PUBG - Squad Nightmare

Story by Mlinzi Lioness on SoFurry

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Four kidnapped strangers are thrust in the middle of the first battle royal by PLAYERUNKNOWN.

The aircraft's engines stirred as unsuspecting passengers.

Cabin lights flickered to life bathing the occupants with an

eerie fluorescent yellow. Everyone struggled to get a bearing on

where they were or what was happening. Those who woke first

attempted to get up from their seats only to find they were

strapped in by a harness.

With a deafening cacophony of feedback, the intercom system

roared to life. All eyes searched cabin in hopes of finding some

answers. Answers that would fill them with fear.

"Welcome contestants," cried the speakers. "to the game of a


A lone shadow stood at the front of the plane highlighted

everyone once in a while by the flicker of a dying light. His

face couldn't be seen under the hood covering his features. It

was connected to a black trench coat that swept the ground every

time he shifted his weight.

"My, name is not important. If you must address me then you

may call me Nemo Nemo is Latin meaning nobody.

. We are moments away from taking off to a small island

thought uninhabitable. A place many of you may have heard of,


Whispers flooded the cabin causing the stranger to stop and

wait patiently. It wasn't long before the whispers subsided and

Nemo was allowed to speak once more.

"You have already been assigned to a group of four. Turn to

your seatmates and get to know one another. You will have to

trust them with your lives. Oh, and before I forget. You will

have to hunt for your own weapons. Your targets will be... each


The cabin was stunned to silence. The tension lingered thick

enough to smother the bravest soul. For four particular unwitting

participants, it was a call.

"I don't know about any of you," growled a black furred

feline. "I plan on surviving this encounter. I won't go out

without a fight."

"What's your name" chimed the sweet feminine voice of a

Sylveon. Her white fur was all that could be seen in the dim


"I'm Moon." The cat replied coolly."

"I'm Nymphia," The pokemon smirked before rounding on the

other feline and arachnid on either side of the two females. "Any

of you touch my ribbons and I'll make sure it's the last thing

you do."

"Ease up," One male growled from the shadows. He was hidden

from the light but the fur that could be seen looked as if it'd

been painted a fiery crimson. "Don't worry about who I am. I

don't plan on sticking around for very long."

The guy just opposite the row growled in reply. "You can't

just go rogue and expect to survive."

Nymphia and moon could make out the arachnid. His main eyes

reflected in the dim light easily but the smaller eyes that could

be seen were shielded by a hoodie. Even his mandibles were

covered by a bandana.

"Call me Drow," He chittered. "That's what my friends used

to call me."

"Used to?" Moon asked but no reply could be heard as their

attention was drawn back to Nemo.

"You will be ejected out over the island in a HALO fashion.

For those who don't know military terms, it means High Altitude

Low Opening. If you don't know how to operate a parachute do not

fear. The shoots will deploy automatically so you don't die from

sudden deceleration syndrome."

The cabin remained silent save for the hum of the engines.

There weren't any windows to see them nor the land they'd be

flying over. Without a word, the trenchcoat-clad stranger swept

out the side entrance and into the pitch black night. Once the

door was sealed shut the light shut out to be replaced by a

crimson hue. The lights that provided enough to see but not

enough to be seen.

The cabin filed with a new hum. It was the wings of the

plane sliding out to provide enough surface to lift off. Nymphia

could tell they were in a prop tyle plane as the engines didn't

rev the same way as the 747's The size of the cabin alone

screamed military. Not exactly the c-130 cargo planes, those were

too small to fit the 100 strangers cramped within.

All thoughts were shoved aside as the crat sped down the

runway and took off climbing to an unknown altitude. No one knew

for certain how long they would be flying but no one dared break

the silence or make friends with people they knew they may be

killed by or could have to kill.

* * *

High above the deserted island, the passengers were thrown

out in groups. Each row was jettisoned separating man from the

objects as they tumbled to the ground. The four strangers waited

their turn with bated breath. They sat with their backs facing

the cargo ramp. The light on the wall flashed red three times

before turning green and throwing them out backward.

The wind rushed by their ears deafening them to any sounds

or speech. The town below them grew bigger fast. Just as Nemo had

said the shoots deployed and brought them safely to the ground.

They weren't alone.

