Debtors' Barn: Auspicious Beginnings [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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The first of what will likely be several commissions for henkcobra . For a little background on the setting, check out Casino Naja by Dikran_O .

Warning: This story is a little dark, so check the tags!

If you like my stuff, consider buying me a Ko-Fi.

As Martin Moonstone regarded the distressed-looking structure, he marveled again at how unremarkable it looked, considering the quite remarkable things that were taking place within. Well, would be taking place, once he made his entrance. As the mouse made his way across the seemingly abandoned property and approached the old barn, the large doors opened silently after scanning a chip he had on his person.

He gave a sigh of satisfaction as he crossed the threshold and surveyed his new domain. He'd been working for his employer and mentor for years now, and Henk had been impressed with his talents enough to put him in charge of this little project. He'd spent months going over the blueprints for the place, overlooking the various small details of this new venture, but standing here still filled him with a sense of awe and elation.

The illusion of a barn was maintained, with a row of stalls on either side near the entrance, but nobody could confuse it with an actual barn for more than a second. The lighting was such that it shone brightly on each stall (as well as certain points of interest further along) while leaving the rest of the place in deep shadows. The walls and doors of the stalls were quite low, so that the 1.1 meter mouse could keep an eye on the 'cattle' within.

The inhabitants of the stalls had been tied to low benches for this occasion, with one notable exception, because Martin didn't want them standing over him for this first encounter. That could lead to an unfortunate illusion of superiority, one that would force him to inflict an inordinate amount of pain and damage in order to dispel. He was nevertheless confident that once the reality of their situation set in, they would regard him as their master even while towering over him.

At first glance, Martin seemed anything but imposing, and that's the way he liked it, figuring that anyone too lazy to look beneath the surface deserved to be deceived. The brown fur that covered most of his body faded to white in his front, stopping half-way down his eyes, giving him a sort of half-mask look. The fur around his eyes was dyed black, the same as his hair, his large round ears pierced in numerous places, the bits of silver hanging of them and glinting on various black leather items the mouse was wearing completing the goth look. Although truth be told, when it came to pain and suffering Martin tended to adopt an active role, rather than a passive one.

Striding confidently towards the right row of stalls, Martin stood between the first two, so that he would be visible to both its occupants. The two young rhino femmes, Ria and Mia, were obviously sisters, looking almost alike apart from their hair. Both wore it long with one side shaved and the hair combed over the other, the difference being that Mia, the elder one by a year, kept her inky-black mane combed to the right, while Ria's bleached-blonde tresses were flipped to the left.

"Mia and Ria..." the mouse spoke, breaking the silence as the two rhino gals focused their eyes on him. They, prudently, remained silent "Two aspiring body-builders from Quebec. In your early twenties, but already with several awards from various fitness competitions under your belt, you apparently took that money to Casino Naja to try and win enough to start your own gym. Once your luck and your money had run out, you could have left, but instead you chose to borrow quite heavily, hoping your luck would change. It didn't, however, and you were left with no means to repay that sizable debt. A sum so imposing it will take three years to pay off..." he trailed off, noting how the sisters' gaze dropped to the floor.

This, he felt, was an important step. These people weren't captured - it was their own actions that had landed them in this predicament. Rather than victims of a grievous injustice, they were victims of their own ambitions or greed and the sooner they accepted that, the sooner they would acclimate to their new roles.

"Mina..." Martin continued, standing in front of the next stall. Its occupant was a young Chinese tigress, her bound body noticeably slimmer and softer than the two buff rhino sisters. Her straight black hair was worn in a bob-cut that got progressively longer near the front, to the point that it was almost concealing her face while she held her head bowed. She'd looked up when addressed, showing the mouse a rather pretty face with a very docile expression.

"Apparently, you were so unhappy with your arranged marriage that you sought _any_way out, including selling yourself into slavery." He said, noting how the tigress just nodded her head, clearly conditioned not to speak unless spoken to. Her file had indicated that her husband was so severe that she sold herself willingly just for a chance to be assigned to a gentler owner. "It will take one year for you to pay for your rescue, after which you will be offered either to return to your country to marry a more benign husband, or to continue as a slave to the Casino."

"Thank you, Master." The tigress said softly, bowing her head in supplication.

