Meet Me in the Classroom 2 (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#19 of Meet Me 2 (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Awesome art by:

Jenny visits her professor one last time before the end of the semester.

Read the first chapter here:

Read the full story here:

From the open window in his office, warm air blew in and ruffled the hair of Professor Maury's mane. The lion didn't really notice though, he was busily correcting the final exams for his last class of the semester. His red pen drew check marks over the numbers of the questions that were answered wrong. He had gotten half way through the stack of just over fifty tests when there came a light knock on his door.

Roger glanced up at the wooden panel, a small window was placed at its center but right now it was covered by taped pieces of paper. "Come in," he called out. The handle turned down and the door swung inward.

The beautiful form of Jenny appeared with her face smiling happily and her eyes beaming. Roger felt his heart skip a beat, as it often did when he saw his most gorgeous student. There also came with it a moment of panic as she silently closed the door and stepped closer. She was wearing a pair of extra short shorts today, and her shirt was a plane red that cut off just above her belly button. It was a pretty thin fabric as he could see her nipples pressing against it, a clear indication that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Well hello there," he rumbled smoothly.

"Hey. I hope I'm not bothering," she said pleasantly.

"Not at all. Did anyone see you come here?" He asked as he momentarily went back to marking the test in front of him.

"Nope, the whole building is pretty much a ghost town." She paused and looked down at the stack of papers in front of him. "What are you doing there?"

"Just grading some finals." He leaned back in his chair as she came to stand right in front of his desk, her legs braced against the front as she leaned over it

"Have you gotten to mine yet? Is there anything I can do to boost my grade?" she asked softly and emphasized biting her lip. She gripped both sides of her shirt and began to lift it, all the while she swayed her hips from side to side like she was dancing to some music that he couldn't hear. She didn't stop until the fabric was over each breasts, showing off her large, bare bust and perky nipples. The sight alone sent his heart into a gallop and blood instantly rushing to his cock. Despite that, he was able to keep a calm demeanor.

"I've already gotten to yours actually," he said with a smirk and leafed through the bottom of his stack of papers. When he got to hers he pulled it out and presented it to her. "Not that you need me to do anything, you're far brighter than you give yourself credit for."

Jenny took her test and her eyes instantly fell to the bright red and circled 96% on the front. "Damn, all that studying actually pays off, who knew?"

"If you want to entice me for favors I suggest you be a worse student," he chuckled and went back to casually marking on the next test.

"Yeah, but a 96%? I was really hoping for a 100%. How ever will I be able to face my parents?" She said dramatically, and put on a distraught expression and set the back of her paw against her forehead. She threw her test onto his desk and flopped down on the stack of papers, her breasts still out and now mere inches away from him. "Isn't there any way I could get you to do this one favor for me?" she whimpered loudly and gave him her best puppy dog eyes she could muster.

"You know, it's a good thing you're majoring in Environmental Engineering and not theater, your acting sucks," he laughed.

Jenny gasped and pushed herself back up to a standing position. "I can't believe you said that. What a dick." She scowled but couldn't keep a smile from breaking through. "You know, I came here to get your cock wet, out of the goodness of my heart, and this is how you repay me?" She leaned back over his desk and pushed her chest out to him. The lion stared at her gorgeous globes and the wanting nipples centered at each. He swallowed hard and restrained himself from reaching out and clasping his mouth to one of them.

"I-Is that so now?" He rumbled and went from staring at her tits to looking her in the eyes.

"Of course. Cause it's really easy to do when I'm not wearing any panties, and I've been wet all day," she cooed and went to biting her bottom lip again.

The hair on Roger's mane fluffed up as a shiver ran up his spine. "Show me," he demanded and pushed the stack of papers off to the side of his desk.

Jenny grinned and stood up to stand closer to the front of his desk. She began to undo the front of her shorts and the lion's gaze fixated between her legs. Once the zipper was down and the button was popped, her bottoms slid down her thighs without resistance. Indeed she was telling the truth, no panties were underneath and her pristine pussy was now revealed.

A appreciative growl emanated from the lion as he gazed upon her perfect lips. He even began to salivate but he didn't let it show. "I hope you're not gunna just stare," she giggled as she stepped out of her shorts.

"Lock the door," he demanded again. Jenny turned and did as she was told, going to the door and locking it before coming back to find him undoing the front of his pants and pulling out his cock from the front of his underwear. When he saw that she had noticed what he was doing, he beckoned her over to him with a curl of her finger. She complied happily, going over to his desk, she walked around it until she was right by him.

Read the full story here: