Patreon Story - That Which Lurks Below

Story by Nesetalis on SoFurry

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That Which Lurks Below

Here are a few snippets from the story, trying something different this time.


It looked almost like a snake, a snake nearly as big around as the pipe itself. It glistened with sloppy wetness and writhed back and forth across the bathroom twice. The thing left behind a greenish-brown smear where ever it touched, and exposed it's wrinkled, craggy skin, devoid of scales. Not a snake, no, but whatever it was... I'd stared too long.


Had I only refrained, kept my mouth shut, perhaps... but the thought did not arise in time. I screamed, the protuberance entered my open mouth, the end of the worm splatted itself into my face, and the fingers closed around my head like a facehugger from that movie. Breath was drenched in acrid oily stench, panicked and fast. The tube extended deeper, across my teeth, across my tongue, all the while spilling something foul and sticky. I tried to spit as my tongue pushed back, as my teeth closed on hard cartilage, but the muscular lips closed over my mouth and held it like a seal.

I could see only a glimmer of light reflected in the pit of the worm's end. All I could feel was my whole body being encased as it coiled higher. Slippery slime oozed across my skin, soaked into my hair, clothes, and crevices. My arms were pulled away into separate coils, my legs wrenched open, my head arched back. I was a puppet on coiled strings, helpless.


I endured, over and over and over. Hours, days, months, years... I had no sense of time. I could not even tell when I was awake or asleep. The spawning frenzy continued without clear lines between one worm and the next. But it did eventually end.

I woke to silence, to stillness, to agony. One of my legs was under my back, twisted at an impossible angle. The other was laying atop one of the broken pieces of toilet. I tried to look around, but nothing obeyed me. I was staring directly at the sewer pipe, and could imagine the last worm leaving, dragging me into place... but I had no memory of it.