desideri diabolici
_**In un mondo simile al nostro esistono gli yoku-oni , esseri umani mutanti che possiedono poteri sovrannaturali inspiegabili scientificamente. In origine sono persone normali, ma per qualche fattore scatenante un giorno si trasforma in demoni. Sono...
A Slave Escape, Two Sisters and a Coyote
I am writing this because I am very bored, and my friend has not arrived with the beer, ( I'm in college and its Friday so don't worry about me being an alcoholic) This is my first attempt at a erotic story so if this sucks balls please let me know...
Cum Calling
The following story contains sexual acts between a sister (crab-eating raccoon) and foster brother (cozumel island raccoon) (semi-incest). anyone finding the content dissatisfactory or inappropriate, you have been warned: i don't care.
Carefree Catherine
Catherine woke up in Jose's arms, as happy as could be. For the first time in days, she could think of something other than sex with Jose. Sitting up and stretching, her fur glistening in the gentle light of the slowly rising sun, Catherine felt...
Jose's Hopes
The first thing I noticed when I woke was the pleasant weight that had been on my chest all night was gone, and the warmth from it was gone too. I knew what the weight was, it had been Catherine. We had cuddled all night, too tired to worry about the...
Conspiring Catherine
The following story contains sexual acts between a sister and foster brother (semi-incest). anyone finding the content dis-satisfactory or inappropriate, you have been warned: i don't care.
An Old Home
The next morning I woke to a very sweet aroma wafting through the room. I stirred and rubbed my eyes as I sat up on the edge of the bed, and looked around once my vision had cleared. The decor was as one would expect for an ancient hut, but it was...
The Dream
It was the last day of the last week of school before the summer. Everyone was so excited to start their summer because they had awesome plans. Schuyler had none whatsoever but my family did because they always leaved Schuyler at home. It had a lot to...
Wow, been a while since I put something up. Been kind of busy with getting ready to move and junk. This one is kind of cliché but it came into my head and I put it down. Hope you like it. ...
My Human Kuni - Chapter 1
Bennettworks (letter from the author, please read before you read the story {Includes Disclaimer}) Dear Reader, Thank you for deciding to read my story, "My Human Kuni". This is the first chapter in what was my first furry novel ever. I...
Axel & Rena Part 12 By: Renatamer
**Axel & Rena part 12** Disclaimer: I do not own any of the digimon franchise; all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective companies. (Though I wish I owned Renamon.) \>\_\< do however own Axel Benden, who is a trademark cartoon...
Catherine's Clinic
Even as Catherine sat atop Jose, his still-hard dick inside her wet nether-lips, there was a secret that Catherine was holding from Jose, despite saying she would tell him just a few minutes before. Jose was having performance issues of a sort. His...