The odd couple

Story by Furrystang on SoFurry

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This is my first story that took me about 6 months to write and I think it turned out pretty good.

All characters belong to me.

Comments are greatly appreciated.

Chapter 1

It was at the end of a long Wednesday afternoon down at the local bar, when in walked a lone wolf. That in of itself wasn't all that unusual. There were numerous other wolves that lived in the area. What was however, was his height.

Kodi was a mountain of a wolf, standing at a whopping 6'10" tall and tipping the scales at 300lbs, but thanks to working out almost every day, there wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Now he wasn't a bodybuilder by any means, but he did have well defined muscles.

Kodi took a seat at the bar with a heavy sigh, exhausted from his job as an auto mechanic and from having done his daily workout.

"Oh hey Kodi, what'll it be, the usual?" The bartender asked when they spotted the wolf.

"Hey Jim." Kodi said as he rest his muzzle on the counter. "Yeah, a Budweiser.. to start."

"Bad day?" Jim asked, setting a bottle down in front of him.

"Mhm, boss was a real mean S.O.B today. Chewed my ass out over something I had no part in." He said, taking a long swig of his beer. "That and I think it's getting to be about that time of the month." The last he said in a quiet whisper.

"I here ya bud, everyone has days like those. Oh, hold on just a minute, I'll be right back." Jim says, as he moves to attend to another customer.

"Hey there stranger, why the long face?" Asked a feminine voice on his left.

"H-hi." He said shyly, turning his head to look at the new person and he felt his heart skip a beat. Because there, standing before him, was the prettiest doe he ever laid eyes on.

She was rather short, he noted, standing maybe 5'1 to 5'3 if he had to guess. She had a modest bust, about a C-cup, if he had to say. Narrow waist and wide hips, but what he saw next made him gasp. Because at the front of her loose-fitting shorts, was the undeniable bulge of a male appendage.

"See something you like?" She teased, knowing exactly what he was staring at, "And before you ask, yes, I've got a vagina as well." Shi says, sniffing the air, "Ooh, and I think somebody else has one too." The doe said with a smirk.

"W-what are you talking about?" Kodi asked, flabbergasted by hir straightforwardness, as he squirmed in his seat.

"What I'm talking about, is that I can smell a bitch in heat and that sweet scent is strongest when I'm here right next to you." The lady says, leaning in close, "Sooo, unless you've been hanging around a needy female.."

His ears laid back as shi spoke, blushing heavily, "I-I..."he tried to speak, but words failed him. Instead he drank the rest of his nearly full beer in one go.

"Whoa, easy there big guy, you trying to get drunk or something. I'm Angel by the wa..." Angel said before being interrupted by Kodi suddenly kissing hir, before he quickly pulled away, his head down in shame, "I'm sorry.." He said quietly, "I don't know what came over me."

"Well now, someone sure seems eager." Angel says, giggling as shi lifted his chin up to look into his eyes. "I like that in a guy." Shi said, as shi leaned in to kiss him deeply, hir fangs locking with his, their tongues exploring each others maw.

Kodi was left panting as they broke from the kiss, with a goofy grin on his muzzle. "Heh, you like that, huh pup?" Angel said as shi scritched his chin. He merely nodded, as his tail wagged behind him.

The two sat at the bar for almost an hour, drinking and making small talk, they decided to take things somewhere more private, that place being at his apartment complex.

Kodi stumbled a bit, being more than a little tipsy, as he led Angel into his relatively roomy one bedroom apartment. "Sho, welcome to my -hic- my humble abode. oop 'scuse me, I gotta pee." He said, walking into the bathroom.

Angel on the other hand, headed straight for his bedroom. Shi had one thing and only one thing on hir mind, and it was to pound that wolfs pussy.*

Whilst waiting for Kodi, shi got undressed, but just as shi got hir undergarments off, there was a soft gasp from the direction of the door.

Kodi's jaw dropped when he saw hir standing there, half nude, with an impressively sized cock. As Angel sat on the bed, shi motioned from him to come over. "Does doggy want a bone?" Shi chuckled.

He knelt down in front of hir and gazed upon it, whining softly, he nodded. "Y-yes."

"Well, go on then, get your nice, juicy bone." Angel said as shi scritched behind his ears.

