Meet Me at My Room 2 (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#21 of Meet Me 2 (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Casey is enjoying a picnic under a tree with her best friend when he comes across something that wasn't food in her picnic basket.

Read the first chapter here:

Read the full story here:

The summer had been very agreeable for the young women on the cusp of entering college. Not too hot, and even if it was the woman was perched within the shadow of a very large tree, its huge ploom of branches and leaves made for the prefect cover. She wore a light sundress, it's yellow floral pattern fluttering gently in the breeze as she set her back against the powerful trunk. Beneath her was stretched a wide blanket, and beside her was a wicker basket that contained a well prepared lunch.

Set on Casey's lap was a large fantasy novel that she was busily reading over. It was one she had completed a few times before, the middle one of a trilogy. She was so engrossed in the story that she barely heard the approach of a familiar body.

It wasn't until Corey was standing almost right in front of her that she finally glanced up and smiled. The raccoon smiled back and then looked at her novel. "Reading the same books again. Why not go for something new at least?" he asked and then moved to sit down beside her. The tree was set out in a massive park near a line of trees. They were pretty isolated, save for a stone path that wound near where they were.

"I like the classics," she giggled and set a book marker in the novel and closed the cover. Corey nodded and then glanced over at the wicker basket.

"Oh hey, you brought snacks. Do you mind?" The raccoon asked and made a lunge for the basket.

"O-oh! Uh, here let me serve you," Casey stuttered and lunged for the basket as well but he got there first.

"Please, I'm not handicapped or anything," he chuckled and slipped a paw into the basket and began to nudge things aside. The reason for Casey's apprehension became realized when the raccoon's paw came across something hard, long, and plastic. He grabbed it and pulled it out with a grin. "And what's this?"

The squirrel was blushing when she saw him hold up her vibrator that she had packed along for the day. She had secretly hoped that he would have found it and when he did her heart gave a sudden quick patter. "I was saving it for later but since you found it so quickly," she smirked and set her book beside her. It was about then that the wind picked up and lifted her sundress up enough to drape it over her mid thigh. It was an alluring right for the male who instantly had his eyes drawn to the further exposed legs.

"Is that the whole reason you asked me up here? I thought we were gunna enjoy some food together," he chuckled and moved closer to her on his paws and knees.

"Like I said, you weren't suppose to find it so fast, you goofball," she giggled and reached out to stroked a paw over his cheek and then up between his ears.

"Well now I'm kind of hungry for something else," she said and then quickly dove his head towards her lap. Casey squealed and threw out her arms as if to stop him but she secretly wanted him to continue on. His paw stroked up her leg until it got to her thigh and then slipped underneath. His fingers probed the inside of her thigh but when he got to her pussy he found no panties, instead her moist nether lips were what he ran against. When he felt them he glanced up and smirked.

Casey caught his eyes and winked before laying back some. "I know how much you hate it when I wear panties," she whispered and gripped the sides of her dress. She pulled it up the rest of the way so that it was entirely over her hips.

The raccoon blinked and gazed down between her legs. The sight of her unabashed pussy sent blood pumping into his cock right away. His pants became strained in seconds as he began to dip his finger into the confines of her cunt. She let out a soft moan and arched her hips closer to his paw. The found vibrator fell by the wayside as the raccoon moved to get closer.

Corey shifted his hips a bit as the discomfort in his pants became more intense. As he began to dig his fingers deeper and work his tips against the roof of her pussy he found the rough texture of her G-spot and he concentrated his efforts there. Casey's moans grew out with every breath and she began to wiggle her hips from side to side as things began to get more intense.

With his other paw, Corey unzipped his pants and dug inside of the new opening to slip his cock free of its confines. As his fingering became more intense, he worked his cock from tip to base just as vigorously. As Casey's legs spread wider she glanced down and noticed the exposed shaft and licked her lips at the sight of it.

"I hope you're not gunna just rub your cock in front of me," she said and suddenly sat up and leaned back on her paws. Corey chuckled and looked her in the eyes. His face craned closer to hers as he spoke.

"Where would you like for it to be then?" Casey smirked and then flopped to her back. Her pelvis lifted into the air and she quickly nabbed the dildo from the side and flicked it on. The hum of it was quite loud and she set it against her pussy right away and nudged his paw away in the same motion.

"Well, if I play with myself like this," she moaned out as the toy dipped into her pussy. The vibrations sent a shiver up the center of her belly. "Then that means your cock could go here." She emphasized her words by reaching under herself with her other paw and gripped one of her buttcheeks. She pulled it to the side, showing off her tailhole to the male.

Read the full chapter here: