Full Moon Series: Lunar Soul - Chapter Ten

Story by Liki Wolfspirit on SoFurry

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#11 of Full Moon Series: Lunar Soul

Chapter 10

Zack and Kyle waited together by a station at the foot of the same mountain the werewolf cave was on, the one attending worker typing away at a keyboard near them. Zack had a duffel bag he'd stuffed with some clothes and warm equipment. He didn't know if Drailsin could provide appropriate clothing for the cold temperatures at the top of the mountains, but figured it'd be better to bring his own stuff just in case. Kyle, however, appeared to not think that far ahead, he had only brought changes of clothes in his backpack.

"Why wouldn't you bring something warmer?" Zack chuckled, "You going to go skiing in just that?" He motioned at what the dalmatian was currently wearing, gray gym shorts and a red tshirt.

The canine growled, his ears pinning back, "Well honestly, I don't even know if I want to ski, I don't think I'd be very good at it. Besides, I think appropriate equipment can be rented, and since Drailsin invited us I assumed we'd be able to get it for free."

The attendee's ears perked, and the lynx turned to them both, giving them an interested look with one eyebrow raised, "Drailsin invited you both up there?" He made a bit of a startled jortle, "I wondered how you both had those passes, you didn't seem like rich enough people to have lifetime passes. He must really like you to give those."

"What's it like up there?"

The lynx turned to back to his station a moment, pressed one button, and read his screen, "It's currently 5 degrees farenheit up there."

Zack's entire body seemed to droop as he heard that, already shivering at the thought of such a temperature. He'd been born in the north, where it was just as cold even not on a mountain except in the summer months, but spending a majority of his life in Trent he'd long grown used to warmer weather. The lynx turned back and noticed his look, grinning, "That's actually warm for what it usually is up there. But he's right, if you're friends of Drailsin, everything up there will probably be of no charge, and there is equipment to rent. I hope you guys are getting to eat up there to. I work down here, so I don't get to go up, but I've heard the food in that place is amazing."

Several minutes passed by as they chatted, and Zack was becoming more and more antsy about being able to go to the top the more the worker told him about stories and things he'd heard about. There were apparently five ski courses you could do, each with a varying degree of difficulty. Twists, turns, ramps, and trees left in the way on purpose. Safety was covered very well by the staff there too. Besides safety officials skiing down the paths every thirty minutes, each patron was further given a badge that if opened was a small button that would send a distress signal to the ski lodge for assistance.

The box car eventually arrived, completing its hour long journey from the top of the mountain along it's cables. It was a very small box, given that the lodge didn't actually get very many patrons, only about six people could possibly ride comfortably in the red box. Along the mountain were several metal posts that the cable wire ran along, ascending higher and higher along the crest towards the top where the lodge was stationed.

Once it locked into the station, the one door on its side opened. There was no one inside, and the lynx waved Zack and Kyle towards the car, "Everyone aboard, it'll begin its journey back up in about five minutes. Whole trip takes about an hour to the top, so get comfortable. Feel free to stand, but too much movement can rock the car and cause it to fall off the cable, but that'd only happen if you were like...purposely having a dance party in there or something." He chuckled." Have fun this weekend!"

Zack entered after Kyle and he sat his bag in another seat while he took the one next to it and across from Kyle. After a few minutes, the car door slid shut and made a few clicking noises as it locked into place. The docking station under them made a few more clicking noises at it released the car and then Zack was jolted a bit as it began to rise into the air.

He watched over his shoulder at the small little workstation the lynx was manning as they slowly lifted up over it and it vanished behind the trees they hovered over, slowly going higher up the mountain pass. Every minute they would pass by one of the large metal poles that held the car's cable by its long cords. They sat in silence as they simply enjoyed the climb, admiring the views of the mountain and city beyond the trees.

They were probably about as high as the werewolf cave when Zack decided he might as well prepare for the weather and he stood up and swayed a bit as he tried to balance his momentum to that of the cable car. Kyle perked and looked at him as the wolf began to dig into his duffel pack and he pulled out a large jacket and jeans.

