Pony Boy, Part 2

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#2 of Pony Boy

After a rough night, a relaxing morning is all you need.

Pony Boy, Part 2

********************************************************************************* "Drew?" A voice came from behind the polished counter. Looking up from my phone i noticed him. The studly burly stallion crammed into his snug blue polo. The green apron hanging around his neck snugly wrapped around his figure. My phone nearly slipped from my hand at the sight. His gorges ocean blue eyes seem to stare through my body. Those long golden locks braided along his neck. A true godly Clydesdale among ponies.

"Uh yeah that's me," I stepped forward. I had forgotten my wallet was still in my hand. Going to grab the coffee the black leather slipped from my fingers. Slapping hard on the counter caused my cards to slip from their place. Each one slid across the counter in different directions. In mortification I simply froze. It was a stupid thing to do. However, being watched by this stud my body simply didn't know how to move. "You dropped something sir," The stud chuckled. "Here let me get that," A smile ran across his face. I must have looked like an idiot. Just standing, mouth agape, and frozen.

Sitting the cup in my hand he used it to guide my hand down to the counter. Quickly moving he grabbed my wallet. Shifting my cards back to their proper position he handed it back. "There ya go hun," He smiled warmly. "Uh thanks..." I gently grabbed it from his hand. My thumb grazed his own. "Sam..." I read off his name tag. The small green plastic plate pinned tight to his at his pecs. Using the moment to stare at the big pillowed pecs stretching the fabric of his shirt.

"Dude? You gonna take all fuckin day the rest of us got places to be," A gruff voice came from behind me. Snapping back to my senses I took my coffee and stepped aside. The gorilla moved around me snatching his coffee from the counter. I felt like a total dumb ass as I took a seat across from the counter. Holding my coffee as I stared down at my phone. Watching the time tick away of my thirty minute lunch break. Trying to stifle the feelings of embarrassment. The strong scent of coffee and bad pastries radiated around me.

The line began to reduce in size across from me. The horse calling out names to send the patrons on their way. When his voice stopped I sipped my coffee. Enjoying the bitter taste mixed with milk and vanilla. Glancing back over I noticed him working with two of the girls behind him. I could see the muscles of his back flex and move as he worked. I had to make myself look away. Returning my gaze back to my phone I flicked on the screen. Scrolling through the random apps till I found my dating app. I had been trying desperately to find someone within my league. Once again it showed no potential matches, personal messages, or friend requests. I had been at it for months trying to find someone to spend some time with.

As I sat in my gaze flipping through the profile pics. Swiping left on pictures of people I could never be with. "Hey, Drew?" That voice came again from behind me. A squeak of surprise escaped my lips. "This fell out of your wallet at the counter," It spoke as I looked back. Greeted by the smiling stallion I saw my ID between his fingers. "oh thanks! Would hate to lose that." I chuckled a little under my breath. This was a false form I usually used at work to seem confident. He gave the usual casual workers laugh. "No problem stud," He chuckled. Those words echoed in my head so prominently.

I didn't know what came over me suddenly. I slid the id back into my wallet. "Stud huh? Thats tha last thing I would call me," My gaze came to his own. "I don't know you pretty cute," He turned to start cleaning tables. "Well if you feel that way Sam, how about you go out with me?" I asked. My eyes went wide suddenly as I realized what I asked. Did those words really just come from my lips. My nose twitched as he gave me a similar look. "Uh...sure," I noticed the blush across his face. Tucking his braid behind his ear we just stared at each other for a moment.


Snapped out of my recent memory by a plate set in front of me. The warm scent of eggs and bacon filled my nose. "There you go stud," I felt his soft warm lips meet my cheek. I couldn't get enough of his lips. Two weeks of dating him had made me addicted to him. The sensation woke me quickly and I looked up at him. He hadn't made himself anything which worried me a little. "Aren't you gonna eat babe?" I asked curiously.

"Oh I am hun, I gotta eat a certain diet to keep this bod, but doesn't mean I'm gonna make you eat like that," Sam smiled down at me. His charisma came out when he was kind. When I first met him I though it was just the customer service kindness. Fake, insincere, and demeaning. However, I was wrong. He was just a genuinely kind, sweet, bulky, stallion. I dug into my food and began to eat. Watching as he got himself some vegetables from the fridge. Grabbing a bottle full of powder from back pack by the door.

