Krewing Up - Part 2

Story by Tyleb on SoFurry

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The journey of the recruit continues. What will the boss do to you?

The cover was done by my friend and amazing artist MacroMonkeyMike. Be sure to check him out on FA if you like his stuff!

Krewing Up - Part 2



A cool brush of air flows over your body. Your eyes open. The cavernous maw around you is opening, two fingers now wrap around your curled body. Strings of saliva stretch between you and your slimy mattress as your limp frame is pulled out. Your body shivers as it hits the open air. Wiping the slime of your face, your eyes adjust easily to the dim light inside the room.

"Time to wake up, my little toy." The giant Asura's familiar voice resonates in front of you.

The room around you was fairly ordinary. Within the simple wooden walls and ceiling, you notice some well stocked book shelves. The only thing standing out was a table with various pots, flasks, elixirs and what you assume must be alchemy equipment. The only light source came from a set of candles on a shelf high above, casting a warm but dim light. It must be night time by now. Even if the air is cooler by comparison, the summer heat was still unmistakably present. Looking straight ahead, you feel a rush of blood rising up to your head. The krewe's Asura in charge, Tyleb, was laying completely naked on the bed underneath.

This is the first time you had a good look at your gargantuan goblin master. He would be close to five feet tall if you were still normal sized. Even with his head facing away from the light, you could still see the habitual grin on his face. The yellow pupils stood out even more as the rest of his eyes blended in with the shadows. Judging by the bulk of his frame, there was no doubt he must be a warrior of some kind. Laying lazily on the bed with one arm behind his head, his gaze is fixed on you. You can see his defined muscles glistening under the flickering candlelight. He raises one eyebrow, biting his lower lip.

"Like what you see?". His eyes point downwards as he smiles.

Following his gaze, you peek below you. You feel a tickling sensation in your crotch as you bear witness to his enormous member. His cock was at least twice your size, both in length and girth. At it's base, two plump orbs were dangling inside his relaxed ball sack.

"Gods... And it's still flaccid." The thought lingers, diverting your attention off the fact you were slowly being lowered. The pressure around your torso is gradually released. Your heart skips a beat as you start to slip. Screaming, you close your eyes as gravity takes you.

The fall is cut short as your back slams against something soft with an audible flop. The heavy smell of musk hits you. Opening your eyes, your mind doesn't quite put together where you landed. "Damnit... Is this the bed?" Looking up, you stand corrected. In front of you was the base of the devious imp's cock. You're lying on his sweaty sack with your back fitting snugly between his two orbs. A giant glistening mountain of skin and muscle lays ahead of you, a smirking head at it's peak.

"Comfortable are we?" His question is punctuated by a small chuckle. "Tell you what, you climb your way up and we'll make a deal." His smirk turns into a wide grin.

His hand stretches towards you, a giant finger pressing against your chest, pushing you off his balls. You brace yourself for another impact as you slip off the horny goblin's testicles. Landing with a thud, you hear the sound of the giant Asura's laughter roar above.

"Don't keep me waiting little toy... Unless you want me to change my mind." He pats his guts while giving his lips a slow and deliberate lick. Taking your cue, you get on your feet. Trying to figure out how to get on top of him, you grab the folds of skin on his balls. Pulling as hard as you can, your hands slip, denied by the mixture of sweat and saliva covering you.

"Dammit... " You think hard, trying not to panic. He wasn't going to wait for much longer. Or was he messing with you? The pheromones are intoxicating, making coherent thoughts hard to come by. "All I need is more time..." You feel your eyes widen as the idea forms your mind. If you can't find a way up the least you can do is distract him. You only had to survive until Syntik came back. He was your only chance to clear this up. Massaging the imp's giant orbs, you feel the goblin's body heat emanating over you. Breathing in more of the powerful musk, your mind drifts, forgetting why and where you are. You press your whole body against the musky sac, rubbing your face over the seam between his balls. A long moan erupts as the gigantic imp's hand cups behind you, pressing you against the moist skin.

In this moment, a small part of you wishes you would never be rescued. This experience was quite the awakening. Your self image had changed from an aspiring leader, champion of his own destiny, to that of a willing servant, gaining satisfaction from the pleasure of something greater than yourself. Thinking back at the ordeal inside Tyleb's mouth, the feeling of being safe within someone else had stuck with you. Maybe it was time to hear what that deal was about.

Mustering the willpower, you pull yourself away, instead moving in deeper where the giant Asura's thigh and balls rest against each other. Pushing in the tight space, your body slides between the two masses. Your head feels light as the pressure builds around you, not to mention the concentrated smell of sweat and musk. Using the tension and slickness to your advantage, you grab the folds and pull yourself upwards. The dank skin rubs against you as your body slides up. The pressure is keeping you from slipping back down. Grasping a loose patch of skin at the base of the giant imp's cock, you pull yourself out of the crevice and onto his half limp member. Sitting down on it, you clasp your legs to the sides in an effort to balance yourself.

