The Last Dragonboy Chapter 4
#4 of The Last Dragonboy
Chapter 4 of my Christian fantasy story, The Last Dragonboy!
"So you say you were swimming in the deep ocean and a sea monster grabbed you? And then a blue dragon came and saved your life?"
"Yes! It's true! I saw them!"
I felt so shaky and anxious as I sat in the police department. I didn't like being interrogated by authority figures. "I see...we don't doubt you since we don't have another explanation. But the deep ocean is off limits and swimming there is dangerous. Had that dragon not been there to save you, you would have gotten killed before we arrived"
"I'm sorry officer! It won't happen again!"
I begged and pleaded with the officer. What was going to happen to me? Would I be thrown in jail? Would I never see the outside world again? The officer had a condescending look on his face as he was issuing a ticket to me.
"I'll let you go, but not without a proper penalty. Starting today, this ticket means that you can't go back to the beach without either paying the fine or waiting 30 days"
I sighed in relief. At least it wasn't jail time. But as I left the police department and drove back home, I was bummed. No more swimming during the last month of spring. I wished I had never swam into the deep ocean. But then again...I never would have seen that dragon if I hadn't.
The whole incident was on the news. Mom and dad were frowning silently in front of the TV, as if they were hiding a secret from me.
"Mom? Dad?"
They didn't want to speak to me. They stayed glued to the TV, in what looked like deep thought and worry. As if they were found out. Caught red handed. They slowly turned to look at me.
"We will tell you in the morning son...just go to bed"
I shivered and looked down as I headed to my room. I felt depressed and heartbroken. They never acted like this until today. Why? Why me? Why is all this happening to me? So much in one day...
I tried to cheer up by rereading some previous novels of the dragon defenders. Didn't hurt to catch up, right?
When I looked out my window after stretching my neck, I noticed that it snowed. Snow? It's the middle of spring! I rushed to my window and looked outside. I could see what looked like another dragon. She was slender and had a cyan scale covered body and a white underbelly. and she had long white fur on her head that trailed down her back and tail. She looked familiar too...could it be?
I put on my winter coat and put on my winter boots as silently as I could. Then I sneaked outside to get closer to her. "I'm glad you came out here..." she said softly and gently. Now I knew the voice was definitely female. She looked at my new crystal necklace that I got from Neptune.
"So, my acquaintance delivered the message to you?"
"Y-yes..." I blushed and stuttered. I didn't know what to say. I was standing in front of a real female dragon.
"Please don't be alarmed, little one. I mean you no harm...I am Isolda. Princess of the ice castle. And part of the Dragon Defenders..."
My eyes widened as I knew she looked familiar. It really was Isolda! Without a doubt! "Did you make it snow?".
" get your attention. You have to find the rest of the dragon defenders. You must find Ignatius, Fenris, and Percival. Then meet us in our world. That crystal will take you there. But beware...Betsalel is looking for you too..."
"Who is Betsalel? Please tell me!". The name sounded familiar, but where did I read it from?
"He is the shadow dragon...he is looking for you. Chasing you. Stalking you. You must run...and find the others..."
She sounded anxious and deeply troubled. I could see that she wasn't faking anything. She was real serious. My face turned pale. "Is he really...?"
"Yes...hurry, go! Find the others! We will regroup later!" Isolda said as she ran away.
"No, wait! Come back!" I tried to call out to her. But she kept on running. Then I remembered Isolda was a mysterious type herself. Always running away and sounded depressed when she predicted bad things looming on the horizon. I turned to walk home. But then with a loud thud, a large black shadow dragon landed in front of me! I fell to the snowy ground as it landed. I looked up at it and I recognized him instantly! My favorite dragon from the dragon defenders novels...the shadow dragon! He had scary red eyes and a huge black scale covered body! He had big, long, mighty wings on his back! And two horns on his head and he had two rows of sharp teeth! I loved looking at this dragon in the novels...but when seeing it face to face, I was terrified! The shadow dragon leaned its neck down to me and grinned at me.
"At son has been found..."
"Leave me alone...what are you talking about...?" I shivered in fear. I had never felt so scared in my life!
"Daddy's here to take you home...come here, my son. We can do this the easy way or the hard way..."
"YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!!" I yelled at him as loud as I could, and then tried to run away. But he was so big and strong and fast that he grabbed me in his mighty hands and squeezed me tight! I squirmed desperately, trying to get out of his grip!
"Fine, my son! We will do this the hard way!" he roared as he started running, with me still in his grip. Where was he taking me? I wasn't going to let him take me so easily! I remembered that I had packed a flashlight with a brand new battery in it. I squirmed as I reached in my backpack for the flashlight. Then, I shined the flashlight in his face! The shadow dragon roared loudly and let go of me as he covered his face with his paws. I knew that he hated light! I ran as fast as I could back home while he was stunned! When he turned the other way to chase me once more, a powerful invisible force kept him from my house and pushed him away! He would try desperately to get through, but he couldn't! The magical spell kept pushing him back!
"YOU WILL COME HOME!! IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!" he roared angrily and flew away. I went back inside, my hand on my chest, feeling my heart pounding hard. It definitely was no dream. It felt real. Why was the meanest dragon in the world claiming that I am his son, and even trying to kidnap me? How could I possibly be his son? The son of the meanest dragon ever? No way! That had better not be what my parents are hiding from me! It's impossible! I shuddered as I made my way back to bed. Tomorrow was another day. I had 3 more dragon defenders to find, but I wish I could just forget the whole thing and ignore it, and continue to live life like normal. Things could possibly get any more worse. Could it...?