Storm Cat (Extended Teaser)

Story by A_Rhiannon on SoFurry

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#4 of Original Erotica

The old world has ended, technology no longer works, and everything is falling apart. Yet in the midst of this chaos a new world is beginning, a world full of strange and magical beings, including vampires, and were-creatures.

Thomas is learning to deal with life as a vampire, though he isn't entire happy about it. But when the first full moon after the apocalypse arrives, it turns out that Thomas isn't the only one whose nature has been profoundly changed...

This time I've included the first sex scene in the teaser for you lucky readers. Though if you want the post were-cat change scene, you'll have to buy the book. Also, of course, check out my other stories for completely free erotica. I have only a fraction of my current work up on the site, so I'm uploading more every day.Storm Cat on AmazonStorm Cat on Smashwords

"But of course that's another story entirely." Thomas lay between his two massive werewolf lovers, sandwiched between two furry, humanoid forms. He was drowsily relaxed, and Ian, the younger wolf, was nearly asleep. Justin, though, had his eyes open and his ears curiously cocked towards the vampire who lay between him and his partner.

"Tell me this other story," he said. "I'm quite curious to hear about your first encounter with one of us were-folk."

"It was... Uhm... Well, I suppose not entirely different from my encounter with you. Though I'd first made love to Brad as a human, thinking he was entirely normal--entirely human--before finding out otherwise."

Justin chuckled. "Telling me that your first encounter with the weres was a sexual one doesn't make me less interested in the story, you know. Rather the opposite."

"Hah. I suppose that's not surprising. Well, as I'd said, I had no idea that Brad was anything but an ordinary human being, and he didn't know either, though he was dealing better than I with the revelation that I was a vampire, I think. We'd been at his parents' bunker about three weeks at that point..."


Thomas sat high up in a ponderosa pine and squinted into the far-too-bright daylight. He was completely muffled from head to toe, including a scarf wrapped around his face, as well as a broad-brimmed hat. Dark glasses covered his eyes, but he squinted all the same. His head ached vaguely, and he found himself eagerly watching a distant cloud bank on the horizon as it began to creep closer. When it got here, the clouds would cover the sun and provide at least some relief.

The wind bore a hint of the scent of rain; the cloud bank was one of those hot summer thunderstorms that came rolling over the desert hills. Thomas could just make out a distant grumble of thunder as it slowly crept nearer.

Closer at hand, the road he was watching snaked out in and among the sage and juniper covered hills, lying hot and dusty beneath the baking sun. He resettled the rifle slung over his shoulder slightly, and shifted in his perch, keeping his uncomfortable vigil.

It had been almost a month since the strange, earthquake-like event that had made Thomas a vampire and stopped everything that used electricity. He and Brad had been living in his parents' bunker since then. Brad's mother and teenage brother were there as well. His father was a long-haul trucker and had very likely been more than a thousand miles away when disaster arrived, so it was uncertain if he would turn up or not.

They still didn't know much about the event, or how far the effects had spread. It had enveloped the entirety of Cedar City, Utah, where Brad and Thomas had been roommates at the local university, and by now it was obvious that other nearby towns and cities had been caught in it as well.

Movement on the road drew Thomas' eye, and he saw the distant figure of a person on a mountain bike approaching. It was almost certainly Brad, back from a scouting trip down to the city to see what information he could gather. Thomas stayed on the alert, though, until the distant biker grew close enough for Thomas to make out his face. It was indeed Brad. Thomas swung down from his branch and climbed the series of spikes driven into the tree trunk to make it possible to get to the lower branches, since they began a good twenty feet in the air.

He trotted to meet Brad, who climbed off of his bike and resettled the rifle slung over his shoulder. Fortunately guns didn't use electricity, and gunpowder was unaffected by whatever it was that had ruined everything else technological. A few of the fancier scopes had broken quite thoroughly, and it seemed to go far beyond simply no longer working, they'd actually looked slightly melted. Everything else was functional, though, and the bunker had quite the arsenal. It had been stocked for the end of the world, though Brad's family had been thinking of a nuclear apocalypse and not...whatever this was when they stocked it.

"Any news?" Thomas called out.

Brad shook his head. He was covered in a light coating of dust from the road, streaked with sweat from his exertions. It was a hot day, and he wore only a t-shirt that stretched over his muscular chest. Thomas tried to not be too distracted by the sight. Brad was very attractive and quite athletic. Thomas himself was in decent shape, and, being what he was he was, quite strong too, but he was a little bit shorter and quite a lot skinnier than Brad. "Not much," Brad said. "The riders who were headed to Vegas did come back, the effect goes all that way. Since we haven't seen any sign whatsoever of planes or helicopters investigating or anything like that it seems pretty likely that it's world-wide. Or at least covers all of America. If it were localized, somebody would be flying over by now."

Thomas nodded. "Yeah. I'm not surprised, though. Whatever the hell this is, it's pretty profound." He ran his tongue over his teeth, feeling his fangs.

"Things in the city are getting pretty bad. Everyone's out of food, and there's been rioting and violence, but nobody's really sure who they're rioting against or what anybody can do about it. A lot of the sensible folks are realizing that you can't stay in an urban area without regular shipments from elsewhere. There were a lot of folks on the road when I left. No sign of anybody on my back trail," added Brad. "But I'll keep a lookout for an hour or so just in case."

"I can keep watch if you like. You've just cycled all that way."

"Nah, I know how miserable you are by daylight. Go inside, get out of the sun. I'll be fine." Brad reached out and gave Thomas' shoulder a squeeze.

"Thanks," said Thomas with a smile. He leaned in a bit and added, "If we can get a moment alone, I'll make it up to you later."

Brad laughed. "You don't have to, but I won't say no." He leaned in too and gave Thomas a swift kiss. They'd been lovers since the first night after the event, though Thomas knew he was only getting the kiss because Brad's mother and brother weren't there. His brother hadn't offered much of an opinion, but his mother was fairly vocal on not approving of "The Gays", and though Brad had come out to her, she'd never fully accepted him. She'd reacted better to finding Thomas was a vampire than to finding he and Brad were an item, and any show of affection in front of her was likely to set off a tantrum.

It didn't stop them from doing things, but they did try to keep the public displays to a minimum. In private, though... Thomas grinned to himself as he walked inside the bunker, and not just because he was getting out of the damnable sunlight.

The entryway was a bit of a tunnel, a corridor going back into the hill. The central room beyond was a concrete cube, softened by a couch and a few other bits of furniture at one end, with a kitchen area at the other. Brad's mother was in the kitchen, cooking something. Thomas ignored her, and she ignored him in turn. He didn't eat solid food anyway. A door led deeper in, to a short hall with storage rooms on one side and cramped little bunk rooms on the other. Brad and Thomas shared one, while his mother and brother each had their own.

Thomas flopped down on his bunk and yawned. He always felt tired when the sun was up, even when he was sheltered from it. It was so damn weird, being a vampire. It was also very inconvenient in a lot of ways. He knew it came with at least some benefits, since a previous encounter had demonstrated that vampires healed very fast. And he was physically stronger than he'd been. After dark everything was pretty great, for the most part.

But during the day everything was terrible, and his need for blood was a ridiculous nuisance. He'd taken from Brad that first night, but he couldn't do that all the time. He'd found that animal blood would do, and thankfully there was a bunch of hunting and trapping gear stowed in the bunker, which included some live traps, so he'd been living on rabbits thus far. It wasn't great, but it would do. He really wanted to get a horse, but horses were in massive demand right now, and he knew there was no way he'd manage to get his hands on one.

He lay there, dozing, as the rest of the day passed. When dusk came he found himself suddenly alert and awake, so he got up and went back outside. No sooner had he stepped out of the bunker than wind whipped around him, nearly pushing him over. The distant storm clouds were nearly overhead now, the last light of the dying sun painting crimson and gold across the roiling black mass of them. Brad was standing just in front of the bunker. He'd set his gun aside and was no longer on the lookout for attackers, he was simply staring up into the storm, his expression bright and excited. "Thomas! I love thunder, don't you? Listen to it! And see that!" A bolt of purple lightning arced from cloud to cloud. "The rain will be here soon, you can smell it." He took a deep breath. "It's wonderful."

Thomas laughed and inhaled. He could indeed smell rain and wet earth, mixed with the bright scent of ozone, on the wind. "You're awfully excited," he said, coming up next to Brad.

"I just love summer storms." Brad turned to him then and wrapped his arms around him, giving Thomas a hard kiss. In a lower voice, just audible over the wind and the thunder, he said, "They get me pretty worked up."

Thomas looked at him in surprise for a moment, then grinned and kissed back hotly. "I see. Want to go find a little privacy?"

"Not inside. It's not private enough. And anyway, I want to be out in all this."

"We'll get rained on," said Thomas, still smiling.

"Not if you can make me come fast enough," was Brad's grinning reply. "Come on."

Brad towed Thomas away from the bunker, into the juniper forest that surrounded it, to a spot out of sight of the bunker door but wide open to the chaos in the sky above. He stripped off his shirt and tossed it on the ground. Thomas smiled and started undressing as well, letting his clothing fall in a pile on the reddish dirt beneath them. Then Brad was kissing him again, even more passionately than before, their naked bodies pressing together as the wind whipped around them and another bolt of lightning shot across the sky above.

Thomas could feel that Brad was already hard, his erection grinding against Thomas. Thomas was rapidly getting there himself as Brad's tongue twisted with his. He ran his hands down Brad's back to cup his ass and pull Brad's hips hard against his. Brad moaned into the kiss, but then suddenly broke it off and next thing Thomas knew he was being shoved down onto the pile of clothes. Brad pinned him, pressing another heated kiss on him and grinding their hips together.