Martin turned around to the other row of stalls, even though there was one occupant in this one he hadn't addressed, but then he was a... special case. The other row had but two occupants, both elephantesses. One he knew had just recently turned eighteen, and was quite a pretty thing - curvy but firm-fleshed with long wavy hair gathered in a single thick tail. The next stall held her mother, quite young herself, having been just under eighteen when she had her. Carrying a child had left her with a decidedly fuller figure than her daughter, to the point that her massive breasts were spilling off the edges of the bench she was tied across. Both looked scared, their eyes still puffy from crying, not that it would do much good against Martin.

"Jasline and Jasmine..." the mouse said, addressing first the mother and then the daughter "Your family came here to celebrate a second honeymoon, and to try and find a husband for young Jasmine here, before your fortunes took a turn for the worse..."

The family of elephants had been having quite a lavish vacation. After renting the best suite in the Casino, the mother and daughter had been busy mingling as they sampled the facilities and entertainment the place had to offer, while the man of the house threw away vast sums at the various tables with the carefree attitude of someone who's there to make an impression, not a fortune. The family's real unlucky break didn't happen in a Quebec casino, however, but rather at home. The middle-east was ever a turbulent place, and their homeland had been the stage for either a revolution or a coup, depending on who you listened to. Either way, most of the family's property had been destroyed and their assets seized, making them unable to cover their considerable expenses.

"Consider yourselves lucky..." Martin spoke, without any hint of sarcasm in his steady voice "You were initially sold as slaves in perpetuity by the head of your household, but we believe four years should be enough for you to work off your share of the debt. I will expect you two to show gratitude for such a benign intervention on my employers' part..." he finished. He was ever an astute observer, and noted the shock in their red-rimmed eyes when they heard they had been sold into slavery for the rest of their lives, and noted the slight relief they displayed after hearing it would take a 'mere' four years. It seemed they didn't know the depth of their patriarch's betrayal.

Finally, Martin focused his attention on the sole male among the cattle. The large bull elephant almost hung from the chains attached to his wrists, suspended from a winch somewhere above him. His feet were touching the floor, but the sedatives were a bit slow leaving his system, making it difficult for him to stand. Martin didn't worry about that - he'd been careful to choose a narcotic that wouldn't interfere with his subject's pain receptors...

"Hurbin..." he spoke, addressing the bulky male, the name sounding like a sentence as it left his mouth "... while most of these people are here as a result of their ambition or avarice, it was your rather... poor choices that landed you in this predicament."

Poor, of course was an understatement. The elephant had tried to cover his debt by selling both his wife and his daughter into slavery, unaware that such transactions in this part of the world rarely escaped Henk and Dunya's attention. The man he'd been dealing with reported him to Martin's employers who had bought the elephantesses of them, leaving the man with a tidy profit that would be taken out on Hurbin's grey hide.

The middle-aged elephant had then been taken before the serpentine couple and accepted a dressing down from Henk meekly enough, since it came from someone he recognized as a more powerful male. It was when Dunya interjected, calling the elephant a gutless coward, among other things, that Hurbin went into a tirade of offended dignity. Apparently, he'd never before been shown such disrespect by a 'mere woman'.

A person who knew of the scarlet cobra's vocation and training would consider Hurbin astoundingly lucky to be alive. Those who knew of her more private appetites would know that sparing his life had nothing to do with kindness. Martin had been given very detailed instructions in regards to the treatment of the female cattle, as well as the Casino's long-term plans for them, but had little idea about what, apart from pain, the future would hold for Hurbin.

The mouse made his way towards a small table between the rows of stalls, and picked up a slim plastic case as well as a long metal object. Pressing a button on the rod's base he heard a click, followed by a hiss of a gas-flame as it heated a coin-sized brand on the other end. While waiting for it to heat up, he turned to address the cattle, making appoint to turn his back to the bull elephant.

"During your tenure here you are property of Casino Naja, and will be expected to perform any task without hesitation. Disobedience of any sort will be met with severe punishment. If you do what you are told, when you are told, you can expect some leniency, and perhaps a few comforts. I have no inhibitions against inflicting pain on those who deserve it, so the choice is entirely up to you." Martin explained, noting with some satisfaction that all five females were paying rapt attention, their eyes following him as he strode along the row between the stalls.

"Part of your duties will be entertaining patrons, either on these premises, or at the Casino. You will do anything they desire of you. If you fail, we will have to reimburse the client what they paid for your company and apart from receiving punishment for your disobedience, that sum will be added to your debt and you will spend an even longer time here repaying it." He said, noting the reactions on the various faces. Cheeks colored and eyes were averted at the subject of their imminent prostitution, all except Mina the tigress, making Martin wonder just how bad her life had been when she was accepting all of this so readily.

"And since you are cattle, you will also be milked, by hand or by machine, depending on how well behaved you were. You've already been given the first of your hormone treatments as part of your medical examination before being sent here, and further doses will be included in your food and drink, in order to keep you productive..."

The idea of milking their 'cattle' and selling the produce had been his employers' idea, after tentative inquiries among their clientele indicated considerable interest. However, it was Martin who came up with the idea of filming the process and including it with every unit sold, so that buyers could have something to watch while savoring their beverage. That had turned the interest into a veritable craze, to the point that anything the cattle managed to produce in the next six months was already bought and paid for. Noting that the brand was red hot, Martin decided to finish his address.

"And since you are cattle, you will now be branded with your owners' mark." He said calmly, holding up the glowing brand for all to see "It will be placed out of sight so that few people, if any, will ever have a chance to see it. The mark, and the pain you will endure as you are branded, is to serve as a personal reminder for each of you." He finished, turning to look at Hurbin as his expression became more severe.

"For one of you, however, the brands will be clear and plentiful, and will mark the beginning of their ordeal here..." he said, making his way toward the bull elephant's stall. He noted the way Hurbin was cringing and smiled as he remembered hearing that four-legged elephants were afraid of non-anthro mice. He wasn't sure if that was true, but there was at least one elephant that was afraid of one particular mouse. And I haven't even begun... Martin thought, marveling at the larger male's cowardice.

Upon entering the stall he flicked a switch and Hurbin's chains descended until he was kneeling groggily, his head now within Martin's reach. Grabbing one ear and stretching it out, the mouse pressed the brand to the grey skin, observing the way it immediately began to hiss and smoke as a scream was torn from Hurbin's throat. Martin removed the brand, noting with satisfaction that the imprint was clear - the stylized image of a striking cobra, fangs bared and hood fanned.

The elephant began to whimper and plead, the drugs making it difficult for him to form words, but apparently doing little or nothing to dull the pain, a fact proven by the second scream he let out as the mouse proceeded to brand his other ear. Marin proved deaf to both pleas and cries of pain as he continued his work, branding Hurbin between the eyes and on his trunk before flipping the switch once again to raise the elephant.

Once Hurbin was once again suspended, the mouse marked each of his ass-cheeks and the soles of his feet, the elephant's cries growing hoarse with each touch of the brand as he seemed to run out of screams. Martin was pretty sure he still had one in him, which he then proved. A few rubs of his sheath were enough to get the pachyderm's cock to drop a little, enough for the mouse to touch the brand to the large head, making Hurbin let out his loudest scream yet.

As the bull elephant whimpered, the mouse gave a hand signal and watched as two bulky black-clad equines emerged from the shadows at the edge of the room. While they uncuffed and dragged Hurbin away, Martin made his way to Ria's stall.

Once there he grabbed the base of the rhino femme's tail, giving it a firm yank to expose the grey flesh beneath. Fortunately, she was well-restrained and didn't have much room to wriggle as the white-hot brand was slowly brought closer and closer to the patch of skin just underneath her tail. As the searing metal touched her skin she let out a scream before biting it off and clenching her teeth, leaving nothing but the hiss of the brand audible as it marked her as property. He removed a slim syringe from the case and quickly and efficiently gave Ria an injection in her rear, the rhino gal panting as the drug quickly blotted out the throbbing pain of the burn.

Martin knew the point behind this was to demonstrate to the cattle the sort of pain he was prepared to inflict should they misbehave, but saw no need to let them suffer more than they had to. At least, not unless they deserved it. Leaving Ria to recover, the mouse stepped into her sister's stall, noticing the way the elder rhino sister was glaring at him, no doubt incensed by her sibling's scream, but was smart enough to keep her mouth shut. He repeated the procedure, noting that the brunette screamed only barely, clenching her jaw in attempt to deny the mouse what she perceived was his pleasure. As he left her stall, he heard metal clunking sounds as Hurbin was placed in the solid-steel casket that would be his home until Martin's employers told him otherwise.

