The Big Fight

Story by Kitters on SoFurry

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"Oh no, I'm going to be late!" thought Mii, as she jumped out of bed. Today was the day of the big fight against Jim, a very muscular stallion! She quickly grabbed her favorite skirt (made from the most beautiful yellow flower petals) and a red bikini top, and darted out of the house. She had been looking forward to this day for a while, and now she would finally get to prove that size doesn't matter, and that should could in fact beat Jim. She ran barefoot through the thick jungle, dodging trees and vines until she spotted the arena where the fight would take place.

Mii wasn't your average girl. She was practically the most attractive female in the entire jungle! All the others envied her, and the men would go crazy if they caught just a quick glimpse of her beautiful but messy blonde hair. In addition to that, she had what all the men desired in a mate: incredibly large breasts. Despite her petite, feminine exterior, Mii was a very tough girl. She had been bragging about her strength to some of the other jungle dwellers, when a huge, muscular male horse had stepped forward and challenged her to a fight. He said his name was Jim, and that continues to be all Mii knows about him. Now she was going to find out who was really stronger between the two of them.

Mii approached the clearing and brushed her hair away from her face with her hand. Jim eyed the busty blonde, as wild and dirty thoughts raced through his mind. "Oh the things I would do to her..." he thought to himself. But that didn't matter, because unbeknownst to Mii, Jim had other plans. He didn't bring her here to fight. Mii walked up to Jim, and with a cute little smile on her face, she asked "are you ready?" Jim couldn't help but smile at the thought of what he was really about to do. "Of course I'm ready." Mii was ready to take him on. "Alright, let's do this!" she said. They didn't have any spectators, since the event was to be just between the two of them. Mii had secretly been wishing that others would be there to see her take down such a large, muscular creature, but she was happy enough that this opportunity had even come around. Jim removed his shirt, and was now only wearing what looked to Mii like a small blue speedo. Her eyes were now focused on Jim's huge bulge that his shirt had previously been covering. "How does he fit that-" her thought was interrupted by Jim lunging toward her. She quickly came back to reality and readied herself for his advances. She put out her arms and adjusted herself so she was in a perfect position to stop the muscular steed. Jim grabbed Mii and pulled her to the ground. She tried to get back up, but she couldn't; Jim was now laying on top of her. He was much larger than she was, and she had somehow misjudged his size. She was a petite little female, and he was a fully grown stallion. She frantically started hitting his chest with her small hands, unable to move the muscled beast. She then let out a little cry for help. Jim put one finger to Mii's mouth and shushed her. "What is he doing? Is he crazy?" Mii thought helplessly. She was now terrified, and it was starting to get harder for her to breathe. "Stop! You're going to kill me!" she shouted. Jim sat back on his knees, and allowed her to breathe. Mii sat up to catch her breath. It was at that moment that she realized that Jim had other plans for her, and wasn't really here for the fight. She started to stand up, but was stopped by Jim. He quickly grabbed her and turned her back towards him, and pulled out a long vine he had coiled up. He then proceeded to drag her to a large tree and tie her to it. Mii tried to scream, but Jim wouldn't let her. He was now standing in front of her, eyeing her once more. With her being tied down, there was nothing stopping her from what would come next. Jim removed his speedo to reveal the most enormous manhood Mii had ever seen. She gulped and stared in fear of what he was going to do. Jim started stroking it, and Mii watched as it became larger as his arousal grew. It was hard for her to tell exactly how big it was, but by now it had to have been at least 12 inches, if not more.

