The Hiking Adventure (Request story for IIDJRXD)

Story by Inqu on SoFurry

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This story took me 160 minutes to write and is 4329 words long, i felt like this took me a lot longer then it did to write and i fear i didnt really fully get the feeling IIDJRXD was looking for sadly >~< I hope he enjoys it not the less!

Update: He loves it which makes me happy! ^~^

I yelp as my foot makes contact with a tree stump that I somehow missed. "Sone of a whore!" I whimper and sit down rubbing my foot. I take a deep breath to calm myself rage and frustration building quickly. Pulling out my map I give it a quick look over. My ears perking as I twist it this way and that completely forgetting where I am. "Fuck it, Christofur Columbus didn't need directions and neither do I!" I chuckle to myself as I put the map away completely forgetting he was on his way to India and not America, and only wound up there because he got fucking lost. I take a sip of my water and bounce on my foot paw a bit before smiling and nodding. It was my week off of work and I had decided to go to the red fur forest to go on a small hiking adventure.

It was always my dream to leave the city behind and come out here, granted it was only for a week, but being a timber wolf it's hard to ignore the call of the forest at times and is often distracting. I smile as I sniff around, the fresh air filling my lungs, as well as that earthy nature smell, the one of wood burning fires, wood, and moist grass. My tail wags happily as I stretch, the sound of wind blowing through the trees, it has been said that these trees grow to be over 110 meters tall, and when I look up to see where the sun is in the sky I'm often reminded of how small I really am out here in nature, in the city my 170cm height isn't too small, I'm not the tallest wolf around but I'm also not the shortest either.

I climb onto a tree trunk about 9 meters across and smile. "wow, what a nice place to set up camp, nice, flat and smooth~" I smile and take my back pack off rolling out my sleeping back and setting up a small little chemical fire tray, as not to set anything on fire. I hum quietly to myself as I open a can of soup and place it on the metal rack to cook as I put a small amount of fire jelly belly it and light it. I sit down and pull out some crackers and jelly, it wasn't a five-star meal, but it was perfect hiking and camping food. My tail wags behind me as I wait for the soup to heat up. I spread the jelly on the cracker and look around and sniffing the air. My ears perk a bit and I take a bit deeper sniff as I finish my cracker. Foot paw musk?

I think to myself in confusion, though if I had paid any attention at all to the map I would have seen that I was just on the other side of the lake where a well-known macro settlement is. Though because 'I don't need no directions' I had no idea and was completely in the dark of such a thing. I blow out the chemical fire and gently pick up the soup can not wanting to drop it. Given I was going to be out here a week I only packed the food I needed and no more.

Because that's always the smartest thing to do, pack exactly what you need and nothing more because life always goes as planned right? My tail wags as I eat, it was far more relaxing to eat out in the wild then it was in the bustling cities. I'm not really sure why maybe it's the wolf in me like I said earlier but the call to a place like this is just to strong sometimes. Once I'm finish eating I clean and pack up before laying down on my sleeping bag sighing happily. _I'm so glad I saved my days off to do this~_I think as I yawn a bit and stretch. I look up at the sky the area becoming dark as the sun quickly sets.

The early wolf catches the rabbit I suppose. I wiggle out of my shirt and cargo pants before folding them in half and rolling them up to put them in my back pack for tomorrow before I lay down on my side. I stretch and yawn before closing my eyes falling asleep. I'm soon woken up by my head smacking into the wood of the tree trunk. I grumble to myself and sit up rubbing the assaulted area. I look around and squint most of the moon light blocked off by the trees. Figures... I roll my eyes and before laying back down trying to get comfy again before my head smacks against the wood again making me hiss and rub my head.