Making his way to Jasmine and Jasline, Martin noted the elephantesses hadn't shed a tear for the husband and father that had betrayed them and sold them into slavery, and perceived it as a good sign. Neither of them bothered to muffle their screams, practically trumpeting in pain as the burning brand was pressed to their skin. Martin gave both mother and daughter a shot for the pain, leaving them whimpering quietly as the drug took effect. Mina screamed as well, but surprised the mouse by apologizing for it afterward, leaving Martin to wonder just how deep her conditioning went.

With the cattle branded, Martin switched the branding iron off and quenched it in a bucket of water before making his way to a concealed elevator. The cattle could use a few hours to rest up from their ordeal, and he deserved a break himself. The barn was much more than meets the eye, and apart from an elegantly appointed suite that was his to use while running it, it also had showers and a make-up/wardrobe area to prepare the cattle for their appointments with various clients, whether in the Casino or in well-furnished 'dungeon' rooms beneath the barn itself. Before the he stepped into the elevator, Martin heard Hurbin let out one last squeal as his trunk was pierced and a ring slipped on to the tip, and saw the flashes as the bolts securing him inside the steel box were welded shut...


Martin returned to the barn floor several hours later, pleased to see that the attendants had untied the cattle, not counting Hurbin, of course, and that the females were more-or-less relaxed, lying on the straw provided. The mouse decided it was time to get to work, since he was put in charge to make a profit, after all.

"Ria, Mia, it is time for you two to be milked." The mouse announced, approaching their stalls with a leash in each hand.

The sisters looked sullen and offended, but didn't protest, and Martin could guess why. The firm round breasts that had ridden so high on their muscular chests looked a bit heavier now, the nipples a bit puffy, and the two were no doubt feeling uncomfortably full, enough to endure the embarrassment of being milked.

They acted docile enough as Martin put the collars around their necks, but there was a reason he'd chosen them first. The mouse was almost certain that someone among the cattle would attempt to challenge his superiority, and the two powerful rhino gals were the prime suspects. At a gesture from him, a new set of lights was switched on, illuminating a part of the barn past the rows of stalls.

A large space was revealed with a panoply of implements. There were several racks holding the tubes and hoses of the milking machinery. After hearing the racket the actual machines made, Martin had insisted they be placed under the floor so that their sound wouldn't drown out the more interesting noises the cattle were sure to make. There were various padded benches and stocks, and although they were not visible Martin knew there were a number of manacles hanging from the ceiling that could be lowered if needed. There were a few contraptions whose function was not immediately recognizable, but there were several tables full of various implements whose purpose could easily be guessed.

Martin instructed the two rhino gals to walk in front of him as he followed closely, holding their leashes. He had to admire the flow of muscle across their sculpted bodies - powerful yet distinctly feminine, especially once one's gaze traveled down to a matched set of invitingly rounded asses, looking deliciously firm as their owners walked slowly in front of him. And Martin had every intention of finding out just how firm. While it was true that he was here to work, he did love his job...

When he noted a sudden change in the flow of Mia's muscles, he knew he'd been right in his guess. The elder rhino female turned around suddenly, roaring as she lunged for her captor. Martin was impressed by the speed she had, given her enormous stature and heavy build, but it was still not enough.

Apart from being faster and more nimble, he'd guessed Mia had never sparred or fought with such a small opponent. She'd aimed low with her lunge, but the nimble rodent easily sidestepped it while he reached into one of his leather bracelets and withdrew a small metal cylinder, with a tiny needle protruding from it. Pivoting on one foot he spun and slammed the thing into the back of Mia's knee before stepping away.

The rhino femme's leg stiffened almost instantly as the paralytic took effect, and moments later she was having a hard time standing up. At a hand signal from Martin, two equine attendants stepped up and dragged Mia towards the center of the room. The mouse looked at Ria's face, the larger rhino lowering her eyes to the floor after meeting his gaze. Martin was by no means convinced that she'd learned a lesson in obedience, at least not yet.

The two equines placed the elder sister on a low bench, just big enough to support her midriff as she was positioned on all fours, her wrists manacled to the front legs, while her thighs were spread apart and strapped to the rear legs. With their part of the job done, they slipped back to the wall, their black clothing helping them seemingly disappear into the shadows.

"On your knees. Here." Martin commanded Ria, pointing to a spot slightly behind her sister. He noted with satisfaction that the younger rhino was obeying him without question after seeing how easily her twin was overpowered.

While the younger sister knelt behind her, Martin walked up to Mia and grabbed a pair of long, clear suction cups hanging from a rack by their tubes. A flick of a switch and there was a whooshing noise as the compressor below them came to life. Mia's eyes were closed in embarrassment as the mouse bent over, running his hand along one full, hanging teat. The flesh was firm and heavy, Martin noted, satisfied that the rhino gal was responding so well to the hormones. He brought one cup the tip of Mia's hefty teat, noting her wince when it formed a seal and the machine began sucking at her breast. The devices, he knew, were designed for efficiency rather than comfort, and Mia's pretty grey nipples would be quite sore by the time it was through, as would her sisters.

The mouse had been perfectly willing to devote his valuable time to milk them gently by hand, but he had little patience for disobedience. After attaching the second cup, Martin was pleased to note a pearly white trickle coming from Mia's nipples, now elongated slightly by the suction of the milker. He gave her hanging teat a little pat, admiring the way it jiggled before straightening back up. Mia was being stoically silent for now, but Martin had every intention of changing that.

He walked up to a nearby equipment rack and made a show of considering the various silicone shafts before selecting one that required two hands to carry. After affixing the large synthetic horsecock to a steel rod positioned just behind the prone rhino femme, the mouse gave it a generous slathering of lube, this being her first offence and all. Ria watched mutely, eyes open wide as Martin adjusted a few levers that brought the massive dildo closer to her sister's upturned rear end.

Grabbing the silicone stallion behind the flared head, Martin made a show of running the slick glans from Mia's slit all the way to her pucker, pretending to be indecisive although he knew where the shaft would be going. Once he seemed to settle he pressed it a little more firmly against the rhino's clenched pucker, to the bound female's obvious distress.

"No! Don-" Mia almost screamed out, realizing mid-sentence the mistake she made.

"Don't what?" Martin asked, disapproval dripping off every syllable.

"Please, just... not in there..." Mia mumbled, trying to sound contrite.

"I see. Do you think you deserve it in your pussy?" the mouse asked.

Mia remained silent, but the dropping of her ears was the answer Martin wanted. He aimed the bulbous head at what he was sure was a virgin pucker as he switched the machine on, the steel rod gliding silently forward and driving the whole mass up the rhino gal's ass. Mia was anything but silent, crying out loudly as her deliciously firm rear was impaled, the muscular behind twitching as its owner grunted with every slow but deliberate thrust.

He could hear buzzing above the rhino's noises, and couldn't help but smile. Michelle, the mink operating the lights and cameras in the barn, was no doubt frantically working her controls, trying to get the action from every angle possible. And Martin would make sure the cattle put on a good show for her. He picked up another pair of cups from their rack and turned his attention to the younger sister, who knelt mutely as she watched the machine fuck her elder sibling's tight ass.

"Put your arms above her head." He told her, and was glad to see her obey almost immediately.

Ria instinctively struck a pose, the sculpted muscled on her arms and shoulders rippling under her skin as she did. The mouse took a moment to admire the way her pecks flexed, raising her lush breasts even higher on her chest, the two mounds now looking like perfect, ripe hemispheres. He slowly brought the suction cups closer, until they were pressed against Ria's dark-grey areolas. The rhino femme winced a little as the machine began to extract her milky burden, the cups now sticking out from her breasts.

"There's a good girl. You can put your arms down."

"T-thank you, sir..." she mumbled.

"Now, Ria, I'd like to think that your sister acted without your knowledge when she made that... unfortunate mistake... but I'm sure you understand that I'm a little skeptical about it. I need you to prove to me that you are a good girl." Martin spoke, his tone less severe than with Mia, but still stern.

"How? Sir." Ria asked, quickly remembering to address the mouse properly. She tried not to look at her sister, now being ass-raped by a machine, but she could still hear her groans, now sounding a little less pained.

"Well, since she was a bad girl, she should get a spanking..." Martin finished, glancing at Mia's rump and letting her sister come to her won conclusion.

The younger rhino nodded and still on her knees made her way to her sibling. She put one hand on Mia's lower back, raising the other one in the air before bringing it down on a round grey cheek with a smack, although a much quieter one than Martin wanted to hear.

