Winter Cabin Escape - Story Commission

Story by Mykell_Wildfire on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissioned Stories

So this piece was a bit of a challenge in that it contains a lot of detail at the commissioners request. I was a bit worried going through it that I was repeating myself a lot.

However, to be honest, I am rather happy with the result. I've done quite a bit of kink-centric stuff for some time and the chance to do something more "Erotic" felt really nice. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Story (c) Me

Characters (c) FA: mhisani

Editing by FA: sedrinthestar

The snow-covered forest was quiet and peaceful in the midst of winter. Snow fell slowly and the only sounds that could be heard were the light crackling of branches weighed down by the soft, cold powder and the breathing of a gray fox trekking through the nearly knee-deep snow. Bundled up in a heavy winter coat and carrying a modest backpack, he hiked through the forest.

Mhisani, the black-haired gray fox, had been hiking for about twenty minutes from a small open patch where his car was parked. This deep in the woods, no main roads or structures were in sight and the sound pollution of businesses and residencies could barely be heard. While nothing but trees and snow were in immediate view, he was far from aimlessly wandering the wilderness. After several more minutes of trekking, he smiled as a cabin came into view.

The cabin had been around for quite some time, but was very well built and maintained. Mhisani had purchased it some time ago, using it as a personal vacation spot at first, but wanting to use it as a weekend getaway for himself and some close friends. Despite being far from any other residential areas, it still had electricity and clean running water.

Mhisani entered the cabin, shaking off the excess snow from himself and stripped off his winter clothes. He glanced around the cabin, taking note of the firewood and any available supplies. There were some canned goods in the cabinet from his last visit that were still good. There was some leftover firewood for the day, though more would need to be gathered for the night. Mhisani emptied some items from his backpack on a table. They comprised of some extra food items, hot coco mix, some extra clothes and some toiletries.

After putting some things away, Mhisani set aside the hot coco mix and proceeded to get the fireplace going. He used the remainder of the wood, but it would be enough to warm the cabin up a little bit and make some drinks. He filled a kettle with water and let it boil over the fire. He sat in front of the fireplace, poking at the wood and waiting for the kettle to boil when he heard the front door open.

Brushing himself off just outside the door was Vlad, a large brown bear and one of Mhisani's closest friends. He shook his upper body to dislodge the excess snow and walked in wearing only a pair of loose-fitting shorts and a duffle bag.

"Aren't you a little under-dressed for winter?" Mhisani asked with a chuckle.

"I'm a big fuzzy bear," Vlad replied humorously, "I could waltz these woods in my undies and be fine."

"We're far enough from the road. Doubt anyone would complain."

The pair let out a hearty laugh. Mhisani slightly fidgeted on the couch while Vlad wasn't looking, getting a bit of enjoyment out of seeing the bear without a shirt on and imagining him walking around naked. Vlad set his personal items aside and plopped down on the couch while Mhisani tended to the fireplace and boiling water. He retrieved a pair of mugs from the kitchen and poured both of them some hot chocolate drinks complete with small marshmallows.

"Anyone else coming out here this weekend?" Vlad asked as the fox sat down next to him, handing him a warm mug of hot chocolate.

"I invited Taloc," He replied, referring to his close dragon friend, "But I'm not sure when or if he's coming. He said he'd try to make it."

"Guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm sure we can find stuff to do in the meantime. What do you wanna do after we finish these drinks?"

"Well, I used the last of the stored firewood. We could go get more. Also, I kinda always wanted to maybe cook up some fresh-caught fish at the nearby stream."

"Sounds like the perfect activity."

Mhisani smiled. He helped Vlad unpack some of his belongings before prepping to venture into the snow again. While the fox bundled back up into layers of warm clothes, Vlad seemed perfectly content with just his shorts on. After dressing up comfortably, Mhisani snagged a fishing rod and tackle box from a nearby closet.

"What's that for?" Vlad asked, taking the rod and box and looking them over.

"Uhh," Mhisani replied, confused, "Catching fish?"

"Don't need it."


"I'm a bear. Catching fish is what I do."

Mhisani laughed at the subtle joke. Vlad set the box and rod aside and gave the fox a friendly one-armed hug, causing Mhisani to slightly blush and wish he had gotten the hug prior to putting so many layers of clothes on. While leaving the fishing gear behind, he did grab a small hatchet, a sack and a bucket for caught fish. There were plenty of already downed trees he could harvest wood from.

The pair hiked through the snow for several minutes before they split up. Vlad made his way towards the stream while Mhisani stays put at a fallen tree to chop some small bits of wood. Mhisani lost sight of Vlad among the snow covered foliage before he started hacking at the tree. He lost track of time after loading several decent-sized blocks of wood into the sack. Tying the bag up, he hoisted it over his shoulder and started to walk towards the stream.

