Superbunny - Chapter Five

Story by Yntemid on SoFurry

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#6 of Superbunny


"Okay," Xumaada said some fifteen minutes later. "This is bad, I'll admit, but we can still get out of it. We're both still in one piece, and they're gonna have to transport us again eventually. Until then, doesn't look like there's much we can do except wait."

Sho hated to agree, but he couldn't see any way out of that cellar. Not with both a ravenous guard dog and a door with a coded lock. He'd heard four beeps when Gregory had left them. Four digits. That meant ten thousand possible combinations, and it would probably lock them out after just a few mistakes. They could move around a little, now, but this was a worse trap than being in that pet carrier.

"Still not going to talk, huh?" Xu asked, and sighed when Sho just looked at him. "Of course not. What about you?" He turned toward the gen-modded dog. "You have anything interesting to say?" The dog didn't, of course, and Xumaada rested his head back against the cement wall behind him, where he sat next to the grimy mattress. "This is gonna be a loooong day."

That turned out to be yet another of Xu's understatements. There was nothing at all to do in that cellar. Sho plucked awkwardly at the crusty spot in his costume, right below his belly button. He'd tried to rinse out the cum that had dried in the fabric, but he hadn't had much luck, and getting that spot wet in the bathroom sink had only forced him to let the semen dry all over again.

"The guys at the Eye have to be worried about me by now," Xumaada muttered to himself, maybe an hour into their new confinement. "They're probably all out looking. But what are the odds they'll figure out where we've been taken?" Not good, that's what they were, but Sho didn't need to say it. Xu didn't look at all hopeless--whatever else Sho thought about his brother, Xu never gave up on something once he had his mind set on it--but he definitely seemed less optimistic than before.

Another hour ticked by, and then another. There were no clocks down there, only the steady flashing of the camera's recording light, and Sho wasn't exactly counting those. If Greg really was watching them, the twisted human wasn't getting much entertainment.

From time to time Reiniger moved, but only to stretch and find another position to wait in. The dog looked as bored as Sho felt, but he couldn't forget what Gregory had said each time the canine licked his chops. Reiniger hadn't been fed in longer than a day. Just how much restraint would he have after that stretched on to two days or more? Gen-modded or not, a dog was a dog, and Sho knew how they behaved when they decided it was feeding time.

More minutes and hours passed. Sho was drumming his gloved fingers over the solid floor, half asleep. Xu was lying on his back on the mattress, arms folded behind his head while he stared at the pipes along the unfinished ceiling. Sho had tried to think of some way to use those pipes to their advantage. He could jump that high, but they were just standard plumbing pipes, nothing of any use to the captive rabbits. There was a single ventilation vent in the cellar, but that was on the other side of the room, near the stairs, and every bit as out of reach so long as Reiniger stood guard. Eventually that dog would fall asleep, though, and maybe then...

"You smell like sex," Reiniger abruptly said, his voice a low, barely coherent growl. Sho's ears shot up above his head.

So did Xu's. "You can talk?"

"Yes," the brown and black dog said simply, and that seemed to exhaust his conversation skills until, a couple minutes later, he painstakingly asked, "What time was it...when they...brought you here?" Speaking seemed to take a focused effort for the canine.

The two rabbits shared an uncertain glance. "I'm not sure," Xumaada replied slowly. "Early in the morning, before dawn. Maybe five a.m.?"

Reiniger let out a loud breath through his nose, nodding. "Afternoon now, then. Near enough. Bar's open. Greg's working." They couldn't hear anything down where they were, but Sho expected the cellar was fully soundproofed.

"Yeah, you're probably right..." Xu tilted his head, but neither he nor the dog said anything else for another minute or two.

Then Reiniger got up on all fours, and Sho sat up a little straighter. "Tired of this bullshit," the dog growled out. He looked Sho in the eyes, then stared at Xu. "You want free?"

The rabbits' ears somehow stood even more alert.

"Hell yes we want free!" Xu said, taking a step toward the dog.

"Stop!" Reiniger barked, and Xu halted in his tracks. "Don't cross white line. I have to bite, then. For the camera."

"Right," Xu said, nodding slowly and backing up again.

"Don't look excited," the dog added. "Camera still recording. Greg will keep feed muted, with customers. But will check in sometimes. Make sure all is well. Man is paranoid."

"Got it," Xumaada shared another glance with Sho, then sat on the edge of the mattress. " want free, too?"

"Yes. Haven't seen daylight in...don't know how long." Sho realized the dog was making sure to sit with his back to the camera, keeping his face from view so that if Greg did check in, the human wouldn't notice the dog speaking. "Kept hungry too much. Anthros taste good, and filling. But not usually stupid enough to cross red line."

Sho's stomach lurched again, and Xu grimaced, but what the other rabbit asked was, "Do you know the code to unlock the door?"

"Yes, but not so simple. Code pad is fingerprint scanner, too. Only works for Greg. Alarm goes off if other touches it. Then Greg comes down, shoots you, shocks me."

"Shocks you?" Xumaada repeated, tilting his head.

Reiniger snarled and scratched at his neck with a hind foot. "With collar. Greg has button."

"So...what's the plan, then?" Xu asked.

"Yes," the dog said bluntly. "I have plan. We will have sex."

"What?" Xu exclaimed, sitting upright and staring aghast at Reiniger.

"Don't react!" the dog barked. "Just listen."

"Oh, I'll listen, but I'm pretty sure I misheard you."

"I said, 'We will have sex,'" Reiniger repeated, oblivious to the rabbit's sarcasm. "More than one way for Greg to make money. One is to sell you. Other is to sell videos." Despite himself, Sho found himself looking toward the camera, but he had to turn his eyes away again at the sight of the skull right next to it.

"Sport used to exist, called Domination," Reiniger went on. "No more. Anthros lose control, start eating each other. The sport brought out instincts."

"What's your point?" Xu asked, and Sho nodded his support. Everyone knew about Domination. It had worked as an outlet for anthros' instinct to breed for a long time, decades, but after a few generations of anthros had come and gone, other instincts had been triggered by the sport. In hindsight it was hardly unexpected, coming from a game that had the athletes forcing their opponents to submit to them, but the first time a tiger had bitten a chunk out of the wolf he was pinning down, there had been an uproar. The game had gone on televised for a few more weeks, until a weasel had torn a mouse's throat out. Injuries were to be expected, but fatalities were another matter entirely. That had ended the sport, well before Sho and Xu had been born.

"No more Domination, least not in public," Reiniger explained. "Underground matches still exist, though. Watchers pay to see them. Pay much. Pay to see any sex, now, if they're not supposed to watch it. If it's illegal." The dog paused for a couple breaths, the effort of speaking so much evidently taxing him.

"Again, what's your point?" Xu demanded.

"You are captive. I make it look like I rape you. Greg sees when he checks video feed on his phone. He comes down, picks up camera to record. Get better angles. Has happened before."

Sho gave the dog a disgusted look, but his mask probably covered up his expression. His brother raised his voice, snapping at the canine, "And how is that supposed to help us escape?"

"Calm. Don't react," Reiniger reminded him. "Greg needs a hand to hold camera. Maybe two. While he records, other bunny attacks, gets gun. I attack, too. Greg will reach for gun or collar button with free hand. Can only get one. If he gets gun, I bite his arm, and he drops gun. If he gets collar button, other bunny shoots. Somewhere where he won't die. Need his fingers to unlock."

"Then why don't we just wait for him to come down here on his own and swarm him?" Xumaada asked.

The dog shook his head. "He is too fast. Will shoot bunnies with one hand, shock me with other. Has happened before."

Xu was shaking his head, too. "Then we come up with a different distraction. I could..." He faltered, unable to come up with something on the spot. "I could play sick. Or injured. Ask him to bring a first aid kit. Then, when he comes down with that, we all go after him."

"Would not work. Greg is paranoid. Wouldn't believe. And if slave is sick enough, isn't worth much. Greg would shoot you. Has happened--"

"Has happened before," Xu cut in irritably. "Of course it has."

"Even if Greg brings down medicine, or bandages...would drop when we attack. Free up hands. Won't drop camera, not right away. Too expensive." Reiniger moved closer, sitting down right in front of Xumaada across the taped white line. "We have sex. Is only way. You and me..." He glanced at the other rabbit, and Sho backed further into the corner behind him. "Or him and me. He is quiet. Stupid? Maybe you are better fighter. Should be the one to get Greg's gun."

"You've missed the mark on that one," Xu said with a huffed laugh, glancing toward the costumed rabbit. He licked his lips, actually looking like he was considering. Sho gave him a sharp shake of his head. "We could...maybe just go through the motions? Make it look like we' know. That would be enough to get him down here."

"Not enough to make him pick up camera. Greg knows me. I like having sex, being inside anthros. If I am not inside when he comes, he will suspect. Paranoid." The dog stood and took a step across the white line.

"Inside..." Xumaada repeated, shaking his head again. "Look, that is just not going to happen."

"Tired of Greg's bullshit," Reiniger said again. "Hungry. Want to see sunlight. Is going to happen." He took another step, and Sho got to his feet when he realized the dog wasn't going to back down.

"No, it's not," Xu said firmly, getting to his feet, as well, and standing his ground. "You need both of us for your plan to work, remember? If you try having sex with me, he won't do a thing to help you." He jerked his thumb in Sho's direction, and Sho nodded his agreement, folding his arms across his blue-clad chest and setting his feet. Damn, but Reiniger was big, this close up.

"Yes he will," Reiniger growled. The dog was hardly intimidated by the two rabbits, still closing in, and Xumaada was forced to back up against the wall behind him. Xu tried to push the dog back, but Reiniger ignored him as if he wasn't even there. "He wants free, too. So do you. But if not..." He stopped with his long snout inches away from Xu's face, forcing the rabbit to lean back against the wall. "I get rocks off. Try again next time, with less stupid bunnies." They locked gazes, dog and rabbit, and though he kept glaring steadily at the canine, a small tremble went down Xu's frame. "Take off shirt," Reiniger growled.

Sho took a couple steps back, but only so he could get a running start, already planning his course of action. A kick to the head to knock the dog off balance, then several kicks between the canine's legs to break him of any thoughts about sex for the next week. Then Sho would have to improvise, but it would involve grabbing that camera and using it as a bludgeon. The skull on the table, too. He would need both, if he had any hope of knocking Reiniger out. He crouched down, legs tensing...

Xu abruptly held out his hand, shaking his head at Sho before returning his eyes to the dog. Disbelief was the main reason Sho didn't launch his attack, though. After a few deep, rapid breaths, Xu shrugged out of his green overshirt and started tugging his white tank top over his head, exposing the pale, gray-splotched fur underneath. He had a similar build to Sho's, only his upper body was more defined, his arms a touch broader, and he needed no compression suit to be able to make out his abs.

"You are skinny," Reiniger growled approvingly. "Will be tight."

"If we're going to do this," Xumaada gritted out between clenched teeth, "you're gonna have to stop talking."

The guard dog took a step back, giving the rabbit room to move, and Xu tossed his tank top onto the mattress beside him. They stared at each other for a few seconds, neither moving, until Reiniger added, "Pants, too."

Xumaada looked toward Sho again, and Sho shook his head no one last time. Then Sho could only stare, aghast, while his brother tucked his thumbs under his shorts' waistband and slowly slid them down his thighs.

Sho had felt his brother's bared privates against him earlier that day, but feeling Xu's balls smeared against his masked face was one thing, actually seeing them wobbling between the other rabbit's thighs was something else. Xumaada wasn't just handsome, he was beautiful, with his feminine hips tapering broadly out to thighs every bit as powerful as Sho's. Even his digitigrade feet were lithe and well-muscled.

Xu's penis was fully sheathed, now, but that mound of fur and flesh was well trimmed, a plump tube rising above his balls, and both sheath and scrotum were noticeably larger than Sho's were. When he realized what he was staring at, Sho jerked his eyes to the side. He hadn't seen his brother naked since they were kids. Not since he had started growing aroused by the sight and had to stop bathing together with his twin from sheer humiliation. He couldn't help it. It was the subtle differences between them that even then made Sho's trapped sheath twitch.

He turned around entirely, shuddering, but his ears swiveled back to listen when he heard Reiniger settle on his haunches. "Come closer. Get me ready," the dog commanded.

There were no sounds of Xu moving, though, just a sigh from the other rabbit, then a quiet, calm, "Hey." That sounded like it was meant for Sho. "It's okay." Sho's ears swiveled toward his brother's voice, and he realized his fists were clenched again at his sides. "It's okay," Xu said more firmly, and then there were footsteps, not moving toward Reiniger, but toward Sho. Sho's ears tried to climb off his head when his brother set a paw on his shoulder. "Really. I can do this. Then we'll get out of here, set the cops on these bastards, and put all this behind us, all right?"

Sho didn't say anything, of course. But he made himself straighten out his fingers, relaxing his fists, and reluctantly nodded, staring straight ahead at a random spot across the room.

"You can watch, if you want," Xumaada suggested quietly, and Sho's breath caught in his throat. How could Xu be so calm about this all of a sudden? His brother just stood there with his paw on his shoulder, but eventually let out an embarrassed breath. "I mean... If you don't make a big deal about this, then I won't have to, either. And if it's not a big deal...I can get through it. So..." Sho heard the other rabbit swallow behind him. "Please?"

Slowly, Sho forced himself to glance back at his brother from the corner of his eye. He didn't let himself look at anything except Xumaada's face, but that was enough. Xu was trying to look comforting--he was trying to comfort Sho--but there was something desperate in his expression. Setting his jaw, Sho gave his brother a short, curt nod, and the relieved smile Xu gave him made it all worth it. Xumaada was really going through with this. And if acting like it was just another day in the park would make it easier, then that was what Sho would have to do.

