
Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Who doesn't love a good buddy cop story? Especially one with a big daddy moose. This story was posted on my patreon three weeks ago, sorry for being so slow with the stories lately. I am currently working on a bunch and expect to have more to share soon. Thanks to my top tier patreon who requested this story and got a ych slot within it.

"The Thin Blue Line, that's what we are supposed to be," grumbled the moose as he leant back in his chair. Devon had been in the force since the days when it was ok to give anybody you arrested a good clip around the ear. A proud part of the 'Thin Blue Line', though the blue line was a lot thicker where Devon was standing. He glanced across at his rookie partner. "It's a living I suppose, pension ain't bad either."

His young partner didn't say anything, his eyes were locked on the road and the speed gun readout. Matt was a young newfoundland, just turned twenty-one. His father had been a cop and he was following in his pawprints. After years of training, the young man had been given an assignment. The dog was desperate for his colleagues to see his diligence and devotion to duty. Although, on the inside, he really just wanted to arrest his first felon.

However, there was another reason he wanted to stay focused on the job. The black moose he had been assigned to wasn't just any old officer. Devon was his godfather. His father and Devon had been best friends all through school. Though, Matt didn't really know him that well. The moose had moved away when he was just a pup and Matt was a teenager when Devon finally resurfaced in their lives.

The moose yawned and checked his watch, "two hours and four cars, this is indeed a 'speeding hotspot'." Devon had grumbled against the assignment when it had been handed out and that had been the sergeant's response. "I feel like I'm watching cricket. The only sport in the world where you can take a nap, then pop to the shops and miss absolutely nothing." Although the hottest spots in their patch of rural England was like ice when compared to the cities Devon had once worked in.

That got just a hint of a smile on the canine's face. His father loved cricket, he'd been dragged to many matches as a pup, but he had never seen the appeal. Well, beyond the fact you could spend an entire day in the sun, drinking beer, watching guys bending over for you and claim to be a 'sports fan'. "Cricket would be just two cars," the dog replied softly and shyly.

Devon roared in laughter and slapped a meaty thigh with a huge paw, "ha! You said it, son." The moose tended to call all young guys son. He had no way to know just how uncomfortable it made the canine he sat next to. Not because Matt didn't like it, because he liked it far too much. Matt's sheath had plumped up just at the word. He was gay, and he had a very definite type, and a big daddy moose like Devon was it. The moose rummaged in a pocket and pulled out a white, and very crumpled, paper bag, "you want a liquorice torpedo?"

Matt shook his head and then he almost jumped as a black car sped around the corner. A heartbeat later the device flashed up a confirming figure, "fifty-five!" for a moment he paused, in excited expectation, his eyes looking at the moose.

All he got in response was a black paw moving from the white bag, to the moose's thick lips and a faint smell of liquorice. "He's getting away," Matt added, holding the device up for the moose to see the readout clearly.

"You see that car? E-type Jag, nice car. Expensive," Devon turned and gave Matt a look that made him feel like a five-year-old cub asking for a cookie. "Guy driving a car like that, he'll probably argue, and going fifty-five in a fifty is not exactly worth listening to someone bellyache and phone their lawyer friends."

"So he gets away with breaking the law because he's rich?" Matt asked the disappointment was heavy in his voice.

Devon shook his head in mild disappointment, his huge horns scraping on the roof of the car. "Ok rookie," Matt's ears picked up a heavy emphasis on the word rookie, and inside he cringed as he knew he was about to get a lecture on life, from the old guy. "Five miles over is like a mild slap on the wrist. Driving after him means leaving our post. It also means some guy is gonna be pissed off and probably posting on social media of a police state gone wrong. In the meantime some kid, in some sporty car he just stole, blows past here at ninety, can't take a corner for shit, slams into the side of a double-decker bus of school kids on a day trip. Mass carnage and blood and when the sarge asks us where we were, why we didn't stop it, you answer you pulled over some rich twat for going five over fifty... what are you gonna say?"

"That seems a highly specific and very unlikely scenario," Matt shot back quickly. He knew there was some logic within that argument, but the condescending note from the moose was getting his hackles up.

"You're right, it is," Devon said with a smile and then the large moose leaned over to mutter. "However, chances are we'll find someone doing something worth pulling over eventually. In the meantime, try to remember it is two-thousand and eighteen. We have dashcam recording, records of his speeding and a video showing his licence plate. In a few weeks, he will get a letter through the door, a slap on the wrist, fine and some points on his licence. While we don't have to suffer his presence for even a moment."

Matt hated to admit it, but his older partner was right. So he didn't say it out loud. He just sat back in his seat in sullen silence. After a couple of minutes staring intently at the road a crumpled paper bag popped into his view and Devon's deep voice rumbled, "sweet?"