When Jim was fully aroused, he stepped closer to the helpless Mii and, with one fluid gesture, yanked off her skirt. He then grabbed her bikini top, and ripped it off as well. He threw it onto the dirt, and began fondling her breasts. Mii could handle this, but she was fearfully anticipating the moment when he would fully take advantage of her. Jim began licking her large breasts, and sucking on her exposed nipples. He enjoyed it, and his boner was now trembling with his ever-growing excitement. He couldn't wait any longer, so he re-positioned himself in front of Mii. She knew what was about to happen, but she couldn't get away. She tried once more to scream, but to no avail. Jim quickly grabbed a large leaf and stuffed it in her mouth so she couldn't make any noise. He used another vine to tie her legs so they would remain spread. He then grabbed his erection and guided it to its destination. As he began to press his cock to Mii's vaginal opening, he heard her make a little yelp. It was going to hurt, since she had never experienced a man quite his size. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying for him to stop. Jim went further and further until he was about ¾ of the way in. He began thrusting his pelvis violently, in and out, as Mii yelped again in pain. As bad as it hurt, however, she had to admit that there was some degree of pleasure. Jim, on the other hand, was enjoying every minute of it. He felt every wave of pleasure rush through his body with each little thrust. It felt so good, he began grunting with satisfaction. He could feel his climax approaching, his dick now throbbing in its newfound warm, wet home. He thrusted harder and faster, this time pressing his pevis against hers. He was now in balls-deep, his thrusts quickening as he reached his own little paradise. Suddenly, he felt the all-too-familiar sensation he had been working towards. He stopped moving just for a few seconds as he shot a thick, sticky load of semen into Mii. She felt the sudden warmth, which proved to be surprisingly arousing, and she was now incredibly turned on. She had grown used to the large stallion, and stopped struggling as he continued thrusting a bit more. Mii moaned, as she was now beginning to enjoy this. Jim then pulled out without warning, and much of his load splattered onto the dirt below. He had his fun in the front, and now it was time for something new. He untied Mii, who then proceeded to grab the engorged stallion and slide the tip of his dick between her lips. She used her tongue and slid it around the diameter of the head, while using a hand to stroke his shaft. Jim's erection had never disappeared. He had a reputation for being able to last a long time, and Mii was fully aware of it now. Without warning, Mii began to slide Jim's penis further into her mouth. At about 9 inches, she finally gagged. Jim loved the feeling of the warm wetness in her mouth, and began thrusting slowly into her. Mii continued to use her tongue to enhance the pleasurable experience, and Jim responded very quickly, his member now throbbing once more. This time, the feeling was even greater than it had been before, and he felt yet another large wave of pleasure overwhelm his body. He felt his muscles tighten up as he blew his load right into Mii's mouth. This was something she had never experienced before, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. The taste of his fluids, and the delightful feeling of everything hitting the back of her throat like a wave, then flowing down was more than she could handle. She took one of her hands and began to pleasure herself. Jim watched, only becoming more aroused. He had considered letting her go, but that wasn't enough. He walked around behind Mii, who continued rubbing her clit. She was getting wetter and wetter, but that wasn't going to do her any good, with what Jim now had in store for her. He kneeled down behind her, and sat just for a moment to take in the view of her backside. The harder Mii pleasured herself, the more her breasts jiggled. Jim was enjoying himself just watching her, but it was time for him to get back to work. Using nothing but the cum and saliva left on his dick, he proceeded to slide himself carefully into Mii's rear end. Her eyes widened, as she wasn't quite expecting that. Jim enjoyed the new, much tighter region, and began thrusting into her once again. He decided to take it much slower this time. The warmth that now encased his huge stallion erection was a much better feeling than anything he had done before; normally he sticks to just vagina and oral, but this was so much better! His dick pulsed with every thrust, and Mii continued her end of the fun. They were both enjoying this very much. Jim gained a steady rhythm, and every time he felt himself come close to finishing, he would stop and pull out slowly, leaving Mii wanting more. After a couple seconds, he would slide himself back in and resume. He did this about 3 times, each time the feeling of pleasure became more intense. Mii, on the otherhand, was still helping herself along in the process, and was coming closer and closer to her climax. She did the same thing Jim was doing; she would rub her clit until she got just to the edge of climax, then she would stop for a second, and resume. She was able to come very quickly, and Jim could feel her entire body tense up as she moaned and climaxed. This is what pushed him over the edge; her warm hole tightened around his member, increasing the sensation. He felt a pulsating feeling coming from his balls, and he knew he had reached a point of no return. He thrusted deeper into her, until he was completely inside, and quickened his pace while the feeling intensified. As his climax grew, he grabbed Mii's hips and pulled her closer to him. He spread his legs and kneeled over her, forcing her to close her legs a bit and tighten the area surrounding his manhood. With one large thrust, he felt the warm sensation shoot through his penis as he ejaculated a much larger than usual load that, once again, filled Mii with an erotic warmth. Jim then pulled out, and thrusted into her vagina once more. He layed himself over her back and fondled one of her breasts, while using the other hand to steady himself. He used his legs to close hers all the way, again tightening the walls of this warm cave around him. He kept thrusting again and again, then pulled out and spurted it all over her back. He then re-entered, and pressed himself into her. With a quick maneuver, he sat back on the ground and pulled her on top of him, so now she was on top with her legs spread. He was going to let her do all the work. At this point, Jim's short fur was covered in his own semen, but he didn't care. Mii gyrated her hips and slid Jim in and out of her. He grabbed her ass and pulled her closer. He loved watching her breasts jiggle as the motions quickened. Mii sat directly on Jim's pelvis, allowing him to fully penetrate her. She climaxed even faster than ever, and began moaning loudly. Jim pulled out and leaned back, so now Mii was sitting on the base of his dick with it pointing up towards his body. She slid her self up and down the length of it. Jim bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut as he squirted one last thick load onto his own chest. Mii stood up, with semen now dripping down her legs. She used his shirt to clean herself off (it WAS his fault, afterall), then picked up her destroyed outfit and walked home in the nude. Jim had won. No, he didn't beat her in a fight: he had dominated her.