Old Friends, New Possibilities

Story by distinctprowler on SoFurry

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I don't know how long i've been sitting here, just waiting for him to finish.

"God, why do you take so long with all that shit?" I asked semi-politely.

I've been having computer issues for the last month now, mostly thanks to

social interactive websites. Knowing that I couldn't do much I had asked my buddy to

come over and help me get it running again. Normally I wouldn't mind it taking so long

however tonight was our night to hangout at the old theater playing one of the few movies

actually starting off in theaters. Planning on not making the view times I whisked through the enormous brightly-colored phone book to find possible alternatives. Since my buddy and I only got to hang out maybe about once a month this was a very important meet for the two of us. I noticed he smelled quite tasteful tonight so I decided to mildly chide him. "You spraying that shit for the ladies? You might just end up turning their noses!"

Immediately he turned to me with the most mixed expression i've ever seen. It was a combination of both wanting to knock me out and contorting his face to stifle back a rather regretted laugh. "Aww since when did we become the fashion police John?" he retorted with an exagerated smile. "You gonna cuff me if I wear unmatching socks too?" he said jokingly. "Alright the Software is installed and the reboot system is copying the hard drive data from this floppy drive. It's going to be a while but it's a guarenteed way to not screw up your piece of a computer anyways..." He announced while wandeing into the kitchen for some refreshment.

"All packed up and ready to go?" I asked getting into the infamous "future band vehicle" we all came to know and hate. He half grunted as he swung his body into the worn fabric of the van's chair, "Yeah and i'll bet by the time we get back you may be two percent done," Then he started leaning over to my ear. He whispered to me and said, "Take your time we have all night since I have no work tommorow." I started to blush a little, after all i thought he was really attractive but i've never had the courage to ever ask him for more than something he was standing next to. I Couldn't tell if he was flirting with me since I always thought he didn't find me attractive. I simply replied "I'll go as fast as I want to thank you very much!" I told him to see if i'd get a response. He just laughed and said not to get us killed. Now Rich and I were both bi-sexual, but we were by no means feminine meaning we could slip through awkward gazes people shot at the LGBT community.

I was getting so distracted at what we were planning to do tonight I almost lost sight of the changing lights, I slammed on my brakes just in time to make it to the line as the light turned red. Directly behind me the few cars that were following me a little too closely before were now blaring their horns. Rich just looked at me and said "Relax man, we'll get there in plenty of time and as for those dicks behind us well, they are probably just in a rush to get home to their TV's and fall asleep all sad and depressed". Making me chuckle, I knew he was probably right. He always knew I wasn't very good with high pressure situations, I'm glad he was there or I'd probably lose it right now. The light finally turned green and I put my paw to the metal to get away from the slightly calmed fox behind us in the polished wannabe luxury car. Now I didn't quite feel like a movie tonight because I have this issue

where I always end up falling asleep or I need to leave to use the restroom during important parts and there is never a pause button to hit, so I asked Rich if he wanted to go somewhere else. "Did you Have Something else in mind?" He inquired. "Well I was thinking that maybe we spend too much time indoors so wha do you think about going through the park. I know you rather distaste in feral dogs but the owners usually don't walk them out this late."

He took his paw and looked ponderously out of the window. Just when I was about to dismiss it as a stupid idea, he agreed. I turned into the next lane and followed the road down to the fork. After a while the tree's became quite numerous and I found a place to park beside an old shady oak.

There was an awkward silence as I felt pressure build up down south. Now I don't care how much body spray someone wears, but when you get aroused wolves can smell it. Awkwardly I looked out the window fruitlessly hoping it would subside before Rich caught wind of it. I glanced quickly at at him trying to be subtle but he

was already waiting for me to turn. I became more red than I can dare imagine when I saw him looking at me, only hidden by the fur covering my face, I knew I had been found out. Now nothing in the world could have prepared me for what happened next. Just as the sun started setting I had seen something I never thought I'd see, his hand gently brought my muzzle close to his and I was lost in bliss.

Never in my mind did I beleive that this perfectly lean, muscular, black and brown stud would ever be locking lips with me. Slowly he pulled away and I was left there to let my mind process the previous event. I then looked at him and saw him smiling gently back at me. I looked down and realised I wasn't the only one under pressure. Slowly I leaned back towards him but this time he motioned me to stop. Now even more confused I watched him open the door and step out. All I could do was think I did something wrong. I tried to find some way to stop him from

closing the door but it shut a little to quickly and I looked down in grief as I heard a faint tapping sound coming from outside the van. I looked over to the door right behind where rich was sitting and he motioned me to open unlock the sliding door. I did so and he lept in the back and started throwing my only to realise he was clearing space.

After a few minutes he said, "I hope you don't plan on staying up there after all I just got cozy back here and

there is still room for one more," almost matter of factly. I only needed to be told once before I hopped back there, but instead of going outside of the car I fumbled through the front seats and he chuckled as I lost my balance and fell on to the now folded over back seats. I layed down facing him not knowing whether to attempt kissing him again. The look he gave me told me he was ready this time. While Wriggling over to him he put his arm around me and I felt his hand move down my back and right above my tail.

Putting effort into his arm I felt him pull me closer till all I could see was his sparkeling brown eyes staring into me.

He began kissing me again this time grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head where only my dark chest was left. I moved my paw down to his crotch and started massaging his sheath, only to feel him gently grind with my hand until his fleshy pink member emerged ready for pleasure. Slowly I pulled my paw out of his pants and unlocked our lips, so I could get a better view. Ever so slowly I pulled his pants down to his ankles while trailing lightly down his legs with my claws attempting to give him the slightest tickle. Almost immediately I knew I had succeeded when I felt him shudder slightly.

He began to rise up and undress me, only exception was he did it entirely with his muzzle, and faster than I had done with my paws. I could see the beastial lust in his eyes, however there was something more to them as well, a view of passion and caring was expressed in his smile, knew this was the first time this was happening, but it sure as hell won't be the last. I slid down his body kissing him seductively until I re-met his eager member. I began taunting him by kissing around his shaft while cupping and messaging his balls with my paw. All I could hear coming from his mouth was panting and the slightest hint of "tease" with any breath he could muster. Knowing that I was getting as much pleasure as he was, I slid his erect member slightly into my muzzle and started toying with his tip. Again he started panting and I felt his legs buckle just to stop him from thrusting every inch of him inside me. Slowly I went up and down his shaft with my muzzle but knowing he didn't have much longer I let go of him and turned to a compartment on the side of my van where I stored my "special goods". Sifting trough the area I found a fresh bottle of lube and coated his eagerness with it.

He motioned me to turn around and with that he placed some lube on his finger which than began to probe around my tail hole, loosening me up for the big show. Argh... it felt so damn good, I thought I was going to loose myself right then and there. Slowly he pulled his finger out and started pushing rock hard eight inch manhood into me. He felt so big inside me it was like nothing I had ever felt before. Sure i've been with others but never were they so filling as he was. Gently he started thrusting into me and no pain remained just endless bliss on both accounts. All I could do was grow weak to the feeling of him breathing hot and heavy down the back of my neck. Like the golden chariot he rode me into the sunset until both of our energy was gone. We just layed there for what seem hours his knot inside of me, slowly loosening so that I might be able to drive us home to sleep. All I knew was that it'd be one of the longest rides home ever...

To be Continued.....?

What does everyone think should i continue to write on this? This is my first story so tell me how you think I did. And a special thanks to everyone who read it.