"What are you doing?" Kyle questioned, tilting his head as Zack futher pulled out a pair of boots and sat them in the chair as well.

"I'm getting myself prepared for the cold. There's no one watching us or anything." Zack chuckled, and he began to pull his shirt up over his head. When he finished, Kyle was staring at him with wide eyes. The wolf grinned at this and he decided to tease his boyfriend a bit. He turned away from the dalmatian and began to slowly pull down his shorts, leaving his boxers on since he was just changing his outer clothing. He leaned down in front of Kyle, lifting his tail up in the air as he wiggled and pulled his pants down along his legs. As he piled the shorts down around his feet he suddenly felt something hard pressing under his tail through his boxers.

He looked up over his shoulder and giggled as he saw Kyle blushing and looking down at him, the dog's paws reaching and holding Zack's hips as he began to grind against the wolf, pressing the firm bulge under his gray shorts against him as he murred. "There's no one up here watching us..." He repeated what Zack said, "And we have like...fifty minutes left till we reach the top..." The canine bit his bottom lip as he ground himself against Zack again.

Zack chuckled and he flicked his tail, making it brush across his boyfriend's nose as he growled playfully, still bent over the seats in the car. "You want to do that here?" He smirked toothily, and made Kyle blush and look down a moment.

"I don't know..." Kyle admitted and he looked up again while he pulled back slightly, "I've been thinking about what taking someone might feel like, but at the same time I don't know if I want to be the one giving."

Zack stood up as he heard this and he turned around to hug Kyle, pressing his own bulge against the other canine's, though not as hard as him. He chuckled and nuzzled him, "Perhaps when we're not on a time constraint. If we are going to, you'd be the first taking that part of me."

Kyle blushed deeply again and he nodded, "Yeah, when we have more time..."

The wolf growled softly and he nuzzled at Kyle's neck, "But we can probably do what we normally do in time though." He suggested, his tail wagging and his wolfhood growing rather quickly, pressing out and stretching his boxers and making a wet spot at the tip. Kyle looked down and groaned softly at the sight, able to look down and see that extending shaft. He bit his bottom lip once more and shivered, nodding lightly.

"Y-yeah...fuck that'd be hot, it's almost like doing it in public." The dalmatian chuckled and turned and he leaned over the pair of chairs he had been sitting at instead then, his whiplike tail wagging rapidly. He hooked his boxers with his own paws and pulled them down just enough to reveal his tailhole to the wolf. Zack growled at the sight and he came around the chairs to stand behind his partner. He pulled down his boxers and revealed his half exposed cock.

Zack leaned over Kyle and pressed his cock against the dog's rear, hotdogging his wolfhood between his cheeks and began to grind slowly as he growled in his steadily growing arousal. His cock pulsed and leaked pre rapidly with each throb. Kyle whimpered under the wolf. Zack grinned and panted softly as he watched his own length grinding against his boyfriend. They'd had sex like this many times when Kyle had stayed the few days at his dorm room. Each time was greatly pleasurable, but for some reason, knowing they were about to have sex out in the open was getting him going quickly. Even though no one was with them in the car and they couldn't be seen hovering several feet in the air over the forest as they were being carried up the mountain, it was still really exciting.

It wasn't long before he was fully hard, and he freed his knot from his sheath, groaning at the sensation before he pulled his hips back and then aimed himself at that perked rim, precum shooting from his tip against the ring of muscle. "Ready?" He growled out at the submissive dog leaning over the arm rests of the chairs.

Kyle nodded, ears flicking and a deep blush on his cheeks as he answered, "Yeah, go for it."

The wolf smiled and he held his cock as he pushed against Kyle's rear, his tip pushed into him easily. The dalmatian was well stretched from taking Zack several times over the week, and he swore that Kyle had begun keeping himself well cleaned just for the reason that he wanted to be ready to be fucked at any moment, like right now. Still, as Zack pushed in the thicker, middle part of his shaft and groaned at the tight squeezes Kyle gave around his cock as it throbbed and spurt his precum, the dalmatian remained as tight as if he was still a virgin.

Zack growled out in pleasure, his knot pressed against his lover's entrance while he wagged his tail rapidly and held still for several seconds to let his pre significantly lube the passage. Going in dry initially was very different. There was a friction Zack could feel between his cock and the fleshy walls of Kyle's rear. Kyle groaned under him as his rear repeatedly clenched around the pulsating cock inside him. "Gods Zack...you always feel so much bigger than just nine inches."

The wolf grinned widely and he began to pull back slowly, feeling every vein along his length from the tight walls squeezing around him. "You want to know something interesting?"

Kyle panted and moaned as Zack slowly pulled back about three quarters of the way, "What's th-that?" He stammered when the wolf pushed back into him steadily to his knot, pulling back again the same distance to repeat the motion, the wolfhood sliding through his gut and the thicker middle part of the shaft was just enough to put some pressure on his prostate.

"That first time I fucked you and you had passed out from it?" Zack said as he leaned over the canine slightly, his hips thrusting at a steady speed, the sound of sex filling the car as his pre was starting to leak around his cock. "I'm not sure at what point it had happened, but my cock had transformed while I was fucking you."

Kyle's eyes opened and he gasped out at the thrusts as he tired to speak, "What? So...I wasn't just crazy, you really were bigger."

Zack chuckled and he growled softly as he gave a firm thrust, grinding his knot against that tight rear, letting it pulse and throb as he smirked down at Kyle, "Wanna take a guess at how big I get?"

"Ah fuck...it had felt so deep...like...two feet."

He laughed and shook his head, "I suppose it may feel like that, but not that big. Certainly more wide, but lengthwise, it was sixteen inches with the knot, instead of just eleven."

"Holy hell..." The dalmatian groaned as the wolf began to slowly fuck him once more, "How the heck did I not get torn in two?"

"Not sure, but I was thankful for it." Zack growled and he began giving harder thrusts, his knot starting to swell up. "Perhaps some other day you can try to take it again without it swelling up inside you instead."

"Would love too..." Kyle continued to moan as Zack leaned over him a little more for better thrusting motions, feeling that thick knot starting to grow as it would smack against his rear, clenching around the throbbing length. His own cock was caught under him, half concealed by the barely lowered shorts and underwear and spurting his own precum as he was fucked.

Zack closed his eyes as he kept humping his boyfriend, his paws wrapping around the smaller canine's chest as he laid over him, not putting all of his weight because there wasn't much supporting them like a bed, but the pleasure was getting very close to him and he began grinding his knot against Kyle's rear between his thrusts.

Kyle was gasping and panting under him, whimpering a few times in pleasure, "Ah...Zack...I'm gonna cum..."

The wolf snarled and he nibbled at the back of his boyfriend's neck when he heard that, "Do it, let me feel you squeeze around me." He wouldn't be able to knot the submissive male here, they wouldn't have time to wait and separate, but he wanted to feel that squeezing around his cock.

Kyle blushed deeply and he groaned out as he felt that bite and heard those words. He whimpered as Zack continued to thrust into him firmly, grinding that thickening knot against his body. He wiggled back against Zack's hips when he'd sheath that thick and long cock inside him, feeling it poke and prod around inside him. When the wolf would pull back and thrust back in, the dalmatian would feel that thick middle pass along his prostate, milking him. His pre became a little white in color as he was literally milked of his cum as he felt his balls starting to churn. After a few more thrusts, he gasped out in sudden release when the final pass over his prostate pushed him over the edge and he began to cum.

Kyle began to clench and squeeze around the cock inside him as his doghood fired his essence, covering the two seats under him and some getting on his red shirt. Zack felt the spasming around his wolfhood and he growled, standing up quickly he reached down and squeezed his knot with one paw. He felt that electric shock shoot up his spine at the pressure on the sensitive bulb as it throbbed and swelled in his grip. He howled out loudly, lifting his head to the ceiling as he began to fill the dalmatian under him. His balls pulled up tight as they unloaded into the dog.

Both canines rode their climaxes together, Kyle came down faster as he didn't have anything squeezing his knot, but he made quite a mess under him and panted heavily as the wolf continued to fill him for several seconds, until Zack pulled back abruptly, paw still clenching his throbbing knot to spurt more strings of cum along the floor of the cabin.

Kyle blushed as he looked over his shoulder and watched this, his tailhole slowly clenching back up with some cum leaking from him. "Oh shit..." He said as he just realized. "How are we going to clean this up?"

Zack thought that himself then, releasing his knot at the realization and his cock gave a few more spurts before it stopped firing. Shakily at first, he walked over to his discarded white shirt and shorts from earlier, picking up the shirt he tossed it over to Kyle into the chair beside him. "Use that, heh, good thing I planned to change clothes anyway."

The dalmatian picked up the shirt from the chair as he slowly managed to stand up, visibly shivering at the aching feeling from his rear and he looked down, his doghood leaking lazily onto the floor as it hanged from his groin. There were a few wet spots on his red tshirt. "What about this?"

Zack looked at the marks and grinned, "You'll have to wipe it up as best you can and hope no one sees it, ask Drailsin for a coat as soon as you can."

Naked and his own cock lazily twitching, Zack looked out the windows of the car while wagging his tail. They were much higher up the mountain now, even though only about ten minutes had passed. There was still trees under them as they had yet to reach the tree line of the mountain, before he wiped off the residual cum off his length with a paw, rubbed it off on his discarded shorts, and began putting on his other clothing.

Zack helped Kyle clean up the cum on the floor of the car and made sure they were both clean of any sign of their activity, besides the cum stains on Kyle's red shirt, and determined they should be fine. They spent the rest of the ride up the mountain cuddling in the car and watching the trees slowly passing under them, until snow began to appear and soon after the treeline faded, leaving only a few trees every so often. The temperature in the car quickly dropped when they reached the snowline, leaving Kyle shivering in his normal style clothing even when he was cuddled up to Zack for warmth.

As they arrived at the lodge, They passed over a few cabins and a large building that Zack guessed was the restaurant lodge, before coming to a stop at a station much like the one at the foot of the mountain. The car jostled as it settled into place before the pair heard a few locks activating and then the car door unlocked and slid open.

Now dressed in a large coat and jeans, Zack stepped down from the car. He shivered from the chill he still felt, but took a deep breath of the fresh air. Thankfully it was a sunny day and it wasn't snowing. Kyle quickly shuffled up beside the wolf, arms crossed and legs bent as he shook.

"Holy shit..." He whimpered, "S-so cold." He shivered and Zack wrapped both arms around the other canine as he grinned and wagged his tail.

"Should've brought better things to wear, especially after what we did in there." He grinned, not knowing if that red hue on his boyfriend's cheeks was from his embarrassment or the cold.

Zack began holding Kyle close to try and share what warmth he could as they made their way towards the cable station workspace. Inside was a lioness that told them to go down the path towards the clubhouse, where Drailsin was said to be waiting for them already.

It took some time for them to make their way down the path that was padded out through the snow and eventually came to the building. Zack opened the door and ushered the nearly freezing dalmatian inside, before stepping in and closing the door. He was surprise that the temperature inside the building was normal given it was so cold outside, but he supposed that that was normal given the apparent luxury of the clubhouse.

There were several sculptures of wild animals on the walls and very fancy looking pictures of the landscape. Across from the entrance was a wall covered in photos probably taken by staff of visiting patrons and some information panels. Beside that, was a small booth, an avian fur with blue feathers was attending it. Standing beside that and chatting with him was Drailsin, wearing only a blue shirt and white shorts.

The avain pointed with his talons towards the new arrivals just as Zack closed the door and Drailsin noticed them, "Oh great! You guys are here!"

Zack grinned and he looked over at Kyle, who was still shivering, rubbing his arms and trying to warm up quickly in the warmth of the cabin. "Do you have something warmer for him? He didn't think ahead very much."

Drailsin looked at the canine shivering, "He looks fine to me. It's actually warmer than it usually is outside. He'll be fine." When Kyle shot him a glare while he was shivering the dragon laughed, "Relax, I'm kidding." And then turned to the avian, "David, think you can get him something?"

"Absolutely master Drailsin, I'll return shortly." The blue feathered bird bowed and walked away and Zack watched him vanish along the corner that seemed to lead deeper into the clubhouse.

"Master Drailsin?" Kyle repeated as he shivered, starting to warm up a bit that he wasn't stuttering his words at least.

The dragon waved his hands, "Given my standing as the son of the owners of this place, don't look into it too hard." He chuckled as he looked at Kyle, "You must have hated the ride up here without proper clothing."

"I tried to keep him warm as best I could." Zack chuckled Drailsin gave an interested hum.

"Oh? Cuddled on the ride up here? I'm sure the security team will have fun giggling at you."

Zack tilted his head, "Security team?"

"Yeah. They record the inside of the car and the security team reviews the tapes every week. Make sure no one tries to break or steal anything." Zack felt his heart drop in his chest at the words, and he looked slightly to the side at Kyle, whose ears had folded back, and he looked sheepishly to the side at Zack himself. Drailsin followed their gazes, and a knowing grin formed on his muzzle as he continued to ask, "Didn't either of you see the two ball cameras attached to the roof of the car?"

"I thought those were just there to hold onto if you had to stand..." Kyle groaned and Zack blushed heavily.

"You may want to...destroy those tapes." Zack stated, but Drailsin merely started to rub his paws together.

"Hell no." The dragon sneered, his tail waving through the air cheerfully, "I'll make sure no one else sees, but I'll get those tapes for myself."


After getting Kyle a jacket and spare jeans, Drailsin gave the two canines a tour of the main clubhouse. The opening area split off in two directions from the board of photos, one path led to the left which was the restaurant area. Fancy white cloth covered tables and sturdy but comfortable chairs filled the area. When they walked through it Zack only saw a few current occupants having lunch, the rest of the diner was empty. The food however, looked and smelled amazing. Zack felt starved by the time they left the area, but Drailsin told him they'd sit down to eat after touring the rest of the cabin.

To the right from the entrance, the path led to a wider, lodge like area. Several chairs and couches were lined up to face each other, with a roaring fireplace at one end of the rows. A large, eighty inch TV hung above the fireplace, though currently off. Several game systems were lined off to the side, already connected to the TV by numerous cables, and then several popular games were next to those. This was the larger portion of the building, as hallways led from the lodge room out to the extremities. Drailsin waved to each of them as he listed off, "There's a sauna, an indoor pool, an exercise room, and then private rooms that are rented out. The staff live in their own rooms down there too."

"Geeze...so much stuff up here." Kyle said as he looked around the large room they were standing in, before he flopped down onto one of the couches. "I can't imagine how much it was to build something like this way up here in the mountains."

"Wasn't cheap or easy, I'll give you that." Drailsin chuckled, "My folks just saw an opportunity and used their vast fortune to turn it real. There's not many patrons in the summer months, but when it gets colder down below, people come up here more."

"What else do your parents do?" Zack asked as he sat down himself into one of the chairs, instantly sinking into the smooth fabric.

The dragon waved his paw slightly, "They meddle with science, mostly, and have a hand in the city's development. They've been working on finances for the police department recently."

Kyle perked up and looked at Drailsin, "Oh? Because of the rise of crime in the city?"

"Yeah, if tourism becomes too low that means we lose out on patrons." Drailsin said as he stood between the two of them, grinning, "Issue is with what's causing all that crime."

Both the wolf and dalmatian tilted their heads. They already knew what the cause of the crimes were, what the hell did Drailsin think it was?

The dragon shook his head though, "That's not for us to worry about, let mom and dad worry about that stuff. We're here to enjoy this place."

Drailsin offered both of them some time to experience the sauna, but that turned into more less enjoying then trying to make sure the dragon couldn't catch sneak peeks of their junk, which he didn't bother hiding his efforts in doing so. He begin frequently leaning over for no reason while trying to look under the towels the both of them had wrapped around their waists, or at one point; "Sneaky, bloody ass tail!" Zack once barked at the dragon when he caught him trying to pull the towel down with it.

After that, Drailsin took them to the restaurant. The wolf was amazed at what was available. Lobster, shrimp, prime rib and other choice meats among many other very expensive sounding items he'd never heard of. Zack and Kyle both got the largest order of prime rib they could, both cooked medium rare, while Drailsin had a salad with peices of chicken mixed in.

"Why the heck would you have a salad when you have things like lobster and stuff here?" Zack asked him while he paused in devouring the thick piece of meat he'd been given.

Drailsin shrugged, "I like variety, I had teeth problems when I was growing up, so I actually got used to eating other things besides meat."

After their meal, they returned to the lodge area where they played some of the video games, with Zack winning most of them, until early evening that Drailsin asked if they both wanted to try and ski.

Trying to ski was a different sensation for Zack than anything he could have imagined it being. He ended up wiping out several times before he called it quits. He just couldn't handle trying to use his body and the two ski poles to control himself. Kyle did better, managed a few jumps while he only wiped out in learning how to first control his momentum.

Drailsin, however, awed Zack in his ability, doing several tricks over high jumps and landing with no issues. The dragon tried to give pointers, but told the both of them that without fully prehensile tails like his own, they were at a big disadvantage. It was apparently natural for those without the ability to freely control their tails to crash when skiing, especially first timers. Drailsin said that natural instinct had Zack's tail tucking between his legs without him realizing, which caused air friction, forcing air that would normally flow between his legs to be pushed up over his upper body. This was made worse because when he'd accomodate for that force of air, and then move in such a way that his tail would get out of the way even momentarily, the sudden loose of that force was causing him to lose balance. Kyle's tail was doing the same thing, but because of its thinner shape, it caused less of an issue for him. Drailsin told Zack that as they got used to the activity and that nervousness faded, their tails should stay flat behind them and stop causing the issue.

When they finally stopped for the day, the sun was starting to get low in the sky and the mountain was already casting its shadow over the city, which to Zack looked beautiful. Drailsin called for a pickup at the bottom of the ski trails. About ten minutes later, a snowmobile with two sidecars attached to either end arrived, with another dragon, this one red scaled and with no noticeable fur however, driving it. Drailsin hopped into one, leaving Zack and Kyle to look at the other.

"Um..." The wolf said confused and Drailsin smirked at them both.

"Sorry, but they only come with two sidecars. Kyle can sit in your lap right? You are going out and all anyway."

The red dragon didn't seem at all phased by that conversation as he waited for Zack to sit in the sidecar and then for Kyle to squeeze in, sitting on his lap. Zack hugged his paws around the dalmatian as the snowmobile began carrying them back up the mountain.

They had dinner at the restaurant, Zack this time ordered shrimp while Kyle got lobster legs, while Drailsin again had a salad, this time with bacon bits and shrimp tossed in. As they ate Drailsin again barraged the pair with questions about their relationship, until Zack managed to ask a question of his own.

"How did your folks become so rich Drailsin? Do your parents live here?"

The dragon shook his head, looking down at his bowl, "No, they don't live here, they stay in the city." He looked up and shrugged, "I actually don't get to see them very often." He looked off to the side. "They're always too busy..."

"Oh...I'm sorry..." Zack said softly, ears pinned back, Kyle watching them both as he was eating.

"Don't worry about it." Drailsin perked up, smiling, "I don't get to see them often, but I know they love me." After he said that though, he slouched slightly while he picked at the salad with his fork.

"At least I like to think that..." Zack heard Drailsin's voice in his head and his ears twitched. Was this the ability to read minds that Luran had told him about? Like that day he'd first seen Kyle at the baseball field and he had heard that bullies voice in his head. He observed Drailsin as the dragon picked at his salad absently, eyes focused down into the green lettuce. Clearly, Drailsin felt lonely. It was surprising to Zack. For someone who acted so well, why didn't Drailsin have more friends?