Kodi's tail wagged happily behind him as he first licked the tip of hir shaft, before wrapping his maw around it.

"Mmm, that's a good pup." Shi moaned, resting a hand on the back of his head. "If you work hard enough, you'll be rewarded with the gooey filling."

Kodi simply moaned as he worked over hir shaft, his tongue licking it, tasting it. And as he bobbed his head up and down, he occasionally raked his teeth along its length.

Angel gasped hard from the added sensation, hir body tensing, hir heart beating faster and combined with the sweet smell of a bitch in heat, shi reached climax fairly quick, shoving Kodi's head into hir crotch as hir seed shot out.

If it weren't for the cock in his mouth, Kodi would have yipped in surprise, but all that was heard was a muffled, "Mmf," As he swallowed mouthfuls of hir salty semen.

Angel panted lightly as hir orgasm subsided. "Hot damn, somebody was eager, where'd you learn to do that?" Shi asked.

As he swallowed the last bits of semen and licking hir shaft clean, he slowly looked up at Angel, blushing heavily. "I.. I didn't actually."

"Oh-ho, so you were eager for your treat." Angel said, as shi pat his head, like the good boy he was.

"But now, let's get to what we're really here for." Shi said with a devious grin. "I'm gonna bury this bone, deep in your hole."

Kodi whimpered as he looked up at Angel with puppy dog eyes, he wanted, no, he needed this. His body ached, needing that itch scratched and here was a person willing to satisfy his needs.

And so with a little encouragement from hir, Kodi got up on his bed and assumed the doggy style position, while Angel got behind him, aiming hir still erect cock at his vagina. "W-wait, shouldn't we use a condom?" He asked, slurring his words a little.

"Oh we don't need to worry about that, I'm sterile." Angel said as shi guided hir lubed shaft to his moistened and puffy pussy lips, before gently easing it in.

Kodi moaned lewdly as hir cock penetrated his heated passage, before inhaling sharply as shi found, and tore through his hymen, taking his feminine virginity.

For the first few seconds all he felt was pain, but it was quickly replaced by an intense feeling of pleasure and it left him wanting more.

Angel groaned hotly as shi felt the intense warmth of his tight, and previously virgin, vagina wrapped around hir cock. Shi withdrew hir shaft until only the tip remained inside, before sliding it back in, grunting softly as shi did so.

He whined softly as shi pulled out, but whimpered when shi pushed hir hips forward again, moving his back to meet hirs, moaning as he did so.

Angel grinned at hearing the big wolf moan like a true bitch in heat, as shi pulled out and thrust hir hips forward again, slowly getting into a steady rhythym, grunting each time shi bottomed out.

Kodi moaned from each of hir thrusts, even rocking back against hirs. He was horny to begin with from his heat, but now that he was actually getting fucked silly, he reached an orgasmic peak fairly quick, yet he still wasn't satisfied, begging for more.

"Mmm, p-please fuck me. Fuck me hard, pound my fertile cunt." He pleaded, looking back at hir, and shi was only too eager to give Kodi what he wanted. After thrusting hard a few more times, shi panted, "I.. I'm cumming, oh god I'm cummmiiinnnggg!" Angel groaned, as hir seed flooded his womb, little did they realize, that Angel was in fact not sterile at all, as those little swimmers of hirs quickly sought out his fertile eggs, followed by his own orgasim crashing down upon him, leaving him howling from his release.

Angel gave a few weaker thrusts, ebbing out the last bits of hir semen as shi came down from hir sexual high, before pulling out hir cock as it began to shrink back into its hiding place, still oozing a bit of semen.

Kodi meanwhile was left panting from his first ever sexual release from his female area. "T-thank you.. I-I've never felt soo -hic- good in all of -yawn- my life.."

"Heh, don't mention it, you weren't so bad yourself." Shi said giving his shapely rear a squeeze, earning only a soft moan from him, as he had already past out, snoring lightly. Angel couldn't help but chuckle softly at the sight of Kodi sleeping with his butt still up in the air, shi gently nudged him to lay on his side and then pulled a sheet up to tuck him in. Leaning forward, shi planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "Good night Kodi, I hope we can do this again sometime."