"Stick your rear out a little..." the mouse instructed, pleased to see that the rhino femme arched her back and thrust her ass out without question. Stepping behind her, Martin swung his own hand, landing a slap squarely on the rhino gal's smooth slit. The squeal she let out was music to his ears.

"If I feel you are holding back on your sister's punishment, I will instead discipline you. You're a big, strong girl, I'm sure you could do better than that..." he said, noting the way the rhino femme swallowed past a lump in her throat, either from the pain coming from between her legs, or the thought of hurting her sibling. Her next smack, however, was considerably louder, making Mia cry out as each slap made her ass tighten around the horsecock sawing in and out of it. Martin's hand once again landed between Ria's legs, but this time as a gentle pat. The rhino gal gasped at the contact and the mouse chouldn't help but smile at the way her tail rose a little higher in the air.

As the milkers continued to relieve the sisters of their milk, Ria kept spanking her older sibling until both her cheeks showed a rosy palm print against the grey background. Every time she hit Mia's ass, Martin would bring his hand down on her now wet pussy. If he thought Ria was slacking off, he would give her a particularly hard smack, delighting at the wet sound his small palm made as it struck her sloppy lips. Otherwise he would give her a firm pat on her pussy, sometimes giving the plump slit a little squeeze before withdrawing his hand.

Once the tubes were clear of milk, he stopped and switched them off. He was pleased to note that Ria was still spanking her sister, not having been ordered to stop. After he removed their cups and hung them back on the rack, he bent over to get a good look at Mia's behind. Her cheeks were a rosy red, and he could see that her asshole had loosened up around the horsecock tirelessly sliding in and out of the pink rink. He noticed that her pussy was also drooling a bit of femcum, but wasn't sure if it was the sensation of being milked, spanked or ass-fucked that turned her on. Still, there'd be plenty of time to find out.

He turned off the machine and pulled on a lever until the shaft slipped out of Mia's ass with a wet pop, leaving the slick orifice gaping in its wake. Leaving the elder sister to recover from her ordeal, he approached Ria, holding out one femcum drenched hand in front of her.

"Well, Ria, it seems you made a mess of my hand. What do you think we should do about it?" he asked slyly.

Without speaking a word, the younger rhino femme leaned down until her lips were almost brushing against the mouse's paw before extending her large tongue and licking it from the tips of his fingers to his wrist, looking up at him for approval. The mouse smiled in satisfaction as Mia obediently cleaned him up, licking every bit of her honey off his paw until he instructed her to stop.

After she was done, he released Mia and led the two sisters to their respective stalls, noticing as he walked that the sight of their milking session had not gone unnoticed by Hurbin. After the sisters were bedded down, he walked over to the huge metal case holding the bull elephant. The casket was braced at a forty-five degree angle, so that Hurbin's face was pointed towards the floor, meaning he had to look up just to look straight ahead. The open lids exposing his face, rear, genitals and feet gave Martin all the... access... he would need with him.

"Don't worry, Hurbin, I haven't forgotten about you..." he said, delighting in the way the elephant winced at the comment. He picked up another tube, one notably wider and longer than the ones used on the rhino sisters, as well as a plain-looking metal rod with a cable attached to one end.

The idea to milk the elephant came when one of his employers' associates expressed an interest in his produce. She had a pair of feline femboys and liked to feed them cum, weather each other's, or her male guests', and when she heard the barn would be getting a bull elephant she decided her pets deserved a little extra protein in their diet. She had also heard just how Hurbin had ended up there, and insisted that the extraction methods should be anything but gentle.

He slipped the suction tube over Hurbin's massive shaft, smiling at the elephant's muffled screams as the rubber ring at the rim of the tube rubbed over his still sore brand. He'd be a lot louder, but the ring in the tip of his trunk was bolted to the steel casket at chest level, making it hard for him to open his mouth.

Satisfied that there was a firm seal around the rim, Martin switched the machine on, watching the elephant squirm as the device began to suck. But getting his 'milk' would be a little more involved, which was where the metal rod in his hand came in. And where it went in became apparent to Hurbin as Martin walked out of his field of vision moments before he felt a yank on his tail.

