Chapter 2: A Warm Welcome Home

Story by Tank on SoFurry

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#2 of Origin

_Silently crawl

through the night.

Protect your pride,

duty and right.

~Teaching phrase of the Cats_

"Please tell the assembled your version of the events, Major."

Tank nodded and stepped up to the podium, recounting what had occurred, pausing to answer questions as they were posed by the senior staff. When he reached the end, he was thanked by the General and returned to his seat.

"We have the aforementioned patrol in our custody. They are currently being held in the holding cells, being questioned. Now, the real question is, what are we going to do with them?" The General let his gaze drift across the assembled officers in the auditorium. "They are our superiors when it comes to weaponry and armor, carrying many of the things this facility was once guarded by, things which our ancestors, foolishly, threw away in their quest to distance themselves from our makers. It seems they have the knowledge of how to not only maintain, but also create these items." He sighed, letting his arms fall to the top of the podium-stand to support him. "For the first time, we have been given the opportunity to progress, or regress I should say, to what we once had the possibility to be, revert to the advanced stage our creators were at. On the other hand, we have created our own society here through the last two centuries. We are self-sufficient and can survive quite comfortably as we have for decades, for nearly two centuries. The question, gentlemen and -women, is which do we choose?" He spread his hands out to the assembly; the decision was up to them.

A murmur arose as the gathered brass began discussing what to do, and Tank sighed. This wasn't his game, and he felt out-of-place, as always, amongst such assemblies. This was the very reason he'd withdrawn from his rank's ordinary duties and become a Hunter, to get away from the very thing that he had now been caught up in.

"What, no opinions of your own on our future, oh brave one?" the voice was teasing, a feminine touch to it. A pair of arms came over his shoulders, paws coming to rest on his chest. He felt her whiskers tickle his cheek as she moved her face close to ear. "Perhaps we should leave this to them?" A soft purr rumbled in her throat, and he could see her smile through the corner of his eye.

He mirrored the smile as he turned his head to face her. Her eyes were as blue as the afternoon sky, dark and deep in their hue. She leaned closer and he obeyed her, as always, kissing her softly. She murred happily as he finally broke the connection, getting to his feet. He caught one of her arms as she slid them off him, getting up herself, letting his fingers slide between hers. She smiled up at him again, and he let his mind rest on her beauty as his eyes slid across her. She was nearly a head shorter than him, but then again, most females were. Her fur was white and thick, a typical feature of the Snowies. The color emphasized her soft features, her tail long and sleek. Her face was as most cats, feline but with a more agile mouth, the teeth typical of a predator. She wore a par of pants in a blue color, lighter than her eyes but not different enough to clash. Her chest was covered in a thin blouse, a creamy white that begged to be removed, its color fighting the rest.

"You look as beautiful as always," he told her, reveling in the brightness of her smile.

"So you always say," she grinned up at him before turning around to lead him out of the room. They walked the halls of the Den in silence, the closeness an unseen bond between them, enough to keep either content for the time being. After a bit, they reached the elevator shaft. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a keycard, swiping it quickly through reader and they stepped in as the doors slid open. He silently thought back to the brass, most likely still discussing what to do with the captured soldiers. With the knowledge they claimed to have, it might be able to fix much of the Den's technology, leaving more than just the secondary power units on for the elevators. Not all technology was bad, he knew this better than most.

"What'cha thinking, love?" She got on her toes and nibbled his ear with a giggle. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close for a deep kiss, enjoying the secluded intimacy the tight space of the elevator allowed them. She was, most definitely, his favorite at times like this. He enjoyed the taste of her warm breath, familiar and comforting, then sighed as the elevator came to a halt.

She slowly pulled away from him, smiled sweetly, then grabbed his paw again, pulling him out the elevator and along the hallway. He followed her obediently as she pulled him to the third door down the hallway, sliding it shut behind them. He wrapped his arms around her, then, the dark room smelling slightly of the herbs she liked to pick in the hydroponics garden; lavender and some of the desert variants. She purred softly, the rumble supplanting through her chest as she pressed herself close to him, her eyes glowing in the faint light from the single candle burning on the desk next to her bed. He glanced around quickly, the room looking like it always did. Square, maybe 6 tail-lengths along each of the walls. A double-sized bed was placed in front of the middle part of the wall across from the door, a desk to the right of the door right inside. The floor was covered in a rug, made of the fibrous grasses that grew everywhere they could find moisture in the desert. The walls were painted an occrish red, bare stripes of the metal shining through in a zigzag pattern. His eyes returned to her face, her devilish smile betrayed by the soft look in her eyes as she swept them across his face. He bent his head down to meet hers, letting his lips meet hers in a deep kiss, his need for her apparent as she moaned softly. Once again, he felt the taste of her, sweet and containing an aftertaste not unlike the smell in her room.