With a sigh, Matt felt the tension slip from his shoulders, he looked at the huge moose. Devon had a slightly sheepish smile on his face, the moose clearly knew he'd pissed off the young guy and was trying to make it up to him; as if he was a five-year-old kid upset because he had run out of T.V time. Still, the look on his face did melt his heart, it was so sweet, hopeful, with just enough dumb dad charm to make him smile and take a couple of the hard sweets from the bag. They were warm, and they crunched, a mixture of pure hard sugar with a liquorice core. "Thanks."

"So, how's your mum?" Devon asked after another five minutes of silence and the empty road continuing to taunt Matt.

All he wanted was at least one arrest on his first day. Was that too much to ask the universe for? Just one stupid guy, driving a good twenty or so over the speed limit, maybe drunk or with something suspicious in the back seat. The headlines wrote themselves, 'first-day hero, record making drug catch'. "She's good, settled in with my Aunt now."

"That's good to hear. I should probably give her a call, we haven't talked since my last birthday." Observed Devon, and Matt could pick up the guilt in his voice. Devon had always been his father's friend, now that the old dog was gone, it was clear he didn't have much to say to his friend's wife.

"She'd like that," Matt said, more to comfort the moose than because he was sure his mother would like that. His mother had no intention of living life like a grieving widow. Her husband had been gone for a couple of years, she was moving on, getting out and living her life. She'd moved in with her sister, and the two were having a whale of a time being evil old biddies together.

The silence returned and another three cars drove by, all going annoyingly just under the speed limit. Matt pulled out his phone and checked a couple of twitter accounts, ones used to warn motorists of speed traps, just in case they had been rumbled. They all were disappointingly quiet about their little section of road. The paper bag was poked into his vision once more, the moose didn't say a word. "Thanks," Matt mumbled as he took another couple and popped them in his mouth.

"So... you have a boyfriend?" Devon asked, as casually as he might have commented on the weather.

The torpedo sweet took on the properties of its namesake, as Matt spat it out in surprise. The small sticky red sweet left a smudge on the windscreen, before bouncing onto Matt's clean black trousers, where it stuck. "Wha...what? I'm not..."

"Oh sorry, son. I didn't realise you were still in the closet." the moose replied, with a sympathetic look on his face. "I won't tell anyone."

"I... I... " Matt looked into two big soft brown eyes and knew there was no point in denying it to the big bull moose. "How did you find out?"

A huge warm hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed. Matt shuddered a little at the strength in those paws, they were the size of a shovel, with thick fingers. Despite his distress, he couldn't help but wonder what they would feel like elsewhere. "Son, I'm fifty and I've been on the force since you were nothing more than an itch in your daddy's nutsack. I've worked in the Met, Manchester and even done some time in Northern Ireland, during the troubles too. I have excellent gaydar, criminal-dar and my dickhead-dar is more sensitive than any military listening station." Matt couldn't help but laugh at the old guy, adding dar to everything to show how he was 'down with the kids and their lingo'.

"Truth is, this job teaches you how to read people. I've been spotting gay guys since not long after they made it not a crime to be a puff. Sorry, slip of the tongue." The bull moose looked embarrassed at himself, his paw lifted off the young dog's shoulders. "It's been my experience that most gay cops are just like other cops. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, some of them are ugly and some of them are just plain arseholes. Just like every group of people. I know for a fact, you are not the only gay officer in the station." There were only twenty cops in their small station, and Matt's mind ran through every single one and tried to pick out who the other gay one could be.

"Of course, many of the gay cops I know have been gay since...well since being gay would have gotten you run off the force. They aren't just hiding in the closet, they fucking live there. Been there so long the door is rusted shut and they stopped thinking about coming out long ago. No girlfriends or wives, and anybody who asks gets told: they are a lifelong bachelor." Devon shook his head, his horns once more carving grooves in the plush carpet-like veneer that covered the roof of their unmarked car. "It's different for you, the times are changing. Anybody calls you a bender, they are looking at 'sensitivity training' and disciplinary action. So, if you want out, you can come out."

"I... dunno, I guess I can," Matt mumbled shyly, he had thought about it a few times. He knew a lot of what Devon said was true, it was far more acceptable than it used to be. Still, there were plenty of people around who didn't like it, who might bite their tongue, but hold it against him in other ways. He'd heard stories, of people being held back or excluded. You don't have to spit in someone's face and call them a filthy shirt-lifter, you could keep your phobia secret. One of the biggest questions in his mind had always been, how would his parents take it? His mother would have accepted it, but his dad, he was the toughest guy Matt had ever known, "now that I have my own place, and my dad isn't here to be dissapoiOW!"

The canine yelped in pain, as a huge paw smacked across the back of his head. The force of the blow knocked his hat off and made him nod so hard his chin crashed into his chest, "what the fuck!?" He snarled and turned, only to meet the stony-eyed gaze of someone barely in control of their rage.