The mouse exposed the elephant's pucker and without much ceremony and any lube shoved the metal rod more than half a foot inside the terrified male. After he was satisfied the rod was firmly lodged between the pachyderm's cheeks, he flicked another switch, noticing the way the large grey rear began to rhythmically tighten every few seconds. He knew that every electrical pulse would make Hurbin's insides spasm uncomfortably, including those particular muscles that facilitated ejaculation. But unlike an orgasm, it wouldn't taper off on its own, and would instead only end when Martin decided to switch the device off. Seeing the elephant's cock was already beginning to drool what would certainly be the biggest load in his life, the mouse turned his attention to the remaining cattle.

The three remaining females didn't give him any trouble as he led them towards the milking area, each on their own leash, which earned them a softer treatment. He instructed Jasline and Jasmine to get on all fours, facing each other, the two elephantesses blushing as they complied, their heavy breasts hanging below them while their cushiony rears stuck out in the air.

Both had heard the smacks from before, and had no doubt seen Mia's red-cheeked rump when she made her way back to her stall and feared a similar experience. Martin took three elongated stainless-steel dishes, each about two feet wide and some six inches deep, and put one under each elephantess' hanging bosom, hanging on to the third one.

"Now, since you three have been well behaved so far, I'll spare you the milking machines. Mina, I will milk you myself, while Jasmine and Jasline will milk each other, without "he emphasized, holding one finger in the air "your hands leaving the floor."

Mother and daughter both looked at him in confusion, trying to puzzle out what he expected from them, and the moment Jasline's eyes went wide and her cheeks turned a deeper red, he knew she'd figured it out. The motherly elephantess turned towards her daughter, her face inches from her, and looked her in the eyes as she spoke.

"It's okay dear. Just... just do what I do..."

She then lowered her head and moved it to one side, her trunk stretching out gently until it reached one of her daughter's pendulous teats. Jasmine let out a little gasp at the touch, as her mother's trunk began to slowly curl around her breast, elegant and almost snakelike in its motion. Once she had Jasmine's teat in her grip, her mother began to gently squeeze it with that muscular appendage, sliding her trunk towards the nipple as she did. The sigh Jasmine let out as the first squirt of her milk sprayed against the metal dish was music to Martin's ears, the mouse just standing there and admiring this depraved yet beautiful scene that was taking place under his direction. He was even more pleased when Jasmine craned her head and reached out with her trunk towards one of her mother's significantly heavier breasts. Once she'd encircled the ripe teat she began to squeeze it the same way her mother was squeezing hers, and soon Jasline's gasps and squirts had joined her daughter's.

"What a pretty sight. Don't you think so, Mina?"

"Yes, master." The tigress replied dutifully, but Martin could hear the thrill in her otherwise flat voice.

"Which one do you think is prettier?"

Mina looked down, trying to hide her face behind her hair as she pointed to Jasline, choosing the mother over the daughter. And Martin could tell she found them pretty, judging by the way the nipples were sticking out from the tigress' fluffy white globes.

"Well then, I want you to get on all fours behind her and start eating her pussy out. And I'm sure I don't need to tell you not to stop until I order you to, do I?"

"No, master."

Mina wasted no time, positioning herself behind Jasline and spreading her plump lips with her thumbs before sticking her muzzle between those soft folds. The older elephantess gave a surprised squeak when she felt somebody touch back there, and did her best to stifle the sounds Mina's tongue was coaxing out of her throat.

Deciding it was time he got some release, Martin began to disrobe, until he was standing there in nothing but a black mesh top. A piercing with two downward-pointed ends adorned each nipple, one enameled green, the other red. If one got close enough to get a good look, they almost resembled a snake's fangs.

Each female had watched him take his clothes off out the corner of her eye, but my how those eyes widened once the pants came off. Martin knew that endowment was a relative thing. His slim eight inch shaft would have looked tiny on an equine or on a male Hurbin's size, but sticking out of his white-furred crotch, on his small but perfectly toned body, the mouse knew it gave him the proportions of a fertility idol. He placed the last collection dish under Mina's swaying breasts, before moving behind the tigress.

"Mina, present!" he commanded, the tigress' tail rising almost instantly to reveal her rear end to him. He wasn't sure if it was the sight of him naked, or the taste of the elephantess she was enjoying so much, but he could see her pink lips were already glistening in that sea of soft white fuzz.

