The Donor [Horror Herm TF/TG)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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Some guy doesn't clean his wallet. Disaster ensues.

First thing we succumb to, Shall erase and undo Days of unrelease, If there's no police, Then race to slip into whatever fits you, - Queens of the Stone Age, "Sick Sick Sick"

DISCLAIMER: This story contains weird hermaphrodite transformation, a relentlessly smart-alec college student, and takes artistic liberties with medical procedures. More_House MD_, less Scrubs. If that is a problem for you, if you demand accuracy in your weird, physically impossible smut, stop reading now.

When you had been on your feet for ten hours, even crappy lowest-bidder hospital coffee tasted like ambrosia.

Of course, Kelli couldn't drink it in the hospital. Too many people sitting around, trying to figure out how to put their lives back together. The smell of despair overwhelmed the arabica. Or fauxrabica.

So she walked outside, to one of the tents set up in the parking lot. It was still pretty low on hope out there, but at least it had more room to air out.

She found an empty cot, which was coincidentally right next to another cot, with a sleeping man. A man who looked like he kept in shape, like he worked out. Kelli smiled a little, over the rim of her cup.

Mr. Percy.

Would a kiss wake him up?

He shifted, and his shirt rode up a little.



Nice abs.

Almost without any conscious thought at all, her hand reached for his stomach. To pull the shirt down, ho -

"Where am I?"

She jumped. He looked at her with this intense look, like he had just heard the barista read back his order wrong. She stuck out her hand. "Hi. I'm Kelli. I'm a candy-striper. This is Anaheim General. There was an earthquake."

"I roof caving in."

"That's right. Your neighbor pulled you out of the wreckage, unconscious. Then an ambulance bought you here."

"Not exactly what I'd call five star service. Why aren't you wearing candy-stripes?

"Because I was out when the quake hit. Figured today's lectures were canceled, so I came someplace I could do something useful."

He nodded. "It's the smell."

"'Scuse me?"

"It's my smell. Why you were staring. Pheromones. It works on most women, and some men."

"Uh...huh." Oh, great. Hot and crazy.

He reached over to scratch his arm, noticed the bandage, and his eyes widened. "Blood transfusion?"

"Yeah. You're registered for involuntary emergency transfusions -"

"- And I'm O-Neg." He stared at her. Swallowed. And murmured "you know how it feels when you've been meaning to do something, and then you keep putting it off, and putting it off, and then everything goes wrong?"

Kelli's heart beat just a little faster. "What do you mean?"

"My wallet. I meant to clean it out. If I had found the the donor card, I'd've taken myself off the registry."


He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "My blood is tainted. About seven months ago. There was a settlement, but that doesn't change anything."

"With what? HPV? AIDS? Double AIDS?"

He smiled. Yay! Then he serious'd right back up. "Worse."

She nodded. "Super AIDS. Got it."

"You don't seem to be taking me seriously."

"Blood test would've caught it."

"They were dealing with an earthquake, and they needed an emergency transfusion. You think they had run it past the lab?"


He rolled off the cot, staggered. "Besides, it's too new. It wouldn't show up on standard tests."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Home. Wait, what time is it?"

She told him, and he went pale. "Can't make it home," then. And he walked off, toward the hospital.

"What are you - you can't just walk into the trauma bay and ask for a room!"

"That's right, I can't. Too many people." And he walked right through Trauma, headed for...what, exactly?

Kelli followed him, gave tight smiles to the staff she recognized, and tried to figure out how she'd take the nutjob down. Wouldn't be an easy job, not with those biceps.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your home collapsed."

"Yeah, I know. I was in it, remember?"


"The saferoom would've been fine, though."

He found a door, pushed it open. "Sorry, just looking for a..." The door clicked shut. "Closet would work, but those are locked."

"Fine for what?"

"No time to explain. It's almost astronomical twilight."

"I don't understand? W-what are you?" She plastered a shaky smile onto her face. "Some kind of werewolf?"

"A werewolf? No." He looked over his shoulder and gave her the kind of grin you'd expect see on a man looking up at the noose. "At least a werewolf would be consistent."

"Mr. Percy, you're scaring me!"

"Good." He yanked open a door, and stormed through. "That means you'll listen."

He laid on the gurney, and found the straps. Legs, thighs, then he paused. "I'll need your help with the chest and arms."

She didn't move.


"Oh. Right. Okay." She put her coffee on the table, and helped him strap himself down. "Shouldn't we have a safeword?"

He flashed her a smile, one which came and went so fast you'd probably need specialized instruments to detect it. "No matter what you hear in here, don't come in until the sun rises."

"You know I don't actually believe you, right?"

"Most people don't. Until it's too late."

She turned around and headed for the door. First priority; find a shrink-

"One last thing," he said, and she paused in the doorway. "I want you to lock the door from the outside."

"O-okay. But couldn't you just open it from the inside?"

"Not when I've cha-"

His legs started twitching.

"Are...are you doing that?"

He shook his head. "No. My legs are fusing."

"Your legs are what now?"

"Ever seen pictures of someone turning into a fish or mermaid or snake or something?"


"Right. Imagine someone's zipping up my legs, from my crotch down."

Something pushed his pants south. From the inside. It wasn't like his pants were coming off, exactly, it was just like the crotch was lowering. She could see more of his abs, but she didn't really want to, now. There was some sort of brownish hard-thing on top, and...were those little legs coming out of his hips?

Her stomach roiled. She looked at Percy's face. He just looked...resigned. Not scared, not frustrated, just "get it over with."

There was something wrong with his arm. It was...turning red? And his fingers were doing something, merging together. His thumb was growing-

"Kelli!" he snapped.

Huh? She looked up.


She went.

Once, when he was little, Percy fell into a a deep lake. He distinctly remembered flailing desperately, trying to keep his head above water, and the sick feeling at the back of his mind that told him he wouldn't be able to keep it up forever, that he was going to go under.

And it would've been right, Uncle Karl hadn't walked down the dock for a Camel.

That was what the change felt like, every time. His mind going under, no matter how much he fought. It felt like a nightmare, except instead of being on stage naked, he was watching his body gradually become some kind of impossible rapebeast.

He shivered. As much as he could with the carapace spreading over his back. His le - his lower body was still flexible, and he could feel the little legs going. His actual legs were almost fused to


the toes, and


the water was up to his metaphorical shoulders.

And at some point, he knew, he would just give up.

After Kelli locked the door, she sank to the ground, and tried to make sense of what she'd seen. And what she was now hearing. The noises coming from the other side of that door were not...human. Unless you counted the grunts of pain.

The patient.

Where was the patient?

As it happened, chatting with Doctor Shah.

"I mean, isn't it a bit stereotypical?" she said. "An Indian doctor?"

The doc chuckled in that way that would've made Kelli tingle right down to her toes, under normal circumstances, and did make the patient bite her lip. "Well, my family came over a while back. I actually grew up in Union City." He looked around, at Kelli hovering in the doorway. "Is there a problem?"

"Doctor...can I speak to you in the hall for a second?"

"Wow, she actually called me Doctor. It must be serious. I'll be right back."

As soon as Shah was clear of the doorway, Kelli said "I spoke to the donor. He said his blood was tainted."

"The same blood we just gave Mrs. Dunbar?"

Kelli nodded.

"Why didn't it -"

"He said it's too new to be a part of standard test."

Shah ran a hand through his curls. "Did he give you a name for it? What are the symptoms?"

"He's turning into a crab-centipede hybrid."

Shah blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Doctor?" said Mrs. Dunbar.

Shah looked into the room, and stiffened. Kelli stepped around him-

The patient's left hand was now a hoof. Brown fur spread toward her shoulder.

"I don't...I feel funny," she said.

And there was Percy's erection. And the new plumbing underneath. That never felt any better. It was like someone scooped a hole


in him.

The strap around his right pincer snapped. Its arm was free.

Shah made eye contact with Kelli, visibly screwed his courage to the sticking place, and stepped into the room.

"Mrs. Dunbar?" He held his arms out, like a man approaching a strange dog that might not be friendly. "Mrs. Dunbar, I know this may seem strange, but you need to lie down again, okay? We need to take a look at you."

Dunbar's eyes were unfocused. "Yeah, I...Yeah." She swung her legs off the bed. Her bare feet landed on the tile. They were black and slick, and splayed and long. Like a lizard, or a frog. There were strange, circular patterns on the feet and calves-

"Doc, I got a headache."

Dunbar's face contorted, like she was holding back a sneeze. Something pushed at the skin on her forehead, from the inside, and the antler punched through a second later.

Shah froze. "Mrs. Dunbar, how do you feel?"

"Funny. But, y'know, good funny. Kinda giddy..."

Shah was looking at Mrs. Dunbar's face. Kelli was looking at the patent's crotch. So she noticed when the front of the gown twitched. She reached out and yanked on the back of Shah's scrubs, so Dunbar's lunge fell short.


The crabtipede was confused. It smelt male, but could not find it. It smelt female, but could not find it. But it could tell they were nearby. And more besides.

It turned in its own length. One might've expected the heavy crab upper body to overbalance, but it had no problem holding itself up. The same strange instincts which kept it upright led it to the door, which it could not open.

It reared up, and slammed its heavy upper body against the door.

Needless to say, the door wasn't exactly designed for that kind of punishment, but it held.

For a time.