Chapter 2

The next morning, Kodi awoke to an empty apartment, Angel having left shortly after he passed out. He was a little disappointed that shi didn't stick around, but otherwise not all that upset. Sitting up he held his head in his hands, suddenly aware that his head was pounding from a mild hangover.

He stood carefully, trying not to lose his balance, or make his head hurt more. Shuffling toward his bathroom, he held a hand to his mouth as a small belch escaped his lips, picking up the pace, he made just in time to drop to his knees and vomit into the toilet. "Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have drank so much last night." He said, before noticing that his hips were a littlle sore, and so was his vagina now that he thought about it.

"Oh my god, just what did I do last night?" He thought, just before throwing up once more. After he was done vomiting he brushed his teeth, his thoughts then returned to the woman he was with at the bar. He suddenly remembered, through his drunken haze, that he had had the best sex ever, which now explained his soreness "down there".

Finishing up in the bathroom, Kodi stepped into the kitchen and fixed up some breakfast. Just as he sat down and was about to eat, his phone rang, looking at the caller I.D. it was his boss. Answering it, the first thing he heard was, "Kodi! Where the hell are you?!"

Looking at the clock, the time read 11:24AM, "Ah shit," he muttered under his breath, stammering, "S-sorry sir, I uhm.. I'm on my way." He said, rushing back to his room to get dressed and bolted out the front door, completely forgetting his breakfast. Little did he know, that his life was about to change, forever.

After getting scolded by his boss for being late and told not to let it happen again, Kodi went about his daily routine, working his shift at the garage, then going down to the gym and doing his workout regimen. By the time he was done, instead of hitting the bar, he just headed home and reheated the breakfast he had made earlier.

Afterwards, he took a long, hot shower, paying close attention to his lady part. After unintentionally bringing himself to orgasim, he dried off, before climbing into bed and falling asleep.

Over the next the couple weeks, things pretty much settled into a fairly dull routine. Get up, go to work, hit the gym, occasionally he'd go down to bar and have a beer or two, then go home.

But during the third week, something weird happened. He woke up one morning same as usual, until he suddenly felt extremely nauseous, causing him to vomit into the waste basket by his bed, "Ugh, why am I so sick all of a sudden, I didn't even go to the bar last night." He said, puzzled.

As the days went on, it was the same thing, he'd wake up and almost immediately throw up, but he just put it down to some kind of virus and just went on with his life. And he did for the most part, until he noticed that he was begining to gain a little weight, while developing a noticeable pudge in his midsection. "Hmm, guess I need to lay off the fast food and put more effort into my workouts." Kodi said, not thinking much else about it.

It wasn't until roughly two and a half months after that fateful night, that it dawned on him. He hadn't gone into heat since then, the thought left him both puzzled and a little terrified, cause his female cycle came and went like clockwork ever since he hit puberty.

That night, he had a hard time getting to sleep, tossing and turning. The idea that his cycle never came, then turned to when he started throwing up first thing in the morning and his sudden weight gain.

Sitting up in bed, Kodi looked at his belly and ran a hand over it. He expected it to be somewhat soft, instead, it was a little firm. "I.. I might be... p-pregnant." He thought, not wanting to admit it, but it was the only logical conclusion he could think of.

Kodi woke up at half past nine on a beautiful Saturday morning, after having finally gotten to sleep the night before. Still a little shaken up from the conclusion he came to last night, he just sat at the table, head in his hands, "Wha- hold up, I can't be completely sure yet that I'm pregnant. I-I'll just grab one of those.. test things a-and see wh-what it says." He said stuttering a bit.

After grabbing some breakfast, thankful that the morning sickness had stopped, he put on some shorts and a baggy t-shirt, which thankfully hid the small bulge that was his belly. Going to the nearest drug store, he wandered about first, before looking for the pregnancy tests, his ears flushed as he picked one that a little digital readout.

Passing by the magazine rack, he grabbed a sports illustrated and walked over to the checkout counter, a cheery young doe tried making conversation. "Oh, do you and your girlfriend think you're expecting?" She asked, ringing up the home pregnancy test.

"Uhh, y-yeah w-we think so." Kodi said with a nervous chuckle, not wanting to admit it was actually for him.

"I think having a family is just beautiful." The doe said, leaning over the counter.