I look around again starting to get annoyed by the ground rumble causing my head to smack into the wood. I begin to look around my eyes very slowly adjusting to the lack of light. Off in the distance I can see a rather large macro vixen clearly not the happiest of people at the moment stumping every other foot step or two as she makes her way towards my position. As she draws closer my annoyance is replaced with arousal and embarrassment as I notice she's completely naked. W-wow she's gorgeous~! My tail wags happily behind me before my ears perk as what little moonlight makes its way through the trees is cut off. The vixen is standing right in front of me though her back is turned to me.

Nice ass~_I murr to myself as I stare up at her, she was about half as tall as the trees her tail swishing about in annoyance. My guess is she was a marble fox of some sort given her black and white colour scheme. My brain is quickly pulled from my fantasy as she begins to sit down on the tree stump I'm currently on. Time almost stops for me as I stare up at the descending ass. _If you're going to survive this, you'll need your back-pack genius._My brain kicks off before my body reacts and I kick my back pack off the stump. A split second later my word is one of fur, musk, sweat and pressure. "This is so unfair!" The vixen whimpers as she speaks to no-one, or well no-one to my knowledge. _You sat on me! Whats not fair now?! I growl to myself.

I wiggle a bit to try and get a bit more comfortable. "O-okay so I'm clumsy! T-that doesn't mean you have to kick me out!" She whimpers and wiggles her rump on the tree stump a bit twisting my body from its side onto my back. I groan a bit as I'm pushed back and forth my maw filling with a bit of her sweat. _Clumsy? M-More like completely clueless!_I think before I eep as my nose is suddenly pressed against her tailhole. Her weight increasing on my body forcing my muzzle into her tailhole. "Mmph, I don't remember this tree stump being this...comfy." She wiggles her hips a bit grinding my muzzle around the inside of her tailhole.

It's not the tree stump!_I blush and try to wiggle but I don't get far before I feel a finger on the back of my head. _W-what do you think you're doing!? My brain begins to panic a bit as my lungs fill with not so clean air, her finger pushing my head further into her tailhole. "mmm~" She blushes, the upper part of her finger dragging me further into her ass. T-this is bullshit! I came to relax not be used by this admittedly hot fox! I blush heavily and try to wiggle my fur getting wetter and wetter. She must have come from a distance being this sweaty down here. I think as my mind gets taken off the fact that I'm in a macros tail hole as I'm clenched, and my boxers begin to slip off.

_So glad I took my shirt and pants off!_I blush a bit as I feel my sheath grind against her flesh as I'm pushed further inside. I moan and gently grind my sheath harder into her flesh as my mind slowly fills with lust. I begin to pant though its mostly due to the lack of fresh air, she suddenly clenches tightly forcing the air out of my lungs making me wiggle frantically fearing I'm going to be crushed. That makes her yelp and grip my foot pulling me out of my tailhole and bringing me up to her face blushing. "Oh, dear I'm so sorry!" She blushes, and she quickly rushes over to the lake. "H-here let me wash you off, that's so embarrassing!" She blushes and dips me into the frigid water and rubs her paws over me before pulling me out.

"H-hey that's fucking cold damnit!" I yell up at her shivering and shaking to try and get the water off of me. "O-oh right!" She blushes and eeps looking around before her ears splay and she takes me back to the tree stump. "P-please forgive me, i-I don't mean to be this way." She whimpers and sets me down on the tree stump before sitting on another nearby stump more suited to her side. I ring out my tail and sigh. "L-Look it's alright you're clearly distracted by other things right now. I say sitting down and shaking my head, a gust of wind passing by making me shiver. "O-Oh here let me warm you up~" She purrs.

What the hell is she going to do get me a tow-oh lord! My mind goes blank as her paw raises above me before setting down on top of me, thankfully gently though the sweat and dirt on the paw prevents it from being the most comfortable thing on the planet. I wiggle under her paw until my head pokes out from between two of her toes. "B-better~?" She asks a bit of hope can be heard in her voice. "Y-yes, t-thank you." I blush not wanting to make the situation worse by telling her the truth. "You're blushing, oh hey are you one of those paw fanatics I heard about?" she says as her ears perk. "W-well i-mmph!?" My head is quickly engulfed by her toes squeezing together.