"Oh, god," moaned Thomas, when Brad broke off the kiss. He loved it when Thomas took charge like that, it sent an intense thrill through him. His cock was rock-hard and his pulse was racing. Thunder boomed almost directly overhead, sending Thomas' pulse pounding even faster. Then Brad reached down and groped Thomas, squeezing his cock, sliding his hand down to fondle his balls, and then moving further down to press his fingers against Thomas' anus.

Thomas gasped at that touch. Brad grinned, then spit on his fingers and put them back, rubbing the wetness over and within Thomas. His fingers worked inside for a moment, stretching and preparing Thomas, then dipping in deeper to rub just at the right spot, making Thomas moan and shudder as Brad stroked his prostate. Before long he withdrew, though, and lifted Thomas' legs to better expose him, Brad's cock lining up to prod at where his fingers had been only moments before.

Another brilliant flash of lightning crackled overhead, the storm so close now that the boom of thunder was almost instant. The rain would be coming soon. "Fuck yes," said Brad, and he started sinking into Thomas without any further hesitation, driving his cock in deep.

"Ah!" Thomas' body arched, his eyes rolling back as pleasure and pain shot through him. Brad's cock was sizable, and his spit was only barely enough lube to keep it from being unbearable as it stretched Thomas out. Brad didn't pause once he hilted either, he immediately pulled back and started thrusting in hard. Thomas gasped and shuddered beneath him, wrapping his arms tightly around Brad and gripping his shoulders. Brad bent over him, breathing hard, and nipped at his ear roughly as he pounded into Thomas. He was seeking his pleasure with single-minded ferocity, and Thomas was happy to help him find it. He clenched hard on Brad's cock, moaning as Brad continued to take him hard. It was utterly wonderful, and his own cock, caught between their bodies, was rock hard and aching.

Thomas locked his legs around Brad, clinging to him, his nails digging into the taller man's shoulders as he shuddered intensely beneath him.

"God... Getting close..."

"Yes, please," moaned Thomas, wanting to feel Brad come in him. He clenched down harder on Brad's cock, and was finally rewarded when Brad let out a grunting cry and came hard. Lightning flashed again, and thunder boomed loudly overhead as Brad's seed pumped out into Thomas, filling him, thrilling him, making him shiver with the feel of it within him. He was on the edge, intensely wound up, and when Brad finally stopped thrusting, spent, he leaned back, still within Thomas, and reached down to stroke Thomas' cock. Pre beaded at the tip, dribbling down over it, and their sweet sheened it as well, making it more than slippery enough as Brad stroked it firmly.

It took only seconds for Thomas to come too, hot seed shooting out over his belly and chest. Brad stroked him through in, grinning down at him as he did. Even as the last drops dribbled from Thomas' cock rain began to fall, big, hot droplets coming down sparsely at first.

"Better get cleaned up fast," laughed Brad, withdrawing from Thomas and getting up.

"Easy for you to say," said Thomas, looking down at the mess all over him with a smile, but he got it wiped up with his boxers and dressed again, going commando and stuffing the thoroughly-soiled undergarment in a pocket. Then they ran for the bunker, the rain growing thicker around them all the time. It was bucketing down by the time they reached it, so they were fairly damp, but the rain was warm, not cold, and neither really minded.

Thomas would have gone down the tunnel and through the door at the far end, but Brad halted just inside and stood, staring out at the storm. Thomas turned and stood beside him, watching as the now-black night was lit up by strings of intense lightning, thunder crashing and booming, while rain poured down.

"It lets you know you're alive. The way sex does," said Brad as he stared into the raging night.

Thomas sighed softly as he stood behind Brad and looked as well. The storm was thrilling, but how could anything let him know he was alive? He wasn't, not anymore. He'd been excited all through the sex they'd had, but his pulse hadn't raced for he had none anymore. Everything had changed, and he was still getting used to those changes. Some things were good. Other things he wasn't so certain about.

But he didn't voice any of that. Brad wasn't dealing with any such changes. He was dealing with the end of the world, and that was enough, so there was no point in putting the burden of Thomas' feelings on him.


The night was still, save for the call of some distant animal. Thomas didn't know enough to identify what it was, but it sounded mournful. That was probably just his own feelings coloring things, though. He sat on a rock on the hill above the bunker. The storm had passed, leaving little sign that it had been there, though the sky was still spotted with clouds. The newly-risen moon was full, but currently hiding behind one of them. Not that Thomas had any trouble seeing, his eyes were inhumanly sharp now. The desert air was so bone dry that the ground around him was barely damp, the thirsty earth and the dry air had sucked all the water up. It still smelled of rain and ozone, but if not for that he might not have known a storm had passed here only hours ago.

If only that other storm had left as little a trace. Thomas ran his tongue over his fangs again and sighed. It felt wrong to care so much about his vampirism, when the whatever-it-was that had caused it had ended lives and destroyed civilization. People all over the world were suffering. Uncountable numbers had died, and uncountable more would die. He had it good, here at the bunker, even if he did have to hunt his own food. Most people probably were finding it more difficult. But that didn't keep his change from being strange and unsettling.

He heard the scuff of feet from the bunker door, and then a noisier cascade of footfalls and crunching gravel as somebody climbed the hill towards his perch. "Hey there. Sitting up and brooding?" said Brad as he came to stand next to Thomas.

Thomas gave a shrug. "I guess. Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd come see what you were up to."

"Nothing, really."

"It's a nice night," said Brad, and sat down on the rock next to Thomas.


They sat in silence for a while as the clouds scudded by overhead. There was a faint breeze, but the night was warm, and peaceful, silent. Whatever creature had been calling out had gone to sleep, or found what it sought. The moon peeked out for a moment, letting silvery light spill over everything.

Brad made an odd sound, and Thomas looked over to see that he was doubled over, nearly falling from his seat, and suddenly panting hard.


"Something's... Wrong..." he gasped, then made a low noise of pain that slid up into a weird mewling sound. Thomas stared in shock, for Brad's body was changing, twisting, and stretching and shrinking, fur rippling into existence over him, his face elongating into a muzzle, hair vanishing, and suddenly it wasn't his partner Brad sitting next to him, but a huge mountain lion, tangled up in Brad's now ill-fitting clothing.

"Oh fuck," Thomas said, staring. Brad lay on the ground, looking stunned. He made another strange mewling noise, sounding distressed, and thrashed. His clothing had him too tangled to rise, and he seemed to be slipping into a panic.

Wary of both claws and fangs, but unable to just sit and do nothing, Thomas dropped to his knees next to Brad. "Shh, hold still, it'll be okay. Do you understand me?"

Brad froze, staring up at him. Thomas could hear him panting frantically, and see his body trembling, but he gave a small nod. A wave of relief went over Thomas. If Brad had become fully animal, managing him would be difficult if not impossible. If he still retained his sense of self, though, this would be much easier. "Keep still and I'll get you out of those clothes, okay?"

Brad nodded again, and his body went limp. Thomas had some trouble getting the shirt and pants off of him. The shoes had already come off at some point in the transformation, and the socks were easily pulled away. The boxers proved quite a struggle, and since they'd torn already he ended up just ripping them off. Finally he got Brad free of everything and set the clothing aside. "There. Can you stand?"

That got Thomas a very hesitant nod, and Brad rolled over and staggered up onto all four paws. He looked awkward in the extreme, and as he tried to walk, he seemed unable to easily coordinate all four limbs. His tail was lashing, too, and then he suddenly looked behind himself in surprise and it stopped. Thomas smiled at that. No doubt it had been some kind of involuntary reaction. "Why don't we see if you getting you inside, out of the moonlight, fixes this? Pretty sure you're some kind of were-cougar. I guess if vampires can happen, then were-animals can happen too."

Brad nodded again, and started to make his slow, awkward way down the hill. Thomas stuck close by his side, and eventually they both reached the entrance to the bunker.

Safe within the shadows inside, Brad halted, waiting to transform back, but nothing happened. He whimpered softly, deep in his throat, and his tail started lashing again.

"Damn. I guess just getting out of moonlight won't turn you back. I wonder what will? Sunlight? Moonlight once it's no longer full? Just time?"

Brad heaved a sigh and sat down, his shoulders slumping, head hanging down.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure something will turn you back. I mean, if this is the same deal as my vampirism, you have to be a mythical creature of some kind, right? All mythical shape-shifters can change back. We just have to find the right way, that's all."

Brad nodded, though he also let out another sigh.

"Come on. Right now I can't think of anything to try, sunlight seems like the best idea, so I think we should go back to our room and wait for morning? Unless you have a better idea...?"

Brad shook his head, then rose and padded back into the bunker, where snores were resonating from the room his mother was sleeping in. It was late, nearly midnight, so it wasn't surprising that everyone else was asleep.

In the room he and Thomas shared, Brad jumped up into the lower bunk he'd claimed and curled up there. Thomas sat down on the bunk beside him. He looked at Brad and shook his head. This was pretty surreal. Tentatively he reached out and brushed his fingers against Brad's side, feeling the fur there. It was very soft. He started stroking it softly, then halted. "Uhm, do you mind if I touch you?"

Brad made a little chirping sound, which sounded very peculiar coming from such a large creature, and shook his head.

Thomas smiled and dug is fingers into Brad's fur, rubbing and petting at it. "Mmm. You're so soft."