Upon arriving at the stream, Mhisani spotted Vlad. He was thigh-deep in the water, still only wearing his now-soaked shorts. He stared intensely into the water, his claws up at the ready and the orange bucket containing some already caught fish sitting on a nearby rock. His claws darted deftly into the water with blinding speed. After being submerged for a few seconds, he pulled them back with a large trout in-hand. He turned and walked the few steps to add his recent catch to the bucket.

Mhisani grew suddenly hot under his layers when he got a good look at Vlad's crotch. His already impressively sized bulge seemed even bigger under his wet shorts. He didn't realize how long he was staring at him for. Feeling embarrassed, he hid behind a tree but still continued to peek out for some time. He just couldn't pry his eyes away from Vlad's body and bulge. It wasn't until his erection in his pants grew somewhat painful that he finally snapped out of his pseudo-trance. He shook his head and took a deep breath, taking the sack of wood and starting the hike back towards the cabin. Meanwhile, Vlad placed his most recent catch into the bucket and eyed the tree Mhisani was hiding behind with a smile on his face.

Mhisani made it back to the cabin and hurried inside. He quickly stripped off the extra layers and tossed them aside. His mind was still on Vlad and the tightness in his pants kept reminding him just how much he enjoyed what he saw. Vlad would be back any time, he thought to himself, trying to get his excitement under control. He dragged the sack of wood towards the fireplace. After adding some fresh wood and kindling, he moved on to heating up another batch of hot chocolate.

By the time Vlad had returned, Mhisani's hard-on had finally calmed. The large bear strutted through the door, his fur covered in frost and icicles. With a long grunt, he shook his body, dislodging much of said frost and ice before retrieving a nearby towel.

"More hot chocolate?" Vlad said with a smile, "Could definitely go for that right now."

"You look like it," Mhisani replied, only making eye contact once Vlad had the towel wrapped around his waist, "Being in the ice-cold water doesn't bother you?"

"If I'm in for too long, it will. But eh, we got plenty of fish to cook. I got some extra just in case Taloc does decide to show up."

Vlad moved towards the fire place, sitting himself down on the floor and taking in the warmth of the fire. Despite his visage of endurance, Mhisani noticed he was slightly shivering. Grabbing an extra towel, Mhisani tentatively moved towards Vlad.

"Need some help drying off, big guy?" he asked.

"Probably," Vlad replied, "Might have overestimated my own endurance."

Mhisani draped the towel over Vlad's shoulders and back, the warmth in his cheeks returning in spades as his hands made contact with the bear. He guided the towel over Vlad's broad shoulders, drying off moisture from the snowfall. Even through the fabric of the towel, Mhisani reveled in the feeling of Vlad's muscular shoulders and arms. He kept his movements at an even pace so as not to arouse any suspicion from him, though the attempt was made more difficult by his hands unconsciously trembling. Despite such, Vlad seemed to not notice anything unusual.

"Much better," Vlad said with a sigh of relief, "Pour those drinks while I get something else on."

Mhisani nodded and tended to the cups and the kettle while Vlad retreated towards the bedroom with a change of shorts and a t-shirt. The fox let out a sigh of his own when Vlad was out of sight, wishing to have his hands on the big bear again. He steeled himself enough to regain his composure, prepping the drinks until Vlad returned.

The bear exited the bedroom with his fresh clothes and plopped on the couch. Mhisani handed him a full drink mug and sat down on the other side of the couch. Silence fell on the two of them for several minutes as they slowly sipped their drinks. The fox couldn't help but periodically look over at Vlad, admiring him and unconsciously fidgeting in place a midst his thoughts. Though he thought he was being subtle, his actions did not go unnoticed.

"What's up, little guy?" Vlad asked before taking a long nonchalant sip from his mug.

"Huh?" Mhisani said with a small jump, nearly spilling his drink, "Nothing."

"Nothing? Something's on your mind," Vlad scooted closer to Mhisani on the couch, laying a claw softly on the fox's back, "Come on, spill it already."

"I, uhhh... No, it's stupid."

"Come on, dude. We've been friends for how many years? There's nothing you can't tell me if it means helping you out."

Mhisani hung his head and bit his lip. His body started to shake slightly, only partially comforted by Vlad's claw rubbing the back of his neck. His hands gripped his drink cup tightly as he internally struggled to find suitable words to speak.

"I... I like you..." Mhisani struggled to eventually say, "More than a friend. You and Taloc."

The pair grew silent for what felt like an eternity, at least to Mhisani. He struggled to turn his head to see how Vlad had taken his admission, expecting disgust. Every muscle in his body was tensed to the point of near immobility, waiting for what he felt was the inevitable rejection.

However, once his head had turned to look, he found Vlad grinning instead.

"Was wondering when you were gonna let it out," he said, giving Mhisani a hearty pat on the back.

The fox looked confused, his mind still trying to process what he heard. He still maintained a balled up defensive position on the couch, unsure exactly what to do or how to respond. Vlad's touch was comforting, but did little to clear his confusion.

"What?" Was all the fox could manage to utter.

"You aren't exactly one for subtlety. Me and Taloc already figured you felt that way just by the way you look at us when we aren't paying attention. Or at least, when you think we aren't paying attention. Kinda like earlier when I was catching fish."

"You... You knew I was there?!"

"Hey, don't worry about it! We were actually wondering which one of us you were going to come out to first. I dunno about Taloc, but I had a feeling you wanted this cabin getaway to be a bit more than just a mini vacation."

"Oh... I'm... I'm sorry."

"Hey man, you don't have to be. To be honest, I really like you, too. More than just being a friend. And I know Taloc feels the same. We just didn't want to rush you."

Mhisani raised his head up, looking Vlad in the eyes. He wasn't sure what to say or how he should feel at the moment. Part of him felt relieved and at ease while another still remained tense and apprehensive.

"I...I don't know what to do..."

Before Mhisani could follow up his statement, Vlad leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on his snout. The fox immediately started to blush. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that he swore he could hear it. His breathing became heavier and his body started to shiver. At that moment, Vlad slowly rested one of his paws on the side of his face, turning him to look into his eyes. Despite Vlad's large imposing exterior, his gaze had an aura of soft gentleness to it. In that instance, the feeling of tension seemed to wash away from Mhisani's mind.

"Let's take it slow," Vlad said, "Shall we?"

Vlad took Mhisani's hand and stood up, pulling the fox to his feet. They stood in front of the fire, Vlad pulling Mhisani close. His hands gently caressed his sides and back, the fox's head resting comfortably into the bear's chest. The warmth Mhisani felt, both inside and out, was very relaxing. Within Vlad's arms felt something like a sanctuary to him.

Pulling back a bit, Vlad laid soft kisses around Mhisani's face and snout. Meanwhile, he slowly started to circle around him, his paws continuing to rub and caress his body. Soon, he was standing behind the fox, nosing at his neck and his hands slowly gliding about his belly and chest.

Vlad's hands began to wander under Mhisani's shirt. The fox shivered and moaned, especially when he felt fingers teasingly dip under the waist of his pants. His hands started to slide up Mhisani's front, belly to chest, dragging his shirt up along with it. The warmth of the fire washed over the front of his body.

"Getting pretty warm," Vlad said softly, "Let's get this off of you."

From behind, Vlad gripped the bottom of Mhisani's shirt and slowly pulled it upward. The fox shivered once more, raising his arms and letting the bear pull his shirt over his head. After the garment was tossed aside, Mhisani leaned back into Vlad, who's hands returned to his soft and teasing caresses of his now bare furred chest.

Soon after, Mhisani felt Vlad's hands grip the waist of his sweatpants, playfully tugging them downward. They slid down ever so slowly, the only resistance offered was getting past his steadily growing bulge in his briefs. Vlad lowered himself to his knees, dragging the pants down to the floor. Still covered by his tenting underwear, Mhisani kicked his pants aside, bathing still in the feeling of Vlad's body against his and the warmth of the fireplace. He turned around, resting his forearms and hands on Vlad's powerful chest, looking into his eyes with an expression of wanting.

"Care to do the honors, cutie?" Vlad said with a smile, tugging at his own shorts.

"I'd love to," Mhisani replied softly, his voice slightly cracking from anticipation.

He ran his hands down Vlad's chest and belly slowly, bending his knees and lowering himself towards the ground. His claws reached the waistband of Vlad's shorts, the outline of his balls and sheath very obvious from mere inches away. He felt the urge to just bury his face in it, but resisted. He wanted this to last.

Slowly, he took hold of the shorts and slowly pulled down, slipping them off of Vlad's body. Like him, he also left his tight briefs on. Vlad kicked his shorts aside, gently petting Mhisani's head as he knelt before him. His own bulge growing a bit under his briefs. The temptation was strong, but Mhisani resisted, slowly raising back to his feet and leaning into Vlad's chest, who responded with a large but gentle embrace.

In his arms, Vlad leaned forward, slowly lowering Mhisani down to the ground. The fox gasped and held his breath as he was laid on his back with Vlad on top of him. They spent a moment with their gazes locked together before Vlad leaned down and planted a soft loving kiss on Mhisani's lips. With their lips locked together, Vlad lowered his hips until the bulge between his legs pressed against Mhisani's own. Almost unconsciously, both slowly gyrated their hips, rubbing and grinding together until their briefs strained to contain their growing arousal.

Vlad broke the kiss and lifted himself up, on his knees in front of Mhisani. He laid both of his claws on Mhisani's belly, playfully rubbing while his tenting briefs rubbed against his crotch as well. His right hand pulled back as he pushed his hips forward just a bit more and he took both of their covered shafts into his hand, squeezing and rubbing.

Mhisani's breathing became rapid. He moaned and squirmed, his arms laid out on the floor over his head. His hips thrust in time with Vlad's squeezes. A wet spot of precum forming on both of their briefs. The pressure in his loins was quickly growing and his ability to resist rapidly waning. Vlad knew just how worked up he was getting the fox, but he was far from done. Like Mhisani, he wanted to draw this experience out as much as possible, and it was time for the next step.

Vlad gave Mhisani another soft kiss on his snout, following it up with multiple kisses as he slid down the fox's body. His claws ran lightly along Mhisani's sides, making his body arch upward in anticipation. Vlad's kisses glided down from Mhisani's chest to his belly before his lips made teasing contact with the tip of the foxes tenting briefs. He let out a light chuckle as he heard Mhisani's claws dig into the wooden floor.

Mhisani gasped sharply as he felt Vlad's fingers slip under the waistband of his briefs. His eyes remained shut tight, feeling those fingers tug and slowly pull the waistband downward. The speed at which Vlad pulled was tantalizingly slow, pulling the waistband of his briefs down only millimeters at a time. Ever few tugs, the bear leaned in and kissed the furred flesh not covered by the fabric. The feeling of his lips and the warmth of his breath were both titillating and tickling on Mhisani's body.

Vlad pulled a little bit further, the top of the fox's groin just barely visible. The bear's claws reached up to Mhisani's chest, lightly and slowly scratching downward. His clawed fingertips took their time as they ran down his chest and belly, making Mhisani groan wildly. The claws continued down until the gripped the waistband of Mhisani's briefs again continuing to slowly drag them down.

Vlad's lips moved to the exposed fur and flesh freshly uncovered below his waist. His mouth kissed and his teeth gently nibbled. Mhisani writhed on his back, only kept in place by Vlad's gentle but firm arms. Vlad let out a low growl into Mhisani's belly. The vibrations heightening the sensation even further.

He gritted his teeth at the feeling of the fabric slowly dragging across the tip of his sensitive cock, only to let out an exaggerated sigh when his member finally sprung free. Vlad paused once again. Mhisani looked down, seeing how close the bear's face was to his shaft. He mentally screamed to be touched, but resisted saying anything.

Vlad released Mhisani's waistband and returned to sensually caressing the fox's body. He made every effort to rub and touch every inch of his exposed body other than his painfully throbbing cock. The teasing was further driving Mhisani mad with want and lust. His willpower was strong, but he could feel it begin to wane.

Vlad's fingers danced upon Mhisani's fur, each digit lightly dragging across the flesh and making the fox shiver. While his hands were mobile, he kept his upper body relatively still. His face still hovered very close to Mhisani's member, but made no motions towards it. However, he did bath it in his warm breath and enjoyed watching what the feeling was doing to him.

The fox's slowly arched, his midsection rising up steadily. He took long, deep and loud breaths after each time he felt Vlad's claws reach up and lightly drag down his body. First they rested on his chest and glided down his front. Then on his sides. His body and mind were wracked by so much pleasure and anticipation that his tongue started to hang from his mouth.

With one more rake of his claws, Vlad's fingers once gripped Mhisani's briefs and continued to tug them downward. Then the fabric dragged across his balls, making him moan and squirm. Meanwhile, the kisses continued. Vlad's lips moved below his waist, kissing almost every inch of furred flesh around the fox's groin. Mhisani's head was awash in pure ecstasy, only able to whine in tense pleasure and want.

Suddenly, Vlad stood to his feet, pulling Mhisani up from the floor as well. While the fox looked a bit startled and confused, he went along with Vlad as he led them back towards the couch. The bear sat down, gently pulling Mhisani on to his lap. Vlad gently rubbed Mhisani's sides as the fox straddled his lap, his cock throbbing prominently and his balls being poked by his own tenting briefs.

Vlad reached down and, with a slight adjustment to his underwear, let his stiff shaft and balls free. Vlad pulled Mhisani into him, kissing and nibbling at his neck as his paw took both his and Mhisani's shafts into his hand. Their lips lock together in a passionate kiss while their sensitive members frot together.

The pair groaned and panted, their hips gyrating to Vlad's strokes. Their embrace tightened and their kisses becoming more intense. The pressure built up in their loins quicker than ever. Soon, the pressure erupted. Their bodies stiffly jerked together as their orgasms hit simultaneously. Thick, hot cum jetted from their painfully hard cocks, leaving thick ropes on Vlad's belly and chest and a good amount hitting Mhisani under his chin.

Mhisani slumped forward onto Vlad, overcome by exhaustion and struggling to keep his eyes open. Vlad struggled as well, but decided against fighting it. Rather, he gently embraced Mhisani and positioned both of themselves on the couch, the fox laying atop the bear in his arms. With one more kiss, both of them shut their eyes and drifted into a relaxing nap.

About an hour had passed since the pair had passed out when they finally started to come-to again. Vlad gave the yawning Mhisani a subtle peck on his snout as the pair rose up to a sitting position. Taking a moment, Mhisani grabbed some damp towels for the pair to clean themselves off with prior to getting their clothes back on, albeit hesitantly, before returning to the couch.

"I don't know what to say about what just happened," Mhisani said, biting his lip as his mind continued to race, "other than it being wonderful."

"It was wonderful," Vlad replied, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close, "And you don't have to say anything."

The pair embraced again with smiles and pleasant growls in their throats. They nearly lost themselves in the moment once again when their noses picked up the scent of fish. They had nearly forgotten about Vlad's catch from earlier.

"How about we cook these things up?" Vlad said, motioning his head towards the bucket of fish, "Would suck if they went bad before we do."

"Yeah, that's true," Mhisani chuckled, "I'll get another fire going while you get them prepped."

Mhisani sorted through the firewood he collected earlier, picking out the driest for the fireplace and getting the flames going. Vlad took to the kitchen counter nearby with the bucket of fish and a knife for filleting. Soon enough, they had the fire going and some trout cooking on a grill top over the fire.

Almost as if it were on cue, the front door opened. Amidst the white backdrop of the wintry outside stood a tall bundled up figure; a large red dragon. He walked in and shook of the excess snow from his body, tail and wings and tossed a small dufflebag aside. Both Mhisani and Vlad looked towards the door and smiled.

"There you are!" Mhisani said excitedly, trotting to the dragon and giving him a surprise hug before he could even get his jacket off.

"Well hello to you, too," Taloc said in pleasant surprise, returning the hug, "Would have been here earlier. This place isn't exactly easy to find in the snow, ya know."

After releasing Taloc from the hug, Mhisani returned to cooking the fish, slapping another piece on the grill top for the dragon, who took the opportunity to strip off his excess winter clothes. He took some time to check out the cabin while Mhisani continued to cook and Vlad chilled on the couch. It was then that a scent other than cooking fish entered his nostrils.

"So what have you two been up to out here?" he said with a knowing grin, turning towards Mhisani and Vlad. Mhisani paused for a moment over the grill, blushing and biting his lip. Vlad, however, looked to Taloc and gave him a wink. After several more minutes, Mhisani had the cooked fish platted and served to everyone, sitting on the couch in between his two friends.

"Got something you wanna share, little guy?" Taloc said, giving Mhisani a friendly pet on his head.

"Well," the fox replied, fidgeting in place, "I've really liked both you and Vlad for the longest time. Liked more than just as friends. I figured out here I could tell you and not keel over in embarrassment. I didn't really expect anything to happen beyond that..."

"So you two got started without me then?"

"A little bit," Vlad casually chimed in, trying to hide his grin.

Mhisani's head darted back and forth between them, the blush on his face growing more intense. Trying to regain his composure, he returned to his fish and thought of what to say. However, the light chuckling of his friends told him they were aware of his awkward position.

"It's okay little guy," Taloc said, resting his hand on the fox's leg, "Vlad and I had known and been talking about it for some time."

"We even took bets on when you'd come clean about it," Vlad added, resting his hand on Mhisani's other lap, "And to who."

"I..." Mhisani stammered, "I wanted to tell both of you. At the same time. I didn't want you to think I was playing favorites. But Vlad showed up, and I wanted to keep waiting and things happened and..."

Before Mhisani could finish, he felt a claw from Taloc's hand touch under his chin, guiding him to look towards the dragon. Without a word, Taloc placed a soft, but passionate kiss on the foxes lips. Mhisani felt his tension melt away in an instant, his body and mind once again relaxing.

"It's a shame, really," Taloc said after slowly breaking the kiss, "Don't think this couch is big enough for the three of us to get really comfortable."

"I think I have a fix for that."

Mhisani hopped up from the couch and darted across the room. Opening a door he nor his friends had opened yet, he motioned for the pair to follow. Vlad and Taloc approached and entered behind him.

"Whoa," Taloc and Vlad said collectively. The walls of the room were well treated and varnished with a smooth sheen. Almost half the room was taken up by a massive tub, resembling something of a jacuzzi. It was plenty big enough for the three of them, with room to spare.

"Why didn't you tell me about this room?" Vlad asked.

"Just kinda slipped my mind," Mhisani said, "Wanted it to be something for all three of us. When you showed up, it just kinda didn't come to mind."

"This thing is powered?" Taloc asked, dipping his hand into the very warm water.

"Nope! The cabin is built over a natural hot spring. So it's naturally heated."

"Then I see no reason to wait."

Taloc was the first to start stripping, starting with his shirt. Vlad soon followed suit. Mhisani started to undress, but waited a moment, wanting to surreptitiously enjoy his friends undressing. While he greatly enjoyed seeing Vlad down in his briefs again, Taloc was quite the sight to behold. His his scales reflected the lights from the room brilliantly. His chest was prominent and powerful. His muscle tone was rock solid despite him not being a big exercise or health fanatic. The fox felt he could stare at his body all day long, something Taloc easily noticed.

After tossing his shirt aside, the buff red dragon stretched, showing off his bare scaly upper body before reaching for his pants. He slowly shimmied them down, bending over away from Mhisani as he did. Once the pants were down, he stood up and kicked them aside, turning to face the fox.

Mhisani felt a familiar twinge in his loins as he looked upon Taloc. Rather than briefs, he sported a blue male thong that was barely big enough to contain his impressively sized balls and sheath. It almost seemed like he bought the thong a size too small. While it didn't seem to cause any discomfort, it accentuated the curves of his balls. Above them sat a sheath-looking bulge and what looked like the tip of his cock just lightly pressing against the stretchy fabric of the thong.

Mhisani couldn't help but stare at Taloc's package. Despite on taking a couple steps towards the tub, they seemed to jiggle and sway between his leg. The tightness of his blue thong only served to make the reactive motions between his legs even more obvious. Despite it all, he showed no signes of shyness or shame in subtly flaunting his endowment. Under the guise of "adjusting" himself, Taloc gave his hefty sack a slight jiggle in one of his claws, making Mhisani blush profusely.

"You did that on purpose," Mhisani accused with a fake angry look.

"You know it," Taloc responded with a silly grin.

Vlad and Taloc climbed into the warm water, sitting down opposite of each other. Their legs stretched out and their toes splayed in relaxation. Both taking a moment to just enjoy the feeling before looking over to Mhisani and beckoning him to join.

Mhisani was quick to strip down to his briefs, climbing in and plopping himself down in the corner of the tub. He leaned back and relaxed, bathing in the warmth of the water and the company. The trio remained silent for the first few minutes, just enjoying themselves. The atmosphere was so peaceful that Mhisani nearly found himself dozing off. His head leaning back and his eyes closed.

Mhisani's little self-induced trance was broken a few moments later by the movement of water. Opening his eyes, he found Vlad and Taloc had scooted over, now sitting on either side of him. Before he could say anything, Vlad's hand rested on the fox's thigh while Taloc's hand stroked his snout and cheek.

"No way we're wasting this opportunity," Taloc growled sensually as he planted a kiss on Mhisani's lips.

"I agree," Vlad added, his hands getting a bit more animated and adventurous.

All Mhisani could do was moan and allow his friends to "molest" him. Not that he had anything to complain about. The feeling of kisses coming from all angles and nearly all of his body and legs were getting caressed by both bear and dragon claws. For lack of a better word, the fox felt like he was in nirvana.

Mhisani's head went back and forth to Vlad and Taloc, making out with one while the other caresses and fondles his body before switching to the other. As the steamy moments went on, each grew more aroused. Vlad was the first to shed his briefs, tossing them to the floor outside of the tub. Taloc soon followed suit as Mhisani moved from him to Vlad, making out with the bear furiously. Once his thong was off, his erect member was free and even poking partially out of the water due to its length.

At that moment, Mhisani felt Taloc grab him from his sides, hoisting him up and seating him at the edge of the tub so only his legs were in the water. Taking advantage of his new position, Taloc and Vlad knelt in front of him, continually rubbing at his legs and thighs.

"What's this, then?" Mhisani asked, lightly giggling at the attention he was getting.

"We took off our underwear," Vlad said.

"Now we're gonna take off yours," Taloc finished.

Together, the bear and dragon rose up and stood on either side of Mhisani. Both of their claws gently gripped and caressed the fox's arms and sides and they playfully nudged the sides of his face with the tips of their respective snouts. Their hands gingerly rubbed and scratched at his fur before wandering. Vlad's claws attended to the fox's chest and lower back while Taloc's teased the fox's belly and shoulder blades.

Despite the warmth of the water, Mhisani couldn't help but feel that shiver run through his spine. The feel of his friend's hands on his body and warmth of their breath on his face made him feel riled up. Much like the tantalizing session Vlad and him had earlier, but multiplied. He could feel his briefs growing tighter once more. He did his best to relax and let things happen. To enjoy the slow build-up while it lasted.

Vlad placed a soft kiss on Mhisani's cheek as he caressed and stroked the fox's fur. One of his hands ocassionally dipping lower from behind to slightly drag a bit of his briefs an centimeter or two downward or give him a soft rub on his rear. Taloc, meanwhile, gently latched his jaws on Mhisani's neck, playfully nibbling on the fox and making him shiver even harder. As a dragon, his breath was incredibly warm. Even warmer than the water they stood in. The dragon's claws had a bit more force to their scratches and rubs, one of them moving from his belly to his waist and to his inner thigh.

Taloc and Vlad pulled Mhisani to his feet so all three stood in the tub. The dragon and bear knelt down in the water, their claws continuing to slowly and pleasurably assault the fox's fur. Their lips kissed his body as they lowered themselves down. Mhisani felt instantly weak in the knees and rested his hands on them; one reaching back on Vlad's shoulder and the other in front on Taloc's head, gripping at one of his long horns.

Large, powerful hands glided over his legs and thighs. His breathing became even heavier and his hips unconsciously thrusted in response to his raging erection under his briefs. He could feel breath on his belly and lower back, followed by the feeling of snouts nuzzling and lips kissing. His mind was clouded by the teasing and building of sensual tension. So much so he barely noticed their claws gently slip under the waistband of his underwear.

Very slowly, they started to tug downward, stopping only after pulling a couple inches. The dragon and bear followed up by kissing and licking at the newly exposed sensitive furred flesh. They could feel Mhisani's knees grow weak again as he tried to balance most of his weight on Vlad's shoulder and Taloc's head. Both of them raised a hand up to Mhisani's hips, providing some extra support to the fox while they continued to tease him.

Another tug and another inch. However, Vlad decided to go out ahead and pulled the back of Mhisani's briefs down and fully exposing his rump while his cock remained contained, albeit tenting and painfully stiff. While Taloc continued to kiss and lick at the newly exposed flesh, Vlad took the opportunity to kiss and playfully nip at the fox's butt. Each gentle bite sending a wave of shivers through Mhisani's body.

In an effort to bring the tension in the fox's loins up even higher, one of Taloc's claws reached under Mhisani and started to softly massage his still covered balls. His lips moved to gently kiss the tip of his tenting shaft. Even through the fabric, soaked from water, he caught a feint taste of precum. Taloc chuckled to himself, marveling at just how worked up the poor fox must feel.

Mhisani's expression was one of almost unbearable sexual tension. The ache in his loins from the teasing and the slow-stripping and the tightness of his briefs against his raging hard shaft made him perpetually shiver. He bit his lip as Taloc nosed at his stretched underwear while he pulled at the waistband. The dragon raised up and angled his head just over Mhisani's stretched briefs, each pull showing a little bit of the fox's hard cock. With each bit of flesh exposed, Taloc flicked his tongue at it.

The moment Mhisani felt the dragon's tongue touch his flesh, he swore his joints would fuse from the tension. His hands clenched into shaking fists and his legs lost any semblance of strength they had left. The only thing keeping him on his feet were Taloc and Vlad pressing against him and easily supporting his weight.

While Vlad continued to gently tease Mhisani's rear with playful and soft bites, Taloc's tongue further flicked at the base of the fox's shaft as more was revealed. Taking a further opportunity, he reached behind him and gently slipped his claw between his legs. His fingertips found Mhisani's balls and slowly rubbed them; back and forth, side to side, causing the fox to groan even louder. More of his hand made contact with Mhisani's sack as more of his briefs were pulled down, now half of his cock showing and Taloc's tongue whipping about every bit of the exposed hardened flesh.

Taloc's hands cupped Mhisani's balls, gently massaging them. His hand gripping the front of the fox's briefs pulling in a slow but constant speed. Mhisani whimpered loudly as only a bit of his briefs remained on, only hiding the head of his shaft. With a low pleasurable growl from the dragon, his lips kissed Mhisani's cock just as he gave the final tug to his briefs, finally allowing the hardened and attention craving flesh spring forth.

Mhisani let out a sigh of partial relief. His body still shivered and his loins still ached for release. But the feeling of his member being free after such an immense mountain of teasing felt like a miniature climax itself, one that lasted until Taloc had eventually slipped his briefs off of him.

Taloc took the garment and tossed it aside before lifting him up again. This time, the dragon sat on the edge of the tub, gingerly placing Mhisani on his lap. His long, thick shaft stood proud between Mhisani's legs, every small movement the fox made caused his own member to rub against it. The fox groaned as he felt Taloc's claws sensually rub his chest and belly, reaching an arm up and behind to wrap around the dragon's neck. At the same time, Vlad moved between both of their legs, alternating between rubbing Mhisani and Taloc's thighs. Eventually, his hands gravitated to their throbbing shafts.

Vlad started slow, gently stroking both Mhisani and Taloc's members. Sometimes individually, sometimes together at once. He teased their balls as he stroked, poking his snout against their sacks. The feeling of his warm breath on their genitals made both of them groan in anticipation.

Starting with Taloc, Vlad pressed his lips to his cock and slowly slid down the entire length. The dragon let out a tense growl and gyrated his hips under Mhisani. The sound of Vlad's slurping echoed off the wooden panels of the room. While he worked the dragon's shaft in his mouth, Vlad stroked Mhisani, eliciting the fox's own excited moans. After a minute of going down on Taloc, Vlad suddenly lifted off of his shaft and instantly swallowed Mhisani's painfully hard member.

The fox let out a sudden squeal, his sensitive flesh being assaulted by Vlad's warm mouth and tongue. At the same time, Taloc returned to rubbing his chest and belly. He felt the dragon's hot breath on his neck and shoulder, followed by the firm pressure of his mouth nibbling on his neck. He squirmed wildly in Taloc's lap, panting heavily.

Vlad again switched up, releasing Mhisani's cock and swallowing Taloc's again. He went back and forth between them, sucking on one while stroking the other. Their squirming got more intense as the pressure in their loins built up. Mhisani's especially, caught between his two best friends in such an erotic act of group lovemaking.

"Think you're ready, cutie?" Taloc whispered to Mhisani, gyrating his hips under the fox, signaling what he had planned next. With no words, Mhisani relaxed and smiled, leaning back into the dragon's chest. Vlad knew what was coming and briefly backed off as Taloc took Mhisani by his thighs and lifted him upward. Vlad took the dragon's cock in hand, angling it under Mhisani as he was lowered down until the tip made contact with his pucker.

Mhisani winced briefly, feeling the thick fleshy tip of Taloc's cock press under his tail. Slick with saliva and precum, the tip easily stretched and slid into the fox's rear. Mhisani's hands gripped Taloc's wrists tightly, trying to adjust to his girth and baring his teeth as he endured the initial sting. Soon enough, however, the pain was gone, replaced only with pleasant pressure. His groans turned to soft moaning, which grew louder and louder until he felt his butt make contact with Taloc's lap. He had bottomed out and taken all of the dragon's member under his tail.

Mhisani and Taloc remained motionless for a few moments, allowing the fox to fully adjust to being so full. Meanwhile, Vlad continued his rubbing for a little bit before lifting himself up. Mhisani felt Taloc lean back a bit. Looking down, he saw Vlad guiding his own cock towards the dragon's now exposed rear. Evident of frequent practice, Taloc's butt easily took Vlad's member inside, making both of them moan lustfully. Afterwards, Vlad looked Mhisani in the eye, gaze filled with not only a hint of lust, but of love as well. One hand rested on the side of his face while the other gently squeezed his cock. He leaned in and planted a deep passionate kiss on the fox's lips.

With no further provocation, Mhisani could feel both his friends' bodies undulating. Taloc rocked his hips up and down, pistoning his cock in and out of the smaller fox's ass. Vlad furiously made out with Mhisani whilst stroking his throbbing shaft, all while thrusting his hips back and forth into Taloc's muscular rear. Their collective motions were in sync with one another, causing their collective pleasures to escalate very quickly. Grunts, squeals and moans filled the small room. Water from the tub splashed wildly to the floor. The heat of the room, be it from the water of the red-hot sex, caused the steam to become incredibly thick. Like a volcano, the pressure built for several minutes as the friends' bodies slammed together. And like a volcano, the eruption was immense.

All three of them howled with reckless abandon as their peaks hit. Their bodies became stiff as wood, limbs and joints locking under the weight of the intense climax. Mhisani felt Taloc's hot seed spill deep in his ass while the dragon's body jerked at his orgasm along with the feeling of Vlad's own cock filling his rear. The bear pushed forward unconsciously, Driving his cock as deep into Taloc as possible and pressing his lips as tight to Mhisani's as he could. His hand gripped the fox's cock tightly as it sprayed cum upward like a geyser, getting a little bit of seed on all three of them.

Their orgasm felt like it wouldn't end. The sensation was explosive and long lasting, going on for a solid few minutes of real-time. Once the feeling started to ebb, the trio struggled to keep from collapsing. Taloc, while drained, managed to keep himself upright with little problem. Vlad was exhausted and weak in the knees, but could still move. Mhisani, however, was completely worn out. His mind was willing to stay up, but his body was refusing to comply. He sat there on Taloc's lap limply, held up only by his friends.

"Come on sweety," Taloc said, "Let's get you out of here and dried off."

Taloc and Vlad exited the tub, carrying Mhisani with them. With what energy the fox had, he managed to stay on his feet with support from his friends as they helped him dry his fur and themselves. Taloc easily picked him up, cradling him in his arms as they left the sauna and made for the bedroom. The first thing they noticed upon entering was the sheer size of the bed. Plenty of room for all three of them to sleep on.

"You really did think of everything," Vlad asked, "didn't you?"

Mhisani only replied with a weak grin.

Taloc gently laid the fox in the middle of the bed before him and Vlad climbed in as well. Once again, they sandwiched him between them. Their claws caressed the exhausted fox lovingly, both leaning in and planting gentle kisses on his cheeks and lips.

"I love you," Mhisani managed to whisper, "both of you."

Vlad and Taloc looked at each other and smiled, giving each other a kiss for good measure before looking back to Mhisani and replying in unison, "We love you, too