The Game: Director's Cut

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#90 of Commissions






A 'shipping story' (meaning two or more of my own characters matched together) commissioned by Sarkethus!

Featured within: poor Mahiri the ill-fated urban explorer going somewhere he shouldn't and falling into the clutches of Anna, the budding serial killer piggy. He's just in time to help test out some of her inventions, subjected to a cruel series of tests and teases, shackled and toyed with, the limits of his stamina and discipline put to the test. He's going to have to give it his all if he wants to leave the game alive.

This is the alternate version of the story, mostly the same but with a more gruesome, gory ending. As if it could get any meaner.

EXTREME CONTENT WARNING for the following: bondage, humiliation, taunting/teasing, electric shocks, teabagging, sweat, musk, breath control, forced anal, cum inflation, milking, overstimulation, facesitting/rimming, femdom, murder, gore, skinning, butchery, and implied vore.

Happy year of the pig, everyone!

It was the kind of darkness that even a leopard's eyes couldn't penetrate. He was alone in a warm place, dazed, dizzy, his recent memories shattered into fragments in his head that didn't quite amount to a whole. First there was him picking the padlock open, then there was him climbing up through the open window on the second floor, and then ... nothing. It was a stupid idea from the start, wandering in to some abandoned place, but a little urban exploring always gave him an unparalleled thrill. It wasn't like anyone ever caught him. Until now.

Before he could piece together what had happened, whether he had fallen and hurt himself or something else, the lights came on. The were blinding at first, several rows of grimy fluorescents that buzzed overhead, leaving him recoiling. Such a reaction revealed his limited range of motion, his arms stretched above his head, his wrists bound together, and his feet not even touching the floor. Struggling only produced a metallic rattle of unseen chains. Nearby, something chugged, rattling and pumping, producing a steady grind of metallic noise that made him want to grit his teeth.

His surroundings were a place of rust and dirt. The scent of old metal filled his nose. There were pipes above him, tapping and clinking, some of them leaking, dribbling dark water to the tiles below. A bathroom and an old locker room, with a few broken showerheads on one wall, the shattered remains of a stall, a cracked toilet over in another corner. A place with the decay of time and neglect had long since taken over. Yet there was more there than befitted such a long-abandoned place.

He wasn't sure what to make of all the machinery around him. There was an old control panel that looked well like it might have once been used in a nuclear power plant. It was damaged, the wires beneath exposed where the surface was cracked, but it was whirring away. A slab of bare concrete was balanced on four iron legs, making for a sturdy, simple table. The walls were plastered with various blueprints and diagrams he couldn't decipher, along with a simple chalkboard with most of the words crossed out.

The Butcher (too obvious)

The Trapper (been done)

The Builder (not scary)

The ?

Aside from that, there were gears, pulleys, chains. All of them looked like they had been scavenged from a scrapyard, rickety and rusted, yet holding strong. Everything was pulled taut, keeping him in place, all stretched out to his full height, his ankles bound just as tightly as his wrists, a chain attached to the shackles, extending into a hole in the floor. He obviously hadn't tripped and fallen into such a predicament. Especially when he noticed what else was attached to him.

It was easy to miss at first, especially in the leopard's dazed state. Mahiri still felt like he was dreaming, especially as it became a nightmare. He had only just realized he was stripped down to his spots, which was concerning enough, but worse was the odd, jury-rigged contraption wrapped around his sheath and balls alike. He thought it looked something like a chastity device at first, given its size, but it looked more mechanical than that. Part of it resembled an old stungun, torn apart and repurposed. Wires ran from it over to the big control panel, plugging in right next to a massive lever he couldn't help but find strangely ominous. It was set to its lowest position.

Calling out for help occurred to him, but he was too confused, and admittedly frightened to attempt it. No one was going to hear him anyway. The place was empty, or it was supposed to be. He heard footsteps, in the form of great, stomping boots. Then the nearby door was opening, creaking harshly on its rusted hinges, revealing the snout of a tall but hunching figure poking through the doorway. His breath caught in his throat. Just one look at her, and something told him he was in trouble.

A long, black jacket concealed much of her body, but he could see her face beneath the hood raised over her broad ears. A spotted pig with a black eyepatch of a marking over one eye, she glared at him from amid a forest of knotted, untidy black hair that spilled down her chest. Her figure was somewhat wide, though she didn't seem especially muscular. It was hard to tell. What really caught his eye was the gleam of an old-fashioned skeleton key that she was twirling around a single finger. When she saw him watching it, a cruel grin spread across her face.

"Well, look what the pig's dragged in. You're too pretty to be this dumb, cat. Don't you know what happens to curious felines when they poke their noses somewhere they're not supposed to be?"

He tried to respond, but his tongue wasn't cooperating. It was still oddly numb, maybe a lingering effect of whatever she had knocked him out with, so all he could do was mutter and babble in incoherent confusion and alarm. She just chuckled as she stepped forth, but not before hanging up that precious-looking key on a loose nail jutting from the wall. Getting right near his face, she breathed hotly on him a few times, standing up tall, reaching up to brush the hair out of his eyes so he could see her clearly.

"You snuck in here before I had everything ready. Almost ruined everything. I don't like being rushed. But that's okay. I'll just take that to mean you volunteer as my very first player."

She let that statement roll through his head a moment, a perverse look shining from her unsettlingly pale blue eyes.

"That's right, kitty. We're going to play a little game. You wanna hear the rules?"

He didn't respond at first, so she just reached down and gave the device attached to his genitals a rattle. Her voice came firmer than before.

"You'd better play along. One flick of that switch, and I'll send enough electricity through your little dick to power a city. You're mine to play with now, cat. And you're going to obey the rules. Understand?"

Mahiri bit his lip hard, unable to move for the paralyzing tension. Eventually he managed to break from it and nod slowly. He didn't bother trying to speak.

"Good boy. Now listen close, because I won't repeat myself. I'm going to test you. If you pass, I'll unlock these restraints. Simple enough, right?"

He swiftly nodded again, making her smirk at his obedience.

"Of course it is. But it's not going to be easy. I'm going to find out just what your body can and can't do, kitty. Let's see how much a pretty bitch like you can really take. You wanna know what happens if you lose?"

He didn't move. She went on anyway.

"I'll give you three chances. Each time you fail, you're gonna get punished. But I'll let you try again, as long as you do something nice for me. I think that's pretty generous, don't you?"

This time his nod was more hesitant.

"Good. Then we'll begin. You see this?"

She gave that device attached to him another touch.

"Any pressure on the trigger, and you're going to get a shock. Like a misbehaving animal. All you have to do is stay soft for the next five minutes. But you're a horny little slut, aren't you? You like being all tied up while people have their way with you? We'll see how much discipline you really have. Starting ... now."

She reached over to toggle a switch, and a red LED display came to life.



Another switch, and he felt a faint buzzing in that codpiece. It wasn't shocking him, but he could tell there was already electricity running through the device. It made his fur stand up on end, or maybe that was just the fear. He didn't like how little he could turn his head, especially when she moved around behind him. Her breath was on the back of his neck, and her fingers were warm as they ran down his spine. He shivered anyway, shaking in those sturdy shackles as she began to touch and toy with his fur, running her fingers along the patterns of his rosettes, almost seeming to be admiring them.

Even in such a situation, he felt his body reacting. His first instinct was to start purring, something he fought against with fullest extent of his willpower. Worse was when she got her hands down lower, framing his hips, running her fingers along his curves and squeezing her thumbs into the rise of his rump. He was ever so sensitive there. It hadn't even been thirty seconds yet and she was already stimulating him, already threatening to make his sheath stir. He hated that it was somehow working. Even chained up by a stranger, by a cruel pig, and he was in danger of pressing that button.


He was gritting his teeth, trying to simply ignore every single touch. When he didn't react for a while, she startled him with a sudden yank of his tail, pulling it taut at the root. That hurt of course, but some part of him liked it too. He couldn't lose focus, couldn't let his willpower break. Tightening his jaw, he locked his teeth into a snarl, or maybe more a grimace, one intended to help him concentrate. She shook him right up anyway when she just leaned in and licked the side of his throat, dragging a broad, soaking wet tongue over his fur and then down his spine, making him flex his shoulders. Not that he could move them much with how far his arms were stretched above him, limiting him to little more than wriggling as she had her way with him.

She put her attention back to his butt, cupping both cheeks in her hands, digging her fingers deep into the plush padding there. She squeezed hard, pinching him some, but mostly groping, while she nibbled around at his scruff, teasing the sensitive nape of his neck with teeth both flat and sharp. Her tongue had such force behind it, dragging across his fur and leaving it a sopping, spit-soaked mess as she worked her way up to his scalp. Bringing a hand to grasp at this hair, she brought a lock of it to her snout, sniffing briefly before just giving it a hard pull, ripping a few strands right out in the process. That got a whimper out of him.

So did the spank that swiftly followed, making his cheeks jiggle with the harsh smack of impact. She pulled herself up closer to him soon after, mashing her chest and belly to his back, giving him a better idea of her figure. Soft, mainly. She had some fat on her but wasn't enormous, and didn't seem to be built especially sturdy. As non-confrontational as he was, he thought perhaps if he could just get loose, he might have been able to fight his way to freedom. But those shackles were holding taut, giving her full access to his stretched-out body as she stroked, squeezed, nibbled and licked. He was hers to taunt with every touch.


He was doing well so far. The first hints of arousal made themselves known, but he wasn't hard yet, sheath still mostly soft in that confining device. There wasn't even enough room for him to firm up more than halfway, with only about three or four inches of space. The thought of running out of room made him cringe, keeping him flaccid, her groping attention failing to illicit the reaction she was looking for as the seconds ticked away. Maybe he was going to make it. Maybe this was all so much easier than it seemed. He was just starting to get a glimmer of hope as the timer hit the countdown hit the halfway point. Until she just started humping him.

Her coat covered most of it, but he could already tell she had a tremendous, intimidating bulge. A great big swell of something pressed to his lower back, just above the base of his tail, and she gave a few domineering thrusts against him. He recoiled at first, but for all his flexibility, he couldn't bend away from her much. He was just left breathing sharply through his nose as she rubbed herself on him, leaving him trying to guess what that tremendous swell even was. Was that a dick, or a pair of massive balls? Or was it just padding to fake him out? It didn't even feel like it could have been real, unless she was part zebra or something. And even then it would have been excessive.

Worse, it was working. Feeling her clutching at his hips, grinding back and forth against his fur, even through her clothing, mixed in with the helplessness, the danger, and the persistent, thickening scent of swine sweat, it shamefully appealed to him. Those deepest, sluttiest instincts of his were into this kind of thing, she was right. Her big wet tongue, slathering his hair, turning his groomed locks into a sticky mess, her bulge pumping and thudding against him, her firm, possessive grip on his girly hips - all of it was making the situation more dangerous. Especially when he felt the first pang of arousal slipping through, starting to draw back his sheath, let his pink cock lipstick forward just in the slightest, while he winced and sucked his humid air through his clenched teeth.


She spanked him again, moving around to the front, walking her fingers down his chest. Some sort of confused rumble escaped him, not really a purr so much as just a cat noise. She tipped her head to the side and laughed at his plight, pinching at his chest, kneading him with an open palm, almost massaging him. Then she was rubbing herself too, reaching down to that bulge, wrapping the fabric of her cloak tightly around it, letting him see that double-handful of what must have been her sack jiggling as she bounced it up and down in front of him. An amused snicker came from her as the last minute ticked away, and his cock ever so slowly inched forth.

"Kitty's getting horny. Probably wants to have a nice long sniff my nuts, doesn't he? I bet he'd like that. Don't worry. I'll let you suck the sweat off them when you get hard for me. I know you'll do a good job. Always so generous, aren't you?"

He tried to look anywhere but at her. The timer almost seemed to be moving slower as it neared completion. Every second took what felt like ages, while he held himself painfully tense, flexing and overworking every single muscle in his body in effort to keep from letting his arousal grow anymore. He was huffing, sweating, giving muffled cries. The feeling was coming back to his tongue just in time for him to holler, and whimper in freight as the tip of his emerging dick pressed against a small button. He heard a click, and then the machine the device was hooked up to began buzzing with activity.

The anticipation was the worst part. Along with the shocks. After waiting in horrified silence as his confined shaft set off the trap, he found himself completely unprepared for the terrible sensation of getting his balls zapped with energy. The pig cackled at him as she watched him writhing, twisting, injuring himself with the effort to escape as he got his nuts shocked. It wasn't even that much power - the device was set all the way down, keeping from doing any permanent damage. But it was hard to feel like she was being merciful when he was caught up in that terribly uncomfortable position, crying out without pause, holding one extended shout until she finally flicked the switch.

"Round one goes to me," she simply said, giving him a wink. Then she was tapping at some unlabelled buttons.

A metallic clank, and he was moving. Up, at first, then back. Those shackles were moving along, dragging him into position sprawled over the concrete table he'd seen earlier. He still had no ability to move his arms or legs. He was held at his full height, ribs taut, almost making it hard to breathe. It was about to get a whole lot harder. She pulled the device off of his dick, letting his half-firmed shaft flop down onto his slightly raw balls, and didn't hesitate to climb right on top of his face. One unzip of her lengthy coat later, and he got to find out exactly what that incredible bulge really was.

She was hung, certainly. A big fat uncut cock flopped down atop her sack, obscenely thick, with an excess of dark foreskin reaching to the expanding head. It was already bigger than Mahiri's even at just vaguely firm. But even bigger, even more impressive were those balls. She had the fattest, roundest, smoothest grapefruit-sized nuts he had ever seen. He got a good long look at them as she descended towards him, bringing them down to thump upon his muzzle, slowly. It wasn't a heavy teabagging, just a gradual, forceful shove right down onto his face to completely overtake him from chin to forehead in sweaty big nuts, his nose stuffed right between them, inhaling nothing but her perspiration, swallowing down her potent musk.

"Get them clean enough and we'll go to round two. Use that tongue," she urged, an air of nonchalance to her voice telling him she didn't much care if he suffocated.

He only hesitated briefly. Her musk was harsh in his nose, but it wasn't making him any softer, despite everything. There was little to no other air for him to breathe. If he wanted her off, he was just going to have to lick. So he set to work, mopping up every single drop of sweat that rolled down her smooth balls, basting them in rough, feline-tongue slurps, drinking down drops of perspiration so thick they could have filled a shotglass each. She had a strong, salty taste, but it wasn't unpleasant. Overpowering, certainly. He was swiftly drunk on her unfiltered flavour, his senses going dull, almost numb, as he simply shut his eyes and let his brain switch off, working his tongue over every single detail until she was satisfied.

As the seconds rolled by, he grew faint, starting to sweat himself just for all the porcine heat pinning him there to the unforgiving concrete. A few dominating bounces of her hips, jiggling those massive orbs atop his nose, gave him brief respite, but he barely even managed to gasp any real air before she was just tumping back on his muzzle, letting her nuts wrap right around, touching both of his spotted cheeks, smearing his fur flat, letting her musk soak right into his skin as the sweat poured off of her. Cleaning was proving a futile pursuit - every gulp he drank down right from her skin was promptly replaced by another thick drop, running hotly down her sack, so heavy that he could hear them tapping on his face and the table below.

When his state of mind had degraded and he was so near unconsciousness that he was only vaguely twitching, his tongue plastered up against her balls, drooling on her but no longer able to lick, she finally lifted up. Only to interrupt his desperate gasps as she whudded down hard on his face again, hard enough it must have hurt her a bit. That meant he just sucked down even more of her dribbling sweat instead of the air he needed, not even able to turn over as he coughed it up a while before finally wheezing his way back towards steady breathing once more. He puffed and shook, his face utterly drenched, his fur and hair alike matted down, a frazzled mess, but he was still alive, and even conscious. His head was spinning, vaguely tingling, that thickly raunchy scent of sweaty hog musk still mashed into his nostrils, clinging to his tongue, filling his throat, never fully washed away.

"Hm. Less stamina than I thought. Still, nice tongue. I bet it would taste good fried."

She reached to pinch his cheek before moving back to her control panel. A flick of a switch, and he was being dragged up again, dangling vertical, still stretched out to the fullest. His feet were starting to fall asleep from the tight shackles, but everything else was still primed, still sensitive to every touch, flinching when she so much as breathed in his direction.

"Not quite so cute with your fur all messed up. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Just fussing over your pretty face, your silky hair, making sure everything's all perfect? What would everyone say if they could see you now, all drenched in pig sweat?"

He didn't say anything, too busy catching his breath. Being all stretched out like that made it take a lot longer than usual. He was vulnerable, naked, and already caked in her piggy musk. And that was just the first round.

"Now for our next game," she flatly told him, bringing over what looked almost like a latex sex toy attached to a long, flexible tube. "I've already got you half-hard. Let's see if you can control yourself a little better this time."

He could vaguely twitch and turn his hips, but that was his full range of motion. She planted one hand hard on the base of his spine, bracing him as she shoved that wet toy around his half-hard cock with a schlurp. It gripped tight, squeezing on him, massaging him, kneading like it was alive. The panel it was hooked to chugged loudly, rattling in place like an off-balance washing machine. He was already biting his lip, already tilting his head back and groaning towards the ceiling, unable to fight the hard-on that strange contraption was giving him as it slickly clamped down upon his cock, bringing him closer and closer to full length with each moment it remained attached to him.

She almost sounded like she giggled for a moment as she spanked his ass. He could heard her making some sort of excessive, squishy, wet sound behind him, schlick schlick, but he couldn't tell what she was doing.

"It feels good, doesn't it? I'm proud of this one. It wants to drink all your cum down. Suck it right out of your kitty nuts. Never did get it calibrated right, though. Might be a little much for your cute dick to take."

She came in close, and bit him on the neck again, before whispering her next words into one of his sweat-flattened ears.