What else could he do? Trying to overpower the guard dog would only get the both of them killed. It certainly wouldn't get them free.

Xumaada gave the other rabbit's shoulder another squeeze, took a deep breath, and then, with Sho turned in profile, halfway toward him, he gave Sho's blue-covered butt a casual pat before turning to face Reiniger. Sho clenched reflexively, gasping, and his paws swept behind him to cover the spot his brother's hand had touched. That single, casual pat had been enough to make Sho's sheath twitch again, and now that he was watching his brother walk away from him...

"All right, pooch. Let's do this," Xu said, his confidence only sounding a little bit forced.

...Xumaada's backside was every bit as round as Sho's, and if it was any less full and feminine, Sho could barely tell. He didn't spend enough time staring at his own ass to make an educated comparison. Xu still looked like a girl from behind, either way, his leaf-fluffed tail a decoration drawing the eye to soft, round buttocks with gray splotches on the sides leaving their inner slopes white and pristine. A fit girl, with the rear and legs of a miniature super model.

Xu knelt in front of Reiniger, and never was it so evident just how much bigger the dog was than the rabbit. For the first time, Sho took a good look at the tan, fleshy tube that hung under the canine's lower belly. Reiniger's sheath alone was nearly four inches long. It wobbled when Xu first touched it, jiggling in place above brown-furred balls each as big as an apple. The rabbit's paw trembled as it curled around the canine's sheath, squeezing that tube tentatively, and a deep red point of flesh parted its hidden folds, pointing like an arrow toward Xumaada's face. The rabbit tried to look up, to meet the dog's gaze, but Reiniger's face was both above and behind him; the top of his head just bumped against the canine's belly.

"Go slow," Reiniger said. "Buy time. Might be Greg sees and comes before we get too far."

"I thought you had to be inside me when he gets here," Xu grumbled, reaching his other paw forward to help him cradle the lipsticking sheath.

"Will be. But maybe won't have to for too long before."

"Very considerate of you."

"Yes." Reiniger looked down at the crouching rabbit, watching as Xu gave his sheath a firm squeeze, and another inch of his member pulsed its way free. "Moving now." The dog got up and turned himself so he was facing the camera, and Xu followed the motions without seeming to realize his butt was now aimed straight at its lens. "There. Make sure Greg can see you when he looks."

That made Xu hesitate and glance toward the camera over his shoulder, his ears brushing up across the dog's undercarriage. With a grimace and a sigh, he turned back toward the emerging shaft in front of him, his nose twitching constantly at the canine's scent. "Fine. Let him get an eyeful, if it gets him down here faster."

The dog nodded. "I stop talking, now. He can see my face." He stayed standing while Xumaada resumed squeezing his sheath, one of the rabbit's paws drifting down to cup the dog's over-full scrotum in his palm, kneading the big orbs with his thumb and fingers. Sitting on his heels, Xu barely even had to hunch over to keep his head clear of Reiniger's belly. The dog was as big compared to the rabbit as a full-grown horse would be to a human.

With that comparison vivid in his mind, Sho backed up against the side wall between the white line on the floor and the bathroom doorway, unable to look away from the other rabbit beneath the dog's chest. Reiniger's cock was swelling larger by the second, and already it was too big for Xu to ever be able to take, Sho was sure of it. It didn't matter what Sho knew about anthro anatomy, that canine shaft was just too big. He tried to keep thinking about it clinically, but thinking about the mechanics involved only made him picture what his brother was soon going to attempt, and...

No. Sho didn't need his imagination. What he was staring at was more than enough to have him fully erect in his suit, his member's tip twitching into the stale, crusty fur below his navel.

Xu was pumping both paws slowly back and forth across Reiniger's still-emerging arousal, the deep red meat dwarfing the rabbit's hands. Leaning backwards and sitting on his heels, Xumaada seemed unable to stop sniffing at the tip of that canine phallus, going crosseyed to watch it. Reiniger's hind legs shifted, his balls jiggling as he widened his stance, tan sheath swelling slightly with the shape of his uninflated knot.

Sho tried to look away, but he found his eyes drifting down to where his brother's bottom was setting over his big feet, his heels squishing slightly into the soft cheeks' fur. It should have been a safe enough sight, but Sho couldn't keep from reminding himself, over and over, that was his brother crouching naked in front of him.

"I...don't know if this will be possible," Xumaada said, measuring the dog's arousal with his fingers. It had to be almost nine inches long. Someone a human's size might have been able to take it, if they'd had a lot of practice, but a three-foot-tall rabbit?

"Will work," Reiniger growled gruffly, ducking his head down to look between his forelegs so the camera wouldn't show what he was saying. Sho wondered if Greg could really read the dog's lips. "Is good plan."

"That's not what I mean..." Xu said slowly, shaking his head.

"Get wet. Will make easier."

The rabbit pulled a paw back, rubbing his fingers and thumb together and making a face. "It's already wet."

"Then we start."

"Wait!" Xumaada quickly grasped the dog's cock in both paws again. "I..." He glanced to the side, in the other direction from Sho. His show of confidence hadn't taken long to fade. Taking a deep breath, he faced the guard dog's tip again and slowly opened his mouth, leaning forward to take its pointed tip between his lips.

Sho's erection throbbed, hard. Seeing that made something in his head seem to fizzle out; thinking any coherent thought was beyond him, now. It took him a few seconds to dully realize his paw was at his crotch, pressing his member up against his belly.

Reiniger scraped a forepaw against the concrete floor, his tail wagging behind him as Xumaada's cheeks bulged around his front few inches. The rabbit held the rest of the dog's shaft steady, and in the otherwise silent cellar, Xu's slurps sounded obscenely loud.

The guard dog looked Sho's way, then. "Quiet bunny. Come get other bunny ready."

Sho blinked, the words taking a moment to register, and when he realized what Reiniger wanted, he shook his masked head vehemently.

"He doesn't have to," Xu said after pulling his head back and gasping in a deep breath. "He would have to take his mask off." Closing his eyes with a gulp, he let go of Reiniger's dick entirely, letting the rigid length of it swing in front of him from another shift of the dog's hindquarters. Sticking his finger in his mouth, the rabbit kept his eyes shut, and there was another quiet slurp before he drew that paw behind himself and pressed the finger underneath his tail.

Sho nearly came right then.

While rubbing his saliva between his rear cheeks, lifting himself slightly off his heels, Xu moved forward enough to start licking along the sides of Reiniger's erection. He was obviously trying to cover every inch of the huge thing with his spit, but by his expression, his mouth was getting pretty dry. Sho thought his brother was probably just cleaning off the slime coating the dog's cock from being inside Reiniger's sheath, more than getting it any slicker. Xu seemed to decide the same thing, since he stopped lapping halfway down the canine's length.

"I am ready," Reiniger growled, stepping away from the rabbit and padding around the little male, despite Xumaada's placating gestures.

"I'm not!"

"Doesn't matter."

Still holding a paw out, as if to fend the dog off, Xu started suckling around two fingers on his other hand. "Jrrst..." He swung that paw around behind himself. "Just give me another minute or two. I need to--"

"No. Bunny's mouth is too good." Reiniger pushed a paw against Xu's shoulder. "Stand up. Bend over."

Xumaada looked toward Sho as if asking for help, and Sho almost ran forward to try to fight the dog off again. But then he remembered what Xu had told him, that he needed to pretend like this was no big deal. So Sho shrugged and gave his brother a blue-gloved thumbs up, hoping his mask hid the worry that had to be painted all over his face. Because this was a big deal. This was going to hurt Xu, maybe even injure him. And Sho was just going to stand there and watch it happen. He felt sick to his stomach, but when Xumaada nodded and got to his feet, bending his upper body parallel to the ground, Sho's cock sent a string of pre into his costume's fabric.

"Just...go easy, okay?" Xu said. He didn't even have to bend his legs; Reiniger was able to step over him with an inch of clearance between the rabbit's back and the dog's chest. "I've never taken anyone so big before."

Wait. Did that mean he _had_taken someone under his tail? Xu had never told Sho about any boyfriends. Far from it; until that morning, Sho had always thought his brother was straight!

"Good," was all the guard dog said. "You will be tight, then." He tucked his forelegs around Xu's upper arms, pinning them to the rabbit's side down to his elbows.

This was really happening.

Reiniger hunched his haunches forward, and Xu gasped when the pointed tip of the dog's arousal stabbed at the back of his thigh.

They were really going to go through with it.

The canine's hips started humping forward and back, but he was only sliding his length between Xumaada's inner thighs, the rabbit's balls squishing up on top of it.

Sho was about to watch his brother get fucked by a huge dog.

Reiniger pulled himself back and with a visible effort, stilled his hindquarters long enough to drag his tip up over Xumaada's taint, a spurt of watery pre dribbling into the rabbit's short fur before the point of that erection nestled directly against its target.

Sho lurched forward, taking two awkward steps. He had to stop this! Somehow he had to-- But then Reiniger's cock tip stabbed into his brother's anus, Xumaada's head whipped forward as he let out a high-pitched, strangled-sounding scream, and Sho's own erection was suddenly spurting out so much rabbit cum, it was flowing through his costume in small, slimy bubbles. Sho sank to his knees, shuddering in his climax, and watched helplessly as four inches of canine penis started thrusting in and out of his brother's ass.

"Nnga_aaah_!" Another scream from Xumaada made Sho's ears flatten themselves against his upper back. " down... Y-you're...alr-ready..."

Sho knew it was possible for anthros as small as he and his brother to breed with much larger males, at least in theory. He'd certainly never put that to the test, but they had said as much years ago in a middle-school sex-ed class, even if they had never gone into any details, and those old Domination matches had been notorious for pitting anthros of all sizes against each other. But for just an instant, he'd been sure his brother would die from this.

"No slowing," Reiniger growled, his muzzle grimacing in a pleasured snarl. "Too good."

"B-but...ah!" Xumaada's paw dipped to his lower belly, and he convulsed suddenly.

The dog just kept right on humping. "See? Straightening already. Cramps will pass. Best get over with."

Straightening? Sho's eyes went wide when he realized what the dog meant.

If not for the canine forelegs holding his shoulders, Xumaada would have fallen to the floor. "Nnng, no... Supposed...s-supposed to...go easy... Let one cra_aahahh!_" He convulsed again, paw still at his lower belly, and went nearly limp when his body stopped quaking. When he spoke again, it was in almost inaudible mumbles. "One cramp...fffade... R-recover... Take, nng, time between, th...then... gently..." His head sagged, jostling to and fro from the dog's constant humping, but he still let out a grunt and a whimper here and there.

Sho sat quivering on his knees, watching it all. His orgasm had passed quickly, but he couldn't dampen his arousal at all, not watching what Reiniger was doing to the other rabbit. He was horrified, and yet, at the very start of his afterglow, he found himself picturing a feral dog hovering above him, instead. He'd never even stuck a finger underneath his tail before, stubbornly denying the instinctive compulsion to experiment, but before he realized what he was imagining, he felt his tailhole twitch.

No. It was clenching, not twitching. Clenching in revulsion at the thought.

...How in the world was Xumaada able to stretch around that thing?

Xumaada seemed to cramp up again, then another time immediately after, though now he was just hunching his shoulders and moaning weakly when the cramps hit him. There wasn't any blood, at least, impossible as that seemed. Maybe it wasn't as bad as Sho thought.

The other rabbit threw back his head, thumping against Reiniger's chest, and opened his eyes wide, mouth open in a silent gasp. There were tears in his eyes.

Maybe it was worse.

Then Sho saw what had caused that gasp, and his ears shot straight up in both alarm and astonishment. His barely softened member gave another weak twitch. A little more than half of the guard dog's red shaft was plowing in and out of his brother's backside, now, and as Sho watched, he could see a cylindrical lump coursing forward and back between Xumaada's belly button and his jiggling sheath. It wasn't huge, just a subtle outward swelling down the middle of the rabbit's lower belly, but it was pistoning back and forth underneath Xu's pale fur too rapidly to miss. That was Reiniger's cock, thick enough that Xumaada's soft pelt was showing the strain of containing it.

Xu cramped up again with a whimper, though Sho wasn't sure when one cramp ended and another began. But then, unexpectedly, the lump in Xumaada's fur jolted forward two inches at once, and his eyes bulged.

Just as unexpectedly, Xu's whimpers were cut off by a long burp.

"There," Reiniger growled. "See? Cramps done. Over with. In stomach, now."

Sho shuddered, and saw Xu do the same thing. "In...stomach...?" Xumaada whispered, unable to raise his voice beyond an unsteady wheeze. The words were repeating themselves in Sho's head, too, as he tried to process them.

"Yes." Reiniger was still fucking the rabbit with abandon, and more burps kept escaping Xu's lips. "And..." A few thrusts later, the canine bulge surged almost all the way to Xumaada's sternum. There was a loud thump as Reiniger's swelling knot, free now from his sheath, careened against the rabbit's stretched backside. "Rrrr, there. Good bunny."

Xumaada was staring at the wall between the dog's forelegs without seeming to see anything at all, his mouth hanging open, nose quivering. Reiniger paused there to grind his knot into the soft inner slopes of the rabbit's buttocks, but only waited a couple seconds, and clearly not for Xu's benefit. When the guard dog wrenched his haunches back and slammed his knot against the rabbit's butt again, a squeaked wheeze escaped Xumaada's open mouth, as if pushed through his body by the canine's shaft, and as Reiniger continued pounding him with nearly the full length of his red erection, each thrust drew another high pitched grunt or whine from the rabbit.

Sho wasn't sure how the dog was able to keep his balance and stay upright. Now that he was driving himself into the other rabbit all the way to his knot, his forepaws were tucked down close to his hind feet so that he could keep a good grip around Xumaada's upper body. Evidently Reiniger didn't have much faith in his balance, either, because after a few more solid thrusts, he let go of Xu's shoulders, letting the rabbit's upper body slump toward the floor, though not far; the dog's erection was pulled down a little, but kept the rabbit's upper body at least partway lifted off the ground. Gasping, Xumaada tried to walk with his hands when the dog started padding over toward the mattress, but the rabbit's feet dragged behind him, his spread legs unable to cooperate.

With his hind paws still on the cold floor, Reiniger planted a foreleg against Xu's upper back and shoved the rabbit's chest down against the mattress, none too gently. Xumaada grunted, his paws curling around the dog's forelegs like handlebars when those legs tucked to either side of his face, bracing in front of the rabbit's shoulders. Then Reiniger started humping again, every bit as vigorously as before, and Xu was once again crying out from the assault.

Sho reached up and grabbed his blue-clad ears in his paws, pulling them down at the sides of his face as if he could muffle the sounds of his brother's shouts and whimpers. He couldn't make himself look away, though. At the side of the mattress across the small room, Reiniger's backside was pointing directly at Sho, and he had the perfect view of the dog's pendulous ballsack. Sitting on the floor, Sho couldn't see where the dog was penetrating his brother past that swinging pouch, but he could hear the constant thumps, and he had a clear view of the sides of the other rabbit's gray and white rump, each cheek jiggling outward in a short wave from the knot smacking between them.

With his brother's upper body against the mattress, Sho also had a clear view of Xumaada's belly, and he gulped at the sight of the dog's shaft billowing out the otherwise trim abdomen, that bulge swelling forward nearly to the other rabbit's ribcage over and over and over again. Sho's paw pressed against his own belly with a shudder. How could his brother survive such a deep pummeling? How could...?

Sho blinked. How could Xumaada be turned on by such a brutal breeding? With the dog's balls swinging in his view, Sho couldn't see much of Xu's sheath, but every once in a while Reiniger pulled back far enough that Sho caught a glimpse of the other rabbit's pink rod bouncing and jostling beneath him, each glimpse showing more of that shaft free from Xu's sheath. Now that he was paying attention, Sho's ears perked, too. There was a difference in the other rabbit's grunts and groans, now. They were every bit as desperate, as urgent, even as pleading, but Sho didn't think Xumaada was pleading for the same thing as when the guard dog had begun.

It wasn't long before Xu came. There was no warning, no change in Reiniger's pace before or after, but Sho could see several short spurts of rabbit semen jet down onto the mattress, flinging in thin strings forward and back. Afterward, Xumaada let out a loud, unsteady groan, but the canine mounting him never slowed. Reiniger didn't even seem to notice. He just kept humping away, his knot bouncing firmly against Xu's stretched ass.

Sho was rubbing himself through his costume, the dark wet spot in the pale blue fabric fed by a steady supply of fresh pre at his shaft's tip. He couldn't stop himself. He was breathing heavily enough that he might as well have been the one having sex.

Minutes ticked by, punctuated by the steady percussion of feral, canine hips thudding against plush rabbit butt. Every now and again Reiniger would pause and hike a hind leg high enough to plant his foot on the edge of the mattress, or grind his knot forward against Xu's unyielding sphincter, but he was always back to steady humping a moment later, never seeming to tire.

" much...longer...?" Xumaada eventually grunted out. His butt had to be sore by now, not just under his tail, but the cheeks themselves, from the prolonged spanking Reiniger was giving them.

"Depends," the dog growled distractedly. "Not sure how much Greg checks the feed. Half an hour, maybe. No more than two, I think."

"No more...than two...hours?" Xu repeated, starting to squirm about.

Reiniger let out a loud huff, almost a bark, seeming to approve of that extra stimulation. "Don't worry. I have good stamina. Easy to keep going that long."

Xumaada didn't say anything else, only able to let out a long whine interrupted by short pauses as his body was jostled. He tried to push himself up between the dog's forelegs, but he only made it partway up before Reiniger began lowering his chest in the other direction, pushing against Xu's back until the rabbit's upper body was against the mattress again, pinned underneath the dog.

Reiniger awkwardly lowered his haunches, as well, hind legs half-sitting until he was lying entirely on top of the skewered rabbit. Sho couldn't see any part of his brother aside from the white and gray legs sticking straight out behind the canine. He could still hear Xu's grunts and moans, though, muffled under at least five times the rabbit's weight of horny dog.

Sho knew he should be putting a stop to this. He should be thinking of some other way to escape, shouldn't have let things get so out of hand in the first place. He couldn't make himself move, though, slowly edging his way back toward yet another orgasm with his paw keeping his clothed erection tucked against his wet, musky belly. His other hand had found its way to his hip, and his shivered when he realized that he was shifting it every few seconds further inward across his plush buttock, gradually homing in on the blue-clad expanse underneath his tail.

Shuddering, Sho pulled both arms in front of himself and tucked his wrists between his thighs, careful not to let them touch the bulge of his arousal. It was the smell, he decided. The scent of two males having sex. It was muddling his thoughts, making him crave things he would never even consider otherwise. The rabbit's nose was twitching like crazy, trying to find his brother's scent under the oppressive layer of horny feral dog, but it was a lost cause. Sho could barely smell _himself_next to Reiniger's musky aroma.

More minutes ticked by, and each one was torture for Sho. He could only imagine what Xumaada was going through, and every time he did, Sho's trapped phallus would leak another bead of warm pre into his fur. That, he could smell, and it made his ears tuck back in humiliation every time he noticed it. But he couldn't fight back his own arousal. It was a natural response to the visual and olfactory stimulus, purely biological, and spoke nothing about Sho's nature or intent. That's what he tried to tell himself, over and over again. He tried to make it sound clinical and sterile in his head, but that, too, did nothing to soften his cock.

His twin brother was getting pounded up the ass by a huge dog. And Sho was getting off to it.

He closed his eyes, but his ears just swiveled forward of their own volition to take in the lewd symphony of thumps and growls and whimpers and grunts in front of him. More time passed, the seconds ticking off at an unbearable crawl. The rabbit had to open his eyes when he heard Reiniger shifting positions again.

It wasn't a huge change. The big canine just got back to all fours again, pulling Xumaada's hips upward and humping away as fast as ever. Xu let out a shuddering gasp when all that weight lifted off his back, but kept his upper body lowered, elbows braced at his sides with his chest against the mattress and his back arching dramatically.

The rabbit was forced to push himself up on his hands when Reiniger kept moving, though, pivoting them around so that the dungeon's camera was viewing them from the other side. That, unfortunately, angled Xumaada toward Sho, and for a brief moment, the two rabbits locked gazes. Sho froze. He couldn't bring himself to give his brother a thumbs up, or any other encouragement. Xumaada wanted help to normalize everything in his own mind, but they were long past that, now. Xu was getting hammered by a German shepherd's knot while another bunny--quite likely crazy, by everything Xumaada probably thought--watched and drooled pre into his super hero costume. Normal? That day had flown off the charts of bizarre.

Stranger still, though, while Xumaada stared into the other rabbit's eyes, his haggard expression grew more determined, and of all things, he actually looked like he began pushing back against the pounding Reiniger was giving him. It was Xu who broke eye contact, as well, looking up instead toward the canine chest huffing above his head. His ears were pinned back against his shoulder blades submissively, and it looked like there were tears pooling in the corners of his eyes, but what he breathlessly said was, "Is that all you've got?"

Reiniger barked a short laugh, then tucked his forelegs back around Xumaada's waist and began ravaging the rabbit's ass so hard, a few thrusts later he actually slipped out with a messy splurp. Xu cried out as the dog continued humping anyway, stabbing the rabbit in the taint twice before the canine's shaft slipped up alongside Xumaada's short tail, dragging back and forth through the rabbit's soft butt fluff. With a savage sounding growl, the dog slowed his thrusts, then stopped entirely, showing more restraint than any fully feral canine could as he repositioned himself. As soon as he felt Xumaada's heated entrance against his tip, though, he rammed himself home and was right back at it, making the rabbit shout out once more, then devolve into overwhelmed whimpers.

Sho had to look at something else. He had to force himself to find a distraction, before the tension in his lower belly made him cream his suit all over again. Wrenching his eyes away from the spectacle of his twin brother's mounting, he scanned across the nearly empty room, almost delirious, until his eyes settled on the table the camera was sitting on nearby. The camera, and the rabbit skull beside it.

That, finally, managed to dampen Sho's arousal. It didn't make his rampant erection soften at all, but it kept him from going over the edge. Taking a deep breath, he felt his mask conform to his glare, turning the rest of his body toward the table and deliberately driving home to himself exactly where they were and what the stakes were. Muzzle dipping low, he stared at the camera's lens from underneath his eyebrows, fists curling at his sides. Greg was on the other side of that camera. The human might not have been watching right at that moment, but this was far from the first video the man had filmed, far from the first rabbit whose violation he had gotten off to. Violation, and worse. Never mind that Sho was getting off to it, too. That just made him angrier.

Time continued to pass. He heard Reiniger and his twin shift positions over and over beside him, and Sho's own cock refused to go down with the sounds and smells of sex filling the cellar, but he didn't take his eyes off the camera. The skull beside the camera stared back at him, stark and polished and somehow looking as angry as Sho felt.

He didn't know how long the savage humping beside him went on, but it came as a surprise when the door at the top of the room's stairs slid open with a quiet hiss. Greg was there, looking down at them for a few silent seconds, Reiniger's thrusts never missing a beat despite the gasp of the rabbit beneath him.

Greg shook his head, his shoes clopping noisily down the steps and then across the cement floor to the lonely table. He picked up the camera and unceremoniously kept it locked on the pair fucking next to the mattress, once again facing away from the table. "You just couldn't stop yourself, could you?" he muttered at the dog. "I swear, I should ask for my money back with you. Heightened intelligence my ass." He hunkered down lower, angling the camera to get an unimpeded penetration shot.

Slowly, Sho got to his feet, trying to look inconspicuous. Greg's free hand pointed straight at him, though, the human shooting a warning glare at the costumed rabbit without jostling the camera in the slightest. "You stay right where you are," he said threateningly, then glanced lower down Sho's belly and smirked. "You'll get more than your share soon enough."

Sho wanted to disappear and melt into the floor at the same time. Even more, though, he wanted to murder this vile human. Greg was still paying too much attention to Sho for the rabbit to get close. His eyes locked onto the black pistol holstered on the man's hip. He ached to dash forward and make a grab for it right that instant, but he knew he would only have one chance.

Reiniger didn't even seem to notice the human behind him, pounding as hard as ever at Xumaada's backside. Thin strands of runny precum splattered out from under Xu's tail each time the dog pulled back. At least Reiniger was keeping the rabbit lubed.

The dog hugged his forelegs around Xumaada's waist firmly enough to coax an unsteady whine from the bunny, squeezing hard. Abruptly, Reiniger drove himself in with a powerful lunge, then paused there long enough for Xu's eyes to widen. The rabbit started to push himself up on his forearms, looking back over his shoulder, but one of the canine's paws lifted to stomp down on top of Xu's head. They'd moved away from the mattress. The rabbit hit the concrete floor hard, but he was only dazed, not knocked unconscious.

Replacing his foreleg in front of Xumaada's hip, Reiniger pulled back and slammed in again, and Sho could just see the back of the dog's knot behind the curve of the other rabbit's butt. The German shepherd was making all the motions of trying to tie the much smaller bunny.

Sho's ears perked at that realization, but it was working. Greg knew what those determined thrusts and grinding pushes meant. The human was moving closer, crouching down beside the breeding pair and aiming his camera in front of the dog's quivering hind leg. He almost got splattered by pre when Reiniger yanked himself back and slammed forward again. Another pause, with the dog panting and squeezing at Xumaada's sides viciously. The rabbit looked back again, squirming urgently, but when he lifted his face an inch off the ground, Reiniger stomped down on his head again, grinding his paw against Xu's cheek pointedly before snugging his legs around the rabbit's waist once more with an agitated huff.

"N... No..." Xumaada whimpered. He closed his eyes, his toes splaying out against the concrete as the shaft inside him kept his tender ass lifted high. Sho couldn't tell if his brother was putting on a show with those whimpers, or if Xu really was that broken down and frightened. "Please... Please don't actually..."

Reiniger dragged his throbbing red cock back a couple inches, his hind paws repositioning themselves with a quiet click of claws on concrete while his forelegs locked down. He barreled forward again, and Xumaada bared his teeth in a strained grimace.

All the while, Sho was inching his way toward Greg's back, one silent step at a time, his attention darting back and forth between his brother and the human's gun. He was so close. Just another step, and he could end this. He could...

Stepping so close to Greg's side, Sho once again had an unimpeded view of what was happening underneath Reiniger's belly. As big around as Xumaada's thigh, the dog's knot was surrounded by a sea of white fluff, eclipsing what little might have been visible of the bunny's sphincter. Reiniger wasn't pulling back this time. The deep red knot throbbed, and that alone was enough to send a tiny ripple outward through Xumaada's ass cheeks.

The German shepherd's head dove down, jaws closing hard around Xumaada's shoulder, and the rabbit cried out in shock. Xu's ass clenched from the sudden pain of sharp teeth piercing his trimmed pelt, but it wasn't able to push Reiniger's knot back at all, not as hard as the dog was shoving himself forward. For a few seconds, everything in the dungeon seemed to freeze in place, until, with a loud plorp, the guard dog completed his tie, his knot vanishing between Xu's soft, abused cheeks as Reiniger hilted himself completely.

"God damn," Greg muttered.

Then Sho discovered that he could perform martial arts while cumming.

The sight of his brother getting bitten and knotted had his own erection spurting like mad through his suit, and his legs tried to fold underneath him, but he didn't waste that chance. His paws wrapped around the pistol grip at Greg's hip, but he'd underestimated the man, and found himself trying to wrestle the weapon out of Greg's hand as the human stood sharply upright and spun toward Sho. The costumed rabbit leapt off the ground, planting his feet on the man's thigh and pushing against him, trying to use that leverage to prize the gun free. His feet slipped, though, and he was yanked up into the air when Greg lifted his arm high, shaking it to try to fling the clinging bunny away.

Sho held on for dear life, hoping the gun wouldn't just go off and shoot him or his brother by accident. Neither he nor Greg had a proper hold on the grip, neither able to reach the trigger. Still cumming in his suit, Sho aimed a kick toward Greg's face, but barely managed to clip the human's cheek before Greg swore and swung his arm back down again, trying to slam Sho into the floor.

The rabbit used the reversed momentum to upend himself, flipping upside down during the descent and wrapping his legs around the human's upper arm in a firm grapple as Greg went back to flailing around.

It was almost all Sho could do to cling onto that arm, smearing his semen into the human's shirt sleeve, but he managed to free one foot long enough to kick Greg in the face again, properly this time. A rabbit's kicks were nothing to ignore, and it sent the man stumbling backward, so Sho kicked him again.

"Dammit!" Greg stumbled toward the table and its accusing skull. "Reiniger! If this rabbit bitch doesn't get back in his corner right now, you're to kill the other one."

For an instant, Sho's ears bolted straight up, and he shot a worried look toward the dog and his brother. Reiniger's head was blocking Sho's view of the other rabbit's face. The dog's teeth were digging into Xumaada's shoulder while the animal rutted his haunches through his climax, jerking that huge knot around inside Xu's body. It was jostling the rabbit's legs like crazy, but aside from that, Xu didn't move. Sho couldn't tell if his brother was even still awake.

His hesitation was enough for Greg to set the camera down on the table, and Sho suddenly found one of his legs grabbed by the man's newly freed hand. The rabbit was yanked away from Gregory's upper arm, but his other leg was free, and this time he felt the human's nose crunch under his next kick.

"Fuck!" Greg threw Sho across the cellar, but let go of the gun from the pain of a broken nose. Unfortunately, Sho hit the wall hard enough to lose his grip, as well, and the gun was sent spinning into the far corner. Gasping, Sho rolled onto his hands and knees, looking around himself with swimming vision to try to find where the weapon had ended up.

Greg recovered more quickly than the rabbit, and with blood streaming down his lips and chin, he snatched Sho off the floor and closed both hands around the bunny's frail neck. Sho's costume bunched up around the man's fingers as he began choking him, holding Sho out at arm's length to keep the rabbit's feet from kicking him in the face again.

Muzzle gaping for air and already seeing stars, Sho grasped the man's wrists and twisted his lower body upward. He might not be able to reach the man's face, but he landed a hard kick to the back of Greg's elbow. It clearly hurt the human, but Greg didn't quite have his elbows locked, so it didn't do any real damage, and the next kick came a little weaker. Greg's thumbs were digging into Sho's wind pipe, the man's expression grim and grisly with his bloody nose, but calm. Greg was in control. Sho's third kick didn't even make contact.

Gregory abruptly let Sho go with one hand, shouting out in pain, and a snarl came from lower down. Reiniger had crossed half the room with Xumaada still tied, dragging the poor rabbit along with him, and now had his jaws closed fiercely around his former master's leg. Greg still had Sho's neck in one hand, but his grip had loosened, and Sho could breathe again, if barely. With his kicks doing little good, Sho instead grasped the man's pinky in both of his paws. Trying to pry himself free of the whole hand would be useless; Sho wasn't that strong. So instead the bunny pried that single little finger back, and didn't stop until it was bending the wrong way. The tension left the pinky when Sho gave it one final, snapping jerk, and as Greg screamed, the rabbit suddenly fell to the floor, free.

The slaver had his good hand in his trousers' pocket, though, and Sho's ears laid flat when he heard the zap from Reiniger's collar. The dog yelped at the same time as Xumaada cried out, but Sho couldn't wait any longer. Greg was coming for him.

The man lurched toward Sho with a limp now, but wasn't slowed down that much. It would have to be enough. Sho sprang toward the gun in the corner it had flung into and flicked the safety off while lifting it in both hands. His fingers both closed over the trigger, and though it took all his strength to squeeze it back, he succeeded in shooting a round into the mattress across the room.

It was lucky timing. Greg's hand was darting for Sho's ears, but the gun blast knocked Sho backward as if he'd been holding a cannon, and the human's grab missed. The pistol's kick almost wrenched it right out of Sho's paws, but he kept ahold of it somehow, and when he brought it up again, he was pointing it at Gregory's bleeding face.

"Now listen, you little shit--"

Before that moment, Sho had never fired a gun in his life. He was doubtless a terrible aim. But Greg was standing two feet in front of him. So he didn't have too much trouble shooting out the man's kneecap.

Like the first shot, the bang was louder than Greg's shriek, but just barely.

Sho hopped back as the human went down, the gun's recoil once more nearly knocking him off his feet. He thought he would have permanent hearing damage, but it was worth it. Greg huddled on the floor, cradling his ruined leg, bleeding from his face and his shattered knee and howling.

"Stupid bunny!" Reiniger snarled at him. "We need his fingerprints. Can't unlock door without."

Sho just kept the pistol leveled at Greg's face while the human continued to wail. Fortunately, he didn't need to say anything. Despite the trauma of getting so brutally bred, Xumaada spoke up in a hoarse voice. "He's still alive. He can still let us out."

"Greg can't even climb steps!" Reiniger barked. "Not now. Now we're stuck. Watch Greg bleed to death, then I eat stupid rabbits, then I starve."

Sho slowly began strafing around the fallen slave merchant. He'd seen the button for the dog's shock collar get flung across the stark room, landing not too far from the small table. He never stopped aiming at Greg, but he probably didn't need to at this point. The man was still sobbing, immobile.

"He'll make the climb," Xumaada assured the German shepherd. He had to take a shallow breath between almost every other word, but he was talking steadily enough that Sho was pretty sure he wasn't hurt, despite getting fucked senseless and being tied by a baseball-sized knot. "Unless he wants to lose his other kneecap. How many rounds are still in that gun? I bet Superbunny there can take out both arms, too, and have bullets to spare."