She murrs and giggles. "You feel really good down there~" She increases the weight on my body and twists her paw lightly. I open my maw to groan in a bit of discomfort and pleasure as my sheath is ground against the fur between her paws, though the groan doesn't make it very far out of my maw before its filled with sweat and grime. I blush a bit and wiggle pushing against her paw. She eeps and lifts her paw up blushing. "D-did I read that wrong? I-Im sorry!" She blushes and covers her face. I cough and sit up. "H-hey don't worry..." I say sitting up a bit rubbing my head and shaking now covered in her paw sweat instead of lack water. What the hell am I saying?! 'Don't worry?!' Are you serious brain!? I think to myself looking back up at her, her ears splayed a bit.

"S-so why where you so upset earlier? I hear you say it was unfair you got kicked out of somewhere due to your clumsiness?" I ask wringing out my tail again and shaking my head. I just stepped into a minefield, didn't I? Damnit Tex you're a fucking moron... I groan to myself. "Y-yeah my tribe kicked me out because I tripped over something!" She huffs and stands. "Its bullshit, everyone has their flaws! I do my best to keep a watchful eye out and better myself, but my best isn't good enough apparently!" She growls and punches a tree before whimpering. "O-ow!" She holds he paw and licks at it. _Yep, smack dab in the middle of a minefield..._I sigh. "Well, maybe you're too quick to act, try and slow it down a bit."

I say smiling up at her, blushing a bit as her sweat scent finally makes it to my nose I blush and take short quick sniffs of myself. _I-It's not half bad actually..._My tail wags happily, I hadn't really focused on my sexual life only being 18 I was to focused on work, school and coming out to the forest to really focus on what I would like sexually. "M-Maybe you're right..." She whimpers and looks out to the lake. "I-It's just not fair that, that's the reason."

She sighs and looks down at the floor before heading back to the tree stump I'm on. My mind was to focused on the scent my fur seemed to have absorbed to notice she was turning around to sit. Though as the moonlight was cut off again my mind returns to reality and I look up to see her rump again. "H-hey wai-"! I put my paws up above my head not having a back-pack to kick this time my sentence cut short as she sits down on my again. "I-I just think they need to give me another chance...I can prove that I'm trying!... You know?" She sighs and leans back a bit, my muzzle being pushed against her tailhole again, her sweat still very much there. I don't really mind this time around as I'm beginning to enjoy the smell. "L-Little wolf?" I hear her ask.

I blush and slowly stick my tongue out to lick her, to alert her to my position but I don't get the chance as she stands up luckily not taking me with her. I quickly suck my tongue back into my maw and close my muzzle. "Little wolf?" She begins to look around the other tree stump. "O-Over here!" I blush and sit up. "D-did I sit on you again?!" She whimpers. "Y-yeah, but it's okay, just a simple mistake~" I say smiling at her. "Y-You're so much more forgiving then they are." She blushes and sits down on the other tree stump. She sighs and rubs her foot paws a bit clearly her foot paws are sore. "I-I could give you a paw rub if you want?" I blush. What am I saying? What am I saying? What am I saying? What am I saying? I blush heavily.

"that would mean a lot thank you~" She puts her paw in front of me her tail swishing happily behind her. I walk up to her foot paw and begin to rub around as best I can to try and make it soothing. Truthfully, I had no idea what I was doing but I wanted to make her feel better. My tail wags happily as I hear her let out a relaxed groan. "Like it?" I ask looking between her toes and smiling. "Yes, you're doing a very good job~" She purrs. "Glad to hear it~" I smile and keep at it. "So, want me to do anything else?" I ask as I finish up her foot paw rub, my body and paws smelling heavily of her sweat.