"That... was for your dad," the words were spoken slowly and deliberately, in a deep and powerful tone. The sort of tone that implies that was just the tip of the iceberg and warned the dog that he did not want to suffer the same fate as the Titanic. They stared at each other for a few moments and then Devon's expression softened. "Sorry, guess that was probably a step too far, but Bill, your dad, was a good guy. He wouldn't care if some cop came out as gay, he certainly wouldn't have loved his son any less if he had finally admitted it to him."

"'Admitted it to him'?" The words seemed to have slipped into Matt's ears, bounced around his brain and then ricocheted out of his mouth as a question.

Devon shrugged his huge shoulder and gave a smile, "he was a copper a long time too, son. He was good with people, better than me. So, yeah, he knew. I think he told me when you were about thirteen, he was pretty sure you had no interest in girls. To him, it didn't matter one tiny bit."

Matt couldn't find words to reply, his dad had always been just that, his dad. It was hard to think of him as an insightful guy. His father had died just before Matt really became a man when he was still an awkward teen and his parents were the last person he would tell anything to. Part of his heart ached to think he was never going to have the chance to tell him. However, the rest was soothed to hear that his Dad would have accepted his sexuality. All he could think to say was, "oh."

When he'd gotten up that morning the last thing he'd expected was to have a conversation about coming out, with his godfather or to find out his father knew. Suddenly a little light went on in his head, "if he knew... does my mother?"

The moose leant back in his chair with a chuckle, "if your dad knew, she knows. Hell, I thought... well, I thought everyone knew. Good thing I didn't say anything to the lads when they said you were coming to our station."

"I'm... grateful you didn't," there was a moment's pause as the dog found himself slightly disappointed. Coming out, he knew he'd have to do it someday, but the thought of already being out, that was definitely appealing.

"So... you never answered the question, you dating anyone?" The big bull moose asked his tone and expression right back to where it had been at the start of their conversation. As if the last five minutes had not happened.

"I..." Matt never managed to finish his answer, as a black four by four suddenly flashed into existence, going seventy-two. Matt didn't even need to say anything, the moose had the engine going and lights flashing within seconds. Any talk of his dating life was forgotten in the following minutes.

For his first, real, car chase it was, disappointingly, rather short. The car pulled over almost immediately. That didn't matter too much to the dog, he was as excited as a puppy on Christmas morning. Devon let him take the driver's details, while the moose just stood there looking intimidating. The older bull moose was good at that. Outside of the car, his horns added so much to his height that he towered over everyone. His broad chest and stomach gave him the presence of five men his junior. His black fur did have more than a few wisps of grey among them, especially along his muzzle. However, in Matt's opinion, that gave Devon a somewhat distinguished look.

The driver turned out to be a boy in his late teens, who was pissing himself because he was driving his dad's car. His breath test came back negative, so there was no DUI to add to his charges. Also, no scent or sign of drugs or any other such crimes. It was just a young guy doing something dumb, for no other reason than he didn't think he would get caught.

Given how far over the speed limit he had been driving, points were a definite for his licence, and as he had only passed his test a year earlier he might well lose that licence. When Matt explained that to the young driver the wolf had begun to cry.

It was then that Devon stepped in, using a paw to subtly stop Matt's excited tail from wagging. The canine felt a blush of heat as he realised he had been so happy, while the young guy was in such distress. Devon put a paw on the young man's shoulder and explained the possibilities. That as it was a first offence the court might go easy on him if he showed remorse. Within a few minutes the guy had pulled himself together, he actually thanked them as he got back into his car.

"Not bad, for your first time," Devon observed as they got back into the car. Matt's chest swelled with pride, his first almost arrest. Technically, they hadn't arrested him, they'd just took his details, given him a talking to. The offender would get a letter through the post to explain what his fine and how many points he would get. He could appeal, but they had the dashcam footage and Matt had taken meticulous notes. "Though, you need to learn to control that tail."

Matt's cheeks burned with the heat of the sun as he nodded in response, "sorry, I just..."

"Yeah, I know. Your first time is always exciting. I'm sure in a few weeks the shine will have worn off," the moose replied with a wry smile. "Just wait until you actually arrest someone who did something worth arresting them for. Oh boy, got to be careful there. Don't smile when getting witness statements, no tail wagging. Sure for you it's a great day, but for them... it's the day they were mugged, robbed or worse."

"I will keep it professional," Matt replied a slightly defensive note in his tone. Wagging his tail while writing his first ticket was one thing, he knew if he was looking at a genuine victim he wouldn't be happy to be there.

"I trust that you will," Devon said and Matt felt there was confidence, not just in those words, but in him. The moose was looking at him with a slightly odd expression on his face. Matt couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, the universally recognised gesture that said 'what are you looking at?' "Sorry, just remembered your dad's first day. We started together you know?"

"I didn't, suppose I should have guessed." He replied, his curiosity building inside and forcing him to ask, "so, what happened with my father's first arrest?"

"Oh, I wasn't there. We both were assigned to different more experienced partners, only we were on the beat," as they talked the moose had driven them back to their spot and Matt had pulled out the speed gun. "It was a bloody typical British summer's day, so yeah it was pissing down. Fun fact, you'll start to like rainy days, now that you are a copper. Criminals don't much like the rain, so turns out when it is raining your days are quiet. One other tip, comfortable shoes; happy feet, happy beat."

The newfoundland dog sat quietly and listened as the old moose began to open up. Devon talked about the old days, fun cases he had worked on. A lifetime in the force had left him with a lifetime of good stories, mostly funny. With each story, the dog felt more and more comfortable. Each car that passed seemed to be doing the limit or less, and before he knew it his first shift was over and Devon was driving back to the station.

"You got plans to go out and celebrate your first day?" The moose asked as he parked the car outside the station.

"Naw, can't be bothered going all that way, when I'd have to come back early, anyway," Matt replied. He had considered hitting Newcastle for a night on the scene, maybe find a nice big guy to hook up with and spill a celebratory load inside of. However, it would be a bus ride into town, on a Monday night when it would be pretty darn quiet. Even if he got lucky he'd have to leave right after. Then get up for his shift in the morning.

"I'm gonna go sign us both back in, hand over the car keys," Devon replied and then started walking. When they reached the entrance to the station the moose paused, in Matts way. Devon glanced behind him, "if you want we could hit up the Ram for a couple of pints, a little quiet celebration... you know as partners, sort of."

"I'd like that, but I drove here, so it'd have to just be the one," the dog felt uncomfortable at the idea of drinking and driving. However, he couldn't look into those dreamy brown eyes and say no. The big old shaggy-furred moose was far too much of a wet dream for the pup to ever say no to. The Ram and Ewe was the small village pub just across the road from the station. One of just seven pubs that were needed to serve the village of just under five hundred residents.

"That's fine. I live just five minutes walk away. You can crash at mine and easily get back home for clean gear tomorrow morning," the bull moose replied with a slightly hopeful smile.

"Sure... I guess. I mean, you sure it's ok? I don't want to intrude," Matt said a little shyly. He liked the idea of seeing Devon's home, he had never actually visited the little house the bull moose had bought when he returned home.

"Yeah, no problem. I'm a lifelong bachelor, no girlfriend or wife to bother, no pets even," Devon placed a paw on the young dog's shoulder and squeezed. "You did a good job today, caught a couple of speeders, and more impressively you listened to me waffle for hours without falling asleep even once! Hit the showers, I'll catch up in a bit."

Devon wandered away. If he saw the shocked look on the dog's face he never gave a hint to it. Matt stood for a moment, running the moose's words over and over through his head, "I know for a fact, you are not the only gay officer in the station... No girlfriends or wives, and anybody who asks gets told: they are a lifelong bachelor."

His mind filled with the possibility, this older daddy type, just his type, might be gay. More than that, the guy had asked him out for a few drinks, as partners. As he reached the locker room he shook the idea from his mind. It was insane, his godfather had not just asked him out. He was just a lonely old copper, asking the new guy to keep him company while he downed a few pints and then sleep on either his sofa or guest bed. Depending on if Devon's house actually had a guest room with a usable bed in it.

Matt didn't waste any time pulling off his uniform. It had felt so good putting it on for the first real time. After years of hard work, he had earned the right to wear it. However, it felt so much better pulling it off, knowing his shift was over and done. The blue line had been maintained, maybe even buffed up a little, by his presence. His father would be proud, and he knew his mother was proud. The ten text messages she had sent him throughout the day telling him just that, made it very clear.

The moose still hadn't arrived by the time he hit the showers. Matt guessed the amiable old guy had probably stopped to chat with someone in the office. A hot stream of water hit his face and he was grateful. Even though he'd just been sitting in that car all day long, everything ached. Especially his right arm, from holding up the damned speed gun for hour after hour. He basked in the stream, as the cubicle filled with steam.

With a soft moan, the dog began to scrub soap into his black and white fur. Many of Matt's lovers had been surprised by just how much white fur he had. His face was mostly black, save for his muzzle which was white, his paws were black too. While dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and pants it was impossible to tell that under that shirt was a plus white furry body. Matt's back was black, but his belly and legs were pure white. His tail was white set against a black, pert rump, the contrast was almost like nature had designed his body to attract the eye to his ass.

He was proud of his body, mostly muscle earned through years of training, with what he hoped was the beginning of his own daddy-dog gut. The sound of a door closing brought him out of any lingering thoughts he was having, it was the shower cubicle right next to his. A deep moan of contentment came a few seconds later, just a second after the sound of more falling water. Matt held his breath, Devon was showering naked less than a meter from where he stood naked.

A loud and satisfied manly "ahhhh, that's the stuff," made Matt's floppy ears twitch. In his mind, he could see the black moose, his huge body soaked under powerful showers. Those paws, those huge powerful paws, just wandering over that beer gut, scrubbing white foamy soap into the fur. Devon's balls no doubt huge and hanging low, below a fat plump and permanently musky sheath. Matt barely managed to suppress a soft whimper in his throat, and his paw slipped down to where his thick rod was throbbing with need. After a day stuck in a car with him, breathing in the moose's musky scent and now Devon was naked, wet and soapy just a couple of foot away.

The sound of the shower being turned off and the door opening woke Matt enough to realise, he had been in the shower far too long. Plus he was standing there with a very needy erection in paw.

"You drowning in there, Son?" Devon's voice called out and Matt felt the heat of a blush on his face as his erection refused to leave.

"I'm... almost done," he called out, he held his breath for a moment and heard the sound of feet on tiles as Devon left. He glared down at his pinkness. Doing his best to put thoughts of a wet, naked, daddy bull moose out of his mind he stepped out. Grabbed his towel and wrapping it firmly around his waist.

Devon was in the changing room, naked. Matt was lost between the desire to start believing in god just so he had an appropriately high authority to thank for the vision of dad perfection that was bent over right before his eyes. Or the need to escape before his now aching erection caused him to pass out through the sudden loss of blood to his head.

The bull moose was everything Matt thought he would be. Midnight black fur, with a few wisps of grey, firm muscled rump and thickly muscled arms. His ass was bent over before him like it was being offered up for his personal pleasure. Matt could even see a tiny hint of pink in the middle of the black sea of shaggy fur.

Gulping and trying to control his breathing the canine edged to his locker, making sure to keep his back to the big guy. Every urge in his body told him not to ignore this golden opportunity to ogle a grade A beefy dad body. However, he had enough presence of mind to know that being caught in the locker room, with a huge erection, in a police station, on his first day, was almost certainly not the story he wanted to tell of why he was kicked out of the police force.

So he did his best to focus on dressing, making sure to pull on his underwear quickly. Trapping his erection under the waistband and pinning it to his stomach. It hurt, but he had to hide it somehow. A t-shirt and jeans were hastily pulled on to his still very damp body. The fabric slightly sticking to his fur.

When he finally turned around he found a half-dressed Devon with a quizzical look on his face, "next time, less time getting wet and more time getting dry, son." the bull moose rumbled at him with a wink. "There weren't no hurry, the Ram ain't going anywhere and it ain't likely to get more than a half-dozen customers on a Monday night."

"Sorry, guess I'm just... excited. First-day, first arrest. Guess that makes me a real copper now," Matt mumbled slightly embarrassed. Though it was true, he'd made it through his first day, he was a policeman now.

"Nope, you ain't a real copper until a pregnant lady has used your helmet as a toilet," the moose replied with a chuckle. "Took weeks to requisition a new one as well." Devon clearly saw the bemused look on his partners face. "Seriously, if they ask you got to let them. Look it up."

Matt pulled his phone out of his jeans, and as they walked Matt searched the net. Sure enough, it was true, "well, they never taught that at the academy." He observed as they reached the pub.

"Yeah, but what you really need to know is: you don't have to let them if you can convince them to pis somewhere else. Something I wish my sergeant had told me about two minutes earlier than he did," Devon put a paw on Matt's shoulders. "That man had a mean sense of humour. Now, grab the corner table. What you drinking, lager?"

"Kopparberg pear cider, please," the newfoundland replied as he turned to make his way to the table Devon had pointed out. The place was mostly empty, just a half dozen of the villages sitting nursing pints and talking. Matt couldn't help but notice their conversations had gotten a lot quieter the second the two off-duty coppers had walked in.

It wasn't long before a green bottle was plonked in front of the dog. Devon had a pint of something black, "they have a nice porter ale on tap. A new microbrewery. It has flavour, unlike that sugary juice you asked for."

Matt shrugged his shoulders and took a sip, "I like it. It's refreshing and light."

"Ah fair enough," the moose responded with a hint of respect in his voice. Matt wondered just for a moment if his partner had been testing him a little, push the new kid and see if he pushes back. Devon picked up his pint and said, "here's to your first day, your old man would be proud." Glass clinked softly on glass and the two took a sip.

The bull moose leant back in the booth, putting his huge paws behind his head and letting out a deep sigh. "Ah, nothing beats a pint after a hard day's coppering. Well, almost nothing." Devon winked at the dog and Matt squirmed in his seat. He wasn't sure if that was a come on, but the dog couldn't help but think of a lot of lewd things that beat the shit out of a drink in the pub. Most of them involved being naked with a partner and one of them had a lot of chocolate sauce.

"It's quiet in here," he observed, while he felt his sheath swelling for what had to be the hundredth time that day.

"Aye, and it'll stay that way until we leave, that's for sure," Devon mumbled taking a pull from his pint. "They all know who I am, and soon they will remember you too. Don't matter if you are wearing the uniform or not, you ain't quite one of them anymore. You will get used to it."

The canine glanced around the pub, the other patrons were not even looking in there direction. However, the hairs on the back of his neck told him he was being watched. "I hope you are right."

"Part of the job, son. Even off duty, you are still a copper. They know it and while they want you doing their job... well everyone has secrets. Everyone breaks the rules in little ways nobody really gives a shit about, but you are the keeper of those rules now, and they know it." The moose explained slowly. "Makes dating and stuff a pain. Some guys get lucky, find someone who doesn't care about the uniform. Of course, there is many a guy and girl who will want in your pants just cause of the uniform. That's almost as bad as those who don't want nothing to do with it. Neither of them is seeing what's in the uniform, no matter how handsome you are."

Matt's ears drooped until his brain flagged something to him. Devon had just called him handsome, maybe in a roundabout way but he was sure it was a compliment. He took another mouthful of his cider. However, he couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Tell you what, son. If it's making you uncomfortable, why don't we head back to mine? I have a few cans in, and we could order a pizza, or Chinese, or something. Hell, I can grab a couple of bottles of that pop from the bar before we go. To help keep you sweet," the moose gave him a hopeful look. While inside Matt processed the offer, getting away from prying eyes was a definite plus. Also, he would get to see the bull moose at home, have a meal. It sounded better than sitting someplace he didn't feel especially welcome and just eying the hunk of venison in front of him.

"Ok, sounds good." The dog replied, trying not to let too much excitement show in his voice. They both knocked back the remains of their drinks, the moose went to the bar. Matt walked outside, while he was waiting he realised his tail was wagging again. He wondered how long it had been doing that, and more importantly, had Devon noticed? With pure force of will, he made his tail stop before the moose appeared. He had three bottles of cider in one huge paw.

"Right, come on this way," Devon announced, setting off at a brusque pace. It seemed to Matt like he was in a hurry to get home, maybe he was just hungry for some pizza. Or maybe, he was hungry for some other kind of junk food, such as a nice hot dog.

Devon's house was what an estate agent would call rustic and cosy. Which meant it was old and tiny. An old small mining cottage, with a patch of garden out front. All planted up with vegetables, no doubt Devon was a man who enjoyed growing his own. One bedroom, one bathroom, a small kitchen and a cosy living room. "Mi Casa, su casa." the moose rumbled as he escorted Matt inside and waved at a small two seat sofa opposite the T.V. "Sit down and I'll go order some pizza. I'm getting ham and pineapple if you want to share."

The twisted face of disgust on Matt's face said very clearly that he believed pineapple on pizza was a cookery idea directly out of Satan's arsehole. "Pepperoni, please."

The old moose gave a chuckle and walked out, ducking a little to get his antlers through the door. Devon's cottage was clearly over a hundred years old, possibly two hundred. The doors had been made for the people of the time and the dog could see notches in the paintwork above all the doors, clearly from when the moose occasionally forgot to duck.

Matt glanced around the room, there were a few photos. Mostly of Devon, sometimes with other people. He smiled as he saw a photo of Devon, a young devon with a man he hardly recognised and yet knew instantly, his father. The two of them together, in the old style police uniforms. There were a few holiday shots, Devon and other guys on sunny beaches. The dog couldn't help but wonder who the other men were, no two were the same at least not that he could see.

Hearing the old moose saying bye on the phone he stopped looking and sat down on the sofa. It was a small sofa, made of brown leather, yet clearly worn through many years of faithful service. The old moose returned, ducking deftly under the door frame, "ok, pizzas are ordered. Though they said they were having a bit of a rush, so it'll be an hour or so. Hard to believe on a Monday night, but then they are the only flaming delivery place in this town."

"That's ok, I can wait," Matt replied with a smile and his eyes flicked to the T.V. "So... what are we going to watch."

The moose shrugged, "there's my DVD and video collection, you can pick something." Matt's eyes turned to a small bookcase half filled with DVD's and half with VHS tapes. He hadn't seen a VHS tape in years or watched anything on one since before he left school. Suddenly the old moose added, "or I have an internet T.V. thing, with Netflix. So if you fancied some Netflix and chill."

Inside Matt screamed, ' Oh, hell yes!' However, he was sure that his partner was oblivious to the real meaning of the term. "I'm sure we can find something on Netflix."

As he picked up the remote, Devon sat down beside him, the weight making the sofa dip and almost throwing Matt against the warm wall of a man he was sitting beside. He turned the T.V. on and navigated to Netflix, "How about Lethal Weapon? Good old buddy cop movie?"

"Sure, why not," Devon replied softly as he put his paws behind his head. For a few minutes, the two sat in silence while the movie started up. Matt found it hard to focus. The old guy was sitting so close he could feel the heat of his body and his nose was filling with the musk of another male. He found his eyes were no longer on the television, they were on his partner, watching that huge chest rising and sinking, he wondered what it would be like to bury his muzzle in the plush black fur.

