain pelting the house above, they found shelter in the partially finished underground room. There were a few work lights strung in the corner and what lights were on flickered as wind gusts pushed tree branches into power lines. Hunter called his mom on the wireless home phone. After getting an earful for joking around about not having a mobile to get shorted in the rain, the call ended with "love yous" and a promise that the two were completely safe at home. When Ryan was offered the phone, he reminded Hunter that his folks were out of town. The power went out after the talk, but came back on a few seconds later.

"Backup generator," the husky stated as he stripped down and headed for the shower, "only twelve minutes of hot water, probably more without anyone else in the house. I'll be quick."

"Isn't that short for the cost?" Ryan asked after the husky, who was behind frosted glass.

"Haven't topped the tank since the last storm rolled in. I'm just reading what the panel says."

The wolf walked out of the shower area and found the display the husky was referring to. It indicated low fuel and had an estimated runtime of ten minutes. Not wanting to soak the carpet with his sopping wet clothes, Ryan walked into the bathroom to wait. When Hunter was finished, a paw shot out from the stall in search of a towel, which the lupine handed over after grabbing it from the rack behind him.

"Your go buddy," Hunter said, drying himself and wrapping the towel about his waist. "Hey I'm going to run up and risk my life to get some stuff."

"Good luck," the wolf wished under the shower head.

Partway up the basement stairs, the husky remembered he had clothes out on the line and rushed up to the kitchen window. His view was slightly obstructed with the rain, but the occasional lightning bolt lit up the backyard through the water droplets. The clothes that weren't missing in the wind were being soiled with dirt, twigs and leaves. Turning around to head up to his room, another thought of leaving his bedroom window open caused the husky to rush up, nearly tripping on the steps. Hoping he wasn't down in his luck, he opened the door and his eyes to find the usual mess, but nothing wet or out of place. While gathering things for the trip back down, a devious thought came to mind. Smirking, the husky took what he needed before meeting with Ryan.

"Hey Hunt, are you out there?" the wolf shouted from below the steps.

"Yeah Rya, I'm here now," Hunter replied, dropping the load onto the basement table.

"How much time do I have left?"

"You like taking long showers?" the husky asked, going over to read the panel, "about a minute left."

"This was my only chance to freshen up, so I'm doing it all the way."

Snickering to himself, Hunter placed a towel on the rail and sat on the couch, flashlight in paw. The lights flickered off as Ryan was drying himself and the husky had his light ready. Using the beam, Hunter lit a path for the wolf to follow and find a seat next to him on the couch.

"There was a reason I didn't take a shower earlier," the wolf began, brushing his fur down. "I didn't have a change of clothes. I didn't have do it anyway, until now."

"I would say you're in luck. Before I was taken up by the twister, I managed to get a hold of some clothes." Hunter reached into the darkness with the light still trained on his upper form before turning it to the outfit.

"Oh Hunter, you can't be serious," the wolf responded incredulously, staring at the outfit he had worn when playing tea party with Sarah.

"I am completely and utterly. . . not serious," he laughed, much to Ryan's relief expressed in a huge sigh. "But considering you didn't like option one, you aren't going to like option two, so I'm going to skip to option three." Hunter reached under the table again, but this time pulled up his nightwear and offered it to the wolf.

"And I'm to guess you're taking option two?"

"Yep, thanks to the storm taking out most of my wardrobe right about now outside, I have nothing else to wear other than this towel around my waist. Can't have my guest walking around half naked now can I?"

"Guess not," Ryan answered fitting himself into the husky's nightwear. "What do we do now?"

Hunter shined the flashlight around the room while thinking and came up with: "Raiding the fridge before the food goes bad, a game of pool which is quote learning cell division unquote, and then homework I brought down."

"Hmm, hard to argue," Ryan thought aloud, rubbing his paws. "Since that flashlight is our only source of light, we should raid the fridge and play your version of educational pool. Save the homework for if school is still there after all this."

With plans set, the friends tried to make the best of ordinarily bad and dangerous weather. Hunter ransacked the pantry for snacks, while Ryan did the same for the refrigerator. Grouping the loot on the downstairs table and edges of the pool table, Hunter set up a game of informational and entertaining pool. The lesson eventually turned into matches between the two and munch-out breaks consumed the rest of the daylight hours. The core of the storm had passed, but a light rain persisted along with the power outage. Opting to stay downstairs in case another supercell developed in slumber, Hunter prepped the area for sleeping. Ryan was given the couch and flashlight to use if he needed to find the bathroom in the dark; the husky rolled out an old cot for himself.

The the evening passed without additional storms moving across the area, but that fact went unnoticed by the dozing friends. Power had been restored and lights came back, but were promptly turned off by a sleepy husky. Hunter's family returned around midnight following an extended trip back thanks to windblown debris and dark roads. The husky's mother popped her head down to check on the pups. Satisfied that they were safe, she left them to rest. Unknown to everyone, save for the furson in question, there would be one more disturbance this evening.

Throughout the night the husky turned in his sleep, slowly undoing the knot to the towel that covered his lower half. A final twist from sleeping on his side undid the material completely and the towel rested beneath Hunter with his sheath exposed. As the night before, the husky's arousal began to lengthen and fill out, pushing against the sides of its furry covering. As the tip emerged into the chilled basement it stopped sliding out, but continued to trickle pre onto Hunter's crotchfur.

The husky's growing spire was paused for now, but the scent of his sex filled the room. Hunter's musk grew stronger each passing minute, but could not bring his member forward from the warmth of his sheath to the cool, subterranean air. The scent, now confined to the room, did have an effect on Ryan. His dreams began to transform from recalling the day with Hunter at the park to scenes imagined of the husky holding Ryan as they sat together in front of a fire. As Ryan continued to dream, his member grew without restraint being sufficiently warmed within Hunter's borrowed nightwear. His arousal waited for the wolf's attention, but that would only come after Ryan rolled onto it in his sleep. The abrupt pressure upon his loins brought him out of his dream.

"Hey Hunt," the wolf slurred quietly, turning on the flashlight. "where's your bathroom again? I need to--"

The wolf's words were caught in his throat as his eyes focused to where the light was shining. Peeking from the husky's sheath was the tip of his member. It sparkled in the light thanks to a trail of pre continually pooling and drooling around the Hunter's sheath. Ryan gulped hard realizing his friend's arousal was easing out further, encouraged by the warmed life fluid running though the flesh. The wolf tracked the light along the sleeping husky's form, captured by his friend's musculature silhouetted on the wall. Hunter snorted when the light highlighted his nose and batted at the light. The wolf covered the source with his paw.

A few minutes passed before the lupine worked up the nerve to remove his paw from the lens and point it upon Hunter's sheath again. The sheath was overshadowed by the husky's deep red arousal which had reached it's full length and was pulsing with his heartbeat. Ryan dropped the light with a soft thud and plunged his paw into his boxers to urgently paw off. The sensation of hot flesh gliding in his paw filled the wolf's mind as he feverishly worked his needy member. He was already heightened from his dream and the sight of his friend's unconscious excitement heightened his fantasy. Close to climax, the lupine let small yearning howls slip from his closed muzzle. As he tensed on the final stroke, the wolf brought down his cupped paw to catch what was to follow. A mere second passed before Ryan came in his paw, his release accompanied by the sensation and sound of fresh cum landing against his pads.

Picking up the dropped and dimming light, Ryan found the bathroom. He stumbled to the sink and washed the sticky white flow from his paw. Walking back to the couch, the wolf was careful of where to step as to not disturb the husky. Noting that his friend's arousal was still exposed and possibly seen by whomever would come down, Ryan brought up both ends of the towel to cover up Hunter's lower half and tied a quick knot. Settling back into his bed for the night, the lupine turned off the dying light and set it on the table. He was sound asleep within a few minutes, told by his soft snores.

Under the dim light of the half moon shining through the basement window, a lone paw rose from its place upon the ground. It wormed under the impromptu knot and set it apart. Hunter wrapped his paw around his throbbing flesh and gave gentle, affectionate strokes, coaxing the meaty spire further out of its owner's sheath. The sound of lubed flesh sliding against his paw filled the husky's ears, the light of the moon reflected by teeth in Hunter's smirking maw.

  • - - - - PAUSE - - - - -