He had just come over to spend out first night together last night. It started out innocent enough. Just a movie and me making a nice homemade dinner. But we all know how that ended. Adding some water from the sink he locked the bottle tightly. Vigorously shaking it; he turned it into his thick protein shake.

He sat across from me. We still hadn't put on any cloths as he began to eat. The seat under him groaned from the weight of his bulk. It didn't help that alot of stuff in my place was built for people more my size. My small apartment wasn't built to handle furs of his stature. But he seemed completely at home sitting quietly in my small kitchen. It was somewhat silly seeing him at my table. He could have lifted the whole table with one arm easily. "So I have a question, why did you agree to date me?" I asked between bites. Enjoying the fluffy yellow eggs he had prepared for me.

Even though we had been dating a few weeks. Last night was our first real complete sexual encounter. I didn't feel it was appropriate to ask about it till now. I had never asked him why he wanted to be with me of all people. "Well, you weren't one of those muscle headed jocks, you treated me like a person and not a bench lifting partner or a dick on legs," He smiled and i felt his hoof rub my leg. "But you don't seem to like any of my movies or anything, your eyes kinda glazed over whenever I talk about my hobbies," My ears sunk a little but I kept a calm attitude.

"I just don't understand them, their cool though, I love the fight scenes," He continued and I felt his hood slide past my foot. He hooked my leg a little with his own. Keeping our skin in contact with one another. His gaze came up to me between bites of carrot sticks. A soft frown formed over his face which worried me. "Can i be honest?" He looked at me softly.

I could feel the unsure tone. The subtle motions of his ears and face telling me it was important for him to get it out. "Sure babe," I looked at him and sat my fork down. "I said yes because...You were the first person to act dominate towards me, you asked me first...and I'm submissive because...I never enjoyed being a dom, I was on the football team in high school and I dated a few guys in college, I tried to be the top but it never felt right, then one day one of the guys on the team bought me a dildo...as a joke ya know, But I tried it and I loved it. From them on I wanted to find someone who wanted to be my dom, then you came along," He reached over slowly. Taking my hand into his own giving me a goofy smile.

It was very sweet that he opened up to me like that. I couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth and trust run across me.I turned my hand taking his hand into mine. "I love you," I whispered under a small smile. His face quickly shifted from white to bright maroon. His palm shook and the big stud began to sweat. I almost saw tears form in his eyes.. Without a word he stood and slid his arms around me. Suddenly lifting me from my seat over the table. I felt tiny in his arms as he pulled me close to him. I could feel his plate under my toes as he held me so high.

Holding me tight to his body he pressed his face to my chest. Nuzzling against me softly I wrapped my arms around his neck. Petting him gently I felt his tears on my chest. Supporting him I could only hope he wouldn't drop me on accident. However, I felt safe tucked tightly in his arms. He could hold me with ease but it felt more like I was holding him. "I love you to," I heard him mutter back into my chest. My heart melted at those words. I scratched under his mane kissing the top of his head softly.

Looking up at me. I could see his eyes had become slightly bloodshot and tears stained his cheeks. "Aw cmon pony boy lets get cleaned up alright?" I laughed a little. He nodded and carried me out of the room. Taking me to the bathroom. He flicked on the lights as we entered. Seeing as neither of us had yet to put on cloths. It made it quite easy to prepare for a bath. He set me on the floor and sniffled loudly. I wiped his face gently keeping him calm. "I'm sorry...I'm just too sensitive, I never had my dom tell me that," He whimpered trying to smile. "No problem pony boy, just take a deep breath," I reassured him..

He turned away and bent over the tub. Reaching over he started the water with a loud creak of the handle. The water rushed forth and poured into the tub. Keeping his hand under the tap he kept a firm control on the temperature. Lucky for me to do this he had to keep turned away from me. His bent position keeping his perfect, round, bubble butt in perfect view. He wiggled his hips a little from side to side. His blonde tail swishing across his thick heavy cheeks. Reaching out I couldn't help myself. I cupped both of his big cheeks lifting them up gently. He let out a soft gasp as I pushed them up. Watching them mash together wanting so badly to shove my face inside.

Without warning he pushed back pressing his butt to my face. My nose slid perfectly between those big equine cheeks. Feeling him shift his hips from side to side I slid deeper. My nose soon pressed to his ring. Feeling the large well used rim of flesh against my nose. It seemed so raw and clean. My tongue lapped out across it suddenly.

Moaning loudly my stallion nearly groaned in surprise. Lapping gently over and over I felt his muscles flex. He was adjusting his stance getting his hooves nice and wide. Lowering his hips down so his ass remained in my face. Keeping his hands on his knees he held position. My tongue furiously lapped against him. Each crack and crevice was another realm for me to explore. Finding a few drops of my seed leaking from my deposit earlier. Curious at the limits of my boyfriend. I pried myself from his posterior. Spreading his cheeks wide I watched his pucker twitch. Winking in response to my treatment.

"Let it out boy," I ordered. Reassuring my dominate stance over him. My hand slapped his ass firmly without warning. Causing a whinny to escape his lips. "N...no," He looked back giving me the sweetest most desperate face. My other hand pulled back then with a short burst of speed reconnected with his ass. The loud hard smack causing his thick ass to jiggle. "Now pony boy," I gave a stern commanding tone. It took merely a moment for his posture to change. His tail raised quickly as he followed his orders. I could almost feel him smiling at the commands. His pucker relaxed and I watched a soft bead of white form on his pucker. Growing quickly it turned into a small torrent of thick white seed. Drooling down between his cheeks and across his taint.

The river of white flowed faster across his heavy balls. Till it formed two large spots on his nuts. Pouring down onto the floor making the softest wet plops. "Mmm now thats a good fucking creampie," I grunted and ran my finger through his release. Sliding up to his now well messed pucker. I slid my fingers inside forcing out a loud grunt. Clenching around my fingers I stroked his interior walls gently. "Oh...Fuck...mmmm please I...." He tried to speak through clenched teeth. "You what? You have to finish making my bath?" I tossed a little bit of a mocking tone into my voice. His shaking hand returned to the water. Grabbing the stopper he lifted the latch causing the pipes to squeal. The shower overhead hissed to life in surprise.

"Now how about you be a good pony and get in first," I slapped his big ass softly. My black fur pawed patting under his cheek. "Yes sir," He nodded pulling forward slowly. Sliding his body off my fingers slowly. Moaning I watched his tight ass slurp off my digits. He looked back biting his lip before he stepped into the shower. The water soaking his fur quickly as his hand came together in front of his pecs. He kept his hands high in a submissive posture. Playing with his fingers as the water soaked him. He didn't bat an eye as he was drenched.

HIs member hung heavy and half hard between his legs. He played with his fingers as he looked unsure of what to say. "Well pony boy if you want me to dom you, then you gotta start being a good mare for me," I chuckled. Keeping everything lighthearted at the moment. Since he was still new to being submissive I didn't want to scare him. I couldn't overpower him obviously. So to be a good master for him I have to keep up a dominant presence. It wasn't difficult for me. I was a manager by profession and staying in charge was what I was trained for. Standing up I removed my glasses and smirked. Stepping into the tub I looked at the stud with a more relaxed stare. "Down boy," I snapped and point to the floor. A little unsure he couched and took to his knees. This made his head eye level with mine.

"Alright, now do you want to wash your master?" I asked and scratched under his chin. Feeling his large head nuzzle down into my claws. With a nod he began to wash me. Running his large hands over my slightly pudgy body. Letting the water soak into my body he began to lather up the soap. My dark fur become thick white white foamy bubbles. For such a large beast he was so tender and soft with me.

His hands moved lower and I let out a soft moan. Those large fingers wrapped around my sheath with a delicate grip. Stroking me slowly I felt the soap wash off the dried saliva and seed from earlier. My fur softened nicely as he lifted my hefty nuts gently. They filed his hand as I watched him lick his lips. "Hehe for such a little master, you have such big attributes," He snickered. Stealing a kiss on each one before releasing them. Releasing me he kissed my sheath. The water sprayed off his head onto my own. Soaking my body nicely helping the soap run off faster.

"Mmm and for such a big stud your such are adorable," I whisper.

"Really master?" He looked up at me suddenly. His eyes lighting up with pure delight as he stared at me. Wanting so desperately to be loved on and admired. Leaning back on the wall I gave him room to stand. Watching him get to his hooves he began to wash himself. I took the moment to watch and enjoy the show. His pecs bounced and jiggled gently as he washed around them. His nipple rings gleaming in the dim light behind the curtain. Watching his member sway softly I reached out groping it. Stroking the big heavy cock enough to tease him. A soft groan escaped his lips as I felt him harden enough to make his member bob.

