The Pursuit ~ Part 1

Story by Salem_ on SoFurry

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~My first story for SoFurry, I hope you all enjoy it. You might notice, but I was heavily inspired by the song "Radar" by Britney Spears, so much I added the lyrics in. Much Love, _ Salem _~

Lights pulsing and music blasting, it was a nice night in the club. I caught my eye in a mirror across the room, I think I'm a pretty good looking wolf. Fur the colour of soft cream and deep chocolate eyes. I'm of average height and thin, but luckily I was graced with a nice ass and enough muscle to show that I am in fact a male. Plenty of hot furs, undulating and grinding on the dance floor to the bumping beats. I was hanging out with a couple of friends in a booth, laughing and drinking, working up a nice buzz. My ears pricked as one of my favourite songs came on over the speakers, I just had to get up and dance. I made my way onto the floor, easily flowing into the bodies on the floor when I saw him.

_Confidence is a must

Cockiness is a plus_

He caught my eye immediately, sitting at the bar. A tall wolf, incredibly handsome and well built with deep chestnut fur. His clothes fit him perfectly, draping over his body so that you could see the outline of his well developed body. His very presence screamed hot.

_Edginess is a rush

Edges (I like 'em rough)_

Out of nowhere he turned is head and stared right into my eyes, a slow smirk spread across his sexy face, outlining his hard jaw, as he read the blush and embarrassment on my face at being caught. He slid off his seat and walked over to me, slowly, like if I was gone by the time he reached me it he wouldn't care less.

_A man with a Midas touch

Intoxicate me, I'm a lush_

I barely registered that others had noticed him as much as I had as he walked over to me, never looking away from my eyes. His kept catching the light, shining a bright jade green, amusement plain in them. He didn't seem to notice all the lustful looks from most of the furs he was getting, the rest glaring as they're partners dropped their attention from them.

_Stop you're making me blush

People are looking at us_

He finally reached me, and I had to look up as he towered over me. I wasn't the shortest wolf in the world, but standing next to him my head barely reached his chin. Up close he was even sexier, his shirt draping just tightly enough to get a peek at his muscled chest.

I don't think you know (know)

A shudder ran though me as he placed his hand at the small of my back and pulled me against him, grinding with me, I could barely keep myself moving with him from sheer excitement. I knew I was the envy of the club that night and so I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up at him.

_I'm checking it so hot (so hot)

I wonder if he knows he's on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)_

We danced and ground into one another on the dance floor, in our own little world, so close I could I smell his musky scent. So close we could've been having sex. His hand traveled my backside as my front moulded to his front.

And if I notice you I know it's you. Choose you don't wanna lose you're on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)

Suddenly I was turned around, his strong arms wrapping around my middle and pressing me against him, his lips pressing against my neck. My arms rose and went behind me to touch his shoulders as I ground my little bottom back on him, clearly feeling a semi-hard bump pressing against me.

_When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk)

I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that's what I want (that's what I want)_

I felt his hand push down the soft cream coloured fur peaking through my shirt as his hand found it's mark, right over my crotch. He pressed and rubbed against the hardness through my tight pink pants.

Hey, listen, baby, turn up the fader.. try to make you understand you're on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)

His hand ever so slowly started pushing into the top of my pants, ticking down the fur when without notice I was let go, my head whipping around, searching for him when I found him behind me, smiling so sexily I felt like it was enough to make me cum right there.

_Interesting sense of style

Ten million dollar smile

Think I cant handle that

Animal in the sack_

I felt hundreds of sets of eyes on me as he walked away from me to sit in a booth opposite from the one I had been sitting at earlier, he tapped his lap and smiled even wider. I didn't need any more invitation, I had my little knees gripping his sides before I could count to 10. Some little part of my brain noted that I didn't even know this wildly sexy wolf's name. I realized in the same thought I didn't care.

_His eyes see right to my soul

I surrender self-control

Catch me looking again

Falling right into my plan.._

I don't know who kissed who first, but once our lips met it was like they were magnetized. He slipped his tongue expertly into my mouth, and I moaned from the taste of him. His hands were exploring me and crushing me against him in the same moment, feeling the curves of my back and down my little butt. He squeezed my ass cheeks tight and played with my tail.