The obvious answer to that was exactly why Zack found the dragon interesting. His weird personality and traits, as if the dragon was nearly always acting, but he felt this may be the first he'd actually seen the dragon as himself.

Zack didn't try to push to get an answer about where the money came from, instead trying to lighten conversation back to his own life. Drailsin perked back up after a bit, clearly, he had more interest in knowing the lives of his friends, then trying to share his own.


"You guys having a good time here?" Drailsin asked the two canines as he led them along a cobblestone path set in the snow, leading through sparse trees.

"Yeah." Kyle responded with a nod along with Zack, "Though I'm wondering why your cabin is so far away from the clubhouse..."

They had been walking along this path for a good twenty minutes. The path connected to all the available cabins that were rented out to patrons who stayed at the ski resort. Along the path were several poles with electrical wiring, feeding power to the cabins from the lodges personal generators.

"Yeah, my folks decided that my cabin would be the farthest one. It's so that actual patrons don't have to walk that far. It's also the cheapest cabin with less additions than the others but that's okay, I don't mind it."

"Do you have a dorm room back on campus?" Zack asked, "I mean, you'd have to get up pretty early in the day to walk to the lift and then ride down each morning, and I'd imagine riding back up would be a bother each day too."

"Oh, yeah I have a dorm room down there that I stay in during the week, but on weekends I come back up here, and go back down Sunday night on the last trip the car takes around ten at night." Drailsin chuckled, "But my dorm room doesn't have nearly as much personality as my cabin has, you'll see what I mean."

They eventually arrived at nice looking cabin, designed to look like it was a log cabin when it was bricks and well crafted woodwork all along it. It looked cozy from the outside. Drailsin walked up to the door, at which the cobblestone path ended. Drailsin produced a key from his short pockets and inserted it into the lock and turned it. There was an audible clunk as the lock was opened and he pulled the door open, revealing the inside view of the cabin.

It was rather nice, Zack thought. There was a large couch sat before an electric fireplace and hanging above the fireplace was another TV, though smaller than the one in the lodge it looked no less impressive. Game systems were also there with it. A few pictures hung on the wall. It was decently warm in the cabin, even though the unit's heaters hadn't yet been turned on.

There was a kitchen area nestled into the corner of the living space. A stove, microwave, refrigerator, and a few cabinets along the walls. Along the counter that seperated the kitchenette from the living area was a hallway, doors on each side. The one to the right was a small, tiled bathroom with a large bathtub with a showerhead on the wall, toilet and sink. The two doors to the left led first to a bedroom with one single bed in it, and the second to a second bedroom, this one with a large king size bed. Both bedrooms had a single dresser and closet.

Besides these accessories, Drailsin had the cabin filled with personal items and oddities. Zack spotted an incense burner on the counter of the kitchen space, there was a shelf of daggers placed in holsters on the wall in the living area, and then a picture of a red and white wolf like creature wearing cloth around its wrists and a white, tattered looking scarf wrapped around its neck. Its eyes were glowing and its arm raised up as if inviting the viewer to come closer. In the background a full moon shined behind the creature's face.

Zack paused to stare at the picture while Drailsin watched from the kitchen, Kyle was looking at the daggers on the wall. "Cool picture huh? Got it done by a fox artist. Not well known but he does good stuff."

"It is really good, but..." Zack continued to look at the wolf creature in the picture. It was hunched over a bit more, had a thicker mane, and the eyes seemed to have no irises to speak of, but it was nearly exactly what the werewolves looked like. The color of the red fur matched that of Tarn's. "What is it exactly?"

"A depiction." Drailsin shrugged, "It's a creature I dreamed of once. Decided I wanted to get it in picture. Tried to recall it as best I could to the artist and that's the end result." The dragon waved his paw a bit, "It's not exactly how I saw it, but I'm not the best artist, so I wouldn't be able to draw it myself."

Zack listened to the explanation as he stared at the picture, and then he turned towards Drailsin to ask a follow up question, but instead took a sharp intake of breath.

