A Random Ass Story

Story by Final_Furry on SoFurry

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#3 of Random Stuff

This came to me out of the blue during a period of insomnia lol.

Deep under the earth the two ladies faced off against one another.

Amele smirked and whipped her head, the long brunette hair sweeping across the shape of a tall, curvy body. The fox's shapely torso was adhered to closely by the silvery breastplate she wore and her sword's blade shined in spite of the army's worth of undead horrors it had cut down before this little duel got started. The bones and fetid flesh littered the floor of the chamber, and now one last obstacle stood in the way of the dungeon's bounty.

Fleur was the total opposite of the busty vixen. The short and petite mouse only just barely stood as tall as her vulpine opponent's knees but she looked unconcerned for the moment. Her robe was padded out with leather armor and she wielded an iron capped quarterstaff. The bun of black hair tied behind her head contrasted with her short tan fur.

The fox lashed silver crescents through the air and grinned, "If you walk away now, I'll let you live,"

"Wouldn't dream of it," Fleur responded, grip tightening on her weapon.

Without further ado they charged toward one another. The fox swung her sword and Fleur shouted as she was propelled backwards across the room by the blow, slamming into the wall as the two pieces of the quarterstaff clattered to the floor.

Amele shook her head, features snarling into a triumphant evil expression with a kill close at hand,

"Should have run when I was willing to let you live. Your brain must be as flat as your chest! Ha!"

Eyes flashing, Fleur's hand whipped into her robe and she hurled a flask toward the fox.

...and it promptly missed, shattering on the floor. A nova of viscous bluish slime had been splattered on the tiles right between the fox's sandalled feet. Amele spared the mess a brief glance and then smirked at the mouse.

"Nice try. Looks like close is not going to cut it-"

The splattered liquid cut her off with a cacophony of foaming, sizzling bubbles that seemed to explode forth from the mess. A mushroom plume of slimy foam quickly rose up, sinking Amele's feet into it. She tried to pull her feet free and then jump but the rapidly evolving effervescence held her anchored to that spot on the floor. Next she tried to scrape it off with her sword, but the blade too became gummed up. Amele had time to yelp before the foam rose up to envelop her.

The mass of foam hissed and fizzled madly, its upper fringe evaporating in rising slurries. Every spare bubble seemed to take a tiny fraction of the vixen with it. Amele thrashed wildly but the dungeon's floor steadily rose up, distorted by the compound vision of the mass that held on to her.

As the last of the liquid dispersed into thin air, a very tiny fox was deposited in the midst of the scatter of clothing and empty armor. Dazed, she lay on her back with arms and legs splayed out. She had to blink several times at the two emerald suns in the sky...no, that's not what they were, she realized with a sinking feeling. It was pretty evident what had just happened.

With a mad giggle, Fleur reached down and pinched the fox by the scruff of her neck. She lifted her opponent up to dangle in front of her face, now only a couple inches tall. Amele dangled there helplessly, tail tucked between her legs.

"Not so cocky now that you've been melted down to size, eh?"

Fleur allowed a few moments worth of desperate pleas before she brought a finger to her lips.

"You want to live? Then you're going to have to do one single thing for me,"

Amele looked flabbergasted for a second and then nodded vigorously, "Y-yes! Anything you ask, I'll do,"

Fleur walked with her captive over toward a stone table positioned along one of the walls. She set the fox down gently on its surface. The wide eyes turned upwards to the massive mouse, apprehensive as to what might come next.

"All you have to do," Fleur announced, "Is kiss my ass"

The vixen blinked, "What? K...kiss your-?"

Fleur spun around and lifted the hem of her robes. She slid down the pink, lacy pair of panties then lifted her tail out of the way. Thus the mouse's bare ass was presented in its full glory, appearing as two tall walls to Amele's new proportions.

The fox stepped back as Fleur plopped her butt down on the table, squishing them into a rounded set of moons. The mouse turned her head over her shoulder and winked down at her, giving a delighted giggle.

"Pucker up, dear. It had better be wet and sloppy or else!"

Cringing, Amele approached. The mouse must have worked up a sweat down here in the dungeon. Her ass was sweaty and humid enough to have dampened the fur. She must have had bog butt even before their duel started. Amele braced herself with both her hands against the warm, soft flesh, finding it surprisingly soft. Next she lowered her head after narrowly managing not to gag.

Before Amele knew it, her lips had locked on the surface of Fleur's ass. Her lips betrayed her and smuckered harder into the mass. She pulled back when she thought enough time had passed. Fleur giggled again.

"Good. Now I said kiss my entire ass, not half of it. Time for the other cheek!"

She scooted her rear end aside to bring the other cheek in front of the disgusted fox. Taking a few deep breaths, she moved in to complete the other cheek, just wanting this to be over already. As she kissed the other cheek, a drop of sweat trailed its way down and the fox shouted when the salty splash hit her directly in the face.

Meanwhile Fleur's hand travelled down between her thighs and she began to rub a finger back and forth over each of her labia.

"Now get the nougaty center, darling," Fleur said.

She reached back and spread her ass cheeks, widening the canyon of an asscrack until it was big enough to allow Amele to enter. The fox balled her fists up, shaking in rage though she quickly adjusted her attitude when Fleur glanced back to make sure she was following orders.

There was a slight tickle and a flurry of tiny curses as the fox pressed herself between the mouse's ass cheeks, forging ahead. Fleur leaned her head back and smiled upon feeling the slightest of tickles at the rim of her asshole. The sensation moved slowly all the way around, punctuated by curses and gagging. It was too hard to resist. Fleur released her ass cheeks and sunk her fingers into her pussy, biting her lower lip. She began to furiously masturbate sitting on the table with her panties clinging to her ankles. It was impossible to hear the muffled shouts squeezed from her ass when her cheeks bounced back into place, firmly trapping the shrunken fox in between a vice of warm fat. The mouse pistoned her fingers in and out of herself, overtaken with lust and noisily schlicking her way toward a climax.

But at that moment something foul was building up in the mouse's bowels, a chain reaction started when she ate those suspect berries she found up on floor 14. The foulest of gasses rattled through her insides like an evil spirit, blasting out of her rear end with a PHBBBBT that could be heard down the corridor. Monsters skulking in the darkness fled in terror at the thunderous echoing noise. Adventurers in other rooms doused themselves in holy water, so sure they were that the fart was really a demon's curse shouted at them.

Amele was freed from the mouse's ass in a shotgun of unholy chunks that blasted in a fanning pattern across the table. She was plastered to the table in the blast, afraid to move or touch anything. The fox craned her neck upward upon hearing the commotion that Fleur was making. She was rocking back and forth on the table, her ass cheeks rolling in tides of flesh. Amele shouted as the tidal wave of sweaty swamp ass drew near and rolled straight over her.

After her pussy had been shown who was boss once more, Fleur sighed with content as she stood up. Turning around though, she found that her diminutive captive was no longer to be seen. Something told her to check her ass and she groped behind her for a moment before she managed to locate Amele. A very flat fox was peeled off the mouse's sweaty ass. Fleur held in her fingers a quarter-sized pancake of fur dangling by the tail pinched between her fingers. Fleur's eyebrows rose.

"Woops! Yeah...got a bit carried away there I guess..."

She remembered the crack the fox had made earlier about her chest.

"Ha! Looks like you're the flat one now,"

Fleur took the squished fox and went to a standing candleabra. She lifted the candle and placed the remains at the bottom of the holder, then replaced the candle safely concealing the deed. There were a million curiosities to be found in a dungeon. Nobody would question the tiny mummified remains preserved in melted wax, if it was noticed at all.