Devon yawned and stretched suddenly, waking Matt from his trance. The moose's huge meaty arm lay down along the back of the sofa, around the dog's shoulders. Then Devon's head dipped down, "I keep wondering when you are going to get up the courage to just ask, son."

The dog's blood suddenly stopped, his entire body froze, "a...ask?"

"If I'm gay and interested," the old moose replied bluntly. Then he added, "I told you I've spent a lifetime learning to read people. You are an open book and a seriously pornographic book at that."

"I'm not... I wasn't.... Ohhh!" Matt's protestations died, as a black paw lightly patted his crotch, where his cock was standing to full attention. It made a tent that only a blind man wouldn't be able to see. Those black fingers closed around his cocktip and squeezed.

"You son, are a terrible liar." Devon's words rumbled in the dog's ears, his breath stirring the fur on the back of his neck as the big brute leant over him. His fingers squeezed Matt's cocktip again and he whimpered, feeling pre leaking out already. " I was going to wait to see how long it'd take you to take all the hints. However, at my age you can only wait so long, don't have that much time to waste."

Matt opened his mouth to reply, however, Devon's lips were quicker pressing to his passionately. For a moment the dog froze, and then he returned the kiss passionately. Their tongues dancing, his paws breaking free from the fear that had frozen them and reaching out to grab the big body. Paws wandering over the huge belly, squeezing it lightly, enjoying the softness. He gasped happily as those large paws opened his flies and he felt soft furry fingers caressing his aching maleness.

With a moan of lust and desire, the moose pulled back. He looked down at the red spear in his paw, "always did love you doggy boys. So much pre you don't need lube and... "his paw slipped down and grabbed Matt's fully formed knot. "A nice surprise prostate massager built right in. You're a top aren't you?"

With his cock being squeezed and massaged, Matt didn't trust his voice to reply so he nodded. The old moose licked his lips and smiled. "Always been a switch myself. Never saw the point in limiting my fun. So if you want to get some practice with your baton, rookie, I can show you a few tricks they didn't teach at the academy."

The terrible dad joke rattled around Matt's brain and he found himself laughing more on reflex than anything else. "I... am always willing to learn, from an experienced guy." The dog replied with a pant, his cock was throbbing and aching with need. If the old bull wanted to play, then he was more than willing and very able to oblige. His paws reached out, pulling firmly on the old moose's pants, with several rough tugs they were removed.

All the while Devon laughed, his voice filled with playful lust. "That's what I like to see in young men, initiative." The old bull moose lay back on the sofa, putting his paws behind his head and gave Matt a wink so dirty it left a stain on Matt's brain. "Be careful, I'm a delicate flower." Devon chuckled as he spread two huge meaty thighs and exposed himself. A thick musky maleness bobbed just above his ample beer belly, while below resting on the sofa was a pair of the largest low hanging testicles Matt had ever seen.

Matt laughed, the old man's confident and casual demeanour helping him relax. While the sight of Devon offering himself up for the dog's pleasure excited the right parts of him. In the back of his mind, a tiny voice remembered just who he was about to fuck. While the rest of his brain told that little voice to fuck off, because it knew exactly what it was about to do, or rather who.

He could feel his legs and arms trembling as he knelt down between those huge meaty thighs. There was almost no room, Devon's body lay over most of the sofa and Matt could feel the armrest pressing into his back. However, he didn't care, anything that kept him near the big moose body was a bonus. It was a work of a moment to slide his hips forward and guide his cocktip down to the old man's pucker.

Devon moaned out loudly and Matt knew his cocktip had found its target. He was reasonably experienced, this was far from Matt's first time, and yet it reminded him of his first. There was an excitement in his chest that he hadn't felt since. This was different to the other guys, there was something special about the moose. "Come on boy, I ain't got all night. A man could die of old age waiting for yoOOOOUUUU!" The moose's friendly jibes were punctuated by a firm thrust from his young lover.

With a grunt of triumph, Matt had slammed himself forward. His canine spear had pressed deep inside the moaning cervine. He panted as his entire body trembled, the sensations surrounding his cock sent waves of pleasure crashing throughout his body. Matt knew he needed a moment to compose himself, "Sorry, were you saying something?" He gasped softly as his paws grabbed Devon's meaty thighs and he used the muscle he had gained in training to force those mighty black tree trunks down.

"C..careful, lad. I don't bend like an eighteen-year-old anymore," Devon moaned and yet he didn't struggle or push back. His thick body still able to bend enough to let the dog take the position he loved. On top, dominant with an older studly guy under him, whimpering with need.