Moon hit the ground running but couldn't dive into the

nearest house fast enough before the spray of metal buried itself

in the door frame. She'd recognized the humans from the plane.

They'd been sitting across the aisle from them.

They had landed on the outskirts of one of the abandoned

cities. The island had been declared uninhabitable and everyone

had been evacuated. The island itself couldn't sustain life due

to radiation but there didn't seem to be any present. Not that

they could feel. With advancements in technology, they made the

radiation visible as a blue-tinted storm. Although the houses

were abandoned they contained more than just furniture.

The black furred feline scoured frantically for any weapon

she could find. As luck would have it she managed to snag an

M16A4 with enough 5.56 ammo to feed the beast and shout its anger

like a dragon breathing fire.

She looked up at the sound of a thunk against the side of

the building followed by loud cursing. From the obscenities, she

could tell the voice belonged to the feline she could see in the

shadows on the plane. Her lips raised in a sneer with a quick eye

roll before the front door burst open.

Her ears swiveled before she turned to see an empty doorway.

Eyes wide with fear she raced to the open room close-by. The

click of metal, the sound of the spoon being released from a

grenade, sounded like a gunshot in her sensitive ears. With speed

and grace, the cat turned and slammed the door shut before the

grenade hit the wall and blew the door to splinters knocking her

onto her back.

The world spun with a high pitched ringing. Time seemed to

stretch into eternity as she reached for her weapon bringing it

up to bear in time to see the first human take aim.

Neither had been expecting the recoil the made their shots

pass wide. The next shots hit their mark. The humans second shot

slammed into Moon left arm forcing her to turn as her shot hit

him on his knee. His scream reverberated in the empty home and

was followed a slam into the wooden floor.

Moon regained enough strength to shoot the assailant in his

arm. The bullet punched through his elbow shattering it before

entering his lower chest. It then ricocheted up and into his


The body lay motionless and silent. The silence didn't last

long before the second pursuant rounded the corner into the

doorway. Moon couldn't lift her assault rifle in time to defend

herself. The MINI 14 glared at her from the short distance ready

to speak her end.

The weapon clattered to the floor. Looking up Moon could see

he tried to keep his feet but stumbled with an arrow point

protruding from his forehead. Unable to stay standing the human

fell over just as motionless as the other.

"Fuck you, asshole." Cried the familiar voice of Nymphia

from the hall. The Pokemon's footfalls echoed in the room before

she revealed herself with a crossbow in hand.

"That's two," Drow chittered. He walked over to the fallen

tyro soldier and commandeered his MINI 14. "Spoils of war. Mind

if I borrow this?... Alright, I'll return it with a reimbursement

of ammo."

Nymphia rolled her eyes walking from the bathroom holding a

couple bandages. "Looks like you were lucky." She murred.

"Too bad he wasn't so lucky." The feline jested. The pain

from the pressure made her gasp and cringe in an attempt to get


"Sit still," Nymphia growled trying to finish up. "I've

dealt with Eevee kits with more restraint."

Drow trained his weapon out the door. He thought he saw a

flash of shadows crossing the windows. The barrel swept the area

ready to spew forth its gospel of destruction. The silence

lingered mew seconds before a shot rang out from the kitchen

doorway. The round hit Drow's bicep forcing him to spin. With one

hand he aimed the weapon and fired prematurely hitting the

assailant in the leg followed by another round through the humans

head. The poor soul never knew what hit him with an instant,

humane death. His friend wasn't so lucky as he'd been sprayed by

grey matter as the bullet exited the back of the corpse's skull.

With a fit of rage, the last human fired wildly grazing

Nyphia's white furred cheek leaving a small rivulet of blood. The

Sylveon grabbed her crossbow and fire at him with enough anger

that she missed completely but it was Drows Shot that hit its

mark dead center mass dropping the human in an instant.

With apprehension Drow and Nymphia inched closer to see if

the person was still alive.

"Please," he gasped with blood dripping from his mouth and

nose. "Finish me. I'm... never... going to... make it."

"Lay still," Drow whispered. "It'll be over soon."

"Why... did they... do this?"

Drow looked at Nymphia hoping for some answer to give.

Nymphia kneeled down and took the wounded humans hand in her pink

furred grasp.

