Extra Help From a Fresh Flower

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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Cassandra Draftwood has an eye for talent, and knows how to hire the right person for the job. Her hiring of Chloe was no accident, and Cassandra tempts fate as she tries to treat her favorite employee to an unusual kind of bonus. The normally reserved Chloe melts at a mere touch, but will she let down her walls enough for Cassandra to slip through?

You've got just a few hours to get a discounted commission! Don't wait! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zgOEtZEtYYWCKsnRBjAk60wySlaWvmFjwSFU7l6tx24/edit?usp=sharing

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

The petals of flowers might have been the bringers of peace and beauty, but underneath a shower of thin, velvety membranes and subtle aromas, there was still a lot of dirty work to be done in growing them, picking them, and delivering them to the people who needed them most.

That was where people like Cassandra Draftwood came in.

Her business was rapidly expanding from the inner city to the suburbs that delicately clung to the outer edges, and being only one person, she did her best to visit each shop a couple of times a week and make sure that everything was running smoothly. In the city, she was able to trust her niece to take care of things while she was away, but she wasn't trusting of just anyone to run a shop in her stead; it took her a few weeks to warm up to Chloe, but now that she'd learned the ropes, Cassandra was treating her less like an employee, and more like a close friend.

"I really appreciate you helping me with the count, Chloe. You didn't have to stay so late, you know."

Every few seconds, the elder of the two females darted her eyes up from her laptop and admired Chloe, making sure that the youthful human would feel the look of appreciation and know that her words weren't mere fluff.

"It's no trouble at all," Chloe replied, her voice earnest. "I was happy to help! You've really made working here a wonderful experience for me...it's the best job I've ever had."

Though it was subtle, there was bashful warmth upon the cheeks of Cassandra's employee, framed perfectly by the locks of scarlet that ran down either side of her face. It all nestled her cute, inward smile in such a way that she was the picture of happiness, and her employer took great pride in knowing that she could still run a successful and profitable business, while keeping those who helped her succeed happy with their lot in life.

"Even better than being your own boss?"

Cassandra kept a close watch on everyone she employed, and it was no small secret that Chloe was a self-published author. Her work was impressive, but didn't have quite enough of an audience reach to act as a full time gig, forcing her to take up a part time job as a florist.

Each and every day, Chloe made a further stride in realizing her dream, but she was content to work in the flower shop in the meantime. "I mean, that is pretty nice, but it's not like I'm suffering through the days, here."

"That's good," Cassandra replied casually, doing her best to divide her attention between the sales data she was entering, and the cute, sleepy human across from her. "Are you finally seeing someone?"

"N...no," Chloe stammered. Cassandra was grinning; she was able to embarrass Chloe every single time with that question, and though she suspected the answer would be as such, she didn't want to make any assumptions. "I guess between the flower shop and trying to get my writing done, there isn't really a lot of time to see anyone."

"Want a few shifts off so you can find yourself a date?"

"That's really okay," Chloe suggested, casting her emerald gaze to the wall of the office in her bashfulness. "I'd hate to find myself falling for someone and not have any time for them..."

Would be kinda nice to have someone to rub my back and hold me at night, though, Chloe kept a more private though to herself, and though she did her best not to slump over in her chair, she knew her posture was less than admirable.

"As long as you're doing well on money, you know you can request a day off whenever you need one," Cassandra suggested. The raccoon stood up from her laptop and stretched high toward the ceiling, and as she did, she kept her own brilliant, green eyes cast down on Chloe, watching how her expression pouted just slightly at the sight of Cassandra's own comfort. "Money is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't replace a relationship. It can't make up for a lack of physical contact."

"Those are nice, yes."

"Not just nice," Cassandra murmured as she lowered her arms. A pair of pawtips delicately walked along the side of the desk as she moved her body around it and approached Chloe, who cocked a brow at the saunter of Cassandra's hips. "They can be very useful to a sore body. Working those long hours in the shop is starting to take its toll on you, isn't it?"

Stiffening up in her chair, first from the pain, and then from the touch of a single fingertip on her shoulder, Chloe tried not to trip over her words any more than she already was. "I g-guess my back is a little bit s-stiff," she admitted, but when she didn't immediately push Cassandra away, she felt the raccoon lowering both paws onto the loose, comfy fabric of her t-shirt; it did nothing to dull the warm, soothing rub and press of pawtips against tired flesh.

"A little bit? You could pass for a wooden plank," Cassandra made the claim as a joke, and chuckled at it as her open palms flattened against Chloe's slim upper back. "You know...if you weren't such a cutie, of course."

A blush every bit as intense as her crimson locks spread across Chloe's face like wildfire. She was sure that her boss was coming onto her, but the smooth, delicate rub upon her shoulders was soothing in such a way that her nerves were calmed, and her muscles turned to jelly, all the way down to the worn flesh of her calves, exhausted from a long day of running around the shop and manning the front counter.

It might have been odd, and at a larger company, it would have been frowned upon, but Chloe couldn't bring herself to move, and Cassandra's paws refused to lift from her flesh.

"You're much too kind," Chloe finally spoke again, struggling to speak through a dry, nervous throat. "I can't imagine most employers would really care about the wellbeing of their employees."

"I'm not most employers," Cassandra claimed, "But then again, you're no average employee. You took to this job like a fish to water, and the customers simply love you."

"They're all r-rather friendly," Chloe tripped over her words once again, as knots were rubbed and worked out of her tender muscles. "I guess it's just lucky that I'm a good f-fit for this place."

"A perfect fit," the raccoon argued, as her paws came to a halt, finally settling on Chloe's collarbones. Pawtips brushed over bare flesh for the first time as the collar of her shirt was stretched, and the warm, subtle brush of fur against her neck came just before the stark and electrifying sensation of a pair of lips against the side of her jawline.

Chloe froze up in her seat, her hands shooting down to clench onto the edges of the chair. A chill contrasted the warm presence of her boss and ran down through her torso before it settled in the pit of her tummy, taking the form of restless butterflies.

"Cassandra, w-what...what a-

"Relax," she whispered, silencing Chloe with a mere, soft utterance. "Just trust me, Chloe."

Trembling anew against her employer and unsure of herself, Chloe was tempted to bolt up from her chair and run for the door, but not because of a lack of attraction to Cassandra, or a lack of consent to the act.

It was all new to her, and with an utterly lacking romantic life, her body couldn't find the means to be still against a slow, trailing series of kisses, pressed down the side of her neck with all of the weight of a feather, but the passion of a desperate lover.

"Is this okay?" Chloe managed to ask, gasping once more as she watched Cassandra's arms slip around the chair from behind. They smoothed over the slim, narrow tummy of the quivering human and clasped just under her breasts, refusing to go any further with the act until Cassandra was absolutely sure that Chloe was content with it. "Y...you're my boss..."

Her words trailed away with the last of her tension as a fang gently and safely nibbled at the base of her ear lobe. "I am your boss, and I can tell when one of my employees needs a break," Cassandra pointed out. "You've been stiff in your chairs, and slumped over those counters all week. Your body is aching to be soothed...and such a dedicated worker deserves someone to do something nice for them."

There was still a feeling of hesitation that refused to die in Chloe, who couldn't deny the physical enjoyment of her employer's touch, but even so, she'd rarely fantasized about such interactions with another woman; this was a touch well beyond something friendly, and moreover, it was her boss that was slowly trailing a velvety pair of lips along the tender flesh of her ear and sending chills down her spine.

She easily could have resisted, but when her body went utterly limp against Cassandra's grasp, the raccoon knew that she had her employee right where she wanted her.

"Something tells me that you're enjoying this, Chloe."

The adorable human never even noticed that Cassandra's paws were drifting a little bit further down her torso with each passing moment, preoccupied as she was with the delightful feeling of skillful lips against the sensitive, thin flesh of her ear.

Warmth was rising up from her skin to greet Cassandra, who was all too familiar with the sensation, and what it meant Chloe must have been feeling.

"It's not exactly what I was expecting to happen this evening," she admitted, but through gasping lips, she nodded with pleasured honesty. "It is v-very nice, though..."

"It's a nice start, anyway," Cassandra agreed. "But I bet you'd like to feel something even nicer?"

Chloe wasn't used to anyone being so forward with her. She was certainly more of an introvert than her boss, or any of her fellow employees, leaving her at a bit of distance whenever people were poking fun, or asking deep, prying questions.

This one ripped right into her core, and her womanhood ached silently under cozy fabric, wishing to answer for her.

Instead, clumsy words escaped trembling lips, and Chloe managed the slightest of nods. "I...u-uhm. I guess so?" she finally did reply, but her voice was just unsure enough that Cassandra hesitated at the hem of her shirt.

"I can make you feel so much better, honey, but you need to give me something more than that," Cassandra put her bashful employee right on the spot, her pawtips dancing around at the edge of the loose, comfortable shirt and daring to crawl right up the length of it.

Chloe made no secrets that she was still nervous, but with the most delicate push forth, her torso gave a better answer than her lips ever could.

The quiet "Yes," was just the cherry on top, and with renewed haste, Cassandra flattened her palm against the slender tummy of her favorite worker and slowly teased her pawpads up along the smooth, rarely traveled flesh of Chloe's abdomen.

"That's a bit more like it, my dear."

Cassandra's voice was so close to Chloe, but so soft and comforting that the tired human couldn't help slumping a little further back into her chair, and more importantly, right into the clutches of Cassandra, who pushed her other paw right against the loose waistline of Chloe's shorts.

When she felt no resistance, but noticed another brief, timid nod, she plunged right in and smoothed her digits over the ticklish, peach fuzz patch of pubic hair that awaited her, and the delicious warmth of Chloe's mound. A single finger slipped down along the dampened flesh of her labia, but it only rested there, allowing her body to properly warm for the act that was sure to follow.

"Not seeing anyone, hm? Sure feels like you're keeping this treasure nice and clean for someone," Cassandra teased, and as her voice kept Chloe on edge, her pawtips doubled that, as a second digit lowered against slightly pouted folds and began spreading them open. The quiet, messy sound of arousal came along with the act, and Chloe's quiet, bashful nature could do nothing to deny what her body was already admitting. "Perhaps you trimmed it up all nice and neat just for me?"

It was hard for Chloe to articulate a response. It was difficult enough just to speak without gasping, but Cassandra held all of the cards, and each time she heard something akin to a word slipping past Chloe's lips, a greedy paw latched onto one of her breasts and squeezed it, silencing her unless she was willing to truly open herself up to her employer.

Hard as it was, Chloe finally panted out an honest and frustrated musing. "Y-You know that I d-didn't!" she protested, but even as she did, her hips gently bucked forth, and her thighs began to quiver from the skillful offering of the older raccoon.

Chloe was no stranger to masturbation, and a few nights a week, she treated herself to the wonders of a vibrator and a dirty movie. She thought she had a full understanding of how her body worked, and would even have been proud to say that she was adept at reaching orgasm of her own volition.

It was rare that she had a sexual partner, and rarer still that they were able to provide her with the kind of satisfaction that Cassandra was laying on her in droves.

"But isn't it fun to pretend?" Cassandra asked, keeping full control of the moment and dictating Chloe's delights, but allowing the introvert to move her body freely, pressing it up to meet with the raccoon's advances, or pull back when they became too intense. "Isn't it just so naughty to think that you were planning on sharing this tasty little morsel with me all day?"

If she wasn't the proud owner of her own series of floral shops, Cassandra would have been an excellent seductress, and despite her earlier misgivings, Chloe's inner voice was struggling to keep her from climaxing any longer.

She just needed a deeper touch, and as if Cassandra could feel that need, the base of her fingers rubbed back and forth over Chloe's erect, buzzing clit, but her pawtips only ever playfully dipped past the silky birth of her folds, refusing to penetrate her for any real length of time.

If the raccoon were ever so bold, Chloe knew that she'd be making a terrible mess of her jean shorts, and likely the chair that she was sitting on.