"Y-you really think so?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh absolutely, I just love babies. I hope to have some of my own someday," the doe said, looking a little sad, before smiling again, "I'm Chole by the way." Chole said holding out her hand.

"I'm Kodi," He said, shaking her hand, "Nice to meet you."

"Same to you.. oop, I better get back to work before my boss sees me, let me give you my number," she says, writing it down at the bottom of his receipt, before putting in the bag with his purchases, "Call me later. And I hope you and your girlfriend were successful."

"Heh, yeah, m-me too." Kodi said, blushing heavily as he left the store and went straight home.

After arriving back to the comfort of his own apartment, he stripped off his shirt and gazed upon his stomach with its noticable bulge. He stared at it for what felt like an hour, before snapping out of his little daydream.

Grabbing the box the test was in, he read the instructions for it. Not quite sure what to do, he decided to just pee like normal, while holding the test strip end in the urine stream. Once he finished and flushed the toilet, he looked at the directions again, which said to wait a few minutes. Kodi set it on the sink, while he slumped to the floor with his back against the wall.

It felt like an eternity while he sat there, waiting, his thoughts running wild. After about 10 minutes had passed by, he plucked up the courage to grab the test to see what the result was...

Chapter 3

...The little display clearly showing 'pregnant'. Kodi sighed defeatedly upon comfirming his worst fears, he was pregnant.

"Oh god, what am I gonna do? I'm not cut out to be a dad, much less a mom," He said, his eyes starting to tear up, before he broke down and began to sob as his life was turned upside down.

When he finally calmed down, he remembered what the doe, Chloe, had said, "I think having a family is just beautiful."

After wiping away his tears, he began to think things over, "Well, there's not much I can do, other than to just give being a mom a try."

Upon washing his face, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and sighed heavily, "Well buddy, looks like your gonna be a mom in a couple months," Kodi said, hanging his head, "My folks are gonna kill me when I tell them." The last but a mere whisper.

Walking back into the kitchen, Kodi retrieved the sports magazine he had bought from the bag and watched as the receipt fluttered to floor.

Picking it up, he saw Chloe's phone number written on it. With a small smile, he decided to call her and tell her the "good news."

On the third ring, Chloe picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"H-hey Chloe, i-it's me, Kodi." He answered, his nervousness could be heard clear as day.

"Oh hey Kodi, what did the test say?" She asked, picking up on how nervous he sounded.

"It uh, it came back postive." He said, fighting back tears.

"Oh congratulations, how did she take the news? Is she excited at becoming a mother?" Her enthusiasm obvious in her voice.

"It um, i-it's.. it's complicated." By this time, he was beginning to tremble.

"Oh no, what's wrong?" Chloe asked, growing concerned when he hesitated, "Kodi? Talk to me, what is it?

"C-can you come to my place, it'd be better if I tell you in person, I'll text you the address." Was his response.

"Sure, I'll make my excuses to my boss. I'll be there as soon as possible." She said before hanging up.

After about 30 minutes, Chloe arrived at Kodi's apartment and knocked on the door, "Kodi, you there?"

"It's open." Came the response, his voice clearly shaking.

Walking in through the front door, she found him hunched up against a wall, in obvious distress.

"Hey there, what's wrong bud, what has you so upset?" She asked in a soothing tone, while rubbing his back.

Without saying a word, he instead moved his legs away from his chest and slowly rolled up his baggy shirt, exposing his belly, "I-it's me that's pregnant." Kodi said in a small voice.

"Oh my.. " Chloe gasped at hearing that, gingerly reaching a hand to touch his bulging gut.

He flinched slightly, but didn't stop her. He even grabbed her hand and put it on his belly, holding it there.

It clearly wasn't fat, it was too firm for it to be that, "How?" Was all she could manage, as her jaw hung slack.

"I'm a freak of nature, that's how," He wailed, "I w-was born with both parts."

"Oh sweetie, you are not a freak, you're not the only one I know that is dual gendered, my half sister is a herm also." She reassured, hugging him tightly.

"That still doesn't help the fact that I'm guy with a pussy and that I've been knocked up." He said amidst heavy sobs.

"You poor thing, how did it happen? Does the.. father know?" Chloe said, trying to calm him down ,like a mother calming her son after a bad nightmare.