"Wash your back pony?" I asked as his soapy hands worked around his man tits. My hands sliding around his member soaping it up nicely. "Yes please," He turned and leaned forward under the water. I reached out and rubbed the soap into his muscles. Feeling his back flex and move softly.Massaging the rough exterior muscles I gently cleaned his fur. Moving down I washed his rump with vigor. Feeling his pure white bottom flex in my hands. "Gotta be nice and clean," I kissed his back. "Mmm I think you just like my butt," He looked back and stuck his tongue out.

"That too," I rubbed his button. The soap cleaning away all the mess from our escapades. Only making it clean till the next time we would enjoy each others company. Sadly once we were clean our shower time had to end. He stepped out first and held out a large towel for me. Taking it we began to dry ourselves. He had to work today so my time with him was running short. After he left he would return to his apartment till next weekend. We hadn't taken that step yet. A few weeks of dating wasn't enough to ensure a commitment of living together. This had been our first time actually sleeping together. The few small moments of stroking and groping lead up to this.

I sighed and patted his rump gently. "When do you get off today?" I asked. "Oh not till this evening, it sucks that I can't just stay here all day," He looked back at me. "I wanna stay snuggled up to my master all day," He put his arms around me. Pulling us close together he hugged me tightly. Shoving my nose between his warm clean pecs. Leaning in i held my face in place. Loving the warmth of his big heavy chest. Feeling his affections for me. "I don't want you to leave..." I gripped his hips in the embrace.

"well how about I give you something to think about before I leave," He ran a finger through my short hair. Gently stroking my head between his breasts. Looking up I nodded curious what his plan was for me. He picked me up once again. I had to admit that I was getting quite used to being moved. He carried me to my bed and laid me down. Stepping away for only a moment to bring over a small jar of coconut oil. He took a small dollop on his fingers and pressed it against the opening of my sheath.

My member twitched in reaction to the slippery substance being smeared along the opening. As every inch of my member slipped from its covering. He spread more of the oil along it slowly. My body heat making it melt to a warm wat mess. "Don't worry, it good for your fur master," He assured me so I wouldn't have to bathe again. His fingers wrapped around my member. Stroking me slowly making my cock pulse hard. The feeling made my cock throb hard like the best lube ever.

He removed his hand suddenly to a grunt of disapproval from me. Rubbing his hand between his pecs he oiled the space vigorously. Coating it before leaning down and pressing his man breasts around my cock. His pecs were so impressive they could wrap around my member. "Mmm fuck pony boy...that so fucking hot," I moaned. He let out a sot grunt as he bounced gently. Sliding up and down my cock pulsed hard. A pec job is a rarity unless you can find a true stud. His massive pecs slapped my waist as he lowered his head. Those big soft horse lips met my cock. Letting his tongue slide out and lap at the oil on my cock head.

The subtle coconut taste forced him to sink lower. Opening his mouth wider I felt his mouth suck around my cock. His bobbing soft motion causing me to buck upwards. My big cock slipping up into his pecs and mouth. That tongue was so expertly perfect. It lapped along every inch of my cock it could slip around. The warmth of his velvet fur between his pecs caused me to bite my tongue. That slick greasy oil removing the friction entirely.

His loud sucking sounds sent me over the top suddenly. I exploded hard into his mouth without warning. His eyes shot open suddenly and he made the cutest gasp. Suckling softly he drank from me quickly. Letting his mouth fill with my seed before he drank it down. Opening his mouth he let his tongue slide out slowly. Swirling around my cock he cleaned it nicely. Removing the oil he had placed there. With one smooth motion he sunk down to the base of my cock. With a smooth motion he lifted his head open and smacked his lips.

My orgasm high caused me to fall back on the bed hard. Taking hard deep breaths Sam wiped his chest clean. Leaning down he kissed me softly. My eyes couldn't stay open any longer. The need to sleep overwhelmed my mind. "Sleep well stud, I'll lock the door on my way out," he whispered as out lips parted. No sleep, a Bath, food, and two of the best orgasms I've ever had took me. Collapsing my eyes shut tightly. "Just like a man," I heard him laugh before I passed into darkness.

End Part 2 - To be continued