The dragon was cutting a loaf of bread with a long knife, but suddenly, surrounding him in the kitchen, were three Dollmomin.

Zack stood frozen watching the dragon as he hummed, cutting the loaf in pieces. The three demons turned their heads towards Zack at the same time Drailsin looked up, grinning, "What?"

"What...what are you doing?" Zack asked slowly.

The dragon frowned at the tone of Zack's worried voice, "I'm cutting bread. It's homemade, made it myself last night when I got back." Drailsin sat the knife down, and he walked by one of the Dollmomin, the demon didn't bother to move at all, as Drailsin moved around it. Zack's eyes widened as he watched the dragon do so.

"Bread..." Zack repeated while he continued to then stare at the three Dollmomin. Drailsin paused briefly on his approach to Zack when he realized the wolf wasn't looking at him, and he looked over his right shoulder to the three Dollmomin, his own eyes widening.

"Wait...you can see those too? I thought no one else could..." Drailsin whispered.

Zack's eyes snapped back to the dragon as he was staring at the three demons quite clearly, but before Zack could ask anything more, suddenly the door behind them burst open.

Kyle yelped in surprise, having been watching Zack and Drailsin stare at the air. The Trio turned to the door as Balthazar strode inside. The demon leader's cloak flowed behind him on wind that was not there as he turned his head along the room, glancing at Kyle, Zack, and then Drailsin. Several Dollmomin skittered in from the door, crawling up along the walls.

The three demons that had been gathered around Drailsin in the kitchen suddenly launched themselves over the counter and took hold of Kyle. While the dalmatian couldn't see them, he could feel the sharp claws of the demons taking hold of him as he was lifted up in the air off.

"Ah! Zack!" He shouted out, but suddenly his muzzle was clamped shut as one of the Dollmomin wrapped its long, shadowy fingers around it. A few lines of red blood appeared as the sharp claws dug into his arms muzzle while the Dollmomin held him up, his footpaws struggling and kicking through the air.

"Good evening boys." Balthazar said at this point, arms spread and his voice smooth and dark, "Care to make a deal?"

Zack already felt his gut bubbling with heat, his body form expanding as the transformation took root. The coat he was wearing strained to contain his body, as he transformed only slightly, growing muscle all around his body and his ears lengthening out. Drailsin stared wide eyed at the intruder, frozen in place and rapidly glancing between Balthazar, Kyle being held down, and the transforming wolf beside him, stepping back a bit when he noticed the growing muscles.

"Balthazar...let him go..." The half transformed werewolf growled deeply, baring teeth that were similarly halfway, several of them having growing more sharp and pointed. Zack's mind raced with questions. Why was Blathazar here suddenly, why now? Why could Drailsin see the Dollmomin? Why hadn't he been startled by them when they had surrounded him if that was the case?

The cloaked figure tutted and shook a finger at Zack, "Now now, I'm just trying to help you along. You seem to be trying to prolong your development as much as possible, so I'm here to make a deal."

Balthazar lifted his hand, and on of the Dollmomin brought one of its sharp fingers to hold it against Kyle's neck. The dalmatian felt it and he whimpered, trying to pull his head away, but stopped as the motion slightly cut the skin, making him bleed on his neck.

"Don't!" Zack shouted, raising a paw, his ears pinning back. Slowly he lifted his paws in surrender, "Don't hurt him. What do you want?" He asked timidly.

"It's simple really. I want you to bite and transform Drailsin." Balthazar pointed at the dragon who was right then in the process of sneakily trying to pick up the knife he'd been using from the kitchen counter. Drailsin paused as Zack turned his head to look at him briefly then turned back to Balthazar.


"To progress your powers as an Alpha you need to start your own pack. You need other werewolves to give you their respect. I can see now that while Luran is alive, the others will never look at you the same way they do to him, so you need to make your own followers. I did say I wouldn't kill Luran if you gave me your cooperation, so this is the compromise." He lifted his hand to point at Drailsin, "Bite Drailsin. Transform him...or I'll kill Kyle."