"H-how old are you?" She blushes heavily as if she immediately regretted asking. "18." I smile and shake my paws off. "Oh! You're so young! What are you doing out here??" She asks looking down at me. "So young? You can't be much older than me, I'm guessing 21, 23 at most~" I smile as a surge of confidence wells in my chest my fur fluffing up a bit to make me appear bigger then I really am. "Oh no I wish, im 35..." She blushes her ears splaying a bit. "I never would have guessed~" I say truthfully. "It's because of how I was acting wasn't it?" She sighs. "I'm sorry I get really emotional when I'm in heat a-and not many are willing to help me."

My ears perk and I blush heavily. H-heat? I-Is that why she was asking my age?? I think and its almost as if she heard my thought. "T-that's why I was asking your age..." She wiggles a bit on the tree stump. "W-Would you be...w-willing to help me?" She says blushing heavily. "W-well I'm not exactly sure what I'd be able to do at my size, but I can try~!" I say confidently, unsure of where this confidence came from its quickly squashed and flattened as I'm picked up by the scruff and placed on the tree stump she's sitting on. I give a quick look around and notice I'm between her legs. I eep and blush as I get a rather lovely yet strong heat scent as I breathe. I blush and begin to sniff rapidly, the arousal in my chest quickly moves to my sheath and my cock begins to grow hard.

"A-and you're sure you're okay with this?" She asks breaking my train of thought. "H-huh?" I look up at her and blush. She giggles a bit and blushes. "A-are you okay with doing this? H-helping me with my heat?" She wiggles a bit making me yelp in surprise and cling to her inner thigh. "Y-yeah, I mean what's the worst that could happen?" I smile up to as I place my foot paws back down onto the stump my train of thought about helping her being an unknown dream come true. "Y-you could get crushed when I climax." She states blushing. "T-That...well that's...hmmm." I think the fantasy coming to a sudden halt. "N-not so sure, now are you?" She whimpers and pants lightly the heat of her body soon radiating off her. "W-well." My eyes dilate as her scent becomes a smell you could basically drink it was so thick. "I-I mean just as long as we're careful right?" I smile up at her and lick my lips, my cock fully hard now just from her scent.

"A-as long as we're careful~" She smiles and purrs as she nods in agreement. I smile and take a deep breathe before coughing a bit. "O-oh here one second." She blushes and spreads her legs allowing a bit more fresh air into the area I was in. I shiver a bit as the cool night air rushes past me a bit. "C-come on little wolf, I've got a warm place for you to stay~" The vixen blushes at her slightly cliché roleplaying talk. I chuckle as I walk up to her slit gently placing my paws on her outer lips. "I-I'm not sure this is the right size for me, it might be a little small~" I smile up at her blushing. _What am I saying? You're a fucking idiot..._My brain scolds me. "All the better to keep you warm~" She blushes and giggles reaching a paw down and gently pressing into my back forcing me against her slit. "Mmmph, a bit of a pushy sales pitch~" I say wiggling against her fingers and pushing against her outer lips my cock slipping into her as I wiggle.

"B-best way to get things started~" She pants and blushes running her fingers up my back, making me groan in pleasure. Soon she draws her fingers away from me and lifts them to her nose to sniff them. "Mmm, you smell good little wolf~" She murrs and licks her fingers. D-damn that's hot. I blush before my ears perk. "M-My name is Tex by the way~" I murr and gently dig my claws into her sensitive flesh. She moans and grips her breasts a bit. "C-Clair~" She pants and blushes. "A pleasure to meet you Clair~" I murr and begin to grind my body against her slit, given her height and mine I was roughly the size of the average macro cock. Which also meant my head was the perfect height to allow me to lick and suckle on her clit.

"O-oh Tex~!" She moans and gently squeezes her legs together squishing me a bit. I push against her thighs and wiggle, blushing a bit as to get free. "I-I need you inside of me~" She pants and quickly spreads her legs again. I hardly have time to get my footing again before her paw wraps around my lower half and my face is shoved against her slit. "Mmph!" I try to shake my head as my muzzle slips inside. I place my paws on her outer lips to try and prevent myself from going any further but given the size difference I didn't have much of a choice as she quickly pushes the upper part of my body into herself. She moans and blushes as she adjusts her grip on my body to push me further in.