Dunbar's antlers caught Shah's scrubs, and they both crashed to the ground. Shah hit Kelli on the way down, and knocked her back, toward the doorframe.

Dunbar couldn't get a good grip, since both hands were hooves. The pelt spread down her shoulders and arms, and most of her back, terminating in a cute little curly tail. The gown was in disarray, and as Dunbar somehow managed to get its crotch above Shah's face, Kelli could see the rest of its body was either black with purple spots, or getting there. Including the deer-frog's nipples.

Well, except for one crucial part.

Kelli had never seen a deer's dick before, or a frog's, so she wasn't sure which she was looking at. But she was pretty sure it they weren't purple.

She took the thing by the horns and tried to shove it over, but it had its feet crossed behind Shah's head. It wasn't going anywhere, and Kelli swore as she let go and backed off.

The thing that had been the patient had Shah pinned in a sixty-nine. He didn't have the leverage to get it off, and it managed to get his scrubs pulled down with its mouth and hooves, somehow.

Kelli looked around. Was there a fire extinguisher or a bedpan or something she could use?

Something moved, in the corner of her eye.

Shah was waving. Shoo! Go away! He looked a little worried, then his eyes went wide, and he tried to cover his mouth. Luckily, the patient's haunches happened to come up, and he got both hands in position-

Something made Kelli look at the patient's head. Which was giving head. But when it bobbed up, she could see something purple coming out of its mouth. Something that went into Doc Shah's dick. She could see the bulge of it through his skin, like a balloon filed with marbles.

Were...his balls getting bigger?

Shah lost the battle, and something came out of his lips, something escaped. Two somethings, actually. One purple, and the other pink. The purple one wrapped around the creatures cock, and bought it toward the pink one. The muscles in Shah's neck strained, but he couldn't keep control of his growing tongue, and just when it slipped into the patient's urethra -

Kelli slammed the door shut behind her, put her hands on her knees, and gasped for air. What - The tiles on the floor blurred. What was -


Kelli jerked her head up.

"Are you okay?

She recognized the voice, but she couldn't see through the tears. "I'm-" She swallowed. "I need security."

"I think Sergeant Ramirez is -"

"I know where he is. Thanks."

And off she went, at a stagger, then a run. Somehow, she didn't trip over anything, and rounded the corner with her sneakers sliding on the tile. She swiped at her eyes, and there was the nurse's station. And Ramirez.

He had left off flirting with the nurse to grab his radio and go "a what is loose?" He was facing away from her.

She took a step forward.

...What am I forgetting?

She looked down. Blood dripped onto the floor. She hadn't even noticed the cut.

Right. Antlers have pointy bits.

There were cuffs on the cop's belt.


He turned around before she could put them on, and a scuffle ensued. At the end of it, Kelli had the cuffs on her wrists, and the cop had his left hand on his Taser.

"Kelli!" the nurse said. "What are you doing?"

"You need to lock me up."

Ramirez said "What are you talking about?"

"There was a man. His blood. He gave blood. It was bad. Sick." Kelli blinked sweat out of her eyes. "Changed. Patient changed. Patient changed Doc, Doc changed. Patient scratched me. I'm next. You need to lock me up."

The cop stared at Kelli, then turned to the nurse. "Is she high?"

"Not as far as I can tell. I've never seen her this upset."

Ramirez turned back, and shook his head. "Stealing police equipment is a serious offense, even when you don't start a fight and scratch the cop. Was this some kinda prank? Did you lose a bet? Is this some sex thing?"

Kelli laughed, a little hysterically "I - what? What did you say?"

"I said you're in serious trouble -"

"And my nails scratched you." The tension drained out of her.. "You need to put yourself in a secure location now. I don't - I don't even know how long I have before it starts."

"Before what sta-"

One of the nurses gasped.

Kelli looked down. She bought her brand new tentacles up to her face so she could get a closer look. As she did, the handcuffs fell off the end, and hit the ground with a little metallic noise.

Her stomach dropped until it hit the morgue.

"Well, sh-"


The Donor by Nequ (cc) 2019 By-SA-NC

At least Octopi are smart. So she'll probably maintain her sentience while she watches her new body destroy Anaheim. One wonders how far they can get by sunrise.

In case it wasn't obvious, the were-hybrid-transformation is randomized, so it's very difficult for someone to just cuff themselves to something. Hence Percy's need for a safe room. He hadn't turned into a whale-hybrid yet, but one of the victims of the unspecified accident might. Wink wink nudge nudge please write fanfic.

Honestly, I didn't plan for all three hybrids to involve aquatic creatures. It just happened. I took some liberties with the Atelopus frog's pattern,, but the actual purple pattern just looks like an ant got drunk and tried to walk in a circle while it dragged an itty-bitty paint roller.

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