"Good to have you back," she said as their lips parted, her whiskers disentangling from his. She twirled herself around, letting her tail slide against his legs teasingly. As she stepped away, she let her pants fall to the ground, twitching her rump slightly, her tail swishing back and forth sensuously, matching her stride as she moved to the bed. She turned her head slightly to look at him as she stood at the foot of it before pulling the blouse off her head. With another glance and a smile, she crawled onto it, resting on all fours. "Now, are you gonna come or not?" She looked back at him, raising her tail invitingly.

A grin crept across his face, oh how he had missed her, missed this. He loosened his belt and pulled down his own pants, letting them lie in a heap on the floor, letting his shirt fall down to rest on top. His tail twitched back and forth in a lazy motion as he walked over to stand behind her. "I always do, don't I?" he said, a purr erupting from his own chest as he let his paws stroke across her back, leaning over her to plant a soft kiss on her neck. The rumbling in his chest was answered by her, her fur soft to the touch as it brushed against his own, his chest resting upon her back as he planted a slow trail of kisses along her neck, slowly sliding back as his lips continued a slow walk down her back. Her tail crept around his chest to bend over his back, stroking it softly as his kisses trailed down her back, slowly arching with pleasure. As he reached the root of her tail, he lifted his head from her, and she slipped her tail under his right arm, wrapping it around his neck, her body still rumbling with a soft purr.

"Soft to the touch, my love." The statement came as a soft whisper, laced with affection and a trace of true love as he rested his right cheek against her left buttock. "And so very inviting!" A hint of lust in the words, he buried his face in her sex, slipping his tongue out to slowly run through her lips, the salty taste leaving a sweet aftertaste in the back of his mouth as he let it slide into her. She groaned audibly, burying her face in the red pillow, her back bending downwards, pressing her breasts into the sheets and pushing her bottom up higher, allowing him easier access. He let his paws grab her thighs as he pulled his face deeper into her crotch, closing his eyes as his lust for her grew with every drop of her. Her tail curled all around his neck, the tip bending down to gently wave back and forth across his chest, the fur rubbing against his own, a pleasant sensation indeed. He let his tongue extend as far into her as he could reach, twirling it around inside slowly, enjoying the sounds coming from her, muffled by the pillow as she writhed under his ministrations. Satisfied with the reactions, he continued a bit, before slowly withdrawing his tongue, the taste of increasing in strength as it rolled around inside his mouth.

"Don't stop.... Please..." she gasped, turning her head sideways to free her face of the pillow. He grinned, of course he wouldn't stop, he wanted her too much, but he enjoyed the feeling of pleasing her too much to take care of his own needs- yet. "Please..." she pleaded him again and he responded by bending his head closer once more, letting his tongue explore every bit of her, finding her clit and slowly circling it. As she let out another moan, he dipped his tongue into her depths once more, resulting in an increased pitch before she reburied her face in the pillow. His left paw slid down her leg to reach his own growing erection, responding to his need, to the taste of her as he slipped his tongue back out to resume its attentions to her clit, her folds parting willingly to his attentions. Once more he pulled away, feeling her getting too close for comfort.

"No, not now... Keep going, please..." she begged him, and he smiled slyly, her eyes glimmering like jewels in the soft light of the candle-flame.

"Not so fast tonight, dear heart, I have all the time in the world." He responded, bending over her to nuzzle her neck before sliding sideways off her, affording plenty of space for her to turn her head and kiss him. Her tongue quickly bore forth, slipping past his lips, across his teeth and ran around his own. He responded in a like movement, their tongues in an elaborate dance as he rubbed his body against her, his erection sliding between her folds, her juices making it slick.

"I want you. I need you," she whispered as their mouths parted, nipping his right ear playfully, biting harder than, perhaps, she intended. He winced at the pain, before grabbing her around her chest and deftly flipping her over on her back. She gasped surprised, quickly finding an intrigued, seducing expression as he stood over her, front paws firmly planted on each side of her head.