_I don't think you know (know)

I'm checking it so hot (so hot)

Wonder if he knows he's on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)

And if I notice you I know it's you

Choose you don't wanna lose you're on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)_

He wasn't alone in his exploring. I tried to feel every part of him available to me, he muscled were hard and his fur was soft and I knew that if he wanted too he could snap me, I'd let him, I just wanted him to hold me tighter, to crush me against that sexy body and never let go. I couldn't remember my name. I couldn't remember where I was. I had to have more.

_When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk)

I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that's what I want (that's what I want)

Hey, listen, baby, turn up the fader.. try to make you understand you're on my radar (on my radar)

on my radar (on my radar)_

As if he was reading my thoughts, he slipped his hands into the back of my pants and clutched my ass, massaged it with his strong hands. I broke from his lips and uttered a loud moan before tangling my hands in his hair and kissing him again fiercely, I was clutching him for dear life. I was beyond just want, I needed him.

_on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR

on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR

I got my eye on you... and I cant let you get away..._

However, he didn't seem to share my need. Shocked, I was let go again. His face showed nothing despite the way he just ravaged me but the deep amusement that seemed ever present. Hair dishevelled, he walked over to a door and leaned against it, clearly another invitation. He sure seemed to like games, to test to see how much I wanted it. I way to far gone to care.

_Hey baby whether it's now or later (I've got you)

you cant shake me (no)

cause I got you on my radar

Whether you like it or not, it ain't gonna stop

cause I got you on my radar (I've got you)_

I walked over as quickly as I could. I swear to god it took me everything not to break out in a full blown run. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure every guy or girl there wanted so bad to trip me and break my nose. I barely even registered then that he threw a wad of money at the bartender to keep him quiet about how he intended to use the closet. It so did not go that way. I don't think he ever intended it too.

cause I got you on my radar

_I'm checking it so hot (so hot)

Wonder if he knows he's on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)

And if I notice you I know it's you. Choose you don't wanna lose you're on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)_

As I reached him, he opened the door and threw me inside a small closet with a small light. I crashed into the back shelf, bewildered. Things fell, there could've been a fire burning for all I cared. I already felt like I was burning. He grabbed me and forced me up the wall, lust burning in his eyes as he yanked down my tight pants and matching thong. I hear something rip. Slipping deftly through my legs and placing them on his shoulders. He had already managed to unbutton his shirt and pants, the latter falling to the floor. It was then that I noticed the cause of the ripping noise. I shuddered and groaned as I saw his massive cock pulsing between us, glistening from the pre dripping from it.

_When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk)

I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that's what I want (that's what I want)_

Before I could keep gawking at his huge tool, he had his lips on mine again, crushing me into the wall. My hands almost scratching down the hard muscles of his chest as I was taken. I almost screamed from lust and pleasure as his cock slipped over my tight little hole, rubbing up and down, over and over. His intense smell permeating everything around us as he play-fucked me. My own cock was so painfully hard. I wanted him in me so badly, I didn't care that he would probably rip me apart.

Hey, listen, baby, turn up the fader... try to make you understand you're on my radar (on my radar)

on my radar (on my radar)

I begged him, begged him to take me and fuck me, screamed it, using my voice for the first time since we met.


It was as if he came out of a trance, he stopped, pulled his pants up and reassembled himself, letting me drop to the floor. I couldn't believe it, I wanted to cry. I was a sweaty mess, trembling on the floor as he loomed over me, smirking that irresistible smirk while my shirt became stained from all my pre. He leaned down and whispers 3 short words to me.

_on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR

on my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR_

"I'll find you..."

He said, in a voice so smooth, so fluid, so deep, so sexy that I came, right there, in front of him. Cum splattered all over my cut black shirt. I would've been embarrassed, but I had never had such an intense orgasm before. It rocked my world over. I heard him chuckle, and I groaned, god that sound. That voice. I barely noticed as he draped something around my neck and then he left me there, a shuddering, sweaty, sticky mess in that closet. I couldn't move, I was lost in such oblivion.

_Da-da-da-da-da-da-dadadadadadada... da da da.

Da-da-da-da-da-da-dadadadadadada... da da da da da da da_

*~* To Be Continued *~*