"I wish we knew," She whispered sadly. She felt guilty for

her comment she yelled after killing the stranger. "I wish we

could have met under better circumstances. We could have shared a

beer and celebrated."

The human smiled weakly. "That... would be..." He fell

silent staring blankly at the pokemon. The light faded from his

eyes. Nymphia sighed and reached to close his eyes. She bowed her

head in respect.

The silence was pierced by the cries of the plus one still

hanging from the side of the building.

"Someone cut me down!"

The Sylveon huffed and stood to grab the machete that lay

nearby. "I'll get him down. You need to go make sure moon is

alright and take care of that wound."

"What wound?"

"Your arm, it's bleeding."

Drow raised his wounded arm and looked at it for a moment.

"Would you look at that."

Nymphia turned to walk back up the stairs when she heard the

dull thunk. She hung her head sighing before looking back to see

that the arachnid had passed out.

"For fuck sakes," she cried. "You're all going to get me

killed. I swear to god."

The pokemon climbed the step and looked over the ledge to

see a feline dangling a few feet from the ground. She could see

his red painted fur glistening in the fading sunlight. He looked

up at her flailing.

"Hurry up and cut me down." He cried with a hiss.

"As you wish," Nymphia said before she raised the machete

above her head and brought it down to embed in the railing of the

balcony. The parachute cords were severed dropping the cat

unceremoniously to the ground.

Nymphia looked over the banister to find their unwilling

extra sprawling to his feet.

"I thought all cats were supposed to land on their feet."

She yelled down.

"Bite me." He yelled up brushing himself off.

"Not a chance." The Sylveon retorted before rushing into the

house and down to tend to the wounded. Her heart skipped beat

causing her to stop at the eerie voice that permeated the air.

Warning, anti-radiation shield power reduced to 80%.

Radiation cloud eminent.


Moon's ears twitched at Nymphia's sudden outburst as she

downed a couple aspirin and chased them with a NOS energy drink

she found under the bed. According to the expiration date on the

can, it was still good. Something didn't make sense. The weapons

were new, the items they found were new, yet the island was

supposed to be deserted.

"Drow, wake up," Nyphia growled slapping the humanoid

spider. He was difficult to wake and with each smack, it only

hurt her hand.

"Tck, I didn't think spiders were shocked by anything,"

Nymphi growled again. She got an idea that made her smirk as she

folded her arms and leaned against the wall. "Someone grab the

can of RAID."

Drow jumped up and looked around aiming his MINI. "No one

pulls a fucking can of RAID on me."

"Relax eight eyes," The Sylveon said smugly walking away

with arms still crossed. "You're safe enough... for now."

The air filled with the eerie voice again. "Shields at 60%.

The nuclear storm will close in shortly."

The last member entered the empty room. "We've got a


"What's that?" Drow asked urgently.

"It's a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful

and needing to be dealt with and overcome but that's not

important right now."

"Smart ass."

"Thank you, I'll be here all weak. Anyway, that storm will

be on top of us shortly."

"Look, whoever you are..." Moon growled from behind the


"Call me Red." The kitten retorted."

"Alright, Red," Moon sighed rubbing the bridge of her nose

with her fingers. "Now is not the time for smart ass remarks.

Give us the important information first then dispense with the

wisecracks only when we are safe."

"Hey, there are two vehicles out here," Nymphia yelled from

the next room. Everyone gathered by her side.

"Good," Moon growled. "Who wants to drive?"

No one spoke up as they brandished their weapons knowing

they wouldn't easily be able to use them from behind the wheel.

"Tck, typical."

* * *

The storm had barreled down on top of them leaving them no

choice but to jump in the dune buggy and motorcycle that had been

parked out front. Nyphia drove the buggy with Moon riding the

back seat while Drow drove the motorcycle. Red didn't care for it

having to hold the arachnid's waist but when his life was on the

line he didn't mind as much.

The storm moved fast making it hard to outrun by staying on

the road.

"We need to drive through the pains if we want to outrun the

storm of the century," Nymphia yelled at Drow.

"If we have no choice then lead the way," Drow replied

goosing the throttle.

The road curved into another section of the storm leaving

their only escape hindered by an embankment. Both vehicles

launched through the air landing with a jostle that made Moon and

Red nearly lose their grip.