Grabbing the base of her tail, the mouse wedged his tip between those glistening lips before giving one powerful thrust, burying his shaft inside the tigress, and Mina's muzzle in Jasline's pussy. Mina's squeal at the sudden penetration was muffled by the elephantine snatch, but Jasline gave a little cry of her own at the increased stimulation, giving the impression that Mina's little cry traveled through her and came out her mouth.

Martin groaned at the sensation of the subby feline's walls squeezing and caressing his cock, enjoying the warmth and wetness of the tigress as he stretched out across her back. His arms encircled her chest as his small, deft hands sought out the tips of those swaying breasts. He ran his fingers across them, feeling the way Mina's insides clenched up when he brushed them against her moistening nipples. And she clenched even harder when the mouse squeezed those stiff tips, sending twin sprays of tiger milk squirting from the prone feline.

He tweaked the tigress' nipples rhythmically, enjoying the sounds of female moaning accompanied by the noise of their milk squirting against the metal dishes. Mina, he realized, was well and truly broken in, complying with any order given without hesitation, but Martin was confident he could do better. He withdrew as much of his shaft from her feline pussy as he could before shoving the whole thing back in, proceeding to rut the tigress at a furious pace. He made sure to squeeze her breasts every time he hilted himself, noting the effect it had on Mina who was now moaning into the large grey slit she was messily eating out.

The show he'd put on so far had gotten the mouse quite worked up, and he knew he wouldn't last long in the responsive tigress. With that in mind he increased his tempo further, determined to turn Mina into a babbling mess before he made a mess of his own inside her. His hips were a blur as they smacked into the tigress' stripped rump, his fingers tightening and releasing as they coaxed the thin alabaster streams from her soft breasts.

Craning his head to see past the sight of Jasline's upturned ass, he could see that mother and daughter switched teats, and that there was already a considerable amount of creamy-white milk in the bowls below them. He was pleased to see they were getting more comfortable with each other's bodies, since he knew clients would pay through the nose to have both mother and daughter at the same time.

It was a long, almost whimpering sound from Mina that brought his attention back to the feline he was rutting. She was panting now, too far gone to properly lick Jasline's slit, but to her credit she was making an effort of rubbing her muzzle against the messy lips. Martin could feel his own sack tightening, and decided to finish up.

"Good girl, Mina. Do you want your master's cum?" he asked, still pumping furiously away.

"Ah! Y-yes, master!" Mina moaned out after taking her glistening muzzle out of Jasline's pussy.

"*grunt* Tell me where you want it!" he asked, tugging in her nipples as he did.

"A-anywhere master!" the tigress almost screamed out. Not good enough...

"Well then I guess I'll just finish what you started with Jasline and dump my load inside her..." he said deviously, withdrawing his cock almost all the way out, pretending that he was about to dismount her and leave her empty. He could almost feel her pussy clinging to him desperately...

"N-no, master, please! Come in my pussy, master! Flood this needy little slut's cunt with your seed!" Mina babbled hysterically, desperate to have the mouse's shaft back inside her now that she was so close to her peak. Martin had guessed that her conditioning included a strong prohibition against getting herself off, and this desperate plea for his cock proved him right.

"All right then, take it!" he said as he thrust back into her muff with every ounce of strength he had, the smack echoing in the room as he ground his crotch against her needy pussy. He groaned as the first pulse of mouse-cum shot inside the tigress, followed soon by another as Martin proceeded to empty his balls in the submissive feline. Sure enough, the moment she felt the first warm spurt land inside her, the tigress became a mewling mess as her pussy gushed and squeezed around the cock pumping it full. After he was done with her Martin drew his cock out, one thin strand of cum trailing from her well-bred pussy to the tip of his softening shaft.

"Jasline, since Mina did such a good job on your pussy, I think it's only fair you return the favor while Jasmine cleans me up..." he said, the two elephantesses lowering their eyes in submission as they crawled on all fours, each to her task. Mina had thrust her cunt out eagerly, shivering at the feeling of the elephantess' large tongue slipping past her slightly gaping lips as Jasline ate his load out of the tigress' pussy. Her daughter meanwhile, was tentatively running her tongue over his malehood, no doubt tasting cum for the first time. Martin shuddered as the young elephantess licked his over-sensitive shaft, but enjoyed it nevertheless, because it was happening at his command...