He shook his head, "No, I only just found out today. I don't even know where shi is."

"Shi?" That threw her for a loop, "You mean it was some herm that impregnated you?"

"Mhm, I met hir at a bar I go to after work somtimes and I had just gone into heat that day, we had talked for almost an hour, by which time I was pretty buzzed," He said, wiping away tears, "We came back here and shi.. shi had hir way with me, I actually lost my virginity that night." The last said with a shameful look on his face.

"Oh my god, that's awful. How long ago was this?"

"I don't know, like two and a half months ago. But like I said, I only just confirmed it today.. that's why I bought that pregnancy test earlier."

"Hmm, I'm surprised you didn't suspect something a little sooner, cause you're pretty big for only being in the first trimester."

"Huh, what are saying?"

"I'm saying, you might be expecting twins, maybe even triplets."

Chapter 4

"TRIPLETS?! I could be pregnant with triplets?" Kodi practically shouted

"Easy, I said maybe, maybe three. I can't be sure, not without an ultrasound." Chloe said soothingly.

He sighed at hearing that, but he then looked at her quizzically, "How do you know about all this stuff? Were you pregnant before?"

"No," She said with a chuckle, relieved that he seemed to be cheering up a bit, "No, I'm just training to be a registered nurse, so I have to know it. Cause if I didn't, I'd look pretty dumb right about now."

Kodi had a twinkle in his eye as he laughed, a genuine laugh, "Yeah, that is true."

There was moment of silence, a moment they used to look into each others eyes. As they did, they felt a spark of affection between them.

As the two of them looked at each other, their muzzles drew close, breifly hesitating, before their lips met like two long lost lovers.

After what felt an eternity, but was more like thirty odd seconds, they broke the kiss, panting heavily.

"Wow, that was.. intense." Kodi was the first to say breathlessly.

"Mmm, it really was," Chloe said, just as breathless, "I've never felt like that with anyone."

"Me neither, but then again, I've never really been anyone else."

"Really, not even a hunk like you had a girlfriend before?" She asked, teasing him.

His ears laid back in embarrassment as he shook his head.

"Well sweetie, what say we change that?" She grinned, moving to sit in his lap.

"R-really," He gawked, "You, want to be my.. girlfriend? Me, the guy who's a dual-gendered, pregnant male?"

"Yes and I know we just met and all, but I think I might be falling in love with you," She whispered in his ear, while her hand rubbed over his belly lovingly.

He blushed at that as his heart skipped a beat, "I-I feel the same way."

"Okay then sweetie," she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek, "I'd be honor to be your first ever girlfriend."

As she kissed him, he began to cry again.

"Oh no, what is it babe?" She asked with concern.

"Oh, these are tears of joy," He said, wiping away tears, "You have no idea how happy you've just made me."

She hugged him tightly, giving him another kiss, "I'm glad sweetie. And don't you worry, I'll take good care of you. Cause no one should be alone, especially in your situation." The last said with her rubbing his belly again.

Chapter 5

From that day forward, Chloe and Kodi really hit it off. Going on dates, hanging out at every opportunity.

On their third date, they finally decided that they wanted to take their relationship to the next level, little did Kodi know, Chloe was longing for a family of her own.

But unbeknownst to her, he had a special question that he wanted to ask her.

"What do mean you want to have a baby?" He asked in a hushed voice as they were still at the restaurant.

"What do think I mean? I want a family of my own." Chloe said, leaning in close.

He looked at her incredulously, "You really want kids, with me, even though I'm about kids myself in a few months?"

She nodded, "Yes, even with you being pregnant. Hell, I'm even jealous of you."

That left him dumbfounded, a woman jealous of him and of his condition, "I.. I don't know what to say."

"Well I do," She asked as she held his hand in hers.

But before she could say anything else, Kodi got down on one knee and pulled out a small box.

And in said box, was revealed to be a one carat diamond ring, "Chloe Harper, will you marry me?"

She gasped as he asked the question that was burning in his for the past week, "YES!" She practically shouted with glee, as she threw herself into his arms, "Yes, yes I'll marry you."

"You will? Oh you make me so happy babe, I'm so glad to have you in my life." He said, hugging her tightly as he wept with joy.

As they kissed, there were cheers and a round of congratulations from the other patrons.

There was a -Pop- from a bottle of champagne being uncorked that the waiter had brought to the table.

"Oh, I.. can't drink alcohol on the fact that I'm.. pregnant." Kodi whispered sheepishly as he pointed to his swollen gut.

"Oh, well congrats on that front. Is she the 'father'?" The waiter, a lean tiger, asked while gesturing to the newly engaged doe.

"No, she is not the 'father', but if we play our cards right, I will be the father to her kids." He said through clenched teeth.

"Easy hun, he didn't know," Chloe said as she put her hand on his shoulder, "I do apologize sir, he's still new to the whole ordeal of being pregnant, but that really was uncalled for."

"I am so, so sorry sir. You are absolutely right, I shouldn't have said it." The tiger said, apologizing profusely.

After the waiter left, hoping to not be reprimanded, Chloe turned to Kodi, with a sad smile on her face, "Sorry you had to go through that hun."

"Don't worry about it babe, I might as well get used to it, cause it's only gonna get worse over the next 6 months." He said, looking at her lovingly, "But with you there by my side, I know that I'll be able to get through it." He finished, leaning in to kiss her passionately.

As the two kissed, someone teased them by shouting 'Get a room you two,' to which they agreed to do.

Once they got to their home, which was still an organized mess of boxes, them having decided to move in together just last week.

The two lovebirds wasted no time in getting started, making out heavily, undressing each other as they moved in the direction of the bedroom.

By the time they reached the bed, both were starke naked and only paused when Kodi started fumbling for a condom.

"No," She stopped him, before he could grab one, "No condoms, I want to ride you bareback. Cause unless you've forgotten, I want to have kids, our kids. Not just the ones already growing inside of you, but ones of our own flesh and blood." She said as she hugged him, "Are you okay with that, me being pregnant alongside you?"

"Babe, like I said in the restaurant, as long as I have you by my side, I can get through anything," He said, then smirked, "Besides, it'll be nice to not be the only one that's expecting in this growing family."

"Oh you," She said with a chuckle, moving onto their bed, "Come here stud, let's make sweet love and try for a baby, or two, of our own."

"Yes my darling," Kodi said, his member at full attention, as he got on the bed and carefully straddled her. Kissing her on the lips, then leaving a trail of kisses down her cheeks, neck, breasts and belly. Upon reaching her vagina, he teasingly licked her puffy lips, "Mmm, someone seems needy," He taunted, when she moaned loudly.

"Grr, quit teasing me and either keep licking, or fuck me already," She growled playfully, "And damn straight I'm needy, I've been in heat since this morning."

"Yes my fair lady," He said, positioning himself to line up his cock with her pussy and with one smooth motion, he entered her heated depths with a groan...

After a vigorous bout of lovemaking, trying a few different positions throughout, they slumped onto the bed, panting from their exertion.

"So, you think that knocked you up? Kodi asked with a smile.

"Mmm, it's possible, but even if it didn't that was still enjoyable. And besides, it'd just mean we get to have even more sex."

"Heh, yeah that is true."

She chuckled, "I love you sweetie, there's no one else I'd rather be with."

"I feel the same way babe," He leaned over to kiss her lovingly on the top of her head, hugging her close, "I love you too." He whispered.

Chapter 6

Over the next two months, things began to settle down a bit for them, mostly. But they had cause to celebrate, as a pregnancy test showed that their efforts were successful.

In the meantime, Chloe would go to her classes for most of the day, then she'd go to work for a few hours in the evening.

Meanwhile, Kodi continued to work at the garage, but it was starting to get difficult for him to actually do his job. A growing belly full of three cubs, as the ultrasound showed, was making maneuvering in and around the cars, more and more strenuous. And his boss was not happy about his decreasing performance.

And the strain was taking a toll on him, which was putting stress on her as well.

It finally came to a head, when they were discussing who to invite to their wedding, which was in less than a month, that something or rather, someone brought it all out in the open.

"Angel, why does that name sound familiar?" Kodi said, as he tried to conjour up an image that matched the name.

"Shi's my half-sister, here, I have a picture of hir." To which she handed one to him, that she had found in one the boxes from the move.

Looking at the photo of a smiling doe, with a nice pair of antlers and hir arm draped over Chloe's shoulder, it clicked, "T-that's hir, shi is the one who knocked me up!" He exclaimed.

"Wait, what?" She said with a shocked look on her face.

"I'm gonna be sick." He got up and walked to the bathroom, before promtly throwing up.

"Oh my god, I.. I'm so sorry babe," She put a hand on his shoulder, flinching when he pulled away from her touch. "Honey, I didn't know, honest I didn't."

"Yeah, why shouldn't you... I need some air," He said, getting up and walking toward the front door. Growling softly when she blocked the way, "Move."

"No, I want you to talk to me." She said defiantly.

"I can't even look at you right now, your hir sister."

"Half-sister, we have the same..."

"That's beside the point, the point is you know hir."

"Barely, we've not kept in close contact for most this year. But shi visited me at work one day a few months ago, saying that shi had a wonderful night with a very handsome wolf. I can only assume shi was talking about you."

He sighed heavily and slumped against the wall, before collapsing to floor in a heap as tears stained his cheek fur, "I tried looking for hir after that night, but I was never able find hir."

"Oh sweetie, I am so sorry." She hugged him tightly.

"Did shi really say that about me?" He said, sniffling.

"Yes, shi really did. In fact, from the way shi talked about you, shi really seems to care about you."

"-sniff- Well, I guess our wedding will also be a bit of a family reunion, of sorts." He said with a chuckle.

"Heh, yeah, I guess it will."

That night, the two made up and finished preparing the invites, planning to have them sent out first thing in the morning.

Chapter 7

Two weeks later and it was the day of their wedding, all the guests had arrived to bear witness such a joyous occasion and things couldn't have gone any better.

But not everything was all fine and dandy, mainly some pre wedding jitters.

"Hey son, you okay?" Richard, Kodi's father asked, watching as his son paced back and forth.

"Yeah, just nervous is all." Kodi said, his voice shaky.

"It's okay to be nervous son, you're getting married soon. It's a big step, so it's natural that you'd be nervous." Rich said, resting a hand on his sons shoulder.

"And that's not even counting the fact that the groom, me, is almost 7 months pregnant with triplets." He said, pointing at his belly which jutted out from his tux, with no hope of even trying to conceal it.

"Yeah, there is that. But don't worry about it kid, just know, that today is a very special day." He said, hugging his son as best he could, backing away when movement was felt from the young wolf's belly.

"Ooh, they're really kicking up a storm now, guess they can't wait to meet you, grandpa." He chuckled, rubbing his belly to try and calm the little ones down.

"Hm-hm, I'm just as excited to meet my future grandchildren, these three and the twins you're about to have with Chloe," Richard said, putting a hand to his sons belly, feeling the pups kick against his hand from within, sighing softly, "I miss this feeling." He whispered.

Kodi's ears perked up at that last line, "Hmm?"

"Oh, it's nothing," The older husky said nonchantly, "Anyway, you ready sport?"

"Yeah, no time like the present."

The time had come, the groomsmen and bridesmaids all standing at the altar. The expecting groom waiting nervously, as the wedding march played. The bride being walked down the aisle by her father.

After they said their vows, the preist asked if anyone had any objections to the two being married, to which someone stood up, "Yeah, I've got something to say. How does a freak like you hook my girl?" The stranger, a tall and well muscled black panther said, pointing at Kodi.

"Because, I'm not your girl anymore Derrick," Chloe stated, her eyes narrowing.

Just before she, or anyone else, could say anything more, Richard stood up.

"Well, if my son is a freak, then I guess that makes me a freak as well."

"Dad?" Kodi quiered, looking at his dad.

The elder male sighed, "Sorry you had to find now, of all days, but um.. I'm actually your mother."

Everyone's jaw dropped at that bombshell, then the room fell silent.

But then Derrick spoke up, "Ugh, that's disgusting."

"Well if you don't like that, then get out!" The young wolf growled.

"Gladly. I wish I never came." The panther said disdainfully, before storming out of the church.

After that kerfuffle, they proceeded with the exchanging of rings, the priest speaking the words, "I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Chapter 8

After a lovely reception, everyone gathered 'round the dance floor, everyone except Kodi, he also pulled his father aside so they could chat privately.

"Is it true? Are you really my mother?" He asked.

