TwoKinds: His and Her Predicament Chapter 3

Story by KantaWrites on SoFurry

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#6 of Old Fic Versions


Clovis follows Natani for a few days to get the patterns of the brothers daily life to see if she can get the youngest one alone. She is in need of help of learning to conceal her feminine identity and only Natani is able to help the half breed out. He only hopes that Zen doesn't find them together and being alone, fearing he will regret helping Clovis in the end.

(May contain mature content later on. Natani is referred to as he and Clovis as she. Twokinds belongs to Tom Fischbach!)

"Ah..AH! GASP! Not so tight you fool!" Clovis exclaimed as Natani began to tighten the binding bandages around the female's chest, trying to not chuckle at how uncomfortable this was making her. "Gods I swear if you weren't the only one who could help......I'd make you regret _GASP _this!"

"I'm sorry but you said you wanted help...well this is how you begin.~" He teased and tightened the bandages more, hearing another gasp come from the female who struggled to breathe a little. "Gods who did these bandages around your chest? They look horrible..."

When he tightened them again Clovis felt her breath hitch and she gasped again, struggling to breath a moment but finally able to get used to it. She saw that Natani helping her bind her chest was working much better than doing it herself. Still this was a hell of a predicament she got herself into and nonetheless her fault too. Once he had finished wrapping the bandages around her, Natani tucked them away in a spot where they would hold for a bit. "There we go. Now the one thing that you will need to remember is making them tighter makes them stay on longer. You can't just wrap them around your chest you have to make sure you're concealed just right."

She looked at herself in the mirror and was amazed how much better they looked when they were tightened more. A little smile formed on her face, taking one last turn around before turning to the wolf, "This works perfectly.~ Thank you. I really don't know what I would have done. I have tried searching for ways to fix it but I didn't have anyone who could help and actually keep my secret..."

Now he had felt a little bad for what he said a few days ago to her. Clovis was really having a tough time getting used to the female body and keeping it hidden like Natani had tried. "My bandages I wear are magic meaning they help conceal my chest with a spell attached to them. They reduce the volume so that I can move easier for fighting or sparring. Maybe somehow I can browse in the magic shop and find that spell again for you. Let's see if we can loosen this up a little..."

He reduced the tightness and made it more comfortable for her to move around in, making sure the bandages don't come loose and able for her to move in at the same time. Clovis breathed easily and tried moving around once more, happy she wasn't being suffocated anymore," Much better.~ Thank you again. So what now?"

"Well I think since we got some proper binding for now we could take a quick walk to the magic shop and find that spell in one of those books. But first let me get you some clothes to wear..." Natani answered walking toward the wardrobe, browsing through the clothes that sat on a shelf and found something nice Clovis could wear out in town.

He found a shirt that was dark red, burgundy maybe, that had long sleeves and buttoned up with no collar around the top and a pair of black pants that had a couple pockets at the top and one extra on the right side. Natani brought the outfit over to the female and went to the door to step out before turning back, "If you want to change you can. I'll wait in the kitchen till you're done....."

Once Natani was out of the room, Clovis took off her old clothes and changed into the new ones, which seemed to fit in all the right spots. It was comfortable and easy to walk in. Looking in the mirror she spotted a wanted poster hanging on the wall, curious to see what it was about. She turned and picked it off the wall, finding that it was a wanted poster of Natani and Zen from Edinmire.

Well well well....It seems that wolf boy has a big bounty on his head as well as the older brother....That's a pretty hefty profit.~ Maybe I could just fake this whole help business and find a way to turn them and maybe the rest of Lyn'knoll over to the Templars. First I'll need to get him to help me out more while I plan to get hold of someone in the assassin's guild to come out and seize them both. This will be perfect for my revenge on their actions at the Dragon Masquerade ball.~

She took the piece of paper and folded it up, putting it in her pocket as Natani called out from downstairs, "Are you alright up there?! Do you need anything else?" He was standing at the foot of the stairs and looking up, Clovis coming out with a smile on her face and walking down toward the kitchen. "Just fine. Had a bit of trouble getting my tail through the hole but I figured it out.~ Now how about we get to town yes?"

She seems all too happy about this. Then again when was she ever happy about anything. Maybe Clovis has changed for the better....

Natani gathered the red cowl that hung over the kitchen chair and handed it to Clovis, getting his own and slid it over his shoulders and snapping the button to connect the sides, "Alright then. We'll head over to the magic shop and see if we can find that book with the same spell I used. It's been a while but I'm sure we could manage to pull it off somehow. Then maybe you can finally breathe easy."

Oh I am well past breathing easy.~ You and your brother will be paying me back better than I could have hoped for.