"It's going to turn itself on as soon as you cream yourself. So I'd hold back, if I were you. Unless you want to get sucked completely dry."

That almost didn't sound so bad. But from what he'd already experienced, it probably wouldn't have been pleasant. All he could do was grit his teeth and wait for her, feeling her behind him but unable to see her, only able to tell what she was doing when she brushed against him. She was at least partly bare by then, her cloak hanging open to reveal her breasts as they pressed to his shoulderblades, her cock slapping up against his ass. It was coated thick with lube, near to twice the size of his own, grinding up between his cheeks.

"Always wanted to have my way with a spotty cat. Let's see if you last. I know you'll love this so much it'll be a struggle not to blow, hands free, when I'm pumping you full of pig cum."

A distressing grunt and snort came from her as she grabbed him by the hips. He craned his head to the side, his eyes blurred, sweat running down his cheeks like tears. The clock had started.



Something about the piggish noise that came from her sent a shiver down his spine, feeling almost phobic. She didn't quite squeal, but her grunts could shift so suddenly from high to low, sounding deeply bestial in such a way that he couldn't even approximate with his own yowls and snarls. Her teeth weren't the sharpest he'd ever felt on his skin, but he could feel the power in her jaws, digging in, almost piercing his skin. They were definitely leaving a mark, even a bruise. He flinched and began to whimper, and that was all before she started forcing her way inside of him, spreading out the tight ring between his soft cheeks, jamming that fat, lubed up pig dick into his backside and rutting forth.

Her hips moved like pistons, fucking him with calculated brutality. His own balls got abused by her own as she slapped those fat nuts up against him, groinking and biting as she rutted him with every wet inch. Her fingers were digging in so deep it felt like she was clutching his very bones, and she never stopped, only picking up speed in those harsh strokes back and forth. His body was shaking in the shackles, but they held fast, keeping him all stretched out, full exposed as she took him beneath the tail, dripping her sweat onto his spots as she made him her bitch. It hadn't even been a minute on the timer and the constant grind on his prostate was already getting him uncomfortably engorged, pulsing into the machine, fearing the worst when she started fucking the pre out of him.

The contraption gave a few disturbingly organic twitches, shifting and writhing like a snake, but it remained relatively dormant. Its grip never ceased, ensuring that with every one of the pig's thrusts, Mahiri got shoved into that massaging grip. She wasn't fucking him nicely, just having her way with him, pleasuring herself with his body, but that didn't matter. That exposed position meant he couldn't curl up, couldn't hide from any of the pleasure, no matter how forced it was. She was sweating even heavier, soaking his back as she clutched him closer, her hair wetly matted down to his shoulders as it draped over them. The musk filled the room like a cloud, keeping his senses occupied, his eyes watering, his nose stuffed with the scent of her sweaty hide. It was all he could think about anymore. That, and the constant pounding pleasure of her broad, uncut dick breeding his tight butt, over and over as her balls plapped against him at a steady beat.


He wasn't going to make it. That dick was bulging out his belly, stuffing him obscenely as it pumped great fat gobs of precum into his body. He could only grit his teeth, curl his numb toes, twitch his tail as he tightened his muscles in the effort to keep from cumming. It wasn't even going to be a good orgasm. Just a forced expulsion, his body used and abused until it gushed. He was slumping, tiring, tensing all around her cock, making it harder to fuck him. Not that it slowed her down much. She was rutting him like an animal, like he was nothing more than a breeding sow, biting him, sucking on his throat, tasting him with her sloppy tongue. He was covered in pig sweat, feeling it clinging to his skin, coating him, marking him. And no matter how harsh she was, pumping into him like a machine built for breaking kitty bitches, he couldn't fight off that part of him that loved a deep, hard fuck.


That was it, that was his limit. Just a few minutes of getting wetly, savagely fucked by a horny hog and he was throwing his head back, letting his mouth hang open, his tongue flop out. Only to purse his lips tight, biting them, clenching his teeth, scrunching up his face. It all bought him little more than a few seconds. He felt it jolting through his body, starting right down at his taint, running up through his balls, shooting up his cock and bursting forth in a massive, creamy spurt that shot right into that constricting toy, that ominous device. It started beeping as soon as his cum hit the inside, and he was left emptying his nuts while it whirred and vibrated, revving up as lights flickered on that giant control panel. It chugged away as he creamed it full, feeling his sudden, forced orgasm coming to a close, his muscles starting to relax and tire, leaving him dangling more limply in those chains. That was when it started to suck.

It sounded like an industrial vacuum cleaner as it sprang to life, instantly pulling that juicy creampie he'd offered down its tubes and towards some unseen container. As it did, that clamping, kneading pleasure, that fleshy squeeze that felt far too real, kept going, only getting faster, more insistent. With it came just suction, pulling on the leopard's cock, making him feel like it was being stretched out, thinned. He'd only just orgasmed, but it wasn't letting him stop. The thin trickle of his last few shots thickened, shooting forth again as hot, thick cum, rushing him into a second orgasm, or maybe just prolonging the first. It wasn't clear. His head was spinning, left feeling disoriented, briefly blacking out from the overdose of euphoria. He was clenching down hard on her dick all the while as she spanked him with her nuts, and it was having an effect, making her go faster, harder, pulverizing his prostate as she bit his ear and finally let loose one of those scream-like pig squeals directly into it, temporarily deafening him on that side.

Her seed was potently thick, creaming him full in an instant, dumping out in a single instant as much as he usually gave over the whole cumshot. It just kept coming as her dick bulged and flexed inside him, veins bulging out far enough to stimulate his sensitive flesh. The machine was still going, still sucking him, bringing him to that oversensitive, drained state that a cat like him usually didn't reach until he'd had a dozen orgasms. It wasn't painful exactly, but it tickled and tingled unbearably as that milking machine ruthlessly sucked him dry, draining every single drop he could possibly give, and then keeping the wet suck going while the pig overflowed his backside and bulged his belly with near a full gallon of hot cream, still gushing into him with the same explosive pressure as it started, still not slowing down.

He was sloshing, stretching, feeling his own belly expanding and sagging down to contrast his slim body. It wobbled with the engorging load, while the rest just oozed down the back of his thighs, squirting out before long, layering the grimy room in ropes of porcine jizz as she emptied absolutely everything she had into him. It would have filled a bucket, could have drowned him if she was cumming in his mouth. He held as much of it as he could, but his body had limits, and she was finally pulling that fat prick out of his rump with a harsh yank and just hosing down his spots from top to bottom. She shot far enough to cum in his hair, as well as down his spine, on his tail, obscuring his pretty markings in fresh hog jizz. And all the while that device was stimulating him, until he was whimpering, grunting, and finally crying out for mercy, unable to even form the words to beg as it milked him well past his limit, giving him no time to recover, not even to breathe.

She was still cumming even as she casually walked over to her machines, pulling her body to the side so that it would all land on the floor, running along the dark tiles towards one of the drains. It didn't even seem to phase her anymore. She lingered a while, watching him with a sadistic smirk, before finally turning off the device. The cat nearly fainted on the spot, his head falling towards his chest, dazed, broken, exhausted. The only thing that could wake him from such a state was the sound of the gears above him turning, laying him out on that slightly sweaty table once more. Somehow that felt even more vulnerable than when he was dangling from the ceiling, even if he was just as helpless either way. He turned his head slowly towards her, eyes half open, head slowly bobbing from side to side in his shattered state. Only then, after several minutes straight of gushing, was her cock finally relaxing, trickling the last watery spatters of her cum down to the floor below as she approached.

"Ready to earn a third chance, cat? Or do you give up? It's your choice to make." She leaned in extra close, gnashing her teeth near his face, before just latching onto his ear again to bite and chew on it. Then she was coarsely whispering. "You know, they won't even find the bones when I'm done. No one will ever know what happened but me."

"I - I'll do it. Whatever you want."

"Thought so. This is gonna be tough since I just went off, but here's what's going to happen. You're going to make me cum again. With your tongue. And that means you're going to have to dig in nice and deep if you wanna do it before you suffocate."

She slowly took off her coat, revealing the full extent of her monochrome body, spotted in black and white like she'd been carelessly splashed in ink. She was soaked from snout to boots in sweat, so thickly that he could see it rolling down her body, hear it raining upon the hard floor below. Her form was thick, soft, sturdy but not especially athletic. Her balls were still the most impressive part of her, disproportionate even to the rest of her heavy body. When she took off her boots, her hooves clacked heavily on the floor. She lifted one of those work boots, keeping it balanced in both hands as she approached him.

It was completely filled to the brim with all the sweat that had rolled down into it, he soon realized as she tipped it upside down over his head. He was hit with a waterfall of swine musk, and didn't even manage to finish sputtering it all away before she was on top of him. This time, she didn't take her time climbing onto him. She simply mounted onto his face, shoving his muzzle right up between the broad cheeks of her ass, forcing his nose beneath her curled tail while his lips kissed at her taint. A little adjustment, and he was getting a mouthful of her asshole, feeling her grinding and bucking on him, but mostly smothering, immersing him in her plump, sweaty curves, pinning him down as she crudely snorted in pleasure above him just to have him breathing on her.

"Better hurry," was her only instruction. "Probably not much air down there."

She was right. He was suffocating under sweaty pig rump, buried beneath her thick backside. He might have thought it was pretty nice and shapely if she wasn't so forceful about it, chaining him to a table and sitting on his face while he tried not to drown in her sweat. It was running into his nose, down his throat, getting in his eyes, his ears. It wasn't even that hot in there, though he was feeling plenty warm with her on his face. She slowly rubbed back and forth on his lips, but she left it to him to do the real work. He sucked in an airless breath, getting nothing more than musk, and got to work, dragging his sandpaper-textured tongue up and down, running from her balls, over her soaking taint, up to that tight hole, kissing, smooching, doing his best to worship and pleasure her before he ran out of time.

"Nngh," she wetly grunted. "Get in there, deep. Shove your tongue up my ass, kitty. No time for dignity now. Take a nice deep sniff, too."

He did as he was told, nearly blanking out on her musk as he snuffled a few times beneath her tail. His brain felt like it was melting, like it was just going to run right out of his ears at any moment. He was sodden in her potent scent, swimming, sweltering, drinking it right off her hide as he dug his tongue right up inside of her. He wriggled it, he plunged within, getting rough with her. Most people would have asked him to slow down, given how stimulating his tongue could be. She just gave a satisfied oink and bounced on him a few times, settling in, letting him tonguefuck her, straining his jaw as he pumped back and forth, drooling, shaking, feeling himself bathing and marinating in a musk that wasn't going to ever go away.

All he could do was drill his tongue inside and hope he could stimulate her enough to satisfy before he passed out. Maybe if he could get his hands free, he could have stroked her, squeezed her, used those talented fingers of his to add to the pleasure, but he remained bound. All he had to work with was his tongue, alike with his lips, and even his muzzle itself, shoved partly inside of her as she bore that hefty weight down on him. She wasn't even that much bigger than him, but stretched on that torture rack of a table, her careless smother squished him up against her backside, hugging his face, testing the strength of the structure beneath him as he got smashed down against it and smothered in her taint. He couldn't even squirm properly, working muscles normally never used so sensitively to constantly tonguefuck her, jamming in and out of that flexing hole, content at least to feel her contractions, her tensing pleasure. At least he was having an effect.

The problem was, it was harder and harder to maintain such forceful service as his body faded. She wasn't letting him up, wasn't allowing him even a moment's respite. Nothing but pig to eat out, over and over, until his tongue was numb and his lower jaw felt like it could well fall off. He wiggled his toes just to keep himself focused, conscious, doing his very best to keep the pleasure going with slower and slower ministrations of his rough tongue. She was snorting some, her body heaving up and down with the sound, bouncing on his face, punishingly thumping down until he thought he was just going to vanish into her, get his whole head stuffed in by the constant clenching pressure. He was fading, barely stroking, faintly waggling his tongue inside her until she finally just huffed and grabbed hold of her cock with one hand.

Her hips rocked back and forth as she made a fist and fucked it, gripping tight, just jerking herself off recklessly to bring herself to a climax the suffocating cat couldn't quite give her. She didn't get off of him yet, just riding his muzzle and his limply outstretched tongue as she brought herself to a rushed climax. When the fleeting ecstasy hit, she rocked back, putting all her weight down on him for a moment as she turned her snout towards the ceiling and gave a brief squeal, followed by a few crude snorts as she reached orgasm, spurting pig cum up into the air, letting it fall in an arc to splat back down on the bound cat. He got covered from feet to belly as she came on him, sitting right on his face like a throne as she marked him down, leaving him sloppy with her cum, running down his hips, between his thighs, soaking his balls, his sheath, along with nearly every single inch of his once fresh and pristine fur. All was drenched, soaked deep with the heady scent of piggy musk, marked as her own as she finally rose from his face.

Not that she was done cumming. Her orgasms just kept going, and going, until she almost looked disinterested in her gushing cock. She just held onto it as she stood beside him, laying the last few shots over his face, and into his open, drooling mouth. It looked like he might have been dead for a moment, but he was just stunned, briefly unconscious and then simply unaware. It was like he had found himself in her clutches for the first time, all over again, taking a few seconds to properly remember where he was, and why there was a sweaty hog glowering above him. He drifted for a time, phasing in and out of awareness, until he was roused by a firm slap across his cheek, hard enough to knock the spit out of his mouth. Or maybe that was just sweat flinging off his richly dampened fur.

"Wake up. We're not done. One more chance. And I'm being extra nice about it. You barely even earned this one."

He murmured incoherently some, reflexively trying to rub at his sore cheek but still unable to get his hands free. She prodded him in the chest.

"This is it, kitty. You'd better give it your best. Really tap into that adrenaline. "

His current state was far too broken and exhausted to properly react to that. He simply stared at her with eyes that were only half-seeing, finally giving a nod to show he understood. Maybe if he had more energy he would have begged, or given one last desperate call for help, but when she had him sloppy and ruined like that, there was no point in even trying. He was just as good as meat, for whatever she wished to do.

"I don't think you can do it, personally. Too bad for you. If I'm being honest, this is probably one of my nastiest creations."

She was at her control panel, more active than she was before. She flicked at least a dozen switches, then was holding her thick finger down on a button. Something rattle above, clinging as a contraption descended towards him. He was still stuck in place, still bound and stretched across that cold table, soon wincing and gritting his teeth in fearful anticipation as he watched strange, metal jaws descending towards his helpless form, suspended by some sturdy chains. Whatever he thought they might be for - the reality was probably worse.

He could hardly so much as flinch as she took one of those clamps, where it was loosely dangling from a chain. It looked something like a miniature snare, too small to catch his ankle, but sharp enough those jagged steel jaws to do plenty of damage. He sucked in a breath and tried to brace himself for the pain to come, but that hardly prepared him. She was only touching him at first, running her fingers along his sides, his hips, ribs, as if she were drawing on him. When she seemed satisfied with that, she gave him no warning whatsoever of what was coming up next.

Those metal teeth pierce his skin, but his his flesh, latching on in a perfectly calculated pinch and holding tight. He didn't even make a noise, breathing sharply at most, clenching his teeth as he felt that grip on his hide, his fur. There was no amount of exhausted shaking in his shackles that would get him out of such a thing, not even able to loosen that painful clamp as she moved around and repeated the process on various other parts of his body. His shoulders, and his hips, holding onto places where the fur was a bit looser, making his whole pelt feel painfully tight around his body as she got him hooked up. When that was done, she wordlessly moved back to her machine, and with a touch of a button, the slack in those chains replaced by tension, pulling so taut he felt like his skin was going to simply break, the tightness along the surface near to unbearable.

"You wanna know what this one's called?" She didn't give him time to answer before going on. "I call it the peltripper. I think that's self-explanatory. Fail this time, and there are no more chances, kitty. I'm going to take your pretty hide and turn it into something nice. Or maybe I'll just wipe the sweat off my balls with it. You probably like that thought, pigslut."

She was looming, and soon dancing her fingers up and down his chest, knowing how much every single touch added to the discomfort of his situation. It wasn't torturous, but it wasn't pleasant, pinching at him just enough to keep him from being able to calm himself down and focus. He was stretched so very thin. His body was alight with the anticipation of more pain to come, if not present suffering. And he knew how pleased he was making her with his every shuddered gasp, with his fearful expression, two eyes gleaming brightly with the terror he was trying to hide. He could tell by that cruel smirk on her face.

"This time, we're going to test your stamina in a different way. I've heard things about what cats can do. You just keep going and going, don't you? Probably would be easier if you didn't already get sucked dry, but, your fault. Here are the rules. Listen."

A flick of a few switches, another ten minutes on the timer, and she was on top of him again, this time simply straddling his crotch. She leaned her heavily slick form over him, planting her palms on his shoulder, rubbing her nuts on his belly, breathing in his face.


"You're going to cum for me. And not just once. Three shots, before you're out of time, or you're my next loincloth. Pressure's on. Think you can do it? Show me how much you love fucking this pig. Get nice and hard for me, fast."

She started grinding on him, getting his softened shaft sliding back and forth between her cheeks, rubbing that same spit-shined hole against his floppy inches. He gritted his teeth and did his best to focus on firming up, flexing those sore muscles, getting some twitches in. It did feel good, and the constant saturation of pig musk kept him at least vaguely aroused. But some part of him still felt like something wasn't right. The chains remained tight, pulling painfully at his pelt as as she rocked the table back and forth beneath her weight. The metal jaws were clamped too tight to rip free. It felt like nothing could have opened them once they were attached, biting down on his spots like some tiny, mechanical dragons.

"Don't worry, kitty." She lifted a simple remote device with several buttons on it. "All I need to do is turn it off, and you'll be safe. And anyway - I'm not going to waste you. Your pelt might be my trophy, but all that meat beneath is going in my belly. I'll have such fun cutting you up into juicy little steaks. I bet there's such nice, marbled fat on your curves."

Maybe she was just teasing. She spoke such terrible things with such a casual tone, giving no sense of weight to what she was saying. He couldn't risk that. Even if he had doubts that her device would actually work as she said, he was far too broken, far too scared to risk any sort of defiance. The gears and pulleys clanked and groaned above him, ready to subject him to an assuredly terrible fate. And then only way to survive was to firm up and cum inside her, as she lipsticked his semi-hard cock against her rim, bumping up and down a few times, lined up but not moving to ride him until he was harder. Bucking his hips slightly, lightly growling as he puffed and focused, getting as firm as possible, he tried to show her he was ready as the first thirty seconds ticked away, leaving him trying not to hyperventilate and failing.

At least she seemed to think he was adequately hard for riding. She thumped down, taking him inside, letting him stuff her as best he could when not even fully engorged. He tossed his head back and tried his best to buck his hips up into her, to rut and cum as fast as he could, but he could barely even move. At best he could twitch a little. Maybe throb for her. She did feel good, clenching on him much harder than she had his tongue, starting to bounce on his dick, her soft body faintly wobbling as her copious sweat went flecking off on each slapping impact to his hips. The musk in the air was too strong to lose himself in fantasy. All he could focus on was her, and her grunting, snorting, sweating self riding his cock while time silently ticked away, and the powerful gears above clanked and rumbled with mechanical anticipation.

Enough pelvic flexing and he managed to give a weak spurt inside of her, shooting a rope and a half at best into her thick rump. He was still sore, and overstimulated from that awful vacuum-device. Not exactly in a state of prime virility. She gave a startled snort to feel him go off so quickly, frowning down at him, pausing in her riding to consider. Her deep grunt was clearly unimpressed, but she reluctantly pressed a blank button on that remote anyway.

"You're going to have to give me more than that or the next one won't count," she warned.

"J-just keep going."

"So eager."

She gave a brief smile, but at least she didn't stop. He was recharged pretty quickly, able to stay hard for her at least, feeling her flexing and thumping on his hips while her balls bounced hard atop his belly, her cock bobbing atop that. It steadily dripped on his fur, as if he could get any wetter, even occasionally spurting a thin rope of either especially viscous pre or watery cum, hitting him in the chest with those lazy jets. Her motions were anything but, and even as her breath became a rough, open-mouthed pant she didn't seem to run out of energy. She rode that oversensitive leopard cock for a few minutes while Mahiri did his utmost to enjoy it more than he really was, closing his eyes or just opening to stare up at her, taking in her heated curves, tuning out the unsexy background that was their dirty surroundings to focus only on the heaving, sweating, horny pig taking his dick deep beneath her curly tail.

That was enough to set him off again, clenching his teeth, tossing his head, yowling out and giving a slightly better cumshot than before. It still wasn't much, but he got three thick ropes before settling into just watery squirts. She snorted her disapproval once more, but pressed the button anyway. Setting the remote aside, she leaned down, getting right in his face, puffing breath that felt like hot steam on his fur, almost too hot. She spoke directly into his mouth as she slowly, firmly moved her hips on top of him.

"Bigger. Make this last one count. Don't be a coward. Cum in the pig."

With that, she lunged for him, coming at him with such aggression he half expected her to just tear his throat out right there. Instead, she locked into a slopped kiss, of sorts. It was more just her sucking on his whole muzzle at once, getting her drool flowing as she sucked the flavour out of him. Most of which was her own, but there was still some leopard to be tasted deep below. The new angle was less brutal, leaving her grinding, sliding up and down rather than just thumping on him. That gave him a little less pleasure, but she was hammering his hips less too, so that was a positive.

Sucking in his chest, feeling her weight atop him, squashing him, pinning him, keeping him from drawing a full breathe, he didn't bother to resist any of her advances. If he was going to bring himself to a third orgasm before time ran out, he was going to have to embrace it. So he just slid his tongue over hers, and let her wetly make out with him. She tonguefucked his muzzle much like the wet rimjob he'd given her, just plunging in and out, not bothering to make it pleasant or sensual. She was simply using his body for her own amusement, going tighter on his cock while she rubbed her own up and down his tensed abdomen, poking up into his chestfur as she smeared even more of her musky mess into his spotted skin.

He was swallowing her spit, spurting pre in her ass, getting hosed down by her own. He felt it all oozing down into the ridges of his muscles, the crevices of his body, mixing with her sweat to create a perfectly arousing, if overwhelming cocktail. He never got used to it, every huff, every swallow another jarring blast of heated hog in his lungs. His eyes were closed, his every muscle tense, his body stretched and pushed to his very limit, a warm trickle of blood running down his sides. There wasn't much pain, merely numbness, as his muscles reached the end of their abilities, and his body fought against him as he struggled with every ounce of strength left in him to remain hard, to keep the slowly building pleasure going. He'd slump and whimper around her intruding tongue when he lost it a moment, only to rumble as he felt it building, and building, closer yet not quite managing to get there no matter how hard he tried.

In the end, it took her squeals to send him over again. It was such a horrifying sound, especially from so close. A mix of a shout, a grunt, and that piercing piggish wail, it all went off right in his face as she pulled back, drooling on his lips. Then she was cumming on him again, her body twitching, convulsing, seeming taken almost violently by orgasm. She was so tight in those moments he thought she was going to crush his cock, but it was what he finally needed. He watched her sitting up again, stretching, arching her back, running her fingers through the soaking strands of her own hair, looking for a moment so very elegant, even pretty as she huffed with bliss atop him. Then all vision was clouded as she came right in his face, leaving him coughing and choking down her cream while he erupted within, so much thicker, so much more potent than before, a full cumshot pumped up between the glistening spotted cheeks of the peaking pig.

When he finally felt himself settling down, his vision clearing somewhat as the cum ran from his eyes like creamy tears, he saw her there, one finger hovering above the button that would save his life. She hadn't pressed it yet. A glance over to the side, and he saw an alarming sight.



"P-press it. I did it. I won. You said those were the rules!"

She cast him a wicked grin, licking over her lips as her eyes lit up with cruel glee.

"I did say that, didn't I?"


"This isn't fair! I played by your rules! You have to let me go!"

"Do I?"

He was rattling those chains, whimpering and fighting as the seconds ticked, pricked by the points of those steel fangs digging into his hide. He heard metallic creaking, the whirring of an engine starting, sounding like a clunky diesel truck. Shaking his head, he plunged into paralyzing panic, his eyes wide, his mouth hanging open as he watched her smiling at him, slowly pulling herself off of his dick, letting it flop down to his belly as she got well out of range out of whatever was about to happen, dripping cum and sweat as her smirk turned into a sadistic grin, her eyes lighting up with glee.


A deafening CLANK told him the device was primed. He gave her one last desperate look, his face twisting into a silent scream at first, and then a proper wail of terror and defeat as the final seconds damningly vanished from the clock.





It chugged, building speed, as those chains began to tug. A metallic whine grew into a howl as the gears above him turned, an echoing, hollow noise ringing in his ears. Even that couldn't drown out the awful sound of his own skin ripping from his body, gnawed right from his bare flesh below by those biting jaws. It peeled from him a little at a time, yet even in his anguish he could tell it was merely building to something. It pulled harder and harder, rattling, the whole room feeling like it was going to come down on them both as the engines squealed much like she had, machinery rattling, sending tremors through the floor. The sound of skin being pulled from flesh joined in with the groan of straining steel, until ...


He saw it. It was dangling there before his eyes, swaying back and forth above him, leaving him peppered by the precipitation of his own blood. Plenty of his skin was still attached to him, but a sizable piece of his own pelt was hanging there, stripped from his thighs and his sides and even his back. His blood was instantly pooling beneath him, soon running over the edges of the table, pouring into a drain below. He was a reddened mess of ruined leopard, his flesh and muscles on partial display like an anatomical diagram, bleeding out in a dingy bathroom where no one would ever find him. And she was watching him the entire time.

She didn't even give him the chance to scream. Another clank of machinery, and a sharpened pendulum like that of a massive grandfather clock came swinging down towards his head with a distressing creek, cleaving through the air and slicing through his throat as easily as it might through butter. He thought it might decapitate him, but he had no such luck. It only just barely caught him, silencing him as it cut through his vocal cords, leaving him simply gurgling as he choked upon the resulting gush of blood. The table tilted itself back, and soon he was dangling upside down above a drain, his limited vision left to watch his own life draining into a hole in the floor. At least he couldn't feel much anymore.

The pig strolled near him, crouching to look him in the eyes as he felt numbness spreading through his body, his breathing coming short, as if she was simply sucking the air from his lungs.

"You lose," she mocked. "I'm going to butcher you and wear you and devour you. Right down to the bones. This is how you end, kitty-cat. Thanks for playing."

His only response was to bubble with the flowing blood, pouring from his gaping throat, running down his exposed flesh. All was running red and dark, leaving him weaker with every drop that left him. It all went down the drain, shrouding him in shadows, leaving him acutely aware of every part of his body as it failed. The emptiness crawled up his legs, leaving him feeling as if they had simply vanished. He was bleeding dry and hollow for her, dying in her deathtrap, soon to serve as nothing more than meat. And decoration. Such were his last thoughts, that knowledge burned into his mind, lingering strong until he was silent and still, the crimson waterfall running over the grimy tiles below slowing to a trickle. But of course, she needed to give it more time to let him fully drain if she was going to truly appreciate his meat.


The basement was dark, even when the day came. It echoed with the sound of butchery. This time, there were no machines involved. Simply good knives, sharpened to their fullest, hacking through the flesh and bone of the leopard as the pig chopped him into pieces. First she took off his head, going through his neck with a single swing of a hefty cleaver. There wasn't much meat there, but his skull would be good for soup or stew, and his tongue would make a tasty treat. Her breath steamed through the icy room as ideas swam through her mind for a dozen meals. Perhaps she'd grill his juicy thighs and eat them right off the bone. Maybe she'd grind his fat ass up and throw it in some chili. She had to fight to keep her mouth from watering as she kept up her gruesome, methodical work.

It took her a few hours total, but she enjoyed the process. She got him separated into various cuts, admiring their texture. Just enough fat on him for flavour, but lean overall. She had never eaten a cat before. She was going to enjoy every single part of him. Whatever she didn't eat right away was going in the freezer, hung up on hooks like any other meat. It could have been anything, but only she knew who it used to be. And before anyone could find him in there, she was going to devour him in meal after meal, grilled or boiled or fried up crispy, perhaps roasted to perfection and topped with a fine honey glaze. All the evidence of her game was going to end up in her belly. Except for one thing.

In truth, her device wasn't perfect. It was just a prototype, after all. She'd ripped plenty of his skin off in one go, but most of it was torn or stained with blood, ruined or little more than scraps, even once it was cleaned and dried. But she still got enough to make something out of, and once she'd had a shower to clean the blood from her skin, she set to work, applying her engineering knowledge to a little knitting project. A simple loincloth wasn't nearly enough support for a pair of balls like hers, after all. She required something a little more elaborate.

More than just a pair of boxer briefs, they were an especially supportive set, with a nice cozy pouch for her fat sack to rest in. She stepped into them and pulled them snug up around her nuts, running her hands down her hips as she snickered to herself. Such a fuzzy pair. They tickled a little when she walked, rubbing back and forth across her balls as she began to sweat again. Really, she was always sweating. It was just a pig thing. But that last scrap of Mahiri, that final indication of how pretty he had been before she slaughtered him, was going to serve to help soak up every single drop. She couldn't help but grin as she thought about wearing him in public, safely concealed beneath her clothing, no one to ever know that her first victim was nearby, serving as a rag for her musky perspiration.

She was already thinking about her next game. One wasn't enough. Now that she had tasted the thrill of the hunt, she needed more. Her freezer was only going to get fuller. Even a pig like her could only eat so much at a time. And her lust for violence was ever growing, filling her head with images and ideas she knew she needed to design. This was her new self, her new passion. The only question that remained was the matter of coming up with a suitable name for her murderous persona. Every good killer had one.