She could keep that inner dialogue safely locked away in the further recesses of her mind, but she couldn't keep her body from thrusting violently at Cassandra's open palm.

"That's the way," the raccoon whispered, a certain haste in her voice now as she started to pant with the furious efforts of her skillful digits. "Just let it all go, Chloe. Let those sweet, tasty juices spill right into my paw!"

Normally, Chloe would be too much of a perfectionist to relax. She'd be worried about making sure the shop was clean from floor to ceiling, and that all of the arrangements were in order. She'd be sure to arrive early, and leave a few minutes late, in case anything extra needed to be done.

A pair of driving, eager digits erased any concerns she had left, and she completely melted against Cassandra's middle and ring fingers. Her inner walls clenched down tightly, and just above the tiny gap that was left, a fresh, colorless gush of fluid left Chloe to throw her head back.

" Good girl," Cassandra praised her, refusing to let her pawtips be pushed out, despite Chloe's vaginal muscles doing all that they could to expel the extra flesh. "Keep it coming, baby! Don't let anything hold you back!"

Ever brilliant at taking direction, Chloe would have slipped right out of the chair as her every muscle quivered and relaxed, far beyond her mind's ability to control them. Her thighs quaked as desperate muscles squeezed at the pair of digits as if they were a full, throbbing member, eager to try and milk the seed right out of it.

Her throat was still dry with nerves, but her cries were sensual as could be, if not terribly adorable.

"Cas...Cassandra! How did y-you make me..._fuck..._how did you make me d-do that?!" she tried to cry out, but her soft voice was just enough for the raccoon to hear it, and under gasping breaths, she was barely able to finish the thought, let alone realize just how sweet and sensual she was in the heat of the moment.

Cassandra wasn't quite ready to admit that a stain was growing against the crotch of her panties, but there would be plenty of evening left to explore such avenues. With a grin, she drew her paw up from between the tired, shaking thighs of her favorite employee and spread her middle digits apart, watching a web of feminine arousal split between them.

"It's called squirting, my darling...don't tell me you've never done it before?"

As her modest breasts still heaved, Chloe was sure that the room was spinning, but it wasn't just her perception. Cassandra whirled the chair around, forcing the timid human to watch as the raccoon playfully licked each and every drop of spilled desire from her fingers, and with the delightful nectar still fresh on her tongue, she leaned in close.

"N-no, Cassandra..."

"Then we've got a lot to cover tonight."

Chloe wouldn't have been able to answer so quickly regardless, but Cassandra sealed the deal, and their lips, as she pressed her lips tightly upon those of her timid, bashful fling. A muffled gasp came as the only reply, and just as quickly as Chloe's eyes flew open, they settled down and shut once more, allowing the raccoon to dictate every bit of the action. Each delicate press, each gentle separation, each flicker of the tongue and even the teasing, playful touch of fangs upon tender flesh...all were gifts for Chloe, who did her best to keep up with the seemingly endless pleasures that Cassandra could offer to her.

She was still breathing a little faster than usual when Cassandra eased back and gazed into her fluttering eyes.

"I've wanted to do that for a very long time."

Chloe nodded, the locks of her hair moving just enough to indicate it. "I...y-yeah. I could have gathered."

Giggling at the ever demure nature of her newest hire, Cassandra was over the fear of thinking that she'd rushed in too quickly. She couldn't have been happier with the results, and for her part, Chloe was still her same, timid self.

"I understand if it's a little too much too soon, but I'd love nothing more than to take you back to my place, Chloe. There's no reason the evening has to end just yet."

After her climax, the shop was eerily quiet, and the hustle and bustle of the day was done for Chloe, who would have likely just gone home and fallen asleep in front of the television.

All told, her evening might still end that way, but doing so in the comforting arms of Cassandra sounded so much better than the alternative.

"I'd...yes. I'd love to," Chloe accepted the offer with a tiny, but sure and genuine smile.

Leaning forward and carefully slipping her arms around Cassandra's hips, Chloe should have expected to be tugged right up into the raccoon's breasts, but it was just the latest in a series of wonderful surprises that she had to offer.

Chloe couldn't wait to see what was coming next.