Not going quite as planed but still rather pleasurable~ I groan and wiggle around as best I can for her as she clenches around my body, my cock brushing against her inner flesh. I'm pulled back out enough to get a breath before being shoved back inside of her. She seems to be taking it slow at first allowing me to wiggle, lick and thrust where the way I like, though that soon changes. My thoughts on how pleasurable it is to be used like this and the ability to feel around for her spot are quickly replaced with focusing on when to time my breathing and keeping from being crushed by her paw. I needed to stiffen up my body quite a bit to keep from folding under the pressure of her paw given its now around the lower part of my shins.

Her breaths become quick and her moans become louder and more passionate as our session carries on, the pulsing of her clenches becoming more random and rougher. Soon I'm brought out of her warm cavern of flesh a bit longer than normal giving me the hint to take a rather deep breath before I'm shoved fully inside of her, foot paws and all. I tense up as best I can as I hear her scream out in pleasure, her walls clamping down on me like a vice as the area around my head quickly fills with her juices.

I wiggle and grind my cock into her folds quickly reaching climax, from lack of air and the stimulation of being completely surrounded by a vixen in heat. I was never the strongest swimmer, so I never practiced holding my breath whish quickly caught up to me as I begin to feel light headed and my chest burning from lack of air. I quickly start to wiggle with all my might to get some air, which to my surprise causes her to climax yet again but this time I'm forced out of her slit and onto the tree stump I gasp getting a lung full of air before another wave of juices hits me square in the face. I cough and blush my cock twitching with excitement.

Clair pants heavily and blushes. "W-wow that was amazing Tex~" She smiles and looks down at me licking her lips. "H-here let me help you with that~" She lowers her paw and gently picks me up. I blush and wiggle as her fingers gently press against my cock as she raises me to her maw. I yelp in surprise as she places me inside of her maw. "H-hey what are you-ohh~" I moan out as she begins to lick over my body and suckle gently. Her cum is quickly replaced with saliva as she licks over me. Soon im pressed against the roof of her maw as she swallows, a loud gulp is soon replaced with a moan as she begins to focus on my cock.

"Mmmph~" I moan and wrap my paws around her tongue thrusting my cock into it. "Mmm~" She moans and suckles on me. T-this feels so amazing~! I think to myself completely ignoring the danger of being swallowed as I thrust into her tongue. I admittedly don't last as long as I would have liked given the short time between my last climax. I pant heavily before I'm pressed against the roof of her maw again as she swallows. I pant and hold onto her tongue as I slowly catch my breath. I feel her move about though can't really see what's going on my mind begins to race. W-will she actually eat me?! I begin to fear she might and begin to wiggle against her tongue. I hear her giggle quietly, well quietly to her before her maw opens slowly. I yelp as I quickly slide out of her maw and down between her breasts.

"There you go little wolf~" She giggles and gives me a playful squeeze as she mushes her breasts together. I let out a groan of pleasure as she gently begins to grind her breasts back and forth, my cock still hard gets rubbed against the soft mounds. "I hope this feels as good to you as it does me~" She moans as she keeps it up. I begin to pant in pleasure and wiggle for her, or in this case do my best to thrust my cock into her breast when she squeezes me. Again, I don't last nearly as long as I want to as I howl in climax. "There we go~" She purrs happily being near the center of her purring her chest acts like a vibrating bed making me moan.

I'm gently picked up and turned around so that I'm facing the underside of her chin. "Stay there little wolf, I don't want to have to come look for you in the morning~" She giggles as she rolls on her side the weight of her breast keeping me in place. "I wouldn't leave even if I wanted to~" I smile up at her and chuckle and yawn falling asleep, surrounded by her warm vibrating flesh.