Caribbean Esther Ch. 1

Story by Nate the Great1 on SoFurry

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#19 of Gifts

Here's a gift story I'm writing for LeiLani I hope you all enjoy it too.

In the first chapter, we see more about our main character. A royal banquet, a wolf king and a young otter girl. These three spots are the top key elements in what shall take place

Caribbean Esther

It was the year 1930 and David Perriere, wolf alpha and king of the South Pacific islands, had reigned for three years from his island fortress on Tahiti. Now, Tahiti is well known for its pearl divers and one of them was a young otter by the name of LeiLani, who lived with her adoptive cousin Nathan, an ice dragon who took the otter in when her parents died during a big storm while they were diving. LeiLani was about 7 years old when the sea goddess took her parents and Nathan, being the royal icemaker to the king, had been raising her since. Now, she was a grown woman and the most beautiful among all the island girls. LeiLani would spend most of her time diving for pearls with the other divers and bring them to the market near the palace of the Wolf King. On some occasions, the otter girl would just stare up at the lonely palace wondering what it would be like to be royalty.

Our story begins when King David held a great banquet with his fellow nobles to celebrate the third year of his reign. All the men were invited to a feast while David's queen, Tarashi, held a banquet for all the women in the court. The feast lasted for a whole week and the men were all drunk and somewhat tipsy. Finally, one of the wolves said, "Your majesty, if I may be so bold, why not have the queen join us?" Now, King David knew his wife was also in the middle of a feast of her own, but when it came to the royal court, all he could do was agree to their demands. He called his servants and declared, "Go and tell Queen Tarashi to put on her finest jewelry and join our feast." The servants bowed and left to fetch the queen. When they arrived and told the queen King David's message, all Queen Tarashi could say was, "Has the king let his cocktails get the better of his intelligence? I will not parade myself before all those fools while they're drunk and dumbfounded. Tell the king that I refuse to expose myself to such rabble as your fellow pack members."

When the servants delivered the message to their alpha, let's just say the king was supremely outraged. "Just who does she think she is disobeying me like that?" barked the alpha wolf. "Your majesty," whispered Jamie, the king's royal advisor, "I suggest you act now or else every woman will hear of this and they too will stand up against their husbands." King David thought for a moment and then turned to the wolf beside him. "What would you have me do, Jamie?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well, since Queen Tarashi is of royal blood, despite being so dishonorable before the court, I suggest you have her banished from the islands and then find another queen to take her place. Someone who is more worthy than Tarashi ever was," said Jamie in a hushed tone in the wolf king's ear. The king nodded and when he heard all the wolves and other creatures calling out for the queen, David stood up and declared, "This kingdom has no more queen!" And that night, Queen Tarashi was removed from the palace and taken far away from the king's presence. Now, most would think this would be the end of the story. But where there's an end, there's always a beginning. And so, with Tarashi gone, the wolf king sent out a proclamation that every eligible young lady must come to the palace so that the king may choose his next queen.

LeiLani, David, and Jamie belong to LeiLani

Nathan and Queen Tarashi belong to me