"Well... You're a resourceful little guy aren't you?" As he talks, he places a finger on your back, gently stroking up and down. "Tell you what... I'll let you be my personal little toy..." The gigantic imp's other hands moves over his belly, giving it a gentle rub. "Or you can join the others." His eye's widen while the devious grin returns to his face. "You'd enjoy that wouldn't you..." A rumble emanates from the massive guts in front of you, as if suddenly preparing for it's next guest.

The idea of being swallowed had been intoxicating. Sweet life though, was still the better deal. Pressing your thighs around the boss' enormous cock, you lean forward and press your palms against him. The skin is slick with sweat but you manage to pull yourself forward, sliding yourself across his shaft until your hands reach the bulbous tip. You can see the wide slit ahead, still mostly covered by a layer of foreskin. The musk is getting stronger now. Your head feels light every time you take a breath. Pushing down with your hands, you start to massage the sensitive area. The skin below rapidly bursts with heat.

"Mmmmm, wise choice..." The asura moans as his penis starts to pulse gently. You can feel the flow of blood below, feeding the spongy tissue, hardening it. In an effort to maintain balance, you lean lower as it continues to rise. Your hands slide easily across the tip of his shaft. A few minutes pass while you stroke him, the foreskin is gradually stretching under the pressure. Looking up, your view bobs up and down, each time pointing higher and higher.

The imp is almost fully erect as your legs lose purchase. You slam your chest against the shaft, wrapping your arms around it's tip. This only stops your body from sliding down for a moment. The skin is too slick, all you can do is delay the inevitable pull of gravity. Reaching up, you manage to grab hold of something. Your fingers hold for a few moments before you feel yourself slipping again. Looking up, you can see the foreskin getting retracted by the pull of your weight, revealing the sensitive area below . Your fingers are tired, forearms burning from the constant effort. You can't hold much longer.

Something solid presses against your back as darkness envelops you. You can still see through the cracks between the giant fingers wrapping around you. Teasing, he gives you a few light squeezes. You can feel your entire body sinking several inches into the soft flesh, mixing musk and sweat into a potent scent. His hand begins to stroke you up and down against his erection. Looking up, all you can see is the devious imp's face through a gap between his fingers and the giant tip of his cock. Moaning with eyes closed, he seems fully focused on enjoying his new toy, you. The realization that your puny body is just a tool for the pleasure of this giant goblin makes it even more arousing.

The stroking motion stops. The fingers around you loosen a bit, leaving enough room to lift your head. The now familiar chuckle booms overhead.

"Head's up down there. Do yourself a favor and hold your breath."

Tilting his cock forward, a stream of white goo rushes down. You can feel the pre crawl over your forearms like a thick, hot blanket. You turn your head away, trying not to get a face full as the white river flows over you. You gasp as much air as you can before the fingers around you squeeze hard, slamming your entire body against the now cum covered shaft. Your head starts spinning at the sudden intake of pheromones. You can feel every heart beat pulsing through your captor's veins. His wrist twists and turns. Your body, every parcel of it lubricated with the devious rascal's semen, slides around with ease. You can feel your own cock slide against his with every movement. Lust had built again since you had climaxed inside his mouth. You were ready to burst again.

Pulling you away before either one of you climaxes, you feel a giant thumb wiping the ooze covering your face. You gasp for fresh air immediately. Part of you is relieved to breathe again, whilst the other wished you could have stayed a moment longer.

Lying in the thick white puddle inside the Asura's palm, you can't help but gawk at the sight. His muscular thighs are spread on each side like two enormous trunks. They lead your eyes to the area below his sack. The two mounds of his rump were glistening with sweat.

"I think it's time to introduce you to your new home." Tyleb pauses, fixing his giant purple and gold eyes on you. Leaning backwards, he lifts his rump upwards, filling your view with his pulsating anus. "I hope you like your new permanent position... Recruit." His grin breaks into a giant smile. Your heart skips a beat. He knew. He'd known all along. Syntik had set this up, no one was coming to save you.

The giant digits close around you. You twist and turn in desperation as you try to free yourself. Even with the copious amounts of fluids lubricating your body, your abdomen is barely able to move. It only takes a few moments before your muscles give out, still exhausted from the previous ordeal.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Don't tire yourself out so soon my little toy." The long eared devil starts to grin, sharp white teeth seemingly filling most of his face. "I want you in wriggling shape by the time I'm done with you."