Sho was grateful Xu was doing all the talking, up until his twin called him Superbunny. Gods, he hoped that didn't catch on. Lugging the gun along with one paw, he crouched down to pluck up Reiniger's shock button in case he wound up needing it, then stepped next to the table and tucked Greg's camera under his arm, as well. It was all he could do not to drop it all, but he was ready to dump everything but the gun if Greg looked at him crosswise.

"Did you hear me, human?" Xumaada repeated, the strain in his voice still making him wheeze. "Get up there and let us out, or my friend's gonna shoot your elbow out next. Then your dick. You don't need that to punch in a key code."

Greg just sprawled there weeping until Sho took a threatening step toward him and leveled the gun at his other leg. Damn, the thing was heavy. He'd need both hands to shoot it again, but Greg didn't know that.

"Fuck." The human scooted away from the gun-toting rabbit, proving that he could at least move across the floor. "You have no idea what a big mistake you've made. God dammit..."

Screw it. Sho dropped the camera with a loud clatter, aiming the gun at the man's arm with both paws. That made him change his tone quickly enough.

"All right! Jesus! Just... Grah, fuck, that hurts..." Greg began the painful journey across the cellar and up the stairs, the others following right behind him. The man left a red trail behind his injured leg, and Sho was careful not to step in that. It would stain the soles of his costume's feet.

Xumaada had righted himself underneath Reiniger's chest, padding haltingly along with the dog and wincing with every stunted step. The shape of the canine's knotted shaft was visible in the bunny's abdomen, each throb a noticeable jolt. The dog was still cumming inside the exhausted rabbit.

Sho scooped the camera and shock button back up before following the others, staying close enough to make it clear he still had an easy aim. Gregory had a great deal of trouble with the stairs, stopping several times to argue with the rabbits. Or with Xumaada, rather, since Sho wasn't talking, and Reiniger was too busy panting happily to speak up. But slowly, torturously, the man made his way to the top of the stairwell and climbed his hands up the wall while standing up on his good leg, tears streaming down his bloodied face as his shaking hand tapped out the release code on the touch pad.

Now that was a satisfying sight.

The door slid open with a quiet whoosh, and Sho was quick to dart past Gregory's legs so that the man couldn't hurry out and close the door on them from the other side. Once Xumaada and Reiniger were in the upper cellar with him, Sho got Greg's attention with a wave of the gun, then gestured with the pistol back down the steps. The human looked like he was going to stand his ground, but after a long look at Sho's eyes, he gritted his teeth and moved to the first step.

"That's a live feed, you know," Greg told them while Sho set the camera down and stretched his arm up to hit a red icon on the outer touch screen. It didn't look like it need a code to shut the door. "You're done, all three of you. They'll find--" The door hissed shut and cut him off.

Taking two steps back, Sho lifted the gun, braced himself with ears flattened against his back, and shot the touch pad.

The bar above had been bustling noisily as soon as they left the dungeon, the lower cellar evidently not so soundproof that gunshots could go unnoticed, but that third shot was followed by a scream upstairs, and heavy shoes started clomping around above their heads like mad. Meanwhile, Reiniger was snarling at Sho after a pained yelp from the bang, and Xumaada had one paw over his ear. "Ow," he said blandly, shaking his head. "A little warning next time?"

Sho just plucked the camera back up and started up the next stairwell, but Xumaada let out a curt, "Shit," when Reiniger started following the costumed rabbit. "I left my clothes down there."

They had bigger things to worry about. Who knew how many of Greg's goons worked at the bar? They had to get out of there, and quickly.

He was halfway up the stairs to the kitchen when a silhouette filled it, and Sho immediately lifted the pistol toward the figure, but this newcomer backpedaled as soon as he saw the weapon. "Woah, what the hell?" Sho blinked, pausing with his feet on two different steps. That voice sounded familiar. The figure wasn't as tall as a human, and had big, triangular ears on top of his head. A fox wouldn't be working for someone like Greg, would they?

It didn't matter. The fox had backed off, so Sho rushed the rest of the way up the steps, hurrying into the kitchen and making room for his twin and Reiniger.

That's where he stopped, though. He had recognized the fox's voice. That was Thomas, a friend and upper classman from Sho's high school. Sho hadn't seen much of the fox since Thom had graduated, two years ahead of the rabbit brothers. What the hell was Thom doing at that bar?

"Xu...?" Thomas asked, squinting at Sho, clearly bewildered by the rabbit's costume. Then Reiniger plodded up into the kitchen with a cringing Xumaada getting pushed forward underneath him, and Thomas's jaw dropped. "Holy shit! Xu! What happened?"

"Long story," Xumaada groaned, the insides of his ears turning pink. "I'd hoped you wouldn't see me like this..."

"Are you... Are you all right?" The fox moved hesitantly closer to the feral dog, who all but ignored him. "Did this other rabbit force you to...?"

Xumaada was already shaking his head. "This other rabbit saved all three of us. Like I said, long story. Can we go over it back at HQ?"

The fox looked over toward Sho quizzically, and Sho hastily spun around to face the other way. That put his broad, blue-clad rump on display with its bright lightning bolts highlighting its curves, but he only then remembered that he had a huge cum stain soaking the front of his costume, still dribbling down his inner thighs. Thomas had never seen him wearing anything more risqué than a pair of shorts, though. Sho very carefully kept his tail from fluttering nervously like it wanted to, holding it still in a neutral position. Not lowered, not lifted.

"How did you know I was here?" Xumaada asked the fox.

"We saw some of the frat boys carry something into their garage, and when they drove off, we thought you might be with them, so I tailed them while the others kept an eye on their place. Good thing, too, huh? Though... I guess you found your way out without me."

"Sort of," Xumaada groaned again, letting out a tense whimper when Reiniger began moving again.

"Enough talking," the dog said, making Thomas jump in surprise. "This is kitchen. Must be food somewhere."

Quivering with embarrassment, Sho set the camera and shock button down on a counter for Thomas to pick up later and made his way to the door to the pub's back alley. They were free. It was over. There was no reason for Sho to stick around any longer.

He hesitated after pushing the door open, though, when his brother called out unsteadily, "Hold up." Sho waited where he stood, but he didn't turn around. He was sure Thomas's sensitive nose could smell the rabbit musk all over him, but he didn't need to show the stains off any more than he already had.

"1325 Ackerman Street," Xumaada said, and Sho could hear Thomas let out a surprised gasp. "I don't know who you are, but it seems like you want to do some good. If you do, show up there tomorrow around five o'clock."

Sho waited another few seconds, trying to process everything, to figure out where all the pieces in this puzzle fit. That was the address Xu had given him before, The Eye's headquarters. That meant Thomas was a member, too?

He didn't so much as nod, leaving the bar and picking up the pace to take the alleys and avoid notice on his way back to his house. He'd do as Xumaada suggested and visit The Eye tomorrow, but he had to take care of a few things first.

At the top of the list was washing his blue suit.