The newfoundland licked his lips and smiled, "still pretty bendy for a man of your advanced years." As Devon opened his mouth to respond Matt put some emphasis on his dominant position. His hips thrusting forward again, pressing his meat in until his knot kissed the old moose's pucker. Any words of objection turned into a deep moan of pleasure. The moose's thick meat was oozing pre as it bobbed between them. Matt's nose could smell the musk, a potent heady mix. It was like liquorice and stout ale, so bitter and yet his mouth was drooling.

Deciding that it was time the old moose learned that there were advantages to taking a lover less than half his age. Matt bent down suddenly. His muzzle sealed around the moose's cocktip, his canine tongue lapping up the musky taste. It exploded on his tongue, so strong and mature. He'd sucked plenty of young guys cocks and he knew they didn't compare, their taste was weak and bland by comparison.

While Devon's deep voice boomed a never-ending string of curse words as he tried to deal with the dual pleasure. Matt smiled around the cocktip, his hips thrusting, again and again. Bucking an inch of cock in and out of the tight moose hole. Each thrust feeling better and yet he knew his control was growing, while Devon's control seemed to be slipping away. He couldn't get more than the moose's cocktip into his muzzle, but that was all he needed. His tongue swirled around the glans, teasing Devon's coronal ridge and meatus.

The moose never stopped crying out in pleasure, his voice getting louder and louder. Matt could feel the old guy clenching around his cock more with each thrust as if he was trying to hold Matt inside him. Inside the dog the need to breed was growing, his cock was begging for more. Just the inch or two he could move while bent over was not enough. With a gasp, he let the cocktip fall from his mouth. Stopping any protests with a long and deep thrust.

His entire length slipped in and out of that tight warmth. Two huge meaty legs wrapped around his waist, holding him there. Matt chuckled to himself, there weren't enough wild horses in the world to drag him away from where he was sitting. Devon was crying out in bliss with each thrust, clearly lost to the lust of the moment. His handsome face looking beautiful as it contorted with the pleasure he was driving into the old man.

Matt leant over again, pressing his musky and pre-soaked lips to Devon's kissing him passionately. His tongue thrusting deep into the moose's warm maw, while his cock reamed the old guy's wonderful depths. With each thrust, his knot pressed harder into Devon's pucker. The dog's need to tie was growing almost uncontrollable.

With a snarl of canine lust, he broke the kiss, keeping himself bent over the old boy. Just so Devon knew who was in charge, he wanted the moose to feel his every breath, and snarl of dominant pleasure. He wanted to hear the slightest whimper and deepest cries of pleasure his partner would give. There wasn't a moment he was going to miss. The sofa screeched with the power of the canine's thrusting hips.

His paws gripped onto Devon's warm soft belly dominantly, possessively. Matt's eyes were lost to lust as they stared into Devon's, declaring that the moose was his. Devon belonged to him, his knot mashed deeper and deeper and he knew any moment he would fuck himself in and tie. Yet the old guy kept clenching, holding him out. The act of rebellion drove his inner beast wild with a mixture of anger and desire. How dare his bitch refuse him access.

His fur was already soaking with sweat and his breath came in deep pants, his tongue hanging out. Matt snarled and growled fucking harder and harder, desperate to force himself fully in. Devon's cries of pleasure let him know how much the moose loved the rough treatment. His dominant urges flooding his body, his mind screamed in horny rage, and he bit down on the scruff of the old moose's neck as he fucked him with everything he had. His knot grinding and forcing until, with a sweet cry from the old Moose, he felt it slip inside.

The rush of relief that came as his knot swelled was all Matt needed to send him over the edge. He rutted Devon with everything he had. Fucking the inch of so he could move deeper and deeper as the room filled with the scent of cum. He felt the moose spasm around him as Devon's cock soaked both of them. With desperate motions, Matt fucked his cum as deep into his lover as he could. Torrents of canine seed were pumped into the old cervine, flooding him. Yet the swollen knot kept every last drop sealed inside the whimpering bitch he was breeding.

Matt's strength spent, he collapsed down on top of Devon, panting and dizzy. The warmth of soft comfort of a larger lover was welcome, as were the strong arms that held him. He blushed a little as he felt Devon's muzzle kissing his cheek and the old moose muttered, "now that was a really good fuck. Well done, lad."

He never got a chance to respond as the sound of Devon's doorbell chimed in and the moose groaned, "ah fuck. The pizza is early. You able to pull out yet?"

A tug of Matt's hips told him his knot was fully tied up right now and he should try again in half an hour. "Nope."

"Ok, well I've paid for the bloody pizza, so there's no way I am letting it go to waste." Devon snorted as his arms gripped around the dog. "I guess it won't be the first time I've gone to the door with a dog knotted in my arse."

"It won't?!" Matt both asked and exclaimed at the same time, his jaw dropping. Devon didn't reply he just gave a wink that somehow told Matt that his life had just gotten a lot more complex and a lot more fun at the same time.

If you enjoyed this then I think you will enjoy my latest anthology or my new Novel The Stable Boy will illustrations by Rov

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by Edesk

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