His anus looms closer as his hand brings you in. You straighten your legs forward in some vain attempt to push back and stop the inevitable. You can barely see Tyleb's face now, looking up, his two gleaming testicles are the only things in sight. Your feet make contact with the the skin of his rump, warm and slick with sweat. You try pushing yourself away but his grip is absolute. His rim is well dilated and visibly pulsing. With one foot on each of his cheeks, the horny imp gently presses down on you, teasing you as much as wearing you out. As the last of your strength leaves your legs, they begin to slide inwards. Your right leg slips hard, disappearing into the hot tunnel of flesh.

Your push against the soft ring with your other leg to free yourself. It relaxes as you do, greedily letting your other leg slide as deep as the first. Laughter erupts from above you as a strong voluntary contraction pulls you deeper into the goblin's hot rump. You can't help but moan out loud as your nether region slides into the viscous hole. The heat makes it increasingly inviting as you feel your own cock sink into the folds of skin inside. Now down to your waist, you feel the giant fingers release you. You immediately try to push yourself out but every attempt is answered with a sudden squeeze, slowly sucking you inwards.

The tight ring clenches hard , pulling you deeper between the two glistening mounds. As the imp's hole devours you whole, the sensation is like hot viscous silk creeping up the length of your body.

Above you, the audible slaps and flops remind you of what you've become. Nothing more than a sex toy for a muscular little short-stack. This is not what you had ever imagined yourself to be, yet somehow, a large part of you wanted it. Resisting was no use. Pushing your hands down against your sides, you let your arms slip inside the hot rim. Unimpeded, the Asura's greedy anus quickly swallows you with a series of spastic contractions. As your shoulders are engulfed by the hot flesh, you feel his anus wrap around your neck.

"Hgnnnn... Not yet my little human." You can barely hear him over the the slopping sounds coming from above. A white stream of fresh pre-cum drizzles around the goblin's jiggling ball sack. It's not long before the white goo is rushing down between the imp's plump cheeks, towards your exposed head.

The thick gunk slides down over your neck. The rhythmic pulses of his rump constricting around you pick up the pace. As the stream intensifies it begins to creep up over you chin and mouth. Trashing your head around, you hope to brush it off before it chokes you. All it does is arouse the giant rascal even more. It won't be long before it covers the rest of your face. Pinned inside the warm tube, you can feel your feet resting against a warm mass of flesh. In a moment of panic, you thrust your feet hard over the swelling mound, hoping to push yourself out. For a brief moment, your chest slides back out into the open as his anus dilates completely. You can see your entire body resting inside the pit of pulsing flesh. The world shakes around you as you hear the goblin's elated roar.

The giant Asura erupts, his massive balls and shaft jolt upwards as his anus clenches violently around you. Light vanishes as your face is pulled down into the hot fleshy abyss. You try not to faint as your form is squeezed and compressed down the length of his rectum. The massive quakes are relentless. Your well lubricated body slides in deeper and deeper. Every ripple washes over your pent up cock. Past the point of no return, you thrust your loins into the hot folds. The horny imp's slimy insides rhythmically tense around you over and over again, answering you in kind. You feel your body shake as you push yourself against the hot slimy wall for the last time. Your feel the sticky warmth on your abdomen as your own cum is smeared over you by the constricting tube. The pressure around you loosens as your small frame is pushed into a larger part of the tube.

The sound of the Asura's heart beat fills your ears, along the loud gurgling noises of his guts. Your body is constantly pushed and turned around in pitch blackness. Your head quickly becomes light as the poor amount of air takes it's toll. You try to push yourself back out. For every inch you manage to crawl forward, your body is pulled back tenfold by the massive peristalsis waves. Using the last bit of strength left, you wriggle and punch at the walls around you. Clearly he had been satisfied? Your last glimmer of hope fades as the tube trembles for a moment, accompanied by a low rumble that you can barely recognize as laughter. Your body slowly goes limp inside the hot chamber. You drift out of consciousness as your puny body is slowly constricted deeper within.


Walking into his boss' room, an accomplished look appears on Syntik's face as he witnesses the sight before him. Tyleb was still laying naked in his bed, chest splattered with fresh semen.

"I take it our little helper was adequate, hmm?" The olive skinned Asura asks playfully.

"More than adequate I'd say." Tyleb pauses, running a finger over his lower abdomen before continuing. "I can still feel him squirming down there." He closes his eyes and bites his lower lip, savoring the moment. "I forgot how fun it was when they're so eager and willing...".

"Willing eh?" Syn's orange eyes squint while his long ears perk up behind his head. "So we got ourselves a keeper then?".

Opening his deep purple and gold eyes, a wide smile stretches across Tyleb's face. "Oh... I have a feeling he'll stick around if we ask him. He barely resisted the whole time. You know what that means right?"

The green Asura chuckles, grabbing a bottle of purple elixir on the night stand next to him. "Yeah yeah, I'll get him out." He downs the bottle in one go, giving his boss a devious smile. "Now it's my turn to have some fun..."

_ The End _