Family Vacation pt.4

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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#4 of family vacation

Mike woke earlier than the rest the next morning to the enjoyment of his first hangover. His head felt like someone had spent the night on it and from the look of things they just might have. He was sandwiched between his sister Alice and her friend Lucy who were surrounded by the sleeping bodies of eight other people. Most of them were naked and the rest where close to it. Mike was part of the latter wearing nothing but the now stained corset his sister had squeezed him into. It was quiet and no one else seemed to be awake as he carefully stepped over everyone and tiptoed over to the bar. His fur was matted and crusted over in places from the nights events as well there was a thick smell of urine and vomit that seemed to be coming from everywhere. The young skunk hopped up on a bar stool wanting desperately to give his sore legs a rest but sadly it wasn't as relieving as he'd hoped. Pain shot through his back side and he instinctively reached down to try and sooth the pain. A still sticky and very swollen tail hole was what he found neither of which surprised or bothered him. It took some tricky balancing but Mike stayed perched on his seat without too much discomfort.

His headache was slowly receding as other party goers got up and grumbled their way to the door. A few gathered around the bar taking seats while some patted mike on the back. From behind him a voice far too chipper for this kind of morning called out "Hey there stranger you're kinda cute in the light." A young leopard took the stool to his right and wrapped her arm around him "Morning sweetie." Her name was Joan and they had bumped into each other more than a few times last night. She still took his breath away even now just as filthy and haggard as he was. Mike was about to say something when someone dropped into the seat on the other side of him and punched him in the shoulder. He turned his head losing all anger and having it replaced with disbelief at seeing who it was. The name escaped him but he recognized the zebra instantly as the one who took off after finding out mike wasn't as feminine as he was dressed up to be. The older man winked and smiled at the boy and nodded when recognition crossed Mikes face. It was obvious without words that both the shock and gender barrier had been overcome. Strangely though unlike the night he had spent with his brother there wasn't the same awkward embarrassment. It was there to be sure only in a different way he couldn't quite explain. Instead of trying he turned back to Joan and tried to get to know her a little better.

Alice woke up feeling great, which lasted a total of five seconds when everything hit her at once. It started with the smell which even to the skunk was near unbearable. If it came out of someone's body you could smell it in the air along with a few scents she didn't want to know the origins of. Next were the cramps some of which came from parts of the body you would think were impossible to do so. Worst of all was the stranger spooning her who not only was holding on for dear life but still had his deflated cock pressed into her mound. It was a bit of a challenge but she broke free and hobbled to the gathering group at the bar with her sleeping friends discharge sliding down her inner thighs. When she got to the others Mike was in full conversation with a girl she was pretty sure she saw peeing on him the night before. She ignored them and walked around behind the bar and started rummaging around for something to eat. The search turned up nothing so she settled for a glass of water then started pouring more for the expectant faces starring back at her.

Lucy too was in a fairly good mood when she finally woke up and despite everything it stayed that way. There were the usual aches and pains and waking up on a cold floor wasn't the worst that had happened at one of these parties. If anything might have affected her mood it would have been the splash of dried vomit on her chest. The smell was less than great and the afternoon of picking whatever the blue chunks were out of her fur wasn't her idea of a good time the cheetah felt it was all worth it. She was the last to get up as was usual but next to everyone had left leaving a seat open between her friends little brother and a shemale tiger sponging himself off. She sat down a grabbed a damp unclaimed sponge and started wiping herself down. When she was satisfied she had done all she could with herself she turned to Mike and started rubbing his ears. "So you little stinker did you have a good time?" He tried to continue his conversation with the leopard so she slipped her hands around his waist and ran a finger along his shaft. "There's going to be three more of these before you guys head out. You and big sis should come."

Mike cast a look to his sister then turned to Lucy and smiled "We'll see." After they gathered up their outfits which surprisingly were still in one piece the three headed back to Lucy's hotel room. Mike was a little sceptical about walking through the center of the village bare from the waist down but the girls told him not to worry about it. Sure enough the only people they ran into were similarly dressed and heading back to their rooms as well. Lucy was the first to hop in the shower while Alice and Mike sat quietly on floor. "Well that was fun" Mike said trying to break the silence but his sister just nodded and smiled. When Lucy finished in the bathroom she waved Mike in next who stripped down and went in to start the water. While the thought of a hot shower had been so appealing it lost its charm rather quickly. He found cigarette butts stuck in his fur as well as a few crap stains that couldn't have belonged to him. He was sure he was close to done when someone else came into the washroom. "Hello?" he called out but didn't get the answer he was expecting. The shower curtain swung open then shut again just fast enough for his sister to slip in between him and the stream of water. "Alice what are you doing?"

She looked at him for a while and let the water soak into her fur before answering "I wanted to get in before you used all the hot water. And I thought we could help each other get those hard to reach places." She then turned around and started to lather up and clean herself while for the most part ignoring her little brother. Given the events thus far Mike was unreasonably shocked by his sister's actions and he stood frozen in the shower and watcher her. The water flowed along her wet curves and Mike's eyes became glued to her as she moved around in front of him. When she turned around they both clued in to a bit of a surprise standing between them. As would be expected in this situation Mike's penis was almost fully erect and the two looked to it and back to each other a few times before Alice giggled and grabbed something from behind her. She produced a bottle of body was and squirted some soap into her hand before tossing it aside and dropping to her knees. "This is just what I needed." She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and worked the soap into it while Mike moaned. Happy with her handy work she bent over and braced herself against the other end of the tub "Clean me out baby brother" she sighed. The young skunk stepped forward and rubbed his cock against his sister's sex but she grunted and guided him to her other hole "This one first." He pushed his entire length in and would have waited a moment if she wasn't still a little loose from the evening's activities. So instead he slammed into her rear repeatedly almost losing his footing in the process. Alice stifled a scream as her brother reamed her and found a few spots that were still a little tender. She reached one hand down to rub her clit just as another rough push from behind sent her face crashing against the tile wall. Mike was lost to the pleasure so much so that even as his sister pushed him off her he continued to thrust into nothing. Easing him into place Alice squealed as her brother stabbed at her mound a few times before driving deep inside her. Both of their tongues hung out as they panted and moaned. The sounds of their wet bodies smacking together slowed only for a moment when Alice almost slipped.

Alice could feel her climax coming closer and started pushing harder into her brother but he suddenly pulled out and rested his member against her backside. She twitched her tail up trying to guess his move but he held her still as he exploded up her back. With the warm fluid still running through her fur Alice spun and glared at her brother who didn't have time to do much of anything as he was forced to lie in the tub while she spun around and sat on his face. He barely had time to catch his breath as the older skunk's soapy folds pressed against his snout. Obediently he licked and nipped at her mound probing for her most sensitive areas. When her orgasm finally hit Alice screamed bolted upright bushing her brother's head right against the bottom of the tub. He lapped up her juices then climbed out of the shower with her drying off then heading back into the main room. Lucy was nowhere to be seen and as it turned out neither were any of their clothes. The two looked at each other and after a shrug cuddled into the bed together and tried to find something on TV.