Rick drooped his head, nodding, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner son, I didn't think you'd take it well."

"Well, I guess if you had told a few years ago, I probably would've reacted badly. But now," The younger male rubbed his belly, "I can actually sympathize with what you went through."

The older husky gave a lopsided grin at that, "Yeah, I was surprised when you told me what happened, but I'm happy for you kiddo." Rick said, patting his son on the back.

"Heh, thanks dad," Kodi said, when a thought popped into his head, "Do you, know who my real dad is?"

"No, but he was the most handsome wolf I met at a party once, we hooked up that night and then went our separate ways." The older male said with a twinkle in his eye, "9 months later, I gave birth to you and your sister."

"Did Jessica know?"

"No, not until today that is,"

Just then something clicked, something he remebered his dad said earlier, "So that's what you meant by 'missing that feeling' isnt it."

The husky blushed heavily, "Yeah, I missed the feeling of you two kicking about in my belly."

Kodi smiled, giving his father a big hug.

"Kode, would you be upset if I said that, seeing you like this, made me want to have kids again?"

"Nah, although it'll be kind of funny explaining why my kids are older then their uncle, and/or, aunt." He chuckled.

"Yeah, that'll be an interesting conversation."


Chloe was standing at the edge of the dance floor, waiting for her now husband to join her in a dance.

But while she was waiting, Angel finally showed up, "Hey sis, sorry I missed everything, but traffic was downright ugly."

"Hey Ange, nice of you to finally show up." Chloe said lightheartedly.

"Oh ha-ha," Shi stuck out hir tongue, "So, where's the man of the hour?"

"He's just over there, talking with his dad," She said, nodding her head in their direction, "You two have actually met before."

"Oh, really?"


"Hmm, well he does look familiar."

As Angel approached the two males, the taller of which had his back turned to hir, but shi could tell who it was, "Kodi, is that you?"

Chapter 9

Kodi's ears perked up when someone called his name, before they folded back when he recognized the voice, "Angel?

"Heh, the one and only, it's been awhile."

"It sure has. A lot's changed since then." He said, with his back still facing hir.

"Yeah, you married my little sister, you lucky dog."

"Oh, but that's not all," He said, choosing this moment to turn around.

As he turned to face Angel, hir jaw nearly hit the floor when shi saw his swollen gut, "Oh my god, what happened to you?"

"What, you've never seen someone pregnant before?"

"P-pregnant," Shi stuttered, "Y-you're pregnant?"

"Mhm," He said, idly rubbing his belly, "And you're the father."

Angel stood there, gawking, "Wha..?" Shi muttered, before passing out.

It was a few moments later when Angel regained consciousness, "What happened?"

"You fainted hun." Chloe said, holding hir hand.

Through the fog that shrouded hir mind, Angel remembered the news that caused hir to pass out in the first place, "Oh my god, Kodi."

"I'm right here." Kodi said from somewhere behind hir.

And it was then, that shi realized, shi was leaned up against him, "Oh Kodi, I'm so sorry, I had no idea."

"It's okay Ange, you're here now."

"And I will never leave you again, I promise."

As they hugged, there was a round of applause from the crowd, congratulating them.

"You know, I'm actually kind of glad you got me pregnant."

"Oh, why do you say that?" Angel asked, tilting hir head.

"Well for starters, I never would've met your sister, let alone marry her. This experience has actually brought me closer to my father," This Kodi says while putting a hand on Richard's shoulde, "Who is actually my mother."

"Really, he's your mother?"

Kodi nods, "And me going through this," He points to his belly, "Has made him want to have kids again."

"Aww, that's sweet. So you'll get to have some little brothers and sisters."

"Yeah, I guess so and my kids will get to have an uncle and/or aunt."

"True," Angel said chuckling slightly, before giving Kodi a wistful smile, "I just to apologize again, -sigh- I tried looking for you after that night, it was the biggest regret of my life leaving you like that."

"I tried looking for you too, but I guess our paths weren't meant to cross again, until now. But if you think about it, it did bring us all together."

"Yeah, just one big happy family." Chloe said as she draped her arms across both her sister and her new husband.

And as a slow song began to play, the newlywed couple stood in the middle of floor, before dancing their slow dance. Happily awaiting to start the next chapter in their lives.