
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Time is funny, true magic

Many-a-times, out of our hands, turning tragic

It's not all bad...

things change, enjoy what you can, after all, anyone can be sad

Stand up, or sit & relax a minute before you forget

Things were, & can still be good, before you jus start to love, & live with regret

We only get one go around

We can do a lot, or spend it dreaming, making peace with each feeling

Enjoying the memories, reminiscing each & every sound

Fair, a word many don't believe these days

Many jus bitter with the conclusions of this worlds ways

Keep on, get along, doesn't matter right or wrong

As long as you can, keep trying

If not, life is all you'll be denying

Easier said than done, true

Jus remember, cloudy days eventually end with a clear sky, still blue

"Hang in there, remember how, & why we all should still care..."

Written to:

I thought we were lovers (feat. Basil) - In love with a Ghost