"Easy," Red growled. "You don't want my claws in your

abdomen, do you?"

"Go ahead," Drow laughed. "I'm highly capable of handling

your claws." Drow had been a bodybuilder at one point but kept

his abs rock hard. The kitten's claws would feel more like a

tickle than anything else.

The storm slowed back, stopping a moment. Nymphia slowed to

a stop and wiped her brow. She had a lot on her mind about the

situation they'd found themselves in but couldn't even fit the

pieces together. She couldn't even remember how she'd ben forced

onto the cargo plane with the other ninety-nine passengers.

Everything before the plane was a haze and gave the pokemon a

headache thinking about the predicament.

"Why have we stopped?" Drow asked pulling his bike next to

the other.

"I'm confused about all of this. I can't even remember

anything before the plane. Why is this happening? What did we


Moon placed her paw on Nymphia's shoulder. "It'll be

alright, Nymphia. Once we all survive this we'll find out for

sure what happened."

Nymphia smiled sadly. "Promise?"

"I promise."

The mood was broken by angry shouts of gunfire. They pinged

off the frame as from the distance two other motorcycles raced

towards them at breakneck speed. Nymphia struggled in fear to

restart the buggy as they barreled down on top of them. The first

motorcycle hit a rise in the earth and flew over them before

landing and sliding his back end in the dirt. The sylveon managed

the starter and punched the accelerator with moon holding for

dear life. The motorist gunned his engine to pursue the group

with his friends close by with the other cycle.

The first motorcycle pulled alongside Drow aiming an

unrecognizable weapon. Red clutched the bike with his knees

keeping one arm around Drow. The SKS he'd picked up felt too

heavy to hold in one hand and the kitten knew he would need to

take a moment to let go of Drow in order to fire. He closed his

eyes, having never fired a gun before, and squeezed the trigger.

The SKS leaped with each shot forced from its muzzle. One by one

the three shots hit the enemies leg, abdomen, then head. The

driver looked back in time to see his sidekick fall and become

taken by the storm.

The driver pushed his cycle into high gear trying to ram

Drow's cycle. The spider would have none of it and kicked at the

cyclist knocking him off balance before lifting his MINI. The

muzzle was hidden below his trenchcoat.

"Vengeance for my families, bitch." Drow chittered then

pulled the trigger shooting the cycle's engine. The explosion

rocked the pair leaving them alone and uncertain where Nymphia

and Moon went.

Moon was busy trying to fire at the cyclist with the vehicle

bouncing crazily. The driver lifted his P1911 and tried to aim at

Nymphia. The sylveon looked over to see the barrel aimed at her.

Moon grabbed the rail and aimed her sites but her shot went wide.

The driver had ducked then re-aimed his shot. The sound could

barely be heard over the wind but the unsteady shake of the buggy

listing back and forth made known the fatal shot for the poor


Moon leaned in and grabbed the wheel seething in anger while

aiming her gun for the driver once more.

"Game over!" She cried firing at the front tire causing the

pursuant to flip over and be captured by the storm.

The storm stopped again leaving the buggy to slow having run

out of gas. Moon slumped holding her head weeping knowing she'd

lost her newfound friend. She couldn't even bring herself to look

at the Sylveons limp form as the other rolled up behind her.

"What's going on?" Drow asked softly. "What happened to..."

Red stood by Drow's side about to cry with his ears pinned


Nothing needed to be said about their fallen comrade but

they knew that was a possibility once they were forced into the

death game.

"I promised her we'd find out why this happened," Moon

cried. "I failed to keep that promise."

Red hesitated, holding his fist tight before moving to

attempt to comfort the feline with a hug, needing one himself.

Moon wrapped her arms around Red no longer able to hold back the

tears. It was all she could do to keep from falling apart.

A round of shots cut the somber mood. They panged off the

vehicle causing the group to seek shelter in the small shed a few

feet away. Moon turned around to shut the door only to watch the

dune buggy blow up kicking her off her feet.

"Why did they do that?" Red cried. "She was already..."

"Hush," Drow said moving to put his three-fingered hand on

Moon's shoulder. "Don't let her tenacity and bravery be wasted."

Moon's features grew stern. She stood up branding her M16A4.