"Then have me you will. In time." He bent down and kissed her again, letting his chest rest against hers, her breasts pressing against his fur, nipples hard and perky. He grinned at her before sliding slowly down wards, planting a kiss on her chin, her neck, and then twisting his head slightly to the left to put it in front of the breast there. He let his tongue circle the nipple in a spiraling motion, moving inwards before letting his lips surround it, the tongue flicking across the tip as he sucked it, his own need shining through. He moaned, the sound blending in with hers before repeating the action with her other breast.

"Oh my god..." She gasped as he released the second nipple, blowing lightly across her chest to see them both perk back up at the coolness.

"No gods here, dear," he grinned, placing a paw on each breast, letting the nipples stand out between his middle fingers. She giggled, the sound rippling through the room, "And what do you know about that?"

"Well, perhaps, but a goddess calling upon me herself..." he smiled at her, slipping up close enough to kiss her again, feeling her tail slip between his legs and rub against his sack. He closed his eyes at the pleasant sensations the touch brought with it, enjoying it fully as his erection grew even harder. His lust for her grew even deeper, and he crawled up onto the bed, pushing her closer to the wall, making plenty space for him at the foot. She smiled sensually at him, her eyes mere slits and her smile satisfied at the realization of what he wanted.

She spread her legs further as he pushed himself between them, letting his member rub in her sex again, soon glistening with her juices in the light of the single flame. I wonder how it would be with electric lights in the rooms again? He wondered absentmindedly before the thought disappeared to whence it came. Her tail moved up his back as he lent into her, her folds granting him passage into her depths, soft and warm, yet tight enough to afford him a pleasant pressure at the same time. He groaned with need, answered by her gasp as he filled her.

"Mmmmm, so big!" She murred as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down closer, kissing him with reignited passion. He let his tail wind around her ankles, as if keeping her in place.

"Fits perfectly," he whispered, nipping her ear carefully as she closed her eyes and pressed her face to his neck. He slowly pushed himself all the way into her, feeling her body respond to him before he slowly began to pull back out. She whimpered a complaint as only the head rested in her, then leaned deeper into her pillow with a moan as he pushed back in. He kissed her neck as he began a slow thrusting rhythm into her letting his chest sink down to rub against her breasts, her nipples perking up again, rubbing against his fur, the feeling nearly bringing him across the edge. He moaned at the touch and pushed his face harder to her neck, the kiss insistent and expressing his imminent need for her. She let her arms run down his back, resting upon the small of it, pushing him into faster thrusts. She giggled softly as his whiskers caught her chin, tickling it, and wrapped her legs around his thighs clinging to him in her own need.

"Faster!" She whispered, bending her head to bite lightly into his shoulder, using her legs to encourage the speed. He obeyed her, as he always did, increasing the speed with every thrust. She moaned into his neck ash clung to him, her breasts squeezing against his chest, nipples pressing into his fur, her warmth comfortingly familiar against him. His lust grew with every thrust, as did hers he could feel. His tail, released from her ankle, swished down to wrap around hers as she let it rub against his scrotum, the soft sensation so very pleasant. "Faster!" She gasped, finally, closing her eyes and dug her claws into the fur on his back, the feeling tantalizing as she climaxed. Her sex pulsed around him and let out a long groan as it pushed him across the edge, climaxing with her, spraying his seed into her, mixing with her own warm juices. The world went black, only pure pleasure remained in his mind as he submitted wholly to the orgasm, pulsing in unison inside her.

"Not yet, it's too early," she mumbled the complaint still half-asleep as he let his arms slide away from her. "Stay with me, just a little longer?"

"Didn't think you were still awake," he whispered softly, letting his arms rewrap around her and enjoyed the closeness as she rearranged herself, pushing her back in as close to his chest as it could come. He let his left arm drape over her side, the paw resting upon her breast. She purred softly, content with having him with her and fell back asleep. He sighed, happily. He'd needed this, and if was to be perfectly honest with himself, well, she was right, it was too early. Then again, after his two week patrol, seven hours of sleep in a soft bed was pure luxury. He closed his eyes and buried his face in her fur, enjoying the smell of her. She was a beauty, and most pleasant to be with when he was in the need of comfort. Heh, you're growing old, Tank. Next thing you know, you'll ask her to become your mate and settle down. He chuckled softly into her fur, resulting in her waking again.

"What's so funny, dear?" she asked, turning around in his arms to face him.

"Nothing, just a... A stray thought, that's all." He nuzzled her, resulting in a soft kiss from her as she wrapped her arms around him. He turned over on his back and she let her head rest on his chest, closing her eyes again.