The click of the safety cache and the clatter of an empty shell

freshly ejected from the rifle filled her with a satisfying rage.

"You're right. Let's fuck these assholes up." She growled

kicking open the door and without aiming fired upon on one of the

random teams still left in the small area. A burning hatred

filled her as she fired three rounds left her barrel. One hit an

unsuspecting combatant in the leg followed by a quick graze of

his cheek. The last round entered through the human's right eye

and blowing a hole in the back of his head.

"That's for Nymphia you sick bastards."

"I think they pissed her off," Red whispered in fear.

"I'll agree to that," Drow said waiting for an opportunity

to fire on someone.

Moon flinched as a stray shot struck her already sore

shoulder knocking her back into the shed wincing in pain. Outside

they heard a scream followed by silence. Someone else had fallen.

Moon struggled to her feet falling once hearing a grenade explode

leaving a temporary reprieve to the battle.

"Did they kill each other?" Drow mused looking out the door

a moment to see one of the last three pulling the pin on a

grenade. Moon cried from the pain but leaped out the door firing

wildly striking one of the combatants in both arms and one leg

incapacitating him. At the same moment, he was hit his own shot

ring out striking Moon once more in the same shoulder. She

clambered to the back of the shed breathing heavily. Red was not

far behind her with the P1911 he picked up off the floor of the

shed. Trying to give himself cover he fired wildly and never saw

that two of his shot struck one of the last two. The stranger was

put out of his misery by a stray round between his eyes.

Inside the hut Drow kept his eyes trained on the grenade

unable to tear himself away in time before the bright flash of

oblivion consumed him. Moon winced wondering where the last guy

had gone. Red turned the corner to check on the incapacitated

person and finished the job with a point-blank ranged shot in the


"Hey, fuck head." Moon panted as the last survivor rounded

the corner. He readied his assault rifle ready to fire but


"If you have any last words, say them now," he growled.

"I heard you wanted to start a farm." She laughed. He looked

at her puzzled. With a wry smile, she looked him in the eyes.

"I've got a couple acres for you to start with."

Her M16A4 fired three times, once in his testicles then up

into his chest. Red raced back over to her to help her stand.

"Thank you." Moon coughed. "Where's Drow?'

Red frowned and looked away. He didn't have to say anything

for her to know that he almost made it to the end with them. They

would both pour a bottle for the two fallen heroes.

"Match complete." Called the familiar female voice over the

din of a helicopter.

Red let Moon stand on her own as the helicopter touched down

a few yards in front where the storm had been. They didn't

realize it had already receded. The stranger from the plane

stepped out of the copter and strolled up to the winners with his

arms behind his back. The hood had been pulled back to reveal a

silver mask.

"Congratulations," He mumbled. "You've won our first ever

contest. Some adjustment will be made before our next test and

well go from there."

"Why did you do this?" Moon growled taking a step forward.

Silence lingered in the air as he sized her up. "People have

become bored with normal game shows and I've found everyone

wanted to see Something akin to The Running Man come to life. We

set up this island to give everyone the chance to bet on

survivors and we get a cut."


"Capitalism at its finest," the host stepped forward

followed by a set of guards the hadn't noticed were there. They

moved to stand behind them with hands folded before them.

"Now, for your rewards."

Moon's blood froze as she closed her eyes. The loud click of

a 9MM pistol cocking made her heart stop. The guard behind Red

aimed his gun at the back of the felines head and fired. Just as

his body dropped Moon heard the shot then silence. Everything was

quiet but she dared not open her eyes.

"Alright everyone," cried a new voice. "Get in the damn bus

and prepare to kill. The storms brewing and time is short."

The cat opened her eyes to find she now help a pickax. To

either side of her were Red, Drow, and Nymphia all alive. She

dropped to her knees and wept as the Sylveon moved to hug her.

"It's alright, Moon."

"I can't believe you're alive." Moon sobbed.

"I don't remember anything but opening my eyes to you all

here with me."

"Hey get your asses on the bus!" The showman yelled.

Nymphia helped Moon back to her feet and they walked over to

the announcer.

"What's going on here?" Drow chittered angrily.

"It's a battle Royal and you are our unwitting guests.

"Oh, fuck." The four retorted in unison.